#A Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa Moto Oshiego Tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu
tetrix-anime · 22 days
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A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu. (I Left my A-Rank Party to Help My Former Students Reach the Dungeon Depths!) - Teaser Visual and PV. 2 consecutive cours. Premiere: January 2025
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nonging · 7 months
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raguna-blade · 2 years
A bit of a rant/analysis below. Nothing super detailed I think but if you’re interested
Ok, so the benefit of looking at stuff tha’ts not quite as good as actually good is that you get to see what works and doesn’t by the mechanics of it, especially when they don’t quite match up.
In and of itself that’s fine and probably good practice
But I’m struggling to put into words WHAT exactly is the difference here between Kicked out of the A Rank party and Beast Master Blahblahblah.
They share similar overall shape (Capable character is kicked out of high ranking party, reveals that they’re actually quite skilled and powerful in their own right, gain attention of cute girls who join together with them as a team and they kick ass)
Easy straight forward.
Chapter lengths are also similar, being about 15 pages or so, a bit on the short side.
Genre is overall the same (fantasy, adventure guilds, monsters, etc)
Main characters have many similarities in this regard, and while I didn’t get super far in Beast Master, (I could only manage 10 chapters before my attention fell off entirely) there’s some pretty pointd differences there too which I’ll get to in a sec. Design Wise, Despite being similarly black haired stock LN dude, I favor A Rank’s a bit more, despite beast master being technically a bit more original looking (He hs brown hair as I recall)
Cute girls, as seen, are also pretty similar. Not super deep characterization, but nobody in this does really so that’s not really the biggest issue but there are differences as well so. Designs are also, similarly, pretty basic from what I’ve seen, although here to I favor A Rank over Beast Master.
Plots are, near as I can tell, about the same. Adventure, See weird stuff, continue. Beast master from what I’ve seen DOES get more complicated, and maybe my issues with it later get worked around.
And then the general magic systems don’t seem to be quite as different as they could be either…
So what’s the differences then?
The first and most obvious in my mind is that the Main Character in A Rank definitively has a Spine. There’s a small but critical difference of him actively leaving the party that he was a part of, because they were being shit heads. Compare Beast Master, who get’s kicked out.
In both cases, the parties do not recognize the amount of stuff they’re doing for them, but A-Rank’s hero (Yoke) saying hey you fuckers are undervaluing me And actually actively telling them to fuck off gives a stronger impression overall compared to Rain who is actually undervaluing themselves.
A further point in A-Rank’s favor for main characters, is that Yoke (despite being yet another example of stock MC uber badass in certain respects) also demonstrably is actively expanding his skills and abilities. While there’s definitely a certain point where it probably leans too far into hyper competence, there’s also the ready and actually completely reasonable excuse that This Man Was On A High Ranking Party. Of course he should know all this stuff, he’s been at it for years. Him expanding his range of skills makes sense, and the fact that the seems to actively go out of his way to do paints him in a better light.
By comparison, Rain, protag of beast master….Doesn’t seem to be doing that. He’s already very strong in a lot of ways, ut I think the thing that absolutely kills it is that he seemingly has no experience with OTHER normal beast masters (it’s made abundantly and explicitly clear early on in the few chapters I read that he has not met ANY other beast masters. Just no one else in his trade at all, despite being a high ranker). This undervalues his skills by a large amount, and rather than serving to be impressive, it just comes off as fellating the main character “Look how good they are!” rather than just being a build up of their skills.
Again, It’s not like Yoke’s a hyper well built up character either, but the fact that he IS aware of what he’s worth, the fact that he does seem to go out of his way to build up his skills, and the fact that the story ad setting in general DOES make it a point to show why some of his thoughts and drives for this make sense.
That is to say,Red Mages (Yokes class and power set) seems to be built around buffing and debuffing (and the debuffs seem pretty legit actually) but there’s a general devaluation of the class and skills, which seems weird at first, until the story encounters the first Big Name Monster and it’s pointed out “Oh yeah, these debuffs Stop Working Well against the big horrible monsters” and you suddenly get it, Oh That’s why they’re devalued. Yes he has a range of buffs that help out, but it’s made clear that LITERALLY all of the buffs can be handled with items, and while carrying them around is a problem, the questionable utility of a specific buffer debuffer when there’s items that can do the job just as well is a fair one to ask. It’s not necessarily a sensible decision, but it’s one that I could understand.
By comparison, Rain’s class of beast tamer is, in universe, seemingly pretty bleh at best, but again I didn’t get super far. But it IS made clear the differences between Rain and others is SPECIAL PROTAG RIGHTS more than Homie Worked his Ass Off and Doesn’t know it. Again, everyone who knows even a bit is constantly surprised at his antics, which get’s old fast.
And ok, in both cases, there’s the party that they get kicked out of. Let’s take a look at them.
Generally speaing, from both cases, both are scumbags. Like Unambiguously so, but there is the difference of Rain’s Party Being Righteous Scumbags (We’re the Hero Party!) vs just Greedy Dickheads (ala Yoke) which does give each a different feel. Not to mention, that while both parties are played as incompetent with their base knowledge, the degree of it for both comes across as wildy different.
In Rain’s Case, again from my limited read I might go back again to see whats up if it changes a touch, there seems to be a genuinely lack of skill, guts and so on, which makes their dismissal come off as well, they’re huge dumbasses. There’s a shallowness to their shallowness if you get me. By comparison Yokes party are SIMILIARLY dumb as a sack of hammers, and you do have to wonder why and how they got as far as they did, but you can at least understand that with the amount that Yoke was doing and he was doing a frankly freakish amount. Yes there’s the oh man look at how competent our hero is thing, but when you see his party go “Oh wait yeah that makes sense we should also do that” and then they do, you kinda start to realize that it’s less Yokes a Freak, and more Yokes the only one with common sense on that party. But in doing so, you can at least understand WHY it is that they’re lacking that knowledge, because they themselves actively undervalued that knowledge that Yoke himself had and made use of.
Like they’re serving the same fucking purpose as dumbasses who don’t know what they lost, but the difference of how it’s demonstrated makes a huge difference there.
Then there’s the element of the girls. Which, hey, it’s what the manga’s about fundamentally. Self insert dude with cute bevy of girls with him, haremy shenanigans, blahblhablah. There’s ways you can play that and be fun so I’m cool with it (and cute girls are cute, it must be said) but the difference of it is..
Again, I only got so far, but it’s made clear that the while neither party has particular depth, the catgirl vs the trio of adventurers who Yoke joins up with have…well…
It’s again a competence thing. Kanade (the catgirl) shows up needing to be rescued from a situation that to all indications is straight up her fault. Explicitly, she’s superhumanly strong, so there shouldn’t be a reason she’s not able to procure some food, even if it is the case that she needs to eat CONSIDERABLY more than a baseline person to keep herself running. Like yes starvation happens, I get it, but it feels like a you dumbass moment rather than a preventable fuck up. Even having her being actively harried by something she couldn’t actually handle would at least make it make sense, but at least in the manga she handles the creature on dregs pretty casually (even if it’s a single blow) so it’s a big ????
By comparison, the Adventurer Girls (Silk, Rain, Marina) are introduced in a considerably lower stakes situation, and more to the point it’s a social situation that by all indications they have…Not under control, but within their ability to handle. As a unit, their competence never actually get’s called into question, and in fact they’re sold as actually VERY talented rookies by our Much More Experienced Protag. They just need more experience and they’ll be golden, which in subsequent big monster fights you can actually see! They handle a monster WAY out of their league by ranking pretty handily (if with injuries) the first time we see it and also get to see our protag flex off his credentials, and the NEXT big monster they similarly get to flex against mostly by themselves and Successfully for the most part.
And individual characterization wise, they’re all simple characters, boy the A Rank and Beast Tamer, but there’s differences in how they’re handled that makes the difference. By introducing them (a rank) as a group, you get to see them bounce off differing characters sooner as compared beast tamer hwo only has the bland Rain to bounce off, and when you introduce Yoke to the mix, there’s an additional dynamic added to the vibe, which makes the simplicity charming rather than bland.
And I guess the last major point is the Romance angle, because of course there is it’s basic middle of the road stuff here, but the general vibe of it and how it’s developed actually feels well…A rank Explicitly has Yoke be an ex teacher of their, and he hasn’t seen them in years, which makes the dynamic of respect and admiration and school girl crushes feel well..Earned I guess. We know how competent Yoke is, he taught them, and they’re good at their jobs by all indications, and they remember that. You can get how that infatuation would develop and it’s cute. Not to mention that they’re on a more even playing field here both setting wise and position wise (he’s out a job, they have an opening, they know he’s skilled everyone wins) but I think critically, for A Rank, is that while it’s clear the girls are smitten with him, they’re also not like…It’s not a big deal? Like they playfully tease him here and there, and he get’s it and a lot of his vibe in regard to it is along the lines of “C’mon really? I mean you know me so I get it, but please be a bit more careful, what if I wasn’t as good a guy as you think I am?” which at once feels like oh yeah duh, but also we see that they DO actually have that common sense and clarity so it comes off as him being well…understandably dense, but also not updating his mental model that they’re young women instead of young girls now if you follow (and one of them is the same age he is, which alright sure whatever, this is not that serious a show and it’s not like they’re doing that annoying shit where it’s like oh they’re 14 or some shit)
Not to mention, for A rank yet again, the romance drama seems to be well…None. They’re all actively into him, and since polygamy is apparently just legal in their country they’ve just kinda seemingly settled into a polycule (which, given the general closeness the girls had already prior to meeting dude, not that I’m expecting anything in the manga to touch on this, does kinda give this vibe of them already being in one of some sort? Or else being close enough that the idea has been broached before which is…A weird consideration but feels right for them which is weird now that I think on it)
Meanwhile, and again, only so far in, There’s the basic rescue for Kanade and that’s…It and she’s already catching feels. She can just sense it you know? And sure fine, but at the same time it feels hollow and threadbare, and since we only have the two to bounce off it doesn’t really rate how good a read she has on things actually (and we, the readers, of course know that Rain is a goody goody sweet nice boy with no inner flaws or whatever)
There’s also just some panelling weakness in general but that’s getting into other issues I don’t particularly want to worry about since I’m looking more at the story telling of the characters than anything, but it’s…
I think I get why A rank hit’s better for me now at least. There’s a level of actual activeness going on for everyone, and while the characters are simple, they’re being allowed to interact with more people at once allowing edges of their personalities to be shown off more. None of the competencies rate as actually abnormal so much as yeah this dude is a skillmonkey in a setting where if you’re a top rank you REALLY should be or else have the aid of one. The setting actually set’s up the importance of this relatively early on, and the main character actually valuing himself set’s him up as being aware of things in a way that makes him immediately likable and personable, even if he is again very simple.
Meanwhile beastmaster things fall flat immediately because mc despite being DEMONSTRABLY a monster in skill and power, also doesn’t seem to realize this, and is more of a passive player in his own story early on. I will actually add here as an additional thing, with the protag being overpowered thing that infects this range of stories, that the difference in how they acquired that and how it’s demonstrated in story makes SUCH a huge difference in the feel of it, even if mechanically it plays out the same. It’s not like you can have I’m just built different as a starting point and it always plays out bad, but given the rest it’s flaccid in support.
Rain knows TOO little about his setting despite the fact that he should know more, and he’s a bit too passive in how he get’s his power (and the fact that his power is one of those ones that makes very clear that he’s going to be overpowered as hell in short order especially given the romance/harem premise just…sucks the tension out of things quick like)
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animemakeblog · 21 days
“A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu.” The Light Novel For Gets TV Anime in January 2025
Bandai Namco Filmworks unveiled the teaser promotional video for their television anime adaptation of Kousuke Unagi's light novel A-Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu. (I Left my A-Rank Party to Help My Former Students Reach the Dungeon Depths!). Beginning in January 2025, the anime is slated to air in two consecutive courses on NTV's thirty broadcast stations.
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derekscorner · 1 year
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A Rank Party Wo Ridatsu Shita Ore Wa Moto Oshiego Tachi To Meikyuu Shinbu Wo Mezasu
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
Lucky Charms
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We just dropped the curtain on one of the best years in anime and i am absolutely devastated. We got some solid adaptions of a few series i read in manga form, most of which were objective bangers. My Dress-Up Darling, The Eminence in Shadow, and Reincarnated as a Sword, all came through to absolutely sh*t on a lot of the other shows released last year. It was particularly amazing seeing how so many people too to Murder Mittens. I love Reincarnated as a Sword and cannot wait until the next season ,which has already been announced. This year, too, looks to have a few surprises for adaption. Ragna the Crimson, Witch of the Holy Night (i am looking all of the forward to this one), Am I Actually the Strongest, and My One-Hit Kill Sister, are all titles I've flirted with in book form so seeing them getting adaptions is a real treat. Sh*t like that is why is stay in the trenches of fan translations. There are absolute treasures in that pile and i found another one for the chest; A Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego Tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu. And it’s not even an Isekai.
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I left the A-rank party and headed for the depths of the labyrinth with my former students, as it’s known in the States, follows Red Mage Yoke Feldio as he and his all female party, Clover, dive into the deepest depths of the world’s most difficult dungeon, Eternal Darkness. This is, unapologetically, Yoke’s story but he happily shares the spotlight a cast of cute, lovable, and pretty powerful, supporting cast. Circumstances found Yoke expelled from his previous party but he was fortunate enough to bump into one of his old students, Marina, who reveals that she has partied up with two other alumni, Silk and Rain. After a test run as a party of four, the three girls decide to accept Yoke as a full time member, forming their super rookie pay Clover. As the story unfolds, we get a glimpse of how sh*tty Yoke’s former Party was, the world system which these adventurers adhere to, and the introduction of other, just as colorful characters, in later chapters. My personal favorite is Nene, the Catgirl Ninja Scout. Because of course she is.
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Yoke’s Angels is a really solid read. I mean, the narrative, overall, is kind of derivative of the whole “Kicked out of my Party” sub-genre which seems to be all of the rage of the current Fantasy/Isekai situation but i rather enjoy what Unagi Kousuke does with it. This world is unlike a lot of other fantasy-based narratives i read. It doesn’t feel archaic or a lazy throwback to dark ages Europe. No, these Adventurer Parties are more celebrities or Idols, who record their exploits and are ranked in popularity. There is legitimate, recognizable, technology. I love this mix of recognizable, real world, machinery and the more whimsical, alchemist, forms. I adore that level of detail in my world-building but even that awesome pales in comparison to the overall character writing. Seriously, the interpersonal relationships among Clover, even if they carry a heavy harem feel at times, are straight up lovely. I love these characters together. I love them in action. I just love all of their unique dynamics.
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Listen, i can gush about the writing and world-building this entire essay but what is a manga without the art? How dope is this world, if you can’t see it on the page? This manga would be a rather tepid experience if the art was mediocre. Like, it’s still a solid read but, if the art was trash, I'd be inclined to just read the light novel instead. Fortunately, that is not the case because this art is f*cking gorgeous! Seriously, the line work is absolutely delicate yet dynamic. There is a rarely a panel that isn’t filled with this raw, kinetic, energy. There is definitely an element of squash-and-stretch in this book at times but you’d be forgiven if you miss it. That sh*t is mad subtle and adds a richness to the artwork on hand. With that in mind, i just have to make note of the splash pages. Yo, those big ass battle scenes? They are everything! It’s rare to see such elegant art, presented in such a bad ass way. Yuuri’s art is every bit the draw of Unagi’s word. Easily.
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A Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego Tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu is one of my evergreen titles when it comes to manga. Every time a new chapter of this thing drops, i am ll over. I love the story so far. I love the characters being developed. I love he art. But, more than anything, i love the energy. This book isn’t some insipid power fantasy where some mid protagonist bogards a narrative in a ridiculously inorganic way. I never feel like Yoke is going to body the entire world. In fact, quite the opposite. There have been several times where Clover was absolutely wiped out, which is incredibly rare to see in the current climate of manga nowadays. Even in that defeat, though, they stand up and grow. They get better. They develop. I love that this book is alive in it’s direction. I can’t see where Yoke and his Angels, end up. There are around forty or so chapters available right now to read, so you have a good amount to get into. I cannot recommend this one enough. Definitely check it out!
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
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A-RANK PARTY o Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego-tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu.[Aランクパーティを離脱した俺は、元教え子たちと迷宮深部を目指す。]: Withdrawn from A-RANK PARTY, I Head Deep into the Labyrinth with Former Students
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Lucky Charms
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We just dropped the curtain on one of the best years in anime and i am absolutely devastated. We got some solid adaptions of a few series i read in manga form, most of which were objective bangers. My Dress-Up Darling, The Eminence in Shadow, and Reincarnated as a Sword, all came through to absolutely sh*t on a lot of the other shows released last year. It was particularly amazing seeing how so many people too to Murder Mittens. I love Reincarnated as a Sword and cannot wait until the next season ,which has already been announced. This year, too, looks to have a few surprises for adaption. Ragna the Crimson, Witch of the Holy Night (i am looking all of the forward to this one), Am I Actually the Strongest, and My One-Hit Kill Sister, are all titles I've flirted with in book form so seeing them getting adaptions is a real treat. Sh*t like that is why is stay in the trenches of fan translations. There are absolute treasures in that pile and i found another one for the chest; A Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego Tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu. And it’s not even an Isekai.
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I left the A-rank party and headed for the depths of the labyrinth with my former students, as it’s known in the States, follows Red Mage Yoke Feldio as he and his all female party, Clover, dive into the deepest depths of the world’s most difficult dungeon, Eternal Darkness. This is, unapologetically, Yoke’s story but he happily shares the spotlight a cast of cute, lovable, and pretty powerful, supporting cast. Circumstances found Yoke expelled from his previous party but he was fortunate enough to bump into one of his old students, Marina, who reveals that she has partied up with two other alumni, Silk and Rain. After a test run as a party of four, the three girls decide to accept Yoke as a full time member, forming their super rookie pay Clover. As the story unfolds, we get a glimpse of how sh*tty Yoke’s former Party was, the world system which these adventurers adhere to, and the introduction of other, just as colorful characters, in later chapters. My personal favorite is Nene, the Catgirl Ninja Scout. Because of course she is.
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Yoke’s Angels is a really solid read. I mean, the narrative, overall, is kind of derivative of the whole “Kicked out of my Party” sub-genre which seems to be all of the rage of the current Fantasy/Isekai situation but i rather enjoy what Unagi Kousuke does with it. This world is unlike a lot of other fantasy-based narratives i read. It doesn’t feel archaic or a lazy throwback to dark ages Europe. No, these Adventurer Parties are more celebrities or Idols, who record their exploits and are ranked in popularity. There is legitimate, recognizable, technology. I love this mix of recognizable, real world, machinery and the more whimsical, alchemist, forms. I adore that level of detail in my world-building but even that awesome pales in comparison to the overall character writing. Seriously, the interpersonal relationships among Clover, even if they carry a heavy harem feel at times, are straight up lovely. I love these characters together. I love them in action. I just love all of their unique dynamics.
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Listen, i can gush about the writing and world-building this entire essay but what is a manga without the art? How dope is this world, if you can’t see it on the page? This manga would be a rather tepid experience if the art was mediocre. Like, it’s still a solid read but, if the art was trash, I'd be inclined to just read the light novel instead. Fortunately, that is not the case because this art is f*cking gorgeous! Seriously, the line work is absolutely delicate yet dynamic. There is a rarely a panel that isn’t filled with this raw, kinetic, energy. There is definitely an element of squash-and-stretch in this book at times but you’d be forgiven if you miss it. That sh*t is mad subtle and adds a richness to the artwork on hand. With that in mind, i just have to make note of the splash pages. Yo, those big ass battle scenes? They are everything! It’s rare to see such elegant art, presented in such a bad ass way. Yuuri’s art is every bit the draw of Unagi’s word. Easily.
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A Rank Party wo Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego Tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu is one of my evergreen titles when it comes to manga. Every time a new chapter of this thing drops, i am ll over. I love the story so far. I love the characters being developed. I love he art. But, more than anything, i love the energy. This book isn’t some insipid power fantasy where some mid protagonist bogards a narrative in a ridiculously inorganic way. I never feel like Yoke is going to body the entire world. In fact, quite the opposite. There have been several times where Clover was absolutely wiped out, which is incredibly rare to see in the current climate of manga nowadays. Even in that defeat, though, they stand up and grow. They get better. They develop. I love that this book is alive in it’s direction. I can’t see where Yoke and his Angels, end up. There are around forty or so chapters available right now to read, so you have a good amount to get into. I cannot recommend this one enough. Definitely check it out!
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littleeyesofpallas · 2 years
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A RANK PARTY o Ridatsu Shita Ore wa, Moto Oshiego Tachi to Meikyuu Shinbu wo Mezasu[Aランクパーティを離脱した俺は、元教え子たちと迷宮深部を目指す。] After Leaving (an) RANK A PARTY, I Aim for (The) Labyrinth Depths with Students
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