#700 follower drabble bonanza
Congrats on the follower milestone! :) here's a drabble prompt (feel free to ignore if it's too boring, lol) One night Morty has an epiphany: every time Rick's taught him something (how to operate a spaceship, survive in space, negotiate w/ aliens, etc), he's really been preparing Morty for his life after Rick dies. Morty starts fearing for the day when Rick'll give him a portal gun - because that would mean Rick thinks Morty is ready, and Morty feels he'll never be ready for a life without him.
Thanks for the drabble prompt! And no, it isn’t boring, youridea was great!  Hope you enjoy~
It’s not every day when Morty realizes something about Rick.But then again, Rick liked to keep his secrets close to him. Rick was an enigmawrapped in a mystery locked up in one unsolvable puzzle. His grandfather hadthe thickest, most impenetrable emotional walls he’d ever seen. So most of thetime, Morty stays away, knowing that even attempting to get close to hisrecluse of a grandfather was an exercise in futility.
But the boy couldn’t help himself sometimes. He was a mothdrawn to Rick’s flame, and the fleeting glimpses of the man under theunflappable façade was so very tantalizing to see. When Morty catches thoserare instances when his grandfather has his guard down, he sees a broken manthat no amount of alcohol, partying or sex would mend. Then the moment passes,and Rick morphs back to the cunning, surefooted, and brilliant scientist thatMorty was used to.
Sometimes Morty lies awake at night, wondering why Rick didthe things he did. The smartest man in the universe, yet he fell back on thevices that cripple and ruin the lives of so many people. You’d think that he’dknow better than them. That he’d be above drowning in pleasures that nevergratify him for longer than a few fleeting moments. It was like Rick was out toruin himself, knowing full well the consequences of his actions.
Morty gets a severe case of mood whiplash when Rick takes abreak from his excessive indulging to tell him the secrets of the multiverse. Ina kind, almost gentle manner, his grandfather imparts priceless knowledgeaccumulated over a lifetime of meeting extraterrestrial lifeforms, travellingcountless dimensions and planets, and building crazy inventions that otherhumans would classify as science fiction in a heartbeat. Rick gives theselessons almost nonchalantly, and never hesitates to call Morty a moron if the boy managed to fuck things up.
Then Rick looks off into the distance, face etched with deepresignation, and Morty wonders why Rick even bothers to teach him if it causedhim this much stress. He didn’t have to teach his idiot grandson anything; didn’towe his grandson these lessons; and never gave any reason as to why he chosehis grandson over someone more deserving. Wasn’t Morty only good as a cloakingdevice? Wasn’t he ‘as dumb as they come’? Then why the effort?
Only when Rick, as wasted as all hell, stumbledinto his room one night mumbling, “Did I teach you well? Tell me I won’t die withoutleaving some sort of legacy. Tell me I won’t die without leaving the portal gunin good hands,” did Morty finally put two and two together. Rick wasn’tteaching him about the multiverse for no reason. His grandfather was preparingMorty for a life without him, and the day Morty finally learns everything thathe could teach him is the day Rick would die happy. Morty had the answer to thequestion that bothered him for ages but was afraid to even ask himself: Did Rick ever care?
Yes. Yes he did.
Morty stares up at the ceiling after Rick staggers out of hisroom, his grandfather acting as if he hadn’t dropped a bombshell. Hisheart thumped loudly from the dread his grandfather had elicited in him. I will never be ready for that portal gun,Rick, he thought. I can’t imagineever traveling the multiverse without you.
I can’t imagine mylife without you.
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Denial Isn’t Just a River in Egypt
This drabble is for @risquesno who requested jealous!Rick and some Rick/Morticia! Hope you like it!
Rick tapped his foot impatiently, taking yet another glance at his watch. He grumbled in annoyance as he read the green digits displayed on its screen. He’s been standing there for far too long.
When the hell is Morticia going to finish talking to that asshole…?
A school bell rang, calling the students chatting in the hallways back to their classrooms. Rick turned back to the laughing pair of teenagers. They showed no signs of ending their conversation. Morticia was leaning shyly against her locker, twirling a loose strand of her curly hair as she talked to this guy—who was he again? Jake?— and made a sad attempt to flirt with him. She was too obviously nervous, and her stutter made her words practically incomprehensible to the befuddled boy. The two shared many awkward pauses as Morticia tried to collect herself and enunciate her words more carefully.
Rick rolled his eyes when his granddaughter stumbled over empty air, her shaking legs betraying her.  Now was a good time as any to interrupt their pointless conversation, he guessed. He rushed forward to catch her before she made an impact with the ground, arms already outstretched to break her fall.
Rick was beaten to the punch by Jake’s quick reflexes and close proximity to her. The boy stopped Morticia’s fall with an arm around her waist, preventing her from hitting her head on the hard tiles of the floor. They both froze for a second, staring at each other’s eyes.
“Y-y-you saved me,” Morticia breathed. “Thank you.”
Jake rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “It was no biggie. You’re welcome.”
I’m going to vomit. Rick coughed loudly, glaring at Morticia. “C’mon, w-w-we have somewhere to go, and I—UUURP—am not going to stick around and wait for your teacher to find out. I don’t have time for bailing your ass out of detention.”
His granddaughter let go of the boy, looking guilty as she walked toward Rick. “O-o-okay, Rick. Let’s go,” she said, casting a look back at Jake. The boy’s face twisted into a grimace, possibly displeased at having their conversation cut short.
“Wait,” Jake interrupted, following Moticia and grabbing her wrist. “Do you really have to leave?” he asked, giving Rick a pointed look. “I noticed you get dragged around a lot by your grandfather. You’re missing a lot of classes, you know.”
“W-w-well, I—”
Rick placed a protective hand on his granddaughter and sneered at him. “M-m-my granddaughter much more important things to do than leaUURPrn the inane drivel that your teachers spew out on a regular school day. Piss off back to class, punk.”
Jake’s brow furrowed. Shaking his head, he turned to Morticia. “Your grandpa’s really rude, ‘ticia. I guess I’ll see you later. Maybe we could hang out—”
“There will be no ‘hanging out’,” Rick interrupted angrily, grip tightening around his granddaughter. Who does this idiot think he is? “I said. Piss. The fuck. Off. W-w-we’re going to be out all day, a-a-and I don’t want you bothering Morticia when we get back. And besides, you aren’t gooOOUGHd enough for my granddaughter. Go hit on someone in your own league.” Without waiting for a reply from Jake, he steered Morticia into a portal, appearing in their empty garage.
As soon as they went through the portal, Morticia hissed in anger, ripping away Rick’s hand from her shoulder and stomping into the passenger’s side of the spaceship. She slammed the door and crossed her arms, a look of complete frustration directed at Rick.
Oh boy, here it goes. Rick pinched the bridge of his nose, sliding into the driver’s seat and fully expecting the sermon his granddaughter was about to give him.
“W-w-what was that, Rick?” she yelled as soon as Rick put the key into the ignition. “Y-y-you saw us, I could’ve had a shot with Jake! Why—why’d you have to go and blow it for me?”
“Because,” Rick replied, backing the spaceship out of the garage, “that little shit’s no good for you, Morticia, a-a-and you know it. Why go for Jake when you have literally anyone in the multiverse at your disposal? Y-y-you’re wasting your opportunities. Y-y-you’re settling for fast food i-i-in a multiversal buffet of possibilities. Have—have you seen a Globorxian, Morticia? Your sex life isn’t complete if you haven’t been with one. They literally have seven—”
“Not the point, Rick!” Morticia argued. “I-I don’t want any Globorxians or whatever weird aliens you’ve been with. I wanted Jake, and you just had to go and fuck up the best chance I’ve had in snagging him! He was the boy of my dreams, a-a-and now I’m never going to have another moment like that with him!”
“Will you stop being so fucking dramatic? I-I-I’m doing you a favor, you ingrate of a granddaughter. I know people like Jake. Y-y-you think he’ll even bother with you i-i-if he didn’t want to get in your pants? A-a-and don’t you even think about it, Morticia, I’m willing to bet my shriveled-up liver that that boy has a small cock.”
“Are you kidding me? I know Jake i-i-isn’t like that, and you know jack shit about Jake. Would you grow some balls already a-a-and tell me what your real problem with Jake is? Because frankly, Rick, I can smell your bullshit from a dozen miles away!”
“My problem,” Rick said, raising his voice to a shout, “is that Jake pisses me off! He’s so moronic and uninteresting but-but you still have a goddamn crush on him! Why the hell are you so interested? What does he haUUURPve that’s so fucking special that you talk about him 24/7!? It’s always Jake this, Jake that. I-I-I can’t even hold a conversation with you for longer than five seconds without you even mentioning him!”
His granddaughter was struck dumb by Rick’s outburst, her mouth in an open O of surprise. They drifted through space in an agonizing minute-long silence as Morticia processed Rick’s words. Rick steeled himself for the inevitable angry comeback.
Instead, she started to laugh.
“What? What’s so funny?” Rick snapped, confused by Morticia’s reaction.
“Oh my god. Oh. My. God,” she said in between chuckles, “I-I-I’d never thought I’d see the day. Rick Sanchez, The Rick Sanchez, is jealous! Holy—y-y-you’re actually jealous of me talking to Jake!”
Rick’s eyes widened.  “What the—what are you— That-that’s the most idiotic—I’m not jealous!”
“Oh, Mr. Aloof. Mr. I Don’t Care About My GrandKids. I-I-I’m so uncaring, I cockblocked my granddaughter because I didn’t like her talking to her crush,” she taunted. “A-a-and then I gave her a bullshit excuse about Jake being a complete asshole, even though I’d met him less than five minutes ago—”
“Oh, fuck off, Morticia—”
Morticia wiped the tears of mirth from her eyes, then smiled at Rick. “You don’t have to be jealous, Rick. You’ll always be number one to me.”
“I-I-I don’t care whether you think I’m number—” Rick stopped short as his granddaughter scooted closer to him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. In his surprise, his hands slipped slightly from its grip on the steering wheel, the ship careening slightly to the left. Rick felt the beginnings of a blush taint his cheeks, betraying his true feelings.
His granddaughter laughed. “Don’t worry, Rick. I love you too.”
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Re: simpler question. Morty accidentally ingests Rick's stash. His experience, fragmentary, somewhat hellish, somewhat sexy. As descriptive as you can get it!
I’m assuming by “Rick’s stash” you mean the K-Lax that you mentioned in a previous unpublished ask? Here it is! Drabble under the cut for possibly triggering content and mildly sexual themes:
The parties on Proxinius-A were legendary.
They were known throughout the whole galaxy as celebrationsthat invited catastrophes of epic proportions. Many of them ended in numerousaliens dying from overexhaustion, buildings being destroyed, and propertystolen from under their owners’ noses. Yet people still visited the planet,still drawn to it by the wild tales and rumors spun by those (un)lucky enoughto have been witness to one of the parties. History had been made onProxinius-A. The greatest musicians have written their number one hits here.Scientists have made breakthroughs on this planet. Even politicians have signedtreaties ending world wars during one of the countless parties being held.
Many of the planet’s locals have fled the planet as touristsslowly turned it into a haven of eternal raves. It truly was one of thecraziest, most dangerous hangouts in all of the galaxy. Most everyone with twobrain cells to rub together would steer clear of this place.
Everyone except Rick, that is. And he just dragged hisgrandson into the center of one of the wildest parties the planet had held inyears. The stadium holding the party was filled with thousands of aliens fromdifferent star systems, and there were scenes of mass chaos wherever Mortyturned. The sweaty crowd of aliens on the dance floor looked more like an angrymob that was ready to tear something limb from limb at the slightestprovocation.
Morty was not amused.
“C’mon, Morty! D-d-don’t be such a fucking wet blanket,”Rick complained, tugging Morty’s sleeve. “Stop standing in the corner a-a-and jointhe party.”
“I-I-I never wanted this in the first place, Rick! Thiswhole place smells like piss, a-a-and I think one of the aliens just felt me up—I-I’mjust not feeling it, okay? Why didn’t you tell me w-we were going to a planetlike this? I-I don’t feel safe!” Morty retorted. “I just want to go home!”
“Fuck, all you do is complain! W-w-why do I even bother withyou? Fine.” Rick let go of his grandson’s arm, plunging a hand down his insidecoat pocket. He pulled out a large vial filled with pink powder and spread itscontents into his palm. “Maybe some ground-up Kalaxian Crystals w-w-will makethis more bearable for you. Now w-w-will you stop yapping about going home?”
“Are you kidding me, Rick?” Morty said, eyeing the powder inRick’s palm. No way, no fucking way is he taking that alien drug. Who knowswhat the hell it’d do to him? “That-that stuff made you go nuts. Don’t y-y-youthink I don’t remember what happened at the party back in our house. Y-y-youcompletely trashed the house! I’m not going to—” Morty was interrupted by Rick’shand shoving the powder directly under his nose.  The boy coughed hard as he inhaled the particlesof the highly effective drug accidentally, the ground K-Lax crystals coatinghis nose with dust. He stumbled away from Rick as bright pink clouds of dust eruptedfrom his mouth with every hacking cough he made. His lungs felt like they wereon fire and his entire body trembled.
Rick slapped his forehead. “D-d-damn it, Morty! Y-you weren’tsupposed to take all of it! Now there isn’t enough for me! Do yoUUGH know howexpensive these crystals are a-a-at these parties? Now I have to get thema-a-at three times the going rate from my dealer!”
Morty didn’t hear him. The sclera of his eyes turned blue,the K-Lax hitting him like a hammer to the head. The eye-searing strobe lightsthat swept over the stadium seemed as beautiful to him as the aurora borealis. Themusic, instead of thumping loudly in his skull and giving him a migraine,cradled his ears like a soothing melody. The hellish party transformed into abeautiful landscape before Morty’s eyes.
The mass of living bodies that gyrated on the dance floorwas all too appealing to Morty.  Hisentire being was tingling with the urge to melt into the mass. He could fuckingdestroy that crowd. He could make them grovel at his feet. Those pussies. Theyhaven’t seen what real dancing is. He was going to part this mob like fuckingMoses and the red sea.
Morty’s mind raced with the delusions of a thousandscenarios. He could just imagine what he was going to do tonight. He felt so powerful. Like he was untouchable. Likehe could do anything. Proxinius-A was going to eat from the palm of his hand. Hewas going to make all the aliens here love him. And by God, they were going toscream out his name.
“W-w-wait, Morty, are you even listening to me?” Rick said,snapping two fingers in front of his face impatiently. “I-I said let’s go andget some more crystals. I-I don’t want you being the only one who’s having somefun around here.”
Who’s this boring oldman talking to me? Fucking loser. Morty’s answer was immediate.
“FUCK YOU, YOU OLD MAN. I WANT TO PARTY. GET YOUR FUCKINGCRYSTALS YOURSELF. MORTY’S IN THE HOUUUUUUUUSE!” the boy screamed. Hedisappeared into a nearby herd of Norsodonts, pushing aside the surprisedaliens uncaringly.
“Oh shit. Morty’soverdosed on—UURP—Kalaxian crystals!”
Morty awoke with a pounding headache and a dry taste in hismouth.
He felt like a corpse and his limbs were aching from overuse.Blinking away the sleep from his eyes, he slowly got up, fighting the pain thatcrawled up his legs. Once his vision cleared, no longer hazy and swarming withdots, he gaped at the sight that graced his eyes.
He had ended up passing out in a dingy two-bed motel roomwith six different aliens. There was one with six facial tentacles sleeping atthe foot of one bed, another one with ram horns curled up on the rubber mat outsideof the bathroom door, two with three arms and grey skin snoozing away in thecloset of all places, one that he recognized as a Glooptopian in same bed asthe tentacled one, and one with the thickest fur he’d seen on the floor. To hishorror, a lump under a blanket lay snoring away in the same bed he was sleepingin.
What the fuckhappened? I was at that party, and… oh no.
“Oh geez. Fuck. Fuck.” Morty clutched his hair. “I’m amoron.”
The lone occupant on the bed stirred, the lump turning intothe familiar shape of gangly limbs. The blanket was thrown off casually as theperson yawned.
“Morty, i-i-it’s too early to get up. Get back in here.”Rick mumbled, patting the pillow beside him.
“That-that’s all you’re going to say, Rick?” Morty said inhorror. “A-a-after everything that’s just happened last night? Do-do you evenrealize what happened between us? I won’t—I shouldn’t—I-I-I can’t even look atyou straight anymore!”
“Well, those are the side effects of overdosing on thoseKalaxian crystals, Morty, w-w-what do you expeUUGHt?” Rick sighed. “I don’tthink y-y-you should be worrying about that. I think you should be worried aboutthe fact that someone uploaded a-a-a video of you dancing the funky chicken tothe galactic Interweb. Y-y-you’re an interplanetary laughingstock, Morty.”
“That’s not worse than havingan orgy with—”
“Ugh God, again with the yapping. No one’s going toremember, Morty. No one’s going to care about this. This is literally businessas usual on Proxinius-A.” Rick shuffled in his seat, giving an expectant look tohis grandson. “Now stop fucking woOOUGHrrying about it. Y-y-you even did greatyesterday. Blew my mind. Now will y-y-you just get back in here?”
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Drabble idea - morty realising he has a crush on a boy at his school (possibly brad ?) and he doesn't know how to feel about it, so he tries really hard to make it seem like to others that he has a crush on jessica and girls in general
This prompt made me think of something really sad :’(  Sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted anon, but I had to write it! Hope you like it!
Morty felt broken.
There were times in his childhood that really stuck out tohim. Like that time he asked his kindergarten teacher if he could marry hiscute neighbor from down the street, only to be laughed at patronizingly when hetold the teacher that his neighbor was male. Or that time in second grade whenhe befriended a kind boy in class, only to cry when they went around holdinghands. Or maybe that time while he was out trick-or-treating and knocked on astranger’s door, heart stopping for a second when a boy his age opened it and gavehim a piece of candy.
Broken, his mindwhispered.
The older he got, the more disillusioned he was with hisunwelcome feelings. He saw how society had treated those who developednot-so-platonic feelings for someone of the same gender. Most people weren’taccepting, and if they were, they did it with an air of apathy and the baresthint of tolerance. There were many who shuddered in disgust when they learnedof these people’s feelings, evading them as if they had caught the plague. Theyshunned them, forcing them into tiny communities and telling them they had tostay invisible. That their love was an unnatural abomination.
Broken, societysaid.
Morty wasn’t an idiot, of course. He knew what being gay meant.He knew what people thought of them. Knew that there were people who wereaccepting. But how many would be happy to see him die? He saw firsthand how hispeers had bullied a young boy into tears when they figured out he liked thefootball team’s captain. He saw how they sneered at him; saw how the boy’scrush even stalked up to him and spat in his face.
Broken, theycalled the boy.
No, Morty decided. He will not be a victim. He will not painta bulls-eye on his back and let people walk all over him just because he couldn’tstop himself from feeling these… feelings. So Morty locked away his heart,convincing himself that he was a late bloomer. Somewhere out there was theperfect girl for him. Somewhere out there was a pretty woman who would stop histreacherous mind from drifting to the men who caught his eye.
Broken, his heartwhimpered.
Then he entered high school, and met Summer’s boyfriend,Brad. He was everything that Morty wanted to be: athletic, no-nonsense, vulgar,and bold. It was a far cry from Morty’s crippling shyness, and Brad’s traitsmade him feel a stirring in his stomach. He would get butterflies speaking tothe teenager, and even a silent nod of assent from Brad was enough to make hisheart beat faster. Then he realized that other people are watching, so he quicklycleared his head and thought of a girl from his school he could develop a crushfor. Anna, maybe. Or Mary. Maybe Jessica. He told his family about his “crush”on Jessica, and no one was the wiser to the war going on in his heart.
Broken, he shoutedat himself.
Sometimes he turned to Rick. Morty was awestruck at hisgrandfather’s unabashed promiscuity, sleeping with whomever he liked,regardless of gender, gender identity, or even if the being in questionidentified with a gender at all. Rick was as accepting as they came, yet Mortywas still filled with fear at the thought of his grandfather finding out. Buthe couldn’t resist asking him for advice, cloaking it in the guise of aninnocent offhand question. Morty asked him what he thought of the people whowere disgusted by gay people.
“I-I couldn’t give less shits about what they think of me, Morty,”Rick laughed. “Nothing in this world is going to-to change the fact that I’mpansexual.  They can deny it all they want, but a shitton of people on this planet alone don’t fit their narrow definition of ‘straight.’ Imagine them when humanity finally discovers interstellar travel. They’ll lose their heads! Let them think I’mbroken. The rest of the multiverse is better off withouOOUUGHt their uptightasses ruining the fun for everyone.”
Morty smiled at his grandfather’s statement, feeling lessmiserable. But still, the boy couldn’t muster up the courage to tell him the truth.The years and years of conditioning himself must have taken a toll on him,because his mind refused to acknowledge Rick’s words. Maybe he didn’t like Bradafter all. Maybe there’s still hope for him, and he wouldn’t ever have to seethe day when he had to tell anyone.
He still felt broken.
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Congrats on your follower count! There aren't many blogs I get notifications for but you're one of three :) I have a drabble prompt but it's lame: Basically Rick x shy female reader, reader's having a crappy day and it doesn't help that Rick just figured out she has a crush on him. But instead of Rick being his wolfish self and taking advantage of that, he sees how sad the reader is and it's just...fluffy-as fluffy as he can be lol.
Oh wow, really?! I’m so honored, thank you! And this is such a sweet prompt, I love it! Here you go!
God. This day suckedballs. I want to pass out.
Ugh. Why did you even bother waking up today? Oh, that’sright. You had tons and tons of work this week that you just allowed to pileup. Of course it was going to biteyou in the ass sooner or later. Your procrastination forced you to complete allyour work in a single hectic day.  Andgoddamn if it didn’t kill you; you had to talk to so many strangers in the spanof a few hours that you could actually feel your introvert batteries deplete.One of them even made you cry.
You crawled home exhaustedand miserable, just wanting to spend some time alone. An evening of curling upin a dozen blankets and marathoning TV shows on Netflix was really appealing toyou now. You flopped onto your bed, sighing and taking out your laptop. Finally. Some peace and quiet. You scrolledthrough the options on the website while wondering what you should have fordinner. Perhaps you’ll eat the leftovers you still have stocked in your fridge?You got up and stretched, then made your way down to the kitchen.
Just then, the telltale green glow of a portal bathed yourhallway in light. You stepped back in shock. There was only one person who traveledby way of portal. Only one person who with the audacity of entering your housewithout even asking for permission. He was the person who you’ve known forquite a while now, and was probably the last person you wanted to see today.
The man in question straightened up, brushing off the dustfrom his lab coat. He grinned cheekily at you.
“Rick Sanchez,” you said exasperatingly. “You don’t know howto knock, don’t you?”
He waves the portal gun in his hands. “Why would I do thatwheUUGHn I have this? A-a-and you did say I could drop by anytime.”
You threw up your hands. “Fine then. Did you want something?”
Rick frowned at your tone of voice. Shit, can he tell I’ve had a shit day? “I-I wanted to take you outon an adventure with me? Alone?”
Your eyes narrowed. As much as you liked Rick, the man neversweet-talked anyone without an agenda in mind. “What about Morty?”
“I-I-I just went on one with him,” Rick said. “The-the kidis going to kill me if I take him out on another one. And besides,” he said,looking over at you appreciatively, “I-I just wanted to get to knoOOUGHw thegirl who likes me better.”
God. You should have known. Rick really was an asshole. Allhe wanted was to get in your pants. That’s all he ever wanted from you. Stupid, so stupid, you told yourself. Why was I stupid enough to tell how how Ifeel? Why did I tell him I had a crush on him? This is what happens when I getbrave. You’re a moron.
Combined with your shit day, and Rick’s apparently shitty attitude,the dam holding back the flood of emotions just broke. Your eyes welled up withtears, and it was too late for you to hide them from Rick. You covered yourface with your hand but you knew full well that you had the man’s attentionnow. Rick finally had you at your weakest moment, and there was no doubt thatthe opportunistic scientist would take advantage of it.
But instead, Rick surprised you by wrapping his strong armsaround your frame and hugging you tightly. For a long moment, you and Rickbreathed each other’s calming scents. You realized that no, Rick wasn’t going totake advantage of you; instead he was trying to comfort you with what littleexperience he had in dealing with emotional people.
“God, I’m pathetic,” you manage to spit out between sobs. “I’msorry, Rick. I can’t go out today. I’m just not in the mood.”
“I-I-I’m sorry, I’m actually shit at cheering people up,”Rick said, embarrassed. “When I said—When I told you that I’d like to get toknow you better, I didn’t mean—look, I like you a lot too, alright? I wanted toask you out on a date. Fuck, do I haUURPve crap timing. If I’d known thaty-y-you were feeling like this I would never have come here. Look, I-I’ll justleave.”
Rick pulled away from you, his soothing warmth replaced by acold emptiness.
“No!” you said almost desperately, yanking Rick by thesleeve. He stared back at you with confusion. “I mean… I might not want to goout, but some company right now would be really nice. Would you stay? For me,please?”
Rick smiled. “For you, babe, anything.”
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700+ Followers!
Holy hecking heck you guys??? Thank you! Huge shoutout to everyone in this fandom for making it such a wonderful place to be in! You make it so much fun to share content and everyone here is so supportive of each other! This really is such a great community! I love you all!
To celebrate this awesome follower milestone, I’ll be opening my ask box from right now up until September 9, 12 am PHT for DRABBLE REQUESTS~
Rules/How this will work:
-Send me a prompt or scenario (could be any ship, have any themes, be nsfw, or anything. Go wild as long as your request is Rick and Morty related! But please, no OCs or ‘sonas, I’m not confident enough that I’ll be able to write your character)
-If too many people send in requests, I may have to be selective about the ones I will work on (sorry guys, I’m only one person have mercy)
-Once I decide to work on a request I will write a drabble around 200-500 words in length (or longer, if I decide I want to!) and tag you, provided you sent the request off anon!
-When I close my askbox I will no longer be accepting requests but I may still work on existing ones! Throughout this entire week, expect these drabbles to pop up!
Oh and one other thing: guys, I need your urgent opinion! I’m planning to turn one of the Soulmate AU prompts into a ficlet. Pls comment or send me a message with the number of the AU (from 1-9, in the order they were presented) you want me to write! I’ll tally in the votes and get started on it after I close my askbox for requests.
Thank you again, guys!!!
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Ooof! Too many drabble requests guys! I’m sorry to say this, but I will have to close my ask box earlier than I thought! I know I said I’d keep it open and just choose which ones to work on, but all of your requests are just so wonderful that it’d be a shame to waste them :’) so I decided to work on them all! For those who wanted to send in a prompt, stay tuned for next follower milestone! Thank you all so much for sticking around!
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