rayofsunshinc · 8 months
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the fate's already fucked me sideways
✨ rayofsunshinc. a multi-muse indie roleplay blog featuring characters from the walking dead, stephen king's it & doctor sleep, the hunger games, stranger things, shameless, riverdale, teen wolf, mcu and more. ♥ written & loved by Sara
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whosxafraid · 6 years
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holy christmas dudes....has it really been two years already? i mean i feel like it was yesterday i hesitantly made this blog without any real hope anyone would want to interact with this over sized old man but needing to make the blog anyway because the fecker wouldn’t be quiet---but here we are...and just damn.
Giveaway Guidelines:
Give away begins: now - 03/25/19 Give away ends : 6:00pm EST - 03/29/19
1. One like/re-blog per blog.
 I get really turned around and easily confused so please make this  easier on me and only either re-blog the post or like the post.   But only do either one once.          
2. Must be following Luka and be an RP blog in order to participate.
Please don’t just follow to participate in the giveaway, okay? I can’t control you following and then un-following but its super   rude and just karma’s a bitch okay?
3. I need a week or so to get the prizes out after the giveaway ends.
 Bare with me. I keep my promises it just takes me time.
4. Winners will be chosen using the random number generator. Keeps everything nice and fair :)
5. If you are a multi-muse and win, please be prepared to chose one of your muses for icons made.
6. If you win and your muse’s fc is not well known or has little screen time, please be prepared to help me out if I can’t find suitable resources on my own for graphics/icons/etc.
7. If you win and you have a favorite picture or resource(aka movie/episode/etc) in which your muse’s fc is portrayed please feel free to let me know!
8. If you win please be prepared to provide a primary color and/or scheme you would like the graphics/icons to have.
1st Place: 1 promo graphic, 1 set of Online/Offline/Lurking/Drafts banners, 25 [200x100] icons, psd and watermarked with your chosen letter(s).
2nd Place: 1 promo graphic and 25 [200x100] icons, psd and watermarked with your chosen letter(s). .
3rd Place: 1 promo graphic
                                                    ƓƠƠƊ ԼƲƇƘ!
follow forever beneath the cut
@brooklynislandgirl / @tarnishedhalo / @quothesquills
yes hi i love you always? lol thank you for being my partner is so many fictional crimes. for being a like minded cray like me but also constantly teaching me and bettering me as a person literally every day. i love how we can finish each other sentences sometimes, and are so alike and then completely different so we end up seeing more angles to things. you can put me in tears one second and then rip my soul out the next. i like u, ur a good. so ur kinda stuck with me. stay you cuz otherwise im gonna be feckin lost. 
also yes hello is this thing on? I LOVE YOU. yer a fecking gem of a human being and while u may not need me too i will go to war with my bat swinging for u always. you make me laugh when i wanna cry and always are an ear when i need to vent. i love ur imagination and ur brain and i can not gush enough about how amazing ur muse is. its takes someone extraordinary to make someone extraordinary. and your muse is extraordinary. remember that if nothing else. besties always cuz im keeping u sorry not sorry.
@seanceisms / @umbrellakidstm / @wolventm / @scciopath
fucking beautiful human being you are okay. i love you always and i will follow you across any blog you ever make. and that sounded way less stalkerish in my head but whatever you get it. u can’t escape me LOL. always an ear and always a joy to talk to even when we’re doing nothing but trading pictures or headcanons or screaming about stupidity we find or murdering each other with feels. 
my dude ur a fecking treasure. ur humor is sharp and i love that. your amazing at your hobby and i love every reply i get from you. i love that we can have conversations that stretch over hours because we both get distracted or get busy but we always know where we’re at.  ur fantastic and im blessed to have met you.
there are too many inside jokes and not enough time to list them all. this is a friendship that i fucking love and never wanna lose. ur unique and ur a fecking trip and i LOVE that about you. the sometimes brutal honesty is refreshing to say the least, and i can not word how much i love our thread and our future plots. stay golden like the sand in our Jamaican no fig capes. ;)
holy balls dude like how long have we known each other at this point? i cant even remember. all i know is i love u and i know we dont talk as much as we used too but i love that we can pick up right where we left off when we do and there’s not a beat missed. ur brilliant and will always ALWAYS be ‘my natasha’. 
@tabbyrp and  @corinnebaileyrp
you two are gifts okay. always have something kind to say to me. always checking on me when my ooc posts get a little weird and sideways. (more than usual anyway). i love both of you and i love our plots and threads. every single one. -throws cookies at both with exuberance- 
one of my closest dudes.i miss ur thor so much. but im glad we can stay connected on discord. ur artwork is GLORIOUS and always a joy to see pop up on my dash. you’re always an ear and never afraid to say what you think. and that’s really rare in this day and age. Keep being amazing my dude. u shine and it shows!
@bettershotthanbucky | @edithbarton / @hitslikeatruck / @mutatiiions
okay but like world of an au and plot we built i love it. you dudes are fucking beautiful and will always be my bartons(and wolverine/Piotr/and the rest). always. we dont always talk or are in each others day to day but when we do it’s always a riot. you guys are my dudes, dudes. never ever ever ever forget that. i’ll always be here for u dudes. whenever u need me and i know u’ll be the same for me cuz that’s just how ride or die dudes roll. -all the hugs-
man let me talk about how fucking great it is to get to write luka with someone close to where he’s from even if it’s not the same time frame. Its amazing. I love your muse and i love the oppertunities he gives me to explore other facets of luka. Two grumpy old men never gets old and i LOVE ALL OF IT. ur a fucking amazing and don’t let no body tell u different my dude. ur classic.
okay we interact more on my pirate blog but fuck it i do what i want. im so glad u were able to finish ur thesis. im glad its behind u and that weight has been lifted. im super excited to get to talk to u more again and make awesome plots for our pirates (and maybe here too). either way ur writing is amazing and so are u. always a joy to talk to and write with!!
@ruthlessmeans / @mockeryofreason
okay but i love u alot. and i wish i could bat away all the bad that’s been happening as of late. just teach it a lesson so it fucks off permanently. but as i cant all i can do is offer cookies and remind u ur loved. i admire the decidcation that u have to ur muses. i love how u think through every angle and facet of them. that speaks volumes about u as a person. keep ur chin up my dude. ur silver lining is coming.
not so much rp’ing anymore but we stay in touch over discord and u literally NEVER fail to make me laugh even when i don’t want too or i’m feeling like something four days dead. i absolutely adore u and our friendship and i love that we can just drop funny fucking shit in our chat at random hours on any given day and its no big ya know? JUST LOVE U A LOT -tackle squishes-
one of my best dudes and a fucking peach too boot. always uplifting and always the best gifs. years of jokes lbr and no enough angst and time in the day to write it all every probably. u are my bucky, always and forever. never lose ur wonder and ur drive my dude. ur inspiring. truly.
a gift with words right here. dedication to your muse on a level i’ve never seen. its phenomenal. always good vibes to talk to, always up beat. its honestly wonderful that we’re mutuals. always love reading your rps and ur blog is general is epic. keep it up. ur a gem.
life has gotten busy for u. taken u in different directions and that’s just something that happens. that’s life. but getting to see u pop up on my dash now and then. little updates and fashion drops it warms me up. ur style sense is amazing and so is ur hair. (yes i still want those pants). ur a beautiful human and hopefully life will let u get back to ur hobby here real soon. all my love my dude!
To all my of my followers: 
you all brilliant lights in the world, in your own ways. Never, ever, EVER forget that. you are amazing. you are all special. to me and the other people in your lives that mean the most. stay frosty. and KEEP WRITING. ALWAYS KEEP WRITING. NO MATTER WHAT. NO MATTER THE TRIALS. KEEP WRITING!!  because remember there was a time when the world thought Van Gogh wasn’t worth anything at all and now he’s a house hold name even little kids know who he is. 
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
OOC::    list of characters i want to play,  because      i’m going insane with muse,  wtf  :
uchiha itachi.   psychopath-verse ; does or does not love his brother,  but killed the uchiha clan to test his mettle.   completely bonkers,  sensual && not so sensual darkness,  gimme gimme gimme a madman after midnight --- ( also good god,  please let me write kisaita --- breaks down crying )
uzumaki karin.   powerful she-bitch.   i l o v e.   she is just ... if i were a woman,  i’d damn well hope i’d be that kind of woman.   all my love.   i wanna do her justice && stick it to the stupid bitches who hate on her for being a girl who likes sasuke.   boy,  i wanna do her some serious justice. (  that sounded ambiguous but no.  )
haruno sakura.   i have a blog for her,  but ... what i wanna do is rewrite the entire fucking show.   kishi fucked up && i intend to unfuck it up.  cracks my fuckin’ knuckles.
sabaku no gaara.   realistic.   insane.   validation && three years do not wipe out a person’s trauma,  homicidal inclinations,  or perso-fucking-nality,  what the flying fuck kishimoto omigod when will you s t o p !?
IDK,  everyone probably.   i need to rewrite ALL THIS BULLSHIT.
EDIT :  hoshigaki kisame.   tho probably i want to climb that like a tree more than i want to write him but WHEN  WILL  PEOPLE  STOP  PRETENDING  THAT  AN  S-CLASS  MISSING  NIN  CAN  ACTUALLY  AFFORD  TO  BE  FUCKING  STUPID !?!??! also no,  itachi is not a better swordsman than one of the fr i g g in g seven swordsmen of the mist  ---  except if we’re talking different styles,  possibly.
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imameme-youreameme · 7 years
Send me, "Fuck me sideways" for my muse's reaction to them getting caught in a bad situation.
For multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
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