skitskatdacat63 1 year
Omg wait speaking of my trip, guess what? We're gonna go to Salzburg for a day. What's in Salzburg? Red Bull Hanger-7. What's in Hanger-7? Most of the older V8 era RBs and STRs. What are my favorite F1 cars ever? The V8 era RBs....
And I finally asked my prof if there's a possibility I could dip from the schedule and go visit. And he said yes!!!!! Just that we gotta plan if out beforehand!!!! AAAAAAAAA
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isleofair 3 months
Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thank you so much to @saltedpin for the tag!!! 馃挋馃挋馃挋
3 Ships You Like:
Number 1 is of course FireSky!!! 鉂わ笍馃挏馃グ馃グ馃グ My most beloved, the only ship that ever got me to write fic 馃ズ They are beautiful and perfect and quirky and strong and so sweet and tender and fond of each other... They're a soft, fluffy blanket I want to stay wrapped in forever 馃ス
For number 2 I'll go with a flavor of the moment, Astarion/Tav, which is... weird, of course, because Tav is literally a different character for each person who plays the game, but it doesn't really matter, because the real ship I'm rooting for here is Astarion/Happiness. (Truly, it's Every Companion/Happiness, but Astarion stands out, along with Karlach) 馃ズ Loving curses to Larian and Neil Newbon for finally getting me to care about a vampire beau after I spent my whole life dodging them left and right (and I was in the Buffy fandom at 17, so that was some Matrix-style level of dodging, I assure you.)
Third and very honorable mention goes to Victuuri, because it has brought me SO much joy, and I probably should think about it more often 馃挋
First Ship Ever: probably something from one of the gazillion anime series that aired in Italy when I was a wee child. I think I may have answered this question once before, but there are honestly too many possibilities 馃
Last Song You Heard: Lovin' You by Minnie Riperton
Favorite Childhood Book: Asimov's robot stories, accompanied by a fair number of classics such as Heidi and Pollyanna... and pretty much every sci-fi or genre book my local library could offer for my age range, and for beyond my age range once I ran out of shelves in the kids' section 馃槄 I just loved reading A LOT, so most books were my favorite as long as I was reading them.
Currently Reading: Nothing really, which is very sad.
Currently Watching: Brave Bang Bravern, which is EVEN SADDER I HATE THEM SO MUCH FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK 馃槨馃槶馃槶馃槶
(Erm. Sorry.)
Currently Consuming: a theoretically healthy and fully nutritional oatmeal bar because I was really hungry but couldn't be bothered with actual food
Currently Craving: some real and lasting peace of mind
Tagging: mmmh, I do not feel like directly tagging anyone rn, so: if you've read this far, I would most certainly love to see you play along with this, so please consider yourself tagged! 馃挋馃挋馃挋
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skitskatdacat63 11 months
Okay finally posting my pics from when I went to Hanger-7 on Saturday July 1st !!
RB9 馃ス
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STR3 !!!
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Various Red Bull-Saubers(including Kimi's first F1 car!!!)
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Tbh I think seeing these cars was more surreal and insane to me than going to the actual race the very next day. I think it's because I'm more deranged about the 2010s than nowadays(for the most part), so seeing all these incredibly iconic cars in the flesh(especially ones like the STR3 and Hungry Heidi) was just unbelievable to me. And the fact that it's free entry as well??? Yeah yeah, feel free to waltz into our aircraft hanger, free of charge, and witness these spectacles of engineering 馃ケ
#as i said it was just super surreal to be standing next to those cars after seeing so many pics and watching so many vids of them#like ??? im standing next to seb's first gp winning car ????#im standing next to seb's 2nd wdc winning car rn?????#(ALSO OMG SEEING BOTH MARK AND SEB'S NAMES ON THE RB7 HEHEHEHE FOREVER IMMORTALIZED TOGETHER)#im standing next to *the* 13x race winner 4th wdc winning Hungry Heidi rn??????????????????#like the fact that they had (i think) 4 championship cars just there is insane to me#(also shhhhh i dont know which chassis they have obv so dont be like 'well actually!' to me)#no rb6 tho :( which is a shame bcs thats my fav rb car but god so many other favs so its okay#actually i think they had rb6 but in a different livery so i only have like one pic of it#but anyways i guess its also just more surreal than the gp bcs i was standing so close and getting to appreciate it all#whereas the gp was more of an experience and a really really insane thing to go to and experience rather than appreciate more finely ig?#but yeah do you guys like when i say ill post pics soon and then dont do so until 10 days later?#tbf i just didnt want to post them on the race wknd...but now its almost the race wknd again#btw they had some more cars. i think the rb10 and rb13? but the ones i posted are all my babies yknow#hahaha wait for my course we're supposed to write reflections(in german my god) abt some places we visited right?#and ill do them i swear i swear but like my brain was pretty useless at trying to write that much german while doing so much else#so the only one ive ended up writing was abt going to hanger 7 and how unglaublich it was and it was basically just a rant#omg also!! i have a pic w hungry heidi !!!! (and rb16b boycar ofc)#its so funny bcs basically until the day of i was unsure if i was going to see this alone bcs the guy who ended up going w me was unsure#so id just constantly daydream abt what it would be like to have to ask a stranger to take a pic of me with rb9#but luckily my friend did! but god no way was i leaving that hanger without taking a pic with at least one beloved#red bull racing#f1#formula 1#formula one#rb9#catie.rambling.txt#rb7#str3#rb16b
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