#A Squary World
superstarhumbucker · 1 year
A Squary World is OUT!
Hey everyone! We are happy to announce that Señor Anthony has just published his new children’s picture book, A Squary World, on iBooks. Here’s a quick summary: A circle named Rounda moves into a town of squares, where she is quickly snubbed for thinking outside the box. Standing her ground, she learns to rise above their prejudice and embrace her roundness. Touching upon a spectrum of social…
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mid0khan · 14 days
Dreamling Week 2024, day 4
We're back for @mr-sadman 's Dreamling Week with a new fic!
Prompt: Shapeshifter
Title: The best weighted blanket in the world
Summary: Hob has a bad day, which triggers a meltdown; Dream is here to help. (732 words, no TW)
Read on Ao3:
Hob was usually the cheerful type. Always up to go out and see people, easily wonderstruck and able to feel genuine excitement for about anything.
He didn’t have bad days often. But when he did, he was truly and utterly miserable.
It was one of those days.
It hadn’t been triggered by anything, or at least if it had Hob didn’t know what. But still, he felt awful. A deep melancholia was weighting on him, a sourceless feeling that he had come to call old age. He had spent all day craving for the comfort of his bed, a dark room and a silent flat, but alas, he had important things planned. So he had pushed through, despite the smallest noise scratching his brain, the dimmest light hurting his eyes, or his clothes itching against his skin.
When he finally got home, he felt on the verge of a full-blown meltdown. He didn’t bother with diner or his usual evening shower, making a bee-line for his bed and collapsing on top of it. He sighed in relief, but quickly the discomfort came back. Unfounded anxiousness creeped up his body and Hob crawled under his sheets, obsessed with covering himself. He turned under the quilt, trying tangle himself in it so he would feel some soothing pressure, but in vain. Starting to feel desperate, he jumped from the bed, rushing to the wardrobe he put his weighted blanket in, and grabbed the thick cover. He lay down again with a relieved moan, cocooned under the heavy wool. Finally, he felt right.
He almost fell asleep, but once again a twinge of unease tickled his brain. He was too warm. He tried to ignore it, but as his skin became tacky with sweat, he started to struggle to breath, frustrated tears stinging in his eyes. He ended up tossing the blanket off the bed while cursing summer and its infernal heat. As soon as he lost the weight the creeping anguish washed over him anew, and he couldn’t stop discouraged sobs from tearing through him.
“Hob?” Morpheus’ deep voice echoed in the room, making Hob startle. He turned quickly in the direction of the sound, an unvoluntary whimper escaping him as he saw the worry on his lover’s face. In an instant the Endless was by his side, softly tucking his damp hair behind his ear, his brows furrowed with open concern. “My love, are you alright?” Hob started crying for real. “Please, tell me what is wrong,” Morpheus pleaded, alarm clear in his voice.
“It’s just… The blanket, but it’s too warm… I fell… I need…” Hob stammered, pointing at the weighted blanket and gesticulating with his hands, desperate for Morpheus to understand.
The Endless looked confused for a moment, but suddenly comprehension dawned on him. He stood up, arms outstretched on both sides of his body. His frame started thinning and widening.
“What are you doing?” Hob cried out in disarray.
“I am offering a solution to your bedding problem,” Morpheus answered as his body reached a perfect square shape with only his head, hands and feet poking out.
“You look like a flying squirrel,” Hob whispered as his lover lay down on him, covering his whole body in his ever-cool embrace. He was surprisingly light.
“Tell me when the weight suits you.” He became heavier and heavier until Hob sighed with relief.
“That’s perfect, thank you.” He nuzzled in Morpheus’ squary shoulder.
“You’re welcome,” the Endless kissed his temple. “I am glad I was able to help. You seemed really distressed.”
“Yeah, had a shitty day today. Felt really overwhelmed with everything.”
“You could have called me. I dislike the idea of you suffering alone.” Hob could feel Morpheus’ pout against his cheek.
“It’s alright love, I can manage. I’ve had far worse.”
“You always tell me to come to you if I feel unwell. I would have you do the same,” Morpheus said with a tone of finality.
“You have better things to do than coddle me when I’m feeling down,” Hob argue without conviction.
“That is for me to decide. Now sleep, Hob Gadling. I’ll meet you in your dreams.”
Lulled by the soft buzz of Morpheus’ presence, his discomfort finally quieted by the soothing weight on his body and the Endless’ petrichor smell, Hob fell asleep quickly. Bad days weren’t so bad with his lover by his side.
(I do not resist to join this gem, if only because looking at it made this very hard to write without wheezing with laughter)
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starstruck358 · 8 months
part 2 of meg's ask
Blah blah then the reader sees this after a fight:
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Um... yeah when its the eclipse she has the ability to have EVERYTHING in her hands, the whole multiverse, yeah pretty strong right?
Any way Hoshi almost forgets to tell the gang that he listened to this song:
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After they dont pay attention this happens:
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after defeating the bosses from other universe's, they finally finish the star toy:
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After cassie knowing this...
Hoshi meet's fate:
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After the incident, they go in the mirrior and meet the star queen:
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Cheesy... uh anyway they fight her, she summons monsters blah blah yadda then squary finds this:
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They teleport to "earth" (the world ended and got reincarnated to that world so yeah djdjfhfv)
They find hoshi's ship and then... :
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As that happens this is the map that they are at right now, they are going up into the Heavens.
ok lets continue:
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1831 Monday 10 October
7 55/.. 11 55/..
Up at 7 and lay down (went to bed again) - fine morning - Fahrenheit 64°. now at 8 35/.. - breakfast at 8 50/.. - got a man as guide took Cameron and George and out at 9 40/.. - walked to the Dockyard in 10 mins. [minutes] - waited there 10 mins. [minutes] and then, a party of 7 or 8 besides myself being assembled, an intelligent sort of person took us in charge, and we began the round at 10 and it took us till 11 50/.. - I was beginning to make pencil notes as usual but the man said it was not allowed - I was not expecting to find this the case in England - however it was no great matter -
Went 1st. to the mast-rooms - masts of all sizes - the old ones took larger timber - those now made consist of from 30 to 52 pieces - apparently squares about 6 inches square and about 20 feet long? - saw the main mast of the victory (100 guns) - 52 pieces and would weigh about 12 tons - of american pine as were a great many of the masts - then passed the store (lying out) of anchors, an amazing quantity - 5 anchors for each vessel - saw those for the Nelson § [Margin - vide next page] (120 guns - will in reality mount 134 or 136) weighing above 97 cwt [hundredweight] - all of wrought iron welded together - would take 17 men a fortnight to weld one anchor - each anchor for the Nelson would cost ten or eleven hundred pounds - then to the ropery - rope cables 22 inches in circumference the thickest 27 inches circumference, but chain cables most used now -
Then to the anchor forge - the anchors moved to and from the fires by cranes - they used to have enormous bellows 6 or 8 yards long and 4 men to blow them by treading on them very hard work - now (for these about 10 years) have a constant current of air kept up and stronger than ever before produced by 2 barrels (about 4 1/2 foot diameter) something like a churn half filled with water turned backwards and forwards by 2 men - 2 valves - one in each half of each end - so that when the water falling to one side shuts the valve and presses the air out into the tube communicating with the fire the valve of the other half the barrel opens and lets in air which is the next turn pressed out by the falling back of the water as before - there being a tube from each of the barrels meeting in one tube near the fire, there is by this means a constant current - one of the gents. [gentlemen] present observed that at Mr. Guest's iron works at Merthyr Twydvil in South wales, the bellows the largest in existence was a steam engine which pumped up air thro' a large cylinder - I must see these far-famed works -
Then went to the copper furnaces and rollers these are merely for the old copper - all the new copper is bought by contract in sheets ready done - the copper when taken liquid from the furnace in ladles is put into moulds forming plates of perhaps 1 1/2 feet by 1 foot and perhaps 1/4 inch thick - these are eventually rolled out (at twice) into four thin oblongs perhaps 3 1/2 by 1 foot - when rolled out to the last size, they are rubbed over with some acid, put into the furnace till red hot, then suddenly thrown into water on which the outside blackish coating immediately peels off and the copper appears that bright red copper colour we peculiarly call and know by the name of copper colour - inquired but could not learn what was the acid the sheets were mopped over with - they said it was an acid - a particular composition - the sheets were lastly put upon a roller that marked them thickly over with anchors in such sort that it is easy to know government copper -
The man too in passing an old rope pulled out one single green thread from one of the twists or threads of the rope - but mentioning the forges and furnaces I should have said that from the store of anchors we went to the block machinery (very curious) all turned by one centre wheel turned by a steam engine which was partitioned off from us so that we did not see the engine itself (of 50 horse power) - saw a block made from the square piece of Elm (because Elm does not fly off in splinters) to the last finish of the copper-eyed lignum vitæ (because very hard wood) pulley (what did the man call it?) and iron pin which fastens it within the block for the rope to run on - the man who worked the machinery that polished the iron pin was not there that we merely saw the principle of his machinery and how it worked - these 3 men (the Elm man, lignum vitæ man, and iron pin man) during the war made 12,000 blocks a month and supplied the whole navy - they are not in full employ now - tho' they still make for the whole navy - the man shewed us a large new building (enormous almost square span of roof) for making boilers for the government steamers - none yet in hand there - only a few iron tanks to mend -
From the copper furnaces, went on board the Indus 80 gun ship building these 4 or 5 years and still only (I think) the hull done - built on a new principle - diagonal timbers all along her inside in squares diamondwise so that if she strikes, she cannot spring a plank and directly fill with water and go down - 16 or 17 inches thick of timber covering of these diagonal timbers - what an immense machine! what strength! how mighty is man! how mightier far the wave that snaps his work in pieces like a bit of glass! the Indus built partly of English partly of African oak - then pass the Nelson § [Margin - § vide last page] built in India? of teak - has undergone a thorough repair - where laid up smear them all over with a yellowish composition to keep them from dry rot and roof them over to keep the weather from the deck -
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The HMS Indus, finally launched from Portsmouth in 1839 [Image Source]
Left the Dock yard at 11 50/.. (no difficulty - had merely rung the bell, and asked to see it) - took boat at 11 55/.. and rowed off to the royal George (of which Lord .. Fitzclarence is Captain) the royal yatch that the late King went to Ireland and Scotland in - has 70 men - 310 tons (I think) - but what ever she is Lord Yarborough's yatch the Falcon lying near, and looking like a man of war, is tentons ten tons more - this last mounts 14 six pounders, and can take care of herself when the guns not mounted the gun carriages fit up as wash-stands! 50 men? the royal yatch a magnificently fitted up vessel - great deal of gilding without - great deal of comfort and luxury within - the rooms or cabins hung with a glazed calico (up these 15 years) that does and looks admirably well - shut-up chairs, the most excellent travelling concerns I ever saw - by Edward Bailey upholsterer etc. to his majesty mount street Grosvenor Square - an admirable wash-stand that holds a bed - capital for any dressing room - these too of Bailey -
From the yatch rowed across to the new victualling offices close to Gosport - we should have had an order to see them? but did not take any pains to get admitted - an enormous brick pile, - a large square projecting part of it towards the water standing on columns - then rowed forward and landed in Cold harbour Gosport - walked along the works, and came in at the far end of High street very good street very soon passed (left) the neat small house of Mr. Titcher and then near it same side the large 3 or 4 story (brick - all the town brick) best house in the town? of Mrs. Page (has been for some time confined to her bed), Mrs. Henry Priestley's uncle and mother -
Went into the handsome market house and reembarked close to there and in about 20 mins. [minutes] rowed off to the Victory the ship on board which Nelson was killed at Trafalgar - saw the spot where he fell - near (close to) the prow skylight - then went down to the 2nd deck (or mid-deck?) where a court martial was sitting admiral Sir John Gore president - Captain Lord ... Fitzclarence sitting, and 4 or 5 more officers at the table - Backhouse (1st. mate?) versus Captain Belcher of the Ætna bomb - Captain B- [Belcher] brought Backhouse to court martial, and then Backhouse brings the captain to ditto for lastly cruelty and unofficer like conduct and and several other charges that went before - 25 mins. [minutes] there - Backhouse seemed giving rather uncertain evidence - within musket shot and clear day yet could not tell whether signals were up or not - hurried off at last because when Backhouse was called on as to the last charge he said he could not repeat the word Captain Belcher used because there were ladies in the court myself and Cameron and a lady or famale [sic] person what shocking nonsense! I waited for no more but hurried off vexed that there should be such humbug should -
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The HMS Victory, Lord Nelson’s flagship at the Battle of Trafalgar, can still be seen at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard [Image Source]
High water now abouts (at 2 1/4 on leaving the Victory) - rowed down to near the entrance to the harbour (about 1/4 mile across) and landed near the round fort that defends it at 2 40/.. - sent home Cameron and George to get all ready for being off, and myself took the guide, and walked round the ramparts - soon came to what they call the King's steps where the King lands, a sort of small squary windowed ornament tower - but a battery? there - and several batteries all along - very strong place - double moated and ramparted - from just beyond the Kings stairs magnificent views of Spithead, Isle of Wight, see Ryde quite plain - Fort Monckton and its barracks, and Haslar hospital and Gosport, Stoke just beyond it, and Anglesea Crescent the Duke of Norfolk began about 2 years ago (2 miles from Gosport - near Stoke) for a watering place, but the work is not going on just now - 'Tis Portsmouth only within the fortifications - beyond these is Southsea (quite a town and Southsea castle a low thick round fort about a mile from the rampart where I stood) - then Portsea where the docks are, then on the other side the harbour Gosport - at high water a mile across - finest harbour in the world - the largest ship ride in safety - but if they should get aground it is only in mud, and the next tide gets them off unhurt - the new custom house a large pile of building, and immense government store houses close by - High street and 1 or 2 more good streets and 2 or 3 pretty good churches in Portsmouth -
Went into bookseller's shop near the George, and bought Portsmouth guide - no plan of the town in it - no plan of it allowed to be published - the George hotel (Guy) High street - very good hotel, and not dear considering - my expenses were more than usual, but I had dinner 4/6 and 2 bottles soda water 1/6 and servants dined I suppose when I sent them back for their expenses were 11/. - my wax lights and good sitting room were 2/6 and beds 5/6 and all that and the rest as usual - back at 3 25/.. -
Settled all and Off from Portsmouth at 3 42/.. - soon passed under the 2 covered ways (arches) and over the 2 wooden bridges - part of the last a drop bridge - still town, Portsea, or Southsea, or something, for a considerable distance the whole backed by the chalk range of Portsdown - at I suppose about 4 miles from Portsmouth (at 4 10/..) pass port's bridge, 2 wooden bridges over 2 canals or fosses and a military station like a french porticoed barrière close (left) by the road - then at 4 1/4 a short distance Portsbridge turnpike and then at 4 1/4 the neat enough little town or good village of Cosham - my once for a moment idea of staying there and taking horses thence to Portsmouth, would not have answered - the George Inn the best apparently is quite like a common Inn, and one at which one would not think of stopping, save on a pinch - at 4 17/.. turn (right) at the end of Cosham down to Havant, a village-like little town - neat enough little place posting Inn, the blackbear - a continued street for some distance - neat little liveable cottages (left) along the road - sea and shipping now and then right - Range of down (good sheep pasture) all along at a little distance (left) - 5 1/2 p.m. late enough for seeing anything now -
Enter Chichester at 5 55/.. - pass the cathedral close (right) - a lengthy, fine enough looking church - then beautiful gothic pinnacled rotunda, or market cross, or what, in the middle of the street and then immediately wide good street and alight at 6 at the Swan hotel - very good small sitting room opening on to balcony towards the street - good bedroom another flight on 2de. [secunde] and very comfortable - tea at 6 1/2 - sat over it till 7 3/4 - musing, as I had been all the way this afternoon and as I have done perpetually since seeing yesterday morning the gothic windows at Cowes -
On the plan for altering Shibden hall so as to make it liveable - put such gothic windows as at Cowes into both gables - take the drawing room end groundfloor and above for bedrooms and dressing rooms - take away my uncles room and butteries leaving only room enough for light stairs - Gothicize the passage like that to the courthouses at Norwich - pull away the kitchen part and parlour and all that instead of which add to the breakfast gable a part to correspond with the present hall and beyond and joined to that another gable extending backwards length enough to allow that is wanted - then taking a light gothic passage off the upper kitchen and likewise off the new hall-corresponding-part and all thro' the new gable everything would be comeatalbe [sic], and there the whole suite of rooms to the south opening into one another - new gable, or drawing room? new hall-corresponding-part, or dining room? present breakfast room enlarged by all the present upper kitchen but enough for gothic passage - present passage gothicized and perhaps heightened and lightened by the present library, present hall thrown up to the roof, and present drawing room fitted up as a French dress bedroom - the present passage would have 4 gothic doors - 2 on each side, at each end - 2 opening into the hall (with billiard table?) and 2 opening the one into the new passage along the upper kitchen etc. the other into the present breakfast room - the ground falls so rapidly to the East, that I think laundries and cellars etc. might all be under the new gable -
Very rain-threatening day but fair - raining heavily now at 10 35/. p.m. and has been for some time - great deal of rain fell during last night, too - Fahrenheit 64°. now at 10 35/.. p.m. at which hour had just done all the above of today - came upstairs at 10 50/.. -  
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/14/0132 - SH:7/ML/E/14/0133
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rumaisahkd · 5 years
beautifullllllll..... You!
Since the day, the world started to make some sense to me, I found people choosing to call something "Just pretty", others "Very pretty" and some "Just beautiful! ". What is beautiful and what is not beautiful had me confused,
Until one day, I ran into you. The crooked nose, the shallow small eyes, the squary face and pimple clad face. You defined the beauty to me, for its only and only the word "beautiful" that somehow does the justice. OH My beautiful! Oh my beautiful beautiful!, I can't think of anything else other than "beauuutiful". A beauty so enriching that, glitters come following you wherever you go, spring comes advancing over the autumn month. Beauty is you! And you are the beauty!
Beautiful you! MY beautiful you!
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wishmakersblog · 6 years
What would happen if Lapis met Squaridot? Do they even exist in this AU? And even if they don’t, do you think any outcomes would be different? Sorry I’m just really curious.
She wouldn't like Squari very much, probably seeing as "inferior" to "Her Peri". Squaridot doesn't really exsist in this world, the closest being Peri's father.
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howtofindthemoney · 5 years
IMG Glass is the leading glassware manufacturer in Indonesia. With 20 years of experience, IMG Glass has been established as a global glassware manufacturer with exports to more than 40 countries around the world. The company is located in Romokalisari, Surabaya within the East Java province of Indonesia.
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howiesmithers-blog · 6 years
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Hi people, I am a producer/composer, grew up as an autistic kid in a social culture in Holland and came later in not relatable situations by hard making utterances in the international popscene. After the sabotage of my ideas for my musicrevolution by oppress me the isolated satisfaction in social glorifying toriental roads, i needed urgently doing some succes in the literature and wild behavior by my big amygdala for the space, so that i hardly could do my work professional as good as possible to build it up. In 2014 i was lured and alreay related to Emma Watson by my succes and in april 2016 i could finally for the first time in my life an ambition that i wanted to reach. The fact that i have sometimes critical points, is not because of wanting to be an enemy, but to enforce understanding especially objective my life to see a day as an autistic male feministic primadonna type, also if i have to repeat facts as long as i don't get my grace. If my girl Emma is in difficult times then the woman goes first to her and to me the man, and together we could making something come true, she for female in the East, i for male in the West. But some idiots put an experiment with a competitor on me and that spoiled the trust in the East again. Those kind of dirty idiots in the business think that they have to decide when an ambition is deserved or not, but they are WRONG!!! I experienced in a nutral state of mind to power what i need to achieve it, the others can NOT judge about my own proved experiences and results. Here in Holland the system of the profs thought exactly the same in the case of my ex, and it was one of the most notorious situation in the popscene that could ever happen, especaially if i didn.t reach my pespective, and my grace still yet have to come, and surely in reality. The point is, the people who don't know real socialism,  didn't experienced the dependence what's nessesary for a fargile autistic man to work out of his isolation as good as possible. People like Trump and especially Hillary Clinten abuse and block the grace for that. Some people think that greatness is just deserved by working hard in the regular way, but it isn't, and even totally not. The fact that i don't and can not work regular, will never mean that i don't work. The reason why the characters of for example Rain man and a beautiful mind lived so isolated is for example by what they are personally missing, they feel too stiff and squary. And because of the way my mother let me grew up, i discovered those kind of isolations and that's why i wear for example gracefull scarfs because a man is far behind uptodate with round elegance. I am a male feministic primadonna type, as i said often, i want a girl who drives but don't want to ride along with her in combination of the most beautiful royal oversized fashion style. The problems of today is huge because of responsibilities of the past that be missed and never could ge their grace, and i say again, and especially in my nutral state of mind to power, i can not hold on the regular pressure, that's why i have to work my way the best i can, and some people even had the dirty nerve to talk that i am disabled like it's normal that things like that can happen, BUT THAT TOTALLY ISN'T!!!!!! And types like Trump and Clinton still don't seem to care a f about that, and that's an example why they grave their own hole. Lot's of people, also in America totally don't have any problem with how i can work best, that's why i know that the dirty side of the business use me as a scapegoat and pretend that i do that to them. The world is not only America, and if they want to let America come first, then they also, i said also, have to take care about fragile persons who enforced to come free and show what they need to work as good as possible in their nutral state of mind to power and not get in such suck experiments with such souldestructive competitors pretending that i can not be nutral to power. And ofcourse i also have my (very) important points for what i have to do for America, praising their colourfull shows and sincere colourfull prestations, doing my next plan for the repetoire of my musicrevolution ideas when my equipment is ready in stead of yelling further or at least much less as possible, and save the contribution of my girl Emma with the statement to stay on the line so that unwishfull circumstances don't have the right in this case anymore for the rest for both sides. Meanwhile great sincere thanks for reading..."
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bubblerevolution · 6 years
I agree Forces GH looks more faithful to the original, but I don't really think it looks better than Gen, all that squarie feel work in a 2d game, 'cause it's squary, but when you bring 3 graphics into the mix... it just doens't work... Well in the end I hope we can all agree Mania looks the best.
I don’t really like Generations’ take on Green Hill that much in retrospect, honestly, like, I don’t hate it, but they went too naturalistic with the rocks and other parts of the environment and it lost some of the charm the original had, IMO.
Forces’ take feels a lot closer to the original look, and I kind of disagree with you on the square terrain not working in 3D, Mario games have pulled that sort of thing off well before. Early Sonic (Sonic 1 in particular) was super abstract in parts and I was glad they brought some elements of that back in Lost World, some of which got retained for Forces.
My only complaints with Forces’ Green Hill is that for the flowers and stuff, they didn’t really keep the look of the original with the diamond-shaped leaves (which oddly ARE present in Mystic Jungle), also it’s significantly less colorful than the original (that’s mostly due to the “GREEN HILL’S LOOKIN A LOT MORE LIKE SAND HILL” thing they had going on), but I feel like they pulled it off better than Generations’ take. 
Honestly, I’d just love to see more classic stages represented in 3D graphics, I hope they do stuff like that in the untitled Sonic racing game that’s supposedly coming up.
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starstruck358 · 9 months
The Heaven Gaurdians!
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Mint is a beaver
His age: he's actually the first beaver made so propably from like the 170000 bc or something
He's married with a rabbit named luffen muffen
He has a great friend whose literally a triangle
Loves games
Luffen Muffen:
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She loves reading
Shes married with Mint
Also the first rabbit created
Has a friend whose a square, and can calm down (almost) everyone
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Tint & Squary!
They are siblings, and they ARE LIKE CUPIDS, they love video games, and do slangs like "bro" "dude" "WTF"
Squary: he has hands he can regenerate, and the design inspiration was from peep and the big wide world
Tint: Tint & Mint are like bros, Tint was found in a rock pile by Mint, he's from Hell. He deals with the heat, well... AHEM!
Tint died at a accident when he was 5 years old, the Heavens instead clipped his wings, he fell all the way to the ground and got caught by the devils hands, Devil took care of him and showed Tint around the Hell kingdom. When He got older, he escaped, because the devil was making him ripe so he could eat him... ands thats why Tint is used to the heat! :)
More story's and lore will be posted!
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