#ALSO you can call him Joseph <3 it’s p much how his name is pronounced lol (it’s ee-O-sef)
peapod20001 · 1 year
pea I have big brain. you can totally trash this if you don't want it but-
idea. concept. ik you've always said ooo shirley does a ritual to get thomas and his sister back to a living state but I propose to you:
1. reaper shenanigans. if they can CAPTURE ghosts, then surely at least a very powerful one can do something like that?
2. the uhhh Russian name dude I can't remember. works in Shirley's circus. psychic. kind of lowkey a god. what if HE was something like. "oh hum yeah I used to rule over the domain of the dead and spiritual but I got tired and left <3" and. and maybe even that's why ghosts are runnin' around. he do a favor for the Shirles....
these are just brain blasts
You’re just missing oonneee other key player <3
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doomedandstoned · 4 years
Are You A Bible Basher?
~By Billy Goate~
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Art by J. Hannan-Briggs
Words from the Bible,
                      ...riffs from Hell.
This is BIBLE BASHER, a lumbering, sludgey beast of a death-doom band, drawing its fellows from Kurokuma, Archelon, Spaztik Munkey, and a band whose name alone intrigues me enough to spirit them out: Temple of Coke. The debut recording before us is 'Loud Wailing' (2020), just released last month on the Sludgelord Records Label and it's good stuff.
Chances are good that if you're unfamiliar with the band, you're waiting for the other shoe to drop: what's the agenda here? It bears mentioning that "Bible Basher" is an almost uniquely UK term. In the States, we tend to use the more politically acceptable (though still insulting) "Bible Thumper." Getting to the point: a Bible Basher is not someone who subjects the big black book and the pages there to beating, maiming, or otherwise spilling syrup on its Holy Writ nor turning its sacred pages into roll paper for a cheap high.
No, a Bible Basher is someone single-mindedly determined to bash you with their beliefs, clean across the head. You gotta get you on board with the whole worldview, the Last Days manifesto, the 3 steps to this place, the 5 steps to somewhere else, and however many more steps to the sanctuary doors. Usually, this evangelism has all the clumsy subtlety of a Jack Chick tract left on the Gas Station john. Sometimes it gets a bit more intrusive, like a manic street preacher with a megaphone or, more annoying still, a brainwashed politician determined to fence you into their highly selective idea of "God's Will."
All culture warring aside, it might surprise you to learn that I hold a great deal of respect for the Bible and believe it has an important role in developing our understanding of what makes human beings so fundamentally religious. The Bible is just one expression of people's religious and spiritual identity, of course. There have been many volumes written, by the gods it was said, attempting to reconcile the real and the ideal, time and eternity, the drab and the divine.
All fancy preambling aside, I wonder why more bands haven't gotten into the Bible and other sacred/profane lit, you know kinda breathing new life into old words? You have to admit, the concept is fascinating and the medium of expression surprisingly fits the unsparing nature of the content.
Perhaps afraid of appearing sacrilegious or being denounced as a Deicide wannabe, bands have just decided to walk away slowly. That or they don't even know how truly bizarre and sometimes brilliant the Bible can be. True, there are bands like Trouble/The Skull who have adapted Scripture into music, even succeeded in crossing over to a non-religious audience. Hell, The Byrds practically immortalized the words of The Preacher in Ecclesiastes back in '65 with that folk rock classic, 'Turn, Turn, Turn." Bible Basher are definitely onto a thing here.
Regardless of where you find a band called Bible Bash on the meter between "disgusting" and "fucking awesome, dude," they really aren't here to mock Scripture or Christians, not even to pronounce a value judgement. This is an artful attempt at retelling the stories of old, allowing us to gaze upon their vision.
So Samson Sang
Loud Wailing by Bible Basher
Out of all books, The Bible is perhaps most prized for its collection of ancient stories, many of which become embedded in our collective consciousness over time (if not the unconscious mind itself). The tale of Samson, for instance, is practically universal (Hercules, anyone?). Bible Basher invoke its powerful imagery for this Rage against the Philistines opener. The bulldog gruff of "So Samson Sang" suits the song unexpectedly well. Perhaps the impact is greater because we feel the punch of each word, measured and metered, calculated to leave the most indelible impact.
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Simson verslaat de Filistijnen met een ezelskaak (1562) by Cornelis Massijs
Loud Wailing by Bible Basher
You'll never hear the anguish of Job expressed with as much weight as you will in "Burning and Blackened," for example. And the death-mongers among us, you'll enjoy the swirling storm of blast beats that "Plagued" stirs up and whips around Egypt, 10 plagues in all it is said. As this topsy-turvy number swarms along, the song feels like it's burrowing itself deeper and deeper into the ground in a crazed hypnotic dirge, as if seeking some relief from this madness of rivers turned to blood and a head full of lice.
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Seventh Plague of Egypt (1823) by Martin John
Burning and Blackened
Loud Wailing by Bible Basher
I'm really digging the Middle Eastern vibe of "Burning and Blackened," on the tape's flip side. I could all but feel the cool of dawn and that first burning lick of the sun's rise. As a die-hard doomer, it won't surprise you that I marked this my favorite song of the experience. The way this grand skeleton of chords suffles about had me thinking of Iowa City's Aseethe (I hereby wish an Aseethe-Bible Basher tour upon the world come 2021).
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Job and his Friends (1885) by Gustave Dore
Sodom & Gomorrah
Loud Wailing by Bible Basher
By the time we reach "Sodom & Gomorrah," we're battered, basted, and baked, ready for a fine finish to this four-course nosh. The vocals seem harsher than usual this time, but you have to understand that's the prophet divining judgement upon the most infamous twin cities of history (we find out in the interview to follow that there are multiple vocalists).
The whole song's got a nice, chewy groove to it. Plenty of meat on them bones. The lyrics consist of nothing more than the Bible's words, adding as much expressive liberty as death vocals will allow. The thick, smoky atmosphere of this whole song gave me flashbacks to 71TONMAN's "Phobia" and Old Man Gloom's "Procession of the Wounded."
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The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by Jules-Joseph-Augustin Laurens
If I've any gripe with Loud Wailing, it's the runtime. Okay, yeah, sure, it's appropriate for an EP, but I can't shake the feeling that this is actually more of a teaser for something even grander in scope. Perhaps this is a toe in the water for the band, to see how people respond? Well, it's enough to reassure us that this sound and subject matter is poised to make some mighty big footprints.
Heck, I'd do the whole Bible book by book, if I was in their shoes. 66 in all, right? No problem. Okay, 73 if you're Catholic, 78 if you're Eastern Orthodox. Whatever, bonus editions. Works either way, 'cause you've got a guaranteed record deal and freaks like me to follow you wherever this piper lures. The band can break up from the repetitive bore of the long-ass genealogies in Leviticus and Numbers, but then reunite again to take on Deuteronomy.
All kidding aside, the dramatic potential of this collaboration is unreal. Bible Basher's debut is a promising record that presents tantalizing artistic possibilities (perhaps even with a roving collective of performers). The EP wears well on its own terms with repeated listens and I never found myself disinterested, even for a moment. Loud Wailing is the brutal dawning of a New Age in dirty grunts and dank riffs.
Give ear...
Loud Wailing by Bible Basher
An Interview with Bible Basher
By Billy Goate
Intrigued by this hulking beast shrieking out in my backyard, I had to move in for a closer look. Following is my conversation with band member Joe E. Allen, who most of us know from Kurokuma and gives us insight as to who Bible Basher is and what the band is up to.
Would you be so kind as to give me some background on the band, how you guys ended up coming together, basically the whole history?
Tich has recorded and helped produce most of the Kurokuma releases up till now, most of which you've heard or written about. Tich mostly makes electronic music and is pretty well known for it, but he was also in a band called Temple of Coke back in the day. Daft music with two guitarists and no bassist. Some big riffs in there.
They stopped doing much after one of the guitarists left Sheffield, but Tich still had a lot of riffs lying around. Obviously, he used to come to a lot of Kurokuma gigs in Sheffield -- and even saw us in Japan -- so he felt like getting back on writing some big guitar stuff and asked me if I'd give him some input. Over the course of a year or so we just reshaped those old riffs and added plenty of new ones and as we progressed it just kept getting bigger and heavier.
What's up with the name? You've got pretty distinct religious themes (love the motto). I come from a strict religious background myself (preacher's kid). What are your own backgrounds relative to the themes you explore?
I've always thought that some of the stories from the Bible, especially the Old Testament would make for perfect concepts in heavy metal. Unrelatedly, one day we were sitting around and Tich said let's call this Bible Basher -- it just came out of nowhere. I agreed, it just seemed to make sense. Here in the UK it's what you get called if you go to church, it's an insult. I had a really Christian upbringing with my dad being a vicar, as well, so was very into all that when I was younger.
Plus I went to a religious school, so I've definitely been called a bible basher quite a bit. It's actually taken me a while to remove that whole paradigm from the way I see reality, but that's another story. Tich wasn't like me in that aspect, but he did go to a religious school, as well. At this point, I think we're both not massive fans of organised religion, but that doesn't mean we're not into philosophy and more celestial concepts. We've both read quite a bit of things like Manly P. Hall and The Kybalion. We didn't wanna make a "statement" on anything with this, though. Just wanted to present it "as is."
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I'm sure we'd all love to know how the individual tracks came together. The single on this one was "So Samson Sang," which met with some pretty positive reception.
I know the Bible pretty well and it wasn't too difficult to find concepts for the tracks. "So Samson Sang" was the first one we did. The lyrics are: "With a donkey's jawbone, I made donkeys of them. With a donkey's jawbone, killed a thousand men." And then "I have slain, heaps on heaps." They were from the book of Judges, when Samson slaughtered loads of Philistines, pretty much taken straight off the page. It was that easy. We got George in to do the vocals, for obvious reasons. We sat on the track for a bit and sent it round a few mates and everyone was like, "This is sick," which made us want to finish up the other tracks, which already were mostly done.
The other three tracks all came together in one night. We basically asked three mates from other bands to come over and figured out concepts for each of them. It was good to get their input and it was pretty collaborative. I think they all enjoyed being given a bit of a brief to work within and we were buzzing to end up with four different vocal styles for each track. So on track 1 you have George from Kurokuma, then on track 2 you have Bing who used to be in a thrash band called Psython and can obviously do the really fast/rhythmic thing and his death growls were just spot on. That track ended up sounding like Pig Destroyer or something to me. Obviously, it's about the ten plagues of Egypt and the fast/swirling nature of the riffs just seemed to fit.
On track three, we have Craig from Archelon and Holy Spider, so I know him pretty well. He did more of a Neurosis style on the track about Job. That one starts off with a zurna, which is a pipe from the Middle East area. There's a spoken word section in the middle, a conversation between God and Satan. I actually only realised what this was when we were going through the Bible for the lyrics.
God calls all his angels together, Satan being one of them, and they get into this conversation where God is saying he likes Job and Satan is saying if his life went to shit, I wonder if he'd still worship you. So God is like, "Okay, go for it." It's stuff like this that fascinates me. I think there's a fairly deep message to be heard in that if you read into it, but most Christians won't. As a text of folkloric wisdom the Bible is pretty meaningful to me, but most Christians don't treat it in that way in my experience.
And then we have the demented squeals of Chris from Spaztik Munkey doing the voice of God on track four which is about Sodom and Gomorrah. It worked out well that the ending riff fit perfectly with the syllables in the phrase "Sodom and Gomorrah."
In general, this release was a right laugh to work on. The songs just came together and it was good for us all to collaborate on something outside of our normal bands. And the response has been mega positive so far. Aaron sold out the first 50 tapes in three days so we're already on the second batch now.
Get Their Music
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Rocketcases Goes Retro With Gameboy And Nintendo Controller Scenarios For IPhone Sevens.
These manuals are actually much more than simply home windows into exciting spots and loveable personalities. The boy claimed he was self-conscious" and also daunted" due to the happening as well as now spends lunch breaks in the collection to stay away from being actually aggravated by classmates that have actually seen the photo Rakesh satyal has written a great, fascinating, heartbreaking/heart-lifting account from the maturing of a 12-year-old queer indian-ohioan (second age: the parents arrived to the US as grownups) young boy. The Video game Kid online video reveals Davenport using his Equipment Live smartwatch as well as a Moga Pocket Controller to play video games like Pokémon, Tetris, and Super Mario Bros One of men, significantly, that frustration is actually taking the form of impotence Last year, sexual psychoanalysts at Nottingham Teaching hospital informed our company there are currently as numerous English males in their adolescents as well as twenties with erectile dysfunction in comparison to men in their fifties and sixties. While guys can still offer input, if your viewpoint contravene a lady's, our company ask that you perform certainly not downvote or abolish her response. Boys mature much more slowly than gals and also females possess more of their cortex determined for spoken functionality. The scary produced due to the picture of Omran echoes the uneasy international action to photos of Aylan Kurdi, the drowned Syrian kid whose body system was actually located on a seaside in Chicken. However while Risky Women is understood for its own variations as well as delights, Dangerous Children had another path and went for characterization. The story entails 2 various crammed pets along with crazy labels as important parts from proof. Teun, pronounced like something in between load and listen English, is one of the most prominent kids' titles in The Netherlands, regular with that country's desire for short, straightforward names. As long as I yearn for straights to join our team in initiating an endure alternative from sexual liberation, I comprehend that change takes a while and that with the help of an entire number of exciting terms (think: religion, sexism, patriarchy) this's not as effortless for all of them to take part in sexual activity the manner in which gay guys in the past have. Due to the fact that males are viewed as non-reusable ... which's something that manifests in even more compared to only particular solution. Sadly, Frances conceived due to the statutory offense, as well as that is suggested-- though not specified outright-- that this resided in large part this confluence of instances that triggered Frank's ruthless persecution from Boy. Joost Leunissen, among the research study's writers, remarked: This offers evidence for the hypothesis that gender differences in inter-group conflict could possess an evolutionary source, as just males appear to profit from showing gallantry." Translation: regardless of having actually gone on from our cavern period, males still rack up points by striking each other with stones, while ladies are actually expected to swoon. Lecturer Alan Smithers, supervisor from the Center for Education as well as Job Analysis at the College from Buckingham, mentioned gals started college along with somewhat better spoken capabilities, while young boys began along with a somewhat better knack for maths. In the very first phase from the book, Young boy dives from 1st person to Second person in order to describe her home life and then in the first chapter of the Second part from guide, Bird also jumps viewpoint (First person to 3rd individual) for a couple of webpages to define herself. The kid was actually stopped in Broken Hill, a separated mining area in the far west of country New South Wales, on Saturday early morning. It is greater than a many years due to the fact that the marketplace got out of bed to the possibility that males which review their girlfriend's glossies in the toilet could be prepared to dish out for something primarily customized to their very own demands. She was perhaps my favored cousin because of her connection along with her best friend George. The title from Wiseman's article is Everything you understand about young boys and also computer game is wrong". It might believe a little outdated right now, but Match Nightclub was actually the embodiment from male agony when that was first launched. He runs off leaving behind Child (who has obtained enchanting energies after waking up Nesfastax), to pursue him by means of the Palace from Magic (hence nitty-gritty). Concerning a Child is actually an uproarious, simple read that is actually ideal to cuddle up along with around Christmastime. A teen female named Elegance, who was actually raped, but nobody feels her and a teen boy called Ian, which is bestfriends along with Zac, the rapist. Kids were initially said to the kid had left behind as well as a brand-new woman had actually arrived, but at an exclusive installation the head instructor, training class educator as well as the pupil's special needs instructor appeared to realise the youngster would certainly be actually acknowledged. After your very first short play-through ends, you're nudged to get back in as well as observe what other experiences await-- as well as certainly, the Brothers Beard can take other roads and also uncover more remarkable factors. The warden is truly using the boys to seek graft submerged by Wild West hoodlum Kissin' Kate Barlow. From all guides I've reviewed that deal with rape as well as sexual assault( which I admit is actually few) I believe Some Boys is my preferred. I'm only a specific person that feels guys and also ladies ought to possess equal opportunities. As well as there is actually no one pathway: You might end up Burly Gentlemen mixed-up in around 30 minutes and think, That's this?" This is actually a fair inquiry. He found the co-operation of the proprietors from the best personal fine art pictures in the country: J. Going Here , Holly C. Frick, Joseph E. Widener, George W. Elkins, John G. Johnson, Charles P. Taft, Mrs. I loved the whole principle from observing 3 teenage gals on their summer season quest for kids. I assume a bunch of people have been trying to modify your thoughts about regardless if feminism benefits men today. The writer so strongly records the world through which you live, thus skillfully coats her enhancements, that it's additional real compared to the others. Others appeared surrendered to their location in life as well as appeared to approve that they were less apparent to guys on a daily basis. Overall, this book was actually a (sci-fi) glance at a worst-case circumstance, in a planet where modern technology ends up being thus sophisticated that this activates mankind. Initial perception propose Ash is an usual young boy but there are tips dispersed via the tale to presume Ash is even more special compared to even he knows. In a lot of the cafes, males rest consuming herbal tea and also checking out grainy images of young boys dancing. Well-written though there are a few locations where the expanded court hushes the vulnerable child. Probably that is since I haven't had good luck with the book nightclub options this year or even possibly because recently I've been actually becoming pickier along with how I judge books.
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