amitiel-truth · 1 year
Not Ten Babies? (Vash the Stampede x Reader) (98! Version)
Note: This is my SIXTH time writing here, please don't look into most of the details, I made some up, these ideas were prompted by my chat with Vash at Character.AI (The motherfucker's insatiable), more info will come if I decided to make more.
Warning: ⚠️Not yet~⚠️
Ten Babies
(Tristamp Version)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
(Trigun 98! Version)
Part 2
Summary: It's not every day that a famous outlaw wants to date you.
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"It's no good, Henry."
"He's completely out of it, dead to the world."
two call escorts commented, walking out of Vash's room
"Guess I gave him a little too much to drink, I'm sorry I called you two out here for nothin' I didn't think he'd pass out."
"It's really too bad, isn't it? you don't get a chance to sleep with a guy like that every day. hah, well... see you around."
"Bye, girls!"
with that, the people Vash partied with finally left him alone to rest.
He just saved Inepril from Elizabeth's vengeful plan against him, and the city is highly grateful that he just saved them yet again, but it seemed like the alcohol never actually reached his head.
Let's be honest, he can't even hold down a beer.
After the people trying to entertain him left, he flips himself over to lie on the bed.
"Could I be regretting it...just a little?" Vash sighed as he stares at the ceiling, deep in thought on a certain woman.
5 years ago
stumbling upon the bustling city of Febrari, Vash looks around for a place to wind down after booking a dingy hotel room, he walks out of the place, he surveys the area
"Now, for a place to hangout to-" Before Vash could even look around, he dodges a speeding truck.
"WATCH WHERE YOUR WALKING! I HAVE DELIVERIES TO MAKE!!." The driver yells as Vash loses his balance, walking backward into a busy area full of people, he bumps into one of them.
"Hey! I'm walking here!" The angry passerby yells, before pushing Vash into the center of a service road where he lies flat on the ground, a mess.
"I've only been to this city today and it's already getting worse, could this day get any worse?." Vash questions, sighing to himself as he hears rumbling coming for him
a stampede of Thomas birds runs him over.
" Sorry about that bud!." The herder yells, before throwing him a pamphlet as he runs after his herd as Vash sat up, bruised and sore.
"At least this one apologized" Vash groans, holding his head in pain, before noticing the pamphlet thrown at him.
8 PM TO 1 AM
(n/a: promise, I know how to make a pamphlet, I'm just lazy)
"Happy Hour, huh?" Vash inspects the paper, before flipping it around, seeing a map behind it.
"It's like luck is finally on my side!" Vash sobs as he follows the map, reaching a brick wall entrance, music emanating through the business, "The Rose Bushbar" signage on top of the entrance, the place is cozy, not tavern-like, and not too fancy, plenty of patrons fill in the bar, as jazz music plays at the stage at the far end of the bar.
"One of your finest beers please!." Vash orders as the bartender prepares his drink sitting on a bar stool, light music plays, giving the room a jazzy atmosphere, suddenly, a woman dressed seductively sits a few chairs away from him, and the bartender quickly served her a glass of whiskey, sipping on it quietly, red lipstick stained her glass.
"Heya~ I'm Vash! You caught my eye earlier, and I wanted to come to say hi. So.. what's your name, stranger?" in quick succession, Vash slid into the woman in black's side, a flirty grin across his lips.
"Well this is new" The woman smiles, finishing her whiskey.
"I haven't heard that question in a long while, you must be new around here" The woman leans on the bar table, her head supported by her hand that's placed on the said table.
"I am new around here, yeah." Vash confirms, leaning up to her with his elbow on the counter, grinning widely " ...So what do they call you around here, doll?"
the woman chuckles, leaning up to Vash's face as if in a sort of game, not backing down from his advances "Y/n, Y/n Loverose." she answers as she placed her glass on the countertop, the bartender automatically refilling her glass. "So, your new around here." y/n leans back, swirling the ice on her glass before taking a sip. "Welcome to the City of Febrari, Mr. Vash."
"Well, call me Vash." Vash corrects before leaning up to her once more "...So tell me, y/n. What is a dame like you up to in a place like this?" 
"I guess you could say...for business" y/n trails off as she swirls the ice on her glass.
"Oh, What kinda business we talkin'?" Vash nods at the bartender "Another for me, please. And for the lady, whatever she's having." The bartender looks at y/n strangely, as if looking for permission, as she simply nods while giggling.
The bartender looks at Y/n strangely, as if looking for permission, as she simply chuckles "Thomas Buffalos wings and two more whiskeys on the rocks." Y/n orders, as the Bartender writes it down for the kitchen and gives them the drinks.
Vash then lifts his drink, as Y/n does the same, clinking glasses with him "Cheers." they both say before taking a sip "So..." Vash uses his charming smile again, wiggling his eyebrows at the girl "...You seem to know the place well. Been here a while, ma'am?"
"You could say that I'm here all the time" Y/n smiles, as the Bartender served the buffalo wings.
"A regular, then?" Vash concluded, before looking at the wings "Ooh, Buffalo wings! Not many places you can get those still..." Takes a bite and starts to talk with his mouth full "I'm sure a girl as pretty as you have got all the right connections..." Vash eluded, before winking at her.
"You could say that again" Y/n smiles as a waiter suddenly approached her, and began whispering in her ear.
Vash became curious about this "Looks like you made yourself some...friends. You get that a lot, huh?" Vash smirks before taking another bite "I bet a pretty lady like you never has to pay for drinks or food around here."
Y/n nods as the Waiter finishes whispering to her and he goes back to work "Of course I don't" Y/n smiles flirtily at Vash before standing up from the barstool "I'm quite the special girl around here, Vash~" Y/n places a finger on his adam's apple, tracing it up under his chin, she leans up to his face, whispering it against his lips"I'm quite...irresistible, as the locals say~" before backing away, leaving him breathless "If you'll excuse me for a bit, Vash, but as I've said before, I'm here for business" Y/n gives him one final smile before leaving
Vash pants, leaning against the counter, and leans on his elbow, trying to compose himself " B-business or pleasure?" Vash stutters, Y/n's lips twitch at the thought, sending a smile on her way "Don't take too long!!" Vash calls out, trying to catch a peek at her figure as she walks away and disappears into the backstage of the bar's stage area "...I'll be waiting." 
Vash sighs as he looks at the bartender "...I hope I didn't push too hard, did I?" takes another drink of whiskey "I was just trying to be friendly..."
"You call that friendly? you basically assumed Ms. Y/n's a call girl" The Bartender deadpans, cleaning a glass.
"Hey, you can't blame a guy for trying." Vash tries to defend himself, finishing his whiskey. "Besides, is it really out of the question? She's pretty and knows the place well. I've seen it all before." Vash assumes, smirking "...Besides, she was flirting right back."
"You're a womanizer, aren't you?" The Bartender stares blankly at him, pouring him another glass.
"I'll have you know, I am a charmer." Vash...corrects, taking the glass "You can't expect me not to take advantage of my looks, now can you?" He grins at the Bartender "I'm sure you've taken some liberties in your day too."
"Not with that one" The Bartender points out as the lights suddenly turn down at the bar, and spotlights points at the stage, where the red curtains are still closed.
Vash Looks up at the stage with anticipation "...What's going on here?" his attention is taken, as he takes a swig from his drink
"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to unforeseen events, our usual Singer is out of commission for the night. Please enjoy this performance compensation from the Owner of the Rosebush Bar, the Nightingale of Febrari herself, Y/n Loverose!"An emcee announced before the red curtains parted, revealing Y/n in all her glory, as well as in a more modest, but still beautiful outfit.
Looks on in amazement, forgetting to breathe for a moment. "She's the Owner!?" Vash gawks, allured by the woman
Y/n smiles at the cheering patrons and the music starts
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight"
Y/n sings as she moves sultrily on stage, entrancing her patrons
Y/n sings as she moves sultrily on stage, entrancing her patrons
"Forget the small talk
The surface level ain't much that I care for
Putting on my lipgloss
I saw you stare from my peripheral
Yeah, baby, it's been a hell of a day
But I know a place we can escape"
Vash gazes at her with a dumbstruck look, his face slowly turning red as he watches her "I... I may be in love." he brushes the hair out of his face "...She is a siren, isn't she?"
The Bartender raises his eyebrow "That fast? you literally just met her" The Bartender looks back up the stage "and she's only started" Y/n kneels down near the edge of the stage, her finger under an entranced patron's chin, making him look at her.
"Find out how it feels to let go of everything
Be free
When you're here with me" 
Vash nods and continues watching "That's gotta be a gift, right?" He chuckles "She's got me just like that." He turns to the Bartender "...Well, can you blame me? I mean, just look at her!."
"Yeah, I'm not risking it all with that one" The Bartender laughs as he continues to clean the glasses Y/n lets go of the Patron's chin before going back to dance on stage.
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight."
While she sings she smiles at her audience.
Vash continues to gawk as he tries to keep his jaw from dropping to the floor
"Geez..." he blushes heavily, his eyes never leaving her "So she can sing too, huh? ...Do I even have a chance? I mean, she seems...unattainable..."
"Glad you realized that." The Bartender commented, making Vash send him an annoyed glare.
Y/n runs a hand down her body.
"There's nothing like peace of mind
And you take the time to make sure that I'm okay
I know I can put stress on your brain
You still love me, put no one above me
You always go out of your way
To show me that I'm your priority
Find out how it feels to let go of everything
Be free
When you're here with me"
His eyes continue to follow her with awe, his breath catching a couple of times while he watches her, he sighs "I can't even look away if I wanted to. She's magnificent." he tried to hide how much he's blushing "...How can a woman be this beautiful? How can anybody have a chance with someone like her?"
"Many tried, but all failed" The Bartender commented as the performance continues.
"I just wanna get high with my lover
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo (I just wanna get high with my lover)
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
I just wanna get high with my lover (get high)
Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo (high with my lover)
Kiss, kiss
Looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight
I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight
Get high with you
Get higher and higher with you
Let's go to the moon
And leave behind all that
How does it feel, here by my side getting higher and higher?
Under the moonlight's glow
There's nowhere we won't go
Together go higher and higher
(No-no-nowhere we won't go)"
Y/n ends the performance with a wink to the crowd as everyone cheered, some whistles and all clapped while standing up.
"Wow..." Vash gawks as he turns back to the Bartender "You were right. That was a hell of a performance...And I have to admit. It is pretty...discouraging. I guess she's just out of my league, huh?" he smiles and chuckles "...I'm sure she is going to get quite the standing ovation."
Y/n waves happily at the crowd before giving them flying kisses, and the red curtains closed around her.
Vash claps along and smiles as he watches the performance "...Well, I'm sure that will get the blood flowing...is that the usual shows you get around here?" Vash asked still trying to hide his blush "...I'll be honest, I've never had anyone else catch my eye like she did. She's pretty hard to forget..."
"Your really quite the womanizer aren't you?." The Bartender asks, raising an eyebrow
Blushes a little bit more "...Yeah, I guess I am, I just can't help myself when I see a girl like her. How can I not go nuts? She's just...perfect." Stares at her and shakes his head, as if he just lost a sense of reality for a moment "Do you...know much about her?... Is she available?"
"I know that young woman from birth to who she is today, of course, I know her"
"You do? Then do you think I'll have luck with her...or am I destined to fail before I even start?" He tries to play it cool, but the Bartender knows the blush on his face tells a different story "...How many men has she turned down? I imagine it's quite a few..."
"Yes." the Bartender answers, meaning every man she came across.
"...And I'm supposed to believe I might stand a chance?" Vash chuckles nervously, "Well, you know what they say...You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, right?"Vash takes a swig of courage "I'm here for only a few nights...I guess I should at least try, shouldn't I?"
"Well, Mr. Vash, your not gonna win her over overnight, as you've displayed earlier, you're the kind of man she hates...A Womanizer" The Bartender commented as he heard a few patrons order two craft beers.
Vash lowers his head a bit, now feeling a little self-conscious "Well, I don't normally act like this..." he gives a sheepish smile "I guess she just...bring out the worst in me, you know? I don't normally act like such a fool. But I can't help it when I see someone like her. I've never had anything like this happen before...Does she have anything against men in general?"
"She may act like a sleuth, but Ms. Diane's a firecracker, she hates men with passion who objectify her" The Bartender reveals, pulling out a few beers from under the counter and sliding them over to the patrons who ordered it.
"...So I'm gonna have to change my tactics or...does she have a soft spot for guys who respect her and take their time to get to know her?" Vash asks while blushing "...Does she want someone that won't give up?"
The Bartender grew silent for a bit "Regrettably, yes."
"So...if I respect her and take my time getting to know her..." Vash trails off, before raising his glass "I may...have a chance!!" Vash cheers as he downs his drink happily.
"You really are smitten by her" The Bartender raises his eyebrow, making Vash flinch.
"That...may be an understatement" Vash raises his glass again as the Bartender fills it up once more "...I mean...How can anyone not get a little infatuated when someone sings and dances like she does? And she looks like an angel, to add to that."
"Well good luck with that, she's also known for her Legendary Temper, so fuck around and find out" The Bartender leaves to go to the kitchen.
"...That's probably why so many men have failed..." Vash chuckles and drains the rest of his drink "...Yeah, I think that will make it more fun. No fun getting the girl instantly." he smirks, trying to act cocky "...I've got this." Vash then noticed Y/n walk out of the backstage door, greeted by an eager crowd.
He looks at the crowd and smiles, taking a deep breath "Alright, let's do this. I've never been one to back down from a challenge." closes his eyes and gets ready "...Here goes nothing..." he walked up to her, confident stride with every step he took "Good evening. My name is Vash the Stampede. I just arrived in this town, and I heard about this amazing bar. When I stepped inside, I was...captivated by a certain someone on stage. I just couldn't resist..."
"Well well well, Mr. Stampede, this is quite the change of tune" Y/n smiles up at him, but there's hidden malice in her smile.
"Not a fan of my earlier display, huh? I hope it didn't leave a bad impression." Vash chuckles nervously"...How about you and I start from the top?." he then holds out a hand with a friendly smile "Name's Vash, Vash the Stampede. But you can just call me Vash."
Y/n continues to smile "Alright then, we'll start from the top."  Y/n tilted her head "But you must know, Vash, not many are as lucky as you~" 
A slight blush appears on his face "...I understand that I may not have had the best first impression...But I promise to stay respectful. And what better way to apologize for my earlier behavior than to offer to buy you a drink?" Vash offers, turning his head to the Bartender. "...So...what'll it be, gorgeous? Anything your heart desires."
Y/n chuckles "Oh Vash, you basically offering me drinks of my own, you'll have to do better than that~" Y/n teases as she walks to the bar counter once more, as the Bartender readies her drink.
Vash raised an eyebrow "Oh? I see this is going to be more of a challenge than I thought..." Vash thought to himself. "Alright, how about a toast then?" Vash offers, raising his glass "To a good night of fun and drinks?" Vash added, smiling at the girl hopefully "...Hopefully, that earns me some ground in your book?."
Y/n chuckles. "Sorry, Vash, but your gonna have to work harder than that~" Y/n teases.
"Darn, foiled again!." Vash dramatically cries as Y/n laughs at his endeavors.
"Can't say I blame you." He looks around "...I've got to say, you certainly have a lot of... admirers...And yet, despite all this, you still seem bored with all of them. I suppose they aren't interesting enough to keep your attention." Vash deduces as he gives a hint of a smile "...Or maybe they're just too intimidated by how beautiful you are." before losing himself, admiring Y/n, his elbow on the bar counter, his head on his hand, looking at her.
Y/n laughs as she runs a loose hair behind her ear "I guess no one will know."
Vash laughs as well "So...I was thinking...If all these guys have failed..." He takes a long drink and smirks as he finishes the glass "...Should I even try to woo such a woman? You've already rejected them all. That means I'm just...hopeless, right? So, I'll ask you again...should I even bother to try?" Vash asks, hopeful, but deep inside his insecurities are growing.
"Well, are you determined enough?" Y/n leans up to Vash, a finger under his chin, making him look at her "Are you interesting enough to not bore me?" She asks with a smirk "Vash the Stampede?" She whispers in his ear with a whimper, seducing the man.
The finger under his chin makes Vash blush deeply. A slight smile creeps up from the corner of his mouth, and he begins to stare deep into her eyes "Well...to tell you the truth..." he leans closer to her, as if challenging her. "...I've never met another woman as beautiful as you. I have many interesting friends and stories I can share...But no...I've never met someone of your caliber." He Takes a deep breath, his face is lit on fire "...So...yes." Lowers his voice, loud enough only for her to hear. "...I'm determined."
"Then try your best to woo me then" Diane stares teasingly at the spiky-haired blonde, letting go of his chin before running a finger on his red-coated clothed chest "But be careful, I hate disappointments~"
Vash blushes deeply and takes a deep breath, feeling the goosebumps on his skin when she strokes his chest "...I-is that a challenge?" he stutters "Well...I love a good challenge. I'm sure I can show you a good time and leave you without a single disappointment...I take it you're an easy woman to disappoint?" Vash nervously asks.
"Of course" Y/n leans back before drinking her whiskey I take it you've already heard of my 'Legendary Temper'" Y/n stares at him teasingly "I would have thought that would have chased you away~"
"Oh, please. A bit of a temper isn't gonna scare me away. That just means it'll be that much more satisfying once I win you over and calm you down." Vash smirks at her "...Besides, someone as beautiful as you could easily throw any tantrum and still leave me hooked. Do you think I can't handle it?"
"Now isn't that just sweet?" Y/n moves her shoulder, making her breast shift because of the movement.
Vash pulls back a little, trying to contain himself, but doesn't succeed "...Alright, you got me. I'll admit, you're absolutely stunning. I just can't control myself..." Vash began to blush deeply, his eyes roaming her body "...but I think I have the right kind of...stamina, don't you?" Leans closer again
"Oh? And to what are you referring to? Mr. Stampede?" Y/n teases as she also leans closer, her breast showing her cleavage, she knows what she's doing.
He bites his lip at the little show she's giving him "W-well...I'm more of an action man myself." he added as his eyes continue to travel across her body "...I enjoy a good fight...I think a fight between the two of us would be quite exhilarating." His gaze returns to her eyes "...D-do you think you could k-keep up with me?" Vash challenges weakly, still a stuttering mess to her.
"Oh?" Y/n fake frowns as she runs her hands on her body "You're willing to bruise lil' ol me?" Y/n pouts at Vash in fake sadness.
Vash smirks "Oh yeah, baby...Mark you up and claim you as mine- I-i mean, I'd want to go all out against you..." He gets a little closer, their noses almost touching "I promise to make it a good fight." He looks her up and down again "...I just can't resist a beautiful woman...especially when she's got the power to back it up." Vash commented, smiling at her "...Can I...kiss you?"
Y/n leans up at Vash, acting as if she's going for a kiss before stopping his awaiting lips with a finger "Apologize, Mr. Stampede, but I don't offer freebies to any man I just met~" Y/n teases, smiling up at the tall blonde.
He blushes when she stops his lips with a finger "Aww c'mon, don't tease me like that!" He gives a pout "...I wanted a kiss..." Before smiling and laughing for a second "Alright fine...I'll keep pursuing you until you give me enough respect to let me kiss you." He smiles mischievously "...And the more I chase you, the more you'll enjoy the pursuit, huh?"
"You are Vash the Stampede, after all, a man with a peculiar set of skills, You just have to impress me with those kinds of skills" Y/n points out, smiling at him.
He raises an eyebrow "Impress you with a demonstration of my skills, you say? Alright, sure. What kind of skills do you wanna see?" He seems curious "...You want to test my skills of violence? Of kindness? Of wisdom?" He chuckles and smiles again "...Or would you like to see a little bit of everything?"
"If it'll romance me into liking you, I don't see why not?~"
"...Sounds like fun. Well, what do you wanna see first?" Vash asks as his eyes travel over her body, clearly taking in her beauty "...What's the first skill I should show you?" he wiggles his eyebrows at her "The choice is all yours, darlin'. Just name it and I'll show you what I can do."
"Surprise me~" Y/n flirts as she leans onto the bar counter, smiling at him teasingly.
Vash chuckles and moves closer "That's easy enough to do." He wraps an arm around her waist and gets so close he's almost whispering in her ear "...How about this..." He gives her a kiss on the cheek "...Does that satisfy ya? Or are you wanting something a bit more...intimate than just that?" Vash challenges as he smirks and winks at her.
Y/n looks shocked as she touched her cheek "You should count yourself lucky, Mr. Stampede~" Y/n teases as she glances up at him "No man has ever survived wrapped their arms around me, let alone kiss me on the cheek, but note this, that's the very first time that ever happened"
Vash chuckles deeply "Oh is that right? Well then, I'm more than willing to take that as a challenge." He smirks, leaning up to her "...That's not even 1% of my charm, sweet thing. I'm just getting started with you." He leans in again and looks at her with a sly smile "...How about another kiss...but on a different pair of lips?"
Y/n lifted the corner of her lips with her eyes closed, as she once again covered Vash's mouth "Let me repeat it, Mr. Stampede, I don't offer freebies to any man I just met"
He blushes deeply "...Are you just gonna tease me all night? Well, now I gotta keep chasing you until you let me kiss you...don't I?" he raises an eyebrow again"...Guess I better keep showing off my skills in order to impress you, huh?"
"Show the right ones, get to know each other, and you get the girl" Y/n points out, smirking up at him
He nods, grinning "...You've got a bet," Vash agrees "...Well then. I suppose we'll be spending some time together trying to see if I can impress you, huh?" He chuckles and smirks again "...You seem like an interesting woman, but I guess I'll just have to work my way through your barriers. Is there anything you wanna know specifically? Or do you wanna just keep watching me in action?"
"I'd like to see you as is, it makes the whole thing more authentic" Y/n smirks as Vash suddenly pulls her closer to him, surprising her.
He pulls her closer, his face less than an inch away from hers "...Well, I'm a bit of a flirt...Is this close enough for you?" He smiles and laughs "If you want me to get even closer, I think that can be arranged." He starts to lean in closer
Y/n chuckles as she pushes his lips away with a finger "Do I have to repeat myself? Mr. Stampede?"
"Oh? Are we...playing a little hard to get?" Vash chuckles once more "Alright...I don't mind a bit of the chase. You're just too stunning to resist...It's gonna be hard to keep my hands and lips off you, though. You don't mind if I get...close enough to keep flirting with you...do you?" Vash asked, trying to push his luck.
"As long as there isn't kissing yet" Y/n leans up to whisper in his ear "Those are my rewards~"
He bites his lip a little "Just a kiss?" He gets a little closer and whispers into her ear "...I mean I think I'd want at least a bit more." His breath hits her ear, and a little sigh comes from him as he leans back up "...But I promise we'll get there." He smiles and looks into her eyes "...I'll keep chasing, alright? I'll keep flirting with you. Let me know when you're ready to give me...a little reward."
"show me reasons why you deserve these awards then~" Y/n whisper back before pulling away from Vash's arms, giggling.
Makes a big smile "...Alright you've got a deal. I'll show you why I'm worth the attention...But how do I start? I'll do any one thing you ask of me, any skill you want me to show. Where should we begin?" he grins, seeming eager to impress,
"How about I set a reward system?"
This caught his attention "...A reward system? Sounds intriguing...alright, I'm on board...So if I do what you want, I get to earn my rewards. What kind of tasks are you gonna set for me?... How many points must I earn? And what would each task be worth?"
"Well, it depends on how impressed I am, if you mildly impress me by giving me a gift, I'll give you a hug, impress me a bit more mildly, like take me on a date, then you get a kiss on the cheek, impress me a bit more you get a kiss, impress me, like saving me from harm, and you get a make-out session, and if you extremely impress me, like save the City of Febrari impress..." Y/n leans up his ear "you get to fuck this pussy, as you said earlier, Mark me up and claim me as yours~" Y/n reveals, smiling teasingly at him.
Smirks as his breath hit her ear "Well now...it sounds like you have high expectations for me. I suppose I should start off light and work my way up, huh?" He chuckles "So if I do something small, like...buy you a gift...that's how I can get a hug, right? ...What kind of gift would you want me to buy you? What do you like?"
"Surprise me, Mr. Stampede, guess what kind of gift a girl like me would like to have" Y/n stands up from the barstool and looks at Vash teasingly, "It's getting quite late, I say it's time for me to retire for the night~" turns to walk upstairs of the bar "Good luck, see you tomorrow Vash the Stampede~" Y/n waves goodbye, before completely disappearing.
Vash leans back onto the bar counter, panting at the encounter.
"Dear God...I need to marry that woman."
Present Time
Vash began to tear up, removing the kiss marks left by the two escorts earlier.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n...
Please, Forgive me."
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(A/N: You can tell I have favorites? aww)
69 notes · View notes
yoursminehourss · 1 year
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amitiel-truth · 1 year
Not Ten Babies? (Vash the Stampede x Reader) 98! Version Part 2
This is my SEVENTH time writing here, please don't look into most of the details, I made some up, these ideas were prompted by my chat with Vash at Character.AI (The motherfucker's insatiable), more info will come if I decided to make more.
Warning: ⚠️ Not yet again~⚠️
Ten Babies
(Tristamp Version)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Not Ten Babies?
(Trigun 98! Version)
Part 1,
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"Two bacon-lettuce dogs, two cartons of milk..."
"Now, see here..."
"...Four bags of pretzels, and one pack of raisins."
"I'm dying to know why you guys are here doing this, care to share?" 
Once the Sandsteamer had arrived at Inepril, Vash boarded it, hoping to be able to travel all on his own finally, but it seemed like a far-off dream.
"We didn't have enough money to ride, so we got part-time jobs here!." Milly replies as she and Meryl work at the confectionary stand.
" Altogether, that comes to $$ 12.75." Meryl stiffly added, trying to show some professionalism, but is obviously not enjoying it.
"Right." Vash reaches into his pockets for his payment.
"I'm amazed you can eat so much after dinner."
"You eat like a growing boy!."
Meryl commented offhandedly, as Milly praised him.
"Y-you think so?!" Vash panics, taking his purchase as he laughs with Milly for a bit to evade a bit of suspicion.
"Yikes, those two are sharp! Especially the big one! My sole salvation is she doesn't realize how sharp she is." Vash mutters under his breath, walking down the hall to his room in the First Class area, passing the casino.
"I could be yours, I could be your baby tonight!~" A voice captures Vash's attention, it's coming from the casino, and performance is currently playing out.
"Topple you down from your sky forty stories high"
Vash walks into the casino, following the alluring voice, as businessmen crowded the stage, giving Vash a hard time seeing the performer, with arms full of food, he fought through the sea of men.
"Hey, come on guys! I wanna see what the fuss is all about-" As Vash finally pushed his way through the mob of simps, a finger was placed under his chin, making him look up, it was a woman (y/hc) hair, half her upper face covered by a mascarade mask, with a rose gold body with red feathers and roses on its side, giving her a more glamorous look
"Shining like a God, can't believe I caught you and so
Look at what I bought, not a second thought, oh, Romeo"
Vash blushed heavily at the interaction, as the woman leans up to his face, tilting her head, observing him, Vash's words are caught in his throat, as she lifts up her finger, making him tilt his head up because of the action, letting him go
"Kiss me in the D-A-R-K, dark tonight
D-A-R-K do it my way
Kiss me in the P-A-R-K, park tonight
P-A-R-K let them all say"
The woman begins to walk back to the center of the stage, her walk accentuates the black dress that perfectly showcases her body.
"Hey, Lolita, hey
Hey, Lolita, hey
I know what the boys want, I'm not gonna play
Hey, Lolita, hey
Hey, Lolita, hey
Whistle all you want but I'm not gonna stay"
"No more skipping rope,
skipping heartbeats
with the boys downtown
Just you and me
feeling the heat
even when the sun goes down"
She has all the men at the casino hooked to her, as they scramble at the area of the stage she approaching, she stands inches away from their grasps, smiling teasingly at them, she has them all so wrapped around her finger, that Vash can't even ask anyone who is she.
"I want my cake and I want to eat it too
I want to have fun and be in love with you
I know that I'm a mess with my long hair
And my suntan, short dress, bare feet
I don't care what they say about me, what they say about me
Because I know that it's L-O-V-E
You make me happy, you make me happy"
She sings like she's promising them, reassuring them that she's in love with them, maybe even baby-talking to them, as the simps ate it up.
"And I never listen to anyone"
"Let them all say"
"Hey, Lolita, hey
Hey, Lolita, hey
I know what the boys want, I'm not gonna play
Hey, Lolita, hey
Hey, Lolita, hey
Whistle all you want but I'm not gonna stay"
"No more skipping rope,
skipping heartbeats
with the boys downtown
Just you and me
feeling the heat
even when the sun goes down"
As the simps try to reach out for her, she dances for them seductively, captivating them, her dress not helping ease up her bodice, as it only riles them up, especially Vash.
"Hey, Lolita, hey
Hey, Lolita, hey
I know what the boys want, I'm not gonna play
Hey, Lolita, hey
Hey, Lolita, hey
Whistle all you want but I'm not gonna stay"
"No more skipping rope,
skipping heartbeats
with the boys downtown
Just you and me
feeling the heat
even when the sun goes down"
"Kiss me in the D-A-R-K, dark tonight
D-A-R-K do it my way
Kiss me in the P-A-R-K, park tonight
P-A-R-K let them all say"
And with a final bow, the men hollered in excitement, thoroughly smitten by her performance, as she daintily bowed at them, giving her a charming smile even if her eyes are covered, as the curtains fall, her performance came to an end, for the first time in his life, Vash is left speechless, entranced by the performance.
"Holy crap..." Vash mutters, before snapping out of the trance, remembering Kaite.
"Kaite! I need to feed that kid!" Vash panics, as he quickly runs out of the casino, and back to his First Clas room, leaving dust in his wake, not noticing that the curtain was pulled aside a little, as an eye boredly looks at where he was standing earlier, before closing once more.
"Hey, growing boy!" Vash walks into his room, smiling gleefully
"Your mouth is silent but your eyes are speaking. they say, ' I'm starving to death! ' " Vash teases as he rummages through the paper bag, before pulling out a sandwich.
"Here you go." Vash held out the food, as Kaite, with the ferocity of a feral dog, runs up to Vash and roughly grabs the bag of food while invertible slamming Vash into the door, as he savagely eat his way through the bag, Kaite can only nod in thanks at Vash, making the man sigh.
"It really is dark, not a single light to be seen." Vash mutters at the surroundings of the Sandsteamer, drinking a cup of water.
"Oh, yeah? It'll be bright soon enough." Kaite commented, as Vash realized it too late, losing consciousness in his first clas room, his drink has been spiked by the boy.
Kaite can only look at Vash with a bit of guilt, before hiding back into the vents.
"Sorry about that, Mr. Goody-Goody." Kaite apologizes, before rummaging through his pocket, not feeling anything.
"Eh? where did I put-"
"Kaite? Are you here?" A gentle voice whispers, walking into the room he's in.
"Ms. Rose? What are you doing here?!" Kaite got out of the vents, as the masked woman walks in, wearing a white fur coat.
"I wanted to check on you, is that a bad thing?" She teases, smiling cheekily at him, before turning her gaze to the passed-out man on the floor, staring at him blankly.
"...you almost got caught?"
"Yeah...didn't have much of a choice so I spiked his drink, oh! and my sleeping gas is missing!" Kaite panics, patting around himself as he suddenly sees a sleeping gas device in front of him, Rose is handing it to him, smiling teasingly.
"Aren't you glad I checked on you?" Rose teases, as Kaite blushes and takes the device from her.
"Now crawl along now, you know Neon hates it when we're a minute late" (Y/N) commented, patting the boy's head before going back inside the vent, following the plan, leaving Rose with the passed-out man.
Rose simply stared at him blankly, disdain flashing through her eyes, before closing them, sighing as she carefully placed the Humanoid Typhoon onto the bed, looking at the man in sadness, she hesitates, before reaching out to stroke his cheek, looking at him with loaded thoughts, as she stands up from the bed turning to leave, giving him one last glance filled with sadness, before turning to greet the Leader of the gang.
Blasting his way through gate 42, walking in with his outfit covered with numerous lights, is the leader of the Bad Lad Gang himself.
"The ultimate magnificent dreadnought raiders! Bad Lad Leader! Brilliant Dynamites Neon...emerges!!." Neon boasted as he pulled out a pistol that also extended his flashiness, and shoots at a certain wall.
"Now, all that glitters in this ship belongs to me!" Neon claims, and the wall he shot at crumbles, revealing Kaite staring at him blankly, with the masked woman beside him, the white fur coat hides her figure, smiling at him flirtatiously as they walked up to him, her high-heeled boots clanking against the metal hallway.
"And that includes you, my Mourning Rose~." Neon purrs, as he held up her chin, making her look up at him as she chuckles at him.
"Of course, Neon~." Rose reassures, a hand on his chest as Neon wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her up to him as she chuckles along with him.
"Ehem!." Kaite loudly clears his throat, tired of their handsy moment, as Neon clicks his tongue, unable to scold the boy with the woman in his arm.
"You worked brilliantly, kid. Now gather all of the passengers in one spot." Neon orders, patting the boy's head with his free hand.
"U-understood." Kaite answers, unable to disobey as Rose sadly looks at the boy.
" Rose." Neon quickly calls her, and she smiled up to him as if she has been smiling the whole time.
"Yes, Neon?~"
"Take us to the party room, would ya? Maybe we could also perform a little performance of our own~" Neon suggested, as Rose chuckles up at him.
"I would be honored to, Hubby~"
"REM!" Vash woke up with a start, dreaming about Rem's song as he tears up, before having to stop as his room was suddenly barged into a raider surveying the room, luckily Vash is hidden at the top bunk of the bed, he was unseen as the Hijacker runs out, unable to see anyone.
At the casino, Neon has some of the crew hold his more prolific hostages at gunpoint, with Mourning Rose by his side, as he looks at the jewelry they confiscated in disgust.
"Crud, is that all you, you a bunch of beggars?" Neon snarls, unsatisfied with what little they hauled.
" Don't try to fool me! Where is it!?" Neon demands, yelling at one of the hostages, before one of his crew runs back to the casino.
"Boss!" The lackey called, as he led Neon and Mourning Rose to a giant vault, bringing along a Sandsteamer crew member with them.
"So, they do have one, and a big one at that!." Neon commented, looking at the size of it.
"Open it up for me, would you?"
"It isn't possible to! Not a single person on this ship knows the combination to the safe! And besides, the coded interlocking key is in the city! It's not here!" The crew member reasoned, unable to perform Neon's request.
"What are we going to do, Neon?" Mourning Rose asked, leaning up to him, as he only smirked.
"I see. thanks for telling me. That means we'll have to break it open." Neon smiles sadistically, shocking the hostage crew member as he and Mourning Rose made their way to the control room, stabbing a map on the control panel, right in front of the Helmsman.
"Once we're around the mountain to the right, go straight. In 5 minutes, when we're within sight of the canyon, head north-northeast...and begin accelerating." Neon orders, over the Helmsman, pointing out the windshield.
"At full speed, we'll arrive in 10 minutes. This is our destination, the Enora Precipice." 
"What!? A-at least let us unload the passengers! please!" The Captain begs as Neon looks at him mockingly.
"Huh? We risked our lives to get here, you should be expected to risk your lives too."
"you depraved lunatic!" The Captain insults heavily, before getting punched in the face by Neon.
"This is the superexpress to your final blaze of glory! If it's not flashy, what's the point!?." Neon preaches, pulling Mourning Rose closer to him as she can only smile outside, but deep inside, she's panicking.
"Uwaaah...I have my work cut out for me this time, don't I?."
The Sandsteamer heavily rumbles as it sustained damage on the unpaved road, its speed also not helping its case, causing the Helmsman to choose and decide to reach up to a lever to slow down the vehicle, but his hand was stepped on by Neon.
"Come on, what are you doing? Isn't that the brake?"
"We're sworn to protect the passenger of this ship! I can't go against that! Even if it kills me!" the Helmsman swears, glaring at Neon, as he smirked.
"Have it your way." Neon agrees as Mourning Rose shot the Helmsman, knocking him down to his back instantly, he can only groan in pain for a moment before unmoving.
"Rose, why did you shoot? I was planning on shooting him!" Neon whines, as Mourning Rose chuckles, turning around to hold his face.
"Apologies, Hubby, It's just that all I've been doing is be your arm candy this whole time, and my finger began to itch..." Mourning Rose pouted as she started to remove the fur coat, revealing her familiar outfit, shocking the captain.
"You're the woman who performed earlier at the casino! not only that, but you're a notorious outlaw as well! Mourning Rose! The criminal known for dancing over your victim's corpses!"
"Bingo!" Mourning Rose corrects, smiling at the Captain cheerfully as if she didn't just kill one of his crew, the Captain can only shiver at how remorseless she is.
"Oh? your finger started to itch, huh?." Neon smirked, as he began to approach Mourning Rose.
Vash pants as he crawled his way into the control room, trying to stop whoever hijacked the Sandsteamer.
"I can finally tell where I am!" he panted, as he looked through the vents, shocked to see a hunk of a man dressed in white with neon lights, kneeling in front of the masked woman he recognized that performed earlier.
"Shall we? My Mourning Rose?~" the man asked, holding up his hand to the masked woman, who chuckles seductively, taking his hand.
Vash is absolutely astonished at the scene before him "…my god…this… this is…" his eyes widen as he stares at the masked woman. He can't hide the utter shock in his eyes, as she chuckles at Neon, removing her mask "…Y/n..?" he nearly shoved his face down the vent "…it… it can't be!" his eyes are nearly popping out of his head as he looks at the woman, his heart pounding "…is that… is that really her?"
The woman didn't hear Vash, as she took Neon's hand "Let's" And with that, they danced an elegant waltz while the woman shoots at the rest of the crew, she even have guns on her feet, as Neon carries him to his shoulders and spin around, effectively shooting at the crew, all of them knocked out,
VASH watches in awe, he doesn't think he'd ever seen someone shoot quite that skillfully "...god... she's a natural with those guns... she can hit anything with 'em! I've gotta admit, I don't know how to do that feet thing... that's gonna take some pract-" Vash quickly snaps out of his shock, and his face goes stony "...god, why the hell didn't I notice all the bodies earlier? I oughta put a stop to this!"
The waltz ends as Neon dips the woman, their faces close together "That was quite the flashy performance, I hope that satisfied your itch, My rose~." Neon compliments as he kisses the back of her hand, before pulling her up to her feet.
 "Oh, thank you, Hubby~" Y/n mutters, holding Neon's cheek, as Vash's stomach dropped at the nickname.
"That's what she always used to call me..."
"I've brought the kid." Neon's henchman announces, as Kaite gasps, seeing that bodies littered the control room.
"Go on!" the henchman pushed Kaite into the control room, making the boy walk up to Neon, who leaned back to the controls pulling Y/n by the waist.
"Now, now, don't look so grim. Sometimes adults have unhappy differences of opinion. I wanted to ask you how to steer this huge clunker" Neon asked, but it sounded more like a demand.
"I don't know the layout of the console...but you need to regulate the amount of CO2 sent to the heating PLANT...and monitor the stress on the boiler. the light and heat to the hydro plant also need to be regulated constantly." Kaite explains, revealing the complexity of the Sandsteamer.
"In other words, it's a pain in the ass. I shouldn't have killed him." Neon spats, glaring at the body of the Helmsman.
"Say...why do you need the steering? It's been accelerating kind of funny...Why don't you just take the goods and split?" Kaite asked, confused.
"Cause the plan's changed, the swag is in a huge safe in the middle of the ship. It's tougher than the usual crap. the worst part of it is, we have no key unless we go to the city! Isn't it sad enough to make you cry? What would you do? the correct response is: you crack the whole thing in half!" Neon grins throughout the explanation, as if it's the most exciting plan he ever made, but frowns in anger when he noticed Kaite isn't responding properly.
"What's wrong?"
"Do anything you want... Do anything you want, but not that!" Kaite begs as Neon looks at him confused.
"You never said you were going to do that! I was only supposed to silence the guards and let you inside! How come we're wrecking the whole ship all of a sudden?! That wasn't part of our deal!!." Kaite cried out, pulling at Neon's collar as tears began to build up from his eyes until Kaite was held up by his head, Neon looks at him unamused.
"Hey, Kid. are you misunderstanding something? I won the goods on this ship...so why do I have t answer to you...before I collect?!" Neon yells as he throws the boy down to the ground, glaring at him.
"You ain't being beautiful!" Neon scolded him as Kaite began to sob, while Rose could only look at them in worry.
"If you're going to use your ship info for a trade...at least prepare for the worst, stupid!." Neon yells, anger evident in his tone, as Kaite pushes himself up by his elbows, coughing some blood and losing a tooth.
"Please...anything but the ship!" Kaite continues to beg as he was suddenly kicked away by Neon.
"Hey, don't be a fool. shut up and do what he says!" Neon's henchman suggests, even he is worried about the boy's well-being.
"Never, This ship is Dad's...This is my Dad's ship!!!." Kaite screams as Neon suddenly rushes up at him, his flashy pistol pointed against the boy's teeth, it clinks as Kaite shakes in fear.
"Enough. I'm short-tempered." Neon grins as he suddenly shoved the pistol more down the boy's throat, grinning madly.
"Go po-"
"Wait, Neon!" Y/n panics, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Isn't this a bit too much? he's just a kid!" Y/n  tries to reason, as she slowly pulls back the arm that has the pistol down Kaite's throat.
"But he's interrupting our plan! and-" Before Neon could even complain, the windshield of the Sandsteamer broke, it was shot at, as a red figure jumps in landing on one of the henchmen and catching the gun falling from midair.
"You okay, squirt? over here!" Vash calls out, as Kaite quickly runs over to Vash's side, hiding behind him.
"Son of a..."
"Pardon me!" Vash shot at the feet of Neon's henchmen, keeping them at bay.
"Don't move now, or you'll get hurt!" Vash tells the henchman before turning to Neon who still has his back to them, but his head turns to the side, able to see them, and finally, Vash noticed Y/n, who still has her arms wrapped around Neon's neck from behind, staring at him with a slitted glance.
"...you're making a big mistake, darlin'." Vash tries to reason, his pistol still pointed at them, "...don't make this harder than it has to be... please..." Vash begs as Y/n continues to look at him with a slitted glance.
"Boss! Sampson was in a passenger cabin!" a Henchman suddenly burst into the control room as Vash realized that Neon's gun was pointed at him and Kaite, shooting away at them, making the two of them flee out of the control room through the windshield, ungracefully falling down to the side of the giant vehicle.
as the two fell, Neon walks up to the broken-in windshield, peering down into the abyss in a bit of confusion.
"Hmm? What's that supposed to be? This is going to be fun!" Neon grins, staring at the darkness Vash and Kaite fell into.
"Hey, doggies!" Neon turns to his Henchmen.
"Fetch me a souvenir!"
"Make it something beautifully gorgeous!"
"Yes!" His Henchmens understood the assignment before leaving the control room, it's only him, Y/n, the captain, and a few who's been keeping guard of the captain now.
"Who is that guy? It seems like he knows you very well, my rose, and whoever he is seems to have brought you in a foul mood" Neon turns at Y/n who's been looking out of the window, disdain flashing through her eyes.
"Let's just say...That he's my old 'Hubby'..." Y/n snarls, her eyes not hiding how much she hates him.
"Oh? So you have a history with my souvenir? well, why don't you go on ahead then?" Neon grins, grabbing her hand and kissing it.
"I'm sure staying in one place and performing for greasy men has made you uneasy, why don't you go ahead and ransack the place as well? you know the plan, my rose?" Neon offers, stroking her cheek reassuringly, as Y/n smiles, leaning into his touch.
" I'd love that, thank you, Hubby~."
Meanwhile, Vash and Kaite pushed their way through the bandits, following Kaite's blueprint of the Sandsteamer.
"Hahaha! What a haul, What a haul!" Vash cheers, running down the hallway with Kaite.
"At the end, take a right!." Kaite navigates, as they reached a room full of tubes.
"I gotcha...these are all voice tubes?" Vash asked, looking around
"Yeah, but...do you think this'll work?" Kaite asks, questioning Vash's plan
"The ball is in motion. we just have to see if they pick up." Vash grins, as all they have to do is wait.
"...Hey Kaite...do you know that lady earlier, right next to that guy?." Vash asked, finally being able to ask about Y/n.
"Who? Ms. Rose?"
"Yeah, her, who is she?."
"I don't know much, she was already with Neon when he first found me, and she's the only one kind to me at the gang, always watching over me, she's the perfect distraction every time we pull a heist, she usually takes care of me out of her goodwill, and with her around, it seemed to have calmed down Neon a bit, but not very much, why? you into her or something?" Kaite asked, suddenly glaring at him.
"W-what!? no! Of course not! just curious cause it's not every day you see a girl with a band of-"
"Hey, scumbags! If any of you drag your heels till time-out, I'll kill you! Bring me the blonde, or else!" suddenly they hear orders coming from the voice tubes, revealing which one is directly in the control room, giving Vash time to bring out his act.
"I'm at the starboard passenger cabins! it's him! the blonde!!" Vash acts, screaming at the voice tubes
"Good, hold him there. I'll send help." Neon orders
"It's no good! he's hid himself with incredible speed!! AAAAARGH!!!" Vash acts out, lightly choking himself to sell the act.
"Ham..." Kaite deadpans, as Vash punches his head while still choking himself.
"Now I'll be able to guess where they are. But, how am I going to let you know?" Kaite asked, looking at his blueprint as Vash handed him something.
"Isn't this?..."
"Talk into it and I'll hear you. I don't wanna walk into a bunch of 'em in a narrow passageway. I'm counting on you." Vash commented, before turning to leave the room.
"Hold on a second! what are you doing with this lost technology!? who are you!?."
"I'd explain it to you... but you wouldn't believe me and there's no time." Vash replies in a serious tone.
"Anyways, don't worry about little details! see ya!" before Vash could even leave, two bandits had just found where Vash and Kaite is residing, leaving Vash no choice but to shoot them.
"Vash!" Kaite calls out in worry, running out of the room for a bit.
"Goddamn! Why does it start like this!?" Vash panics, before kneeling down beside the bandits
"What is it!?"
"I screwed up. They're bleeding badly! I have to help them!" Vash answers, as he began to treat them.
"Help them? you mean...Do you mean to tell me...you've been trying not to kill them the entire time!?" Kaite realizes, looking at Vash in shock.
"I can't understand you!!" No matter how good a shot you are, you're going to get yourself killed!" Kaite scolded, as he then also realizes that Vash himself has been shot, maybe even injured from his past injuries, but he continues to treat others rather than himself.
"I guess it is kind of stupid of me." Vash grins even through the pain
"That's true...It's sloppy. But, you know what? I made a promise. If I put out even one flame of life...it would make her sad."
"Her..." Kaite mutters
"Don't underestimate the Bad Lad Gang! No, you've got to stop underestimating the entire human race!" Kaite yells as he remembers his past experiences with his parents, the unforgiving planet, and the first time Neon found him.
"Me and them, we've betrayed and let lots of people die. It's too late for us to go back! Your too clean!!!" Kaite tries to talk some sense into Vash, convinced that he's unredeemable.
"Then you should start over." Vash stated as he stood up.
"Your ticket to the future is always...blank." Vash added, a firm with his beliefs before continuing on the plan.
"...Stupid..." Kaite thought as he sits in front of the voice tubes, scattering the bandits.
"Good. keep going straight. there should be a stairway on your right, take it down. don't go anywhere else! that's the only unmanned place." Kaite promises as the door opens to the stairway, only to be greeted with a handful of bandits and its Leader itself.
"Welcome to the party hall. Were my directions clear enough for you?" Neon greets him, grinning viciously at them.
"Kaite...get out of that room, now." Vash mutters into the mic, but not before hearing a familiar hum, before Vash could even process what it was, gunfire erupted, shooting at him, but not a single bullet touched him.
"Hello, Kaite." Kaite flinches in surprise, not realizing that Y/n has been behind him.
"Ms. Rose! It's not what it-" Kaite tries to explain himself, but was stopped when she raises her hand.
"I understand completely, Kaite." Y/n reassures, kindly smiling at him, before the Sandsteamer hit the side of a mountain, as Y/n quickly covers the boy, balancing herself through the ordeal, as the Sandsteamer finally settles, Y/n leans back, looking around.
"Come on, I have a feeling your the only one who can stop this ship." Y/n pulls Kaite out of the room, leading him to the engine hull.
"Ms. Rose! What's happening!? Is Vash alright?"
"Don't worry, he alright, he's at a duel right now with Neon, it will be over in just a bit, we'll need you to help stop this ship." Y/n commented as she continue to walk down the hall with Kaite.
" A duel!? but how would you know that? and how would you know Vash would win?!"Kaite asks, as Y/n chuckles at him.
"Of course I know he would win, he's Vash."
As the two reached near the entrance of the Engine haul, they see three Engineer crews panicking.
"Is there a way to stop the engines?" 
"We have to power down the system manually!"
"Where do we do that? This ship is too old!"
"It's in Engine Room no.2. There's an emergency stop lever inside the control system." Kaite answers, holding the blueprint with Y/n on his side.
"You little brat!" one of them tries to take the blueprint but was pointed at gunpoint.
"I would step back if I were you~" Y/n teases, smiling brightly as she points a gun at the hostile engineer, having to back away from the gun.
"So this is how you did it!" The engineer backed away, glaring at the two.
"I'll never forget...how my crewmate was killed right in front of me! I won't accept your help. we'll stop the ship ourselves!" The Engineer sneered, as Y/n could only look at him knowingly.
"Kaite...Kaite. what you gonna do, Kaite?." Vash asked through the device, as Y/n simply looks by the sidelines.
"Yeah, I know. I have to pay for what I've done." Kaite answers as the three engineers ignore them, working on opening the vault.
"4,500 yarz until deadline!" A robotic voice announces, as the three engineers successfully opens the vault.
"4,000 yarz until deadline!" with the 4,000 yarz deadline, they were able to remove the screws.
"All right, open it!!" The engineers worked on opening the vault, as heavy steam blows through them upon opening it.
"3,500 yarz...3000!"
the three engineers look around the vault, trying to find the lever.
"Where's the lever?!"
"What is this!? This place is like a cellar!"
"Kaite, do all I need to do is go past those pipes and pull that lever?" Y/n asked, turning to the boy, staring at the hot inferno that contains their safety.
"Yeah! but you're not small enough to go through those pipes! you'll be scalded!" Kaite franticaly informs her as Y/n began wearing one of the heat suits, willing to help
"I few burns won't kill me, but standing around will." Y/n comments as she struggles to wear the small one they have, before Kaite suddenly took it from her, quickly wearing it before she can even stop him.
"Kaite! wait!!" Y/n tries to stop Kaite, but he already run off into the Vault.
"It's hopeless! we'll never make it!"
"Calm down! think! think!!" The engineer tries to think of another plan but was interrupted.
"Move!" Kaite pushes his way through the vault, before jumping into the flaming hot pipes, searing in pain, as Kaite reaches for the lever, he braises himself for pain, before grabbing and pulling it down.
"Kaite..." Y/n mutters, unable to help as the Sandsteamer, began to stop, another crash resonated outside the Sandsteamer, before completely stopping.
"I..It stop-"
"Please, give Kaite to me!" Y/n quickly requested, as the engineers could not do anything else but help the boy full of burns, into the woman's arms.
"Kaite...you did good, you took responsibility." Y/n mutters at the unconscious boy, before turning to leave.
"Hey you..." The Engineer from earlier snarls, making the woman stop at her track.
"I'll especially never forget about you, Mourning Rose, you don't dance on your victim's corpse, you dance while you're killing them! you're a despicable woman! what do you have to say about my crewmates that you killed!?" The Engineer yells, as his other crewmates restrain him, only to be met with a chuckle.
"Tell them...that I said 'Good Morning'." Y/n cryptically stated, before walking out of the Engine Hull, and meeting up with Neon outside the Sandsteamer, it seems like Neon's backup ride is totaled.
"Don't get the wrong idea. I paid off my wager. next time we meet, it's no holds barred. I'll take that life of yours, count on it." Neon vows, as Vash could only chuckle, leaning onto Milly for support, as they hear the clicking of heels coming from within the Sandsteamer, it was Mourning Rose, carrying a passed-out Kaite in her arms.
"What was that, Neon? you're the one that saved the Sandsteamer?" Y/n teases, grinning cheekily.
"I said I was paying off my wager!! did you not hear it from there!?" Neon screams as Y/n stops by Meryl, Vash, and Milly, she stands by them but not before glancing at Vash blankly
"Sir.! We just saw that the JuLai police are closing in! We have to move out!!" One of Neon's men panics, making him grin his teeth
"That's surprising, I didn't know they'd come here that quick" Vash mutters, before turning at Y/n with a soft smile.
"So... how did you end up with these guys, darlin'? I know you're not one to do something like this unless you have a good reason, so..." he gives her a soft gaze and opens his arms to hug her "...please tell me this is some big misunderstan...." Vash trails off, noticing Y/n has placed the unconscious Kaite into the confused arms of Meryl, as she walks up to Neon.
"God damn it, we don't have enough time to get our goods! Bad Lad Gang! We're movi-" before Neon could even finish, he was suddenly shot in the back making Vash gasp along with Milly and Meryl.
"What the...my Mourning Rose?" Neon could only stare at Y/n in disbelief, collapsing on the ground as he can only watch as she also shot the other members of his Gang.
"My apologies, 'Hubby', but it seems like my work here is done..." Y/n stated, looking at Neon tauntingly.
" How could you do this? I loved you! I gave you everything I have!" Neon tries to struggle but was only shot another time.
"I don't know, have you ever asked yourself, did I ever love you?." Y/n mocks as Neon started to lose consciousness, as Y/n kneels down, smiling mockingly at him.
"Goodbye, Neon, thank you for quite the adventure~." Y/n thanks, but her tone is ridiculing
Neon fully gives her one final glare, before knocking out dead.
"...Y/n..." Vash stares at Diane in horror, as it starts to sink in what she's done, his eyes are filled with tears now "...what... how..." his voice breaks with tears "...don't tell me that you're actually one of those criminals..." he sighs, and his jaw clenches as he asks his next question" ...do you really intend to hurt the people in this Sandsteamer?" his voice has a hint of anger now*
"Me? Killing people? Don't be ridiculous" Diane mocks as she breaks open her revolver to reload, revealing that she's been using tranquilized bullets the whole time "I'm only after his bounty, I'm in cahoots with the JuLai police the whole time" Y/n reveals smirks grinning at Vash's shocked face.
Vash sighed, he was relieved to know that she isn't a cold-blooded killer, but he's still got questions. "...okay, but why? I'm sure you had to do a lot of work to pull this off. I don't think I'd have the patience to plan it out... you are one crafty woman....so why'd you go through with all the trouble of setting this up?" Vash tries to ease up their tension.
"Cause I'm bored and I'm a Bounty Hunter now, the Ghost Lily" Y/n properly introduces herself, Y/n reveals as she walks past Vash, before stopping for a bit, frowning "You better hide if you don't want the JuLai police to turn you in as well, Humanoid Typhoon"
Y/n advised as she took Kaite back into her arms, as all they could do is watch her go.
"...Who was that, Mr. Vash? Your girlfriend!?~"
(A/N: I can finally sleep~)
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