sleepii-moth · 2 years
okay so theres a fucking. explicit fic in the outer wilds tag on ao3 i scrolled past like 100 times before i realized how to block explicit fics but
one of the times i was scrolling past i like glanced at the description on accident (which thankfully was an actual description that was not. explicit) and i saw what the basic "plot" of it was about and i shit you not it was so fucking funny (im not telling you im building up suspense) so on a voice call with a friend who's been playing ow i mentioned it and we were just laughing about the overall concept being so stupidly funny
so forward to now i am sitting on my bed and im thinking about it and for a second curiosity takes over and im like. okay. i really want to see what the rest of the description was
so i go and i unfilter explicit content. and i find it. and its so fucking funny man the last part killed me i really cant even tell if this is earnest or not because im just dying looking at this description trying not to laugh so hard
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beerecordings · 5 years
A Shadow Overcast
Part 19 of My Brother’s Keeper (Part 1 l Previous l Next)
This chapter is dedicated to a dear fren. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. hap birth my dear <333
ALSO @starlightxnightmare I have been waiting for MONTHS to tell you this but you noticed this discrepancy like FIVE CHAPTERS AGO OR SOMETHING LOL i saw your tags and i was like DAMN I’M TRANSPARENT. you asked the exact question that Chase asks in this chapter. love you you genius. enjoy.
My taglist is a separate post. You can ask to be added or removed. I am trying to make sure if it is up to date so seriously please tell me if you want to be taken off! and actually if you wouldn’t mind I would love to hear that you still want to be on the list if you are right now. I don’t know that everyone is still reading anymore and I don’t want to be bugging you!
Anyway. Chapter.
Marvin’s house is full of nightmares, and the magician himself is not there to enchant his brothers to safer sleep. Together, the four of them are shadowed and haunted, fighting and falling, losing grips to cling to with every day that passes.
Jameson Jackson has always dreamed vividly.
He is not the only one.
Blood and the silver gleam of a knife become chemicals at the nape of the brain stem, and Henrik dreams.
He's been taken out of his little prison cell. His handcuffs were removed, the blood was wiped from his cheeks, and careful hands made swaddling of white bandages around his torn flesh and tired ribs. The bone of his left wrist protrudes from his skin, broken in a single motion by Anti's hands not two days before, but it, like everything else in the world, has ceased to hurt him.
Warm is the darkness, gone the cold light.
“Isn't this easier?” asks Anti, not angry, or cold, or even condescending. His voice has the same tone as the night sky, when the stars have escaped from the light and stand singing in the shadow of infinity. “Don't you want to stay with me?”
Henrik is entranced.
Henrik is lost, is found, is lying, exhausted, on Anti's chest, his bruised eyes closed and his mouth, blue as heliotrope, still and silent. He manages a slow nod. Tears leave dark wet patches on Anti's soft black shirt. The demon strokes his hair.
“Yeah, this is better,” Anti hums, burrowing closer to him under the covers of the bed and letting his chin rest on top of Henrik's head.
The doctor's flayed hands reach out to wrap around him, clutching at his sides, at his back, at his thin sharp spine, at his warmth. He is dazed, exhausted, collapsing, in love; he is consumed and adoring, and yes, Anti is right – this is better, this is easier, so much better, so much easier! The warmth is becoming heat and he is shaking, panting, weeping, ill, and for a second something bright and painful explodes through his awareness and he whimpers, but Anti is here to soothe it away with the same hands that have tortured him, tortured him, tortured him –
He wakes up.
Tears cling to his dark eyelashes. The moon has slid in beneath the blinds of his window, coating his blue blankets in recycled sunlight. There's something very warm wrapped around his waist.
Check that. Someone.
Jameson shivers in his sleep, clinging tight to Henrik's shirt and breathing low and slow against his shoulder. For a second, Henrik is repulsed so strongly that he gags, but his disgust is not directed at his little brother.
So fucking pathetic, his brain tells itself. So fucking pathetic. Still craving Anti?
He'd been in recovery, before Anti took him again. He'd been doing alright. He'd forgotten it was possible to hate himself this much – to hate himself so much it makes his chest burn and his heart stutter and his fingers curl up with a desperation that he can't even express in words.
He's sobbing, sobbing like his heart is broken, but he'll be damned if he wakes up his little brother, his little brother who trusts him and only him, his little brother who comes to him weeping and curls up in his arms like he isn't afraid or disgusted by him, who loves him in the simplest and most pure way, a way he doesn't deserve; no, he won't wake Jameson up. He won't wake Jameson up. He'll get up and have something to calm him down, and then he'll come back to bed before the cold wakes jumpy JJ up.
Inch by inch, wiping furiously at the tears in his eyes, Henrik slips out of his bed and limps to his drawer, pulling out his medicine.
“Two tablets before sleep,” prescribes the bottle helpfully. “Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.”
Henrik pours two pills into his hand and pops them both in his mouth together, swallowing them dry and pausing to breathe afterwards. He turns, for a moment, to glance at his friend. The moon colors an old cut at the bottom of Jameson's throat white and makes his dark bruises, still stagnant after a week of recovery, seem to glow through the cold night light.
How am I supposed to convince the little one that Anti is dangerous when I can't even convince myself? How am I supposed to keep him with me when Anti has that kind of power to offer and I have nothing? How long will he be here with me before Anti steals us both away again? If only he had never been taken. If only I had never been taken. If only I had never been created. God, God! Do I have to live through this shame again?
Death feels close and tastes like a sleeping tablet.
He takes a third pill.
Crawling back into bed, Jameson shifts and curls, digging his chin into his shoulder, and Henrik, breathing in the sweet coconut smell his little brother has adopted, goes back to sleep.
Marvin's house is the only place in the world he and his family are safe. It is no longer a comforting thought. He is tired.
Henrik von Schneeplestein has long been haunted.
He is not the only one.
“Where are you?” whispers Jackie, clutching at the torn remnants of a red cape. “Where are you? Please come home.”
The wind whips loud around him, striking blows against his flesh and tearing at his hair. He grits his teeth against the cutting air and steps forward, forward, farther along the beam of the crane.
Brighton is beautiful 100 meters in the air.
“Where are you?” he screams. “Where, where, where? Don't tell me you're gone, I can't take it! Please, please, come home!”
His boots slip against the metal of the beam, but he gasps and sways and steadies again, inching closer, closer to the edge.
He can't fly.
His body is so fucking shattered, he's so fucking weak, and his little brother will not be there to catch him, will not douse him in blue light and grab his hand, laughing as they rise together, twins and friends and brothers, hallowed by the moon while Jackie fills up with his own homemade sunshine, a hero, a star –
“Focus!” shouts Marvin, and Jackie lets out a scream as he finds his brother all too suddenly before him, his long hair blown wildly about by the wind. He hovers above him like a specter, glorious and beautiful and angrier than Jackie's ever seen him, teeth gritted. “Focus, Astrifer!”
“On what?” he demands, bewildered and terrified, retreating away from this ghost in the air before him, but Marvin follows without hesitation, setting his feet down on the beam of the crane and reaching out a white hand.
“I love you!” he cries. “But I need you to stop crying out! I need you to watch over them!”
“What are you talking about?” gasps Jackie. The wind drags tears from his eyes. “Where are you, please, tell me you're alive, come home, I can't bear this – ”
“Bear it,” says Marvin.
A dream of Marvin, anyway. Jackie's Marvin was never so cold.
“Bear it, protect them. There is all of time and no time at all.”
His hand points back towards the body of the crane. Panting like his heart will give out, Jackie turns his eyes away from Marvin and back towards the darkness.
“S-Seán?” he stammers, catching sight of a silhouette in the darkness.
And there, holding his creator over the edge of a crane tall enough to build skyscrapers, sits Jameson Jackson, staring back at him, one eye blue and one eyes black.
“Enemy or brother?” cries Marvin, over the howling of the wind, terrible and oppressive and endless, a constant, constant, constant enemy cutting close on every side.
“I don't know!” shouts Jackie. “I'm scared!”
“Choose,” answers Marvin. “It is Anti who taught you fear and you must be courageous again, or what you have left will not be yours for much longer.”
Jackie screams, falling to his knees, clinging to the beam beneath his feet. Somewhere far away, he thinks he can hear Chase and Henrik crying out in answer, but in the darkness he can catch no glimpse of them.
“Go back to them,” says Marvin, stepping away.
“Wait,” cries Jackie. “Wait, please.”
“Please, stop begging for me.”
“Why can't I go with you?” he howls. “Why won't you come home?”
Marvin calls an answer, but Jackie is no longer listening. He staggers back to his feet and turns away from Seán and Jameson, moving towards the end of the beam again, trembling and elated, terrified and desperate.
“I want to go with you,” he shouts, and he sees Marvin's mouth move in the shape of his name, and then he has reached the end of the crane and his foot reaches out over nothingness and still he is stepping towards him.
The fire alarm erupts into shrieking and Jackie comes awake screaming and covered in tears, shaking with fever and bleeding from the mouth. Falling, he had bitten his tongue hard enough for the blood to come.
He scrambles out of bed, covering his ears against the crying of the fire alarm, and groans as his chest and back light up with fire. Pausing, he tumbles against the bulletin boards on his wall, strings and pushpins holding together theories and clues, only to find himself staring at his missing persons board, not yet up to date, where Marvin and Jameson's screenshot faces smile back at him from the days when they were both healthy and whole and his.
And he is just the coward who could not save them, coated in a hundred scars and deserving of every one of them, crying so hard he cannot breathe, while his brothers are fighting fire in the next room over.
“You're drunk.”
“Shhh,” pleads Chase, as if Jameson's signing were a shout. “Shhh, I'm not, I'm not, don't say that – ”
“I can tell from the way you move.” Jameson ducks away from his soothing hands, vaguely irritated. “And you would never burn the sausage sober.”
The fire alarm has shut up, but only because they took the batteries out. The whole room is full of smoke. The sausage is very burned. Chase is drunk.
“Cut me some slack, Jamie, I've been having bad dreams and I just needed a break from them. Lately I feel like – ”
“Are you drunk?”
Chase startles to see Henrik appeared halfway down the staircase, glaring across the room.
“N-no,” he answers, grinning flimsily. “Just, uh. Fucked up the sausage. Sorry for setting off the alarm.”
“Jamie,” says Henrik, frowning at him. “Is he drunk?”
Jameson glances between the two of them, considering. Survival is a game and even small decisions like this should be carefully weighed out.
He doesn't want to stress Schneep out, he decides. It's upsetting for the whole house, himself included.
“Don't think so,” he tells Henrik, relaxing against the kitchen counter and grinning. “Just a klutz.”
Henrik stares down at them for a long moment.
“I'm going back to bed,” he grumbles, retreating back up the stairs.
“Thanks, Jay,”  sighs Chase, only feeling a little guilty. Better than getting caught, right?
“Why do you get drunk?”
“Shit, I don't know, cause I'm a fucking moron?” He sighs deep and rubs at his face, opening the door to air out some of the smoke he's created. “It helps me sleep, I guess. Been having bad dreams. And I just – I don't know, kind of anxious lately. You and Schneep are back but... no one else.”
Jameson blinks. Maybe he's just talking about Jack being asleep, but some part of him understands that that's not who he means.
A sixth brother.
Anti only ever spoke about him when he was in what Jameson considered a gentle mood. While the mask might be discussed over a good beating or a pool of blood, the cat was a bedtime horror story, a being whispered of when Anti's arms were around his stomach, his warnings more genuine than his affection.
“Why do they call him a magician?” asked Jameson once, his mouth trembling. “What can he do?”
“Everything,” Anti answered in a whisper. “I don't know the full extent of it.”
“I don't know” was no common phrase in their house.
“I don't know enough to be sure. And so you must assume, my little heart, that the answer is 'everything.'”
Anti leaned in close and kissed his cheek, and when he drew away, there was no one in the world who would have said the softness in his gaze was false.
“Be careful,” murmured Anti, touching his cheek. “If he ever finds a way past me, he will kill you, Dapper. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Anti.”
He buried his face in his brother's shoulder, stroking the hair at the back of his neck, trying to offer comfort.
“I understand.”
“Good boy.”
“C-H?” he asks now, turning up his gaze, still not sure what to name his brother. “I want to ask you something.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“Where's the cat?”
Down the hall, there is an empty room that still smells of incense and flowers.
“Oh!” Chase grins, turning to him with bright eyes. “You saw him wandering around, huh?”
So he is here! Jameson has been wondering all week where he lives, why he isn't with the others, what happened to him. He sits up straight in his seat, calculating quickly about the danger he might be in. Chase wouldn't let him get hurt, right? Anti warned him about Jackie, too, but Chase and Henrik have kept him safe so far.
“You want to meet him?”
“Is he... friendly?”
“Yeah, super friendly! That one is, anyway. Come on, let's go try to find him.”
“What – outside?”
“Yeah, he spends most of his time outside.”
Jameson's eyes widen. “You'll come outside with me?”
Chase laughs. “I swear you're like a dog when it comes to going on walks. You're a wild man, Jays. Yeah, let's go outside! Fresh air'll probably do my dumb ass some good.”
Jameson's face splits in a wide grin. For a second, he is little different from the man in the video last Halloween, bright and delighted, energetic and expressive, and it makes Chase laugh aloud, instantly cheered. Bolstered by his delight, Jameson jumps down from the kitchen stool and darts to the back door, yanking it open, finding it unlocked, and leaping into the snow.
“Dude!” Chase protests, but he's only laughing harder. “Shoes, you complete pantaloon! Shit, and a coat – can you wait two goddamn seconds?”
Jameson grins and steps down from a wood porch as Chase runs off to get him something to wear. Beneath the slushy spring-touched snow he can feel soft dead grass, and the air cuts like something cleaner and more beautiful than even the blade of a fresh knife across his skin and through his downy hair. Breathing in deep, he propels himself forward and leaps, cartwheeling across the white landscape, picking up snow and tossing it in the air, freed as Anti used to free him.
Days when he was allowed outside were his favorite days. They lived far from civilization – the closest highway was some miles away, not that he knew which direction – and what had once been farmland had become mires of old wheat fields and copses of heavy peaceful trees. The cold rarely stopped him, but then again there were days where he had feared it, like the day the door to the house had accidentally locked and he was stuck outside for hours, weeping as he froze, knocking and pounding for Anti to come save him, his fingers turning white, and then red, and then purple...
He still loved going outside, though. He just never thought anybody would want to come with him. He's not really worth spending time around.
“Here you go,” Chase says, coming up beside him and taking his hands in his own, shoving a pair of soft mittens over his fingers. Jameson blinks up at him, warmed.
“And the coat,” Chase adds, helping him stick his arms into it. Jameson pulls it tight around him and drags the fabric up to his nose, shivering and sighing contentedly into the warmth.
“Here, put my boots on too. We'll have to get you some clothes of your own soon! Maybe next week we can go, if Schneep's feeling safe about it.”
“New clothes for me?”
“Yeah, of course. And anything else you need. I think we could start making that spare room your room, you know? We'll get some decorations or books or something.”
Jameson stares up at him, tugging the second boot onto his foot.
“Everything okay?” asks Chase, frowning. He's wrapped up in a coat and a beanie, wet snow soaking into his sneakers.
Jameson swallows hard, a tsunami of guilt and shame, love and gratitude, uncertainty and caution welling up in his throat.
He wants to keep you, says something in the back of his head. He doesn't plan to throw you out at all. And you're just planning to leave.
Well, answers a darker, angrier part of him, the part of him that wants to tell Chase to fuck off and to run away into the forest and finds his way back to – to what? What's waiting for him? Anti told me the same, that he meant to keep me. That's why we're here. People lie, Jameson.
Chase slings an arm around him and JJ jumps. “Sorry,” Chase chuckles. “I'll warn you next time. Is this okay?”
Jameson reaches up to touch the hand set on his shoulder, turning his head to look into Chase's eyes. The weight of Chase's arm is the best kind of heaviness. He isn't afraid to touch him at all, and only a week ago Jameson had him at gunpoint, glaring down at him with hatred in his eyes.
He always loved Anti, but he would never have called him “good.” Even in his earliest days, he was cognizant of the reality that there was a great cruelty in his brother, and he saw very little goodness in Anti, in the house, in the world around him.
He thinks Chase is probably what goodness looks like.
“Yes,” he knocks. “It's okay.”
For a second, Chase smiles at him so soft that Jameson thinks he's probably what happiness looks like too.
“Sweet!” he says, squeezing his shoulder. “Let's go find that cat, man!”
Chase shoots Henrik a text to tell him they'll be out for a while and they set off into the forest, Jameson still hugged under his brother's arm. Chase can tell he's enjoying himself from the brightness of his eyes and the energy of his step as he wanders beside him, his gaze following the swift brown birds through the sky and the dripping of water from the the dark branches of the trees.
And Athanasius doesn't make himself hard to find. They've only been walking for about twenty minutes when he appears.
“Meow!” he greets them, sprinting up to Chase's side, pressing his head up against his calves, yowling noisily. He's a loud-mouthed cat and always has been. Chase always loved that. He laughs and scoops the little grey cat into his arms, scratching enthusiastically at his ears.
“Hey there, good boy,” he grins, pushing their foreheads together. “How you living, buddy? Ate the last of my fish yesterday, you know. I'll get you more, don't worry.”
He turns around with the cat in his arms, expecting a smile or maybe some tentative attempts to pet him from his little brother, but Jameson just looks confused.
Bewildered, really.
“Um, you good?” he asks, laughing uncertainly.
Jameson stares at Athanasius. “That's... the cat?”
“Yeah?” frowns Chase, double-checking the sign for cat in his head. “Oh! Maybe you were expecting Queenie, huh? You've seen her around, have you? This is Athanasius. Don't ask me why Marvin named him that. He told me once, but it was something about immortality and magic and names he found funny – anyway, this is the cat.”
Jameson bursts into laughter.
“What?” stammers Chase, taking his turn at complete confusion. “What's so funny? Jameson?”
“Holy shit,” says Jameson. He never takes the time to sign curse words, but this – holy fuck. “Anti used to tell me all these stories about how dangerous he is and what a threat and a monster and then you tell me we're going to meet him and you turn around holding – ”
He doubles in on himself, his chest shaking hard. Chase can't help but join him in laughter, setting Athanasius down. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“The cat,” Jameson repeats, as if it's obvious, and very funny to boot. “The cat – what was that name you just said? I didn't know his name, the three of you don't talk about him. The magician.”
Chase stills, staring. Athanasius sits down beside him, his head tilted up at Jameson. In the trees, the birds have fallen into respectful silence.
Like a vigil.
“Marvin?” whispers Chase.
His voice breaks down the middle of the word. Jameson stops laughing.
“Yes,” he says softly. “That name. Are you okay?”
“I,” says Chase.
Marvin. Marvin. Marvin.
“I'm fine,” he whispers.
Anti used to tell him stories.
Used to tell him he was dangerous.
Used to call him a threat.
“Anti warned you about him?”
Chase can taste his heart in his mouth. It is difficult to breathe. A euphoria is beginning in his chest.
“Anti warned you about Marvin?”
Jameson stares at him. Looks down at his hands.
Knocks “yes,” gently.
“Yes, he warned me.”
Chase wonders that the whole forest does not sing. His heart does.
“Alive!” he screams, so loudly even Athanasius goes scrambling away from him, and then he takes off at a sprint back the way they came, towards Jackie and Henrik and the house their brother gave him, their Marvin, the cat, the magician. “Alive, alive, alive!”
He's been wondering so long.
“Jackie!” he cries, bursting into the house through the back door, panting hard. Is he really so out of shape? Fuck it, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters but this. He darts down the hallway, showing up in Jackie's open doorway looking like a wild thing, bright-eyed with tears.
He’s been wondering where his big brother is for so, so long.
“What the hell?” demands Jackie weakly, trying to sit up straight in his chair. “Chase, chill.”
He couldn't go back to sleep after the fire alarm. He's just been sitting here, thinking.
Are you really gone? reads a sticky note on one of his bulletin boards, stuck next to a polaroid of Marvin's face, smiling as he holds up a shut-eyed silver kitten, healthy and safe, happy, unharmed...
“Jackie.” Chase draws his attention back. “Jackie, Marvin's alive.”
He feels so many things at once he feels nothing at all.
“Chase,” he whispers, turning away again.
“I mean it! Jameson said so!”
“Jameson – no, he didn't. Or if he did... Look – just – come on, man, don't do this to me, I'm exhausted.”
“He told me Anti warned him about Marvin. That he told him he was dangerous. He wanted to meet him! Look, Jackie, I know how long we've searched. I know how long you tried to find him. And I know it doesn't look good, with all that blood that was on the floor where he was – and his broken mask – and the hand Anti cut off – and I know it's weird that Jameson and Schneep have never seen Marvin in captivity with them, like it seems like Anti would have kept them all together or at least nearby, but – ”
Jackie buries his face in his hands, trying to breathe. He can't handle this right now. He can't handle this ever.
“But Jameson said so and why would he lie?”
“I can think of a lot of reasons, actually,” gripes out Jackie. “Upsetting us, for one. Or Anti told him to. What if he's trying to lead us out of the house? Bet he'll tell you a location next. 'You can find Marvin here!' And then we all get caught by Anti.”
“You don't mean that.”
“Pretty sure I do. Let's not do this now, Chase.”
“Jackie, listen!” Chase moves to his side, gripping the back of his chair and spinning him around so that they stand side by side, but his brother still fails to meet his eyes. “Jameson asked me where he was. He doesn't think Marvin's dead. Don't you think Anti would have told him if he had killed Marv? Why would Anti warn him about him if he was gone? I bet he would be crowing it from the rooftops if he had managed to kill our Marvin. He would have told Jameson.”
“Chase,” says Jackie, just quietly, his nails digging into the end of his arm rests. “Jameson also didn't know that Jack was in a coma. I heard Henrik explaining it to him two days ago.”
“He knew Jack was in hospital. And asleep. I think that counts.”
“Didn't know my name or Marvin's, never once used the word coma – and there's a sign for it, one he knows, I checked – doesn't even know that Anti's had two attempts on Jack's life. Or that I've been fucking crippled since the day Anti beat me. How's that for something Anti should have been crowing from the rooftops?”
Chase pauses and licks his lips, rocking back on his heels. “Okay, fine,” he concedes. “That's weird, but it still doesn't make sense for Anti to not have told... well, yeah, I would think he would have told him that Jack was in a coma and Marvin was dead, but...”
Jackie runs his hands over his face. “Anti didn't tell the little man much, okay? It doesn't mean anything. I'm sorry, I wish it did – trust me, I fucking wish it meant anything. But it just... doesn't.”
There's a lump somewhere low in Chase's throat. “Why are you so determined to say it isn't true? Don't you want Marvin to be alive? You've given up on him.”
Jackie's on his feet so fast Chase nearly tumbles backwards, but his brother grabs him by the collar of his shirt and yanks him close, so Chase can't miss the fury in his eyes. The lights are brighter than they were a moment ago. For a second, Chase stares right back at Jackie, his mouth drawn in a snarl, but then his will breaks and tears spark in his blue eyes.
Jackie softens, regret replacing rage. He lets Chase go and sinks back down, slowly, into his chair. He curls in on himself, his chest aching and his heart beating too fast. He looks old. He looks small. The lights have gone dark again and everything is still.
“Chaser,” Jackie croaks. “Will you please go get Henrik? Anti told me something and I think it's time you both heard.”
“Please go get Henrik.”
“Where's Marvin?”
“Go get Henrik. Go get Henrik.”
Chase obeys. Henrik comes. And Jackie, in a voice as small as a star-speck and as shaky as a knife-wound, tells them what Anti said.
Jameson has heard screaming many times – screams of anger, of pain, of fury, of fear. Screams of grief, as he finds out that day, are the most horrible of them all.
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Elite - First Episode!
So! Thoughts about the first episode of Elite that I just watched! I kind of… did not expect to enjoy this as much as I just did? The actors are great, I love picking up a bit of Spanish on the side (not a language I speak… like… at all xD) AND the filming is awesome!
Gorgeous imagery aside – and there sure is a lot of it – I also loved the way the narrative was structured around the murder that is about to have happened. This is an impression absolutely unique to the first episode of this series because this is where we see the story begin and end before the unravelling of story threads from the middle to the eventual conclusion takes place.
This episode was meant to suck you in and get you interested and HOO BOY HOWDY it accomplished its purpose! (For me, at least.)
Regarding the murder mystery, I really liked how the various forward-flashbacks were tied in with the overall story to manipulate the viewer‘s interpretation of singular scenes (adding emphasis on likely future developments like the enmity between Nadia and Lu comes to mind) and it did not feel overdone at all!
Regarding spoilers, mind, I‘m still at the first episode and everything here is pure speculation. Mostly. I should maybe tag spoilers for the victim reveal?
Because, let‘s face it. It was obvious who would die in the end the very second this character made an appearance. At least to me.
Now, because this is what I invariably focus on, no matter what media I consume, let‘s give the various characters in the show a not-really-in-depth-because-i-am-just-talking-into-the-void-and-not-submitting-a-report review!
First of all, Samu. He is the obvious main character, sweet, cautious and just interesting enough to distract from his nice-boy image that… burdens him tragically? His decision to completely opt out of demonstrating his abilities in English during class is interesting and… so far, the only interesting thing he has ever done, except for a few nice, witty one-liners. Don‘t get me wrong, I actually like characters that are capable of… not starting drama every few seconds and the fact that he‘s seemed to be the sole supporter of his family makes him likeable? But I just know that he‘s going to have SOME bullshit going on and make decisions that will downgrade my tentatively positive opinion of him severely. I KNOW IT. Also, I… really don‘t like Marina for some reason?
Marina, then! She also follows the stereotype of the main characters love interest – the Girl That Is Not Like The Others. Which is not necessarily a bad thing! I just dislike characters that, in turn, are more attracted by the attractiveness of rebellion than the actual people who represent it for them.
(But I really liked her chemistry with Mano (?) in the two seconds they interacted.) (But that is the problem! UGH, love triangles…) I really liked that she‘s HIV-positive though! I loved how that was represented! That was apparently the big drama with the previous scholarship student though? I also like how she doesn‘t give a damn. But all in all, hm. Meh. Not my type.
Mano (?) - Samu‘s older brother who just got out of prison! And we still don‘t know exactly how! He‘s demonstrated so far: an astounding inability to sympathize with all and any struggles his younger brother has faced AND come on. That was one obviously placed camera AND YOU DIDN‘T EVEN HAVE THE GOOD SENSE TO COVER EITHER OF YOUR FACES COME TF ON WOULD IT HAVE BEEN SO HARD??? Also, flirting with the girl his lil bro is obviously dancing around already and hogging her instead of calling Samu? Seriously? That‘s just an asshole thing to do, no matter how much better you two seemed to get along, dammit!
Anyway. Then there‘s Guzman. I don‘t like him (yet). He‘s protective of his younger sister which, nice, would he not also completely ignore her wishes at the same time. His relationship with Lu seems built on the desire of the two powerhouses of the school to present a united front and also have some sex in bathrooms, but… are they actually happy together? Wait, wait. Are they even together openly? Nooooo, wait it was such a big thing that they were seen having sex! Hm. In that case, I don‘t get the nonchalance with which Lu suggests her boyfriend seduce another girl just to blackmail her. Are you that sure of his loyalty? Probably! Is that a really awful and manipulative thing to not only force a stranger but also your own boyfriend into? Yes!
But. I also know his type. He‘s the asshole with hidden depths that appear in fleeting glances only at first and then, when gradually revealed, make him your favourite character. I know that at one point I will be supposed to love him and I, a weak victim of viewer manipulation, probably will. I know how that one goes. (I still love Bellamy from The 100 with all my heart and I have suffered for it. Also only watched to the third season!)
Aside from the fact that she is gorgeous and the archetypical bitch, except also super smart, I can‘t say too much about Lu yet. Except that I ship her with Nadia, not that THAT is ever going to happen, I guess. Idk I kind of like her. In her capacity of being a huge asshole, that is.
Nadia! HOLY SHIT I LOVE HER!!! SHE IS THE BEST! And holy shit, the hijab thing was a biiig gun to pull out in the first episode, but when else, also, good demonstration of institutionalized prejudice and discrimination! (I was so mad, good job! Well, fucking awful that this is a thing that needs to be represented, but good job! And her statement about them restricting her based on their own dumb opinions and NOTHING else and how this is her belief and nobody is forcing her to wear it? YES YES YES GOOD GIRL! Screenshots from that scene were what convinced me to give this series a shot and holy shit, it was delivered so well!) I can‘t even say anything meaningful here, I just??? love her??? She is sassy and smart and NOT interested in the drama (which will change VERY soon and hoo boy is she going to seduce the SHIT out of Guzman while also falling in love, but I don‘t even mind. That much.)
Then there‘s Christian. I… really don‘t care for the second-hand embarrassment he keeps subjecting me to? And his attitude towards drugs and alcohol? And… uh… almost everything else? BUT! He handles all of the abuse directed at him with the same charm and grace that at first seems absolutely moronic but is soon (him walking through the school naked) revealed as an iron-hard sunny attitude? And I respect that. A lot. I will probably come to respect this dude even more as the story evolves, but I still don‘t like his character-archetype. But that‘s fine!
Also, Carla and this dude! Waaaaait did she only hook up with Christian because her boyfriend who‘s name I forgot was into it? She did not seem all that comfortable afterwards, which hints at QUITE the different power dynamic in that couple than is expected of them! I am very curious!
And! Ander! OMG he is SUCH a sweetheart! Sorry, I still think that getting high and making a dating app profile is dumb, but HE IS GAY and hooking up with Omar and he! Is the cutest! And only deserves good things! Please let him be happy!
Omar, for that matter… hm. He looks very tired. Also, why is he selling drugs? He‘s… Nadia‘s brother? I‘d like to see more of their sibling relationship tbh but… hm. Don‘t know what to think about him yet, but the drug thing kind of is a turn-off for me? I really hope to get to know more about him though, especially if he IS going to have a thing with Ander!
And I have many more thoughts about this and I really look forward to watching the second episode at some point in my life (which… uh… might happen sooner or later, but since my method of choosing stuff to watch includes maths and does not include personal opinion… probably later?) but now I‘m getting hungry and am going to eat something instead of screaming some more into the void.
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pigeonacademic · 7 years
The Welcome Home characters: The Protagonist: Dr. Jeremy: A really sweet therapist who has worked with the protagonist for a while, and moves away, so the protagonist gets a new therapist. Danielle: The person the protagonist communicates with via paper airplanes and messages in a bottle who climbs into the window to greet her friend. Dr. James: The seemingly kind, but creepy therapist and twin brother of Jeremy. Murders children and certain people he deems fit for it
@ufolotus @diaroon my writings  
Paperwork with tiny print was a strain on the eyes, and Emeritus didn’t exactly have eagle-vision. His nose bumped against the paper so many times that he didn’t notice he had a black smudge on the tip until Adrian pointed it out to him during break.
“Do they let the ink dry before they send the papers out?” The brunette chuckled, watching his mentor angrily wipe at the smudge. Emeritus gave him a dry look, reaching for a napkin and wetting it with some coffee. “Sometimes they don’t wait long enough for it to dry; these papers used to be hand-written when there were fewer members on the team, but now they’ve been using the printer, and a shitty one at that.” The blond dabbed his nose, checking to see if the ink was coming off. He handed the younger man the napkin. Adrian took it gratefully to clean his own fingeres, glancing at the other letters they had to read. “Perhaps we should leave them here until they dry?” It wasn’t a bad idea, Emeritus had to give the man that. He went over to the window, opening it.  
"Briney waves crash around your body and you pretend to be powerful. Stardust falls upon your shoulders and you pretend to be ethereal. there’s a spark in your eyes and you pretend to be untalented. The fires of the factory speak to you, and you pretend to be at peace."
A decade could be cruel, especially behind the barbed wire fences and looming prison, which, while looking soulessly dull on the outside, gave an omnious feeling with its tall dark windows, and flashes of orange as prisoners were herded to their cells from the mess hall, and in some cases, to the last room they'll ever be in. Hobble had picked up a few scars along the way, and a serious smoking habit. As she stood at the pickup-spot, she shielded her lighter with her hand to keep the chill autumn wind from blowing the fire away, the flame lighting up her aged features. She long accepted she wasn't young anymore, and the added stress of that place didn't help. BEEP BEEP! The pickup-bus had arrived-the woman had to blink several times to make sure she was seeing a bus, they had become nearly extinct after the war- and stared at the driver as he pulled up alongside her, opening the door. Hobble quietly got on and sat a few seats behind the driver, pulling her tattered, faded hat snugly down over her head. God, she was glad it still fit after all these years. "First day out, hm?" The driver asked, adjusting the mirror to look at her. She had noticed he was a stocky man who had a shadow of a beard, as if he had skipped a day shaving, and a periwinkle blue uniform, with a matching cap in which she presumed most of his long curly hair had been tucked under, judging by the few strands peeking out.
She nods from her seat; she didn't really want to make small-chat with anyone at the moment. He started to drive away, the prison getting smaller and smaller the further they went into the countryside, where the dead trees and yellow grass were slowly intergrating into lush greens and the golden, rustic colors of fall. "So, where do you want to go?"
Hobble thought for a moment; where would she go? If her parents were still alive, they would have most certainly moved, and she doubted that rickety house would be standing. As for that place, Hobble was sure a bunch of vagrants made it their own hideaway spot. She might visit it sometime in the future, but now was too soon.
"Anywhere." She looks up at him in the mirror. "Anywhere but here."
The bus sped on, and Hobble found herself looking out the window, the scenery becoming more wild and beautiful with each passing moment; she almost felt at peace. A flash of red startled the woman as it stuck to the window, but on closer inspection, it wasn't an autumn leaf like she thought. It was a red butterfly, clinging to the glass as it enjoyed it's free ride, beautiful red wings fluttering in the breeze. Seeing that butterfly reminded her of Emeritus, and his last words to her; how he spoke so fondly of that particular type of butterfly. She had thought it more than odd, but now she could see what he meant, now she was seeing it for the first time. But thinking about him or what happened doesn't matter now, Hobble thought, softly smiling at the butterfly as it spread it's wings and took off into the clear blue skies, fading off into a tiny red dot. What matters most of all, is the present.
Piper's Papers.
- Do I remember Breedwell Road?
I remember it quite well; how could I forget the place where my life was the happiest, and where my life also ended?
"(Player1) shares a hug with (Player2) before stabbing them in the back with a dagger."
(Player1) and (Player2) share a kiss.
(Player1) kisses (Player2) before stabbing (him/her2)
(Player1) sits in a tree and flicks acorns at (Player2) (Player1) holds (Player2) as (he/she2) dies
(Player1) steals (Player2) 's food and blames it on (Player3)
(Player1) flirts with (Player2) . (Player2) slaps (him/her1) and walks away.
(Player1) flirts with (Player2) who is a giggly, blushing mess. (Player1) kisses (Player2) sweetly. A heartbroken and enraged (Player3) murders (Player1)
(Player1) tries to convince (Player2) to hook up with (Player3). It does not succeed and (Player2) feels dejected.
(Player1) tries to convince (Player2) to hook up with (Player3). It succeeds, and (Player2) and (Player3) spend the day together.
Its hard for me to put into words what I want to say. I'm not the best wordsmith; most of the time whenever I start to write,  I can't really find a way to express want I want to say.  I really miss you, but I'm glad you're safe at home, away from this.   It's been very cold here; these creatures have the home advantage on their planet, being used to temperatures that would rival even the coldness of Yellow Diamond's heart, and are used to scurrying across the rocky land. Where we plod, they gallop. They've picked off several others already. They're smart too; they already figured out that shattering us won't allow us to regenerate, and make off with what pieces they can to assure we can't bring them home. I can see their eyes glowing beyond the floodlights; they're waiting for us to let our guard down. Their ghostly howling is enough to scare the most hardened among us, and we can hear them clawing at the sides of the ship, and in the morning we find deep scratches along the fuel tanks. Our commander has been given orders to retreat, but there have been delays. None of us may make it home.
Introductions: Show off your gemsona! Weapon Summon: What’s their weapon? How do they summon it? Background: What’s their story? Crystal Idol: Your gemsona magically gets to hang out with the canon Gem they most admire! What happens? Purple P and Tiger M: Jump into the ring! What’s your gemsona’s wrestling nickname and costume? (Could they take on Purple Puma?) Special Talents: Is there an element or aspect of nature your Gemsona can control? Or: What’s something only they can do? The Homeworld: What’s their relationship to the Gem Homeworld? Distance Model: Draw your gemsona’s distance model! (x) Cracked Gem: Uh oh! Their gem’s got a crack in it! Change of Heart: A villain’s turned hero and a hero’s turned villain! Or: Your gemsona now has the opposite personality! Dream Team: Show off your other gemsonas! Or: If they’re a loner, introduce your gemsona’s friends! Alt Outfit: Design their space suit, beachwear, or ‘pilot’ outfit! A Day in the Life of: What’s an average day look like for your gemsona? Challenger Approaching!: Your gemsona’s caught in a fight! Is their opponent a monster? Another gem? Or something else? Regeneration: Whoops! What’s their new outfit? Hanging with Humans: Imagine your gemsona hanging out with some of the humans from Beach City! Does your gemsona get along with humans? Fusion Frenzy: Quick! Fuse with someone! Shapeshift: What kind of shapeshifting do they do? Can they shapeshift into objects? Animals? Can they only transform a part of their body? Steven Style: Draw your gemsona in the style of Steven Universe! Or: Have your gem play ‘Steven Tag’! Loyalty: Your gemsona was loyal to the Homeworld at some point… What was their role there? Or: If your gemsona’s never been to Homeworld, who are they loyal to? Monster Gem: What’s their corrupted form? Rebellion!: Where was your gemsona during the Gem Rebellion? Same Gem? Same Gem!: There’s sure to be at least one other gemsona with the same gemstone as yours. Draw them together! Outfit Exchange: Snag another gemsona’s or a canon character’s outfit! Historic Site: Your gemsona visits an old gem site… With the Gems: Imagine your gemsona as a Crystal Gem! Stars In Your Eyes: Show off your gem with Steven’s trademark ‘starry-eyed’ look! ٩ ( ✪͈̀ ᗜ ✪͈́) ۶ Guess Who?: Come up with a fake Steven Universe episode introducing your gemsona! Or: draw your gemsona on a screenshot from the show. Favorites: Draw some of your favorite Gemsonas!
Shifty catches Apatite and Topaz dancing, then fusing, and took photos. Later on threatens Apatite about exposing the two, and considering Topaz is a lower-class gem and a Off Color, he'll be shattered. He holds this over Apatite's head and uses it to get him to do things for him, all in the hopes of framing him and getting him off the group.
"Oh..now normally, fusion between two different gems don't bother me, but you know how everyone else is." He holds up the photographs, smirking. "It would be a shame if these got out, blowing around the gempire, hm? Oh, no worries, you're safe, its your signifigant other who will be in danger; may I say, he would be shattered for this kind of behavior." Apatite looks horrified; the other notes this with pleasure. "You'd do anything to keep him safe, right? How much do you love him?"
Fur Elise: Showcases Apatite and Emerald's bond, especially over music. Emerald is more lively and spry, while Apatite is the softer and gentler melody.
Hitman Mission: Topaz and Red Coral are on their infilteration mission on another planet. They must avoid being seen by the other creatures there, and have been given orders to kill if needed. They should not alert anyone else to their prescence.
This Is Where I Belong: The gems are either going to Earth, or they are returning to Homeworld. Both places could be home. Homeworld would obviously hold stronger ties, for they lived there for so long. But hey, I've moved more than fourteen times, what do I know what a home is, and what one feels like? I have no idea, but they'd find a home someplace, whatever a home feels like.
Santa Monica Dream: Emerald is lying on a bed, staring at the wall. It's a late-summer, early autumn day, with golden sunlight filtering through the window. He is thinking, hugging the pillow.
Mary Shaw theme: Emerald is exploring a creepy house with Angel Aura; they see movement which prompts them both to get the fuck out of Dodge. They get lost and they have to try and find their way out. Unbeknownst to them, it's only Red Coral being Major Dickhead.
Dirty Little Secret: Each of their gems have their secrets; the sequence shows what they are. Emerald is almost caught doing his, and so is Red Coral.
Mr. Saxobeat: Red Coral is dancing to this song, and he tries to get the others to join him. Emerald is dragged into it, but he sneaks away while Red Coral is trying to land a difficult move. Apatite just shakes his head and leaves with Angel Aura. Topaz stays because he feels bad for Red Coral.
Lone Digger: The gems go out on a Friday night on Earth. They see some....interesting sights.
Circle Backwards: Apatite is in his office, looking out the window and down at the rest of what remains of his old squadron, still active with training. He misses spending time with them, and is writing letter after letter to try and reconnect. Only one or two reply.
Roll The Dice: Emerald is dragged along on an outing with the others, and they try to get him to let loose. It takes a while, but he starts having fun. They go sight-seeing before going to a dance club. He practically kills it on the dance floor-or makes a fool of himself, but still has a epic time anyways with his friends.
Mohombi Maraca: Red Coral crashes a pool party. He may or may not start a dance-off with someone, before Topaz picks him up and carries him away.
Party Rock: Emerald has no patients for the day, so he's just being bored around the office before deciding to why not dance?
Room of Angels: {REDACTED} {REDACTED} It has to do with Yellow Diamond and Pink Diamond. (Hint: The song sort of explains)
Durmstrang: Topaz is training with the other Topazes. Their session is intense, and Angel Aura is a little intimidated watching them, and hides out on the roof of another building.
Cleopatra: We see a different form of Apatite from a few thousand years ago.
Good Time:  Gems getting ready for their day, breezing through their work day before waiting for night to fall so they can go do together whatever gems do when they want to have fun. Maybe there's a gem-rodeo with creatures from another planet, maybe they attend that, and Red Coral double-dares Angel Aura to participate.
To All Of You: The Gems are on Earth, and Emerald takes the day with Topaz to explore the town together.     (Still debating on whether they should go to Beach City or in Alabama, because I feel pretty strongly for both)
Stamp On The Ground: Gem dance-competition. Apatite is surprisingly good at this one, and even sheds his usual attire to make it easier for him. (Relax, he's wearing something under that.)
Run Boy Run Instrumental: Basically, I like to think that gems like Topaz were most likely shattered for being malformed. (Backed up by what we just saw in the recent episodes) Since its before the rebellion, gems like him are sent off to be shattered. He gets scared and escapes, while those gem bots are after him. Soon he finds a gem who helps him hide. Then it cuts to the rebellion, where any remaining gems that were strong enough, no matter how 'off-color' they are, are recruited, and he's one of them. Cue a military training montage.
Candyman Theme: It's autumn on Earth, and Emerald is enjoying it.
Die Young: The gems accidentally crash a school dance, but nobody cares. (I might also make an appearance in this one!)
Faceoff SYFY Theme: The gems each show off their weapons in dramatic reveals. May even do a little show with them.
You're So True: Topaz and Emerald adventures, both on Homeworld and on Earth.
Boats and Birds: More of the relationship between Emerald and White Diamond.
Yeah, Red Coral's a little surprised at that one .
"He's..drowning me?"
"It's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything."
"but look at how happy he is! that's the biggest i've ever seen him smile!"
Weston school antics: Gregory draws other students a lot, and yes, nudes included. Cheslock snuck a look through his art book once and was scarred. Greenhill is an animal lover and will cross the street to pet a dog. Redmond is embarassed of his uncle and hates his coddling. Joanne has a pet turtle named Bronte. Maurice once tried to humilate him in front of other students in the lunch room. "What's the difference between you and Bronte? At least Bronte comes out of her shell!" Cheslock was PISSED He grabbed Maurice by his collar and shook him. "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT!?"
Maurice screamed like a T Rex to get a reacher's attention Cheslock got detention, Maurice got a stern-talking to.
Lawrence studies with the door shut and he hisses at anyone who tries to interrupt Clayton drinks a lot of coffee before studying
I got some ideas with White Zirconia and Pearl. Basically, you said he gaslights, right? Master manipulator. So let's say Pearl screws up, and she's punished for it, and the whole time he's berating her on how its her fault and if she didn't mess up all the time he wouldn't have to punish her, because he 'hates' doing that. Then he probably brings up all the privileges she might have as his Pearl that other Pearls don't get the luxury of having, like intermingling with other gems in her free time instead of constantly being at his side?
Yeye! A sort of "I treat you so well, yet you're never happy. You're such an awful Pearl; you never even laugh or smile". So basically, you got it 100% right! Also, the Distortionist isn't my headcanon voice, it's just a song that fits WZ really :'D I already told you this, but Tim Curry is my headcanon White Zirconia voice. I don't know why, I just think it fits '-';
I imagine Pearl was at least acquaintances with the other Zirconia's Pearls, who I should probably draw sometime-- maybe even the Diamond's Pearls, too, since Zirconias are so close to the Diamonds. I also like the idea of "Pearl Parties" where a bunch of Pearls belonging to high-ranking Gems can get together and enjoy themselves (while some of the Gems still monitor them, of course). I think that in order to appear normal, WZ probably let her go to at least one.
Also, adding onto that, I have a headcanon about Yellow Diamond's Pearl. During the rebellion, our Pearl wasn't the only Pearl to revolt-- lots of others did. Most were shattered, but some became CGs or simply hid in the colonies. In paranoia and distrust, YD had her original Pearl shattered and had a replacement made, which is why our Pearl didn't recognize her.
pearl parties typically involve live music (i think angelite would serve as the main "musician race" because angels play harps, but if you have suggestions for other musician gems, i'd love to hear!), movie showings (any gem can be an actor, but typically they use obedient gems from a very abundant race or high ranking gems who basically pay for their roles), as well as friendly chitchat and possibly jade massages? yeah.
as for how the pearls act, it really depends on their owner. however, since CG pearl was WZ's, the others would probably treat her really well because they know of the power her owner holds. pearl, i think, would be a little flustered and embarrassed by attention, but it's good to be able to dance and show artwork without having to worry about being blatantly insulted
"You took away everything I had!" Apatite felt his throat tighten, feeling himself tremble. "What more do you want from me!? My position, my friends, Topaz-whatever you want, you already have it! You knew I never stood a chance against you for any of this-"
"That's the sad part." Shifty interjected, leaning over to stare into the other's eyes. "You did once." "It was your decision to let the chips fall where they may. It's your own fault you lost everything."
{Topaz Comic} "THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING ELSE WE CAN DO FOR HIM!" "He will still suffer! Even if there was a way to make him docile in this state, he'll still be in agony. Putting him down is the only humane thing we can do for him right now."
"You can't get hung up over that! I know he's your best friend, but its cruel to let him suffer!"
Comics: hmmm... topaz with a cracked gem undergoing some severe deformations? given his size, there's plenty to work with :Uc and if you dont mind more suggestions, you could do like a small sidecomic where red coral has to stall apatite outside the infirmary/emerald's room/wherever topaz and emerald are and apatite is getting increasingly frustrated "why won't you let me see him!?"
bumblebee agate, dragon's vein agate, fire agate, olive fire agate, montana agate, moss agate, cotton candy agate,
and the bonus panel(s) are" Everyone comes out of their trance-IT WAS ALL RED DIAMOND'S DOING!! Everyone just tackle-hugs Topaz, he had no idea what made them so upset FLASHBACK ON WHY SHE DID IT:
-Apatite disturbed RD to deliver a message and didn't apologize enough -Red Coral beat one of her Red Corals in a tournament and got catty about his victory -Angel Aura crashed into Red Zirconia while flying, helped them up and flew off, no apologies. Got lost in thought, didn't realize. -Emerald: UFOLOTUS: maybe he was fixing up one of the Gems in RD's Court, and he came off as rude to them, so the Gem tattled even if Emerald wasn't actually being rude, when you're a patient undergoing surgery, anything the doctor says can be taken the wrong way
Story/comic/blog/misc Titles
From the Moon With Envy
Lost Hope (in?) Bunnies
a Boy With Perfect Stars
Hope against Oceans
Stories of Caring Days
Meet my Zombie Beauty
Songs and Scenarios for Blights: Stamp on the Ground: Blights dancing! River Flows In You: Blights relaxing with each other, maybe one looking out into the distance and thinking about someone. Futari no Harmony: Blight Duet To All of You: Blights on a trip You're Going Down: Blight turf war Low: Clubbing Blights Here I am: Baby Blight and his Mama Circle Backwards: Ostracized Blight Your Heart Will Lead You Home: Sad Blight remembering all his friends I need some sleep- Blight is an insomniac Davy Jones: Blight remembering a tradegy My Heart Will Go On: Blights on the beach Got Well Soon: Nightclub Blights Tubthumping: BLIGHT BAR BRAWL Nigram Clavem: Blights in a spooky church Lone Digger: Basically the video but with Blights Every Time We Touch: BLIGHT FLASH MOB MEME Mountains: Blight autumn trip Santa Monica Dream: Sad homesick Blight Boats and Birds: Mama Blight and her babies Turkish Pop: Dancing Blights Die Young: PARTY BLIGHTS Come Wayward Souls: Blights getting scared by the Beast Party Rock: Teen Blights Adam's Song: Lonely Blight
notes on next gen 
Sebastian descendent:  Jasper: Red eyes, Dark brown hair. He's more or less a shy kid who's interested in the occult, and thinks that summoning a demon is a fun idea.
Abigail': Margeret: Red eyes, dark brown hair, freckles Like her grandmama she's cold.
CIel's:  Caleb: Brown hair, blue eyes, glasses, mole on chin
Claude:  Webber: Redhead, yellow eyes, spider fangs Is a nerdy-ass kid who could talk to spiders, and hella hates his pun name when he realizes he's part spider demon. Life sucks for Webber.
Undertaker: Alexander Monica: Redhead, blue eyes, birthmark on arm, unusual Alexander is a descendant from Undertaker's first family, so he's got nothing special about him in regards to species. His great grandpapa also visits quite often. He finds him strange.
Gregory:  Tripp,  brown (dyed platinum blond) purple eyes, streak (hidden by hair dye) More into the punk aesthetic, Tripp inherited his great-grandpa's poliosis, something he doesn't like and tries to hide it with hair dye.
Edgar:  Brittany, blond hair hot pink tips, fashionable clothing, red eyes, The Pop Princess, latest styles are her thing. Call her a girly stereotype, but she's high-class.
Greenhill: Alice, blond, green eyes, toned She's into sports, though she hasn't considered cricket.
Bluewer:  Josh, dark hair, brown eyes, missing tooth Is a heavy slacker, and a great disappointment to his great grandfather.
Druitt: carbon copy of druitt
Lau: Poppy, brown eyes, dark brown hair, wavy hair Finds it funny she was named after a drug-plant, enjoys conversing with her great grandfather's spirit.
Bard: Brandon, hazel eyes, dirty blond hair, pyromaniac-science exploder Seriously don't ever hand this boy anything that can be set on fire because he will find a way to do it.
Mey Rin: Chu hua,  Red hair, hazel, nearsighted with glasses Sweet thing, likes to dance
Finny: Merriweather, green eyes, brown curly hair, daisy birthmark arm Likes to garden too
Tanaka:   Chika, teacher, forty, dark hair, brown eyes,  fighter, That sweet old lady that helps in the after school study programs? She can kick your ass
Hannah: Henry, Hannah lookalike, dress code breaker All the guy-lovers want him.
Alois:  Annie, black hair, blue eyes, very mature curvy
Timber:  All Girls Thompson: All Girls Canterbury: All Girls Triplet Cousin Catastrophe.
Ash:  Olivia, platinum blond hair, pinkish eyes, wing nubs, She's self concious about her wing nubs and doesn't wear anything backless.
Twitch Flutter Ripple Fold tightly Fidget Flap Angry
Flare Bristle Fluff up Ripple Beat Raise up Snap open Happy
Flutter Curl up Ripple Wave Flap During Battle Bludgeon Smack Bat Clout Whack Kick someone’s legs out from under them Snap someones neck (only for muscular wings like bat and bird wings) Problems that may come with having wings Poke out from under blankets and let all of the cold air in Stepped on Get pins and needles from being folded for too long Squashed on chairs/ in beds/ in crowded hallways Vulnerable in battle Molting (for bird wings)
I got all I could, and I know there will be some I forgot and will regret not posting.
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