#A Smol Guzma! fic series
poke-reads · 7 years
A Smol Guzma! A fic series! (Part 3: You're experienced, HALP!)
“Oh…..God…..Plumes?” the clothes on the floor shifted, a few sounds came from the clothes accompanied with the rattle of his chains.
“What the…?” She leaned in closer, eyes widening at what popped out. Bacter and Axel looked at each other, Axel squeaked,
“OH MY FRICKIN’ TAPU BOSS YOU’RE…you’re….ADORABLE!” boy was he right!
A little toddler sat there, big gray eyes, cute salt and pepper hair, scruffy with a heavy chain around his neck.His orbs shined as he blinked with curiosity.
“Ah…ma?” he tilted his head, suddenly realizing the feeling of his mom not being here, his eyes teared up, looking at you,
“M-mama? MAMA!” he wailed, balling his fists as tears ran down his face. His shrieks pierced the atmosphere, you finally levelled down to him.
“Guzma?” you tried not to fangirl over his cutness as you blushed intensely. You wrapped him up in his shirt and jacket. Plumeria garhered his other garments and accessories, giving them to Baxter and Axel.
“There, uh there, your safe now~ don’t cry.”
Guzma cries lessened to whimpers as he looked at you. His face red and tear stained, he muttered,
“Naw da Mama!” now he knew. He was a smart kid.
“I wanna hold da boss! Please!? I wanna see the baby boss!” Axel squealed excitedly.
“Hold on guys, we gotta go back home first. Plumes? You ok?” Plumeria was silent but uttered a few words
“Lets go home.”
The ride back felt long, you pondered of what to do, why did he turn out this way? Did Tapu Lele do this and why? Plumeria looked out to the sea, her own head filled with concerns. Baxter lounged back staring at Axel with sleepy eyes. Axel was having a ball with Guzma, booping his nose and playing peek-a-boo to keep him entertained.
It was late at the shady house, as you all entered the mansion you saw Grunts sleeping all around Nanu who remained seated with a newspaper and a cup of coffee. He took a sip of coffee as he looked at Axel’s arms. He choked on his coffee coughing harshly.
“What the fu*cough, cough* is that *cough*”
Guzma pulled on Axel’s lips and hair, Axel no longer amused,
“Yo, he was cute but now im pissed. GET HIM OFF ME!”
Nanu cleared his throat as he approached Guzma. Without a word he walked out the house.
“My payment is lunch for a month. Paid by you all.”
The night felt like eternity for you. Guzma wouldn’t stop crying and the boys wouldn’t stop waking you up for tips
“Hey (y/n) what do we feed the boss?”
“Try warm moo moo milk with chamomile or honey.”
“Oh, hey (y/n) how do we get the boss to stop crying?”
“He seems old enough, check if he has to use the bathroom or if he feels bad. Lemme SLEEP.”
“Ok. (Y/n)-”
“Language bitch! We got a kid here!”
Pushing the door open, you walked over to Baxter and Axel, grumpy and fumed you took the crying Toddler out of their hands. You inspected Guzma. Poor thing was red and teary, still had no proper clothes on, and had a ring of…Tapu cocoa? On his lips.
“Guys! He’s too young for Tapu cocoa! If anything that won’t help him sleep!” you sighed, taking him to his room which you occupied for the time being.
He wailed once more, sounding more like a hissy fit. “What it is Guz? You hungry? Sleepy? You gotta go?” He was very upset, but you couldn’t tell why. You felt like a failure, doubt setting in your mind.
‘I have no patience or experience with kids, we didn’t even buy crud for him. Man, what do i do.’ tears overflowed from your eyes. You broke down holding him close, both of you crying away. Plumeria walked in, sighing at the display.
“(y/n), calm down. Its ok-”
“No! Its not Plumeria! He’s hurting and i dont know what to do! He-h-he needs something and i just…can’t understand him or his blabbering gibberish!” she walked towards you and hugged you gently, trying hard to console your worries. She kissed the top of Guzma’s head as an attempt to soothe him.
“I called Nanu and explained everything. He told me he’s coming to get you and G. Get your stuff. Don’t need the rest of the grunts waking up to his noise.” you sniffled and nodded to her directions.
Giving her the fussy toddler, you gathered you belongings and some pokemon in case of anything. A few moments later a few knocks were heard at the door. Swiftly, you exited the mansion while bumping into Nanu in the process. He groaned,
“Alright, lets go. The sooner the better, he’s already becoming a thorn in my side with that repetitive annoying cry.” a short walk to the station, and you were surprised to see the interior of the station. Not what you expected.
“Nanu, did y-”
“Yes. I prepare for things kid. You learn with age.” He pushed you inside. The meowths greeted their master then you and Guzma. Without a word, Nanu grabbed Guzma out of your hands.
“Relax, he’s not really your kid. Besides you need my help right?”
He removed the baggy clothes be was wrapped in, revealing a dirty child. He tried to seem friendly, his eyes grew soft for a moment,
“Someone needs a bath. Come on you little litten,” he grabbed the teary eyed kid and dragged him to the bathroom.
“Grab some clothes will ya? Theres some boxes from the store. Don’t start slacking off and prepare something for him. Fridge is over there.” He speech lessened as he walked further away.
You were surpised still with the interior of the place. It still looked the same, but there was an actual bed across from his futon. Beside the bed was a crib. He sure did prepare, aww he does care. There were boxes of food formula and medical supplies, basic clothing, and a few toys. Boy time flies when you are observing…
“I thought i told you to get him clothes, and make him something to eat. Do i gotta do everything? Im old (y/n).” Nanu returned with a calm Guzma in his hands. Still red but no longer crying.
“Sorry! On it! Wait i gotta know, is he a toddler or a baby? Never had siblings before…or kids.”
“Baby. He’s seemed to be a toddler but still a baby. Not trained, and still unclear speech. He gettin’ there though…also he has a bad fever.” he touched Guzma’s forehead, and held him close as he fussed up again.
“Oh, i see.” you gathered some clothes and some diaper necessities. While the grumpy Kahuna diapered up the toddler and dressed him as well, you made some warm moo moo milk with alittle honey.
The moon was out of sight as the morning made way. You gazed at Nanu as he fed the skull boss. Your gaze made him nervous, he whispered
“You have a way with kids. Teach me!”
“Shh, and sure. Im not gonna continue doing this, just for the time being until we find a way to get him back to normal. Now tell me what happened.”
After explaining to Nanu how Guzma got this way, he sighed obnoxiously.
“Man, Olivia needs to take better care of her island for that Tapu. Its famous for healing and hurting, but not age regression or progression.”
He looked down to little Guzma, who had just finished his bottle. As he removed the bottle from Guzma he started to fuss again from his fever. Picking up the toddler, he walked about the station, lightly patting his back and calming him down.
“Get me the medicine.” you obeyed. Watching him try to give the toddler medicine
“Its not too bad pal. You’ll feel better. Look at me.” he pretended to take some.
“Mmm, see? i feel better. Come On, open.” he pushed his lips open with the measuring cap, Guzma surprisingly complied.
“Ahh- yum, see? Good boy.” he scruffed his hair after wiping his face. Sleepily, little Guzma lied his head on Nanu’s shoulder yawning with a small coo.
You asked a question, “So…you had kids once?”
“Three. All grown up now, all somewhere out​ there. Their life, not mine.” he swayed a bit side to side lulling the child to sleep.
“Good boy, time to sleep. Get the crib ready.” As the crib was prepared, he placed the sleepy toddler inside.
“He’s been crying alot and he has a terrible fever. We gotta keep an eye on him. He not trained so we gotta change him, and he’s gonna be fussy. Don’t cry about it, im sure it was just a 'new parent meltdown.’ You got this.” he stretched with a back breaking crack as he waltzed to his futon. All the meowths crowded his feet and sides.
“You’re gonna help me, right Nanu?” he huffed with a sleepy expression
“How could i say no to that face…Ugh fine. Go to bed.”
You went to the bed he had prepped for you and sighed at the comfort of it. You smiled sweetly and remarked,
“Thanks. See you guys in the morning.”
More in the next part :3
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poke-reads · 7 years
A Smol Guzma! A Fic Series! (Part 4: Boop!)
You, little Guzma and Nanu slept through the morning, with few times waking up. Only for small things like Guzma's next medical dosage, if he needed to be changed, or if he started a crying fit. Nanu was surprisingly helpful, like when he helped on how to hold him and calm him down: "Hold him right, his head will be fine on your shoulder. Or hold him- yeah like that. Its easier and better." How to change him: "Geez don't go wimpod on me kid. Remove, clean, replace. Oh and powder." "You do it Nanu! I don't wanna!" Even persuading to take his medication: "Pretend its good, he'll fall for it." "It's gross! And it smells like fake candy!" Despite the protests and annoyances, you both helped Guzma get better. The sun was covered by drizzling rain clouds. You felt something odd on your face. Grumbling cantankerously, you opened your eyes to see a cute chubby hand on your nose. "Boo" he squeaked as he smacked your nose. "Ow. Oh you been boop." you giggled a bit at his attempts. He continued to "boop" your nose. "Boo!" "Ok, ow that's enough." you removed his hand and proceeded to see your phone. It was 2:30 in the afternoon. With a huge stretch and sigh, you made your way to the bathroom. You were interrupted by the rattling of the crib and whining sounds of frustration. "Aw geez....Alright." Walking back, you picked up Guzma. Noticing his fever was gone, you kissed his forehead sweetly. Placing Guzma on Nanu's chest, you walked off. A little privacy is important isn't it? "Apa!" Guzma grew excited and tried to wake up Nanu. He kept smacking his face and giggling. A force pushed him forward as he laid down on his tummy. Nanu patted his back a bit. "I didn't order a wake up call. And you seem alot better now." he then gently petted his head. He didn't want to admit it but he was starting to like him, he was rather cute. You returned, and greeted Nanu. "What's up kid. Feed him will ya? I gotta go do something. I'll be back later." He placed Guzma down on the futon and tried to walk out of the station. It was obvious that Guzma wouldn't allow it. With a whimper he called out to Nanu, "Apa!" he made grabby hands to the old timer. Mumbling grumpily he went back, "Alright, I'll leave later you spoiled hooligan. Take a bottle to go, we're going grocery shopping." You had to say a sarcastic comeback "man what am i your wife? When's the wedding?" "Ha ha funny. Hurry up and lets go." Prepared, well sorta, all three of you headed out, to the store. More on part 5!
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poke-reads · 7 years
A Smol Guzma! Fic Series! (Part 3.5 THE BATH!)
A background story of what happened while you basked at how prepared Nanu was to help you take care of Smol Guz!
Nanu walked off to the back of the station, Guzma wriggling in his arms,
“Hey you, knock it off or your gonna fall. Besides, we’re here.“
Nanu’s bathroom was quite small, then again it was a station and he was one person. The bathtub was also cramped but for a smol toddler Guzma, it’ll do. He had a cute Meowth bath rug, which caught Guzma’s eye. Nanu set him on the bath rug to start the bath.
Nanu couldn’t shake the thought of how oddly adorable Guzma looked. He was concentrated on how the fabric felt on the rug, he giggled a bit,
“Sof! S-sah-ah choo!”
He rubbed his face with his tiny hands, he continued to coo quietly and dizzily. Nanu had finished preparing the bath. He was even nice enough to have a squeaky Psyduck and Lapras Toy in it.
“Come on, in you go so we can cure you.” he picked up the little toddler and removed the excess the clothing around him.
He did feel very awkward that he was holding the Team Skull Boss in his arms, not as a 26 year old but a toddler.
‘This isn’t weird this isn’t weird this isn’t weird-’
He heard Guzma Grunt and heavily breathing. He was trying to come up with words. He looked into Nanu’s soulless eyes and, saw something….
“Na….na? Nana…Papa…apa!” Nanu knew he was remembering, he could tell. He settled Guzma into the water, and looked at him with astonishment.
'His records did show he was a prodigy, before his current lifestyle. Gotta give him credit, he’s smart….when he wants to be.’
“Yeah boy, its me, Nanu. Not papa or apa, Nanu.”
“Na-nu. Not papa.” he exaggerated his lips a bit to make it clear.
“Apa!-choo!” He giggled, mostly because he got Nanu flustered in embarrassment. It was obvious to see Nanu is a father figure to him.
"Sure, call me apa.”
Nanu dunked water on his head in frustration, he wasn’t doing that again. He then proceeded to get some soap on his hands and lathered Guzma Salt and pepper hair. Guzma protested at the action, and threw the Lapras at Nanu’s face. He then picked it up,
“Fine you won’t get it back. Too bad.”
“No! No!” Guzma whined as he made grabby hands at the toy.
“No throwing.” he then gave it back and continued to wash his hair. Next, and as not cringy as possible, he used a baby body wash to clean him. Guzma started to look miserable due to the fever, without a warning Nanu booped his nose with bubbles. Guzma was surprised, and slightly sneezed. Nanu couldn’t help but smirk, as he turned off the water.
“Lets keep you dry.” he first dried Guzma’s hair then wrapped him in a towel, covered in Meowth fur. Nanu was expecting something to happen, he was right when Guzma suddenly cried in pain. He balled his hands as tears ran down his face, his face was more red from the fever. Holding him close he consoled him,
“Shh, shh, its ok, (you’re giving me a headache) we’re gonna help you. Ah..ugh…Apa is here. (I wanna die from saying that.)” He continued to walk back to the front of the station, to get clothes and medicine.
Part 4 on the way!
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poke-reads · 7 years
A Smol Guzma! fic Series! Part 1: What does it mean?
To be clear, reader is included sometime next​ part! :) (Guzma's POV) 'Dreams....these dreams....what do they mean? A dark place, nothing out of the ordinary for me. I haven't dreamt in a while...' 'Sounds of the sea.' The sounds of wingull and pikipek filled the air. Then it went dark. 'My old swing set. Kid's laughter and mom's humming. Her smile always makes any day...' 'My old hideout... The small cave where i found wimpod. My old school. Always top of the class...Never impressed pop though.' 'The ruins of Conflict...those mornings when we would go and praise the Tapu. Old choir, still embarrassing, I left that behind.' Haven't done any of that in years. 'Its dark....wait...i hear something, or someone?' (Narrative mode!) "Hello? Are you alright?" a bright silhouette approached Guzma concerned over him. A young girl stood there. A sweet scent of Flowers surrounded her, a petite girl with Wavy short hair, eyes as blue as the sky, in a blush pink Sun dress. Her hands were adorned in Bracelets, her voice was sweet and soft. Guzma looked up and tried to speak, but nothing came out. He held his throat and his chest felt tight. She held her hand out, smiling. Guzma heard a crying child within him. It sounded like something familiar...himself? He defied her, and her smile faded. She reached into his chest, and pulled out a small toddler. Salt and pepper haired, with teary eyes, switching looks at her and Guzma. He started to fade, he started to feel fear engulf his mind. His chest began to burn worse than it ever did. He heard voices calling over voices, but this girl's voice boomed over the rest. "Learn from this, or face a punishment that you cant fix yourself." "Guz..." "Guzma.." "GUZMA!" Guzma's eyes snapped open, taking a big gasp as he coughed hoarsely. He looked at his surroundings. He was in his room, sweaty and cold. Plumeria had her arms at his shoulders, tears flowing from her eyes. The grunts had gathered in his room, all with expressions of grief and teary eyes. "Wha? Wha happened? Who died?" he looked at everyone in confusion. "Boss! We thought you died yo! W-we didn't want ya to go! Don't leave us boss!" a group of grunts were crying their eyes out. Guzma looked at Plums who was fighting tears. Guzma cupped her cheek and with his other hand removed her arms from his shoulders. "Yo, hey Plumes im aight. See? Come on get up, cheer up girl." he wiped her tears. They had a mutual relationship. "Wheres (y/n)?" he asked. He was surprised you weren't there in the bed with him. Plumeria relaxed and spoke "The Kahuna Olivia called her to Akala. (Y/n) didn't wanna wake you. Good thing we showed up, you weren't breathing! You owe these kids an apology, and me boy!" she started to get upset. He grew red in embarrassment as he cleared his throat. "Aight! Listen up everybody! I'm...uh...sorry for spookin' ya! Im not dead and i won't die anytime soon. Im too healthy!" he gave a toothy grin, he knew very well he was lying but as long as they aren't sad anymore. Once those grunts were appeased, they left his room. Plumeria asked him a question before leaving. "Going to Akala? How many of us are going and who's in charge while we're out?" "Oh yeah, just you, me, Axel (Grunt A), and Baxter (Grunt B) and...." He gave a wide grin. Time to make a phone call. A few hours later. The grunts crowded the mansion entrance, hovering over a chair holding a special someone. He looked at a magazine as he ignored their attention. "Grandpa! Old man! Nanners!" "Don't talk to me, don't wreck the place, don't leave the town or no dinner and the gate and doors lock 10 pm SHARP." Out on sea, The team Skull boat glided over the waves on its way to Akala Island. More on part 2!
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poke-reads · 7 years
Not dead! Schools been taking up my time!
Sorry all! School has been eating up my time. Also since mom passed away, I've had to hold the position of momma (cook,clean,provide clean clothes etc.). I'll try to post up my next chapter of lil Guz's adventure! If ya don't know, i have a small fic series called "A smol Guzma!" check it out :) Love you guys!
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poke-reads · 7 years
A Smol Guzma! Fic Series Part 2: Tapu Lele's wrath
Reader is involved here! Hope you like it! You had just arrived to the Ruins of Life. Olivia shouted to you with a chirp and a spring in her step. “(y/n)! Over here! Hi! Was the trip over ok?” “Hi Olivia I’m good. Whats this about?” You came over to her. “Sorry champion, but now that your champ you’ve proven your worth to all the Tapus. This is something i can't handle alone.” “What is it?” “Tapu Lele is missing!” Olivia had explained to you that she knew the Tapu was missing, she thought that it had gone to spread healing or cause mischief. “So you know she's missing because her offerings haven’t been touched? Odd, what am i supposed to do? Im not a Tapu magnet!” “Oh yes you are! You were able to tame the Tapus! It might respond to you when your nearby! Call out for it!” You sighed, unsure if this would work. You spoke with humility as you demanded its presence. “Tapu Lele, please hear my command and show yourself to me!” A loud cry echoed through the island. The Tapu was on the island somewhere…but where? Guzma, Plumeria, Axel and Baxter made it to Akala around night time at Hea Hea city. The ruins of life was south of the city right? Well Guzma wouldn't know. He cant read maps and refuses to get directions. "Lets see....uh...Its past the fancy shmancy hotel!" He pointed with confidence while Axel and Baxter agreed with a cheer. "G you idiot, lets just take a right here, shouldn't be a looon-and they're gone." She huffed in annoyance as those morons ran off into route 5. She sighed and walked in the right direction to the Ruins of Life. With hope, she finds you and you both go to find those 3. The condensed forest was silent as the wind blew through rpute 5. The grunts were paranoid with the darkness around them. Guzma was behind them still trying to figure iut the map. "Frickin' map don't make any sense." Guzma reached out to Axel by touching his shoulder. He winced as Axel's paranoia kicked in, punching Guzma in the face. "Boss oh god! Yo my bad! You ok?" "Dangit boy, you busted my nose!" he saw his hand covered in blood, groaning from the pain. A loud shriek like sound pierced the air and tiny scales cascaded over Guzma and the grunts. The shining scales fell over them, healing Guzma's nose. It was no longer bleeding nor was it broken anymore. Guzma couldn't believe what he just saw and experienced. However his astonishment was cut short, he heard something familiar... A voice small and pure. He jerked his head to the left then right, and he saw a petite girl walking away, a trail left behind her. The grunts had stopped looking to the sky, remembering their current situation. "Boss? You ok? Hey, Bo- BOSS! where'd he go!? Axel we gotta find'em!" Baxter panicked. "No! Its too dangerous around here especially without pokemon! He'll be ok! He's the Boss! Lets go back to the city and find Plumes!" The grunt duo scrambled to town, tail between their legs as they worried about their boss. Guzma ran relentlessly past trees, following the sparkled trail in front of him. He heaved as he ran too far. He stopped to catch his breath and realized, he was in Lush Jungle. He scanned his surroundings, hearing that girl's voice again, "So you've come. I knew you would..." "Who's there? Who...who are you? Tell me! I've seen you before! Why are you in my head, my dreams!?" He griped his hair feeling confused. Who was she? Why was she able to manipulate his dreams? He felt a powerful rush of wind push him to the wall of a cave. He shouted at the pain, his head hit the wall harshly. He fell down, holding his head once more. He looked to the ground, shocked to see the sparkles once again on the floor. He then looked up with caution to see The great Tapu Lele in front of him. He gasped, he couldn't believe a tapu is ok to reveal their presence to someone like him. The tapu motioned to help him. He looked up trying to hide his pain, but failed. He rose to his feet, trying to stay back, but wobbled uncontrollably as the terrain around them weirded out. A psychic surge went around them causing this weird terrain. He thought he got a concussion, but things were about to get worse. The tapu charged to him and brought out its hands trying to assure him peace. He continued to walk back. Tapu Lele unleashed a sweet scent on Guzma. He tried to hold his breath but did not last. As the scent entered his lungs. He felt heavy, lugging back and forth, as his body tried to relax. He tried to fight but was assaulted by Tapu Lele's attack of confusion. He felt numb, unfocused, and finding it hard to stand up for himself. He felt light on his feet, and his head felt pressured. The tapu lifted him with its psychic power. It used the move minimize on him. We know what minimize does to pokemon, but what about people? Back in Hea Hea City... "Big Sis! (Y/n)! Ya gotta help us!" Baxter shouted. "B-boss! Lost! Nose bleed!" Axel babbled. The two grunts talked over each other​ in panic. Plumeria calmed them down and ask to speak clearly. "What? Guzma is gone? Oh gosh, (y/n), got any ideas?" "Hmmm.... Maybe i could-" A powerful shriek was once again hears on the island. It seems Tapu Lele was back at the Ruins. But you had an ugly feeling Guzma was involved. You asked Axel and Baxter to take you to where they had gotten separated. Upon arriving to route 5, you noticed a slight sparkle trace and footprints. Leading to lush jungle, you all were shocked! He was gone...but, why were his clothes on the floor!? You approached his clothes, tears appeared in your eyes, expecting the worst. "G-Guzma?" You froze as you saw what was in his shirt. "Oh no....." More in part 3! Sorry it was lengthy!
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