fbfh · 1 year
Imagine Leo’s s/o finding out they’re pregnant with twins and for some reason Leo couldn’t make it to that ultrasound so when Leo gets home he’s practically shaking with excitement to see the newest ultrasound pic, but when he gets home, reader decides to mess with him a bit by starting off with “Actually, the doctor said we’re not having a baby” and his heart drops until he hears “We’re having two babies!” Which makes him twice as happy!!!🥰🥰🥰
WEEPING WAILING SOBBING HYSTERICLALY. listen if there's one thing that Leo Valdez knows for sure, it's that he wants a big family. when asked how many kids he wants, he kisses you until you're giggling and replies, "as many as you wanna push out." you already have a couple little rugrats running around when you and Leo were going over your schedules for the upcoming weeks, and you realized he wouldn't be able to make it to your next ultrasound. he poured over names and dates and appointment times trying to figure out how to reshuffle things. you reassured him it would be totally fine, it's not your first time at this rodeo, and you were already planning for the kids to spend the day at abuela's, so you'll pick them up on your way back and catch up with him over dinner. he doesn't like it, but he knows there's not really a better way to arrange things this time around. he kisses you, holding you tight. "I just want to be there for you, estrella." you kiss him back, reassuring him that he's always there for you, even when he's doing all that smartypants engineering stuff, and he chuckles, knowing if you're okay he's okay. when the day comes and you come back from your ultrasound to pick up the kids, Esperanza knows. she knew before this too, but just from the look on your face, she can tell. your kids notice your slightly more giddy mood by the way you take them for ice cream on the way home, and surprise them by ordering pizza for dinner. Leo gets home right before the domino's guy, and he's been anxious all day to check on you in person, see how everything went in spite of all the texts and calls you'd exchanged throughout the day. as soon as he sets foot through the door, he hears your voice from the kitchen ask "pizza or dad?" followed by the pitter patter of his kids running and toddling over toward him, cheering "DAD!!!" he hugs them all and kisses their foreheads and tells them how much he missed them before entering the kitchen with a kid in each arm and one clinging to his leg. they run off to keep playing the game of fairy rodeo they were in the middle of as Leo greets you with a kiss, wrapping his arms around you. "so," he asks nervously, "how did it go? everything look okay?" you sigh, walking over to the cabinet to put away the cups you just finished drying. "well," you shrug, "we're not having a baby..." his stomach drops as you slide a picture across the table to him. he picks it up, looking at the two blobs present in the picture. "we're having two." he looks up at you in disbelief, tears glistening in his eyes. "twins?" you nod. "yeah..." he pulls you into the tightest hug, all weepy and giddy and giggling into your neck. "oh my god, twins..." he murmurs, still in the happiest shock he's ever been in. he just finished making easily one of the most important (and successful) business deals of his career, but he couldn't care less about that now. this day will go down in history as the day he found out you're having not one baby, but two. for the rest of the day, the word twins keeps echoing in his mind. he can't wait until you tell Esperanza.
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