agirlwithachakram · 1 year
every time I try to find good mods for bethesda properties the listicles are always
1. MASSIVE COMBAT OVERHAUL. Are you tired of dying 50 times an hour? This is the mod for you. With PenisPaladin’s Killer Death March mod, you can die 500 times an hour instead!
2. and add on a survival mode to Killer Death March. if you don’t drink water at all times and find a safe place to piss it out, uhhhh die!
3. Ambient Atmospheric PC Murderer Mod. This mod sure would look cool if you had the latest NVIDIA graphic card, even though the game was made fifteen years ago. Don’t try it on a three year old graphics card! Your computer will sizzle.
4. Bigger Deathclaws. ‘nuff said.
5. Unofficial Patch. If you don’t have this, nothing will work. Literally nothing.
6. Improved Character Models. The men are so grizzled you can’t see their faces anymore. The women’s skin is so dewy and flattened they look like Odo from Deep Space Nine with giant false eyelashes and Kardashian lips.
7. This cool added questline! We won’t be warning you it looks and sounds like it was written by a fifteen-year-old misogynist who is SO excited to use the word “bitch” and add strip clubs to the world.
8. Skip a main quest. (Note: this will probably glitch out and break your game!)
9. Cool Sword. cool sword.
10. You know how the UI sucks? Here’s a thing that works when it works but if the load order is off or it’s just being capricious, it don’t work. you’ll use it anyway. because the vanilla UI sucks.
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