corvase · 2 years
do you have any tips on getting started with writing ? i have so many amazing ideas, but i feel like i have to organize and plan every single thing out before i write anything. plus i’m so new to this and worrying if i’m doing it right :( i feel like a fraud because i’m confident / experienced in my ideas but insecure / inexperienced with writing. any help is appreciated — love ur account tinu, and tysm ! ♡
thank u so much:( <3
FRAUD???? for feeling confident??? woah… give yourself some credit. it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been writing and there’s no such thing as writing right or wrong. as long as you’re writing you’re doing good :)
i’m gonna be honest— i don’t think there’s ever a time you’ll not be insecure about your writing, no matter how long you write ; that’s because the better we get, the more we hold ourselves to standards above where we’ve been. so because you’re improving, you start going “well… my writing isn’t that good right now” meanwhile it’s better than where you started whether you see it or not.
planning is good!!!! if planning is what works for you, then why shouldn’t you do it?
i found for my first and second act of my wip, planning helped. the planned version and the current version is nowhere NEAR the same thing LMAO but it helped me know what i wanted to get done and how.
point is planning is good. you should know where the story goes and if you feel the need to write it out, that’s great too :)
if you want help w planning, the writer abbie emmons on youtube has so many videos on it that are so helpful!
i hope this was helpful at all 😅 but i do want you to know that imposter syndrome is real and writers face it a LOT… it isn’t indicative of your talent or effort and it doesn’t mean your writing is any less good.
as for getting started with writing… as every other writer ever has said,…,,. just write! whether it’s writing nonsense or not. you can always go back and edit it and what matters is you have something there.
good luck with whatever project you’re working on— it’s a rocky road but i know you’ll get there. happy writing my love :) <3
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