dom-i-ogrod · 2 years
Trwałość i estetyka - elementy meblowe z tworzywa sztucznego od FHU Strak
, Materiał: Tworzywo sztuczne. Design mebli i oświetlenia, to coś, co niewątpliwie świadczy o charakterze domu. W ostatnich latach obserwujemy wyraźny wzrost zainteresowania estetyką i jakością mebli, dlatego rynek jest obecnie zalany różnorodnymi produktami. Na szczęście, znalezienie odpowiedniego produktu, który będzie wyglądał dobrze i będzie wytrzymały nie jest trudne. Wśród wielu dostępnych produktów warto szczególnie polecić łącznik „L” prawy czarny do szyn, który dostarcza producent - firma FHU Strak. Firma działa na rynku od 1998 roku i produkuje szeroką gamę akcesoriów meblowych, z których zdecydowanie warto skorzystać. Łącznik „L” prawy czarny do szyn, to produkt wykonany z wysokiej jakości tworzywa sztucznego. Jego wymiary wynoszą 99mm na wysokości 32,5mm na szerokości 99mm. Dodatkowo obudowa została zabezpieczona przed korozją i jest odporna na wszelkiego rodzaju uszkodzenia mechaniczne. Dzięki temu może służyć przez długi czas, bez konieczności wymiany. Łącznik „L” prawy czarny do szyn jest bardzo praktycznym elementem, który może być stosowany zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz. Można go zamontować w różnych meblach, szafkach, szufladach, ale również w ogrodowych meblach ogrodowych, co sprawia, że jest on uniwersalnym i bardzo przydatnym produktem. Firma FHU Strak to producent, który słynie z produkcji najwyższej jakości elementów meblowych i oświetleniowych. Ich produkty charakteryzują się niezawodnością i trwałością, dzięki czemu są one tak chętnie wybierane przez Klientów. W ofercie posiadają szeroką gamę produktów, od akcesoriów, szyn i uchwytów, po systemy wieszaków, zawiasy i zamki. Ponadto, firma umożliwia zamówienia hurtowe, dzięki czemu zakupione produkty są dostarczane szybko i bez problemów. Wszystkie produkty są wykonane z najlepszych materiałów i są wyposażone w wytrzymałe łożyska i śruby, które zapewniają długą trwałość. Firma dąży do zapewnienia przyjaznego i zrównoważonego użytkowania produktów, które są wytrzymałe i trwałe. Ponadto wszystkie produkty są objęte gwarancją, która gwarantuje przystępną cenę i najwyższą jakość. Jeśli szukasz niezawodnego i trwałego produktu, łącznik „L” prawy czarny do szyn, jest idealnym wyborem. Jest to produkt najwyższej jakości, który pochodzi od renomowanego producenta FHU Strak. Przy wyborze tego produktu masz pewność, że masz do czynienia z najlepszym produktem dostępnym na rynku. Z pewnością będziesz zadowolony z zakupu i zadowolony z tego, jak będzie prezentował się we wnętrzu.
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real-mirage · 8 months
*splats against your bedroom window*
hello, please dont get the flyswatter, i dont mean any harm
flyswatters are for pussies. i use a 12.7×99mm NATO .50 BMG heavy machine gun!
get out.
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khlebs · 4 months
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Ruger 10/22 - 20×99mm
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circuitmouse · 11 months
"What do you do in a pool when you don't know how to swim?" --Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
99mm x 85mm x 85mm
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mdpikachu · 2 years
Things Berserker Lancelot has hijacked/used for himself via Knight of Owner:
A Barrett M82 Anti-Materiel Semi-Automatic Sniper System w/ 2.7×99mm rounds, a Classic Heckler & Koch MP5 Submachine Gun w/ 9×19mm Parabellum rounds, a JASDF Mitsubishi F-15J jetfighter/DJ Eagle (plane), a M61 Vulcan rotary cannon w/ 20mm rounds, anything stolen from Gilgamesh in Fate/Zero, a tree branch, a light pole, chopsticks, (anything else I have potentially missed)
Things Lance could hijack/use for himself via Knight of Owner: 
His own helmet, the Storm Border, the Nautilus, Melusine’s stage 3 NP, the Black Barrel (bonus if he shoots his own spirit origin), Enkidu (the weapon of the gods), Enkidu (the humanoid), Mash’s shield, Babbage, Mecha Liz/II, Mephi’s bombs, Nursery Rhyme base form, a steel chair, Apollo, Mini Cu, Alter Cu’s armor, Emiya’s reality marble, a 1998 computer monitor (HAAAAX), a bunch of rubber bands, a ruler, a slide ruler, a yo-yo, any other Servant’s weapons (minus a few exceptions), Castoria stage 3, Big Artemis, nunchuk chainsaws, ORT, an Aegislash, Bedivere’s arm, E-123 Omega, a flyswatter, etc etc etc.
(Notes: Living beings cannot be fully hijacked, I assume. It would need to be an agreement and teamwork. Otherwise, it’d just be a brief distraction.)
(Additional note: He has to recognize something as a potential weapon. If he doesn’t make the connection, it won’t work.)
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general-channel · 2 years
Motor điện 3 pha là gì?
Động cơ điện 3 pha có 1 dạng máy điện không đồng nhất chạy bằng dòng điện xoay chiều 3 pha, hầu hết ứng dụng trong các lĩnh vực Cib nghiệp hoặc trong các quá trình Sinh lớn, ví d tam mệnh ngang.
Lúc này Motor điện 3 pha được đấu nối vào khung thành điện 3 pha thì từ trường cũng quay được tạo ra tác dụng làm roto quay trên trục. Chuyển động của Rotor đã được điều khiển bởi máy thi hành Truyền ra baun bên ngoài và sử dụng ứng dụng của tôi vào hoạt động của các máy công cụ hoặc các cơ chuyển động khác.
Xem ngay tại: https://dongcothanhthai.com/motor-dien-3-pha-dieu-gi-ban-can-biet-lua-cho-va-su-dung/
Phân loại Motor điện 3 pha
Phân loại động cơ điện 3 pha nhờ vào tiêu chuẩn kích cỡ cấu trúc của các bộ phận motor điện 3 pha sẽ tách ra các loại động cơ như: Động cơ điện 3 pha loại lớn, động cơ điện 3 pha loại vừa và động cơ điện 3 pha loại nhỏ.
Động cơ 3 pha loại nhỏ: Có đường kính phía ngoài lõi thép bình thường khoảng từ 25 560mm và tâm điểm cuối cao 15,0 mm tƑi tơ.
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Động cơ điện 3 pha loại vừa: Đường kính bề mặt của lõi thép stato là 560 990mm và chiều cao thủ phủ độ 355 630mm.
Động cơ điện 3 pha loại lớn: Đường kính phía ngoài lõi thép có kích thước lên tới hơn 99mm và chiều cao thủ phủ lên tới hơn 630mm.
Sử dụng Motor điện 3 pha ở đâu?
- Motor 3 pha 2 pole: Sản xuất bơm nước nguyên chất, bơm ly tâm, bơm thủy điện, bơm chữa cháy.
- Động cơ 3 pha 4 pole: Động cơ giảm tốc độ, quạt công nghiệp, quạt ly tâm, quạt hút bụi, quạt phòng bếp, quạt.
- Motor điện 3 pha 6 pole: Làm máy nước đá, máy nghiền gỗ đá, cầu trục, thang máy vận chuyển hàng, luyện kim.
- Động cơ điện 3 pha 8 pole: Vận tốc 700 - 720 vòng phút lực, mô men lớn dùng cho cho cẩu trục, sản xuất động cơ ruột quấn, trạm trộn bê tông, máy sản xuất xi-măng.
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27humanburrito · 2 years
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Tagaytay at Night 
99mm | 10 sec | f8.0 | ISO 100
sony a6400 + sony 18-105mm f4 G
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visual-sculptors · 1 month
Strategic Distribution Tactics: Amplifying Your Brand Message through A3 Fold Flyer Campaigns
1.Is a poster a flyer?
 In the realm of marketing and advertising, both posters and flyers play pivotal roles in disseminating information to target audiences. While both serve as printed materials to showcase products, events, or services, their distinct characteristics cater to different promotional strategies. Posters, typically larger in size, are crafted to grab attention and increase visibility in high-traffic areas, such as walls or billboards. Their bold designs and captivating visuals aim to leave a lasting impression on passersby, making them an effective tool for brand awareness and recognition. Conversely, flyers are more compact and portable, serving as a tangible means to distribute information directly to individuals. These handheld promotional pieces are designed for quick reading and easy dissemination, making them ideal for targeted marketing campaigns or event promotions. By providing a concise overview of the key details, flyers enable businesses to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to their offerings. In essence, while posters thrive in creating a visual impact, flyers excel in delivering information efficiently, making them essential components of a comprehensive marketing strategy.
2. What size is an A4 up flyer?
 The A4 size flyer, measuring 210 x 297 millimeters or 8.27 x 11.69 inches, stands as a widely recognized standard in the realm of promotional materials and brochures. Its dimensions offer a generous canvas for content and visuals, striking a balance between being spacious enough for detailed information and compact enough for convenient distribution. From event invitations to informational handouts, the versatility of A4 flyers makes them a popular choice for businesses and organizations seeking to convey their messages effectively.
When crafting A4 flyers, meticulous attention to detail is imperative to ensure a cohesive and visually appealing design. Consideration of factors such as layout, font choice, and image selection play a pivotal role in shaping the overall impact of the flyer. By incorporating high-quality graphics, concise yet engaging content, and a clear call to action, businesses can leverage A4 flyers as a powerful tool for reaching a broad audience and leaving a lasting impression. Whether disseminating them at trade shows, mailing them to prospective clients, or displaying them in storefronts, A4 flyers serve as a versatile and cost-effective medium for communication.
3. What size is A4 slim flyer?
 A4 slim flyers have become a prominent choice for businesses seeking to enhance their brand visibility through elegant and sophisticated marketing materials. With dimensions of 210mm x 99mm, these flyers offer a unique size that sets them apart from traditional A4 sheets, providing ample space for captivating graphics and essential information. Their narrow and elongated design not only allows for a visually appealing layout but also ensures easy distribution to potential customers, making them an ideal tool for promotional activities. The sleek and modern aesthetic of A4 slim flyers adds a touch of sophistication to any marketing campaign, making them suitable for a range of industries. This design choice exudes professionalism and attention to detail, reflecting positively on the brand image and capturing the interest of the target audience. Whether used for product launches, event promotions, or general brand awareness, A4 slim flyers offer a versatile and impactful solution for businesses looking to make a lasting impression in a competitive marketplace.
4. What size paper is a flyer?     
When determining the optimal size for a flyer, careful consideration must be given to both the visual impact and practical functionality of the design. The standard dimensions for a flyer typically adhere to an 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of paper, commonly referred to as letter size. This format provides ample room for including essential information, captivating graphics, and engaging content while retaining a convenient size for handling and distributing. Nonetheless, it is important to note that flyers can also be produced in smaller or larger sizes to cater to specific design preferences and target demographics. Selecting the appropriate size is crucial as it directly influences how effectively the flyer communicates its message and captivates the audience. In the realm of flyer design, the chosen size plays a significant role in determining the overall effectiveness of the promotional material. By opting for the appropriate dimensions, designers can strike a balance between content and visual appeal, ensuring that the flyer stands out and resonates with its intended audience. Whether opting for a traditional letter size or experimenting with alternative dimensions, the key lies in aligning the size with the flyer's purpose and the desired impact on viewers. Ultimately, the size of a flyer serves as a strategic element that can enhance visibility, engagement, and memorability, making it a critical aspect of successful marketing communication.
5. Is a flier a brochure?
In the realm of marketing and communication materials, the distinction between a flier and a brochure is crucial for crafting effective messaging strategies. A flier, characterized by its succinct and single-sided layout, serves as a quick yet impactful tool to convey essential information and calls to action to a target audience. Typically used for promoting events, sales, or limited time offers, fliers are designed to grab attention swiftly and encourage immediate engagement.
On the contrary, a brochure offers a more comprehensive approach to disseminating information, utilizing multiple pages to delve deeper into the subject matter at hand. With a focus on detailed content, images, and graphics, brochures excel in providing a thorough overview of a product, service, or organization. Their versatility allows for storytelling, showcasing benefits, and engaging readers with a visually appealing presentation. In the world of marketing, understanding the distinct roles of fliers and brochures is essential for creating impactful communication materials tailored to specific marketing objectives.
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charliespostcards · 4 months
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approx. 99mm x 138mm
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blogoslibertarios · 6 months
Acumulado de chuvas chega a 99mm nas últimas 24h no RN
  Os instrumentos pluviométricos da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte (Emparn) apontam que nas últimas 24h desta segunda-feira (1º), a cidade de Luís Gomes, na Região Oeste do Estado, registrou um acumulado de chuvas de 99.8mm. Esse foi o maior quantitativo para o período. No Central potiguar, Angicos teve o maior quantitativo de chuvas, com 49.8mm, seguido por Acari com…
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alatbortanah · 7 months
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PDC BIT - 99mm Diamond 13mm Jumlah mata Diamond 7 Drat segi empat Pitch 3 tpi OD : 60mm
100% Baru
Sangat cocok digunakan untuk:
- Geoteknik-SPT - Eksplorasi Nikel - Pertambangan
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gudmould · 9 months
Printer cover injection mold design
1. Plastic part structure analysis Structure of printer cover plastic part is shown in Figure 1. Its top view has a “convex” shape, width of convex position is 99mm, maximum external dimension is 296mm * 173mm, wall thickness is 2.5mm, and plastic part material is ABS. Three-dimensional structure of plastic part is shown in Figure 2. There is a ring-shaped buckle on both sides of raised…
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khlebs · 1 year
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Colt M1860 Army - 20×99mm
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orange1896 · 1 year
30881000349 CDM835EI.12.03.02 Left door handle CDM843 CDM856 LONKING
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30881000349 CDM835EI.12.03.02 Left door handle CDM843 CDM856 LONKING
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4110001386022 缓冲垫 内孔42mm 外径99mm 梅花形 4110003435001 左前侧门总成(金色) 4190002760 GAUGE_LEVEL 28400000191 合流单向阀V22C 14551534 9300000045 电动黄油枪 得力DL2604 500CC LG7300000544A LG690E电气原理图(配久保田发动机) 14511564 关节轴承 E200FL3431309A0 LG933装载机 29120016241 第六次月检 29330049301 B877F 挖掘装载机 4044000010 防滚翻标牌FR160 6292000007 断路器DZ108-20 0.4-0.63A 29150021051 消声器焊接部件C08AB-08AB028+C 26050002251 停用-螺栓 29240021941 转向缸胶管 4110001475030 发动机罩 949874 4110001867346 飞轮壳C5253951 4110000367121 侧装式工业空调 DL-1500-E 1500W 29020011951 行星轮 4120005940 装饰板 4120003946 L956F轮式装载机 29330099461 支板 90003802558 29151004341 液压泵 C3971092 4110000179057 ENGINE ASSEMBLY 11218489 轴承6208-2NSE 4011001583 SEAT 29340042761 预热器孔堵塞 14588612 4110002785019 加固侧板 6430000722 动臂联小腔右钢管 8230-26400 FX530-110005 O型圈 15*2.65 7273-11000 4110015708211 五通SPW-8 6420000398 调整垫-喷油泵D04204158 29310020351 右叉梁 26130011801 外腰带 6430000730 黄油筐 F76N6-10000C 安全阀 29290032701 防刮垫片 FDH225 PLATE 4110002440018 锤管路丝座 4120001354 CLAMPING PLATE 4120007279 压板 5131000134 油封9180004D06 6264000507 轴环/凸轮轴承1G772-16190 4130002267 板 2080900081 HEXAGON SCREW, M10X50 29151007421 液压油箱总成 26120000631 优先阀-停用 F临工6210前上 LG916发动机罩总成 29050014011 顶板 28360001201 933转斗油封 FXKBL-00080 板 26386666631 板 6218000074 行走马达A6VM107 20505543 26360005061 空压机进水管 373-3509001 4014000638 平板 14537118 6410000988 卡簧 29200010161 调整垫板t2 4110003492157 旋转锉 F0618M06 D07-102-02+A 29050014032 软管LGB173-106071 26180007331 空滤 29170043441 散热阀13205364 3214550648-B 2110700004 丝母 9100001548 后车架电气总成 4041016113 叶片泵T6DM-B31 14544916 螺栓59246835 21467241 11205358 内饰支架 4030000526 工具箱总成 11214697 O形圈GB3452.1-128*3.55G 4021000235 T 形接头 29120017271 FORK 26171021001 端盖M6N0122 26440000351 六角头螺栓90003802519 612600012938 F31Q4-60111 22206世达套筒 2060900549 后车架 26330027941 轴承工装GWG180ZP-807 4110001567 板 27130003821 LG958L/LG959配东康发动机轮胎式装载机2500h保养包 6213000166 胶管LGB339-16*1700*60 7300000366 29070019811 弯板 14407437 卡子胶条LGB320-S280 4041002321 盖板 14577981 风扇调速开关 29010047851 底座 6900016545 连接座 29090013481 传动轴总成 4110000045078 电阻 1/4W 10Ω C3900632 937579 出门证 28250026251 密封垫GK33-5.0W-10-08 ZL50F.9-13 6900018036 三通接头 6303005517 PUR海绵35 ZJ4110001182069 泵体BB70-1A 29220013451 开口垫片3*26*430*160*2 8240-03530 11218072 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUT.UNIT,ELECTRICAL DIS 4120002281009 原色纸盒100*100*185 29340023341 封闭式SD110B保险索赔车 LGZJ27030105861 支板 916A2.2.1 LG6394500267 轴承{6308N} 3214618582 F3904166 主泵HP3V212D 4120008306 增压器进油管612600113640 0730.162.931 LG26240017212-1 P-O型圈LGB308-88*8-E F4-2914001667 软轴(3.7米) 4130001717 宽带路由器 UBNT ER-X 4110001003005 曲轴总成 GB5783-M16*40EpZn- 4190001442 WIRING HARNESS_HARNESS_ASSY MAIN_LG6210 11212963 RETAINER 4190003495 内六角圆柱螺钉M16 4110001061076 胶管 29210009901 右行走马达支架 26140006211 销边防尘KDL100X115X7 4110000565070 SIX POINT SOCKET SCREW COUNTERSUNK M8X16 29090011131 螺母GB6170-M22flZnyc-10 2050900042 螺钉119620-79290 BJ/124 4120002279118 驾驶室LG938L 983510 21906003951 举升缸小腔钢管 GB889.2-M30*2EpZn- 26171020991 FRONT FRAME 26250000521 电瓶线LGB340-50*350A1L10L10-1L1 11212198 行星齿轮149614A 4110003577092 轴齿轮 7200000247 活塞 4130002453102 防尘圈Fa030038-EPDM 6430000569 进口轴承6313 14407390 29270011631 侧卸油缸小腔胶管 6900018963 双刃绿篱机 德国斯蒂尔T81 14407423 F31QA-12300 法兰螺钉 14407441 4120017813 中冷进气过渡管 14407494 26260002301 G9180后车架 29120026741 钢板t12*1975-SM490A 29010019241 软管LGB144-106170 29330015631 垫板 6410005462 标识包 6392200555 新轮挖驾驶室E7150F装配总成 28030008241 涨紧轮 上柴 29170106871 油标尺13033844 4110002321008 通用IDE/SATA硬盘底座 Century 世特力 CROISU3 29010049901 发动机罩 20450811 4110000042043 停用-进气门座1007081-56D 21249506 4110002578140 关节轴承GB/T9163 GEG20ES 21077470 29340028351 板 29220025301 停用-弹簧垫圈(12151395)PTD226B-6(13020158)-017 29220017621 连接插头3724026-52D 4120001059013 P-多路阀进油钢管 F1030421 支架 14553196 梅花套筒(霹雳马60150032 32mm) 14645129 6221000077 M10-M12直接头 4110015901009 光电开关E3JM-10M4 220V 950.12.1.2-32 29070013111 铲斗 7114-12371 4110001952100 止退销04500SP F3100-3509014 11219786 电磁阀R902602691 29260038951 圆头 29440002681 机油滤清器座装配部件M8N4457 11210166 729玻璃 29260039832 小臂回油钢管LG6210E1100 14507521 26171008781 座椅LG01K 3214591833 4120004142 蒸压连接管 4130001723 销轴 4110000011201 橡胶管夹 1003046-52D F71M6-54220F 后饰板 ZL50G.12.4.1 F61560040037 原色纸箱 4120002295018 板 4110000036179 停用-停用-LG93X夹木叉(上下合齿��分叉,宽1700,开口1827) 29290021262 小车行走变速箱5T 992055 26290009491 XH9616面漆稀释剂 4110000129278 螺母M12GB6170-86 L0530W3114Q29A0 停用-连接器0421 5869 937776 29290018221 变速操纵阀 浙江仙居 29270021681 集中润滑油泵(LF1/G50-LP) 6242000002 轮胎GB2980-20.5R25-2STTL-TB516 E3/L3 14530895 机罩电气总成 7200000649 支架 6214000122 左侧外耳轴润滑油管 11223597 支座 B01182873 3070901288 干粉灭火器 薪薪 6kg 26010025261 摇臂板 4110015889074 左挡泥瓦 14515733 4110000367099 COUNTER WEIGHT 14591843-A 6430001314 钢板t1.6*1500-DC04 330-1004022-H 29410101931 橡胶管D00-270-01+A 984141 26130003851 活塞包 4110000076334 O 型圈 7273-10621 LG-51-7751-009 右法兰盘 29170098241 铁木结合箱 13034886 29260014051 锥销(12*50 1:50锥度 大头带内丝) 29180013571 右前踏板 6900020293 PLATE 7223-00060 29050028761 岩石斗1.0×1604(装配) LGB303-65*110*2 9200001493 A工位卸料橡皮 29200010581 直接头 29380008671 座椅底板 11215581 胶管FH621CACE151508-1600 26240020611 把手 29120029241 焊接总成 LGLG6410005470 LG953轮式装载机-5302114G2901 4041003593 P-密封条 29330024831 散热器总成 29100023791 软轴总成LGHD9330012 CQ1501075TF36 29220008791 支架支板 28100011321 动臂LL3100A 11220980 后桥壳 630-1111005A 4110000275 独立散热线束 4120008293 保险丝电路标识 4110003064020 塞1C010-9601-0 990601 29410001691 停用-右上外壳(938C) 8220-03460 17228574 阀门室盖 4110001952101 非公路自卸车 26010016011 半轴 14533117 6832225G29 平面密封胶100g 复耐特RA-587 D30-1002064B 11218623 上支架 D01174180 4120003867 主泵盖板 4110015201005 3.4m转接线IM11-1IN-FM 26370003001 标准型弹簧垫圈GB/T93-6 11212174 LG660挖掘机服务培训教材 F21EK-10411 雨刮电机 6210000849 叶轮B43233-0060 GB5782-M8*55EpZn-8 FZ0001055 油路块 9453-04410 26030006581 电气系统 11222387 支撑板 F72M8-51500 行星轮垫片 4110004186042 SPOOL_ARM2 FOR EC220D_BRIC 4043000547 浓度计 PAL-CLEANER ATAGO 644-1013003 4120007174 复合式密封垫圈16Q/YC149-16 GB5782-M18*80EpZn- 4110001126048 进气门 CBGj2080 4190002239 PLC ��号:CP1E-N20DR 欧姆龙 6410006213 密封件包24A100480S 29050025551 圆柱销5x16YC24-0516 28030005982 夹木叉液压系统 3214880793 26340004291 半轴齿轮垫ZL15F.2.5-15 H4-2917003734 驻车制动气室LY50×36-735 26440001461 主轴承上瓦1001077347 11213406 油管保护套129957-59120 29170305081 风扇皮带 GB97.1-4EpZn-300HV 29030017511 LG953N空调系统(冷暖)附件包 11210040 空气滤清器体13060620 11213394 后车架线束总成 3214508820 Read the full article
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360group · 1 year
Estabilizador de Cardán HQ3 de Mano, Soporte Plegable para Smartphone, Grabación de Vídeo y Vlog, Trípode para Teléfono Xiaomi Huawei iPhone 13 y Samsung, 3 Ejes, Marca AXNEN
Estabilizador de cardán de mano plegable de 3 ejes AXNEN HQ3 para teléfono inteligente iPhone 11 Xiaomi Huawei Samsung estabilizador de grabación de vídeo Vlog   Nota: HQ3 no es compatible con APP. ¡Solo compatible con Bluetooth! Especificaciones: Nombre del producto: Estabilizador de cardán AXNEN HQ3 para teléfono móvil Dimensiones del producto: 219mm × 42mm × 99mm (plegado) 92mm × 248mm × 42mm…
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urbannunxue · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Fujifilm Instax Wide 300 analog instant camera w/ 1 package of film.
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