#Reks Blanc
jancisstuff · 4 years
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Meeting Lerone
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astraladvent · 5 years
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The Vow Renewal ceremony of Reks Blanc and Kitakaze Mugenkagami. 
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worrentigre · 6 years
A brief trip to Hell (IC Post)
Worren Tigre sits in his office, in front of his large and fancy machine placed directly in the middle of the room.  Using all manners of light and aether, it has a holographic display and a keyboard when activated.  Its original purpose years ago was to record very important and sensitive security data via aether imprints.  Now, due to Worren’s change in occupation, it is now nothing more than a big fancy journal.  One that is currently being read, displaying a week old entry about his brief trip into Hell’s Lid.
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"The Astral Agents are once again waist deep into some sort of trouble.  This time it’s very serious.  I have been avoiding all of the details as of late, as to not overload myself, but I know it has something to do with some terrible person Berrod and his lot have been after.  However, this particular mission needed bodies, and so I’ve decided to volunteer.  Maybe something like this will help me clear my mind of the voices, and I can make a bit of profit for the orphanage as well.  This is an extermination mission. Next stop: Hell’s Lid.  Target: Hell frog.”
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“We met with Berrod at the Agents Place, and went over the details.  In short, there were none.  We’d be going in blind.  Or so we thought, until one person spoke up.  The team comprised of myself, Reks, and a man named Avenio. Interesting fellow, though he seemed to rather harbor doubts about anyone he did not know.  Had this been fifteen years or so ago, I would have seen it as a challenge.  Nowadays, it’s a non issue.  Get in, complete the job, get out, get paid. Avenio knew some details about the area, but had no idea about the target.  He went and used the aetheryte network to go ahead, while Reks and I went in the submarine.”
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“It was my first submarine ride.  It was... interesting.  It was piloted by a mammet and not a person.  I wouldn’t have been worried, had we not been surrounded by water, but beggars can’t be choosers. Reks and I made small talk on the way there.  He confirmed my suspicions that this mission was part of a bigger issue that Berrod and students have been wrapped up in. And, unfortunately, some others outside of his circle that got tangled up in as well.  I didn’t dig too deep and I have been purposefully staying away from it.  Not out of fear, but because I simply have too much going on already, and cannot afford to have any more complications for me or my own students.”
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"Of course, the comments came about my heavy armor, and his lack thereof. He was concerned I’d burn up and be immobile in this suit.  I was concerned that he would get scorched with how little he wore. I explained to him that my former blacksmith Ozgur Kurt made it specifically to withstand and protect me from extreme heat, in addition to the insulation and magical augmentations I’ve provided to keep the inside cool.  He explained to me that the pauldron he wore was warded with the affect of strengthening the heat resistance of his body and the rest of his clothing, forming an invisible barrier around him.  We decided to discuss this in detail later, as we had arrived at the dock nearest our destination.”
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“We linked up with Avenio at the docks and did our last minute checks before checking in with Berrod.  Avenio knew the area and knew the way to the target location. After one last brief, and check of our equipment, we were off, with Avenio leading us to our destination.”
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"We ran along the beach to a molten rock formation, which was full of lava filled caves below.  One could say it were a volcano, but it was a bit different.  Avenio didn’t think I could make the running and climbing necessary to get to where we’re going.  Fortunately my constant training and lifestyle outside of my business ensures I can do just that. And so, we reached the top and the entrance.  It was VERY hot, and I was wondering if Reks would get any of that exposed skin of his burned.”
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"Inside the cave, we looked around for a place to start our search.  I also looked around for a weapon, and there was plenty of material for it.  Using an earth core to amplify my affinity, I used what I learned from months ago to pull together a weapon of stone, cobbled and held together with my chakra attuned to the earth.  The place was hot. Very hot.  We had no idea where our target might be.  Fortunately, the path seemed pretty linear, so we may not have to look too hard.”
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"Along the way, a man approached us.  Apparently he caught wind of the bounty and jumped on the job as well.  The man was a bit eccentric, but he could prove a useful ally.  He was skilled in arcanima, and was able to hold his own against the aggressive fauna in this place. Fauna that was odd, even for a hellish place like this. Giant humanoids, lions, and literal walls with arms and faces, all made out of magma and wanting to kill us at first sight.  The man seemed to marvel at our combat prowess.  Even Avenio, who seemed to me to play the hero, often flinging himself headfirst into everything instantly, shouting orders and whatnot.  Seemed kinda reckless... he reminded me of myself about fifteen years ago, heh heh.”
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"All seemed to be going smoothly, until something snatched up our guest from underneath the lava.  It took the rest of us to pull him free before he perished, and he was VERY thankful for it. Moments later, the culprit revealed itself; the hellfrog.  A giant, lava filled frog that emerged from the magma and had a very large chip on it’s shoulder in addition to it’s very large tongue.”
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"It was pissed that we ruined its chance at a meal.  No worries. We were prepared to take it down.  Losing my weapon, I spent the energy of my earth core to disrupt the ground beneath the frog, to keep it off balance and hold it still.  It didn’t really like that, and so it spit a particularly large glob of magma at me.  I had to shift my energy to re-enforce my defense with an aetheric barrier and hardened flesh underneath my armor.  I was both grateful and annoyed that it was a waste, as the other two decided to come to my ‘rescue’; with Reks stopping the magma before it reached me and the hero charging directly face first at the frog.  Fortunately, it went down pretty easily to his attacks.”
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"With the target down, we called to report in to Berrod, only for him to tell us to run.  Something was very wrong, and we found out when man covered in red suddenly appeared from the remains of the target... I’m unsure if it was blood, magma, or what. But, we didn’t stick around to find out.  We hurried as fast as we could further into the place to find a way out, only to be harried by everything that was in front of us. Whoever or whatever this person was, he was catching up as we kept being distracted.  Caught in a dead end, there was a hole in the floor we were able to use to escape further below.”
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"Down below seemed like some sort of old ruin or temple.  We had no time to explore, as the figure was still following behind us.  My gut told me that we should stand and fight, but Berrod’s order to run sounded urgent enough that this person was most likely very dangerous. Berrod knows what we’re capable of, and if he believes we’d be in trouble, then this person or thing is nothing to mess with.  Avenio finds a bridge that leads to an exit, but it is broken.  Reks had to work his magic to fix it so we could escape.  Unfortunately, the time spent doing that would result in tragedy.  Our guest sent his carbuncle familiar off to distract the red figure approaching.  As we were crossing the bridge, some very strange magic happened.  The guest and his familiar were suddenly forced to switch places in an instant, and now within the mystery figure’s reach, has had something very lethal turned on him.  I could not tell what, but he did not survive, let alone remain in one piece.  My gut screamed at me to avenge him, but again, I could not.  I have far too many important things to deal with to be mixed up further in this.  Keeping my face hidden, I joined the others in escaping.”
“I told Berrod that he could forward my pay for this job directly to the orphanage, and said nothing further.  I went straight home, took a shower, and went to bed angry. My Sye was not with me, and it was difficult to fall asleep.  The nightmares started again.  The voice in my head taunted me.  Called me a coward for running.  Weak.  Sorry.  By Rhalgr’s grace, I hope I can figure out a way to silence this voice for good.  Going with them was a mistake.  But, it was my fault.  I should have known something like this would happen, as it always does in missions with these folks.”
Worren sighs as he finishes reading over the journal passage once more.  Then, with a wave of his hand in front of the holographic panel, all of the lights and holograms shut down.  “Fuck this...” He mutters as he gets to his feet and leaves the office, intent on doing more training and meditation.
@astralagency @reksblanc @berrodarmstrong
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berrodarmstrong · 7 years
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Reks paid Berrod a visit at his home, bearing the gift of food. He’d passed by to make sure that Berrod’s recovery from his wound remained without complication -- and to offer his assistance with the matter that had brought about such a thing. With N’hara and Autgar’s advice in mind, he accepted. 
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harvest-honeymoon · 3 years
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Can’t believe I forgot to post my mans after all the stupid stuff I drew of him—
This is Hirsch Leverette, a feral tiefling rabbitfolk grave cleric. He’s a neurotic weirdo from a family of tiefling morticians who rides around on his dumb-as-rocks, one horned elk named Jawbone and worships Sehanine Moonbow. Also, he talks like Benoit Blanc from Knives Out.
He was a character I played for a short, southern gothic campaign run by my friend Bayrk @reks-the-necromancer-king. In said campaign, he was transporting a strangely mutilated corpse (see 3rd pic) to the big city to get to the heart of what happened to it, only to get swept up in a sandstorm and transported to Impwater, a strange little town preserved in time.
Needless to say, Hirsch goes through it a bit.
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zaiusrhalseer · 5 years
My turn!
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Zaius Rhal’seer and Reks Blanc have joined your party!
Beginning Dungeon: “Hah, what, am I the last Agent left?”
Assisting: “Kita would never forgive me.”
Being Assisted: “This is hardly fair. For them.”
Idle/Waiting 1: “It’s not our job to sort out the dead and dying, Reks.”
Idle/Waiting 2: “We’re standing and they’re not. That’s all there is.”
Witnessing Reks KO: “…tch, of course they go after the healer.”
Reviving Reks: “This is not my strong suit, Reks.”
Being Revived: “This is…humbling.”
Finishing Dungeon: “You’re not as soft as I’d thought. Interesting. Let me know if you need someone to carve a bloody swath in front of you again, Reks.”
Zaius and Reks have rarely encountered one another either in the field or at the Agents’ base of operations…as Zaius rarely is either of those places. For his part, the Keeper knows Reks only be reputation, which he would admit to be impressive. The chirurgeon is the primary healer, as far as Zaius knows, for the entire company, but his ability to avoid damage in full out combat, and deal it, would be something Zaius would need to discover.
As focused on the physical as he is, it never hurts to know someone that is skilled at fixing wounds, and he’s well aware of it. Partying with Reks would be an interesting experience, and potentially benefit him in the long run.
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jancisstuff · 4 years
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Remembrance of the Fallen
Nald’Thal 2020
The area has been cleared of debris with a few large blankets spread out for folks to sit together. Baskets of lilies and cowry shells randomly set about the riverbank. A couple incensorys are up wind, the soft aroma of local herbs notable in the incense adding to the serenity by the riverside.
"I thought only of my failure... and not the promise I made to her that day... to protect those in need of protection, save those that could be saved, and seek justice for those that cannot..." 
“Today I want to make sure that they know that we will remember them, and we wish them a good rest. That we will place their books back onto the shelves, and speak their history so that they are no longer forgotten."
“Hope we meet again someday, somewhere."
“On this sun I mourn their loss, exalt their memories; those we could not save."
"I carry you with me...but I must move forward, for us all...." 
"I did not bring any items. Only memories for the waters to claim if they'd have them.”
“Who I speak of was someone I barely knew yet, I could have easily been on his path of life.”
"We are meant to cry. Our lives are filled with both sad and happy memories. We are not meant to dwell. In these tears we shed, we do so willingly. For all our lives. What a curious thing that our lives are more than one." 
“Every day, I see the wisdom in his words--when I speak with members of this free company--their zest for their interests, their love of food and song and clothes and hobbies and magic--everything you all have laid your hands to breaths with your love for it.”
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astraladvent · 7 years
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A few of the Agents hung out at the bar for a bit. It was a little awkward, given their personalities -- but good nonetheless. 
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sarijrahzersyn · 6 years
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Time seemed to tick by far too slowly for the Agents as they waited at the abandoned mines for the appointed bell. Men and women slowly trickled in until a large chunk of the Agency stood at the end of the long forgotten valley. Milo North, Berrod Armstrong, Cerina Borlaaq, N’hara Tia, Reks Blanc, Garyn Almos, Tiergan Vashir, Kariun Gallek, Crooked Tarot, Viktor Harlenk, Sergei Harlenk, Su Mindwalker, Erioch Koren, Dylan Skye, Autgar Bloode, Relavel Outtlaw, Avenio Naemig, and Kitakaze Mugenkagami stood before Director Sarij Rahzersyn as he gave what would be his final speech to the Astral Agency.
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"This will be the last briefing of the Astral Agents. I think ya all fer coming and fer putting yer necks and yer freedom on the line." The Roegadyn spoke clearly to the group. "Some of ya are new tah the group, some of ya have been around since the beginning, but we are all here at the end of this all."
"The outlook fer the company ain't rosy, I ain't gonna lie to anyone on that. However, we ain't here about to attack an Immortal Flame's base fer that. We are putting an end to Iron Jaw to protect everyone's future even it ain't with Astral Agency. When I say everyone, I don't just mean all of you, myself, or those not with us from the company, I mean every person that Iron Jaw might go for next. We were not the first and if we don't act we won't be the last."
"We have the knowledge and the means tah stop him, to step away from that is cowardice and we might as well be shoving the dagger into the back of the next group he grooms for his use. Even if we fail here, we are doing the right thing as our own choice."
"When this company was first formed, it  was lie to every member recruited. It was a tool for another group's gain. Every job, every mission, every victory and loss was to serve people outside of the company.  We fought and bled for something none of us were knowingly involved with, but when we found out we fought and bled to escape the lie and being a mere tool."
"And we succeeded."
"But Iron Jaw tried to once again turn us into that lie... that tool, but this time our eyes were open and we were not deceived. At the end of this company, I am proud to say we are not a lie and we are not some power craven man's tool. We will end the company in an act that is true to the company's name."
"The Astral eras are ones of hope, peace, and prosperity, where the weak are protected and taught to be strong. Where the bounty of life is shared and friends and family share joy and hope. This mission is not one of revenge. This is the Astral Agency carrying out one final mission to prove all our past failures and umbral dips wrong. We will bring hope, we will bring peace, and we will bring joy."
"We will do this by putting an end to a man would would rob everyone of that joy and peace for his own gain. I ask you all one last time to march under the banner of the Astral Agency and carry out what our name means ONE LAST TIME."
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Once he concluded, Sarij Rhazersyn stepped back into the group and handed command to Berrod Armstrong to command the tactics. Berrod explained that Sarij would be running interference to the north so that their attack on Camp Bluefog would not be interrupted by the greater forces from the Ceruleum Processing Plant after the initial assault Tiergan Vashir, Viktor Harlenk and Kariun Gallek would move to support him, hopefully before he was overwhelmed.
The attack would lead with the casters and Garyn taking out the Immortal Flame’s sentry’s with sleeping spells and drugged arrows. Then a second group would engage the response while a final group charged through the preoccupied forces to find Iron Jaw and kill him. He was the only target and the only person supposed to be killed. Berrod knew there was not much else he could plan for ahead of the actual attack so he made it clear everyone needs to be ready to adapt and shift as needed.  The highland would also try his best to shout out directions as he could even through the the linkshell blackout. The Astral Agency member’s grabbed their share of Viktor Harlenk’s emergency potions and began the march to what would be their final battlefield.
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The initial skirmish at the gates had to be timed perfectly with Berrod activating the Aetheryte nullifier and linkpearl disruptors. Reks and Dylan worked in tandem to create and spread a harmless mist that knocked out sentries up high, while Su Mindwalker forced a guard to sleep with a mix of barriers and sleep magic. Unfortunately, Garyn’s mark was able to get out a shout before he too was taken down, this time by drugged dart. At the same time Berrod activated both Aetheryte nullifier and linkpearl disruptors. The Aetheryte in Camp Bluefog went dark and the fizzing of pearls sent the camp into chaos. Civilians fled quickly as the soldiers armed themselves and got into position.
The Astral Agency split into four groups. Autgar, Rel, and Dylan took to the western gate where they were met with four soldiers. Crooked and Garyn took to the cliffs to try to get into a higher position to get a view of the battleground. Berrod, Reks, Milo, and Su stayed outside of the eastern gate to provide ranged support and direction. Avenio led the charge disrupting their defenses enough Erioch, Cerina, and Kita to charge through with N’hara following in support and Sergei taking care to make sure the Immortal Flames were removed from combat with little harm to them.
It soon became clear that the Immortal Flames were not very crippled by the lack of linkpearls, someone was marking Agents for archers and soldiers to attack. Iron Jaw with a squadron of archers stood on a ridge. The Flame Marshal was not doing anything other than marking targets while the archers took aim.The agents unfortunately were forced into the courtyard of the camp and range of the archers by the presence of a mage preparing a powerful spell at the Aetheryte.
Crooked Tarot attempted to try to get to Iron Jaw to disrupt the marking before he could outflank the Agents, but quickly discovered that his highground path was blocked by a barrier and retreated to go support Milo, Berrod, and Su as Reks headed into the courtyard. Milo and Sergei quickly started working on the barrier to get to the archers and clear the path to Iron Jaw.
Garyn, Koh, and Avenio attempted to disable mage, but discovered the second robed individual had erected a powerful barrier to protect them. The Agents were helpless to but watch the spell complete and every member of Astral Agency be marked by Iron Jaw and a fireball explode outward from the spell hunt them down regardless where they stood.
Autgar, Rel, and Dylan were quickly able to disable the four soldiers in their way, one even surrendered before he could be hurt. Their victory was interrupted by fireballs pelting them and forcing them to see cover under the ridge in a tunnel leading to the main camp.
Erioch, Kita, and Cerina were dealing with two final soldiers guarding the base of the ridge leading up to Iron Jaw when they too were pelted with fireballs, but shielding set up by Su, Reks, and N’hara kept them from harm. Though Koh was not so lucky, taking a fireball to the back and being forced to retreat. Those remaining outside of the camp suffered minor injuries from the fireballs as well.
One by one the rest of the soldiers were dealt with, and the barrier was shattered. It left the battlefield consisting of just the Astral Agency and Iron Jaw. However, something loomed high above the battlefield. The Flame Marshal retreated to the top of the ridge and in his steps aether exploded upward until he reached the apex. Iron Jaw raised his sword skyward called out ot the heavens
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A great, glowing visage of a iron jawed wolf pushed its head through the clouds. Its growl shook the earth as it stared down at every member of the Astral Agency. Something terrible was to come. Sergei Harlenk had heard of Iron Jaw possessing battle turning ability, but never imagined it as such, and the highlander quickly went about gathering the fallen Immortal Flames and putting all his aether into a shield to protect himself and the unconscious and wounded.
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The Agents suffered a mix of awe and fear, but quickly made to defend themselves from whatever was to come. Dylan raised stone from the ground on both sides of the tunnel to seal Rel, Autgar and himself inside a protective coffin. N’hara exerted the last of his aether to create a shield around Koh, Cerina, Eiroch, and Avenio. Su and Crooked created barriers around themselves, Milo and Berrod. Garyn attempted to hide. Milo tried to directly attack the wolf, while Kita attempted one last strike on Iron Jaw as Reks ran to the Raen’s aid to shield him as well.
The tsunami of earth aether ripping down from the sky as the wolf howled destroyed the linkpearl disruptors and the aetheryte nullifier. Even the aetheryte, as it reactivated, changed to a brilliant gold as it was flushed with earth aether. The opaque aether concealed the battlefield and when it passed Iron Jaw was no longer on the ridge, but standing in the middle of the camp ready for a final battle, though his eyes revealed the man was quite overloaded in aether
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Once the storm had passed and Berrod saw where Iron Jaw stood and called for everyone to take him out before he could do anything. Like locus the Agents descended upon Iron Jaw. Koh, Avenio, and Cerina closed the gap to bury their weapons into the man. Autgar kept his distance but used aether to simulate heavy punches toward the Roegadyn. From up high Garyn fired an aethericly wrapped arrow, and Rek fired high speed water projectiles down at Iron Jaw. Both Su and Eiroch took shots with magic and bullets.
However, instead of bleeding wounds every blast against the Flame Marshal left glowing scars that radiated the same earthen aether that had flooded the battlefield just prior. But the time the Agent’s rally finished against the man, he laughed.
“Funny, here I am robbing all of you of that final blow you crave… not because of some sick pride, but just because of bad luck.”
The man exploded, sending a few limbs across the camp, while the core of his body and his head became coated in earth crystals and he fell to the ground. Dead. Iron Jaw was dead. The Astral Agency had won.
The shift went from combat to mending the wounded and trying to calm down Cerina who had gone ballistic from N’hara’s aetheric boost to her. However, when Iron Jaw fell the foreign aether in the Aetheryte finished being bled out and the crystal regained its bright blue, unfortunately that also meant that Immortal Flames soldiers started to teleport into the camp ready to take down the Agents.
From the north a large squadron of chocobo riders quickly closed in on the camp, led by Flame Marshal Jute. She was a notoriously no nonsense Lalafell officer who would have no qualms putting down the Agents if they resisted. Thankfully, Berrod and Sergei quickly directed everyone to surrender even as Viktor, Sarij, Tiergan, and Kariun’s bloodied bodies were dropped onto the ground. The distraction team was still alive but not in the best shape.
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One by one the Astral Agency was cuffed and filed off to Ul’dah and a waiting courtroom. Cerina, Eiroch, and Aveino were given time to have the Xaela calm down from a rage, as if the Flame Mashal recognized it. Eventually, every Agent was carted off to a stuffy courtroom with Judge Burnt Ash.
It was courtroom Milo and Berrod had been before for Balthius’s trial, but this time the entire  Astral Agency present at for the mission was on trial. The judge quickly began the trial, having already received much of the Agent’s defense from documents dropped off by Lurial and Gideon in careful timing shortly before the Astral Agency’s arrest. One by one every man and woman was brought up to the bench of state their name and affiliation with the Astral Agency. Once they answered they were asked to plea innocent or guilty to the characters of with open assault on Immortal Flames soldiers, assassination of Flame Marshal Iron Jaw, and sabotage of Immortal Flame property. Viktor and Sergei Harlenk had slightly different charges or were not charged due to not being at Camp Bluefog and being an officer of the Immortal Flames.
Every member plead guilty, but before sentencing the Judge allowed Berrod to make a case as to why they should not be sentenced to death or gaol for life. The highland approached the bench and made an impassioned speech on how the Agents merely did what was right for Ul’dah, the Immortal Flames, and Eorzea. How had they not acted against Iron Jaw, his greed would have grown and twisted into worse deeds and crippled more companies. He claimed if the court put them to death the court was just as vile as the deeds Iron Jaw had performed out of sight of the Immortal Flames. Once Berrod was done, Judge Burnt Ash gave the Astral Agency’s sentence.
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“Permanent dissolution of the Astral Agency company and a fine of five hundred million gil for damages and other crimes against Ul’dah, the Immortal Flames, and Eorzea. First payment will be due in one sennight If payment cannot be made the former Astral Agency members will be arrested and made to work in mines and other labor sources until the fine is paid.”
Berrod maintained a calm demeanor for the moment. Some of the Agents were relieved, some were almost nonchalant, others were in a panic about the sheer amount of gil, but all were free to go. One by one people departed, though Sergei was escorted off for his own tribunal. Eventually, it was just a few and Berrod Armstrong nearly broke down before he too left the courtroom.
Astral Agency.
The company he and so many had been with for so long.
Had ended.
@astralagency @19peopleattheeventholyshit
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joostjongepier · 2 years
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Wat?   Free door Sol LeWitt, twee aquarellen door Li Mu, A 12003000 = 25 = 3X10 = Noir Blanc Rouge door André Cadere en Jennifer’s Delicious Festival Sticks door Jennifer Tee
Waar?   Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven
Wanneer?   22 mei 2022
Li Mu wilde kunstwerken uit de collectie van het Van Abbemuseum naar zijn geboortedorp in China brengen. Zo wilde hij de bevolking kennis laten maken met de Europese en Amerikaanse kunstcanon. Dit plan bleek niet uitvoerbaar en daarom liet hij kopieën van de werken maken. Deze werden in huizen of in de openlucht getoond. Soms werden ze eerder gebruiksvoorwerp dan kunstwerk. Zo werd Free van Sol LeWitt onder meer gebruikt als rek om vogelnestjes in te hangen. Li Mu maakte aquarellen die een indruk geven hoe de kunstwerken werden gebruikt.
André Cadere ging naar exposities van andere kunstenaars en zette daar door hem gemaakte kleurige stokken stiekem tussen de kunstwerken. Dit inspireerde vervolgens Jennifer Tee om haar eigen uitvergrote versie van Cadere’s stokken te maken: Jennifer’s Delicious Festival Sticks.
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berrodarmstrong · 7 years
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((Chamber 7 goodness! So bright. So pretty.))
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naantokhi · 2 years
Les images du film de l'arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye sont révélatrices de la volonté de faire justice. "Ils ont mené leur enquête et ont informé la gendarmerie". Images de l'Arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye Le féticheur malien s’est saisi d’un pilon avant de lui asséner plusieurs coups sur la tête. Il évoque une séance de prières qui aurait mal tourné et la piste du sacrifice humain est activée. A lire aussi Cérémonie d'ouverture spectaculaire des Jeux de Tokyo 2020 dans un stade presque vide (en images) Du « coq blanc » acheté par Lobé Ndiaye avant de monter sur une moto Jakarta au domicile du charlatan à Thiaroye Azur. Le journal évoque les péripéties de l’incroyable enquête de la gendarmerie nationale. https://youtu.be/Wl-DmjFl6VI Arrestation virale sur les réseaux sociaux - (08:01 AM) - Je comprends la rancœur de la famille, mais nul n'a le droit de se faire justice. Ce sont des précédents dangereux. Le manque d'éducation et le populisme mènent à toutes sortes de dérives. La gendarmerie a fait un excellent travail et très rapidement, donc laissons tout à la justice. A lire aussi Meurtre Commandant de Brigade de Koumpentoum: La gendarmerie lance une opération de ratissage Good Job - (08:50 AM) - Bien joué la famille. Ils ont mené leur enquête et ont informé la gendarmerie. Que Dieu nous débarrasse des corrompus. A lire aussi Meurtre de Khady Badiane Diack: le premier suspect arrêté par la police de Louga Hé! (09:16 AM) - Colère des proches tout à fait compréhensible! Cependant, personne n'a le droit de se faire justice. Sinon toutes prochaines victimes / leurs proches / amis etc croiraient avoir Le Droit de faire la même chose aussi. Et là, bonjour l'anarchie! Courage à tout l'entourage de la victime. Qu'elle repose en paix! A lire aussi Il écope de 10 ans de réclusion criminelle pour tentative de meurtre Deff Dall Ci Yeufou Jambour (10:10 AM) - Inna Lillah wa Inna ileyhi ra'jioun !!! Que son âme reposé en paix. qu'Allah Azz wa Jall la pardonne tous ses péchés et le Paradis soit sa demeure éternelle. Les liens entre le féticheur et la défunte ? Connaissance du lieu de résidence du féticheur par sa famille ? En somme les liens entre la famille Ndiaye et le féticheur ? Yalla na BOROM BI Khiir ci moom te gnou doylo ko moom rek ci kheweul, maghama ak daradja adouna ak alakhira. Vidéo des images de l'arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye https://dai.ly/x834lxm
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astraladvent · 7 years
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The Mission into Moondrip. 
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sportskafunel · 2 years
Les images du film de l'arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye sont révélatrices de la volonté de faire justice. "Ils ont mené leur enquête et ont informé la gendarmerie". Images de l'Arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye Le féticheur malien s’est saisi d’un pilon avant de lui asséner plusieurs coups sur la tête. Il évoque une séance de prières qui aurait mal tourné et la piste du sacrifice humain est activée. A lire aussi Cérémonie d'ouverture spectaculaire des Jeux de Tokyo 2020 dans un stade presque vide (en images) Du « coq blanc » acheté par Lobé Ndiaye avant de monter sur une moto Jakarta au domicile du charlatan à Thiaroye Azur. Le journal évoque les péripéties de l’incroyable enquête de la gendarmerie nationale. https://youtu.be/Wl-DmjFl6VI Arrestation virale sur les réseaux sociaux - (08:01 AM) - Je comprends la rancœur de la famille, mais nul n'a le droit de se faire justice. Ce sont des précédents dangereux. Le manque d'éducation et le populisme mènent à toutes sortes de dérives. La gendarmerie a fait un excellent travail et très rapidement, donc laissons tout à la justice. A lire aussi Meurtre Commandant de Brigade de Koumpentoum: La gendarmerie lance une opération de ratissage Good Job - (08:50 AM) - Bien joué la famille. Ils ont mené leur enquête et ont informé la gendarmerie. Que Dieu nous débarrasse des corrompus. A lire aussi Meurtre de Khady Badiane Diack: le premier suspect arrêté par la police de Louga Hé! (09:16 AM) - Colère des proches tout à fait compréhensible! Cependant, personne n'a le droit de se faire justice. Sinon toutes prochaines victimes / leurs proches / amis etc croiraient avoir Le Droit de faire la même chose aussi. Et là, bonjour l'anarchie! Courage à tout l'entourage de la victime. Qu'elle repose en paix! A lire aussi Il écope de 10 ans de réclusion criminelle pour tentative de meurtre Deff Dall Ci Yeufou Jambour (10:10 AM) - Inna Lillah wa Inna ileyhi ra'jioun !!! Que son âme reposé en paix. qu'Allah Azz wa Jall la pardonne tous ses péchés et le Paradis soit sa demeure éternelle. Les liens entre le féticheur et la défunte ? Connaissance du lieu de résidence du féticheur par sa famille ? En somme les liens entre la famille Ndiaye et le féticheur ? Yalla na BOROM BI Khiir ci moom te gnou doylo ko moom rek ci kheweul, maghama ak daradja adouna ak alakhira. Vidéo des images de l'arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye https://dai.ly/x834lxm
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buzzkafunel · 2 years
Les images du film de l'arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye sont révélatrices de la volonté de faire justice. "Ils ont mené leur enquête et ont informé la gendarmerie". Images de l'Arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye Le féticheur malien s’est saisi d’un pilon avant de lui asséner plusieurs coups sur la tête. Il évoque une séance de prières qui aurait mal tourné et la piste du sacrifice humain est activée. A lire aussi Cérémonie d'ouverture spectaculaire des Jeux de Tokyo 2020 dans un stade presque vide (en images) Du « coq blanc » acheté par Lobé Ndiaye avant de monter sur une moto Jakarta au domicile du charlatan à Thiaroye Azur. Le journal évoque les péripéties de l’incroyable enquête de la gendarmerie nationale. https://youtu.be/Wl-DmjFl6VI Arrestation virale sur les réseaux sociaux - (08:01 AM) - Je comprends la rancœur de la famille, mais nul n'a le droit de se faire justice. Ce sont des précédents dangereux. Le manque d'éducation et le populisme mènent à toutes sortes de dérives. La gendarmerie a fait un excellent travail et très rapidement, donc laissons tout à la justice. A lire aussi Meurtre Commandant de Brigade de Koumpentoum: La gendarmerie lance une opération de ratissage Good Job - (08:50 AM) - Bien joué la famille. Ils ont mené leur enquête et ont informé la gendarmerie. Que Dieu nous débarrasse des corrompus. A lire aussi Meurtre de Khady Badiane Diack: le premier suspect arrêté par la police de Louga Hé! (09:16 AM) - Colère des proches tout à fait compréhensible! Cependant, personne n'a le droit de se faire justice. Sinon toutes prochaines victimes / leurs proches / amis etc croiraient avoir Le Droit de faire la même chose aussi. Et là, bonjour l'anarchie! Courage à tout l'entourage de la victime. Qu'elle repose en paix! A lire aussi Il écope de 10 ans de réclusion criminelle pour tentative de meurtre Deff Dall Ci Yeufou Jambour (10:10 AM) - Inna Lillah wa Inna ileyhi ra'jioun !!! Que son âme reposé en paix. qu'Allah Azz wa Jall la pardonne tous ses péchés et le Paradis soit sa demeure éternelle. Les liens entre le féticheur et la défunte ? Connaissance du lieu de résidence du féticheur par sa famille ? En somme les liens entre la famille Ndiaye et le féticheur ? Yalla na BOROM BI Khiir ci moom te gnou doylo ko moom rek ci kheweul, maghama ak daradja adouna ak alakhira. Vidéo des images de l'arrestation d'Hamidou Sidibé par la famille de Lobé Ndiaye https://dai.ly/x834lxm
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berrodarmstrong · 7 years
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After a particularly stressful meeting, Berrod went out to Eastern Thanalan to fight N'hara, who had invited him to blow off some steam. Oblivious to the fact that he was in fact a testing aide, the Highlander fought toe to toe with the other before pulling ahead in a display of strength and prowess.  Once their bout had concluded and it was established that the other man was in no medical danger (with Reks’ assistance), Berrod turned to face Ulfarr, who had arrived on the scene (along with Sterrbhar, who had come separately) just at the end of his and N'hara's bout. Berrod struggled considerably against him, having suffered a few injuries at the edge of N'hara's blade. In the end, however, the use of specialised techniques saw him to another -- though very close -- victory.
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