gnomeyflamingo · 1 year
✮ The Cursed Tea-Party ✮
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After leaving the auditorium, Atreo runs home and hides in his room. He leaves all his social bunny messages unread and cries himself to sleep. Soon he starts to dream...
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Atreo: *startled* “Huh, what-Where am I? Is this…ugh.”
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Atreo: “By the Gnomes, it’s Forgotten Hollow again. I’m dreaming. It’s the Watcher. Arghhhhhhh, I bet they want to gloat.”
*hears cackling and talking somewhere close by*
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Velvett: “The protagonist approaches. He’s resentful, looking to shift blame.”
Atreo: “Wait, who-”
The Obsessed Simmer: “-are they?”
The Watcher: “These talented ladies are Watchers in their own regard. People should check out their content."
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Atreo: “Ugh whatever, you-”
TOS: “-ruined everything!”
Atreo: “That’s so-”
TOS: “-annoying!” *snickers evilly*
TW: "I barely did anything child… I’m sorry about his rudeness, I’ll upload him to the gallery so you can punish him accordingly."
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VelvettB: “I might just use him for a hardcore Rags to Riches vid. Maybe Good vs Evil…”
TW: “Still too merciful. You should make him -really- suffer. He deserves it. Such a bad friend and a cheater now too. How about an ‘every single Sim death’ vid?”
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Atreo: “QUIT TALKING NONSENSE! This is your fault, you wanted me to complete the challenge! You made me-”
TOS: “-betray the love of my life.”
Atreo: “Argh!! How do you know-”
TOS: “-exactly what I’m going to say…? We’re doing a whole Norns from Kratos thing, can’t you tell?”
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Atreo: “What? No! What even is that?!”
TW: “Please Atreo you’re embarrassing yourself and more importantly me. It could’ve been worse. Plus you enjoyed yourself-”
treo: “I didn’t… I-”
TOS: “-I hated every second of it… Pft, sure you did.”
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TW: “Oh but I saw the want you rolled…”
Atreo: “What want?”
TW: “To kiss Zehra. I loved the timing, you rolled it just as you were locking lips with her triplet sister.”
Atreo: “No!”
VB: “The Atherstone heir lies. Despite his high charisma skill, he’s not very convincing.”
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Atreo: “I wouldn’t! Not-”
TOS: “-with Zehra! She’s insane! I’d never, you’re a liar.”
VB: “The protagonist is in denial, unwilling to accept his feelings. How unhealthy.”
Tw: “I’d say. We need a therapist game pack or something.”
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TW: “I’m enjoying the drama though. You did well, keep going and you’ll complete your aspiration in no time.”
Atreo: “What if I don’t want to? What are you gonna do? Kill me? Because you can go ahead! You ruined my life already, I don’t care anymore!”
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TW: “Oh my child, there are far worse fates than death.”
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VB: “And so the protagonist decides to abandon reason and embrace stupidity."
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TOS: *Amused laugh* He’s such a fool! It almost makes me want to stop reading his thoughts.”
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Atreo: “Then stop, get her out-”
TOS: “-of my head!”
Atreo: “Ughhh! But seriously what’s the point of existing-”
TOS: “-if you’re constantly forced to do things you don’t want to do?”
Atreo: “Make her stop!”
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Atreo: “I can’t deal-"
TOS: “-with it, it’s so annoying!”
Atreo: “ARGH, SHUT UP! You weird skull faced hag!”
VelvettB: “Er what did he say…?”
TW: “Atreo! NO! If you upset The Obsessed Simmer she’ll-”
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TW: *Sigh* “Too late.”
TOS: *whispers and transforms* “Avenge me….”
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Atreo: “W-what, she turned into a dragon toy?!”
VelvettB: “Look what you did!”
TW: “I’m so disappointed in you. Hag? Seriously? She made our sexy gothic outfits, she’s a CC queen and you will respect her!”
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VB: “Rude and arrogant, the Atherstone heir made a grave error. Now he must face the wrath of the Watchers.”
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TW: “You ruined my tea party. Don’t you realise how much effort it took for me not to cancel last minute? I am so anti social.”
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Atreo: “I’m… sorry?”
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TW: “You should be. Now we float into the sky and t-pose ominously.”
Atreo: “But… But why?”
TW: “We could tell you but we know you won’t listen to us.”
VB: “And thus the dream sequence ends with the protagonist struck down by a mysterious curse…”
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Atreo: *wakes up* “What!? What curse?!”
*newly appeared dragon toy stares silently and sinisterly at Atreo*
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Atreo: “Oh… Oh no… What’s going to happen to me now?!”
To be continued...
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