#7 DB Art Challenge
chickenoptyrx · 5 months
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Did thing :U using this template
Empty template if ya wanna do it to:
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thatcasualgamergirl · 5 months
I made an art template.
It’s called the 7 Dragon Ball Challenge where you draw your favorite characters that correspond with the correct categories.
This is my first art challenge template. Hope you guys like it 👉🏻👈🏻.
And, if you do the challenge, post/reblog your art with the tag “#7 DB Art Challenge” so I can see it? Thanks 😊.
Empty Template
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Same template filled with my favorites
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danizinhaut · 5 months
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Drawing made based on this template by @ thatcasualgamergirl
I love doing this! There are several characters that I don't think I've ever drawn here, it was interesting ahshahd
The empty template:
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inkdheart17 · 5 months
I'm a little behind but let's just restart and pretend I totally drew everything on time. Anyways...
Day 1: Favorite Saiyan
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If you saw the answer on Twt, no you didn't 😂🤣
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daitsuu · 4 years
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Future Trunks | AniMay 2020 Day 7
Speed Paint -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbH61DncxmE
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tomatostyle · 7 years
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365 day drawing challenge day 361 Dragon ball super Android 18
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For the last day of @tes-summer-fest, there is no prompt, so I've created (more or less acceptable) cryptic crossword clues from the world of TES, most of them Skyrim-based!
Y'all can answer in the replies/reblogs!
An offer upon no enviable terms (6)
Without any mercenary (6)
Dark force user is everywhere (6)
Firstborn flees after tangled, endless dualing (6)
Code sounds lack leader's advice (6)
Advisor to teach a skill (7)
Infiltrator manages to anger and confuse (3)
Breeze will lead to a regal city (8)
City has the first move in brisk walk (8)
Mortal along with half vampire village (7)
Faction friends (10)
Parting at the middle of the ale break in the region (3,4)
Y'all heard the ruler (4)
Art within the least heir (6)
First years join crazy dons of institute (5)
Location note: The garbled sound of wrath (8)
His kin graduates from city (8)
Leader hears principal (4)
First ring before race (6)
Deity nixes new talons (6)
Dynastic gold? (6)
School needs change (10)
Mutant dreamer, odd not even? (7)
Prison break at sword-point (9)
Book of two mysteries (4,7)
I've tried to take words unique to TES, so many are proper nouns. I've also strictly followed the rule of including the definition and number of letters, which has oversimplified many of them, but I hope it's a fun challenge!
I'll share the key if I'm asked, in a couple of days. If you think any clue is invalid, let me know, I'll update!
Update: Answers under the cut!
Astrid (An "off"er for people- assassin. Upon is the synonym for Astride, then "no enviable"- no e, so it leaves Astrid)
Mercer (&lit clue, he is basically a mercenary, either as a noun or adjective, he just cares about money. Without "any"- remove those letters from mercenary and you get his name)
Sithis (Dark force user- Sith, the "is" is given in the sentence. The definition here is a little vague but the DB views him as filling the Void, so "everywhere")
Alduin (Firstborn of Akatosh; tangled is an anagram indicator, and "endless" dualing is dualing without a g. The remaining letters form "Alduin")
Kodlak ("sound" indicates homophone, so "code lack" give the word; the definition is "leader", but since the harbinger also offers advice, I included it as a phrase)
Haskill (Hidden word clue, teac "h a skill"; definition is advisor, referring to the Shivering Isles questline)
Vex (def is infiltrator, the word itself means anger and confuse; kinda double def)
Windhelm (def is regal city, because of the Palace of the Kings; breeze is wind, "helm" in the verb form means lead, also in the noun phrase "council with him at the helm", for example)
Whiterun (this one is admittedly too indirect. City is the def, having the first move in chess means you're playing White, and brisk walk is a run)
Morthal (Mortal along with "h"alf, since along with usually means first letter. Def is vampire village, don't @ me that's what it is)
Companions (probably the easiest, double def) The Rift (sorry for the long clue. Both " the region" and "parting" are defs, "the" is given, and "break" gives "rift")
Jarl ("heard" is a homophone indicator, I personally pronounce jarl and y'all in a very similar way. Def is ruler)
Martin ("art" within "the least"- minimun- min, so m"art"in. Def is heir)
Synod (First letter of "years" joins crazy-anagram indicator- of "dons", rearrangement gives the answer. Def is institute)
Markarth (ignore punctuation; def is location, then "note" as a verb is a synonym of "mark"; garbled and sound are anagram and homophone indicators respectively, so you have wrath- rath- arth)
Skingrad (hidden word- Hi"s kin grad"uates, def is city)
Mane (def is leader, principal suggests main, and "hears" indicates homophone)
Chimer (stuffed clue- "ring" suggests "chime", and "first ring" also suggests adding r to the word. Def is race)
Talos (def is deity, nixes indicates removal of the first letter of the next word from the other clue, so "talons" minus n)
Septim (dynasty, money, you get it)
Alteration (a school of magic, literally means change)
Dremora (mutant indicates anagram, "odd not even" suggests replacing an e with o in the word; so rearrangment of "dreamor")
Chillrend (Winterhold's prison is called the Chill, rend is a synonym of break; def is sword)
Twin Secrets (straightforward, def is book and "two mysteries" are direct synonyms)
Disclaimer: you're welcome to correct errors in the question setting, but please note that the clues expect you to know the basics of both cryptic crossword and the lore!
Definitions are the starting point to decrypting the clue, but if you don't know that Whiterun is a city, for example, you won't get the answer purely through the word construction clues. Same with Chimer- if "race" doesn't bring the suggestion of that word to mind, it's very difficult for "ring" to lead to "chime" independently).
Similarly, if you're unfamiliar with indicators, you'll find it difficult.
But if you've never tried, give CC a shot, it's a great workout for divergent thinking. I'm a beginner myself, but the best setters have clues that will kill you with their elegance and logic- even if you can't solve it, just reading the reasoning gives you a high. Try it out!
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
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We learn in the last chapter that the Cerealian Dragon's name is Toronbo when Granolah speaks Namekian. Toronbo grants Granolah's wish but can't make Granolah stronger than the gods.
Here's the confusion I have... Goku is a mortal beyond GoDs so making Granolah the strongest mortal is making him stronger than gods. If you wanna say Beerus has been training and is now stronger than Goku, there's still a problem. It was said that Goku and Vegeta were stronger than some GoDs right before the ToP (but that might be anime only, so maybe it doesn't apply here). So Granolah is stronger than GoDs no matter what. If the gods that Toronbo is speaking of are the Angels, then that means Granolah is Ultra Instinct level of power since Goku is the lowest in Angel tier. But whatever. Bottom line is Granolah is temporarily stronger than Goku who may or may not be stronger than Beerus.
Granolah gets his wish granted and the cost is shortening his life... cool. Not much to say except let's see how its executed.
(I recently read that in DBXV2, during the Infinite History Saga, Videl is enchanted with Towa's Dark Magic spell by Dabura shaving off her life but granting her greater power. So granting power at the cost of lifespan has been done in DB before. Not in canon but in the games.)
Also, Granolah's life being shortened to 3 yrs got me thinking... Currently it's almost AGE 781 in the DBS manga timeline. Goku leaves to train Uub in AGE 784. We got 3 yrs left. The original manga shows Bulma said she hadn't seen Goku in 5 yrs. How I see DBS is that it is an alternate timeline that just happens to have a similar outcome to the EoZ.
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So... why is Vegeta learing from Beerus again if Beerus isn't that strong now? Is Vegeta being like Krillin and continuing his learning from a master weaker than him, but gaining wisdom & knowledge? I-is Vegeta becoming Krillin 2.0?! (More like dollar-store Krillin)
I do think beerus got stronger tho. He seems very confident that Vegeta can get stronger from learning from him. Beerus probably saw Goku get UI then decide to train aftet the ToP
Anyways, Beerus is teaching us about hakai/destruction energy. Its erasing something from existence, not just destroying it (we already knew that). But, Vegeta quickly figures out how to do it anyways. By destroying a tiny pebble...
A tangent again but I personally think Piccolo is capable of easily learning Hakai energy. Think about it. Piccolo can create clothing out of nothing, why could he not do the reverse?
Goku is uninterested in what Beerus & Vegeta are doing. I dont know about you, but it sounds like Goku thinks that he's above Beerus in strength. Beerus & Vegeta aren't considered a challenge to him in any way. Goku sees UI as more important & better than anything Beerus has to teach, and Goku is right. Plus Goku learned Hakai on his own while Vegeta needs Beerus to teach him. It's a waste of Goku's time to learn it again.
(God Comics is funny. I imagine Toribot writes them)
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Goku says "Let's see which one of us can be the strongest in the universe!" Really, Goku...? At present time, Goku is the strongest mortal in the universe already. He should know that. Then Vegeta for some reason thinks he will become the strongest in the universe. The last time manga Vegeta was the strongest mortal in the universe was... never. He's always behind Goku or whatever new opponent arises. This scene is meant to be comedic that they're arguing over who will be the greatest but it's not funny to me. And yet Vegeta fans still hold on for hope.
But why is Goku concerned about being the strongest between him & Vegeta? Goku is far above Vegeta. They're not rivals at this point. Also, Goku was the strongest in the universe until just a few moments ago. Goku should be saying "I knew bein' the strongest wouldn't last for too long. Roshi did tell me there will always be somebody stronger out there. Hehe! This is gettin' me excited! I can't wait to meet 'em!" (This would alsp parallel Monaito giving Granolah the same advice Goku already knows.)
Also, I guess Broly isn't that strong after all. Bye Broly, you served your purpose. And to think that Goku had said that he thinks Broly is stronger than Beerus...
Oh yeah. So Vegeta destroys a pebble. Impressive? Goku kinda gives a compliment or he is practically saying "Good job Vegeta! You're doing great following in my footsteps!" Seriously, this would be so much better and cooler if this seperate paths of training began right after the Universe 6 vs Universe 7 tournament. That would be the perfect spot to have them train under Beerus & Whis. [Vegeta using Hakai against Merged Zamasu, Goku able to fight Merged Zamasu temporarily because he is getting better at letting his body move on its own, Toppo & Vegeta using Hakai against each other as Goku & Jiren use power above GoDs. That would work so much better.]
Then Vegeta says he's gonna destroy bigger things soon... is that supposed to be more impressive? Its not. But this it to build up Vegeta even though there is nothing amazing about anything he is doing at the moment. Maybe later tho.
So Cerealians can't grow beards. Also I guess Granolah's race don't age? His hair grew when his lifespan was shortened but he has no wrinkles. It seems that they age more gracefully than Saiyans. If he has some wrinkles he would have looked cooler imo. Or those lines under the eyes at the very least. If the wish shortened his life & made his hair grow, it should have also showed that he aged. (Here's an edit I made of "Grampa Granolah." You're welcome)
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And remember Vegeta destroying a pebble? Granolah can suddenly destroy big rocks! Cool right?! No? Its not cool? Showing Granolah destroy a much larger object right afterwards kinda belittles Vegeta's accomplishment.
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Oatmil is surprised by a boulder exploding. This means one of 2 things. Oatmil is stupid & never saw an Granolah explode a boulder. Or it's implying that the boulder exploding is some technique Oatmil doesn't know of. Idk how he can tell its any different from just blowing up a rock with ki. I think it's supposed to be destruction energy. If it is then, ok. If getting his wish was so easy, then why can't he suddenly learn destruction as well?
Yay! Monaito! (This really should be a Namekian focused arc)
Granolah reminds me of Zamasu with his attitude a bit. Monaito tells him somebody stronger will definetly appear. Granolah has become like Vegeta and is over confident, so he is destined to get humbled. And think about this. Goku can probably train a bit and surpass Granolah within a week.
Granolah can now sense ki. Meaning he can have the destruction technique or UI, because why not?
Monaito blames himself for Granolah's actions. Its not your fault Monaito! You did nothing wrong! Dont be so hard on yourself.
Whis being a creep and peeping on people lol.
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Granolah's hair growing was pointless because he cuts it off soon after. Nothing changed visually. This kinda reminds me of how Moro lost his arm. Goku gave him a senzu, Moro grew it back, & then Moro broke his arm when attacking Goku. Then Moro tore his arm off & reattached his old one. There was no need for Moro to grow his arm back then tear it off. Similarly, there is no need for Granolah to have grown long hair then cut it off.
Maki still brings a smile to my face. She & Gas stand out the most out of the Heeters. Maki's personality is kinda like Zangya combined with a teasing Bulma. Gas reminds me of a Krillin/Piccolo fusion with dreadlocks. I also ship Maki x Gas cause they're short and look cute together. (please don't be siblings so I can draw them together🤞)
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Granolah fights Oil & Maki. I'm not impressed. They seem like they could be defeated by Chaoitzu (he's stronger than Raditz and probably Nappa now too). Granolah's movements could be seen as UI. If it is or isn't UI, it doesn't matter. Showing off that kind of power is like Goku using Ultra Instinct during a rematch with Nam or King Chappa. Its not effective storytelling. There had to be a better way of showing Granolah's new strength than making him fight opponents that give him zero challenge.
The art is good as usual and the panel flow is nice. Toyotaro is improving at creating the illusion of motion. The environment being used in the fight was smart and a good visual. Toyo still uses a ton of panels almost every page tho. But he's still a better artist than I am.
Granolah appears to have used Hakai again. Not the explosive variant but the sand variant (yes I think there are 2 ways of using Hakai).
The "Sand Variant" that Beerus & Goku (& maybe Granolah) have used.
The "Explosive Variant" Beerus & Vegeta (& maybe Granolah) have used.
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Maki thinks the "Hakai" is magic so that's interesting. I would say I'd like for the next enemy to be a magic user but, we know how Moro turned out... 😓
Maki has "ki claws" & I like the idea but it would be better if she had used it against an enemy she can defeat. It doesn't make her look useful in this fight. Gas seems confident when he is about to fight Granolah, but Elec stops him. Gas would've gotten beaten but it make ya wonder what Gas can do.
Granolah appears to be a person that is easily manipulated and persuaded. He even gave information they weren't even asking for. He'll probably be easily convinced and manipulated by Freeza/the Hedters or quickly have a truce with Goku.
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The Heeters plan to go to Planet Cereal to get the Dragon Balls. As I suspected, the Cerealian Dragon Balls were created so that it would be easy for wishes to be granted. Gathering 2 Dragon Balls on a nearby planet instead of gathering 7 on New Namek or Earth. Plus these new Dragon Balls ensures no interaction between Earthlings & Granolah/the Heeters. A perfect way to write Gohan & company out of the story... *sigh* 😔😒
We learn Cerealians live for 2 centuries. How's that compare to other races in Universe 7? Freeza & King Cold apparently can live more than 200 yrs, But that may be because they are mutants. Namekians can live for like 500 yrs & its possible for them to reincarnate themselves too. So in a way, Namekians can live forever. Saiyans stay youthful & live to be in their 80's, but rapidly age when they reach their 60's or 70's. Average Earthlings appear live to be in their 80's or 90's but some are over 100 yrs old (Dr. Briefs, Panchy, & Ox King are in their 90's in GT) and others can increase their lifespan through elixers or the Paradise Herb. Just some thoughts of mine.
Maki says "If he ices Freeza..." Ha, an ice pun. Elec wants to defeat Freeza so he can control his army. Its revealed they wanna kill Granolah & that they worked with Freeza to destroy his planet & race. Well... that more than likely means they're gonna die by Granolah's hand or Freeza's. This info is also an attempt to make the reader more sympathetic for Granolah. Granolah is too bland (pun intended) so I don't feel any more sympathy than I already had for him. Elec plans to make Goku & Vegeta fight Granolah since Granolah hates Saiyans. Smart but we all kinda expected it. Not bad writing tho.
The final panel talks about fate bringing the 3 (Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah) together. Sounds like a repeat of the Broly movie.
We've had 4 chapters in this arc & not 1 panel of Freeza... If Freeza doesnt appear & do something in the next chapter then I will be disappointed in the writing. Showing Freeza here and there would give tension and build up until we get the encounter with him. We also have no idea who Oatmil is. Is he an A.I. or a person? Not that big of a deal yet, but I would like to find out soon. Either show Freeza or tell us more about Oatmil next chapter pleaae
This chapter was like oatmeal (the food not the character) without butter, brown sugar, milk, & honey or raisins. Not bad, but not very good either. 
So here's my thoughts on the things that could or could not happen in this arc.
Goku vs Granolah. I don't care for the fight because the power is at a point that it doesnt make sense for enemies to get to without cheating somehow. The fight will look cool but I have no interest in it.
Vegeta vs Granolah will have Vegeta being stomped as always and Vegeta fans will make excuses & complain how it's not fair. A lot of Vegeta fans often make fun of Yamcha & Krillin for getting beat up even though those 2 bravely fight opponents leagues stronger than they are. Vegeta has gotten stomped by opponents more times than Krillin & Yamcha combined but the fans gotta deflect somehow. I don't care to hear or see the complaining again.
The interaction and dialogue between Granolah & Vegeta is going to be more interesting than their fight. But I worry because Toyo isn't the best at writing dialogue.
I have no reason to care about power growth, certain interactions, or Goku & Vegeta's training.
What I am curious about/want to see?
Monaito's well being. I want him to reunite with other Namekians. But I think he's been set up to die.
Lore about the dragon gods & Namekian lore we probably wont get.
I want Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, & others will be involved. Piccolo because of the Namekian & wosh granting dragon lore. Gohan because his interaction with Granolah eould be interesting since Gohan is half Saiyan & views himself as an Earthling. Krillin & other Earthlings because they can bring tensions where characters like Goku & Vegeta can't. Those 2 are too strong for there to be any real tension. However Earthlings aren't all powerful so them using wits to survive is more exciting. But I doubt any of their involvement.
How long a Cerealian year is? Is it shorter than a Namekian year? How much time will pass for the Cerealian Dragon Balls to be active? How much stronger than Granolah will Goku get? Hopefully the answers aren't lazy...
Will Beerus finally fight somebody? There are 6 mortals that are near or above his power (Goku, Granolah, Vegeta, Broly, Freeza, Gohan).
Who's the villian of the next arc & what explanation is going to be given for them having power on the level of Angels? Angel tier fights don't sound interesting to me anymore. After those kinds of battles, Goku will have no challengers left.
Will Goku disappear to train or something so the story can TRY to match up with the EoZ?
Will Goten, Trunks, & Marron hit their growth spurts within 3 yrs?
Will we get spin-off manga about other characters? PLEASE!? 🙏
Also DBS moved too quickly when it comes to power. Now we're at the point that Goku & Vegeta need to stop being involved in fights for there to be any actual threat or tension. The Buu saga took place in AGE  774. After training for 4 years of peace, Goku thought SS3 & fusion was his limits as a Saiyan and he was right. Well, kinda... Goku was introduced to god ki near the end of AGE 778. Then in AGE 781, Goku masters Ultra Instinct... He mastered an Angel technique in 2 year or 2.5 yrs. That was waaaay too fast. As a result the storytelling & writing are suffering from this rushed progress. Now we're gonna have an Angel tier opponent? According to the pattern of DBS, Goku's gonna end up surpassing the Angels within 2 or 3 yrs after learning god ki. Thats not impressive for Goku, that's terrible writing. And no, Goku getting this strong so fast is not a benefit to Saiyans either. It just shows us that without god ki, Saiyans ain't all that powerful unless they're the legendary Saiyan like Broly. Saiyans didn't even have a concept of training until Goku was trained by Earthlings. Gohan, Freeza, 17, & I'm pretty sure Piccolo as well have all surpassed SS3 without the help of god ki. God ki makes Saiyans look like they have limits. With god ki, the writing is broken....
I got off topic again... Anyways that's the end of my review.
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artload362 · 3 years
Neopets Trophies
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Defenders of Neopia is a popular feature of neopets requiring you to battle and defeat certain challengers in the Battledome! There are currently 2 series which have their own comic strips and trophies to be won. The first Defenders of Neopia series contains 17 challengers who range from easiest (first mission) to hardest (last mission). Unconverted Neopets. Before Neopets were converted into customisable creatures, there was nothing but static GIF images that served as your pixelated companion. Since the pet poses were not constrained by a rigid structure to align with other clothing, a good number of Neopets had unique poses, similar to how Mutant, Baby, Maraquan, and Veggie. 750 NP (-700 NP) on June 30, 2021 by Item DB Crew. 1,450 NP (+1,160 NP) on June 3, 2021 by Item DB Crew. Notice Removed: 500,000 NP (172,314%) on June 3, 2021 by Item DB Crew. Full Price History.
Below is a table of all currently available Battledome Opponents and their locations. If there's a way to get an opponent in the Battledome, you'll find it here! If you're looking for possible upcoming opponents, check out our 'COMING SOON' page, and for a list of old or altered opponents, see our 'Lost Souls' page.
A recent update to this page is the PRIZE column, which tells you what you can win by defeating a particular opponent. Defenders of Neopia trophies will only be rewarded if you defeat each opponent in order, claim your prize, and move on to the next.
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CharacterPictureDescriptionLocationDifficultyPrizesFlaming MeercaThis flaming meerca has come to the Battledome to teach you what it means to fight with fire! Auto Opponent40Count Von RooThis is not just any Count, it is Count Von Roo, and he is out to get some blood! RANDOM EVENT80Harry the Mutant MoehogHarry is a strangely deformed Moehog. He hangs around the Battledome looking for smaller Neopets to squash :) Auto Opponent35MummyThe mummy is tired of prowling around the Haunted Forest and wants to test his skills against your pets!ClickHERE!42EdnaEdna the Witch is going to use her magic spells to turn your pet into a toad (unless it is one already!)Complete one of her quests.
She comes out between 12AM and 1 AM NST, the witching hour.
60BalthazarBalthazar roams Neopia in search of faeries. Beware of this mystical faerie hunter though, once he finds prey they rarely escape!RANDOM EVENT HERE or HERE.320The EsophagorRising out of his home in the ground, the Esophagor uses his mighty bulk to flatten his opponents.Complete one of his quests.49The Brain TreeWith its massive intellect, and rather sharp branches, the Brain Tree can defeat you merely by thinking about it. Be scared!Complete one of his quests.91 Mission 5Pant DevilThis snickering little gremlin has been stealing all your items for the past year or so... are you going to let it get away without a fight?RANDOM EVENT Around the site or at the Wheel of Excitement.21 Mission 1Space FaerieThe Space Faerie has been honing her skills ever since the defeat of Dr. Sloth, and she hopes to win and carry home the grand prize!
Redeem a Rare Item Code from Neopets Merchandise, such as plushies, notebooks, and stickers.
450 AvatarLava GhoulErupting from the boiling lava seas off the coast of Mystery Island, the Lava Ghoul springs to attack! Beware his fiery breath!RANDOM EVENT61Evil Sloth CloneThe Evil Sloth Clone is one of Dr. Sloths many creations. This minion sometimes thinks he is Dr. Sloth! Visit Kreludor.85 Mission 10Magnus the TorchLiving in the volcanic northern part of Tyrannia, Magnus has possibly the most powerful and fiery breath of all Scorchios. Watch out for that breath if you ever enter the Battledome with him.Go to the Tyrannian Volcano85Shadow UsulThe Shadow Usul plans to use every tool at her disposal to defeat you. Yes, she can be very evil and cunning so watch out!RANDOM EVENT She must steal something from you.175Robo GrarrlRobo Grarrl- This mechanical menace will make you regret all the times you kicked that vending machine or trod on your little sisters Robo Aisha!!! Auto Opponent150Inflatable BalthazarInflatable Balthazar.
Auto Opponent
1 Trophies only for high scorers.Zafara RogueA crafty swordmistress who will relieve your purse of a few Neopoints without you feeling a thing!RANDOM EVENT in the Art Center.39Tiki Tack ManTired of selling tacky merchandise on Mystery Island, this tribal shopkeeper sometimes ventures to the Battle Dome to try his luck!Visit the Tiki Tack.63ChiazillaUp from the depths, twenty stories high... CHIAZILLA. 300 metric tons of fear, and hes not happy...RANDOM EVENT in the Maraquan Ruins500Spider GrundoA freak mutation created in Dr. Sloths Laboratory, the Spider Grundo hangs around in his cave, looking for tasty morsels to eat...Click HERE!175Koi WarriorThis valiant Koi is one of the few remaining who still remember the glory that was Maraqua. He is willing to fight anybody in the hope of finding a valiant opponent worthy of his skill.RANDOM EVENT in the Maraquan Ruins62Highland ChiaAfter being fed on a special diet of porridge and haggis, this hardy Chia has grown to an enourmous size and is ready to strike fear in the heart of any challenger! Auto Opponent58Jelly ChiaThe Jelly Chia likes to bounce around, but be careful, if he bounces in your direction he is liable to flatten you. Click HERE!125Chia ClownThis pint sized prankster was once a great entertainer, but ever since the theme parks closed he has been really lonely. Now he lurks around the battledome looking for new people to play tricks on. Auto Opponent10Quiggle WarlordThis warrior is always on the hunt for a good fight. Even if it is not in a war! Win a Battledome fight using a Quiggle.69Snow FaerieLiving in her icy home on the top of Terror Mountain, the Snow Faerie rarely ventures out.. but rumour has it she has been working on some pretty exciting spells in the mean time!Complete one of her quests.105KauvaraThis shy little Kau runs the Neopian Magic shop that she inherited from her family. She is very stubborn and will not give up easily!ClickHERE!70Ryshu the NimmoA student of the Mystery Island training school, this Nimmo is sleek, graceful, and a dedicated warrior. Beware!ClickHERE!250The SnowagerThe Snowager is an ancient ice worm from the Neopian Ice Caves. It breathes frost, and is incredibly greedy, sleeping all day on its pile of treasure.Get blasted when trying to steal something from him.650Cave ChiaThis prehistoric Chia is annoyed as a sabre toothed usul just stole his lunch. He is going to beat you up with his big club!RANDOM EVENT HERE58 Mission 3GrarrgThe Tyrannian Battle Master, Grarrg is truly a fearsome opponent!Tyrannia City Hall. May need to refresh.100Sabre-XSabre-X works in the war division of the Tyrannian Army. He uses his tusks to help him in combatTYRANNIAN RANDOM EVENT79Punchbag BobThis is a dummy for testing purposes! Check and see how your battledome weapons and abilities work!
Auto Opponent
0 TrophyMeukaMeuka slithers out of your Neopets nose and challenges you to a battle in the BATTLEDOME!!!!!!Catch the Neoflu or Sneezles, then go HERE.60 Avatar Mission 4Tekkitu the Witch DoctorThis is one techo you may not want to take your pet to when it is sick!!! Be very afraid of this powerful Mystery Island Witch Doctor!Take a tour on Mystery Island.120 Mission 7Kasuki LuKasuki towered above other Chias when he was just two years old. Believing it was his destiny to be a Battledome champion, he spends all his time training.Read his trading card.38 Avatar Mission 3(Series 2)Commander GarooThis Blumaroos mean temper, foul attitude, and utter contempt for other Neopets is just one of the reasons he is a major opponent in the Battledome!RANDOM EVENT HERE120 Mission 6ViraWhat a horrible creature!!!RANDOM EVENT80Ghost LupeA once brave Lupe knight this ghost is restless, and desperately seeking revenge. He is easily angered so be very careful... Click HERE! May need to refresh.32 Avatar Mission 2Tax BeastThe famous Tax Beast!
RANDOM EVENT He has to take 10% of your NP.
86SidneySidney spies a victim!
Win a Level 4 (sometimes Level 3) Evil Scratch Card prize.
84Advisor BrooWe all know who holds the true reins of power in Roo Island, and it isn't that simple-minded dice-throwing King.
130PlumbeardARRRRRRRRR!Click HERE!260Black PteriHe sits and watches the world, and knows that THEY are coming soon...
89 AvatarMeerca HenchmenMalkus Vile's henchmen... beware of this duo!
Click HEREand refresh!
150 1 of 2 Avatars Mission 8Giant Ghost- kerchiefBOO!
Click HERE
250 Mission 9BoochiAHHHH!!! Not Boochi!
15Snow BeastNO!!!!! Not the SNOW BEAST! WINTER RANDOM EVENT (usually Advent Calendar)300 Mission 11Giant Hungry Malevolent ChombyHe's hungry. Very hungry. Does he eat Neopets? We aren't sure. Just don't get too close!
RANDOM EVENT Giant Omelette
350 Mission 12TurmaculusHide your petpet!!!!!
Turmaculusmust eat your petpet when you try to wake him up.
250Mootix WarriorMootix Warrior.
Auto Opponent
375 Mission 13Down for Maintenance PteriMUHAHAHAHA
75Lab Ray ScientistDid you try the Lab Ray?!?!? RANDOM EVENT HERE (Must have found the Lab Ray. Refresh on this page.)185KastralissAppearing to be just a harmless ornament at first, this is one deadly challenger.
400 Mission 14Slug MonsterUGH! What a slimy mess!
RANDOM EVENT HERE You must have Slug Flakes in your inventory.
500 Mission 15The DrenchedDrenched? No they are soaked!
RANDOM EVENT HERE Only appears on days with stormy weather.
600 Mission 16Qasalan Mummy*GROAN*
550 Mission 17Greedy KadoatieThis is one Kadoatie that doesn't like to give up Neopoints.
RANDOM EVENT Steals 5,000 NP from you.
125Mr. ChucklesMr. Chuckles used to work as an entertainer before the Theme Parks left town, now he sits practicing his tricks, waiting for his audience to return.
10 Mission 1(Series 2)EyriekiIf YOU were woken up after thousands of years of rest... you'd be cranky too!
Enter a room HERE
25 Mission 2(Series 2)Lady FrostbiteThis icy lady wont put up with any of your lip. Click HERE40 Mission 4(Series 2)Punchbag SidPunchbag Sid.
Punchbag Sid appears for short periods of time in the Battledome, taking Punchbag Bob's spot.
100 Avatar (for losing)
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Neopets Trophies List
Battledome info courtesy sim9917, the_great_poo, pliableone, armadi, darthpenguin, stellabat, the In-Depth Battlepedia, and many others :)
Neopets Trophies
Easiest Neopets Trophies
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Neopets Trophies And Awards
NeoPets secrets
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NeoPets Secrets
by Mr. Muffinman/Jenn // Additional secrets by Meera(dachari08)
Where would the world be with those little interesting NeoPets secrets? Mostly benefical, though some entirely useless. The NeoPets Team has maliciously created these codes for the fun of watching us squirm as we try to hunt them all down. There are secret codes, locations, emoticons and passwords to keep you occupied for the next couple of hours.
NeoPet Secret Emoticons Ever wondered how to do the ‘oh so secret’ emoticons everyone is raving about? Here is the current list of all the Secret Emoticons we have hunted down. If we are missing any, please contact us. These may be used on NeoPets Boards, and Guilds.
Acara Picture *acara* Aisha Picture *aisha* Angelpuss Face *angelpuss* Blumaroo Picture *blumaroo* Bruce Picture *bruce* Buzz Picture *buzz* Chia Picture *chia* Christas Ornament *bauble* Club %clubs; Cybunny Picture *cybunny* Eyrie Picture *eyrie* Flotsam Picture *flotsam* Ghost *ghost* Heart ? Holly *holly* Jubjub Picture *jubjub* Kacheek Picture *kacheek* Kau Picture *kau* Kiko Picture *kiko* Kyrii Picture *kyrii* Lupe Picture *lupe* Meerca Picture *meerca* Mistletoe *mistletoe* Poogle Picture *poogle* Present *present* Pumpkin *pumpkin* Red Deer Nose *rednose* Santa *santa* Scorchio Picture *scorchio* Shoyru Picture *shoyru* Sloth Picture *sloth* Snowflake *snowflake* Snowman *snowman* Spade ? Techo Picture *techo* Tree *xmastree* Usul Picture *usul* Warf Face *warf* Witch *witch* Carrot *carrot* Catfish *catfish* Dung *dung* Old winking face *yarr* Laughing Face (Animated) *lol* Complaining face (animated) *complain* Crying Face (Animated) *cry* Unsure Face (Animated) *unsure* Violinist (Animated) *violin*
NeoPets Secret Places Oh, secrets! Normal things you couldn’t find on NeoPets without some help from NeoNewsNow. Whether it be a secret location, reject NeoPets or old shops, we have it listed!
Hidden Tower Jelly World Rejected Pets The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity
Faerie Statue Draik Nest Mysterious Symol Hole Fungus Cave Note: this is the place to go to to get a Krawk
Old Shops – You can no longer find these locations on a map or anywhere on NeoPets. These shops no longer restock. (Most of them are from maraqua when it was destroyed.) Do you think these shops will ever come back into Neopia?
The Apothecary Aquatic Delights Utility Fish For All! Video Rentals
Aww, the shops are gone! *cry* Mommy!”
Some content © neonewsnow.com. All other images, likenesses, names © and/or TM Neopets, Inc. 2001-2005.
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ahigherdestiny · 6 years
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Info Mina:
Additional information can be found in Headcanons. Mina´s canon Story is tagged as #minas story
Short Bio:
Name: Mina Shen (Meaning: Love Song, Bard)
Date and place of Birth: Age 758, September/ Earth
Gender: female
Sexuality: biromantic/bisexual
Race: Nenota, Namekian
Special talents: Mina can speak namekian fluently, later even common sign language. Also, she has a hypersensible Ki Sense, which means she can feel every Ki on earth, even in the Sacred World of Kais. During battles she can use Kaioken and Protection Bubbles/ Shields.
Issues: Depression since childhood (undiagnosed); Sexual addiction (recovering) 
Personality: - Mina is open and helpful - straight forward and direct. Swears a lot - but also always respectful - dutiful as protector of earth, the universe and every living being - interested in nature and all forms of life - can get cocky about things she´s good at (knowledge or power, her body/sexuality, dancing skills and beautiful singing voice) - loves to sing and dance, sometimes randomly - can play the violin, guitar and piano - mostly a confident and self-aware person - suffers from identity crisis and depression (she was born to be the next protector of earth after Kami-sama, but she wasn’t ready to become the new god as a kid, so Dende took the place, leaving her without purpose in life) - guilt - suffers and recovers from sexual addiction - needs body contact when upset. She also calms herself down with singing - insomnia
- finds a new purpose with the Supreme Kai and her duty as his attendant. Later becomes his Librarian of Universe 7´s “Library of cosmic Life”
Family and Friends: - Kami-sama (father/creator) - Piccolo (“Big Brother”) - Dende (“Little Brother”) - Shenron (“Brother”) - Gohan (best friend) - Topaz (dingo, male), Sapphire (human, female), Smarag (human, male) - (friends on earth, dancing crew)
- Supreme Kai Shin/Kibitokai (master and mentor) - Elder Kai (mentor) - Kibito (colleague)
Fighting style: Common DB/Z Martial Arts with dance moves included (Jumpstyle, Acrobatics, Breakdance, Kapoeira)
Mina has three versions to interact with! Please note, if you want to interact with a specific version!
 Attendant Mina (current DBS Timeline and main muse)
The young attendant of Universe 7. Jumpy and still uncertain about her place in life. She just became the Caretaker of U7´s Library, so she is very eager to prove herself to be of use.
She always wonders, why Shin gave her a second chance… Can she really be sure to not lose her control again?
Apprentice Mina
Suddenly in the position of Shin´s apprentice, Mina has to face a new unknown challenge. But that is no easy task. She works even harder, sleeps less and faces new intense feelings to handle. Shin believes in her potential and skills. He thinks she would make a good Supreme Kai. She wishes he would be right. Wishes she wouldn’t be so scared of it.
In this stage she meets Bonto and interacts on regular basis with the little Shinjin kid. She loves spending time with him and showing him everything about Universe 7.
Kaioshin Mina
Mina after passing the tests and reached the rank of a Supreme Kai. She teams up with Shin to monitor and rule over Universe 7 as Gods of Creation. Mostly focused on collecting data. Now she has the same long lifespan like other Kaioshin.
((Only version of Mina in combination with adultBonto!))
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jeffozule · 4 years
Annotated Bibliography
Agarwala, A., Hertzmann, A., Salesin, D. H. Seitz, S. M. Key framed-based tracking for Rotoscoping and animation. Association for Computing Machinery: Transactions on graphics. August 2004. Vol. 23 (3). http://grail.cs.washington.edu/projects/rotoscoping/roto.pdf
Rotoscoping is an age old technique for animation and creating Special effects that involves tracing over live action footage frame by frame. Agarwala et. al. (2004) in their study developed a model to make rotoscping easier and faster. The model involved tracking contours in a imagine sequence with a multiple user defined curves acting as keyframes an AI tracking algorithm. The process described by Agarwala et. al. (2004) used computer vision and user interaction to track the sequence and was tested with multiple examples. Rotoscopy is an animation area of interest and I look to combine hand drawn and Cg computer animations in my films, so this paper was useful as it also showed how 2D animators can make films using a variation of the algorithm based on the ‘roto-curves’(Agarwala et. al. 2004).
 Amid, A. (2011). The art of Pixar: the complete Colorscript and select art from 25 years of animation. Chronic Books. San Francisco, California.
Amid explains how Pixar uses Colorscripit. According to him, Pixar were the first studio to develop a Colorscript for each of their movies. Predominatly with pictures and illustrations, he analyses the Colorscripts of over 20 Pixar animations including the 12 Pixar featuture films at that time starting from Toy story to cars 2, how they were used to tell the story for each film. I found it particularly interesting seeing the original colorscript for Toy Story straight to DVD release before it was converted to feature film. Pixar is one for the foremost animation studious worldwide, so understanding how they colored would aid animators like me in making better movies. I came across this books while researching color and emotion in animation and Its now serves as a point of reference for my color pallets.
 Bai, Y., Kaufman, D. M., Liu, C. K. & Popovic, J. (2016).  Artists-Directed Dynamics for 2D animation. Association for Computing Machinery. July 2016. Vol. 35 (4). https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~ybai30/artistic_dynamics/artistic_dynamics_sig16.pdf
Bai et al. (2016) in their article for ACM suggested a model that you could be used to incorporate both simulation animation and key framing. They explained how their model creates an efficient workflow allowing artist animators to use both key frame and simulation stating that a combination of both methods addressing the two drawback of each approach making the simulation becomes more user defined and the keyframing, more automated. Their investigation attempted to solve three challenges: cause of action when elastic simulation digresses from artist’s goal, how to simulate unattainable exaggerations and how to re-use these simulations on varying projects (Bai et al., 2016).  Understanding this model could show how to get more from puppet animation.
 Bellatoni, P. (2013). If its purple, someone’s gonna die: The power of color in visual story telling. Published by Taylor and Francis Ltd. Oxford
Bellatoni in her book, if it’s purple, someone’s gonna die (Bellatoni, 2013) writes about the relationship of color and emotion in filmmaking. With over 25 years work on researching color, she grouped over 50 movies in 6 color groups – Yellow, Blue, Red, Green, Orange and Purple triggering different emotions. She explains the how, why and where a color stimulates emotions in the actors in the movie or the viewers. Bellatoni cited the importance of her book to the fact that she noticed her students were making arbitrary color choices.
 Fugate, J, M, B. & Franco, C, L. (2019) What Color is your Anger? Assessing Color emotion pairings in English speakers. Frontiers in Phycology. Vol. 10. Page 206. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00206/full
Fugate and Franco (2019) attempted to determine in their study if emotions are precisely and consistently associated with a particular color. They conducted a study with adults as the participants. However they were not able to determine consistency and specifically in the results and concluded that studies in the past that gave this opinion were at best experiment specific. They also found that saturation, value and to a lesser degree hue “predicted color-emotion agreement rather than perceived color” (Fugate and Franco, 2019). I found this particularly interesting as it opened up by critiquing the use of color emotion In Pixaar/s inside out movie.
 Griffin, M., Harding, N. & Learmonth, M. (2016). Whistle While You Work? Disney Animation, Organizational Readiness and Gendered Subjugation. Sage Journals, 26th September 2016. Vol 38(7) 869-894. https://journals-sagepub-com.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1177/0170840616663245?utm_source=summon&utm_medium=discovery-provider
In Disney’s early animations, patriarchy was rife as female characters were portrayed to weak and should wait to be provided for rather than provide as aligned with the times (Griffin, et. al. 2016). In this paper, the researchers collected data from Disney movies spanning 70 years, explaining that even if recent Disney movies portray woman differently, the old Disney movies are still popular and can affect the constructions of the female self. The paper goes on criticize recent Disney movies stating even if they try to be feminism sensitive, “they are also trapped by the past, consciously and unconsciously citing back to previous ‘traditional’ performances of gender.” (Griffin, et. al. 2016. P.4). The study highlighted the roles Disney plays in influencing organizational readies for girls and it is important for us to all understand the role we have to play in challenging patriarchal l norms.
 Kalmakurki, M. (2018). Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty: The Components of Costume Design in Disney’s Early Hand-Drawn animated Feature Films. Sage journals. 12th March 2018, 13(1) 7- 19. https://journals-sagepub-com.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/doi/full/10.1177/1746847718754758?utm_source=summon&utm_medium=discovery-provider
The writer analyzed the costume design 3 of Disney’s early hand drawn animated movies focusing on the costume design process and choices for the characters. He explained that in animated films, costume design is important in portraying the story of a particular character, scene or time. The process of animating these films involved rotoscoping and it extended to not just character movements but also the movements of the clothes on the character. Costume design has long been a crucial part of character design and is necessary in the story telling.
 Kaya, N. & Epps, H. H. (2004). Relationship between color and emotion: A study of college students. College Student Journal, September 2004, 38(3), 396–405. http://web.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/ehost/detail/detail?vid=1&sid=31cba36a-5df6-48fb-afab-5cd7b71516bb%40pdc-v-sessmgr02&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=14669489&db=ehh
Kaya and Epps in their article conducted research on color and emotion amongst their students. The goal of the study was to examine students’ emotions to different colors. They conducted a qualitative study method using questions adapted from Boyatzis and Varghese (1994) and (1996) using ‘how’ and ‘why’ in respect to the colors. The results revealed that the principle hues according to the Munsel color system comprising of Blue, Red, Green, Yellow and Purple yielded the “highest positive emotional responses” (Kaya and Epps, 2004). This is in comparism to the intermediate hues. The mean age of the participants of the study was 21, this is a demography I target while making films.
 Lasseter, J (2001). Tricks to animating characters with a computer. Association for Computing Machinery. May 2001. Vol. 35 (2). https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse457/03au/misc/p45-lasseter-tricks.pdf
In his article, John lasseter who worked as an animator at Pixar in his book wrote about how he used traditional animation principles to make CG animation. He gives tips on how to make the animation work better delving into concepts like how key framing is done differently and how weight, a thinking character, emotion and readability of actions (Lasster, 2001) define the animation. I try to combine hand drawn and puppet animation in my films, so studying these tips is necessary for my practice.
 Schloss, K. B., Witzel, C. & Lai, Y. L. (2020) Blue hues don't bring the blues: questioning notions of color–emotion associations. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 1st May 2020, 37(5):813-824. https://www.osapublishing.org/josaa/fulltext.cfm?uri=josaa-37-5-813&id=431080
Schloss et.al (2020) in their article, questioned previous research citing different hue eliciting different emotions.  Focusing mainly on yellow and Blue, they found in their research that emotions were more affected by the brightness and saturation rather than Hue. In their study they attempted to challenge the notion that blue represented to elicited sad emotion while yellow, happy emotions. Dr Schloss, Witzel and Lai are all researchers on psychology and it was important for me as an animator to get a physiological driven perspective on the effects on color on emotion.
  Thomas, F. & Johnston, O. (1981) Disney animation: The Illusion of Life.  . 1st edn. Abbeville Press, New York. Pp 47 -70.
In the Illusion of life, Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston who were one of Disney’s famous ‘Nine Old Men’ wrote on how Disney worked on its then animations. In chapter 4, which formed the basis of the book, they introduced the 12 principles of animation. They expanded on how each principle giving examples and explain how it was formed, its importance and how Disney used it in making animations. In the pursuit of making quality animations, understanding not just the principles of animations but the ‘why’ they were introduced is very important.
 Richard, W. (2009) The Animator’s Survival kit: A manual of methods, principles and formulas for classical, computer games, stop motion and internet animations. November 2009, Published by Faber and Faber. London
Richard Williams animators survival kit is a must read for any animator regardless of the level they are. In this book, the book serves as a manual for animation comprised of in-depth formulas, tips and established methods in animating. The most explained concept in the book is movement, highlighting its importance as walking and movement in general is the common thing to see in an animation and Richard Williams spends a lot of time illustrating how to make movement top quality, emphasizing on concepts such as spacing and weight. The book has served as a source of reference for the last few months as I look to the most out time and spacing in movements.
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sonfamilyweek · 7 years
Son Family Week: FAQ
What is Son Week?: Son Week is an official fandom event that began in Japan before the Tumblr side of the fandom began hosting its own event. The dates for Son Week in Japan and Son Week on Tumblr differ slightly, with Bardock Day and Gogeta Day included as part of the week in the Japanese fandom. However, the Tumblr event will exclude Bardock Day due to it being a day that falls in during Bardine Week, and Gogeta Day will be excluded due to the uncertainty on whether Gogeta should be considered a Son family member.
What happened to Hanvi Day, Bardine Day, and ChiChi Day?: I added those last year in order to be more inclusive of ships that did not have a week or day of their own. However, since Bardine Week is being held this year (one week before Son Week) and with Hanvi Week possibly coming into fruition, I decided to remove those along with ChiChi Day and focus on all the Women related to Goku with the addition of Son Women Day this year.
Why is Gine not included in Son Women Day?: Due to Bardine Week ending the day (5/5) right before Son Week begins (5/7, or 5/6 if you opt to do Ox King Day), I thought it best to not focus on her. Nothing personal. You may still include her in any of the days if you wish to
What ships are allowed?: Non-canon pairings are allowed only if the character is not already in an established canon relationship. Want to give Ox King a wife? Great, he is a widower and deserves a second chance at love. Want to create something for Kakavege on Goku Day? Sorry, but that conflicts with Gochi Day and is best left for Kakavege Week.
Note: Incest, pedophilia, rape/non-consent, bestiality, and furry/yiff are not allowed. 
If you are still confused on what ships are allowed or not, please send an ask. 
Are OCs accepted?: Yes, as long as the Son family member who is being honored that day is the focus. Example, if you want to include your OC on Goten Day, make sure Goten is the focus/equal parts the focus of your work for that day. 
Can non-Son family members be included?: Yes, as long as the Son family member who is being honored that day is the focus. 
Can characters from other fandoms be included?: Yes. Again, as long as the Son family member who is being honored that day is the focus, then it will be allowed. 
Can I still post my work if it is late?: Yes. Work up to a week late from the last day of the event (5/11) will still be reblogged to this page. Anything after that will be reblogged in the admin’s other DB blog only.
Do I need to use the prompts?: No, they are only there for inspiration. 
Do I have to create something for each day?: You can do work for any of the days you want, though I encourage you to challenge yourself to do as many as you can as some characters are less popular and are underrepresented more than others. 
Can I submit old work?: I’m only accepting new work, however, revised and updated copies of old work will be accepted, as well as new chapters/pages of ongoing work that fit the week. 
I don’t have a Tumblr, can I still submit work?: Yes.The submissions box will be left open. If there is an issue with submissions, please contact @meztliel. You may also choose to remain anonymous regardless if you have a Tumblr or not. 
Can I submit others’ work?: You can only submit your own work. This is to prevent possible art theft.
What are the tags?: #sonfamilyweek and #sonfamilyweek2018 will be the tags I’m following. If I miss them, please tag or send a pm to @sonfamilyweek. So far there is only one admin @meztliel.
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celmation-gibson · 7 years
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You Don't have to watch 'Cartoon Network' for an 'Adult Swim'. Life in Dunecity can be a Real Tragic for an Official Character to visit, when the Residents are merely more than Cultists, Witches, & Monsters, But with the Crowned Prince of Darkness Devilbull in sight, the Pride & Joy of those In-Humane Fiends are always in Spirit. Devilbull is 'Crowned' Prince of Darkness on his Birthday, and now Possesses a Special Hat, that Hat used to belong to his Sister, their Father, and their Ancestors before him. He is a BIG Fan of 'Celmation' after watching a Neat-O documentary by Mr. Jimmy Gibson, and going thru Incredible Lengths to Restore a Good Legacy that was left for Them. Since Young DB is the son of Dunecity's Late friend Jimbo Jackson Sr., He is Perfectly Trained by Jimbo's Good Friend Lounsbery, member of a Cult, about Martial Art & Action-Packed Skills, Life Knowledge, & Good Free will. And with the Help of his Good Family, which Includes older Smart-Mouthed Sister Bennifer & Gooney, Big-Buffed Boyfriend Edward T., the Three of them reside in a Dorm Apartment with two other Residents while Studying the Law & Iron of Dunecity. And other Colorful Characters included in the Main Three's life are DB's Babysitter, Jasmim, a Afro-Caribbean/Brazilian girl who moved into Dunecity with her Biologist Father, and Ad Agent Rudolph & his Flaky Friend Smith, and so the Five of them go on Extraordinary Adventures together such a Comic Conventions, Semi-Life Accomplishments, & Greater Deeds for the Better. And Every Classic Adventures need Classic Villains, such as the notorious Mayor Moral, who was Bitten by a Rabid Bat by the Nose when he was Young, and as Adult holds a Strong Grudge for those Abominable Officials (Disney, Warner Bros, Nickelodeon, etc.) for the Execution of his Family & Dear Old Friend Jimbo, with the Assistant of Two Bumbling Noble Men, and an Army of Devil Lovers & a Hardcore Police Force, the Time of the Officials will be Out of Line, and Lastly we have Those 7 Deadly Sins (Lust, Wrath, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Pride, & Sloth) who sometimes Haunt DB for his Misdeeds on Professional Actors & Artists and his Criticism on what has Become of the Animation Colony, but the Young Prince will find ways of Handling things on his Own.   "'Babe' meets 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' on the set of 'a Nightmare on Elm Street' with a side of the 'Saw' Franchise' - Crazy Raptor, Zapp Cosmix Magazine For your Viewing Pleasure, we would like you to Present you the World of Devilbull & his Family and Friends in Three Separate Folders: [the Original Comic that Started Production in 2014, until it was halted in 2015, and from this Day, It remained Unfinished.] [A Series of Short Comics featuring DB, his Family & Friends of Dunecity, with some Minor Guest Stars, that were included in this '100 Comic challenge' that I've been doing since 2016.] [and Original Drawings of Devilbull & his Family (w/ Special Guests by his Cousins of the Jackson Clan) & Allies and Enemies of Dunecity.]
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makingmediameta · 7 years
Musical: Sing a Song of Significance
Sing a Song of Significance: Keyword Definition Argument
Everybody loves music. Everybody loves the performance arts. Combining those two facts create an extremely popular genre of entertainment known as the musical. However, combining those two aspects might be more challenging than one might initially suspect, as the idea of a musical is surprisingly difficult to categorize, and the reasons for their existence must be analyzed in order to properly identify their role in modern entertainment. For the sake of clarity, the term "musical" will be used in place of both "musical theater" and "musical film", as this helps to leave the door open for future research on the topic. Also, the definition of musical argued for will be in a modern colloquial sense, as if I were to trace the musical back far enough, the waters would only continue to muddy. In this essay, I will analyze what quantifies a musical, why they exist, the sub-terminology coined to help further categorize musicals, and overall hope to illustrate a concrete definition of a musical.
What is a Musical? Why do we need musicals?
Music and songs are generally considered to be a universal language. Music helps to identify a person as being genuinely human. The social contexts of music derive themselves from interpersonal interactions and relations, and one of the simplest ways for two humans to connect (be it in the past or present) is through song. No, this does not necessarily mean the first words to somebody must be sung, however, even today bonding over music is one of the most sincere expressions of humanity and one of the first stepping stones to connection and friendship. In the opening of her book, Ruth Leon wrote that "everybody sings. The first sounds made by a human baby more closely resemble music than speech... Dancing is natural. Without volition, the body moves to musical stimulus" (Leon 7). Within humanity, there is an automatic response to music and song; this is also true for storytelling and general conversation. People crave communication and bonding with others, they crave a sense of belonging. Performance pieces, like plays, only tap into a part of the human experience. "A play is a conversation between the actors, the director and, most importantly, the playwright. There are only the words and what they do with them" (Leon 10). A musical, however, taps into the innate desires of song, movement, interpersonal connection, and storytelling. A musical is "a way to combine the most basic of our human actions. Speech, music, song, dance, when organized, become a multi-faceted artistic expression which, in any combination or society, is just the highest form of storytelling" and "a great musical then is one which is organic, which grows out of its material... where song, dance, speech and movement are indivisible and where the whole enterprise entertains, informs, and amazes you" (Leon, 11).
What keywords fall under musicals? How do we categorize within the genre?
Now that we have been able to not only understand what a musical is, but why they are a relevant form of expression and narrative, it is important to delve into the types and modes of musicals. Firstly,we should separate musicals that exist for the sake of activism and promotion from those that exist for entertainment and storytelling purposes. In Mary Jo Lodge's review article, she cites John Bush Jones by writing "his focus is on 'musicals that seem to have been consciously intended to have a contemporary social relevance'" as opposed to "the often more famous musicals that do not advance a particular social cause or idea, which are referred to in the text, a bit disparagingly, as 'diversionary'" (Lodge 196). This outlines our first step of categorization. I will label the first as "intentional musicals" (meaning they were crafted with an intention, be it activism, change, commentary, or other forms of social context) and take the second's name from Jones, being "diversionary". Can you think of musicals that are intentional? Those that are diversionary? Some examples that come to mind for intentional musicals are "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Hairspray" (dealing with religious and racial prejudices). Some diversionary examples that come to mind are "Cats" and "Chicago" (the first being just about Cats, the second - which could be argued for intentional, but I might disagree - is about a woman in jail for murder).
What about time period? In Christopher Lynch's review article, he references "The First Age", which includes "the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century predecessors to modern musical comedy", "The Second Age" which is "the first three decades of the twentieth century", "'The Third Age'... which is commonly referred to as the 'Golden Age' of the musical, spanning roughly from the 1920's through the 1970's", and "The Fourth Age" which contains the 1980's and onward (Lynch 287). This system of categorization feels inorganic for something like musicals, despite its sensible parameters. We can choose to focus on a smaller range of musicals, in order to use terms that might be easier to remember. "Jones's contentions that the 1970s era musicals (mostly by Sondheim), referred to in most texts as the 'concept musicals,' should be more rightly be known as what he terms 'fragmented musicals' or that the 1980s blockbusters, deemed in most texts and scholarly circles as 'megamusicals' should be more aptly termed 'technomusicals'" (Lodge 196). With these new words, we can now describe musicals from a more modern era, and those which we are more familiar with. Can you think of any fragmented musicals? Can you think of any technomusicals? One fragmented musical (or concept musical) that comes to mind is "Follies" (due to its method of telling narrative). One technomusical (or megamusical) that comes to mind is "The Phantom of the Opera" (I mean, hopefully you have seen this one).
So what is a musical, really? Should I really care?
Musicals are an expression of humanity. They bring together thoughts, feelings, movement, expression, narrative, music, and personhood into art. In my opinion, musicals are a genre to be explored by all interested in the arts and entertainment, as there is much to be found that is invisible elsewhere. The music utilized in musicals can be viewed as a subconscious solvent which breaks down barriers of both ignorance and understanding. Be it on a stage or on a screen, armed with the newfound knowledge of the definition and categorizations, I hope you soon begin to enjoy musicals as much as I do.
- NC
Works Cited:
Leon, Ruth. The Sound of Musicals. Oberon, 2011.
Lodge, Mary Jo. "Our Musicals, Ourselves: A Social History of the American Musical Theatre." Theatre History Studies, 2005, p. 195. EBSCOhost, lp.hscl.ufl.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsglr&AN=edsgcl.133976368&site=eds-live.
Lynch, Christopher. "Anything Goes: A History of American Musical Theatre by Ethan Mordden (Review)." no. 2, 2014, p. 287. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1353/not.2014.0131.
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