hakogyi · 9 months
Hello~! Sending this on anon because I'm still a little shy about talking on this site, but I just wanted to let you know that I love your art so much! Your art has brought a lot of positive change to my life this year <3
Over the summer, I saw your beautiful art that you made for the-nameless-ramekin's fic and it really inspired me! Up until then I was just a lurker/passive enjoyer of the twst fandom. But seeing that kind of artistic exchange/connection really sparked something in me to be a little more brave/active in my love for fandom stuff. I made a tumblr and AO3 account, I started writing again, and I joined a discord server for the first time and made so many wonderful new friends! <3
I think what I ultimately wanted to say here is: Thank you~!!! <3 And I hope you have a wonderful new year~!!! <3
UWAAAA ANONN 🥹🥹🥹 thank YOU for sending this to me!! this made me really happy AA giggling and kicking the air rn
i'm really happy i had such an impact 😖😖 for years now my art has been nowhere near the level i want it to be at, and sometimes i feel like taking down my accounts because of that LOL... but at the end of the day i think it's more important that i have spaces to express myself and to find friends (and fellow artists) to share it with. and i'm glad you found those spaces too 🫶
so thank you (and the rest of thihablr) for allowing me to share this space with you guys! my art will only keep improving 🫡
anon if you ever want to you should totally send me your ao3 handle i'd love to read your writing 😚!! my fic reading grind never stops (<- browses twst ao3 every night)
have a great new year!!
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