hadit93 · 3 years
Probationer Notes #2: The Robes.
We now come to a controversial topic, the robes of the probationer. Due to the splintered nature of the A∴A∴, there are now multiple robe designs available to the public. The robe designs I consider official are the ones which the Seckler lineages use that are based on a later typescript compiled by Crowley. There is a document published known as Liber Vesta, these are the designs of the Gunther lineage. I am unsure of their origin, but since I do not recognise that lineage nor have I worn those robes I shall not be commenting upon them.
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Whilst the probationer wears this robe it is actually the robe of the Adeptus Minor, that is, the robes worn by someone who seeks to attain knowledge and conversation with their Holy Guardian Angel. Therefore, the probationer is constantly reminded from the very beginning that the focus of the journey is the attainment of knowledge and conversation.
The robes themselves are relatively simple, a plain white tau with gold trim. On the front is an upright red pentagram, and on the back is a hexagram made up of an ascending red triangle and a descending blue triangle. In the centre of the hexagram is a golden Tau. Those familiar with the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram should note that the robes reflect the assertion that “Before me flames the pentagram, and behind me shines the six-rayed star”. The robes show this very process and hint at the fact that the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram is really and truly a process for invoking the presence of the Holy Guardian Angel.
The red ascending triangle represents Hadit, the blue descending triangle represents Nuit. The Tau in the centre represents the Holy Guardian Angel. The Pentagram on the front is a reference to Ra-Hoor-Khuit. These assumptions are based upon information Crowley received in the vision of the 8th Aethyr, which references how to attain knowledge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Therefore, Thelemic cosmology is clearly shown. The pentagram is the symbol of Geburah and thus Ra-Hoor-Khuit the visible force of Horus, The union of Nuit and Hadit creates one point in space which is the Holy Guardian Angel- or the spark of divinity inherent within ourselves.
White is a symbolic colour of purity- which is the goal of the outer order of A∴A∴, the balancing of the elements to create a ‘purified’ vessel suitable for the Angel to inhabit. White is also associated with Kether, which could be seen as the place from which the HGA ultimately extends/descends from. Gold is the colour associated with wealth, the sun, and Tiphareth. Clearly a reference to the Holy Guardian Angel.
As you can see from this short analysis, the designs of the robes were very well-thought-out and intentional. As the probationer learns correspondences, their subconscious mind will absorb this symbolism and see that the robes and their goals in joining the A∴A∴ are to attune to the frequency of the Holy Guardian Angel. As a probationer, the aspirant still resides in the realm of the Qliphoth, the robes and the Angel is the light that shall lead them out of the darkness and into the elemental world proper.
The Angel is the sole focus of the aspirant throughout the outer order grades, and as you work through the syllabus this can be a fact that is easily forgotten from time to time. Therefore, the constant daily reminder the aspirant receives, unconsciously or consciously, upon wearing the robe serves as yet another method of ensuring focus is not lost entirely from the intention of attaining union with the Angel.
Yours in LVX,
Frater 370.
Note: I do not represent any lineage of A∴A∴ and I do not claim any grades or titles within that order after severing my ties with the order years ago. I am but a fellow-sufferer on the path to Adept-hood.
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“The initiate” hand crafted wood/resin art by Mauricio Alejandro Ramos
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koyotetheblind · 7 years
What is the Inner Circle of Humanity? Who is in it?
What is the Inner Circle of Humanity? Who is in it?
Just like every cell of your body is conscious, yet unaware of you, so is every individual member of the human race conscious but unaware of the Inner Circle.
Yet, every cell of the body is attuned to the signals coming from the brain. The cell is not always aware of this signal, or where it’s coming from, but if it is received, it directs the actions of the cell.
The brain does not micromanage…
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hadit93 · 3 years
This is the link to the first of many posts which I plan to write about AA work specifically as I understand it from both inside and outside of the system. My views do not reflect any lineage or group and are my own personal thoughts on the matter. This one focuses on the tasks of the probationer and where the probationer may struggle in their completion.
Probationer Notes #1.
When one decides to align themselves with a temporal outer expression of the order known as A∴A∴, they are not truly admitted into the order proper until they have proven themselves in a year of probation. The student having passed their exam is invited to a meeting in which they are received as a probationer into the order. Some lineages have rituals which mark this occasion, this is a formal mode of forging a link to the A∴A∴, albeit one which is still tenuous. In all occasions, the student hears the history lection and is left for a few minutes with the oath of probationer in front of them. They can leave at any time. Those that stay and sign the oath with solemnity commit to carrying out the tasks laid out.
What are these tasks? On the surface they appear simple. The probationer is to study and memorise one chapter of Liber LXV and study A∴A∴ instructions and practice those which call to them. Other than the memorisation of the holy book, the probationer is pretty much free to do whatever they want. But with this immense freedom can come great evils; laziness, lack of focus, and lack of discipline.
Crowley likened the signing of the probationer oath to stirring up a hornet’s nest. The weight of the universe seemingly challenges the probationer. At every moment of weakness, on every bad day, in every failed exercise, a demon of the magician’s own creation will seek to tempt him or her to abandon the work and the order. People who have never solemnly taken an oath will not know the powers that can be invoked therein. With every oath taken, there is a challenge to be overcome. The challenge the probationer must overcome is to stick with the work.
The probationer should explore the instructions and follow their natural inclinations. They should practice things which they feel called to, however, these practices are designed to be undertaken for lengths of time. They are not designed to be practiced for a week until one gets bored and moves on to something else. If the probationer does that they risk accomplishing very little over the course of twelve months.
My advice as someone who passed through this year and also fell short in many respects and failed is to establish a daily practice in which you can add further experimentation with other instructions as you will. To this end, I recommend your main focus be Liber O and/or Liber E. In other words, your daily practice should be basic ritual magic and basic yoga. Either one or the other, or preferably a mixture of the two. You are not expected to master anything, but you are expected to stick to the work. I would also recommend every probationer perform Liber Resh as the bare minimum work done for a day.
I also liked to recite my chapter of Liber LXV in the morning, treating this as a devotional exercise to my Holy Guardian Angel. The words, imagery, and tone of the book is in a sense a praise and call to the Angel expressed through the four elements and spirit. It is a devotional piece of automatic writing and one which will truly align the magician with certain powers and encode the unconscious mind with a symbol set that the Angel can begin to utilise in its communications.
All of this is to be done whilst keeping a strict and honest record of the practices you are undertaking. Even if you do nothing that day, sit down and write it in your diary. The diary is an exercise in discipline and introspection in itself. Whilst it shows your superior in the order the work undertaken and any results you have experienced, it also serves as a record of your journey thus far. When you look back in later years you may see patterns, or thoughts which were not relevant then but are in the future. The Angel works in strange ways, and sometimes information from years ago becomes relevant at another time.
To end this first segment of posts concerning the probation year, I will summarise my point in a few words. Stick to the oath, trust that everyone struggles and falls short, strive to practice daily, if you fail write why you failed and get back on the horse! Take Crowleys motto ‘perdurabo’ as your focus and persist unto the end of this year! The fruits you reap at the other end will be worth the effort you put in now.
Yours in LVX,
Frater 370.
Note: I do not represent any lineage of A∴A∴ and I do not claim any grades or titles within that order after severing my ties with the order years ago. I am but a fellow-sufferer on the path to Adept-hood.
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hadit93 · 3 years
I wrote this quite a while ago and I have posted it here and deleted it numerous times for reasons I can’t explain. However, I have published it on my blog and share it here and it will stay there this time. There’s too much text for a tumblr post hence the need for a link.
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hadit93 · 4 years
AA, Thelema, Crowley, and OTO.
This post can also be read here.
The title of this post refers to the order of importance which I ascribe to the various aspects of the Modern Thelemic movement. It is my intention to briefly define what all these things are and describe where they reside in the modern Thelemic movement. Why the first two are more important than the last two even thought the last two are often placed upon a pedestal above the first.
The term AA has become synonymous with various outer order mundane spiritual groups which offer teaching and testing in the system of magic and yoga laid down by Crowley. AA is often stated to stand for Argentium Astrum or Astron Argon. Either way it is said to refer to the order of the Silver Star. This is all well and good when Crowley was alive and there was a single order, however, now everyone and their creepy uncle claims to be the head of a lineage or indeed the ‘one true AA’ and things get messy. The truth is there are many lineages which claim to be in touch with the AA and members of the AA which add others to the chain so that they too may know the AA. No human being is the head of the AA, not even Crowley was head of the AA.
The reason for this is that the AA proper is not a terrestrial organisation of occultists. It is a spiritual order which exists outside of time and space and it ‘run’ or influenced and delivered by beings which the Western Mystery Tradition calls ‘Secret Chiefs’. I won’t pretend to know what these beings are or shove a dogma down your throat, however, I would assert they are not people like your neighbour next door. They are definitely spiritual in nature.
The AA has existed since time began and will continue to exist when humans dwindle. Their mode of teaching differs and Thelema is but one mode of teaching which they have selected for mankind. At least, this is the narrative which Crowley taught. The AA were also responsible for the mystery cults of Greece, for Christianity and Islam, for Judaism, for every single spiritual movement on the planet. The AA is made up of those beings people would calls Gods, Ascended Masters, Secret Chiefs. It is a collection of spiritual ideas which influences the tides of humankind. All true spiritual gnosis arises from the spiritual AA, the mundane AA is but one outer vehicle of that spiritual order.
The AA in terms of terrestrial lineages is the third order, the order beyond the abyss in the city of the Pyramids which Magister Templi and beyond inhabit. I won’t say more on that because I am sorely unqualified to do so.
As touched upon above, Thelema is but one vehicle for the AA. It arose from the AA, however, it does not mean it is the totality of the AA. Thelema is the method of spiritual attainment which Thelemites believe is the norm or the most productive in the New Aeon. The times have changed and with it the formulae of initiation. Thelema was not created by Crowley, there have been echoes of Thelema for centuries. Crowley simply wrote a lot down and did a lot of work and developed an updated system.
People scoff at this idea, but the truth is Thelema has touched and inspired most of the modern occult movements which are still active. Wicca is effectively the watered down grand baby of Traditional Witchcraft and Thelema. When you look at most Western societies you can see more and more Thelemic principles being normalised. Free speech, equality for all, love, light, life, and liberty. You may not have picked up a Crowley book or even know who Ra-Hoor-Khuit is, but if you are living to the true expression of yourself and seek to be in line with the universe you are for all intents and purposes a Thelemite.
Thelema needn’t refer to the religion which modern practitioners have tried to force it into. It was never meant to be that, Crowley didn’t want that. But people have attempted to make it so and it is a bastardisation of what Thelema was meant to be. Crowley was not a man to be revered, yet revered he is. Crowley wrote it all down, he wanted people to forge their own paths, find their own mysteries to solve, to be true Thelemites and follow THEIR Will. What has come out of 1970s America has been a disappointment which he foresaw on his death bed. The current Caliph OTO has bastardised Thelema and I fear there is no turning back.
Thelema is bigger than Crowley. It is bigger than modern day Thelemites. It is bigger than a religion or a philosophy. It is a current which extends from the AA for all humanity not just some weird occultist drawing geometric shapes in their mothers basement. You can be a Thelemite and never practice yoga or magic in your life. You can be a Thelemite and practice a spiritualised form of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism. So long as you strive to find your purpose and accomplish it, limiting your restrictions- both internal and external as you do so, you are a Thelemite. At least in my non-dogmatic eyes.
I can’t cover the man that is Crowley in a few simple paragraphs. Books have been written and a couple of them are good. Don’t google him, don’t watch documentaries, the rumours and lies have been presented as truths and it has perverted the truth. He was an arsehole, he was born in Victorian England into a wealthy family. He was entitled, held racist attitudes, essentially hated anyone. Often made homophobic remarks despite being openly bisexual himself. He was complicated. He was human and incredibly flawed. In fact, I probably would have hated him.
The thing is, he was also brilliant. He also received genuine spiritual insight because he genuinely did the work, which is something few can honestly state. He also had two sides, Crowley the spiritual teacher was definitely a believer in equal rights for all humans, Crowley the man was white, English and a Tory. Since most white, English Tories have not changed in modern times either (Boris Johnson) perhaps we should not be too surprised.
Crowleys spiritual writings are important, the so-called ‘holy books’ are important. The system of AA which he laid down is important. His personal letters, remarks, attacks- his entire personal life is not important. People need to stop avoiding him because of it or worse still idolising him because of it.
BUT, your own work and own spiritual insights are more important. As I mentioned above, Thelema is bigger than Crowley. Crowley penned founding documents, it is up to us to flesh the system out further. It is okay to disagree with Crowley- he was wrong on multiple occasions. It is okay to go in a different direction- if your will takes you there, follow it. Too few have dared to go further. Instead what we have seen in Thelema’s first century is the regurgitation of the same ideas often watered down in outdated psychology. Over and over. It is sickening. It is stagnation. It needs to end. If you are thinking of publishing a book which simply teaches basic qabalah and the Golden Dawn system. Stop! We have enough Regardie and enough Cicero books- they have done fabulous work we don’t need any more.
There are few who dare to dream, who dare to explore. Kenneth Grant and Michael Bertiaux are too example who have taken Thelema in weird and wonderful directions. Often going against some of Crowley’s beliefs and teachings because they have found in their experience that he was wrong.
I guess I could go on forever, but to sum it up- be a Thelemite not a parrot.
The OTO stands for Ordo Templi Orientis and refers to a pseudo-Masonic order which existed before Crowley and allowed both men and women to join- which was at that time anathema in freemasonry. Furthermore there are less degrees and a central secret of sex magick practice which has since been published openly much to their chagrin.
Crowley became head of the order in shady circumstances and reworked the lower degrees to conform to the new aeon. The OTO was said to be a vehicle inspired by the AA- that is the spiritual order- and thus had to be in line with the Thelemic current. It was a publishing vehicle, a means for promulgating the teachings of Thelema, a social group. Above all it was and is a failure.
Crowley created the mundane AA with the intent of limiting social contact, because things get nasty in magical orders when social contact is concerned. The current OTO has become the nastiest of the nastiest despite promoting itself as a loving and nurturing environment.
I am wary of space and so I will be brief. The OTO and AA died with Germer- a student of Crowley whom Crowley still recognised as a master. The OTO was revived by Grady McMurty and Phyllis Seckler. TImes were probably good then. Then after Grady’s death the black brotherhood moved in. They have connections with the far right. They want to assume control of the AA and of Thelema- both of which as I have mentioned are beyond humanity and thus cannot be controlled by a part of people. They want to brainwash and indoctrinate rather than guide.
You will often hear that the AA lead by Gunther is the one true AA- it is the AA that the OTO sided with. This is inherently false. Anyone claiming to be the one true AA is selling you a lie. Anyone claiming to be a representative off that order and has a lineage is probably also selling you a lie- although there are a couple of decent claims to that. The AA exists outside of terrestrial affairs and certainly does not inhabit beings who side with the far right and no-nazi scum.
The reason the OTO backs up this claim is because the head of OTO and his right hand, gun wielding, man are students of Gunther. Gunther was actually expelled by his teacher, he has no lineage claims to hold on to. His claims are that he is in touch with the secret chiefs- he is also apparently a magus and received a word. He is also the new Thelemic messiah. In truth he is a messed up individual with a southern baptist background trying to create a religion out of Thelema which as mentioned above is a bastardisation of the current.
I have been quite quiet on these matters, but who you get your teachings from matters. Who you link with spiritually matters. Avoid the stagnation. Avoid the poison. I’m not an ex member of OTO, I have no reason to hate them. I don’t hate the members, but I can see from the outside what the organisation stands for and what it has become. I am not blinded by the principles in the blue equinox because they are not my imaginary utopia.
The OTO is not, in my opinion, a true representation of the Thelemic current any longer. It is dead, it is inert. It lost its ability to claim to be an order of love, life, light and liberty when it covered up rape scandals and protected the abusers whilst slut shaming the victims. They are despicable and they need to answer for their crimes. And everyone who is still involved with them, even those who are beautiful people- I am sure there a lot of them- are equally despicable for paying dues to the organisation. Hang your heads in shame you have forgotten your brothers and sisters in favour of advancement.
Seek the true Silver Star, do the work yourself, question everything, and seek that which is beyond.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
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koyotetheblind · 7 years
Celebrating 7 years of the Ox and None Clerk House of the A.’.A.’.
Celebrating 7 years of the Ox and None Clerk House of the A.’.A.’.
Seven years ago, on October 22, 2010, I established the Ox and None Clerk-House and dedicated it to the service of the sempiternal A.’.A.’. and to the evolution of humanity.
A reader asked, what exactly is a Clerk House?
Traditionally, a clerk house is a store front or public face of a temple, an abbey, or an esoteric school. It is the administrative center of the operations of the school with…
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