casual-flower · 3 years
Ina I have been losing my mind over the ask you sent me I haven’t even been able to post it yet II just keep opening it and giggling like a crazy person. I wanted to try to return a tiny bit of the joy you brought me today and while I’ve never written Obey Me before I tired to throw together a little something for you and I hope you enjoy it!!! You’re such an important and talented member of our fandom and I think your amazing!! ♥️
The room felt stuffy. Ina felt like she’d been reading the same line repeated times and not retaining a single thing. Across the table from her stretched out and taking up most of the room was Beel. Also staring at his book his handsome brow drawn together as he was trying himself to absorb the work they’d been assigned.
Ina was distracted. Every time the words started to make the slightest sense Beel would shift in his chair or he’d glance up at her flashing one of his sweet and boyish grins. Everything would just disappear as she could feel a blush fill her face. “How’s your work going?” Voice warm and tinged with honey. Beel looked as frustrated as she currently felt letting out a breath as he run one of his giant hands up through his hair. “I don’t feel like I’m retaining anything.”
His short awkward laugh was enduring. Nodding as Ina pushed her book away her own giggles matching the deep baritone of his. “Same, this assignment is terrible.” Locking gazes they both freeze for a moment before each glanced in a different direction.
“Maybe we should take a break?” Biting his lip Beel fidgets as his eyes return to Ina’s. Nodding enthusiastically happy to agree to anything that allows them to spend more time together hopefully without the stiff silence. “How have your classes been going?” It’s sweet the way the large man shrugs trying to initiate a easy conversation. His effort appreciated by Ina as she struggles to think about anything but how pretty his eyes look in this light.
“Alright I guess, Wish we had less work.” Voice trailing off as Beel seems to light up in the middle of her explanation.
“I almost forgot, I brought us snacks to share. Would you like some?” Reaching down to the floor level, Ina giggles again as Beel slams a very full bag down on the table between them.
“That sounds perfect Beel.” Face glowing as she glances up at him, the demon grows bashful under her praise. Grinning widely digging out a mountain of treats.
“I wanted everything to be nice for you.” The heat evident on his cheeks at his small confession. Biting her lip hard Ina forces a smile when she in fact wants to squeal out loud at how sweet this man she secretly adored was being to her.
“Thank you Beel.”
OHHH Lea. Lea Lea Lea Lea. Lea. LeaaaaaAAAA
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^ this was literally me when I saw this kskwmdksmw. I opened my eyes in the morning and I WAS GREETED WITH THIS ABSOLUTE BEAUTY-
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I'm just so in awe and so grateful that I've just been unable to respond to this or function on this app for a few days akswkkdism2mfi,, IM JUST?????????? HEAD AND HEART FULL OF LOVE?????? 💕
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Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for writing this for me,, this is so sweet of you 😭💕💕
Being distracted from work is 100% accurate, I loved that ajwjekx,, and Beel is so sweet and cute in this! as always lolol
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I genuinely have no idea how to show you how grateful and happy I feel - but I really do! This is the sweetest, and it's so good! Thank you sosoosososososososososoosossosos much 😭💕
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