#ALT Boxmore
alt-ctrl-boxmore · 3 years
~ALT Art dump~
i just has a ton of art I wanna post but don't wanna do a ton of posts so here ya go. Its all concept art so they are/ or might change a bit over time. I donno yet.
I just really like the idea of a "Hot Husky" Boxman because you don't see enough of him in such a light.
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Its not as clean as most of my Art work is because of my art tablet messing up. But anyways this is the basics of it all right now.
[ All art is by Me]
[Do not repost art outside of Here without Credits and Permission!]
[Do not steal the art please, or concept I work hard on this stuff ;w;]
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moi-bento2 · 3 years
~ Moi Moi Info ~
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~! A bit About me !~
- My name is Moi Moi or Maddie for Formalities!
- 21 yo | She/Her/ - They/Them | Pastel Fluff Girl | Leo
- I am the Professor Snake | 🌸 @theshmeepking 🌸 | Is My Boxy
- Fav colors are Pastel Pink, Baby Blue, Soft Pastel Lavender
- Artist | Fanfic Writer | Anime Hobbyist | Scalar in Boxman-oligy
- My tags is #Moibento Approved & #redrawvenomous
- Wattpad at @MoiMoi_Bento | Archive Works Here
- My Side blogs are @umai-town and @alt-ctrl-boxmore
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Fandoms I am into!~
- Ok Ko: Lets be Heros
- Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss
- Demon slayer - KNY
- Homestuck
- Haikyuu!
- My hero Academia
- Black Butler
- Hetalia
- and much more!
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Likes and Dislikes -
- I am open to many things and ideas!
- LGBTQ+ Support
- Fandom trash, Crack-fic stuff
- My art and writings are my passion
- I am Tea over Coffee
- Grammar is a key to life
X I don't like hate, shaming, and deep emotional talk
X I do not talk Politics nor religion as both are sensitive topics
X Do not start debates with me, they are a trigger =n=
X If you have nothing nice to say then don't talk to me at all
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My Characters -
Maddie! - My IRL self View, Main 1
Leon! - My Alt Ego, He/Him Them/ They, Main 2
GiGi - My StarBucks Edgy Mama, She/Her IT
Sindy - My Lil Lolita Loli, She/Her
Ray - Leons Boyfriend, He/Him
Art by Me - All are made by Me - All represent me
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I also have Fan based characters for different fandoms and Animes! Such as My Ok Ko OC's or my KNY OC's
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~ Thank you to all my Followers and Fans!
~ And thank you for making it to the end of this Information Post! ~
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revelingrexan · 5 years
Flug thoughts before the ep
[inconsistent time stamps for links and stuff at bottom of post]
For fun, I want to share some ideas I’ve had centering around Dr. Flug before tonight’s episode airs. (Probably nothing of this will be touched on in the ep, but eh.) I want to learn more about what Dr. Flug’s deal is. He’s a terrifying villain but doesn’t seem to want to be at Black Hat Organization.
My main guess is Dr. Flug crashed into Black Hat Organization HQ — whether by Dr. Flug’s fault or by Black Hat’s intervention, who knows — and Black Hat threatened Dr. Flug to stay and pay off the expenses. But, instead of letting Dr. Flug leave after making the money for repairs, Black Hat is instead keeping him indefinitely, constantly threatening him with death. The “deadlines,” or most of them, all over Dr. Flug’s calendars might be written literally, although this may never be solidly confirmed and will have to just stay head canon.
However, Black Hat gives Dr. Flug access to many resources and probably indirectly offers protection, too, just by reputation, so Dr. Flug might be making the best of his situation.
How I came to this conclusion:
The airplane in the roof of Black Hat Organization and Dr. Flug saying he came to the organization “by plane”
In one episode, there’s a still image of Dr. Flug hastily throwing a bunch of books into a carnivorous plant to get rid of them. One of the books is labeled something like “The Complete Guide to Hijacking Planes.” (I unfortunately can’t find it now — I thought it was in the Q&A ep for some reason — and I’ve already spent much longer on this post than I intended, haha. I’ll edit and link if I find it.)
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Dr. Flug’s changing motivational animal posters (“Hang in there,” “Hope is lost,” “Hope is restored”) plus the yellow “Don’t try to run -BH” sign in both the “worst nightmares” machine short and around the end of A Guide for an Evil Conquest
Obviously Dr. Flug doesn’t want to be working for Black Hat. Or, at least it’s hard for him to be there.
Dr. Flug’s diploma
He graduated as a mad scientist from an institution run by Black Hat. So, we know he went out of his way to basically be a certified villain. (I’m interested in what Black Hat teaching villainy in an organized fashion, such as an actual school, means for the dynamic of this show’s underworld. But I doubt that will ever be touched upon, haha. I’m probably thinking too sociologically for a Cartoon Network show, but jeeeeez I’d like to see some sociology student or someone write a fic with this thought at least in the background.)
Another side note, I wonder if we’ll ever find out who the other person who signed the diploma is. You can vaguely see “Dr. Flug” under Dr. Flug’s circular signature, but I can’t decipher the other one. (“President Dr. Black Hatter”? Hahahaha no the first name has too few symbols where's the double strikethrough when you need it)
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Dr. Flug’s delight in the more evil aspects of his job
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He seemed too smug and happy threatening the Delightful Kids from Down the Lane, and he got really into threatening the Kids Next Door. And we can’t forget his often-fanarted threat to Mojo Jojo, even if it doesn’t seem like the injection had the desired effect.
I genuinely wonder if 5.0.5.’s name is intended as a low-key S.O.S. cry for help since one of my friends pointed out that adding periods between the numbers changes the name to nonsense. It doesn’t stand for the number 505 anymore.
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I really don’t know what to make of the 1921 photo, hahahaha, (Other than it being a reference to The Shining) and to what extent it works into the series’s lore. If it’s supposed to mean Demencia, Dr. Flug, and 5.0.5. have been with Black Hat for that long, then my idea falls apart because the plane in the roof of BHO isn’t of a design from that era. (But, then again, it wouldn’t be the first time a cartoon mismatches era designs for the sake of visual clarity or other reasons.) It really could be just a for-fun reference, but a lot of the “flashed for only one or a few frame” images seem to be important. Basically, I just don’t know, although it's so specific it seems most likely to just be a shout-out reference.
This was all just stuff I mentally put together and decided to finally write up in an organized manner. It will be fun to see what gets confirmed or disproven as I watch or read more theory stuff and more of the show is aired. I know I haven't caught everything from the show. (Like there's stuff about ones and zeroes from flag signals in the Boxmore episode, possibly a binary message, but I haven't looked into it. And Demencia's hidden message from Elmore doesn't seem directly relevant to this post, so I haven't discussed it here.)
Calendar with "DEADLINE"s at 0:27 above 5.0.5.'s drawing of him and everyone. There's also a still image of Dr. Flug in one episode panicking with his calendar in the background, also covered in deadlines.
"Don't try to run" sign at 9:15
Dr. Flug's diploma is in more than one episode, but I found it first in The Lost Cases of Elmore while making this post, first clearly visible at 1:56
Dr. Flug threatening the Delightful Children from Down the Lane at 10:05 and then the Kids Next Door at 11:35 Bonus, Black Hat's newspaper talking about the Kids Next Door going missing at 8:35 of the Q&A. WHAT DID YOU DO, DR. FLUG
Mojo Jojo trapped and getting threatened at 10:29, and someone asking about the effects of the injection at 4:36
The 1921 picture shows up around 0:58 during the static, after Black Hat pushes the Hat Bot back down and before the Cartoon Network logo shows up. It's only there for one frame or so.
The stuff with the ones and zeroes flags I've been too lazy to delve into is mentioned starting at 9:26 of this English fan video by Cartoon Universe
And one last thing lol: Dr. Flug is a mass kidnapper and I will not forget. (6:29 and confirmation that everyone is still inside at 10:48)
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scrawlingskribbles · 7 years
A Burning Question
Pairing: Radmond
Word Count: ~2,500 ((God bless~;;;;;;))
Warnings: Not this time, suckas~!! >:3c Like the tiniest tinge of angst for like 2 seconds but it’s 99% fluff overall I s2g BE PROUD OF ME--- x,3
A/N:  Finally finished the first part of the story based on that one dream I had~ Nothing too spectacular or fancy but I will love this alt!canonverse to my grave so it was really only a matter of time before I wrote this bc seeing that snippet on alternate-tv gave me Life lmfao~
Maybe this isn’t the best idea.
The thought crosses Raymond’s mind as he touches down on the balcony, finally slowing his pace for the first time since he’d left the Boxmore perimeter earlier tonight. It’s late—very late. He’d had to sneak out of the factory without letting anyone catch him—the last thing he needs is suspicion from his father or siblings—and he knows he shouldn’t be here for plenty more reasons than just breaking curfew. But he’s had a question burning white-hot in his chest for so long now that the heat of it straining in his core has actually started to give him malfunctions—and not the kind that can be fixed with a simple reboot. He needs an answer, and he can’t afford to wait any longer.
[~| Read Chapter 1 on Ao3 HERE |~]
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alt-ctrl-boxmore · 3 years
~ Cold Nights ~
~ Thinking of how Super Villain's react on Cold nights ~
[Voxman x Fem! Reader] Various HCN
Warnings - Slight NSFW, 18+ Minors DNI, Slight fluff, Dirty minds, Body warming, Alt-Story / Alt- Timeline, You are the Girlfriend, All for fun [banners by me, Shadowy Icon by @theshmeepking ]
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- PV being kinda a snake dose not like the cold AT ALL
- He is often found sleeping in under like 5 blankets with the heat on and he still be cold
- Fink HATES winter because PV jacks the heat up so high
- You soon learned Winter was a death zone in the Venomous household him and fink often fought over the house temperature
- You helped solve this problem by setting the house at a perfect 72*F for fink and you set heaters in PV’s office so he could stay warm
- You also sharing a room with him you learned how to sleep with 3 blankets on you Also, with him latched to your body at all hours of the night for your body heat was much more than his
- When you all had to move into Boxmans place it was a similar story...Boxman found it weird how bundled up PV would be just to walk around the house/Plant during the cold months
- At night Boxman had the temp cool because “apparently” Sleeping in the cold helped him out, PV HATED THIS
- You thought sleeping with him was bad at first, now he sleeps in thick PJ’s 3 blankets, and latched on to you all night
- You often found yourself shed of all ur clothes by morning because of how hot you were
- Oh but no matter how cold he was, he would always heat up in the mornings because of the view Totally not a evil plan he set up so he get freebes from you
- Morning Sex became a regular for you two during the cold months of the year
- But as soon as it warmed up he was back to his normal Evil self
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- Boxman was not to bothered by the cold
- The estate would be the same temperature all year round a perfect 70*F
- Meaning you had to learn to adjust during the cold months
- Besides him you were the only other “living being” in Boxmore after all so if he was comfortable that’s it
- Poor thing could not cook worth his world, so you always made soup and so forth for the cold months
- He lived for your cooking, he found it sexy when you did
- Boxman would let you sleep in his shirts because they were big and warm during the winters, He also got eye candy when it came to you in his shirts
- As for sharing a bed with him, not much changed, you warmed each other like always
- you were a bit taller than him, despite that he could always “spoon” and cuddle you in bed
- You often would wake up to him latched to your hips or with your head on his chest, keeping one another warm
- If you were in his shirt however, some mornings would be friskier than others
- You both tried your hardest to wait till late nights when all the bots settle down but that was not always the case
- Your winters and summers were alike and that was the magic of living with Boxman Everyday was similar but never the same
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alt-ctrl-boxmore · 3 years
~Changing it up a bit~
Hello, It is I Author-Chan.
I have thus decided to change things up a bit for the sake of my content. Pastel Boxmore has now converted to ALT Boxmore~ [there will still be pastel posts, I just wanna open my range a bit]
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This being stated, This blog will become a range of Ok Ko themed posts. Revolving around the idea of a ALT reality. Such as Art, Icons, Fics [fan storys, Reader inserts maybe?], and a Ask page! I might do more? i donno yet... I think mainly a art/Ask page probably.
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And I [as a artist] Will most likely post more art than anything else. I want this page to mainly be devoted to my ALT-Boxmore AU I created. [hints the new icon]. I will be doing an explanation post hopefully soon explain the concept, story, and how it affects the timeline and Conon Universe.
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Thats pretty much it really! owo [all art made by me/ @moi-bento2]
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scrawlingskribbles · 7 years
I still have so many thoughts/questions about the alt!Rad-Likes-Robots dream tho, including but not limited to:
Where the heck was Boxman this whole time???? If it’s like some kind of robot-building-villain meetup/social event that the Boxmore bots have been going to for a while, why wasn’t Boxman there with them?? I’m assuming he has to know that it’s a thing that happens if Darrell/Shannon/Jethro always end up getting smashed, but like?? C’mon Boxman support your kids danggit.
Which also makes me wonder how they even found out about this whole thing in the first place then lmfao. Did the others use to go before Raymond got there? Or was it like something that happened only after he joined the family??
I love that Raymond is just. casually carrying his silbings’ smashed parts piled up in a cardboard box at the end. Taking them back to Boxmore for... what?? Spare parts?? Making sure no one else gets a hold of Boxman’s technology without paying for it first????
Which then goes back to the previous question of if the others used to go before Raymond came around (and presumably all still lost) then what happened to the parts then??
I adore---a d o r e---that they include Jethro???????? Like there’s no way he’s probably any kind of good at actual battle like that but they still let him come along & be included????
Where the HECK was Mikayla then???????? (Maybe this clashed with her human!time meetup or something? Or maybe she just doesn’t like the robot fights lol hmmm~)
Guess Ernesto isn’t a fan of it either, or he’s too busy with other work to join? He probably enjoys the rare downtime & quiet of not having the younger kids around lmao
Also: Darrell’s backpack lmao. Why did there just conveniently happen to be a random Rad-sized cloak in there?? Why did he even have it?? What else is inside there????
I needa know who Ches’s creator is so that I can thank them personally for saving my life????????????????????
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