#7x03 recap pt 2
dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Pt. 2
WARNINGS: SPOILERS (obvs); not a Khaliiiisi fan; Jonsa shipper so I might talk about it.
4.- Euron Sparrow (I feel like I should add Captain somewhere) makes his heroic entrance in KL, and I find this kinda intresting, Hot Pie told Arya it was Cersei the one who blew the Great Sept of Baelor like it was common knowledge, but like how do people in Westeros know this stuff? news travel by ravens, and merchants and soldiers perharps but common people don’t know the High Lords and Ladies motivations and information has a way to get twisted (the best example I can think of is Season 5’ s troupe from Braavos, they told the story of Joffrey’s ascention and his death in a very pro-Lannister light) so I’m really interested in knowing just what did Cersei said about the whole affair. I mean people’s reaction to Ellaria and co. is pure entreteinment for them, they have no real beef with them but still interested in all this stuff.
We have Cersei herself sitting on the fugliest chair of the 7 realms (aka the IT) while Euron gallops into the throne room (like Euron can you be a lil’ less extra??) and presents her with her gift while shading the fuck outta Jaime, anyway Euron wants to put a date to their wedding but Cersei is having none of that until the war is over.
Euron still is looking for a fight with Jaime, and says he hopes the can have a bro talk about just how kinky is Cersei in bed (LMAO Euron is awful but he makes me laugh a lot).
Now we have Cersei in the dungeons with a very bright pink lipstick on (where do you even get that stuff???) and talks about Oberyn vs. The Mountain, she is just taunting Ellaria and has a very emotional moment while talking about Myrcella (Lena Headley is a hell of an actress, as much as I hate Cersei I don’t want her to die if only to keep enjoying her brilliant performance)
Then she kisses Tyene and reveals Qyburn managed to find out the poison Ellaria used with her daughter and her revenge would be forcing her to see Tyene die, and then wipes away the poison-pink lipstick and drinks the antidote like a total badass (RIP bad pussy).
So getting revenge turns her on and she goes to kiss Jaime and gives him head (like wow there has been a lot of oral this season), they end up on bed, and one of Cersei’s maids knocks, Jaime is like oh no, nobody must know!! And she’s like I’m queen so I can do whatever the fuck I want (no, that’s not how it works, that’s what got your monster of a son killed dumbass) anyway it seems short hair is lit now (cool cuz I got short hair too) and doesn’t say anything about literal incest in front of her (very wise dear).
Now apparently Cersei has a visitor from the Iron Bank (remember they are hella broke thanks to Robert?) and she has to deal with it, to be fair Cersei is a hell of a negociator, she manages to convince the emmisary to give her 15 days to pay her debts and trash talks D once again (the fuck bitch me too).
(round here I get confused about the order of the scenes but I’ll try)
5.- So Theon is found by a surviving ship and the Captain treats him like dirt for not fighting for Yara, and pls leave my son alone.
I have nothing much to add really was a pretty short scene and I hope to see more of Theon next episode.
6.- Back in Dragon Stone we have Jon talking with Tyrion, he says he was wrong to have come and wants to go back home (OMG my poor baby) cuz it’s clear D has no intention to help him, Tyrion tells him to cut her some slack (I mean I kinda agree it’s not easy to believe and fight with a dude you just met but then again she was very rude and antagonistic) and goes around telling him about all the good stuff D has done (k I get his point, but were you there to see the conquest of Meeren and Astapor Tyrion?? No, you got there when shit hit the fan due to Danisss incompetence as a ruler, so I fail to see how someone as clever and analytical would make such blind statements unless that someone is in love) Jon agrees reluctantly.
7.- Winterfell!!! At last!!! So we see Sansa talking with Lord Royce, LF and the Maester about the resources they have for Winter, and she is Walking around the castle looking over the preparations and making questions and very good suggestions every now and then.
Seeing this scene struck me this is the first time we see someone actually ruling, allow me to explain: the first 2 shots we get of D and Cersei are of them sitting on their thrones but doing nothing but serve themselves (D with trying to force Jon to bend the knee and Cersei with her revenge) now of course they’re preparing for war against each other, who gives a fuck about food or warm clothes in winter amirite Ladies? Well, A GOOD RULER that’s who, Sansa is still Lady Sansa she does not parade titles around nor she sits her ass on the court room and calls it a day or calls herself Queen, yet she is the only one who acts like one. If she doesn’t know something she immediatly asks, she seeks solutions and acts quickly, that suggestion about adding leather to the armors was a little detail but so huge because she doesn’t only care about the armor being strong but also that it keeps her people as warm and comfortable as possible, and Imma cry because it’s such a huge difference from other selfish rulers we’ve seen in the series.
Anyway, LF starts by saying ruling suites her well (dammit the first time he and I agree with something) but says she is too focused on the WW thing, she answers that they should (thank god at least someone believes in Jon) he warns about Cersei and honestly is hillarious because she knows bih!!! And she tells him as much, honestly Sansa is getting more savage in her responses to Baeless what a time to be alive!!!! Littlecreeper then proceeds to talk like a fortune-cookie, I tried to make sense of it, but still confused he tells her not to fight battles anywhere but her mind ( k I think he means being analytical and politicaly savvy, not rushing into conflicts everywhere) also that her friends are enemies and enemies are friends (bottomline I think it’s trust no one cuz alliances shift a lot in time of war, or at least that’s what I think it means) and that she will she things she has seen before (ummm so like people are predictable and she only has to observe and she’ll realize she knows what kind of people they are and thus predict/guess what they’ll do because she has already dealt with that, or is he talking about parallels or what??? Idk why is he so cryptic now???) it mattered not cuz Sansa gets called to the gate, and…
Bran!!! He is back!! And Oh my god Sophie Turner’s performance is A+ her expressions are beautiful and really made me cry, Bran is very changed tho, and I see he is getting a lot of hate but why? He is clearly dealing with a lot of difficult stuff, he IS the Three Eyed Raven now, seeing past/present/future must be hard on his psyche and the threat of the WW is overwhealming so stop pls.
They are under the weirdwood tree, Sansa looks adorable sitting in the snow and hugging her knees to her chest, and she just about kills me when she says “I wish Jon was here’ now of course I know she says so because she wishes Jon could share the hapiness and relief of having their little brother back but still (my shipper heart) and immediatly says WF is his (honestly Imma say this now, fuck the people who called her a power hungry bitch, you don’t like her or find her boring? Fine we all are allowed to have characters we like and dislike, but the blantant misogynistic hate Sansa’s been getting since day one has been overwhelming, fans of her get called delusional and anti-feminists for supporting an embodiment of the patriarchy and other willful misinterpretations of her character and I’m glad D&D have shown she is not what the fandom’s been acussing her of) putting the final nail on the Starkbowl coffin. Bran reject his title as Lord because he is the TER, and Sansa, the girl whose only contact with magic/supernatural stuff has been through what Jon told her, immediatly belives what her little brother says and not only that she asks him to explain what does it means because she wants to understand him (and OMG what a concept actually listening to people!!!) now I understand why every actor on the Stark fam wanted Sansa on the IT or Winterfell, she is an amazing ruler.
Bran triggers her ptsd talking about what Ramsey did to her, and she very graciously excuses herself, while Bran stays back to get some work on the NK business. I think this was a way to make her stop asking questions and kind of showing what his powers are about? But I’m not sure.
Again too long, so a part 3 is necessary for the final parts of the ep.
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sunnydaleherald · 7 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, November 17
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