#A Mentor for Me. Terry Allen develops leaders
kajmasterclass · 6 months
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careerexpansion · 7 years
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) All Online, All Free November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual worldwide collaboration on globally-connected education starts today, Monday, November 13, and continues through this Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE, but does require that you REGISTER. Please register HERE to get instant access to the conference AND to receive all the recording links after the conferences. 4 days 24 hours/day 127 live sessions 27 keynote speakers ...and an amazing amount of global learning and fun!
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend and takes place online in live webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray has putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup:
Mali Bickley (Collaboration Specialist, TakingITGlobal)
David Bornstein (Co-Founder + CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Kevin Crouch (Director of Technology Services, Consilience Learning)
Franz De Paula (Author)
Gavin Dykes (Programme Director for the Education World Forum)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE, EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Ed Gragert (Founder, Global Woods Consulting)
Martin Levins (President of the Australian Council for Computers in Education--ACCE)
Julie Lindsay (Founder and CEO, Flat Connections)
Sylvia Martinez (Author, speaker, publisher - Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom)
Alan Mather (Chief, Office of College + Career Success)
Ann S. Michaelsen (Teacher and school leader, Sandvika vgs)
Anne Mirtschin (Hawkesdale P12 College, Australia)
Pam Moran (Superintendent of Schools, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO + Co-founder, World Savvy)
Jennie Niles (DC's Deputy Mayor of Education)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Maggie Mitchell Salem (Executive Director, QFI)
George Saltsman (Associate Research Professor, Director, Center for Educational Innovation and Digital Learning, Lamar University)
Ira Socol (Executive Director of Technology and Innovation, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Liam Wegimont (Chairperson, GENE)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 127 currently-accepted general sessions, and more of these are coming as well! Full details are here.
10 Ways to Easily Integrate Global Collaborations in Your Daily Curriculum - Rhett Oldham
A Joined Up Approach to Education and Learning - Christine Farrell
A World of #CollaborativePD: Build Your Global PLN Twitter Chat - Dr. Jennifer Williams, Brad Spirrison
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane, Jennifer Orlinski
Bridges to Argentina: Teaching and Learning with First Grade Partners and their Teachers - Susan Jacques Pierson
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Building up an organization (from scratch!) for a Global impact! - Montserrat Fregoso Fonseca, Maria Fernanda, Fregoso Fonseca
Cavando Bajo las Fs de la Educación Global para Experiencias Más Profundas - Jennifer D. Klein
Challenge Based Learning - David Lockett
Children's Literature for Solving Real-World Problems - Tina Genay
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Citizen Science: A Global Conservation Effort - Lindsay Glasner, Kelly Schaeffer
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Connected Learning Activities through Social Service - Sebastian Panakal, Gladwin Xavier, Muhammed Fardeen, Muhammed Mufsal, Sophia T Pascal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Cosmopolitan Project Based Learning - Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals in PBL - Craig Perrier
Creating Global Citizens through Teen Service Travel - Joanne Trangle, Jodi Sabra
Curriculum is the most important 'C' word in Global Projects! - Christine Trimnell
Deep Learning - A Global Perspective - Tom D'Amico
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson, Jonelle Lorantas, Mahfuza Rahman, Elyse Gainor
Developing Global Competencies in Teacher Education through Transdisciplinary and Translational Research - Melda N. Yildiz. TBA
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino, Millersville University Graduate Students in Education
Digging Beneath the Fs for Deeper Global Learning - Jennifer D. Klein
Digital media education for digital higher educated students - Laura Malita
E.I. and Humanitarianism in Classrooms - 21st Century Learning and Citizenship Essentials - Sania Green-Reynolds
Earth Charter in Education - Dr. Valerie Schmitz, Dr. Mary Ann Kahl
Educational Diplomacy with High School Students - David Angwenyi, Ph.D, Lea Hopkins
Empowering Young Changemakers through Design Thinking - Mahika Halepete
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun, Kenya Flash
Flipped Learning in L2: How to Encourage Cross-Cultural Critical Thinking to Teach Global Problem-Solving Skills - Birgit A. Jensen
Food Rescue through a High School - Toni Olivieri-Barton, Colorado Springs Food Rescue
Fostering Global Citizenship Through Literature and Art - Nadia Kalman
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Free research-based educational material from Finland - Marianne Juntunen, Ph. D.
GEC Connect - The Game! - Julia Francis
Global Collaboration Provides Diverse Perspective for UN Sustainable Development Goals - Donna Roman, Hassan Hassan, Jen Sherman, Maire O’Keefe, Katrina Viloria
Global Collaboration: Connect Your Kids to the World - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., Ping Gao, Ph.D., Magda Galloway
Global Education Discourses in International Student Mobility - Uttam Gaulee, Krishna Bista
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Project-Based Learning with iEARN: Sharing Impact and Opportunities - Jennifer Russell, Allan Kakinda, Hela Nafti
Global Scholar Diploma at the High School Level - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Globally Conscious Mathematics - Kristy Beam
Globally Responsive Teaching Practice: Overcoming Social Disparities - Sajdah Ali George
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle, Athalo Carrao, Alexis Radney
Green Digital Footprints - Sebastian Panakal, Sophia T Pascal, Mertle Williams, Sunitha, Nisa
Harnessing Global Efficacy through Literature and Technology - Justin Peter Manwell
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson, Rachel Altizer, Leslie Angle, Delayna Doolin, Cassidy Hartsock, Jami Keen, Irene Labille, Josie Santos, Maddie Semones, Katie Smith, Malorie Tanner, Kelly Troiano 
Hello Little World Skypers - the Continuing Adventures - Anne Mirtschin, Presenters from across the world (names to be added closer to the time)
High Quality Career Counselling as a Push for the Global Development – presenting best practices from the Erasmus+ Career Tree Project - Grzegorz Kata, PhD. with Robert Porzak, PhD and Jacek Łukasiewicz, PhD
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to Globally Mobilize High School Students to Actualize the United Nations SDGs. - Linda Flannelly, Ralph Viggiano, Megan Scharf, Pete Robinson, Ann Michelsen, Kristian Otterstad Andresen, the students at Lindenhurst and Sandvika High School
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson, Angela Jo, Travis Hardy
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Immerse Yourself in the German Culture For Free by Volunteering in Germany or Austria - Birgit A. Jensen
Integration of Global Outdoors Learning Blogs, TED Ed Lessons and Global Goals in Management Courses - Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche, Flor Lepervanche
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Invitation to World Literature - Arthur R. Smith
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
Kids @SOS Children Village Going Global with iEARN and Mathletics - Sheeba Ajmal
Kids on Earth - Howard Blumenthal
Kings of Collaboration - Jan Zanetis,Sean Forde, Ralph Krauss, Peter Paccone
La acción tutorial en la educación virtual: funciones y responsabilidades - Lic. Gustavo Beltrami
Learning math from students around the world - Chris Collins
Let's Talk Global Education - Anne Mirtschin
Lidrazgo para el Desarrollo Social - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Maverick Leadership - Mike Lawrence
Mobilizing Student Voice through Global Discussions with a Real-World Impact with WorldVuze - Julia Coburn
MOOCs for librarians/library –opportunities and challenges for digital literacy - Gabriela Grosseck + Laura Malita
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action - Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, Said Belgra, Asma Albriki
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom, Dr. Marty Sleeper
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Optimizing OERs Globally Through ICT Literacy - Dr. Lesley Farmer
Organize, innovate and manage your global projects with free ICT tools - Barbara Anna Zielonka
Participatory Spontaneity: What Is It and How Can We Achieve It with Global Audiences Online? - Helen Teague
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Preparing Teachers for Global Learning and Collaboration - Linda Haynes
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette, Wendy Jewell, Victoria Murphy
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Quality Education through technology - Goal 4: Sustainable Development - Sara Abou Afach
Rainwater catchment and Practivism - Lonny Grafman
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre, Jan Zanetis
Scaling Global Competency Education - Delna Weil
Secrets to Successful Global Collaboration in Higher Education - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., David Stoloff, Ph.D.
Self Identity and Global Connection - Erin Dowd
Social Leadership Class Project - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Student conversation on Gender and Ethics - Sean Terwilliger and Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on Girls and Sports - Sean Terwilliger, Nan Hambrose, Vanessa Campbell, Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on LGBTQ+ Issues - Sean Terwilliger and Emma Maney
Student conversation on World Religions - Sean Terwilliger and Tica Simpson
Student driven eco-initiatives towards UN's SDGs - a case study of our GGPC grant winning entry - Ms. Kamal Preet, Ms. Anitha Bijesh
talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teach-The-World Foundation: A Call to Action To Eradicate Illiteracy Around The World - Robert Torres, PhD
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Teaching the SDGs through experiential and service learning - Caroline Weeks, Liz Radzicki, Kimm Murfitt
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The Impact of a Cultural Immersion Program on Student Perceptions of the “Other”: A Pilot Study - Sarah Thomas
The Kidlink Global projects.Perspectives and horizons for close cooperation. - Lusine Jhangirian
The positive impact of digital exchanges around the globe - Quratulain Hussain
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck, Ed Gragert, Adriana Vilela
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
University-Industry Collaboration in Vietnam: When the boss says Jump, you say Why? - Dr. Thi Tuyet Tran
Upward Mobility: Supporting the Academic Nomad through Blended Learning - Julia Zeigler, Terra Gargano
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual Exchanges: Harnessing Technology to Build Global Competencies and Increase Mutual Understanding Among International Youth - Katherine Hanson
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell, Tinika Fails
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano, Susan Gay Hyatt
Why and How Collaborative Projects Work Best according to the Mind, Brain, and Education Science - André Hedlund
World Peace Music Project - Yoshiro Miyata, Ayumi Ueda, Anne Mirtschin, Lorraine Leo
Write Our World - Multilingual eBooks by Kids for Kids - Julie Carey, Dr. Leigh Zeitz
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
See you online!
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us! posted first on http://ift.tt/2tX7Iil
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growthvue · 7 years
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) All Online, All Free November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual worldwide collaboration on globally-connected education starts today, Monday, November 13, and continues through this Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE, but does require that you REGISTER. Please register HERE to get instant access to the conference AND to receive all the recording links after the conferences. 4 days 24 hours/day 127 live sessions 27 keynote speakers ...and an amazing amount of global learning and fun!
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend and takes place online in live webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray has putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup:
Mali Bickley (Collaboration Specialist, TakingITGlobal)
David Bornstein (Co-Founder + CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Kevin Crouch (Director of Technology Services, Consilience Learning)
Franz De Paula (Author)
Gavin Dykes (Programme Director for the Education World Forum)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE, EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Ed Gragert (Founder, Global Woods Consulting)
Martin Levins (President of the Australian Council for Computers in Education--ACCE)
Julie Lindsay (Founder and CEO, Flat Connections)
Sylvia Martinez (Author, speaker, publisher - Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom)
Alan Mather (Chief, Office of College + Career Success)
Ann S. Michaelsen (Teacher and school leader, Sandvika vgs)
Anne Mirtschin (Hawkesdale P12 College, Australia)
Pam Moran (Superintendent of Schools, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO + Co-founder, World Savvy)
Jennie Niles (DC's Deputy Mayor of Education)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Maggie Mitchell Salem (Executive Director, QFI)
George Saltsman (Associate Research Professor, Director, Center for Educational Innovation and Digital Learning, Lamar University)
Ira Socol (Executive Director of Technology and Innovation, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Liam Wegimont (Chairperson, GENE)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 127 currently-accepted general sessions, and more of these are coming as well! Full details are here.
10 Ways to Easily Integrate Global Collaborations in Your Daily Curriculum - Rhett Oldham
A Joined Up Approach to Education and Learning - Christine Farrell
A World of #CollaborativePD: Build Your Global PLN Twitter Chat - Dr. Jennifer Williams, Brad Spirrison
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane, Jennifer Orlinski
Bridges to Argentina: Teaching and Learning with First Grade Partners and their Teachers - Susan Jacques Pierson
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Building up an organization (from scratch!) for a Global impact! - Montserrat Fregoso Fonseca, Maria Fernanda, Fregoso Fonseca
Cavando Bajo las Fs de la Educación Global para Experiencias Más Profundas - Jennifer D. Klein
Challenge Based Learning - David Lockett
Children's Literature for Solving Real-World Problems - Tina Genay
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Citizen Science: A Global Conservation Effort - Lindsay Glasner, Kelly Schaeffer
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Connected Learning Activities through Social Service - Sebastian Panakal, Gladwin Xavier, Muhammed Fardeen, Muhammed Mufsal, Sophia T Pascal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Cosmopolitan Project Based Learning - Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals in PBL - Craig Perrier
Creating Global Citizens through Teen Service Travel - Joanne Trangle, Jodi Sabra
Curriculum is the most important 'C' word in Global Projects! - Christine Trimnell
Deep Learning - A Global Perspective - Tom D'Amico
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson, Jonelle Lorantas, Mahfuza Rahman, Elyse Gainor
Developing Global Competencies in Teacher Education through Transdisciplinary and Translational Research - Melda N. Yildiz. TBA
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino, Millersville University Graduate Students in Education
Digging Beneath the Fs for Deeper Global Learning - Jennifer D. Klein
Digital media education for digital higher educated students - Laura Malita
E.I. and Humanitarianism in Classrooms - 21st Century Learning and Citizenship Essentials - Sania Green-Reynolds
Earth Charter in Education - Dr. Valerie Schmitz, Dr. Mary Ann Kahl
Educational Diplomacy with High School Students - David Angwenyi, Ph.D, Lea Hopkins
Empowering Young Changemakers through Design Thinking - Mahika Halepete
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun, Kenya Flash
Flipped Learning in L2: How to Encourage Cross-Cultural Critical Thinking to Teach Global Problem-Solving Skills - Birgit A. Jensen
Food Rescue through a High School - Toni Olivieri-Barton, Colorado Springs Food Rescue
Fostering Global Citizenship Through Literature and Art - Nadia Kalman
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Free research-based educational material from Finland - Marianne Juntunen, Ph. D.
GEC Connect - The Game! - Julia Francis
Global Collaboration Provides Diverse Perspective for UN Sustainable Development Goals - Donna Roman, Hassan Hassan, Jen Sherman, Maire O’Keefe, Katrina Viloria
Global Collaboration: Connect Your Kids to the World - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., Ping Gao, Ph.D., Magda Galloway
Global Education Discourses in International Student Mobility - Uttam Gaulee, Krishna Bista
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Project-Based Learning with iEARN: Sharing Impact and Opportunities - Jennifer Russell, Allan Kakinda, Hela Nafti
Global Scholar Diploma at the High School Level - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Globally Conscious Mathematics - Kristy Beam
Globally Responsive Teaching Practice: Overcoming Social Disparities - Sajdah Ali George
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle, Athalo Carrao, Alexis Radney
Green Digital Footprints - Sebastian Panakal, Sophia T Pascal, Mertle Williams, Sunitha, Nisa
Harnessing Global Efficacy through Literature and Technology - Justin Peter Manwell
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson, Rachel Altizer, Leslie Angle, Delayna Doolin, Cassidy Hartsock, Jami Keen, Irene Labille, Josie Santos, Maddie Semones, Katie Smith, Malorie Tanner, Kelly Troiano 
Hello Little World Skypers - the Continuing Adventures - Anne Mirtschin, Presenters from across the world (names to be added closer to the time)
High Quality Career Counselling as a Push for the Global Development – presenting best practices from the Erasmus+ Career Tree Project - Grzegorz Kata, PhD. with Robert Porzak, PhD and Jacek Łukasiewicz, PhD
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to Globally Mobilize High School Students to Actualize the United Nations SDGs. - Linda Flannelly, Ralph Viggiano, Megan Scharf, Pete Robinson, Ann Michelsen, Kristian Otterstad Andresen, the students at Lindenhurst and Sandvika High School
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson, Angela Jo, Travis Hardy
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Immerse Yourself in the German Culture For Free by Volunteering in Germany or Austria - Birgit A. Jensen
Integration of Global Outdoors Learning Blogs, TED Ed Lessons and Global Goals in Management Courses - Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche, Flor Lepervanche
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Invitation to World Literature - Arthur R. Smith
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
Kids @SOS Children Village Going Global with iEARN and Mathletics - Sheeba Ajmal
Kids on Earth - Howard Blumenthal
Kings of Collaboration - Jan Zanetis,Sean Forde, Ralph Krauss, Peter Paccone
La acción tutorial en la educación virtual: funciones y responsabilidades - Lic. Gustavo Beltrami
Learning math from students around the world - Chris Collins
Let's Talk Global Education - Anne Mirtschin
Lidrazgo para el Desarrollo Social - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Maverick Leadership - Mike Lawrence
Mobilizing Student Voice through Global Discussions with a Real-World Impact with WorldVuze - Julia Coburn
MOOCs for librarians/library –opportunities and challenges for digital literacy - Gabriela Grosseck + Laura Malita
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action - Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, Said Belgra, Asma Albriki
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom, Dr. Marty Sleeper
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Optimizing OERs Globally Through ICT Literacy - Dr. Lesley Farmer
Organize, innovate and manage your global projects with free ICT tools - Barbara Anna Zielonka
Participatory Spontaneity: What Is It and How Can We Achieve It with Global Audiences Online? - Helen Teague
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Preparing Teachers for Global Learning and Collaboration - Linda Haynes
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette, Wendy Jewell, Victoria Murphy
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Quality Education through technology - Goal 4: Sustainable Development - Sara Abou Afach
Rainwater catchment and Practivism - Lonny Grafman
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre, Jan Zanetis
Scaling Global Competency Education - Delna Weil
Secrets to Successful Global Collaboration in Higher Education - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., David Stoloff, Ph.D.
Self Identity and Global Connection - Erin Dowd
Social Leadership Class Project - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Student conversation on Gender and Ethics - Sean Terwilliger and Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on Girls and Sports - Sean Terwilliger, Nan Hambrose, Vanessa Campbell, Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on LGBTQ+ Issues - Sean Terwilliger and Emma Maney
Student conversation on World Religions - Sean Terwilliger and Tica Simpson
Student driven eco-initiatives towards UN's SDGs - a case study of our GGPC grant winning entry - Ms. Kamal Preet, Ms. Anitha Bijesh
talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teach-The-World Foundation: A Call to Action To Eradicate Illiteracy Around The World - Robert Torres, PhD
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Teaching the SDGs through experiential and service learning - Caroline Weeks, Liz Radzicki, Kimm Murfitt
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The Impact of a Cultural Immersion Program on Student Perceptions of the “Other”: A Pilot Study - Sarah Thomas
The Kidlink Global projects.Perspectives and horizons for close cooperation. - Lusine Jhangirian
The positive impact of digital exchanges around the globe - Quratulain Hussain
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck, Ed Gragert, Adriana Vilela
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
University-Industry Collaboration in Vietnam: When the boss says Jump, you say Why? - Dr. Thi Tuyet Tran
Upward Mobility: Supporting the Academic Nomad through Blended Learning - Julia Zeigler, Terra Gargano
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual Exchanges: Harnessing Technology to Build Global Competencies and Increase Mutual Understanding Among International Youth - Katherine Hanson
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell, Tinika Fails
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano, Susan Gay Hyatt
Why and How Collaborative Projects Work Best according to the Mind, Brain, and Education Science - André Hedlund
World Peace Music Project - Yoshiro Miyata, Ayumi Ueda, Anne Mirtschin, Lorraine Leo
Write Our World - Multilingual eBooks by Kids for Kids - Julie Carey, Dr. Leigh Zeitz
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
See you online!
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us! published first on http://ift.tt/2xx6Oyq
0 notes
careerexpansion · 7 years
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) All Online, All Free November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual worldwide collaboration on globally-connected education starts today, Monday, November 13, and continues through this Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE, but does require that you REGISTER. Please register HERE to get instant access to the conference AND to receive all the recording links after the conferences. 4 days 24 hours/day 127 live sessions 27 keynote speakers ...and an amazing amount of global learning and fun!
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend and takes place online in live webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray has putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup:
Mali Bickley (Collaboration Specialist, TakingITGlobal)
David Bornstein (Co-Founder + CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Kevin Crouch (Director of Technology Services, Consilience Learning)
Franz De Paula (Author)
Gavin Dykes (Programme Director for the Education World Forum)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE, EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Ed Gragert (Founder, Global Woods Consulting)
Martin Levins (President of the Australian Council for Computers in Education--ACCE)
Julie Lindsay (Founder and CEO, Flat Connections)
Sylvia Martinez (Author, speaker, publisher - Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom)
Alan Mather (Chief, Office of College + Career Success)
Ann S. Michaelsen (Teacher and school leader, Sandvika vgs)
Anne Mirtschin (Hawkesdale P12 College, Australia)
Pam Moran (Superintendent of Schools, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO + Co-founder, World Savvy)
Jennie Niles (DC's Deputy Mayor of Education)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Maggie Mitchell Salem (Executive Director, QFI)
George Saltsman (Associate Research Professor, Director, Center for Educational Innovation and Digital Learning, Lamar University)
Ira Socol (Executive Director of Technology and Innovation, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Liam Wegimont (Chairperson, GENE)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 127 currently-accepted general sessions, and more of these are coming as well! Full details are here.
10 Ways to Easily Integrate Global Collaborations in Your Daily Curriculum - Rhett Oldham
A Joined Up Approach to Education and Learning - Christine Farrell
A World of #CollaborativePD: Build Your Global PLN Twitter Chat - Dr. Jennifer Williams, Brad Spirrison
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane, Jennifer Orlinski
Bridges to Argentina: Teaching and Learning with First Grade Partners and their Teachers - Susan Jacques Pierson
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Building up an organization (from scratch!) for a Global impact! - Montserrat Fregoso Fonseca, Maria Fernanda, Fregoso Fonseca
Cavando Bajo las Fs de la Educación Global para Experiencias Más Profundas - Jennifer D. Klein
Challenge Based Learning - David Lockett
Children's Literature for Solving Real-World Problems - Tina Genay
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Citizen Science: A Global Conservation Effort - Lindsay Glasner, Kelly Schaeffer
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Connected Learning Activities through Social Service - Sebastian Panakal, Gladwin Xavier, Muhammed Fardeen, Muhammed Mufsal, Sophia T Pascal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Cosmopolitan Project Based Learning - Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals in PBL - Craig Perrier
Creating Global Citizens through Teen Service Travel - Joanne Trangle, Jodi Sabra
Curriculum is the most important 'C' word in Global Projects! - Christine Trimnell
Deep Learning - A Global Perspective - Tom D'Amico
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson, Jonelle Lorantas, Mahfuza Rahman, Elyse Gainor
Developing Global Competencies in Teacher Education through Transdisciplinary and Translational Research - Melda N. Yildiz. TBA
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino, Millersville University Graduate Students in Education
Digging Beneath the Fs for Deeper Global Learning - Jennifer D. Klein
Digital media education for digital higher educated students - Laura Malita
E.I. and Humanitarianism in Classrooms - 21st Century Learning and Citizenship Essentials - Sania Green-Reynolds
Earth Charter in Education - Dr. Valerie Schmitz, Dr. Mary Ann Kahl
Educational Diplomacy with High School Students - David Angwenyi, Ph.D, Lea Hopkins
Empowering Young Changemakers through Design Thinking - Mahika Halepete
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun, Kenya Flash
Flipped Learning in L2: How to Encourage Cross-Cultural Critical Thinking to Teach Global Problem-Solving Skills - Birgit A. Jensen
Food Rescue through a High School - Toni Olivieri-Barton, Colorado Springs Food Rescue
Fostering Global Citizenship Through Literature and Art - Nadia Kalman
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Free research-based educational material from Finland - Marianne Juntunen, Ph. D.
GEC Connect - The Game! - Julia Francis
Global Collaboration Provides Diverse Perspective for UN Sustainable Development Goals - Donna Roman, Hassan Hassan, Jen Sherman, Maire O’Keefe, Katrina Viloria
Global Collaboration: Connect Your Kids to the World - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., Ping Gao, Ph.D., Magda Galloway
Global Education Discourses in International Student Mobility - Uttam Gaulee, Krishna Bista
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Project-Based Learning with iEARN: Sharing Impact and Opportunities - Jennifer Russell, Allan Kakinda, Hela Nafti
Global Scholar Diploma at the High School Level - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Globally Conscious Mathematics - Kristy Beam
Globally Responsive Teaching Practice: Overcoming Social Disparities - Sajdah Ali George
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle, Athalo Carrao, Alexis Radney
Green Digital Footprints - Sebastian Panakal, Sophia T Pascal, Mertle Williams, Sunitha, Nisa
Harnessing Global Efficacy through Literature and Technology - Justin Peter Manwell
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson, Rachel Altizer, Leslie Angle, Delayna Doolin, Cassidy Hartsock, Jami Keen, Irene Labille, Josie Santos, Maddie Semones, Katie Smith, Malorie Tanner, Kelly Troiano 
Hello Little World Skypers - the Continuing Adventures - Anne Mirtschin, Presenters from across the world (names to be added closer to the time)
High Quality Career Counselling as a Push for the Global Development – presenting best practices from the Erasmus+ Career Tree Project - Grzegorz Kata, PhD. with Robert Porzak, PhD and Jacek Łukasiewicz, PhD
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to Globally Mobilize High School Students to Actualize the United Nations SDGs. - Linda Flannelly, Ralph Viggiano, Megan Scharf, Pete Robinson, Ann Michelsen, Kristian Otterstad Andresen, the students at Lindenhurst and Sandvika High School
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson, Angela Jo, Travis Hardy
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Immerse Yourself in the German Culture For Free by Volunteering in Germany or Austria - Birgit A. Jensen
Integration of Global Outdoors Learning Blogs, TED Ed Lessons and Global Goals in Management Courses - Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche, Flor Lepervanche
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Invitation to World Literature - Arthur R. Smith
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
Kids @SOS Children Village Going Global with iEARN and Mathletics - Sheeba Ajmal
Kids on Earth - Howard Blumenthal
Kings of Collaboration - Jan Zanetis,Sean Forde, Ralph Krauss, Peter Paccone
La acción tutorial en la educación virtual: funciones y responsabilidades - Lic. Gustavo Beltrami
Learning math from students around the world - Chris Collins
Let's Talk Global Education - Anne Mirtschin
Lidrazgo para el Desarrollo Social - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Maverick Leadership - Mike Lawrence
Mobilizing Student Voice through Global Discussions with a Real-World Impact with WorldVuze - Julia Coburn
MOOCs for librarians/library –opportunities and challenges for digital literacy - Gabriela Grosseck + Laura Malita
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action - Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, Said Belgra, Asma Albriki
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom, Dr. Marty Sleeper
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Optimizing OERs Globally Through ICT Literacy - Dr. Lesley Farmer
Organize, innovate and manage your global projects with free ICT tools - Barbara Anna Zielonka
Participatory Spontaneity: What Is It and How Can We Achieve It with Global Audiences Online? - Helen Teague
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Preparing Teachers for Global Learning and Collaboration - Linda Haynes
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette, Wendy Jewell, Victoria Murphy
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Quality Education through technology - Goal 4: Sustainable Development - Sara Abou Afach
Rainwater catchment and Practivism - Lonny Grafman
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre, Jan Zanetis
Scaling Global Competency Education - Delna Weil
Secrets to Successful Global Collaboration in Higher Education - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., David Stoloff, Ph.D.
Self Identity and Global Connection - Erin Dowd
Social Leadership Class Project - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Student conversation on Gender and Ethics - Sean Terwilliger and Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on Girls and Sports - Sean Terwilliger, Nan Hambrose, Vanessa Campbell, Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on LGBTQ+ Issues - Sean Terwilliger and Emma Maney
Student conversation on World Religions - Sean Terwilliger and Tica Simpson
Student driven eco-initiatives towards UN's SDGs - a case study of our GGPC grant winning entry - Ms. Kamal Preet, Ms. Anitha Bijesh
talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teach-The-World Foundation: A Call to Action To Eradicate Illiteracy Around The World - Robert Torres, PhD
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Teaching the SDGs through experiential and service learning - Caroline Weeks, Liz Radzicki, Kimm Murfitt
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The Impact of a Cultural Immersion Program on Student Perceptions of the “Other”: A Pilot Study - Sarah Thomas
The Kidlink Global projects.Perspectives and horizons for close cooperation. - Lusine Jhangirian
The positive impact of digital exchanges around the globe - Quratulain Hussain
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck, Ed Gragert, Adriana Vilela
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
University-Industry Collaboration in Vietnam: When the boss says Jump, you say Why? - Dr. Thi Tuyet Tran
Upward Mobility: Supporting the Academic Nomad through Blended Learning - Julia Zeigler, Terra Gargano
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual Exchanges: Harnessing Technology to Build Global Competencies and Increase Mutual Understanding Among International Youth - Katherine Hanson
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell, Tinika Fails
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano, Susan Gay Hyatt
Why and How Collaborative Projects Work Best according to the Mind, Brain, and Education Science - André Hedlund
World Peace Music Project - Yoshiro Miyata, Ayumi Ueda, Anne Mirtschin, Lorraine Leo
Write Our World - Multilingual eBooks by Kids for Kids - Julie Carey, Dr. Leigh Zeitz
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
See you online!
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us! posted first on http://ift.tt/2tX7Iil
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careerexpansion · 7 years
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) All Online, All Free November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual worldwide collaboration on globally-connected education starts today, Monday, November 13, and continues through Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE, but does require that you REGISTER. Please register HERE to attend and receive the recording links. 4 days 24 hours/day 127 live sessions 27 keynote speakers ...and an amazing amount of global learning and fun!
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend and takes place online in live webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray is putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing.
Mali Bickley (Collaboration Specialist, TakingITGlobal)
David Bornstein (Co-Founder + CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Kevin Crouch (Director of Technology Services, Consilience Learning)
Franz De Paula (Author)
Gavin Dykes (Programme Director for the Education World Forum)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE, EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Ed Gragert (Founder, Global Woods Consulting)
Martin Levins ()
Julie Lindsay (Founder and CEO, Flat Connections)
Sylvia Martinez (Author, speaker, publisher - Invent to Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom)
Alan Mather (Chief, Office of College + Career Success)
Ann S. Michaelsen (Teacher and school leader, Sandvika vgs)
Anne Mirtschin (Hawkesdale P12 College, Australia)
Pam Moran (Superintendent of Schools, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO + Co-founder, World Savvy)
Jennie Niles (DC's Deputy Mayor of Education)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Maggie Mitchell Salem (Executive Director, QFI)
George Saltsman (Associate Research Professor, Director, Center for Educational Innovation and Digital Learning, Lamar University)
Ira Socol (Executive Director of Technology and Innovation, Albemarle County Public Schools)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Liam Wegimont (Chairperson, GENE)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 127 currently-accepted general sessions, and more of these are coming as well! Full details are here.
10 Ways to Easily Integrate Global Collaborations in Your Daily Curriculum - Rhett Oldham
A Joined Up Approach to Education and Learning - Christine Farrell
A World of #CollaborativePD: Build Your Global PLN Twitter Chat - Dr. Jennifer Williams, Brad Spirrison
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane, Jennifer Orlinski
Bridges to Argentina: Teaching and Learning with First Grade Partners and their Teachers - Susan Jacques Pierson
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Building up an organization (from scratch!) for a Global impact! - Montserrat Fregoso Fonseca, Maria Fernanda, Fregoso Fonseca
Cavando Bajo las Fs de la Educación Global para Experiencias Más Profundas - Jennifer D. Klein
Challenge Based Learning - David Lockett
Children's Literature for Solving Real-World Problems - Tina Genay
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Citizen Science: A Global Conservation Effort - Lindsay Glasner, Kelly Schaeffer
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Connected Learning Activities through Social Service - Sebastian Panakal, Gladwin Xavier, Muhammed Fardeen, Muhammed Mufsal, Sophia T Pascal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Cosmopolitan Project Based Learning - Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals in PBL - Craig Perrier
Creating Global Citizens through Teen Service Travel - Joanne Trangle, Jodi Sabra
Curriculum is the most important 'C' word in Global Projects! - Christine Trimnell
Deep Learning - A Global Perspective - Tom D'Amico
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson, Jonelle Lorantas, Mahfuza Rahman, Elyse Gainor
Developing Global Competencies in Teacher Education through Transdisciplinary and Translational Research - Melda N. Yildiz. TBA
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino, Millersville University Graduate Students in Education
Digging Beneath the Fs for Deeper Global Learning - Jennifer D. Klein
Digital media education for digital higher educated students - Laura Malita
E.I. and Humanitarianism in Classrooms - 21st Century Learning and Citizenship Essentials - Sania Green-Reynolds
Earth Charter in Education - Dr. Valerie Schmitz, Dr. Mary Ann Kahl
Educational Diplomacy with High School Students - David Angwenyi, Ph.D, Lea Hopkins
Empowering Young Changemakers through Design Thinking - Mahika Halepete
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun, Kenya Flash
Flipped Learning in L2: How to Encourage Cross-Cultural Critical Thinking to Teach Global Problem-Solving Skills - Birgit A. Jensen
Food Rescue through a High School - Toni Olivieri-Barton, Colorado Springs Food Rescue
Fostering Global Citizenship Through Literature and Art - Nadia Kalman
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Free research-based educational material from Finland - Marianne Juntunen, Ph. D.
GEC Connect - The Game! - Julia Francis
Global Collaboration Provides Diverse Perspective for UN Sustainable Development Goals - Donna Roman, Hassan Hassan, Jen Sherman, Maire O’Keefe, Katrina Viloria
Global Collaboration: Connect Your Kids to the World - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., Ping Gao, Ph.D., Magda Galloway
Global Education Discourses in International Student Mobility - Uttam Gaulee, Krishna Bista
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Project-Based Learning with iEARN: Sharing Impact and Opportunities - Jennifer Russell, Allan Kakinda, Hela Nafti
Global Scholar Diploma at the High School Level - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Globally Conscious Mathematics - Kristy Beam
Globally Responsive Teaching Practice: Overcoming Social Disparities - Sajdah Ali George
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle, Athalo Carrao, Alexis Radney
Green Digital Footprints - Sebastian Panakal, Sophia T Pascal, Mertle Williams, Sunitha, Nisa
Harnessing Global Efficacy through Literature and Technology - Justin Peter Manwell
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson, Rachel Altizer, Leslie Angle, Delayna Doolin, Cassidy Hartsock, Jami Keen, Irene Labille, Josie Santos, Maddie Semones, Katie Smith, Malorie Tanner, Kelly Troiano 
Hello Little World Skypers - the Continuing Adventures - Anne Mirtschin, Presenters from across the world (names to be added closer to the time)
High Quality Career Counselling as a Push for the Global Development – presenting best practices from the Erasmus+ Career Tree Project - Grzegorz Kata, PhD. with Robert Porzak, PhD and Jacek Łukasiewicz, PhD
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to Globally Mobilize High School Students to Actualize the United Nations SDGs. - Linda Flannelly, Ralph Viggiano, Megan Scharf, Pete Robinson, Ann Michelsen, Kristian Otterstad Andresen, the students at Lindenhurst and Sandvika High School
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson, Angela Jo, Travis Hardy
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Immerse Yourself in the German Culture For Free by Volunteering in Germany or Austria - Birgit A. Jensen
Integration of Global Outdoors Learning Blogs, TED Ed Lessons and Global Goals in Management Courses - Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche, Flor Lepervanche
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Invitation to World Literature - Arthur R. Smith
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
Kids @SOS Children Village Going Global with iEARN and Mathletics - Sheeba Ajmal
Kids on Earth - Howard Blumenthal
Kings of Collaboration - Jan Zanetis,Sean Forde, Ralph Krauss, Peter Paccone
La acción tutorial en la educación virtual: funciones y responsabilidades - Lic. Gustavo Beltrami
Learning math from students around the world - Chris Collins
Let's Talk Global Education - Anne Mirtschin
Lidrazgo para el Desarrollo Social - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Maverick Leadership - Mike Lawrence
Mobilizing Student Voice through Global Discussions with a Real-World Impact with WorldVuze - Julia Coburn
MOOCs for librarians/library –opportunities and challenges for digital literacy - Gabriela Grosseck + Laura Malita
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project: Global Online Collaboration in Action - Nicolle Boujaber-Diederichs, Said Belgra, Asma Albriki
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom, Dr. Marty Sleeper
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Optimizing OERs Globally Through ICT Literacy - Dr. Lesley Farmer
Organize, innovate and manage your global projects with free ICT tools - Barbara Anna Zielonka
Participatory Spontaneity: What Is It and How Can We Achieve It with Global Audiences Online? - Helen Teague
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Preparing Teachers for Global Learning and Collaboration - Linda Haynes
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette, Wendy Jewell, Victoria Murphy
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Quality Education through technology - Goal 4: Sustainable Development - Sara Abou Afach
Rainwater catchment and Practivism - Lonny Grafman
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre, Jan Zanetis
Scaling Global Competency Education - Delna Weil
Secrets to Successful Global Collaboration in Higher Education - Leigh Zeitz, Ph.D., David Stoloff, Ph.D.
Self Identity and Global Connection - Erin Dowd
Social Leadership Class Project - Arlette Audiffred Hinojosa
Student conversation on Gender and Ethics - Sean Terwilliger and Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on Girls and Sports - Sean Terwilliger, Nan Hambrose, Vanessa Campbell, Deborah Glymph
Student conversation on LGBTQ+ Issues - Sean Terwilliger and Emma Maney
Student conversation on World Religions - Sean Terwilliger and Tica Simpson
Student driven eco-initiatives towards UN's SDGs - a case study of our GGPC grant winning entry - Ms. Kamal Preet, Ms. Anitha Bijesh
talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teach-The-World Foundation: A Call to Action To Eradicate Illiteracy Around The World - Robert Torres, PhD
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson, Pre-service educators in the Teaching and Learning Mathematics
Teaching the SDGs through experiential and service learning - Caroline Weeks, Liz Radzicki, Kimm Murfitt
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The Impact of a Cultural Immersion Program on Student Perceptions of the “Other”: A Pilot Study - Sarah Thomas
The Kidlink Global projects.Perspectives and horizons for close cooperation. - Lusine Jhangirian
The positive impact of digital exchanges around the globe - Quratulain Hussain
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck, Ed Gragert, Adriana Vilela
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
University-Industry Collaboration in Vietnam: When the boss says Jump, you say Why? - Dr. Thi Tuyet Tran
Upward Mobility: Supporting the Academic Nomad through Blended Learning - Julia Zeigler, Terra Gargano
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual Exchanges: Harnessing Technology to Build Global Competencies and Increase Mutual Understanding Among International Youth - Katherine Hanson
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell, Tinika Fails
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano, Susan Gay Hyatt
Why and How Collaborative Projects Work Best according to the Mind, Brain, and Education Science - André Hedlund
World Peace Music Project - Yoshiro Miyata, Ayumi Ueda, Anne Mirtschin, Lorraine Leo
Write Our World - Multilingual eBooks by Kids for Kids - Julie Carey, Dr. Leigh Zeitz
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
See you online!
The 2017 Global Education Conference (Online) Starts Today! Join Us! posted first on http://ift.tt/2tX7Iil
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careerexpansion · 7 years
Makerspaces Event Recordings + "Are You Global Ready?" The 2017 GEC Online Conference Is Coming!
The Library 2.017 Makerspaces mini-conference recordings have been posted! You can find them at:
Library 2.0 Site - Recordings Page: http://ift.tt/2lDGLjV (must be logged in)
YouTube Conference Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGvt9IyrGCa68EtCWNg2w57IMjSxFJFuT 
Library 2.0 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Library20 
Included in the recordings are: the keynote sessions from Heather Moorefield-Lang, June Abbas, Leanne Bowler, Kristin Fontichiaro, and Kyungwon Koh; the pre-conference special webinar with Susan Considine and Mike Cimino from the Fayetteville Free Library on "STEAM and Making at the FFL;" and our general sessions: Tara Smith + Jessica McClean--'Hosting Maker Days and Forging Collaborative Partnerships in Anticipation of an Academic Library Makerspace;' Alisha Wilson + Nancy Stetzinger--'Keeping It Fresh: How to Create and Sustain a Maker Culture that Motivates Teens;' Ben Rearick--'Proposal for a Theoretical Framework for Small + Rural Libraries Supporting Entrepreneurs;' Rachel Seltz--'Volunteers at Your Library Makerspace;' IdaMae Craddock--'From Makerspace to Learning Commons: What's Next;' Rebecca Ferrer--'From Zero to System Wide Makerspace in 3 Grants and 4 Years;' Josh Weisgrau +Jessica Parker--'Librarians are Maker Champions: Here's how you can be too!;' Kristina A. Holzweiss--'Making a Difference:' Morgan Chivers + Katie Musick Peery--'Walking the Walk: iterative design in student staff service learning projects;' Hilda Gómez--'Bibliotecas Activas;' Abigail L. Phillips--'Finding What Fits: Approachability of Makerspaces and Making in the Library;' Robert Pronovost--'Low Cost Tools to Bring Making into Your Library;' Stephanie Piper--'Smart Working for Active Makerspaces;' and Martin Wallace, Katie Peery, + Morgan Chivers--'Making Maker Literacies: Competencies-based Course Integration of Academic Library Makerspaces.'
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual worldwide collaboration on globally-connected education will take place around the clock starting Monday, November 13, and continue through Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE to attend, but does require that you REGISTER! Please register HERE. 
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend and takes place online in live webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Still Taking Proposals
Keynotes + Sessions
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors + Partners
We're Still Taking Proposals!
The call for proposals is open until November 5th. We encourage all to submit by following the detailed directions listed here. If accepted, you can present in your time zone at a time that is convenient to you!
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray is putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing.
Mali Bickley (Collaboration Specialist, TakingITGlobal)
David Bornstein (Co-Founder + CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE, EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Seán Ó Grádaigh (National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG))
Alan Mather (Chief, Office of College + Career Success)
Ann S. Michaelsen (Teacher and school leader, Sandvika vgs)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO + Co-founder, World Savvy)
Jennie Niles (DC's Deputy Mayor of Education)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Maggie Mitchell Salem (Executive Director, QFI)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Liam Wegimont (Chairperson, GENE)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 59 currently-accepted general sessions, and more of these are coming as well! Full details are here.
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Conference Proposal #WebDay - Sean Terwilliger
Connecting Kids @SOS Children Village Globally - a dive into iEARN projects - Sheeba Ajmal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Cosmopolitan Project Based Learning - Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals in PBL - Craig Perrier
Creating Change through Youth Empowerment - Mahika
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun
Food Rescue through a High School - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Scholar Diploma at the High School Level - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Integration of Global Outdoors Learning Blogs, TED Ed Lessons and Global Goals in Management Courses - Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
Maverick Leadership - Mike Lawrence
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre
talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano
World Peace Music Project - Yoshiro Miyata
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
That's all for now, but there is a lot more to come! Be sure to REGISTER and then join the Global Education Conference network to receive daily updates about the conference and notice of any changes. Thank you for your continuing support, and...
See you online! Makerspaces Event Recordings + "Are You Global Ready?" The 2017 GEC Online Conference Is Coming! posted first on http://ift.tt/2tX7Iil
0 notes
growthvue · 7 years
Makerspaces Event Recordings + "Are You Global Ready?" The 2017 GEC Online Conference Is Coming!
The Library 2.017 Makerspaces mini-conference recordings have been posted! You can find them at:
Library 2.0 Site - Recordings Page: http://ift.tt/2lDGLjV (must be logged in)
YouTube Conference Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGvt9IyrGCa68EtCWNg2w57IMjSxFJFuT 
Library 2.0 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Library20 
Included in the recordings are: the keynote sessions from Heather Moorefield-Lang, June Abbas, Leanne Bowler, Kristin Fontichiaro, and Kyungwon Koh; the pre-conference special webinar with Susan Considine and Mike Cimino from the Fayetteville Free Library on "STEAM and Making at the FFL;" and our general sessions: Tara Smith + Jessica McClean--'Hosting Maker Days and Forging Collaborative Partnerships in Anticipation of an Academic Library Makerspace;' Alisha Wilson + Nancy Stetzinger--'Keeping It Fresh: How to Create and Sustain a Maker Culture that Motivates Teens;' Ben Rearick--'Proposal for a Theoretical Framework for Small + Rural Libraries Supporting Entrepreneurs;' Rachel Seltz--'Volunteers at Your Library Makerspace;' IdaMae Craddock--'From Makerspace to Learning Commons: What's Next;' Rebecca Ferrer--'From Zero to System Wide Makerspace in 3 Grants and 4 Years;' Josh Weisgrau +Jessica Parker--'Librarians are Maker Champions: Here's how you can be too!;' Kristina A. Holzweiss--'Making a Difference:' Morgan Chivers + Katie Musick Peery--'Walking the Walk: iterative design in student staff service learning projects;' Hilda Gómez--'Bibliotecas Activas;' Abigail L. Phillips--'Finding What Fits: Approachability of Makerspaces and Making in the Library;' Robert Pronovost--'Low Cost Tools to Bring Making into Your Library;' Stephanie Piper--'Smart Working for Active Makerspaces;' and Martin Wallace, Katie Peery, + Morgan Chivers--'Making Maker Literacies: Competencies-based Course Integration of Academic Library Makerspaces.'
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual worldwide collaboration on globally-connected education will take place around the clock starting Monday, November 13, and continue through Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE to attend, but does require that you REGISTER! Please register HERE. 
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend and takes place online in live webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Still Taking Proposals
Keynotes + Sessions
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors + Partners
We're Still Taking Proposals!
The call for proposals is open until November 5th. We encourage all to submit by following the detailed directions listed here. If accepted, you can present in your time zone at a time that is convenient to you!
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray is putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing.
Mali Bickley (Collaboration Specialist, TakingITGlobal)
David Bornstein (Co-Founder + CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE, EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Seán Ó Grádaigh (National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG))
Alan Mather (Chief, Office of College + Career Success)
Ann S. Michaelsen (Teacher and school leader, Sandvika vgs)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO + Co-founder, World Savvy)
Jennie Niles (DC's Deputy Mayor of Education)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Maggie Mitchell Salem (Executive Director, QFI)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Liam Wegimont (Chairperson, GENE)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 59 currently-accepted general sessions, and more of these are coming as well! Full details are here.
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Conference Proposal #WebDay - Sean Terwilliger
Connecting Kids @SOS Children Village Globally - a dive into iEARN projects - Sheeba Ajmal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Cosmopolitan Project Based Learning - Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals in PBL - Craig Perrier
Creating Change through Youth Empowerment - Mahika
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun
Food Rescue through a High School - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Scholar Diploma at the High School Level - Toni Olivieri-Barton
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Integration of Global Outdoors Learning Blogs, TED Ed Lessons and Global Goals in Management Courses - Dr. Jose G. Lepervanche
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
Maverick Leadership - Mike Lawrence
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre
talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano
World Peace Music Project - Yoshiro Miyata
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
That's all for now, but there is a lot more to come! Be sure to REGISTER and then join the Global Education Conference network to receive daily updates about the conference and notice of any changes. Thank you for your continuing support, and...
See you online! Makerspaces Event Recordings + "Are You Global Ready?" The 2017 GEC Online Conference Is Coming! published first on http://ift.tt/2xx6Oyq
0 notes
careerexpansion · 7 years
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual world-wide collaboration on globally-connected education will take place around the clock starting Monday, November 13, and continuing through Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE to attend, but does require that you REGISTER! Please register HERE. 
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend, and all events take place online in webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Still Taking Proposals
Keynotes + Sessions
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors + Partners
We're Still Taking Proposals!
The call for proposals is open until November 5th. We encourage all to submit by following the detailed directions listed here. If accepted, you can present in your time zone at a time that is convenient to you!
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray is putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing.
David Bornstein (Co-Founder & CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO & Co-founder, World Savvy)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 53 currently-accepted general sessions. Full details are here.
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Conference Proposal #WebDay - Sean Terwilliger
Connecting Kids @SOS Children Village Globally - a dive into iEARN projects - Ms Sheeba Ajmal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Creating Change through Youth Empowerment - Mahika
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre
Talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
That's all for now, but there is a lot more to come! Be sure to REGISTER and then join the Global Education Conference network to receive daily updates about the conference and notice of any changes. Thank you for your continuing support, and...
See you online! Steve Hargadon and Lucy Gray GEC Co-Chairs [email protected] [email protected]
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program! posted first on http://ift.tt/2tX7Iil
0 notes
careerexpansion · 7 years
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual world-wide collaboration on globally-connected education will take place around the clock starting Monday, November 13, and continuing through Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE to attend, but does require that you REGISTER! Please register HERE. 
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend, and all events take place online in webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Still Taking Proposals
Keynotes + Sessions
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors + Partners
We're Still Taking Proposals!
The call for proposals is open until November 5th. We encourage all to submit by following the detailed directions listed here. If accepted, you can present in your time zone at a time that is convenient to you!
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray is putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing.
David Bornstein (Co-Founder & CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO & Co-founder, World Savvy)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 53 currently-accepted general sessions. Full details are here.
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Conference Proposal #WebDay - Sean Terwilliger
Connecting Kids @SOS Children Village Globally - a dive into iEARN projects - Ms Sheeba Ajmal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Creating Change through Youth Empowerment - Mahika
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre
Talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
That's all for now, but there is a lot more to come! Be sure to REGISTER and then join the Global Education Conference network to receive daily updates about the conference and notice of any changes. Thank you for your continuing support, and...
See you online! Steve Hargadon and Lucy Gray GEC Co-Chairs [email protected] [email protected]
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program! posted first on http://ift.tt/2tX7Iil
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careerexpansion · 7 years
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eighth annual world-wide collaboration on globally-connected education will take place around the clock starting Monday, November 13, and continuing through Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE to attend, but does require that you REGISTER! Please register HERE. 
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend, and all events take place online in webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Still Taking Proposals
Keynotes + Sessions
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors + Partners
We're Still Taking Proposals!
The call for proposals is open until November 5th. We encourage all to submit by following the detailed directions listed here. If accepted, you can present in your time zone at a time that is convenient to you!
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray is putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing.
David Bornstein (Co-Founder & CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO & Co-founder, World Savvy)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 53 currently-accepted general sessions. Full details are here.
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Conference Proposal #WebDay - Sean Terwilliger
Connecting Kids @SOS Children Village Globally - a dive into iEARN projects - Ms Sheeba Ajmal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Creating Change through Youth Empowerment - Mahika
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre
Talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
That's all for now, but there is a lot more to come! Be sure to REGISTER and then join the Global Education Conference network to receive daily updates about the conference and notice of any changes. Thank you for your continuing support, and...
See you online! Steve Hargadon and Lucy Gray GEC Co-Chairs [email protected] [email protected]
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program! posted first on http://ift.tt/2tX7Iil
0 notes
growthvue · 7 years
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program!
The 8th Annual Global Education Conference (GEC) November 13 - 16, 2017
The Global Education Conference Network's eigth annual world-wide collaboration on globally-connected education will take place around the clock starting Monday, November 13, and continuing through Thursday, November 16.
This event is FREE to attend, but does require that you REGISTER! Please register HERE. 
The GEC features thought leaders from the world of education and beyond, is completely free to attend, and all events take place online in webinar format. We invite you to join the 25,600 GEC community members (from 170+ countries) and actively participate in dozens of sessions focused on international education topics. Some important conference updates are below:
Still Taking Proposals
Keynotes + Sessions
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors + Partners
We're Still Taking Proposals!
The call for proposals is open until November 5th. We encourage all to submit by following the detailed directions listed here. If accepted, you can present in your time zone at a time that is convenient to you!
Keynotes + Sessions
As usual, Lucy Gray is putting together an INCREDIBLE keynote speaker lineup and it is still growing.
David Bornstein (Co-Founder & CEO, Solutions Journalism Network)
Fabrice Fresse (Member of EvalUE)
Michael Furdyk (Co-founder, TakingITGlobal)
Terry Godwaldt (Executive Director, The Centre for Global Education)
Jean-Luc Moreau (President, EvalUE association)
Dana Mortenson (CEO & Co-founder, World Savvy)
Lori Roe (Instructional Technology Specialist, Delaware Department of Education)
Ariel Tichnor-Wagner (Senior Fellow of Global Competence, ASCD)
Erin Towns (Global Educator, Edward Little High School)
Dr. Jennifer Williams (Director of Education Strategy, Participate)
Below are the session titles and presenters for our 53 currently-accepted general sessions. Full details are here.
Amplifying Student Voices Globally Via the Our Global Classroom What If Grid. - Bronwyn Joyce
Beyond Our Borders: Fostering Global Competency Through Student Travel and Virtual Exchanges - Cynthia Derrane
Bringing learning BACK INTO the classroom - Liu Yijie
Bringing the world to rural environments - Peter Raatz
Children's Literature, Math, and Global Connections - Oh My! - Glenna Gustafson
Classroom Conversations with the World - Paul Hurteau
Conference Proposal #WebDay - Sean Terwilliger
Connecting Kids @SOS Children Village Globally - a dive into iEARN projects - Ms Sheeba Ajmal
Connecting through Architecture: Minecraft in the Language Classroom - Kathleen Reardon
Creating Change through Youth Empowerment - Mahika
Designing for All: Lessons from a Global Network of Maker Classrooms - Lisa Jobson
Developing Globally Competent Students - Ann C. Gaudino
Enhancing Intercultural Communication through an International Film Club - Helaine W. Marshall
Exploring Gender Neutral/Inclusive Bathrooms in Libraries: A Global Perspective - Raymond Pun
Foundations of Global Learning: Creating Global Citizens in the First-Year Experience - Dr. Shelbee NguyenVoges
Global Learning Collaboration in a Less Tech World - Dr. Reynaldo L. Duran
Global Mentors Project: Connecting Student Teachers with Mentors from Around the World - Terry Smith
Global PBL in the Digital Age - Brad Bielawski
Global Students Global Perspectives - Amazing Race Project - Laurie Clement
Going Beyond the Hour of Code - Bryan L. Miller
Great Global Challenge Project Awardee Presentation: Why should I study a Foreign Language? - Ruth Valle
Harnessing the Power of Children's Literature to Teach Math and Global Themes - Glenna Gustafson
High School Global Issues Class as a Springboard for Creating Young Activists - Adam Carter
How can schools be vehicles for creating community wellness? - Jennifer Moore
How might preparation for and engagement in a protest poetry festival enhance Grade 10 boys’ understanding of global conflict? - Glynnis Moore
How to create inclusion and shared power in virtual exchange partnerships. - Jack Haskell
How to increase global competency in students: A research-based discussion with Empatico - Chelsea Donaldson
iEARN - Girl Rising project - R. Allen Witten
Intercultural Competence - Shawn Simpson
Intercultural Competence For Educators: What's In It For Me? - Dr. Whitney Sherman
Just Little ol' Me Sharing my Global Collaboration Experiences. - Lynn Koresh
More Than Current Events- A Globally Connected Triad of Tri-BOBs - Noa Daniel
One Truth and a Million Truths: Teaching History in a Globalizing World - Nayun Eom
Online global collaboration - enablers, barriers and implications for teacher education - Julie Lindsay
Opening up Statistics Education to a Global Audience - Larry Musolino
Power of Impact Cinema: How to bring the world into your classroom? - Gemma Bradshaw
Practice Active Global Citizenship with the K-12 Global Art Exchange - Paul Hurteau
Preparing Students for Careers in a Globally Connected World - Heather Singmaster
Promote Global Tolerance + Celebrate Cultural Diversity by Creating New Media with the My Hero Project - Wendy Milette
Promoting Internationalism In Teaching And Preparing Global Citizens Through Exchange Projects: Different But The Same Project As An Example - Mr. Omar Titki
Ripples Make Waves: Bring The Global Water Crisis Into Your Classroom - Joan Roehre
Talking kites in the footsteps of J. Korczak - Ruty Hotzen
Teaching Math and Global Themes with Children's Literature - Glenna Gustafson
Tech Trip: Using EdTech to Get the Most Out of Global Travel - Kathleen Reardon
Teens Dream: A global video contest for teens to express their dreams as they relate to one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - Linda Staheli
The power of case studies - Anne Fox
Tips for starting your own DIY Global Youth Summit - Tara Kajtaniak
Tutoring Students Online to Promote Universal Access to a Quality Education - Kasey Beck
Understanding the Reproductive Health Education Needs for Sustainable Development - Ms. Eunmi Song
Use Design Thinking to Integrate Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into STEM - Barbara Bray
Utilizing School-Based Virtual Field Trips for Global Learning - Dr. Stacy Delacruz
Virtual STEM Competition-Your Community, Your World - Volita Russell
What's a Crankie?? Using Creative Story Exchanges to Build Global Competence and Connect Students Across Borders - Cora Bresciano
Thanks to the GEC Sponsors
Without the support of the following organizations, GlobalEdCon would not be possible. We are grateful for companies and organizations who believe in the power of globally connected learning. Contact Steve Hargadon ([email protected]) about opportunities to get involved with our community.
That's all for now, but there is a lot more to come! Be sure to REGISTER and then join the Global Education Conference network to receive daily updates about the conference and notice of any changes. Thank you for your continuing support, and...
See you online! Steve Hargadon and Lucy Gray GEC Co-Chairs [email protected] [email protected]
2017 GlobalEdCon (November 13 - 16) - Register Now, Incredible Program! published first on http://ift.tt/2xx6Oyq
0 notes