Imagine making a good first impression on King
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You: *are a newly recruited member of the crew, who possesses a devil fruit, are going to be introduced to Kaido*
King: *impatient with your slow walking pace, would you hurry up?
You: *grumbles* be nice to me, I am small and life is hard.
King: stops and glances down at you in warning*
You: what are you looking at me like that for, both are true.
King: *decides you're funny* indeed, both very true, you are oh so small.
You: yer not supposed to agree with me
King: I have never been one to deny the facts. *shrugs*
You: ...wanna know another fact?
King: alright, hit me
You: this trip would be a lot shorter if you just carried me.
King: * hums thoughtfully for a few seconds* fuck it, why not?
You: holy shit, really?
King: yup, today's your lucky day. Come 'ere. *Scoops you up into his arms*
You: * wiggles to get comfortable*
King: damn, didn't realize you had such a fat ass. *Leers playfully at you*
You: *pushes his face away* you know for someone so stiff you make a shitty chair.
King: *laughs* you know not many people are brave enough to talk to me, let alone demand I carry them and insult me while I do it.
You: unlike them, I'm not scared of you.
King: and why's that? Hmm? I could kill you.
You: being able to kill me isn't particularly impressive, hell I could kill me.
King: *erupts into laughter* you're a strange creature.
You: *sighs* if I had a nickel for every time someone had said that... I'd have like five nickels.
King: *genuinely likes you* you use humor as a coping mechanism for stress, don't you?
You: am I really that obvious?
King: Yes, but it's rather enjoyable, so I don't mind too much.
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I just realized that a lot of my King X reader imagines are all the same situation, him and the reader walking and talking. So this'll be the next one I promise to have them in a different situation.
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stumpgirl · 2 months
I'm such a whore for this man's body parts. He's absolutely perfect to me.
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1200flowers · 1 month
early august, mourning the death of summer that won’t really come til November. everything’s latent and late now. the sun sets on your shoulders where it used to grace the tips of your ears with a hot scarlet glow. you feel like you’re running out of time and someone could tell you otherwise but you wouldn’t believe them, everything feels so now, everything feels so imminent, hungry, fanged, soon. you want to wail. you want to take a deep breath, another, another, and still have time to get everything you want. greedy, they’ll call you. your fault for wanting. your fault for panicking blue all over the walls. the bathroom tile slick with your anxious breaths. you, treading thick water as you lie in bed. you, treading quicksand as you burrow into too-warm sheets. it’s over. you want it to be over and you want it to have only just started. you’re late and you’re too far ahead. i’m not ready, you want to scream at everyone who looks at you, everyone you touch. i’m not ready, i’m not here, i’m not whole, i’m asking you to touch me, i guess? i wanted to take it slow but i liked you so i let you hold my hand and kiss me. it was a nice kiss. it was a soft hand. it was a gentle word. i still wonder what you’ll look like next May.
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hazelplaysgames · 11 months
there's always another Steelhead. fella was a bit lucky i had a splatling.
fun fact about the splatlings, their base damage is all 35, and falls down to 25. from Mini splatling to Hydra's non-full charge damage. all of them. Hydra's max charge hits 60, and i have praised how good it is many times over the years. still, it's shocking just how different they all feel despite that.
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conniesblueboys · 1 year
Can I just say...WOW
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lolaplusg-archived · 1 year
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theswandragon · 9 months
Daily Poem 8/4/23
Light sputtering I seek fortune's aid As the deadline draws near
But she brings no solace Only grim affirmation Of what must be done if I should live
The renowned uncle Staying with us now at last What a wealth of knowledge he brings
John's reckoning A question and trial he must face The seer asks who he is, yet the answer eludes
As I ride with grim resolution A glimmer of light shines once more My son, at last, we can be reunited
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megsjournal · 1 year
Honestly ever since the pandemic started I've started to see just how terrible the world truly is. Maybe it's just gotten worse, or maybe I am finally truly opening my eyes to it all. I hate how negative and pessimistic I've become, but I honestly can't see myself as the happy girl I used to be.
Sometimes I wish things were how they used to be, but I feel like I've just honestly grown so much and I'm not a child anymore with just the happy rose colored glasses on.
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roguishnymph · 1 year
Do you ever just have dreams that freak you the fuck out? To the point it puts you on edge the rest of the day? Fuck man.
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merry-kuroo · 1 year
The file I was working in just decided to reset itself and erase all the work I've been doing for the last 45 minutes. So, I'm currently outside crying in frustration because this project is never ending, tedious and as soon as I'm almost done the database I'm using just decided to erase everything. I'm not even in the right mindset to even continue working on it today.
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scrmngtts · 1 year
a lot of things been happening lately and i cant seem to write down my thoughts to comprehend and think and analyze if things are right or wrong maybe i just need a break from all the noise.. i really dont know.. i feel helpless.. i feel blind sided.. i feel like.. idk weird..
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stumpgirl · 3 months
I fucking live for this man's jiggle. When he stomps his leg and makes that belly bounce....there's nothing better than that. Sexiest man alive. The bugs were eating him up that night cause he's so sweet
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hazelplaysgames · 11 months
that Snatcher is the hero of the wave!
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lolaplusg-archived · 1 year
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gayelectrician · 1 year
just discovered a child on the floor of the pantry eating gravy powder
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megsjournal · 1 year
God can you please just go the fuck away for a bit?? Not eat the damn food I made, without separating it or not using the same fucking spoon over and over with your spit on it. Like do you realize how fucking disgusting that is?!
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