#A'ken Tia
jancisstuff · 4 years
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Levinfist 2020
Thank you, generous hosts!
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floatyskye · 5 years
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[Raffle] Ken Dragon/A’ken Tia - miqoteken
Well then, I'm finally done with my last 200 follower raffle prize for @miqoteken. This only took like 5 million years but it's finished TvT haha . . . I drew his ffxiv character, Ken Dragon / A'ken Tia. I somehow managed to paint the ikemen miqo'te face, so happy with that :3
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jancisstuff · 4 years
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Gregos’ Oration
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jancisstuff · 4 years
Berrod’s Discussion: Meeting of Monk Minds
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"It is a...difficult thing to hear. It does not match my own faith, but I would not begrudge a man for holding it. Such a faith cannot strive for His sublimity in the way we do -- but it doesn't matter. Not to them, nor should it to us."
"Meaning Rhalgr could've been a man..?"
"Aye. A man who inspired the image we hold him in -- so those believe."
"Mayhap, according to this worldview, Rhalgr's Sublimity is all the more attainable...?"
"It does make some sense given depictions of him.."
"If he were once as base and sinful as man."
"Something akin to the saints spoken of in Ishgard, but on a far grander scale. I have spoken to a few who feel the same. For some it gives hope, particularly those misled by other leaders of faith."
"Aye, interestingly enough it reinforces our own faith in a way. It means that it -can- be done, and destroys any doubt in our hearts."
"He could've been.. an archon of some kind then?"
"We can be as divine, in some respects?. I find it a good means to think about the Twelve, because They have many names. and all that is written about them is by us Spoken. For good or ill?"
"I think that's the word, yes. I believe I've read it before."
"The person who taught me of this belief believes so, yes."
"Aye -- exactly like that."
"Who did teach you this?"
"The father of a friend."
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It was heartening to hear Berrod speak again. I still think fondly back at Rhaglr’s Stone. We were now at another one. One we couldn’t be at before. One bought with more blood. And he spoke of tolerance.
To understand the views of others can be different, though towards the same end. To realize the potential within ourselves in reviewing these different views. And to see what we work so hard towards includes having tolerance.
A strong balance to have. A hard thing to say for all the changes I have seen happen with him. And I only have a sparing glance.
The greatest monk I knew stayed one of the greatest men I have met.
June 2020
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jancisstuff · 4 years
Martin’s Discussion: Meeting of Monk Minds
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"Good things have always come with a steep price here."
"Good things. There was still life, though, in those who survived. Do you have any stories of that? Tales that were shared, games. Ceremonies or celebrations. Be it even under a weight that could not be lifted. The things the Garleans missed. The subtle lights in the darkness."
"You lot'd get a kick out of this, they still talked about monks. Out of earshot of Imperials, of course."
"As a kid, it was more like hearing a bunch of myths an' stories. Heroes an' shite. Lotta fairytale nonsense. But the older kids would play pretend like 'em, out away from town where the guards couldn't see."
"Had a very similar time."
".....lot of faith in the dream, they had."
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I learned more about Martin that sun. A small glimpse into some of the hopes and struggles he had under Garlean banners. What was how things were. How he learned the power of fear and lies. Almost as I did, but from another source.
But what is more, he told me he would have been in this tower when it was shot had he not been ambushed and knocked out. The mercy in war had brought him here. To us.
I think of those I try to do the same for. Are they like Martin? Surrounded by new kin that would protect his life? Sit in a metal graveyard and listen to his words?
I hope so.
May 2020
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jancisstuff · 4 years
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Monk Night
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jancisstuff · 4 years
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Levinfist 2020
That night I saw power again. These stones saw battle against Garleans before, and now they echo that same ferocity. The same cry out through fists and action to what cannot be destroyed, the will to go on. The will to be free and have choices.
Such that is not free when oppressed. May the echoes of the Levinfist make its way across all the lands and be sung by every crystal.
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jancisstuff · 4 years
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Fist Forum - Listening
“Listen t’yourself and your surroundings...”
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jancisstuff · 4 years
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“It is from small streams that big rivers rise.”    ―      Matshona Dhliwayo  
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jancisstuff · 4 years
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"Nope, just stating my mind is all."
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jancisstuff · 4 years
Learning Treatments from N’hara
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  "Fingers crossed this lesson isn't /that/ boring." "Matron Forbid. This is the start of great power." "The one who finds first aid boring is the one who thinks they're strong enough to walk around with an unset break. Or they're just a fool. You'll do great brother." "I'm sure it won't be! Besides its very important so I certainly don't plan to miss it." "It is. A complete and utter necessity, yes."
N’hara shared with all some of the basic healing aids anyone can use out in the wild, or anywhere. Gold needles, antlion disinfectant, willow bark, aloe, and landtrap leaves.
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Always good to hear new means to treat wounds, how my kin and allies will tend to items, and what wounds they expect. Ever learning is the healer. Ever learning is us all.
May 2020
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jancisstuff · 5 years
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The Astral Advent Valentoine Party! 2020
Jancis was lucky enough to get an invitation.
Thank you, generous hosts!
The night was beautiful. I thought I would be able to observe from above, but Autgar did not seem interested in that, nor some others from their glances. I am unsure why it mattered. Such a beautiful night where Thaliak only knows how the hall became an enchanted garden, it was not enough for me to watch it. That is my place in such romantic settings. Luckily it was not too engulfed by Menphina.
Ignera was there and it was so good to see her. Especially in good spirits and with a nice glass of wine making new friends and helping. I think I saw her give Autgar a bag later in the night. Gifts for a party.
It was good timing, too. There was a fight with the food and I am sure he could use a present. I helped clean it up and made stew out of what I could clean off of the turkey, though some of the crispy skin just could not get the chocolate out of.
A’ken was there, observing like I. Having a complicated time with another there. I understand all too well, but he is so cheerful. I had to make a deal with him in order to get him to speak with his peers. He wanted me to stand next to Autgar. Luckily, he forgot about the deal as soon as he went over to Tiergan and others. The stories and tales, then cake.
I did stand there and finish the deal. I do not think anyone noticed.
After that I saw Osric and Kanaria. They invited me to tea with their children. Nymeia willing, we can do that.
I am glad I went. The blessings of Menphina are different for me, and this night reflects the ones I cannot manage. But I am glad I went.
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jancisstuff · 4 years
Llymlaen Oration: Direction for Change
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"I s'pose this is less a question for you so much as debate for the lot here: what is our responsibility to the rest of the Twelve, as monks?"
"If we as monks --" He paused and frowned for a moment, "Er-- if you as a monk aim for Rhalgr's sublimity, then your responsibility to the rest of the Twelve becomes the same as his, I believe."
"It may be Rhalgr's sublimity I seek, but His sublimity is but one twelfth of divinity."
"Way I see it, ... ours is a path singular, meant for those of the mind to pursue th' faith an' no other. 's not our job to bring them to it, nor to push them from it - just as Rhalgr, we merely show them the path, and let them pursue it of their own strength as we do. Such is what should be done for the other 11, an' such is what I practice. 's wisdom to be found in heeding the words of the others - an' more so to show others their paths over Rhalgr's."
"Rhalgr's mercy is not always painless, nor pleasant. For example... the men, on that boat. Driven here, of all places. It must have seemed a punishment to our ancestors."
"And Rhalgr would not be without the entirety. I cannot speak as a monk, alas, for what I can it would limit by being dismissed outright. The connection and reverence is personal, but feel not you betray Rhalgr for feeling a kinship with others, too."
"It was a bitter offering only when looked at from one angle. Look at us now. It made us who and what we are now."
"Are we supposed to give them less reverence, then? Or...?"
"Reverence does not equal... focus, in my mind."
"Not in th' slightest. Even Rhalgr has a master to cow his glory. Can't spread the good word if you don't truly believe in the force behind it. Balance in all things."
"They... do not call me as Rhalgr does. But I understand they all stand upon the same height." "Spoken like an Ul'dahn devotee o' the Twins."
"--piss off. You know what I mean."
"I -- am a man. One man. I pay reverence to all the Twelve, but I can only hope to strive for the sublimity of one in what short years I have on this star. I won't ever consider that a rejection of the others, or a view that they're inferior. Just a measure of my own limits as someone mortal, ephemeral an' limited."
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May 2020
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jancisstuff · 5 years
Oration on the Fury: Anger
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At the Astrals Jancis welcomes her friends and kin to share in a discussion and exercise to channel their anger into a useful form.
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So it is important to feel anger. It needs to be felt for it is a powerful and healthy force within our lives. There is an awareness to what is unpleasant, unfair. It comes along with fear, sadness, or other combinations of emotion. The value of life and the right to be angry when we are treated poorly and when life is treated poorly.
We all form the community that cares for kin and does not allow atrocities to happen. So in fury and anger I bid you not silence it, but listen to what anger tells you. And channel that into something positive and productive.
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"You can do this" ♪YOU CAN DO THIS♪ "Make your life new" ♪MAKE YOUR LIFE NEW♪
Thank you for the use of your garden and time! @astraladvent​
Feb 1 2020
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jancisstuff · 5 years
Learning Words
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After the oration, the group comes in for some stew and hot cider.
During they talk about their homelands and names, turning into a word game to know what the word means.
<sound of large predator makes crunching through snow>
Feb 1 2020
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