#95 theses meowers version
h-doodles · 9 months
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Just in case you haven't checked out the 5 hour cooking process of the meowers in the discord gc, HERE is a quick navigation guide to every part of our theories!
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Part 1 - Tragedy (LInk to Part 1) (Link to Part 2) || Presented by @alexandroseleven
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Part 2 - Everyone is Miranda (Link to Part 1) || Presented by @ravensuizo
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Part 3 - Grief (Link to Part 1) (Link to Part 2) || Presented by @zeleneagle
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Part 4 - Grief AND Hope (Link to Part 1) || Presented by @h-doodles
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Part 5 - Everyone is a 7 Deadly Sin (Link to Part 1) (Link to Part 2) || Presented by @lapisdemon22
anyways, we thank our overlords Team AVIA ( @resident-lover ) for the wonderful gift of the GAYEST fangame that has inspired absolutely SO MUCH, and wish everyone a wonderful Noche Buena, Merry Crisis, and a very HAPPY Holidays!
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ravensuizo · 9 months
95 Theses (Meower's version), Everyone is Miranda
Hello good people! This is part 2 of @alexandroseleven post [HERE], which laid the foundations for me to explain this theory. The next posts will be at @zeleneagle [HERE], @h-doodles [HERE] and @lapisdemon22 [HERE] respective blogs, who will continue to explain what happened last night.
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THIS was us last night, playing around, saying stuff to see if something would eventually stick. Up to this point we had slandered Alcina, Cass was slowly becoming Miranda, then KJ said it. Let's zoom in on her messages for a moment.
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That's when it hit me. Perhaps I'm not as delulu as I thought?
For context, the night before yesterday I had been working on a theory with the help of both Lee and Myrddin, said theory talked about the possibility of all Dimitrescu's and Beneviento's representing a side, a stage you may say, of Miranda's life. Like pieces to a giant puzzle.
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So, I know it sounds far fetched, but let me explain from the beginning.
First of all, let's begin with Bela (<3). She's been cooked and served in the past, we can officially describe her as the kinder, caring version of Miranda, the one that always has MC's back and viceversa, as confirmed by the devs with the Parallels Theory. I will quote Cinder in this:
"When MC is in need of care, Bela goes to their “territory” with soup to aid them despite “not caring”. Although she’s pissed, she still helps them when they need it, and they only go to Bela’s dorm when they’re both feeling better and have the capability of saying no. Bela goes to MC, not the other way around, and there is always a choice."
"When MC is in need of care, Miranda takes them to her home. It doesn’t even occur to her to take them back to their dorm where their friends are waiting and concerned. She takes them to her place, where she feels like she is most in control of her environment and how people function and there is barely a choice at all in the matter as MC is literally drugged out of their mind in her car. Eventually, they make it back to their dorm safe and sound, and they are taken care of well enough to not feel endangered." 
They have similar responses when caring for MC, completely parallel to each other, Bela for the better and Miranda for the worst. Which leads me to think, is there a possibility Miranda could have acted like Bela with Feather? That she once was the right side of the coin?
We know Miranda and Feather met in 1976, they crash into each other and even though Feather apologizes inmmediately, she's still met with a "Get out of my way." From Miranda. However, the very next piece of info we get on this flashback is this:
"You rear back, you know - somewhere in your bones - that she is mean. She has a propensity for cruelty, especially if someone wrongs her. It is the only way she has survived this long."
I find that last part quite interesting. It seems Miranda's cruelty very foundations come from external pressure, people wronging her, society perhaps? In the 70s and even up until today, misogyny was a very common factor in society, no doubt, something that could have affected Miranda. If keeping her mean persona up meant respect from others, it would only make sense to keep it on, this is further proved by another part of the same flashback:
"You have been balancing precariously in the realm between friends and more, but neither of you have wanted to risk the societal persecution that would follow if you were to be wrong."
Society continues to fuck things up I guess.
Anyways, back to Miranda can be kind ramble, Miranda personally searches for Feather to apologize. This is a version of Miranda we do not see with MC, however is a version we see Bela perform.
Which leads me to believe that Bela in reality represents the old Miranda, the one who would care for Feather and would no doubt fight her mean instincts to make her happy. The one who would be softer with Feather when away from prying eyes and judgmental voices that could very well destroy them both.
Interesting connections do NOT end here.
If Bela and Donna (talking about her a bit further in the post) can share traits with Miranda, who says the rest can't?
If there's someone people haven't talked enough about, it's Dani. Our girl is gathering dust, but why?
I began thinking about her, analyzing her route. Dani cannot fall in love, because she's cursed to become a beast when she does by Miranda. Her route is almost like a fairytale, isn't it? The friendliness, the sweetness, the way only MC can break the curse by choosing to stay (which is vastly different from Bela's route, in which if you choose to stay and support her, you get killed).
So, I began cooking with that. I think Dani is the perfect representation of young first love, the innocence that it brings and the cruelness of when it ends. Daniela is cursed to become a beast that brings a finale to her own fairytale.
She represents the monster you become when love has to end.
That clear, I believe that in this theory, Daniela represents Miranda's grief after losing not only Eva, but also Feather. Her young love, who was killed just a bit after her daughter. She would move the sun and the moon for them, create a cult of followers, create experiments and discover inmortality, she would make a beast out of herself just for them.
If Eva stayed, if Feather stayed, I assure you Miranda wouldn't have becomed the beast.
We move on to Cassandra, she is this social figure with big expectations for herself and even BIGGER dreams, that when they get destroyed by an outside force, she's willing to tear the world apart and even taint her hands in the blood of someone else, even when it's someone who helped her, to get them back. This is proven by her bad ending, where there's little to no hesitation on her side when Alcina suggests sacrificing people.
Are we seeing this? Cass loves theatre with all her heart, aspires to make a living of it, her dreams are based on this, if she loses it, if everything is destroyed? She doesn't back down and instead takes the next best decision, even if it's unreasonable and in turn destroys everything else.
Does this sound familiar? It better be because this is exactly what Miranda does, except she isn't inclined to theatre like Cass is, she's inclined to family and love. She's represents Miranda's ambition and determination and how willing she is to destroy the world for her Eva and her Feather, how Miranda never backed down even after countless resets, after years of the same shit, just for another chance.
Angie is next, and I believe she might be very important.
We see Angie on all routes, including her own, having a close relationship with vices and unhealthy coping mechanisms. On her cult ending, it's also revealed that Angie originally died with Claudia, and Donna in her despair went to Miranda, crafted a doll to Angie's appearence and gave it her soul.
This is going to sound far-fetched, but HEAR ME OUT-
I think Angie represents loss, she represents the unhealthy things Miranda continues to do, the vices and the willingness to put herself through everything to get back her daughter. Angie was brought back to life by a family member that couldn't stand the idea of being left behind, that would do anything to keep her by her side, no matter the sacrifice, Angie represents Miranda's purpose and mission to keep going in both RE8 and RL, Eva.
Which brings us to Donna being Miranda's mirror. This part has been cooked by Lee in the past, they both have the possesive side, the obsession, the desire to keep what is rightfully theirs, if we do not focus on MC, that would be Eva and Angie respectively. Donna would do ANYTHING for Angie, she kills, she sacrifices, poisons, and other questionable acts, if prompted she would definitely go Miranda lenghts. And she has technically, hasn't she? She brought Angie back, created a doll to fit her soul into, I'm sure if the doll hadn't been a possibility, she would have gone Miranda levels and broken time for her.
And to finish this huge ramble, let me talk about Worst Mother of the Year award winner Alcina Dimitrescu, who, for some reason, was difficult to wrap my head around.
You see, on @alexandroseleven post, you could very well see me struggling with her and eventually reach a conclusion, but let me explain it a bit further.
Alcina is a clear representation of two things, pride and failure. Throughout the routes we see how much she prides herself in what she has and her reputation, her power you might even say, on what she can do and the opportunity given to her by the cult. This is an influence she tries to give to her daughters, trying to guide them into Mother Miranda's hands, and only successfully convinces Cassandra.
In her route, we see her trying to desperately fix her relationship with her daughters (specially Daniela), however, at the very ending of her good ending, we see how she breaks it even further! Because she doesn't see the main source of the problem, which is her desire for her daughters to follow a path she's putting them on.
For all that, I believe Alcina represents Miranda's pride over her power, but also represents Miranda trying to fix what's already broken and the failures that come with it (aka, the thousand resets), not seeing that the main problem is she's not letting go.
Having explained and argumented everything, I can safely say I believe every character in this game is meant to represent a stage of Miranda's life. So yeah, everyone is Miranda :D
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That was me, that's my meal, it's burned on the edges but it's finally out of the pan.
Take these extra screenshots of us going crazy on Fungus Theory:
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kjlikesfemmetops · 9 months
95 Theses (Meower's version), Every one is a 7 Deadly Sin & Everything Theory is Connected
Part 2 my notes
Previous link here
Again thanks to @h-doodles @ravensuizo @zeleneagle @alexandroseleven
Bringing it home my my previous post, I consulted @alexandroseleven
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So in conclusion…the final of the screenshots. Everything is CONNECTED
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SO HAVE WE SOLVED IT? There are multiple themes to this story but we all agree it can have so many interpretations and layers. It was so fun to just analyze everything for 5 hours!
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zeleneagle · 9 months
95 theses (meowers version), grief, Pt1
By now you've seen us lose our collective minds over topics such as but not limited to: alcina slander, romeo and juliet, tragedy in resident lover, Cassandra™, and how everyone is Miranda. If you haven't, you can find the previous post by @ravensuizo here.
Which brings us to our next topic, grief, we start off with some absolute cookery by @lapisdemon22.
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This is followed by another round of people losing their minds (understandable I did the same)
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Here Lee aka @h-doodles links the stages of grief to each love interest, I will come back to this later to conclude my segment, for now I'll just let you keep reading what the girls cooked up.
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And so we loop back to Romeo and Juliet once more.
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And back to grief again.
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This bit by @alexandroseleven is just great, it ties our previous topics back together along with getting to another part of what makes Miranda so interesting. From the moment she's lost Eva and Feather she's been dealing with grief. Yet instead of working through it she just pushes forward and claws her way back up, regardless of what the universe intended she WILL get back what she lost, at the cost of everyone and everything around her.
Things just keep spiraling from here, going from grief to how the game could be seen as Miranda's purgatory.
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This then loops back to quantum physics and the multiverse theory. I hope the screenshots give you a bit of an idea but waking up to a 5 hour long literary analysis done by your fellow fans who are also Very Normal™ about this game is a special experience.
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And here ends the grief section of the convo. The next part leads into Grief And Hope which will be covered by @h-doodles instead. I did however have some additional stuff to add once I finally woke up. These will be added in the next post here. Since I'm at the limit for now
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h-doodles · 9 months
95 Theses (Meowers version) - Part IV: Grief AND Hope
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Every. Single. Day. I wake up, open tumblr, check on the moots, meow at the Resident Lover tag, and go insane. At least, that was my entire schedule this week, cooking and meowing SOME of the most ICONIC takes that definitely killed OR made YOU join in the insanity. Today I am so happy to share the fourth part of the 95 theses (Meowers version) regarding just how Grief AND Hope is THE theme, actually.
If you haven't read the previous part, check it out [HERE] to read before proceeding! Like the others, this will be FULL of screenshots, so just click on the picture for a clearer view. Once again, my thanks to the Meowers for meowing along with me &lt;;3 @alexandroseleven @ravensuizo @lapisdemon22 @zeleneagle @maxity666
@lapisdemon22 truly started the process by running us over about Cinder's favorite myth, Pandora's box:
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And proceeds to go in for the kill.
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We absolutely lost it during this time. WE WERE ABSOLUTELY ON FIRE, you could see ME, @lapisdemon22 AND @alexandroseleven taking turns with the realizations AND adding more and more cooking wine to the pan.
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Anyways, going back to the insanity, now with @ravensuizo present:
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its about when @alexandroseleven said: "Purgatory is meant to be a place of hope but also, as a consequence, a place of transformation and change. Hope is a part of tragedy, and a part of love as a consequence. To love is to be changed."; it's about when I implied: "When characters' hopes are killed, the cult ends are triggered and that's why they are bad-- The death of hope devolves them into a darker, baser instinct. On the flip side, when the characters place faith in hope, they trigger the good ends-- Holding onto hope eventually rewards and improves their lives altogether. Lastly, when the characters lose hope, but still let hope live, the neutral ends are triggered, resetting the board-- Everyone being back into purgatory to do it again, but at the same time, exists a possibility to be able to hold onto hope again, since they kept her alive."; and when @lapisdemon22 said: "IT'S ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE HOLD ONTO HOPE VS WHEN WE ABANDONED IT" --- That's it. That's THE POST!!!!!!!
If you're here, comment meow before doing anything else. And give yourselves a good pat on the back, you deserve it from sticking by throughout this whole process and absolute insanity that we've all just dropped!!!
Next and final part of the theses is in @lapisdemon22's hands, quick link to access under [HERE]. But before I go, I just want to give my adoration and ABSOLUTE awe to the rest of the current meowers group. There's truly just something about the vibes we all exude that we have the same OR related flavor of insanity <3
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zeleneagle · 9 months
95 theses (meowers version), grief, Pt2
As promised, here is some continuation on the previous post which you can find here.
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Upon rereading the previous conversations and actually being awake longer than 30 minutes I'll redo my previous assignments a bit.
Denial: Alcina, we see this best in how she handles cult related matters I think. She knows her daughters have been cursed yet denies the problem and does nothing. She most likely knows what she's doing isn't right yet she denies this to even herself and just keeps going. And in her bad end, when MC rejects her, she denies this too, and turns her into a statue so that she'll be with her forever anyway.
Anger: Cassandra, I think anger shines through most in her cult ending, the way cassandra deals with grief at first is to simply pull back completely. She hides away in the manor for weeks until her mother presents an opportunity to wipe away what happened and get a clean slate. It doesn't feel like she actually processes the grief and strikes out in anger. Killing the person she loves to wipe it all away.
Bargaining: Donna, I think we can see this best in how she deals with Angie dying. Instead of moving on she bargains with Miranda, she won't accept death and so turns her own niece into a doll. Also as a followup from @h-doodles: She knows that her relationship with mc in any route is a bargain. good end donna is possessive bc she know miranda lets her have mc in her clutches, and she knows the price of her actions on the next game. neutral end & cult end donna (from what i gleaned i STILL cannot be mean to her im so sorry) is that she is stuck between angie and mc. she is never free from being able to choose between them and that is why donna is bargaining. she will always have something to lose and she is stuck in that stage!!!!!!
Depression: Bela, her curse reminds me the most of depression, emotions numbed, going through the motions, still trying to feel despite all of it and frustrated with yourself for being trapped like this.
Acceptance: Angie, this little ball of sunshine feels like the very embodiment of acceptance. From the way she makes friends to accepting the flaws in people, the way she deals with grief, as we can see with Claudia, also seems to be one of the most well developed. While she still grieves her, she's also accepted that it's happened and moved on with her life.
Hope: Daniela, while I initially assigned Dani to Anger in my rambles I think she represents hope pretty well. Even after losing the relationships she has again and again she doesn't give up, she keeps hoping that eventually she'll find someone she can be with. I don't think Dani would be the same without that hope.
In conclusion
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You can find the next post here and the previous one here
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kjlikesfemmetops · 9 months
95 Theses (Meower's version), Everyone is a 7 Deadly Sin
Here to talk about how these characters from a visual novel game represent the 7 deadly sins! I have my own thoughts on this but I’m afraid to put it all in one post so there will be 2 separate posts.
Thanks to @h-doodles @zeleneagle @ravensuizo @alexandroseleven
Time to piggy back off this post by @h-doodles
It can be found (HERE)
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Here are the screenshots of us discussing this, and @alexandroseleven went HAM!
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Now my individual analysis in the following post-
I forgot to link it HERE
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