corvase · 2 years
do you have any tips on getting started with writing ? i have so many amazing ideas, but i feel like i have to organize and plan every single thing out before i write anything. plus i’m so new to this and worrying if i’m doing it right :( i feel like a fraud because i’m confident / experienced in my ideas but insecure / inexperienced with writing. any help is appreciated — love ur account tinu, and tysm ! ♡
thank u so much:( <3
FRAUD???? for feeling confident??? woah… give yourself some credit. it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been writing and there’s no such thing as writing right or wrong. as long as you’re writing you’re doing good :)
i’m gonna be honest— i don’t think there’s ever a time you’ll not be insecure about your writing, no matter how long you write ; that’s because the better we get, the more we hold ourselves to standards above where we’ve been. so because you’re improving, you start going “well… my writing isn’t that good right now” meanwhile it’s better than where you started whether you see it or not.
planning is good!!!! if planning is what works for you, then why shouldn’t you do it?
i found for my first and second act of my wip, planning helped. the planned version and the current version is nowhere NEAR the same thing LMAO but it helped me know what i wanted to get done and how.
point is planning is good. you should know where the story goes and if you feel the need to write it out, that’s great too :)
if you want help w planning, the writer abbie emmons on youtube has so many videos on it that are so helpful!
i hope this was helpful at all 😅 but i do want you to know that imposter syndrome is real and writers face it a LOT… it isn’t indicative of your talent or effort and it doesn’t mean your writing is any less good.
as for getting started with writing… as every other writer ever has said,…,,. just write! whether it’s writing nonsense or not. you can always go back and edit it and what matters is you have something there.
good luck with whatever project you’re working on— it’s a rocky road but i know you’ll get there. happy writing my love :) <3
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so1are · 7 years
It is my birthday today and I want to say that I have never been so happy, not just because another wonderful year has passed, but because this year was one of the best years of my life! This was the year I chose happiness, and happiness chose me as well. This year I discovered kpop and my sweethearts exo, shinee, nct, twice, got7, bts and all the rest. Most importantly, this year I made so many beautiful mutuals who I also consider very good friends. I want to thank you all for being so kind and so wonderful. You have made me happier than you can imagine!
💕 @yut4s : My darling Mina you were my first mutual and my first friend on here. You are so sweet and your blog has been one of my favorites since the very beginning. I am so happy to have someone like you to love our nct darlings with! I was so excited the day you followed me, and I am still so happy! Thank you, I wish you endless happiness! 
💕 @suavesehun : Alyssa, most beautiful love of my life, to say that I love you is not enough to describe my feelings towards you. You are one of my most treasured friends on here and I am so so so lucky to have met you. You are so profoundly caring, your beautiful heart inspires me every day. I tell you this often, and I mean it 100%--you are going to change the world some day! I am always, always proud of you. Loving you is so easy, and it is as sweet as honey. Receiving your love always warms my heart, and I am so grateful. Your love for Sehun reminds me of all the goodness in this world, and it is the most beautiful thing to witness. Thank you, I love you, I am so lucky to have you! I wish you eternal joy and love that forever lights up your heart!
💕 @krge : Rose you are the light of my heart! You make me laugh every day, and bring me so much joy. The days I talk to you are the days I smile the most. You have such a beautiful and caring heart and I am so happy I met you. Talking to you about our beloved boys, our beloved shinee, is something I look forward to all the time. Shinee are my purest and most brilliant love, and I am so thankful to have you in my life to talk about them with. You always take care of me, and send me things to make me smile, and I don’t know how to thank you enough. On the days I was overwhelmed with work and school, you and shinee always cheered me up! Thank you, I love you so much! I wish you the brightest happiness!
💕 @soft-maknae : Dana you are my sweetest heart and greatest love. To say that I love you would be an understatement. Being friends with you brings me such joy, I can barely fathom it. You are the only person I trust to ever read my writing, and you have inspired me so much. I admire you, my sunshine, and I am so grateful for you. I am so proud of you and I am so proud to be your friend. Your happiness is my happiness. I wish you unbounded joy and a heart that only knows warmth!
💕 @ifyouloveher Laurel, my light! my darling love! Just thinking about you makes me smile so brightly. My heart nearly flies out of my chest whenever I talk to you, I am so happy. You are such a hard worker, and I am so proud of you for that. Thank you for watching the taemin xtra cams with me, even if it was just a couple times, every moment I spend with you is so precious to me. I wish you ease in all that you do, and a heart always full of light!
💕 @kwangie : My flower, Simone! Your blog has been my favorite since the very beginning. You are so funny, I cannot tell you the number of times I have laughed out loud at your posts and comments. You bring me so much joy, and for that I am thankful. You are so talented and inspiring, and even though I am older than you, I look up to you! Your love for Eunkwang is so beautiful, it shines like the stars above! I am always happy whenever I see that you are happy. In my heart, you and happiness are synonymous. I wish you infinite happiness, and infinite love!
💕 @moonycupid : My darling heart! You are so dear to me, and I’m so happy to have someone like you to talk to about chanyeol. You exude light and warmth and I am so thankful to have met you. I hope that you know only happiness for the rest of your days, and that no sadness ever touches your heart. I love you so much! 
💕 @softjoy : My honey, my heart! JM you are so sweet, you truly are the softest joy. I love your blog, it brings me so much comfort and happiness. I feel so calm talking to you, even if it is only briefly. You are so special to me, and I am so happy to have met you! I wish you happy days, and happy nights, and the softest, sweetest joy!
💕 @taemsgirl My prettiest blossom! My beautiful Destiny! You are so beautiful, on the inside and on the outside. Your love for taemin brings me so much joy, he is so lucky to have someone as wonderful as you loving him! I know that you work so hard, and it inspires me to work hard as well! You have big dreams, and I know that you will achieve them! I am always rooting for you, and I wish you success and happiness always!
💕 @ksoosluv: Sweetheart you are so strong and so loved. I know that you sometimes go through hardship, but I am proud of you for always persevering and holding on to what is positive and loving. How can such a loving and warmhearted person like you exist? You are such a sweet friend, and you will do great things one day! I know it! You inspire me, I wish you nothing but happiness and love! 
💕 @sefuns: Sweet Ayumi! We haven’t spoken in a while, but I am so happy to have met you. You were also one of my first mutuals, and my heart still does backflips to see that one of my absolute favorite blogs follows me. You are so creative and so talented, I am always in awe of your edits! I wish you endless joy and goodness!
💕 @305heaux My beautiful Sophia! You are such a radiant person inside and out! You are so, so kind and so caring. You emanate such warmth and love that it often takes my breath away. Though we have only been mutuals for a brief time, I still consider you a dear friend. You may not know this, but you make me smile every day. Your gifs are masterpieces and I am always in awe. I know that one day you will find love that will illuminate your heart in such a way that you forget every heartache you have ever had to endure. You deserve every happiness! I wish you love and never-ending light!
💕 @lovtaemin You are so sweet, it warms my heart! I love talking to you about books, you are so smart it brings me so much joy. Even though we only became mutuals recently, I am so grateful I met you! Thank you so much, my darling!
💕💕💕💕💕💕💕Again, thank you so much. Please forgive me if it was long, I only wish I could do more to show you all how much I love and appreciate you. If only you knew how much you all mean to me...💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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nettvnow-blog · 8 years
Joe Menconi | Blurred
Kyle Anderson and Joe Menconi are changing the way men do comedy, especially in the web series world. While the community is flooded with your typical bromance or asshole characters, Joe and Kyle bring humor in their flaws as they take on more exaggerated versions of themselves in Blurred. With season two premiering tonight, jump down below and see what co-creator Menconi has to say in our exclusive chat.
netTVnow: Where did the concept for Blurred come from?
Joe Menconi: Well Kyle and I are roommates. We have been wanting to make something together for a while and had a running Google doc full of bits and situations that kept coming up or that we simply thought were funny. We were going to just try and shoot a few sketches but said screw it and wound up going for the web series. On paper it was over ambitious and we were probably quite stupid for thinking we could pull it off. But we just wanted to make something we liked and that we thought was funny. It’s really just a heightened version of us in the show. We weren’t trying to change the game we just wanted to get out quality content and look to build on it. And also to have a link to send our parents so they knew what the hell we were doing out here.
netTVnow: What led you two, to working together?
JM: We actually both went to the same college (Indiana University) but didn’t know each other too well. I left after two years to do improv in Chicago while Kyle had been making comedy videos. Once I made the move to LA we had a lot of mutual friends telling us to connect. Like I said, we wound up becoming roommates and are basically brothers now. Like Ryan Seacrest and Carson Daly. But we found we had a similar voice comedically. Maybe it was delusional confidence but we felt like we had good chemistry that would hopefully read on camera. 
netTVnow: Is this your first web series, if so what were you surprised to find about working in that medium?
JM: I was in a small web series about a year and a half ago when I first moved to LA and again, Kyle had made digital content as well. I think we were surprised by how many web series were out there. It’s been cool finding this indie film and web series community. People are doing really cool stuff. It’s awesome that anyone can make something and it can be seen at any time. That of course can work the other way because it’s pretty diluted and hard to get your stuff seen. There’s a lot of bad content and a lot of good content. Which I guess is the internet in a nutshell.
netTVnow: All the episodes are great, do you guys have a favorite one? Mine’s definitely the first one when you do the handshake from Parent Trap!
JM: Thanks Michelle we appreciate that. Yeah ‘Double Date’ seemed to be the favorite. I think the first few and the last one were our favorites. But yeah the handshake was kind of an improvised thing on that day of shooting. We had just written down “montage” and when we got to it we felt like we had to do the hand shake. So two grown adult males tried to perfect it in their apartment in about ten minutes. But yeah we both grew up on the Parent Trap, Lohan version of course. Quaid is unbeatable in that.
netTVnow: I love that you guys can poke fun at the stereotypical guys that we often see on television, what was it like writing the script and putting this together?
JM: It probably looks slightly more intentional than it appears. I feel like for whatever reason that is a trend for guys in shows. Especially around our age. The idea that they have to look cool and always get girls. Which is absurd to me because that doesn’t happen ever. It comes off fake and dishonest when you see that stuff on TV. Unless you’re one of those hot LA guys with the jaw line and the dumb angled face, I don’t know who is that cool.
Neither of us play instruments we're not that dope. The thing I do like is we always are the ones that lose. We’re the butt of the jokes. It’s more fun to live in that space as dudes and also is more relatable. When we write, especially more in season two, we had fun trying to push us into looking more lame and failing harder. We really are two giant, harmless, dumb idiots. We’re always in our heads in real life. So we just tried to heighten that and call it out in the show.
netTVnow: If you don’t mind discussing budget, many web series often work with little to no budget, what was it like for you guys and how did that play a role into filming?
JM: We’re an open book, Michelle. See. That was a dumb thing to say right there. Sorry. But I think the biggest thing it does is force you to wear multiple hats and learn quickly. I think we both learned so much about how things are made from the two seasons we’ve done. We often change jokes on the fly and have to be cool with losing scenes or bits but have to know which ones we can afford to lose.
Problems always pop up. No matter what, it’s inevitable. It was a crash course in indie film making. And as stressful as it was at times it’s so cool to figure out how to work like that. We’re all friends. Our small crew is all friends too, so we enjoy that kind of collaborative process and all of us just trying to figure it out. We were working with a much bigger budget on season two. In fact, we had no budget for the first season, which was great but brought on a whole new bag of anxiety.
netTVnow: What’s your favorite part about web series?
JM: Being able to do your own thing and trying to make the type of show you want to see. There are no rules. It’s like recess in grade school. A lot of people think they know what you “should do” or say “this is how you make a web series,” which is kind of bullshit to be honest. Nobody knows exactly what they’re doing and it has to be true to the people making it.
We personally tried to not listen to that stuff. We really only have one rule - if we both think it’s funny, we do it. Again, it’s cool we live in a time where we can do this thing. We don’t have to just audition next to a bunch of people that are better looking, went to a better acting school than us. We can make stuff happen for ourselves. We trust what we’re doing and have a lot of fun trying to make people laugh.
netTVnow: What can audiences expect in the second season?
JM: For the ‘Joe’ character to be heavier. It wasn’t done on purpose but it’s just the truth. We’re very excited for this season. Working with a bigger budget this time around allowed us to shoot at some really cool locations. There’s a lot more meat to the episodes. They’re significantly longer and it allowed us to tell more of a story in each episode. You still get us being stupid we just were able to add cooler stories over that relationship. We also have some really awesome actors/actresses and comedians this season. People that we’re genuinely fans of comedically. In the first episode alone, you’ll see a lot of really talented human beings. And better looking people than us. So if you don’t like looking at our faces there’s more appealing people to watch. 
netTVnow: Will Kyle and Joe finally get girlfriends?
JM: Wow, we have so many threads to our show I don’t know if we can give it away! No, that’s of course not true. But I think you could guess most likely not. Kyle and Joe are still not ready for girlfriends I don’t think. We were able to show a few realer moments relationship wise which was cool. There’s also a lot more stuff about our relationship this season. We get in a confrontation in one of the episodes and it’s really hard hitting dramatic stuff. TNT type stuff. Blurred knows drama. And you can pull quote that.
netTVnow: Do you guys have any upcoming projects you can share?
JM: I am in a really cool short film that I should be able to see by February - March. I’m excited for it. It’s a very sweet and funny story called One More Thing: A Hoard Alone Story. I got to work with an incredibly talented writer/director named Amanda Kinchen. She’s awesome.
Kyle's currently in production on some hilarious sketches that he's been working on with another comedian. They'll be putting content out throughout the upcoming months. Additionally, Kyle and I are also doing a video series for a new nutrition/lifestyle brand called hustle up. We’ll be going into production on those after season two of Blurred is locked. And we have a couple things we’re working on and are hopeful for. But those are ‘maybes’ which of course means absolutely nothing in this industry.
netTVnow: Is there anything else you guys would like to add?
JM: Thanks for this, Michelle. I don’t think I swore once which I’m proud of and will make my mom happy. But yeah, no just watch our show. Please. Validate us. Season two premieres Thursday, February 16th on our YouTube channel, with a new episode every Thursday following that date with five total this season. I think people will really enjoy where we went with it. @blurredseries on all the socials. We will be continuing to put content on that channel following season two so please continue to check that out and subscribe or whatever we’re suppose to say. Alright, I’m done. Did I do okay? I feel like I talked way too much. Thank you again, Michelle!
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