#AHH dancing thread < 33
enjomo-arch · 1 year
Such  a  thing  would  go  unexpected.  Anyone  who  ever  heard  his  name  certainly  in  this  life  would  not  expect  that  the  same  sinister  pirate  who  is  wanted  practically  all  over  the  world  is  actually  a  good  dancer.  Altrough  it  wasn't  a  thing  Ace  would  go  and  babble  about  when  it  came  to  his  personal  experience,  Sanji  really  looked  eager  to  learn.  Luffy  probably  told  him  about  it,  or  was  able  to  deduce  it  himself  as  Ace  was  able  to  entertain  the  crew  with  dance  moves  during  parties  and  camping.  More  for  fun  than  anything  but,  it  was  pretty  endearing  to  see  the  blonde  cook  excited.  It  didn't  escape  him  how  awe  was  painted  on  his  face  when  Ace  performed  the  basic  steps,  really  more  as  a  showcase  than  anything  before  actually  letting  the  cook  get  a  hang  of  it.
The  rhythmic  sound  of  music  coming  from  one  of  the  transponder  snails  quieted  down  when  Ace  finished  his  performance.  Both  hands  rested  on  the  said  hips  that  seconds  ago  were  swaying,  almost  as  if  Ace  was  weightless  and  the  passion  of  his  movements  didn't  fail  to  capture  the  cook's  attention.  
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❝  If  that's  what  y'think.  It's  really  simple  basics.  Try  it,  lemme  see  what  y'got.  ❞  Dancing  without  proper  shoes  was  kind  of  a  challenge,  but  Ace  didn't  even  have  them,  natural  body  movement  came  from  the  experience  especially  when  he'd  hum  the  marines  with  Samba  performances  when  he  was  operating  undercover  to  get  the  information  he  needed.  His  finger  tapped  the  snail  to  play  the  music  and  seeing  how  Sanji  practically  immediately  failed  to  impress  him  with  the  observed  movements  he  shook  his  head  with  a  chuckle.  Arms  wrapped  tightly  on  his  chest  as  he  watched  and  couldn't  tell  it  was  as  easy  as  Sanji  thought  it  was.  ❝  It  looks  terrible  lemme  be  honest  y'dance  samba  almost  like  y'have  a  giant  stick  up  your  ass,  cook.  ❞
Ace  got  up  from  his  seat,  approaching  the  blonde  and  putting  a  palm  on  his  waist.  Holding  it  tightly  and  pulling  him  closer  until  the  bottom  part  of  their  bodies  crashed  against  each  other.  ❝  Relax,  we  are  learning,  aight  ?  In  the  end  y'wanna  impress  Nami  so  imagine  I  am  her.  No  need  to  be  shy,  touch  as  much  as  y'want.  ❞  His  words  were  supportive,  or  at  least  tried  to  be  when  Ace  adjusted  their  position  a  bit.  ❝  The  whole  art  is  'bout  bein'  comfortable  with  your  weight.  Make  your  movements  loose,  wanna  try  leadin'  me  or  should  I  ?  ❞
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@kickxsscook : "Sure, that looks easy enough." Sanji noted with a faux confidence, after watching Ace perform the basic steps of Samba. The way he moved to the music was so fluid, so natural as if he was born to dance, skill and confidence evident in every sway of his hips. Sanji couldn't help but feel somewhat mesmerized. (It was a dance full of passion, anyone with a sense of beauty would have admired such a performance... Anyone, right?) "Just imagine Nami-san in a tight red dress, a long slit on the side." Yes, that thought should do it. Hands clasped together and he donned an overexcited smile at the mental image. "I can't wait to twirl her around until she has no choice but to fall in love with me." Swooning ceased quickly and he tried to mimic the steps Ace'd shown him earlier. Sanji did have a certain grace about his movements, but frankly, he looked like a ballerina trying to do hiphop for the first time. Not completely hopeless, but certainly strange. "It doesn't look right, does it?"
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karis17love · 1 year
Just Dance 30 Day Challenge Thread:
Credits to @Achillean_Koi [From Instagram & X (Twitter)]! <3
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Day 1
My opinion changes all the time, but at the moment it's "Bloody Mary" and "Boss Witch". I love the mystery in both of these maps.
Day 2
"Dark Horse" from Just Dance 2015! Uuu, that's such a good map! I remember that me and my cousin had a problem with setting up the ps4 camera and we choose this one as a test, because "it looks easy!". Well at that time - it wasn't for us, lmao
Day 3
→ Cover - "Boss Witch", duh! This is the best cover that JD Team has done in their entire career, imo
→ Official Song - idk, but I think "Paca Dance", I mean - it's so goofy and funny, so cute *-*
Day 4
Since JD has lore, it's Jack Rose and Night Svan - I'm just so curious about their story and aside from them I adore Mothigan.
Day 5
Just Dance 2015, because it was my first JD game ever, it has amazing songs and I feel nostalgic in general - ahh memories!!
Day 6
Uuu, nice question... I think, it's Eternyx and Carnivallium. Eternyx - I love dark atmosphere, songs and maps & Carnivallium - because I'm very curious about it + I like all these lights on maps, lol
Day 7
Just Chacarron... This explains it all... Like this whole Chaccaron vs Zooby Doo thing?! Also these one from JD's account & a few of mine
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Day 8
Definitely "Animals" extreme - it's fast, it has a lot of wild (?) moves, it's intense and gosh, that flip on the floor, but still - it's one of the best extremes in this game, imo
Day 9
This was my second time getting "all perfects" in a song (I don't remember the first one, so I don't count it) so yeah... I'm honestly very proud of it❤🥰
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Day 10
→ "Bloody Mary" - JD 2023
→ "Freed From Desire" & "Boss Witch" - JD 2022
→ "Summer" Classic - JD 2015
Day 11
→ "Me And My Broken Heart" - JD 2015
→ "The Way I Are" - JD 2021
→ "Gibberish" - JD 2016
→ "Rock Lobster" - JD 4 (yes.)
Day 12
Guys, why are ALL trios in this game so good!?!
→ "Jopping & Black Mamba" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Get Ugly" - JDU (2016/2017?)
→ "Wannabe" Extreme - JD 2023
Day 13
Just Iconic!
→ "Drum Go Dum" - JD 2021
→ "Boombayah" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Best Song Ever" - JD 2015
→ "I Was Made For Lovin' You" - JD 3
Day 14
Good question! Hmm, I definitely love the Showdown season, it was so good and unexpected that I hope it will appear again in the future, also Astral & Versus are perfect
Day 15
These ones are amazing! But I think all fanarts in this community are incredible! <33
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Day 16
Honestly all the avatars in this game are just beautiful, unlocking them (like from all the rewards) gives me the most joy!
My favorites: Red So, Jinx and Felicia!
Day 17
Just Dance x Eurovision for sure
Day 18
"China" from JD 2022. The map is just too long...
Day 19
Redoo, T.Dancer and JAMAA are just so incredible and talented!
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Day 20
→ "Rabiosa" & "Hangover" - JD 2016
→ "On The Floor" - JD 4
I used to play them many times as a teenager, as well as now
Day 21
I don't have a favorite, but I really like the second gold move in "Get Busy"
Day 22
Honestly, I try to watch every creator of the community, discover new channels etc. However, it was Littlesiha and TheFairyDina who helped me the most, I learned a lot by watching their videos, they brought back my passion for dancing. So if you don't know them, I really recommend checking out their channels:
Littlesiha ↓
TheFairyDina ↓
Also check these amazing people ↓ TeamCenterStage
Day 23
... "Get Down" - JD 2021
Day 24
I don't know what it means, but the best moment for me is waiting every year for new previews and the game, I love this feeling of excitement...
Day 25 & 26
Underrated / Overrated
"Radioactive" - JD 2023 / "Kiss Me More" - JD 2022
Day 27
→ "Happier Than Ever" - JD 2022
Day 28
Liza Friday from Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - JD 2022
Mainly, because she's shy like me
Day 29
Every Rihanna's map! Please, bring back, our queen
Day 30 & The Last
Well, I don't have a specific one I'd like, but any Jann's song would be awesome, but also for a long time, I've wanted any Tini's song. It would be nice if there was a phonk song or another polish (good) song added - because it's in my language🤷‍♀️
Okay, that's all! Thank you for reading this thread! <33
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cupidlakes · 3 years
bulk answering some asks under the cut!!
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ah yeah, this is a minor personal pet peeve but i never let it seriously bother me like, i think it’s fine to move onto new cc’s i don’t watch a lot of the cc’s that got me into mcyt all those years ago (cube smp/mcsg era anyone?) but i don’t think that means i’ve developed taste or anything shit happens and you just move on from people/interests it’s natural! yeah it’s kinda asshole-y to imply george is nothing but a gateway creator but if ppl genuinely move on to find new mcyters through him or anyone else on the dteam/dsmp that’s cool :) it does feel like devaluing him as a cc when people are snarky abt it like that but what can you do? if you don’t appreciate what he’s putting out then other ppl do and that’s all that matters, have fun with your new interest
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thank you so much this is the sweetest!! You are so kind <333 i’m comfy i’m comfy :)
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wow this is interesting!! but i have nothing to say i don’t necessarily agree with putting someone’s looks on the highest pedestal either talking abt objectives n stuff (personal taste is a thing) i think being like you’re attractive to me is enough but yeah i really don’t want to be so shallow abt things even talking abt someone’s appearance so candidly like this makes me uncomfortable (i get what you mean though<3) at the end of the day i like george for so much more than his face i always have!! i’ve been around since pre-facecam streams and i think him being cute and really growing into his confidence is an added bonus to all the lovely + funny in my eyes but yeah big vouch for wondering what the hell people think of “average” looking people omg... genuinely squicks me out to label and judge anyone’s appearance it’s just in poor taste to me and i don’t see why it’s permissible with george
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sorry for being a bitch genuinely i’m like crying usually i just complain in private when stuff annoys me honestly i do but this is still my blog and if tagged accordingly (check my blacklist if you wish to avoid all future discourse-y stuff ^^) i can Complain abt people being strange
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ahh no seriously vouch for having had a bad day i’m actually dead tired responding to all of these rn i had an awkward dinner at someone else’s place and a horrible day at work my social battery is so low so yeah same same. we’re in this together!! i think part of the reason i was so snippy and bothered is because the weight of existence has been extra heavy today the thread of comments also threw me off big time because the post itself was kinda eh. i was like whatever this is kinda rude but i’ve seen this song and dance but ppl genuinely ripping into george/george fans and being so assumptive and reductive? jesus it felt bizarre to read, didn’t appreciate it at all it felt very dehumanising
but i relate to all your thoughts and feelings i’m mlm so i am like. genuinely attracted to him (which btw my attraction took a lot to navigate if anyone was wondering) but most of all i just agree that he is really charming to me? that’s the perfect word i think, the way he operates and moves and talks so animatedly it’s just fun to see someone bursting with life and energy, george facecam streams are a treat to see him not only earnestly enjoy himself but play up to the camera and entertain using his full range!! he’s genuinely one of if not my favourite cc for so many reasons, he is consistently entertaining and a joy to watch
and ahhh that’s very sweet thank you thank you if literally anything i post on my silly blog puts a smile on anyone’s faces that means so much to me always <33 happiness and kindness are important to me and i always wanna share in that as much as i can especially in my interests thank you again and i do hope you’re having a better day! :]
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rovalent · 6 years
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‘After keeping all plans of their first comeback aside, Royal has finally decided to move things along. Luxe’s performances on the Samsung New Year Special brought them a lot of attention and most certainly gave them a lot of buzz. Positive or negative, every new comment under their performance videos only made them rise on the pages of famous websites and search engines. Using this to their advantage wouldn’t be too hard.
Their first comeback also means their first release as a 5-member group. Im Nayoung’s official stage name was officially confirmed to be ‘Zoe’ through an official statement by a Royal representative only a week ago. Together with the other 4 original members, the group will make their comeback with their mini-album ‘Fantasy’ on February 24th. This means there are a lot of things to get done and the girls should put their all into it.
The practice schedule will be completely focused on the final preparations for the album. Dance practice will start right away and be the biggest focus for the members. If they don’t have anything more important to do then they should probably be learning the choreography which will be thoroughly taught by Yoo Jaekyung and her fellow dancers. The songs that were given three months to learn should all be recorded on February 8th. Members will go into the studio in order of age to record their parts. When they aren’t recording, members are expected to be practicing.
As a solo schedule, Cheri will take part of the recording for ‘My Love From Another Star’ from February 2nd. She will be expected on set for 9 hours (7 to 4pm) to get her makeup and wardrobe done in the morning. Filming for her day scene will last from 10am to 3pm. After filming for the scene concludes, she will get cleaned up, return her costumes, and return to her idol schedules. The script for this scene will be mailed to her one week prior to filming. She will also get one hour of rehearsal with the lead actor before official filming starts.
To match with their concept, members will have to change their hairstyles according to the company’s orders. Those whose current hairstyle doesn’t match the one seen below will go together to the same salon on February 10th to get their hair done for their comeback.
Cheri - Long, straight, black (reference)
Yena - Long, wavy, blonde (reference)
Ella - Long, straight, black (reference)
Xayah - Long, straight, brown (reference)
Zoe - Long, wavy, black (reference)
On February 13th, a photo shoot will occur in a small set in the Gangnam district for both the photobook that’ll come along with the CD as well as the photocards. There will be two different sessions: one for the pure side of the album and another following their sexy concept. The photocards will follow the same pattern (use this photocard as an example and a darker version of it for its counterpart). When they aren’t being photographed, members are allowed to practice in a spot of the set that doesn’t get in the way of the staff or in the changing room. They won’t be explicitly told to do so and they should also avoid getting sweaty or ruining their makeup.
Finally, the music video for their title song will be filmed on February 15th and February 16th. A full film crew is provided by Royal, including camera staff, wardrobe and makeup/hair staff, lighting staff, catering crew, and a director. You may, at any time, ask for guidance from any of these members of the production. On the 15th, the first section of the where they pose in white (0:00-0:16) and dance scenes in the white outfits (as seen in 0:56 and 2:33) will be recorded. On the 16th, scenes with the light background (as seen in 0:19 and 0:28) and the brick wall (as seen in 1:42 and 3:17) will be recorded.
As the first variety appearance with the full group, Luxe will record an episode of Weekly Idol on February 18th. This will follow the events from TWICE’s part in Episode 228 which can be seen here. All mentions of debut should be changed to it being their first comeback, and any quotes and the performance of ‘Like Ooh-Ahh’ should be changed to ‘Confused’. Any other changes should be made accordingly (such as their personal introductions and showcased talents) to fit in with Luxe members. Luxe’s appearance will only be enough for half an episode, and the other half will be filmed by a different group. It should be also taken into account that the MCs will be the current ones: Lee Manseok, Shin Beomsu, and Ryu Seojun as the IC equivalents of Nam Changhie, Jo Seho, and Hwang Kwanghee. This episode will air on a Wednesday, February 27th.
On the very same day of the recording, February 18th, the first teaser will be released for their comeback on Luxe’s official social media.
As a special surprise to the fans and a tease on itself, all 5 members will come together to hold a Vlive in their dorm on February 19th. They are instructed not to spoil anything regarding their new album and help Zoe get used to how it works. Apart from that, the members are free to interact with the viewers however they’d like as long as they keep up with their image.
No matter how busy their month will be, nothing will beat February 24th. Luxe will have their debut stage on the same date as their album release on Inkigayo. They’ll get there a 6:30am as usual, but instead of staying until late for a live performance, they’ll pre-record it at 9:00am instead of having a rehearsal. The members will then prepare themselves for their showcase which will start at 6PM, the same time as the album release. Fans present will get to watch the MV for the first time in the audience, followed by a live performance of ‘Confused’. The MC this time will be the well-known Lee Jonghyuk. During the showcase, Luxe will also perform their debut song ‘I Feel Good’, ‘Luv Me’ and ‘Under The Street Lights’. The time in-between will involve the members explaining their title track and album as well as their concept, a profile introduction of each member, and then the showcase will end with a second performance of ‘Confused’.
The following is the music show promotion schedule for Luxe’s ‘Confused’ activities:
2/24, 3/03, 3/10: SBS Inkigayo
2/25, 3/04: Arirang Simply K-pop
2/26, 3/05, 3/12: MTV The Show
2/27, 3/06, 3/13: MBC Show Champion
2/28, 3/07, 3/14: Mnet M!Countdown
3/01, 3/08, 3/15: KBS Music Bank
3/02, 3/09, 3/16: MBC Music Core
On February 28th, Luxe will record their dance relay for ‘Confused’ to be uploaded on the same day during their time waiting for M!Countdown (you can use this to see how it works).
Music show promotions will last for a total of three weeks this time. Programs will begin pre-recording early in the morning and groups are expected to stay at the broadcasting station until the live broadcast takes place later in the day. Although music shows in real life follow varied recording schedules, for IC writing purposes, the schedule for every music show will follow this consistent pattern (except for February 24th):
06:20AM: at broadcasting station: basic first rehearsal on stage; no makeup, casual clothes.
06:45AM: head to salon: get makeup and hair done.
07:45AM: return to broadcasting station: eat breakfast, nap in dressing room/space.
09:00AM: dress rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
09:20AM: return to dressing room/space: rest, eat, nap.
11:00AM: final camera rehearsal on stage; stage outfits, makeup on.
11:15AM: greet senior artist groups at their respective dressing room/spaces, accompanied by a manager. you may not sleep during this time, up until the live broadcast.
07:00PM: live broadcast; when not performing, must stay in dressing room/space until the ending stage of the show.
08:00PM: line up in waiting room area to formally greet producers, director, and senior staff.
09:00PM: meeting time with fans who attended the recordings.
10:00PM: return to dressing rooms to clean up, change back into casual clothes.
11:00PM: arrive back at dorms.
You will gain +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE AS YOU WISH, +3 DEBUT POINTS and +2 ACHIEVEMENTS for completing the written requirements explained on the idol tier page. As this is a song promotion month, one of your chosen achievements must be relevant to the above schedule and all required content should be written about activities listed on the above schedule for the month of February. Posting about March activities will not account for February points (more information for their March promotions will come on their March schedule). There is a capped maximum of five solos, sets of starters and/or partnered threads you may write to collect this month’s points.
To clarify, the only form that needs to be submitted at the end of the month is a verification form for your debut points and achievements. Any SP points earned can be collected as soon as you finish the requirement for them. At the end of the month, as you did with your previous evaluation forms, you will submit the following form to the Points Verification blog:
IDOL’S NAME - ROYAL ENT - FEBRUARY SCHEDULE (for the March 6 verification form)
POINTS: +00 SP [ distribute these however you like ]
**** For participating in a total of 20 music show performances during this promotion period, Luxe will earn 20 EXP for their overall group experience. Their appearance on Weekly Idol will give 1 EXP, their VLive 1 EXP, and the dance relay another 1 EXP. Cheri’s solo schedule gives 1 EXP making it a total of 24 EXP.
* Rookie and trainee characters are allowed to attend pre-recordings and fan meetings to interact with idol muses if they choose to do so. Just be realistic about the scheduling; trainees who skip too many lessons to support idol muses will be noticed by their company staff!
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