bitterpngs · 1 year
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bitchineering · 9 months
You don't know me... but let's work on that
Okay so like, I'm never active anymore. Really just gave up being active on tumblr because who the f is active here. Also I have a funny name now so it's fine- don't hate me for it.
Anyway, I thought, wow I really hate some stuff with teaching and no one having resources to free educational things so I thought to myself, why don't I just post items on here?!
Yea so that's what this is. You have classes you want to take, you don't have the ability to learn almost everything you ever wanted? Your teacher sucks ass? Well hopefully this helps makes everything better.
Mostly, all resources I know are about science and math (🫢wow surprised?!), and they can be tailored for whatever you need in long run. This became much longer than I thought it would be lol!
Topics Included:
Computer Science
Math (HS Algebra and up)
Computer Science
https://github.com/ossu/computer-science: this literally builds so much for coding and getting someone into programming. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for some classes (I don't know how much it would help with AP Computer Science or Principles, but it has so much information, anyone really wanting to learn about code could get started with this.
https://www.freecodecamp.org/: another win website, I'd def say a little more chaotic (?). It depends how you want to learn you know. Love the web design bs, not really into it, but their tuts and videos were helpful enough for myself.
https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2023/: Another beauty, these lectures really give so much for programming. Classes are held where you can even attend without being a harvard student. Lectures are intense imo, as it is a lot of content all in your face but just love the guy.
https://www.youtube.com/@alexlorenlee: Java. If you need any help in starting Java, I love these videos. He got me through a horrible class in my uni. Love him fr fr.
https://www.youtube.com/@crr0ww: Learning about any sorta malware, educational resources to get started with understanding your network, overall, just a really smart and funny guy. Love his videos. Really good at explaining basic contents.
https://www.youtube.com/@ColinGalen: Recommend his learning videos and how to think almost like a chess grandmaster. My own cs professor talks about drawing out code and being able to actually write what is going on in code.
(sorry, I'm not mechanical engineer 🙈)
Electrical Engineering: Youtuber Michel Van Biezen is AMAZING. Also, dude as a sick ass drip and I love the bow tie. His circuits and physics lectures are so entertaining and helpful to understand. I really really really loved his videos as they helped me pull my grades up. His explanations are top tear, I really feel like he's so good at this.
GaTech Coursera Circuits: There are two of these classes here.
DC Circuit Analysis: First course. Helps you learn almost everything you should have learned in Physics Two and if not, don't worry they explain it somewhat well. Videos are condensed and good enough for someone to watch. Just know they don't do calculations on screen, and those can be pretty lengthy to solve.
AC Circuit Analysis: Same as above, they don't have as many items for this course, but def know it is a good course and necessary for understanding more modern circuit applications.
Every engineer wants to be him -> Michael Reeves , if you've never heard of him, please. This man will make you want to recreate his robots. He's a genius. He's everything every engineer wishes they could be.
NileRed : Do you want to be a fake chemist because Ochem made you want to die?? Well actually I just took chem 1 and changed my major, but NileRed it literally so fun. His chem videos are so fun and cool.
Thought Emporium -> mad biology scientists? Love this guy too! He's trying to be Spider-man and I love him for that. I hope he recreates those spiderwebs, I've been watching it for so long. Love this dude.
Robotics Engineering: Done by a youtuber who love for the anime reps!!! This guy focuses more on VR/AR, but loves carrying the same vibes as Michael Reeves, a Russian youtuber I know, and just overall very fun.
Mechatronics: Things to know for going into the field of Mechatronics (basically this is Robotics, just the more machine side). They recommend having that backbone in the core classes.
Learning for Engineering Students: Love that someone who was an actual engineer made some sort of engineering studying help. Would totally recommend watching, along with some other youtubers,
Tamer Shaheen (Mechanical Engineer) notes and exam recitation guides
British Engineer Loved her video, really similar to my own method of doing repeated practice problems.
My own study method!!! Create a google docs with Three columns:
Topic -> Usually this is how I'd organize the question. I did docs like these for each class, so I instead would put this as some topic within my class OR I would organize it by assignment it correlated to. I.E. alternating circuits or homework
Question -> really self explanatory, make sure to give details, dates, who you think you should ask, etc etc. There are no dumb questions, I'd really recommended these for computer science and would totally give my notes out for that shit.
Answers -> another self explanatory category, however, would recommend doing something a lil different with this box. Don't overwrite explanations. Also, don't take explanations. Write your own understanding of the solution, and a link/cite/provide some evidence for you or someone to turn back to.
Organic Chemistry Tutor: Just, this man is everything. He has so many videos not only for chemistry but for other classes. I put him in math mostly because I used him for calculus I and II.
Khan Academy : Tbh, I loved their calculus course material. I'm not the biggest fan of them overall with some other provided materials (Like their SAT prep, really is only effective for helping students take it online and grading fast, but I'm pretty sure I have another post explaining how I found online materials for that bs and got a passing grade).
3 Blue 1 Brown (Math/ Calculus) : I feel like everyone knows him, he's so good at visualizing concepts. Great but still very complex videos, please understand that before going in. You might not be able to understand everything on first try, but always draw them out.
Studying Pure Math : Once you finished calculus and would enjoy some rigorous applications/learn about higher levels of math, this youtuber has linked a multitude of resources for those mathematical desires lol.
Small ideas of what is mathematics but this is such a beautiful video in explaining how mathematics is built up from each other. I think it changes your idea of how to study math (however, he does say you shouldn't memorize this stuff, but in the next bullet point, I wanted to show how I studied for math which did involve memorizing methods).
Studying thing I learned from youtuber but had sorta done myself, just think showing off this youtuber who's in oxford is fun!!!!
(Okay so I didn't find it, but the youtuber I thought who said the idea was Lucy Wang, still linking channel for the woman in math!!!).
So, in class you should be writing down examples, writing questions to the side, and looking for a pattern. When you find this pattern, you can organize your notes and your test answers. So like when doing an optimization problem in calculus, you have to draw the system, set up equations, ask what are you solving for, and the show the methods you used to solve. I would also recommend this for any numerical questions (for me, this included circuits, physics, and other math classes I've taken for a long time).
Professor Leonard: This man saved my calculus III grade. I love him. Please, he has almost all calculus classes, I don't think he has finished Differential equations and possibly one of his algebra courses, but his information is just great. His method of teaching is also phenomenal. And in the last video of his multivariable calculus playlist, he had the best quote ever. His wife and him were expecting a child, and he stated (this is horribly paraphrased but this was all I was thinking during my own calc III final):
"I'm pregnant- wait no- my wife's pregnant... But damn, I bet you I'd look good pregnant."
https://www.youtube.com/@Chommang: Beautiful art, really enjoyed drawing alongside. Implores you to find your own style, but helps with anatomy, reference drawing, I literally knew nothing about this bs. But I really enjoy the videos.
Puppet History : Okay. So I know what you'll say if you saw these videos. But really, just if you want to start with history, it's such a good introduction, such a fun cast, and the lore is also something that I really think makes characters funny, long lasting, god. It's just so good and well written for some youtube puppet fever dream.
Reading Analysis: Literally just came up on my rec on youtube. Really nice in explaining the actual analysis of the text.
Japanese: I used it for practicing listening to Japanese, mostly just me trying to recognized sounds and words. I'm still a beginner in Japanese, cannot actually hold conversations, but this has helped me listen to others better.
Geography Now!: Learning anything about countries/ needing to learn about countries relationships, just enjoy knowing much trivia. I'd recommend this for those items. Also like, learning about other countries are so much fun! I would def say, there are countries he doesn't examine as in depth, ie, India. But if you're just getting into geography boom, here you go.
Some other recommendations for history, look up on coursera, edx, I mostly learn alot of these topics on youtube with video essays. Ngl, your own political beliefs will heavily affect how you learn these topics. There's no way around this. I hope for the sake of whomever, just please, learn both sides actual arguments. And if debates ever turn to arguments/yelling matches, leave. You need to have a strong sense of self- and in the end, if the other person doesn't understand or want to, there's nothing you can do about it. You can keep thinking your own beliefs, or feel inclined to research the topic later. If anyone gives you shit for believe in something that turns out to be factually incorrect, accept how you were wrong, why you were wrong, and understand that being wrong is a path of knowledge. If someone else believes you are wrong, however, they can't factual cite this, that is just a disagreement over some topic.
A thing I've said to others, is that everyone interprets the bible differently. You interpret His messages in a way I can never understand. And I the same. Since I cannot tell you how to interpret the bible, you cannot tell me. Something I truly believe is everyone has their own connection with God (not saved to Christianity, I know this is from an idiot in the bible belt in the USA but we'll deal with that later), and that connection guides them through life.
So for building this mindset, some books/videos I'd recommend:
*Please know, these books may contain triggering/unpleasant topics that readers should look into before selecting a book to read.*
The Myth Of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
Everyone's favorite psychopath, No Longer Human Osamu Dazai
Capitalism Realism Mark Fisher
Ecrits Jacques Lacan
Make It Stick Science of Successful Learning
Absurdism: A video similar to topic above, less academia-y language.
Classics Worth Reading: love love love Emmie! Her videos are pretty fun and I really enjoyed her classics recommendation.
Small amount of topics to go look up, search what you love, stay away from what you don't like. In the end, help yourself become a well rounded person by building up those ideas.
If yall wanna add more, please please please! Education is something I'll never get enough of. I believe it should be free, nonpolitical, and inspiring for all. Everyone deserves education because it makes us smart, capable, and healthy individuals. It builds our future. Good luck in your educational future. Hopefully I have spur of the moment to post my small study ideas, or resources for studying, so that others can focus being more time efficient. Just remember, control f (windows <3) or command f (mac users) to find whatever you need.
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mz-pixie · 6 years
Tagged by: @texmexchexmix Thanks Darlin’!
Rules: Bold what you prefer, and tag 10 people.
coffee or tea -- Can I have both please? lol
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall -- Again, both are good. lol
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks -- Um, neither. 0.0
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre -- I play the flute so it’s a given. lol
eyes or lips
witch or fairy -- Um, look at my username. lol
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybee
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten
secret garden or secret library -- Both please!
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet -- Both again. I am a musician so these both speak to me. lol
London or Paris
Vincent can Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
Age: 29
Birthplace: Texas
Current Time: 4 PM
Drink you last had: Green Tea
Easiest person to talk to: My mom
Favorite Song: “What Ifs” by Kaine Brown and Lauren Alana
Grossest memory: I hate telling these sorts of stories, but it’s the best I’ve got. When I was in middle school I got food poisoning while at a summer engineering program. I fought it all day, but alas after lunch in my Algebra class I lost the fight. I couldn’t get out of the damn desk fast enough and puked all over the place and it managed to get all over my friend that sat next to me. Fuck those damn one sided desks.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, but I relate to Ravenclaw on a spiritual level. 
Envious of people: Sometimes in certain situations, but only over silly things. I look at others and use them to give me the drive to be better.
Killed Someone: WTF kind of question is this????
Love at first sight, or walk by again: Walk by again. I don’t believe in “Love” at first sight. More like lust if we’re being honest.
Name: If I trust you or know you well enough I will give you my real name. But on this cesspool of humanity, I go by Pixie.
Number of siblings: 1
One Wish: To get my finances in order and be comfortable without worry.
Person you called last: My boss
Question you are asked most: Are you really a florist? Answer: Yes. Don’t act so surprised.
Song you last sung: All Around Me by Flyleaf
Time you woke up: 7 AM
Underwear color: Black
Vacation Destination: Europe, anywhere I have heritage basically. lol
Worst habit: Self Deprecation and probably swearing. lol
X-rays: Knee when I hyper-extended it during Marching Band in HS. And normal dental X-Rays.
Favorite food: New Mexican/Mexican Food, Italian, Southern Cooking... Fatass status. lmao
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Tagging: @itashiro-hitsuchiha, @angelsoffiore, @vickismusehub, @the-smirking-fox, @salamanderzhub, @kenta-koma, @fenixsmusehoard, @fauxfemininity, @huntsman-ash , @scarletblackout
Sorry Guys! lol You obviously don’t have to fill this out. Just though it would be fun to share. I totally understand if you don’t want to! XD
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Mycroft Submission Form
I’ve been flirting with the idea for awhile now, so sure, why not?
Name: Amanda
Nationality: US
Age: 29
Personality Type: ISFP (or so the Internet says…)
Level of Education: HS diploma
Best Subject: English
Worst Subject: Algebra
Favorite Subject: I had a few favorites; Biology/Earth Science, English, History and Art
5 Hobbies (if applicable): Most of my pastimes are the usual things: reading, drawing and the like. I also love to write, and hand-in-hand with that I do a lot MORE reading (which I tend to refer to as “research”) trying to make what I write more believable or at the very least less nonsensical. But I do learn interesting if mostly useless tidbits here and there. I also frequently enjoy walking on nature trails or in parks in my area, particularly if they’re around water.
Favorite Genre of Music/Movies/Books: I’ll start with the easiest half of this question. My taste in books and movies is pretty much the same thing; fantasy. Futuristic, medieval, dystopian, superheroes, magic; I love it. As for music, that’s a little harder to pin down.
Last song you listened to on repeat: I actually don’t recall what song I last listened to on repeat, so instead I’ll tell you the song that’s been stuck in my head. It’s Art of War by Anberlin.
Last phrase you said to another living person: “I tried.”
How many blankets do you sleep with: No more than 3, but it has to be pretty cold before I resort to a third blanket.
7 note worthy skills: I like to cook, and I have no qualms about trying out new recipes (though I make no promises about results). I’m rather articulate and have a deep fondness of words (which I don’t use very often because most of the people I deal with day to day wouldn’t get/appreciate it). I like to sing, well enough to my own ears. I’m a good listener, empathic perhaps to a fault, and I’m good with keeping secrets.
7 noticeable sins: Honestly, I’ve been guilty of all seven at one time or another.
Allergies/impairments/illnesses: My first stint in the hospital three years ago leads me to believe I’m allergic to the antibiotic Bactrim. Apparently it makes my immune system try to kill me.
Level of Intelligence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being dumb, 2 being below average, 3 being average, 4 being above average and 5 being genius): I’d say I’m probably average. Maybe a shade above.
Level of Fitness on a scale of 1 to 5( 1 being obese, 2 being overweight, 3 being average, 4 being fit and 5 being skinny): This one’s a 2.
Level of Attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being Anderson, 2 being below average, 3 being average, 4 being above average and 5 being Mycroft): Again, I would say average, but like most people I could be bias one way or another.
Feline, canine or both: I love how easy-going most dogs are, but I feel like it’s more rewarding when a cat likes you. Currently I have a dog and a cat.
Confidence Level on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being nonexistent, 2 low, 3 average, 4 above average and 5 Sherlock): I’m going to say 2.5 for this one. It’s not great, but it’s not what it was. And I’m working on it.
Position in the Family (oldest, youngest, middle): I’m the oldest. My brother is 8 years younger than me and we’re pretty close.
Eye Color: I’m told they’re hazel, but closer to the blueish-green side.
Hair Color and Length: Sandy brown, cut just above my shoulders. It gets lighter in the summer time.
Height: 5'7, give or take.
Combat level on a scale 1 to 5 (1 being useless, 2 being somewhat capable, 3 being average, 4 being more than capable and 5 being expert): I’d like to think I’m a 3. Thankfully that’s never been tested.
Your normal dress: I work in an office, so it’s business-casual most of the week. I like dressing nicely, but I’m equally as happy in jeans and a T-shirt or sweatshirt.
How well you take rejection on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being temper tantrum, 2 being vindictive, 3 being average, 4 being can take it like a man, and 5 being like water off of a duck’s back): Handling rejection is another one of those things that’s a little tough to pin down. Humans are essentially pack animals, we’re wired to want to belong and be accepted. Though some of us have had more experience with it than others. That being said, I’d be between 2 and 3 on this one. I wouldn’t turn vindictive, though.
Languages known: I took American Sign Language and Spanish in school, but that of course was years ago. I did well in ASL, but was nowhere near conversational.
Cleanliness of your bathroom on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being a crime scene, 2 being messy, 3 being average, 4 being pretty clean and 5 being perfectly spotless): It’s going to have to be a 2 on this one. Definitely due for a once-over with a Magic Eraser.
How big is your circle of friends on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being nonexistent, 2 being very small, 3 being average, 4 being large, and 5 being a massive social network): I have a good number of acquaintances, but a very small circle of people I consider to be friends.
How would you rate your mental health on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being very poor, 2 being poor, 3 being average, 4 being good, and 5 being prefect): Looking back, even as recently as a year ago, I feel like I can accurately say I am a 3.
Opinions on the current Holmes family members ( Siger Holmes, Violet Holmes, Sherlock Holmes and Eurus Holmes): Eurus is easiest, so I’ll start with her. She reminds me of the exotic snakes at the zoo; fascinating to observe and study so long as there’s a layer of thick glass between us. Sherlock’s next easiest, he’s intriguing, funny (often without meaning to be) and someone whose company I dare say I’d enjoy. Siger’s pretty precious in my opinion, I imagine the two of us would get along well; and for the most part I’d say the same of Violet as long as I keep on her good side.
Please bold the following below that applies toward your submission:
As to the question portion, I spent quite awhile reading and re-reading and pondering. I couldn’t answer them all, but I took a shot.
Question Portion:
1) If you ask me to prove it I wouldn’t be able to, but I would assume angle C is the sum of angles A and B since the vertex of all three begin in the lower left hand corner and the rays meet in the upper right hand corner (does that even make sense?)
2) I honestly have no idea how to solve that. Math has never been my strongest subject, so I tend to stick to what I know.
3) I’ve read through this one over and over and I still can’t make heads or tails of it. I fold.
4) I would say that shooting Mr. White first would be best. He never misses, while with Mr. Gray there’s the possibility that he will miss.
5) 5+5+5+5 ≠ 555
6) I’ve been puzzling over the man in the elevator, but I can’t figure out why he wouldn’t just take the elevator all the way to his floor. Unless he has claustrophobia. Though if he had claustrophobia, why would he take the elevator at all?
7) Well if the room has no door, you could simply flick all the switches one at a time until one of them turns on the light inside, then go in. If there is a door, then I’m not sure.
9) Honestly my first thought on this one is that if John and Mary live in the same city why is he mailing her a ring? They’re in love, odds are they know each other’s addresses. Wouldn’t it be simplest to meet and give it to her in person?
13) I’m going to say C.
19) Bronze and iron I think.
24) I have always seen the dress and blue and black.
Mycroft's answer:
Well, well Amanda, you seem to have filled out everything at length but I seem to have missed your current occupation on the form.  I've gathered from other questions that you work in an office of some sort but I would be curious to know what sort of business you align yourself with. I find it very telling about a person with what kind of work they choose to pursue such as people that flock to retail have a tendency toward but the color and patterns while fast food members are more sight and smell. Very fun to decipher on a dull day in the office. While you do not address all the questions I see you still put forth the effort to answer what you could with some rationalization on your end of the spectrum and I can respect that.  For any relationship whether it be romantic or platonic requires some form of communication in order to function effectively. That being said I find it very refreshing to find someone closer to my height as you will find that being over 6 foot does come with its disadvantages. Finding clothes, walking through crowds when you're trying to remain unseen, attempting to kiss someone well below my height and closer to my chest. I will say that biology has never been one of my stronger suits as opposed to Earth Sciences (since Sherlock was keen on exploring the great wilderness as a pirate and all)  but would be amendable to glossing over one of your favorite bits of the subject over coffee or pastry at any time that you feel you are available. I cannot promise this would be a quick romance but what does it matter if we enjoy our company along the way?
 Friendship: 7.91/10
Mentorship: 9.35/10
Relationship: 6.98/10
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