thxnews · 4 months
Global AI Safety Commitments Reached
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At the AI Seoul Summit, a landmark agreement has been reached as 16 leading AI tech companies from North America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East committed to a new set of safety standards. This world-first initiative aims to ensure the responsible development and deployment of artificial intelligence, addressing significant risks while promoting transparency and accountability in AI governance.  
New Global AI Safety Standards
In an unprecedented move, sixteen AI tech giants from around the globe have agreed on comprehensive safety commitments. This historic agreement, revealed at the AI Seoul Summit on May 21st, marks a significant step towards unified global standards for AI safety. These companies, including Amazon, Google DeepMind, IBM, and Microsoft, are at the forefront of AI development and have now pledged to uphold stringent safety measures.   Companies Involved and Their Commitments Company Name Country Amazon USA Anthropic USA Cohere Canada Google / Google DeepMind USA G42 UAE IBM USA Inflection AI USA Meta USA Microsoft USA Mistral AI France Naver South Korea OpenAI USA Samsung Electronics South Korea Technology Innovation Institute UAE xAI USA Zhipu.ai China These companies have pledged to: Publish safety frameworks outlining how they'll measure risks in their advanced AI models. Conduct rigorous risk assessments to identify potential misuse by bad actors. Halt development of any AI models where risks can't be adequately mitigated.  
Significance of the Agreement
Setting a Precedent This agreement is a world-first in terms of scale and scope, involving major AI developers from multiple continents. It sets a precedent for future international cooperation in AI governance. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak hailed the agreement as a pivotal moment for global AI safety standards, emphasising that it ensures transparency and accountability in AI development.   Enhanced Safety Measures The commitments include measures such as: - Publishing Safety Frameworks: Companies will outline how they measure and mitigate risks associated with their AI models. - Thresholds for Severe Risks: If risks are deemed intolerable and cannot be mitigated, companies will stop developing or deploying the models. - Transparency and Accountability: Ensuring public transparency on safety practices and governance structures.  
Perspectives from Industry Leaders
Several key figures have expressed their support for the new commitments: Michelle Donelan, Technology Secretary: "The true potential of AI will only be unleashed if we can manage its risks. Today’s agreement bolsters our efforts by ensuring better representation across the globe."   Tino Cuellar, President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: "Efforts like the safety commitments announced at the Seoul Summit will play a central role in strengthening effective governance."   Reid Hoffman, Co-founder of LinkedIn and Inflection.AI: "These commitments are crucial for managing the most severe risks of advanced AI, paving the way for responsible AI development."  
The Role of Government and Future Prospects
The UK and Republic of Korea have played significant roles in facilitating this agreement, building on previous commitments made at the Bletchley Park AI Safety Summit. These new commitments are expected to influence upcoming discussions at the AI Action Summit in France in early 2025.   Next Steps As part of the agreement, companies will collaborate with trusted actors, including home governments and international bodies, to refine and implement their safety frameworks. This collaboration is crucial for setting actionable thresholds and ensuring the responsible advancement of AI technologies.  
The historic commitments made at the AI Seoul Summit mark a significant step forward in global AI safety. By uniting major AI developers across continents, this agreement sets a new standard for transparency, accountability, and responsible innovation in the AI industry. These efforts not only address current risks but also pave the way for a safer, more ethical future in AI development. As the world continues to grapple with the rapid advancements in AI, such cooperative efforts are essential for harnessing the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks. Today's commitments are shaping the future of AI governance. This ensures the safe and responsible development of this transformative technology, benefiting all of humanity.   Sources: THX News, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, The Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP & The Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP. Read the full article
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aipidia · 1 year
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news247worldpressposts · 11 months
#Breaking: Following this week’s #AISafetySummit, our @GCHQ Director, #AnneKeast-Butler,spoke to @gordoncorera for @bbcnews about how we're using #AI
The risks from artificial intelligence (AI) are unknown even to GCHQ, its director has told the BBC. In her first interview since taking over the UK’s largest intelligence agency, Anne Keast-Butler said AI could amplify existing threats and create new risks. She said the uncertain nature of the risks made international collaboration vital.Ms Keast-Butler was speaking after attending the UK’s…
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thxnews · 11 months
AI Safety Summit: Shaping AI's Future
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  Bletchley Park Hosts Historic Summit
Bletchley Park, known for its pivotal role during World War II, has once again become the stage for a historic gathering of brilliant minds. This time, the focus is not on wartime secrets but on the future of artificial intelligence (AI). The inaugural global summit on Frontier AI safety opened its doors, with the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation, and Technology, Michelle Donelan, leading the way.   Uniting for a Safer AI Future Addressing the diverse assembly of scientists, policymakers, and innovators, Donelan emphasized the importance of working together to address the sociotechnical challenges posed by AI, transcending national borders for the sake of shared security and prosperity. "Today, we are tasked with a simple yet profound goal: to harness artificial intelligence as a force for good," Donelan declared.  
The AI Revolution's Rapid Advancements
Highlighting the remarkable progress made in AI, Donelan referred to the release of ChatGPT as a "Sputnik moment" in humanity's history. The past year witnessed a rapid surge in investments and adoption of AI systems at the cutting edge, increasing their potential and impact on our lives. These AI systems have the potential to liberate people from mundane tasks, enhance our creativity, and aid scientists in making groundbreaking discoveries. They offer a glimpse of a future free from diseases like cancer and abundant clean energy. However, they also carry the risk of concentrating power in a few hands or being misused to undermine societal trust and international security.   Debating the Risks of AI Amidst the excitement of AI's possibilities, Donelan acknowledged a robust debate about the likelihood, nature, and timing of these risks. Nevertheless, she emphasized the collective responsibility of those gathered to ensure that these risks never materialize.  
Shaping the Future of AI
As the architects of the AI era, Donelan called on policymakers, civil society, scientists, and innovators to be proactive in steering AI towards the collective good. AI is not an inevitable force; it's a human creation that can be guided and shaped. The decisions made today will define the path AI takes, ensuring public safety and human flourishing in the years to come.   Themes of Risk The summit's morning sessions focused on four key themes of AI risks, including global safety and security, unpredictable advances, loss of control, and integration into society. Researchers from the UK's Frontier AI Taskforce demonstrated these risks. Some of these challenges are already affecting people today, exacerbated by advances in AI. Others are more contentious and speculative. In the words of mathematician I.J. Good, "It is sometimes worthwhile to take science fiction seriously." The summit aimed to move the conversation from speculation to empirical examination.  
Unprecedented Global Collaboration
Delegations and leaders from various countries came to the summit having already worked together to produce the Bletchley Declaration on AI Safety, the world's first international statement on frontier AI. Published on the morning of the event, this declaration commits to deepening understanding of emerging AI risks and emphasizes the critical role of nations, developers, and civil society in ensuring AI safety.   Pushing Boundaries and Taking Action Donelan encouraged everyone to push the boundaries of what's possible in addressing AI challenges. The afternoon sessions involved participants discussing emerging risk management processes for AI safety, exploring regulatory pathways that preserve innovation, and assessing risks in sociotechnical contexts. These discussions will influence the Chair's summary and steer collective actions in the coming year, leading to the next summit, which the Republic of Korea will host in six months, followed by France in one year.  
A Duty to Act
Donelan stressed that we cannot afford to ignore the challenges posed by AI. The attendees' presence demonstrated their readiness to confront these challenges head-on. The summit's ultimate goal is a clear understanding, collaboration, and bold actions to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating risks.   Turing's Vision for the Future Donelan concluded her address by harkening back to Alan Turing's pioneering work. Turing once asked whether computers could one day think, and today, we can see a little further into that future. With determination and collaboration, we can ensure that AI serves humanity for the better. In Donelan's final words, she urged everyone, "Let's get to work."   Sources: THX News, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology & The Rt Hon Michelle Donelan MP. Read the full article
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thxnews · 1 year
Combatting Child Sexual Abuse Online: UK-US Collaboration
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  A Global Fight Against AI-Generated Child Exploitation
In a significant move to combat the disturbing proliferation of AI-generated child sexual abuse images, the United Kingdom and the United States have forged a collaborative alliance. Home Secretary Suella Braverman, accompanied by US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, has announced their commitment to explore comprehensive strategies in tackling this alarming crisis.   A Joint Pledge to Innovate and Collaborate In a joint statement issued by both nations, they have pledged to join forces, fostering innovation and exploring novel solutions to combat this abhorrent imagery. The deeply troubling AI-generated content, created by malevolent individuals, has prompted the call for international unity in this battle.  
A Transatlantic Effort Begins
This development follows Home Secretary Suella Braverman's recent campaign, in which she urged Meta not to roll out end-to-end encryption on its platforms without robust safety measures. As a result, concerns have arisen that without these measures, children may be left vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation within messaging channels.   The Urgent Need to Act In her remarks, Home Secretary Suella Braverman emphasized the urgency of addressing the surge in AI-generated child sexual abuse imagery. She stressed the global nature of this heinous crime and the necessity of collaboration with the United States to combat it effectively. Braverman also commended the tireless efforts of the NCMEC and called on social media companies to prioritize child safety on their platforms.  
Disturbing Findings by the Internet Watch Foundation
Investigations by the Internet Watch Foundation have uncovered the disturbing growth of AI-generated child abuse images, even depicting infants and toddlers. Some of these images depict the most severe offenses under UK and US law. The organization has also exposed an online 'manual' aimed at aiding offenders in refining their prompts and training AI to produce increasingly realistic results.   Alarming Implications for Law Enforcement and Child Safety The rising tide of AI-generated images poses grave concerns for law enforcement agencies and charities alike. They fear that the normalization of child sexual abuse material will lead to an increase in victims. Moreover, these images could hinder the efforts of law enforcement agencies in identifying victims and apprehending offenders.  
Technology's Dark Potential
AI technologies not only facilitate the creation of these abusive images but also provide offenders with the capability to manipulate benign imagery. For example, through a process known as inpainting, perpetrators can remove clothing or substitute someone's face with indecent images of real children.   Meta's Encryption Controversy This development follows Home Secretary Suella Braverman's recent campaign urging Meta not to roll out end-to-end encryption on its platforms without robust safety measures. The concern is that without these measures, children may be left vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation within messaging channels.  
The Impact on Law Enforcement
Currently, UK law enforcement agencies arrest approximately 800 predators each month, leading to the safeguarding of up to 1,200 children from child sexual abuse. However, if Meta proceeds with its encryption plans, the detection of child abuse on its platforms could become nearly impossible. As a result, the National Crime Agency (NCA) estimates that thousands of criminals could potentially evade detection by losing a significant portion of referrals from Facebook Messenger and Instagram Direct.   The Online Safety Bill's Recent Passage In light of the Online Safety Bill's Recent Passage, the UK and US collaboration aligns with this landmark legislation. This bill deems AI-generated child sexual exploitation and abuse content illegal, irrespective of whether it features real children. Additionally, tech companies will be mandated to proactively identify and remove such content. Furthermore, Ofcom will have the authority to direct companies to utilize or develop technology for identifying and removing this content.  
Advancing Safeguard Measures
Efforts are underway within the government to deepen understanding of the risks posed by AI and develop solutions. Initiatives include the creation of the AI Taskforce and hosting the first global AI Safety Summit this autumn. Although foundation model AIs hold tremendous potential, their use raises concerns about public safety and national security that remain partially understood.   An Invitation to Dialogue and Collaboration The United Kingdom welcomes open dialogue and increased collaboration with tech industry leaders, experts, and like-minded nations. The goal is to harness the benefits of AI technology while safeguarding society from its potential risks. In this transatlantic partnership, the UK and US aim to protect the most vulnerable among us, ensuring that the scourge of AI-generated child sexual abuse imagery is combated on a global scale.   Sources: THX News, Home Office & The Rt Hon Suella Braverman KC MP. Read the full article
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news247worldpressposts · 11 months
#Breaking: Read a summary of the discussions which took place at the #AISafetySummit at #BletchleyPark,1-2 November 2023. @SciTechgovuk
Read a summary of the discussions which took place at the #AISafetySummit at Bletchley Park,1-2 November 2023. This Summit, the first of its kind, was convened by the UK to identify next steps for the safe development of frontier AI. https://t.co/lxL8D5rZDn Source: X
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news247worldpressposts · 11 months
#Breaking: 28 countries & the #EU have signed The #BletchleyDeclaration at the #AISafetySummit
@SciTechgovuk 28 countries & the EU have signed The Bletchley Declaration at the #AISafetySummit agreeing to: identify the key opportunities & risks of AI build a global understanding of Frontier AI risks collaborate on AI scientific research. Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents enormous global opportunities: it has the potential to transform and enhance human wellbeing, peace and prosperity.…
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news247worldpressposts · 11 months
#Breaking: #Live #UK #AISafetySummit. Opening Plenary #Livestream
The US, France, Singapore, Italy, Japan and China among nations confirmed to attend Bletchley Park Summit historic venue will play host to crucial talks around risks and opportunities posed by rapid advances in frontier AI Secretary of State Michelle Donelan to call for international collaboration to mitigate risks of AI Leading AI nations, businesses, civil society and AI experts will convene…
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