daydreamerunlimited ยท 4 years
paramay day 1: intro
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the jodie, the jodie, and the holy jodie
from left-right theyre my beastars parame, my pokemon parame, and my mob psycho parame! (i call them bodie, podie, and modie to differentiate when im talking abt them but. theyre all jodie). these are the paras im gonna use for the challenge! ill use anywhere between 1 or all 3 of them per prompt!
i already posted bodie before, but to recap theyre a 17 year-old okapi/lion hybrid! they cover their okapi ears and markings outside of the back alley market because its way easier to pass as a purebred carnivore. they were raised in the shishigumi and, for their most of their life, all they knew was the back alley market. some of the shishigumi lions helped them along by providing them with access to suitable food and the internet, along with online schooling they collectively pooled some of their money into. internet access led to them meeting lots of good friends and their girlfriend martha, whos a sheepdog/black bear hybrid! bodies life was really hard growing up and they started drawing to vent but now they make art as a side job to their part time job in the city. bodie still lives with the shishigumi but theyre saving money for an apartment with martha.
podie is 23 years old and was born in sinnoh's solaceon town. their family ran the daycare, so they have a lot of experience around pokemon. they always had an affinity for grass-type pokemon and built their team around it: torterra (hawthorn), leafeon (basil), tropius (nana), roserade (zelkova), and a gogoat (parsley). the last two were adopted by podie after they were returned to the daycare for not being shiny when they hatched. they moved out as soon as they became an adult and settled in eterna city and evolved basil in eterna forest. after 2 years living in eterna, the current gym leader retired and podie managed to get the spot. thanks to their strong bond with their pokemon and their wit, they have stayed undefeated as eterna's new gym leader, often being called sinnoh's minor champion. they also host their matches in various places in eterna forest rather than the gym building. in my universe, all the region's leagues meet yearly for a conference and matches, but jodie never attended (they dont like lots of people) until the latest one in galar, where they battled but had to forfeit at the top. after this, they stay in galar for 6 months to study the pokemon there.
modie is a 17 year-old american runaway who, at 13, was scouted by claw's boss during one of his trips to america who spent a couple years teaching modie the japanese language, culture, and other things to help them blend in. nobody has ever seen them without a mask. theyre a very powerful esper who can levitate, make their aura physically manifest into whatever shape they want, make it explode at will, create strong barriers that last even when theyre unconscious, and even displace their aura to make themselves hard to track! after being brought to japan, they live in a run-down warehouse equipped with essentials and various nonessentials with a surrounding barrier to keep strangers out. they have a found-familial relationship with the super 5 and was distraught when claw fell apart, especially because one of them went missing. they often visit the other 4 and spend the day doing something like laser tag or going to an amusement park.
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