pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
haiii, can u giv m sum advice for involuntarily regressing at school? i dosnt kno if u dids dat already but i wansed to asks fank uuu
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
oh i'm sorry babybee!! of course ~ i'll see if i have some tips for you <3.
i'd do your best to see if anything is triggering the involuntarily regression. it could be simple, so the moment you start feeling a little off i'd make a note of it, then see if the lines seem to cross later on.
start bringing some comfort items in (if you can), they can be small & as simple as a pebble, as long as it helps to ground you then it's okay <3.
find somewhere thats safe, that could be a bathroom, the library, anywhere that you find comfort & then do your best to slowly attempt to pull yourself out of it with things your big self feels comfort in <3
i hope this helps little one!<3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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pumpkzsafeplace · 4 months
i haven’t been able to go to school cause i’ve been being teased and i don’t wanna regress involuntarily cause i don wan b made fun of n stuffs do u hav an tips? :( fank u
also can i pls be 🧃?
- hihi cupcake'! <3 ⭐
have you told anybody that you're being teased :<
i'm sorry that's happening to you love too ~ you don't deserve that <3
can you use distractions? sometimes, when i was getting teased in school- i would bring little things that would make me happy, even if it was just a small cute pebble- just to help me keep a hold of my emotions <3.
& maybe find a safe place too, to break up to your day ~ for me it was the library, i got mentally prepare myself for what was about to come, you know?? <3
(i've also added you too the list!! <3)
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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