candypop-snowdrop · 1 year
Oh boy, paralyzed with fear rn bc job stuff
0 notes
mgrgfan · 7 years
Memory, part 5 (mini-fic).
Compulink system active.
Please, enter login and password.
Login and password correct. Access granted.
Accessing “GY-PLFU-LOG-1″ datafile…
Goncharenko Yevgeniy, personal bioresearch log.
Third stage.
09.01.425 AFE, 21:27
Liya is most certainly getting better. I like that. The work is still hard, though, but I’m getting a “window” tomorrow. What was the last time I’ve visited my dad? Good thing he works here, in the reactor complex, so, taking the monorail ride will be sufficient to meet him (and when I finally go on vacation, I’m going straight to the capital to meet mom).
EDIT: Apparently, there’ll be a new portion of nuclear fuel, loaded into reactors. I’ve managed to get security clearance for me and Liya, so, tomorrow we are going to go even deeper into facility than before! Gah, this line is SO awful...
[Attached files: personal observation and log datafile, general health monitoring datafile, optical and thermographic photos, full biological screening record datafile, Liya’s personal terminal activity log datafile]
Compulink system deactivated.
-                                                                                                                              -
*So, are we here yet?* - somewhat nervously asked Latias, looking around. Right now, they were in one of the deeper parts of the facility, where the nuclear reactors were installed. The sheer constant roar of machinery in the turbine hall was unnerving, but now, they were closing to the reactors themselves.
- Almost... - started speaking microbiologist, when the not very old, but well-built man stopped near them and gave them a wide, even somewhat scary, smile.
- Son? Hello! - happily said aged man, pulling Yevgeniy into almost bone-crushing hug. - So, how’re the things going up here, if you didn’t have enough time to write mails to your old dad Klim at least once a week?
- Very busy, - tried to defend himself microbiologist.
- Don’t say ‘dat, where you’ve learned to defend like this, I was the one teaching it! - laughed Klim. - So, where’s my granddaughter?
*I’m here,* - replied Liya, coming out of shadow, still slightly afraid.
- So, that’s it? You know, son, I think you’ve made a damn good job! - proudly said sort-of-grandfather of young Latias. - Don’t dare you think, that we, down there, don’t know a s... something! We, power engineers, know loads of things! I’ve heard she’s very smart for her not even a year! So, Liya, can you tell me, how does the nuclear power plant work?
*Nuclear power plants obtain the heat needed to produce steam to drive the turbines through a nuclear physical process. This process, called fission, entails the splitting of atoms of...*
- Enough, I see ya’ know this. I’m damn proud of my son and you! Ya know, I think you’ll, in time, make a damn good part of the staff up there, in one of the main Divisions, and you’re sure a fine addition to our family from now on!
*So... does me not being human...*
- Shut it at once and don’t say such a stupid things! Of course you’re my granddaughter! - announced Klim, earning some strange looks from his colleagues in process. - No, it does not!
- Warning, shift number 5 - come to your stations! - sounded an announcement from the loudspeaker.
- Time, - shrugged Yevgeniy’s father, then turned to his son and granddaughter. - So, do you come with me or no? I’ve heard you have all clearances, so, just try to follow my instructions and not do anything stupid, okay?
- Okay, - agreed young man and Latias at the same time, proceeding with Klim shortly after. After some walk and taking a ride on the elevator, they’ve found themselves in the long gallery with thick glass, which encirled the fuel storage hall. In one of the corners, there was an entrance to the cabin of parked electrical overhead crane, along with remote control terminal nearby.
- We’ll be loading full set today, and I’m the crane operator. Not that hard, actually. Or, - suddenly turned Klim to the Liya, - does my nice little girl want to try to use the electric overhead crane herself?
*I... not s...* - tried to reply shocked Latias.
- Don’t be afraid, it’s very simple - right stick controls the movement of the crane itself, left - elevation of the grabber and grab-release control, screen shows you the map of working zone and all the data you need. Don’t worry, the automatics will prevent you from crashing fuel rods into anything or like this!
- Come on, it can be once-in-a-life event! Do you want to regret it later? Even your dad rode the crane once, when he was fifteen! - continued father of Yevgeniy, not mentioning, that he got a severe reprimand from both superiors and his wife afterwards.
*Okay,* - decided to agree Liya, looking at the seat inside the cabin, turned, for some reason, towards her. - *What do I do now?*
- Take a seat and flick the switches, labeled S1 and S2. This will activate the crane and shift the seat into work mode. Afterwards... well, I’ll contact you, there’s an intercom system inside.
*Understood,* - replied dragon, disguised as human, doing as an old man advised. After two flicks, seat suddenly moved towards the very front of the cabin with a characteristic growl of low-speed engine, then shifted backwards a bit and turned around, giving a nice view on the work zone, while the doors behind her closed, cutting apart the cabin and the gallery, as well as protecting the against the air in the hall.
-                                                                                                                              -
- You’re sure about this? - asked his father Yevgeniy.
- Absolutely, I’ve let you control the crane back during the work in seaport, after all, - said Klim, taking a seat before the RC terminal. - From here, I can instantly override her controls, if she does something wrong. In fact, I can easily operate the crane remotely every time, it’s just that I prefer controlling it from the cabin.
- For thrill?
- For thrill, - agreed honorable crane operator, activating the intercom to crane’s cabin, - Shift the stick ahead, don’t be afraid!
Since the cabin was cut from the rest of the world by the double-reinforced protective glass and alloys, blocking the radiation and telepathy alike, they didn’t hear her answer, but the sound of engines and movement of crane told them more than that.
-                                                                                                                              -
“Wow,” - thought Latias, carefully pushing the control stick forward and hearing roar of powerful electric motors, as the entirety of machine started to move.
- Look at the screen. On it, you can see two points, one marked yellow, and one marked blue. The blue point is where you take the fuel assemblies, the yellow one - where you load them into refueling machine. When the refueling machine is operating, it’ll be marked green, but as soon as it’s empty and waiting for another supply, it’ll turn yellow again. Don’t worry - the automatic assist system will prevent you from colliding assemblies or mis-loading them. Move the crane to the stack of fuel, don’t be afraid!
*Okay,* - replied Liya, too concentrated on operating machine to notice, that her telepathy was not able to go beyond walls of radiation-proof cabin, which also blocked psychic abilities.
- Contact zone reached, - notified her computer, when the grabber was positioned right above one of the assemblies in the storage pool. She instantly released the right stick, stopping movement of the crane.
- Good, I see you’re in the right position. Now, open the grabber by pressing the lower button on the left control stick and then gently lower the grabber. As soon as it reaches fuel assembly, it will automatically grab it and lock, then raise itself to safe position. In fact, it shall also open automatically upon reaching the assembly, but better play safe.
This time, Liya did not attempt to reply, too concentrated on carefully lowering the grabber. Keen dragon eyes helped her a little, but the inertia of this thing and water refracting the image made it somewhat harder.
- Attention: assembly retrieval in progress! - finally announced automatic system, when the grabber locked onto a stack of fuel rods and rose up, although not leaving the water.
- Very good. Now, move the crane to the designated point and, as soon as you reach the contact zone, lower it gently. After the lower part of assembly passes the hole’s border, the automatics will take control and finish the procedure.
*Okay...* - telepathically “murmured” Latias, shifting the stick again and carefully passing the stack of the fuel rods through the small channel between pools and driving the crane all the way to the end of the second pool.
- Contact zone reached, - said the assist system once again, so Liya gently lowered the payload.
- Attention: assembly load in progress! - reported the automatics, when the gripper disengaged the fuel assembly got loaded into some machine on the bottom of the pool.
- One loaded into the transfer machine, 65 more to go! - sounded Klim’s voice from the intercom. Just as the Liya got horrified at the very thought of it, microbioligist’s father continued. - No need for you to finish this, though. Drive the crane back here, flick the S2 switch back to open the doors and exit the cabin, then let me take my place. Or you can press the red button, so the crane will drive itself back here. Wait, don’t do it - it’ll count as an accident.
Latias, which was slowly giving in to the realization of the sheer bizareness of the current events, had somehow managed to drive the crane back and exit it, allowing the rightful operator to take his place and continue the operation.
- My dad can be pretty weird sometimes, - commented Yevgeniy on it, seeing, how fast and professionally his father was driving the machine, loading fuel assemblies one after another.
*Maybe,* - agreed Liya, still somewhat shocked by what has just happened. - *So, what do we do now?*
- I suggest we get back to surface, onto test range, and you practice with your moves... your true form moves, I mean.
-                                                                                                                              -
- Aaand another Mist Ball. - said human, looking, how the fifth test dummy already was blown apart by the powerful Psychic move. - Is it your favorite attack?
*Of course!* - replied Latias, shifted into her true form and trying to commence sort-of-a strafing run, which was pretty hard, considering the not-so-big size of the range, - *No one but my kind can use it!*
- Okay, whatever. Are you satisfied yet?
*I am now!* - “said” she after blowing up the last dummy with Hyper Beam and melting a decent patch of snow around it, then slowing down and moving to Yevgeniy’ side. - *So, what do we do now?*
- Go home, I guess, - answered her human, looking at the wristwatch. - It’s almost night already, and I’ve got a lot of work tomorrow.
*Then let’s go!* - cheerfully agreed Liya, finally calming down Yevgeniy, who was still afraid worried her near-depression after the New Year disaster. Several minutes later, they’ve arrived into their quarters (though Liya was forced to temporarily switch from her form to the human one in order to pass through doorframes), then, after a small supper, each went to check their respective terminal.
-                                                                                                                              -
Compulink system active.
Please, enter login and password.
Login and password correct. Access granted.
Two new infomail messages received.
Opening message number one...
09.01.425 AFE, 19:49
Klim Goncharenko, Imperial Science Facility 9, Production Division, Underground Complex, Power Production Sub-Sector
Yevgeniy Goncharenko, Imperial Science Facility 9, Bioscience Division, Surface Complex, Extraregional Pokemon Study Lab.
Grampa’s musings.
Son, I’ve seen your girl, and, let me say it again, I’m damn proud of you. I’ve already phoned your mom and she’s very happy about it. Oh, and I also sent a small edutainment program to our little Liya Yevgeniyevna, which will teach her the basics of operating nuclear powerplant. Of course, I’m sure, that she’ll find something better in her life, but it’s pretty interesting to play and is good for overall development.
Your rusty old dad.
Opening the second infomail message...
09.01.425 AFE, 21:05
Vladislav Pobegov, Imperial Science Facility 9, Central Office, Underground Complex.
Yevgeniy Goncharenko, Imperial Science Facility 9, Bioscience Division, Surface Complex, Extraregional Pokemon Study Lab.
Look, Zhenya, I know you’re my favorite student and microbiologist, I know your great skills and achievements... but isn’t this going a little bit far? And I don’t mean putting just Lati into operating an overhead crane, transporting the nuclear fuel - I mean putting someone with zero experience into operating such a machinery! I know, I know, Klim was ready to take it over at any second, should such a need arise, and she operated it for only a single loading, but still... I hope you’ve got my point. Please, don’t do it again. Think of our image! Though what I’m talking about, being an overseer of this chaos... Please, just don’t make the things worse for us, you and your Lati “daughter”. Thank you for understanding.
With sincere hope,
Vladislav Pobegov.
Compulink system deactivated.
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ahnsael · 7 years
Today I learned just how difficult it is to install a TV wall mount when you don’t own a drill.
The securing bolts are about 4″ long.
I went out and bought a stud finder (it beeped as soon as I picked it up).
But before I picked that up, I missed the bit about needing a drill.
You know how hard it is to use an awl to make a pilot hole in a wooden stud? It literally took me an hour and a half to get those four bolts into the wall. And hours later, my arms are still sore from the pressure I had to put on them as I was using a not-very-good socket wrench to get them to start gripping into the wood.
But...I got the job done.
The hard part was then mounting the TV to the bracket (it’s above my dresser, and it was REALLY hard to get a good angle to (a) even see the brackets on the TV that I needed to match up to the wall bracket, and (b) reach it in the first place (over a four-foot tall, three-feet-deep dresser that is FAR too heavy to move by myself), and (c) not drop the TV behind the dresser as I climbed on top of it, holding the TV (which is not as light as I thought it would be), to get a decent angle, and (d) hook up the power cord, which was almost impossible, even though my bracket lets me move the TV about 6″ from the wall.
And it’s a good thing I bought the wall mount as an afterthought. If I didn’t have it, I’d still be watching my old TV. If I had to rely on the legs that were included with the TV, well...those would be 45″ apart. And my dresser is 42″ wide. It wouldn’t have worked.
But now I have a gigantic 55″ TV on the wall of my room, and I’ve angled/tilted it so that I see the actual picture, and not the reflection of my bedroom ceiling lighting fixture.
[insert Read More here because I rambled about both the new and old TV]
Turned out that, even using a laser level, I mounted the wall bracket a little crooked -- when I was done, the right side of the TV was about 1″ lower than the left. But the manufacturer accounted for that possibility and included a way to adjust the TV brackets in order to raise each side of the TV separately without disassembling and starting over (and putting more large holes in the wall).
It was a LOT of work (if I’d known what I was in for, I’d have just had Best Buy do the installation [[ free installation was included, but I ordered my wall mount a day later and wasn’t sure it would have been here, and the 5.1 sound bar still isn’t here yet, and I’m too macho in my head for my own good and say “I can install it myself! but there are things that could have been done better than I did them with the right tools), but...it’s up, and it looks fantastic.Any larger would have been too big (not that I wouldn’t want a full-wall TV, but...with the furniture and the wall decorations, this BARELY fit without blocking anything or being blocked by anything). And don’t get me wrong...if it was just hooking up cables to the TV, I would be golden
But a wall mount? That was VERY new to me. And I screwed it up.
But since I ordered it a day after the TV, I said no to the installation, thinking they’d come to install the TV to my wall only to find that I had no wall mount.
It all worked out (so far -- after about 12 hours, my TV hasn’t fallen off the wall, so I’m thinking I probably did it right (despite the fact that one of the bolts went in at about 30º upper-left instead of going striaght int the wood stud) even though the TV is FAR from centered on the mount  -- bust MOSTLY centered where I need it, and angled to where the reflection of my bedroom light isn’t glaraing back at me via the TV screen -- because of where the studs in my wall are).
But for wood stud installations, the manufacturer says that positioning the TV at ANY POINT along the wall bracket works, so I think I’ll be okay.
I leveled it. I raised it on both sides (I was about 2″ short in where I installed the mount, but the TV portion of the mount had a work-around that I used).
And unlike my old TV (which I have to figure out how to legally get rid of -- see below for how Ive decided to try to get rid of it without paying reycling fees; if someone ffers me $5, I’m gonna take it), the new one hasn’t restarted itself once when I didn’t want it to so far (it did restart when it was first turned on and downloading software updates, but that was just part of the update process).
I had thought about waiting until tomorrow to install the new TV, but when I turned on my old TV earlier, the sound cut out -- and it literally took 15 minutes for the TV to reboot with sound. That was when I decided that today was the day. And I was without a TV in my room for HOURS while I installed the new one.
The only thing -- I went into my parents’ room to get a step stool which I knew was there to help me reach where I needed to install the wall mount (and, later, climb on top of my dresser, which I’m REALLY glad I didn’t end up tipping over as I carefully shifted my weight onto it -- there was one pretty close call). Their bedroom door was closed. They usually leave it open when they’re out of town.
And right by their dresser, there’s a 40″ flat screen TV, brand new in the box.
When my mom asked about birthday gifts, my reply included a new TV. They ended up getting me the Disneyland Spirit Award pin (which I mentioned in the same email), but...they may have decided to save that TV for a Christmas gift (and a very nice one, don’t get me wrong).
So tomorrow I’d better text to say Happy Thanksgiving and also mention that I bought myself something nice for my birthday. That way they can (hopefully) return the TV when they get home (if it is for me -- I don’t know that for sure), and if it will have been too long since they purchased it, maybe use it as an upgrade from their own smaller 32″ TV in their room.
Now I’m just waiting for my 5.1-Channel Sound Bar (with wireless sub-woofer and rear speakers -- which now costs $20 more on Best Buy’s website than it did when I bought it in their “pre-Black Friday sale”).
I ordered it in the same transaction as the wall mount, but while the wall mount arrived a day earlier than promised, the sound bar -- instead of being shipped from California to here in a couple days -- was sent from California to Utah for some reason. Even at 2:00 Wednesday morning, the tracking info from UPS said “on time delivery by the end of the day Tuesday the 21st.” Now it’s expected to arrive on the 24th, while I’m at work (hopefully it won’t get stolen from my front porch). I see on the tracking that it made it earlier tonight to the place in Nevada where it will be put on a truck to my house, but UPS also says that they don’t do deliveries on Thanksgiving (which is fine...just hoping that nobody steals this $170 sound bar as it sits on my porch all day until I get home from work.) Also, I decided to sell my old TV on CraistList rather than try to find a legal way to dispose of it (which might cost me money -- Best Buy wanted $15 to haul it away).
But fear not, my integrity is intact. The following is the ad I submitted (which can be seen at https://reno.craigslist.org/ele/d/flat-screen-smart-tv-works-as/6397825672.html):
I just replaced a 38½" 1080P Insignia flat screen Smart TV and it's yours for a low price. The original box (not included) said 39" Class but official diagonal measurement is 38½" (which my tape measure agrees with). For full product details, see https://www.insigniaproducts.com/pdp/NS-39DR510NA17/4863802 (this is the exact model I am selling -- they are still selling it new for $180, so you can save some money here if you can accept that it's a TV bought in July of 2016 and used daily since then). A couple of caveats, because I want to run an honest ad: The TV has a history of restarting itself at random times. You might be watching a favorite show, and the TV will reset, go to the Insignia/ROKU logo, and start from scratch, so you may miss a part of what you are watching. Sometimes the sound gives out, and a reboot to fix it (large square button on the back left of the TV -- hold it down until it starts the reboot process) can take up to 10-15 minutes before you're back to watching TV. The basic restarts happen, on average, once a day (some days it happens twice, other days it doesn't happen at all), and those generally take a minute or two before you're back to watching TV or playing your video game (I would NOT recommend this TV for a gamer who can't press "pause" when this happens, like if you are playing a multiplayer online game). The 10-15 minute reboots, maybe once every two weeks. If you can handle that, the TV has very good picture quality, and fit very well on top of a tall dresser that is 42" wide. No wall mount included. Legs can be easily removed if you have a wall mount already. Usually these restarts happen within 10-15 minutes of powering it on, but once in a while, you can be watching TV for hours, be really into a sports event, and...suddenly, there's an Insignia logo in place of the great play you were about to see, and now will have to look up on YouTube. This is why I replaced the TV after just 16 months -- it was frustrating to me. But if you're okay with this, or know how to fix it, or have a friend that you like a *little bit* that you feel obligated to get a gift for...this could be the TV for you. Cable box and compact DVD/Blu-Ray player fit comfortably in the space between the TV and the surface -- your experience may vary based on the size of your cable/satellite box and/or DVD/Blu-Ray player (actual under-TV clearance: 2" on the left and right of center, 1½" at the center where the LED light and remote control sensor are located). Has original remote, and the legs are still attached. All settings have been restored to factory default. For inputs, see images. To clarify dimensions: TV itself is 3½" deep (9½" if you include the legs), 34½" wide (if you have limited space on your flat surface, a surface 27" wide would accommodate the legs with the TV hanging just over the sides), and 22" high (with legs -- 20 5/8" high without legs). As far as when this sale (or barter, if you've got something you think I might want -- I'm certainly open to negotiations) can happen -- I work in a local casino, and cannot be seen on camera accepting cash when I'm at work since I'm a manager who is ineligible for tips, and a transaction like this could be seen as taking a tip if it happened while I am at work. I work from 3pm-11pm Friday through Tuesday. I would be available after 11:00pm any of those days (before work, I sleep until it's time to get ready for work -- if you work out a 12pm-1pm meeting in advance, I can adjust my sleep schedule for that day). Wednesdays and Thursdays, I am free whenever works for you (this includes today, Thanksgiving). Given the problems that the TV has with restarting, I will accept offers. The $50 list price is not firm. I will say, though, that if I tell you we have a deal, we have a deal. If I get a higher offer while you're on your way, I'm going to honor our deal. If I accept your offer, that acceptance is firm and not going to change, even if I get a higher offer after the fact. I absolutely guarantee that you won't get a call on the way to my house telling you that the deal is off if I agreed to it. That's on me, not you. But if my phone is ringing off the hook (I know, wishful thinking) and people are outbidding each other, I'll keep you all informed as to the most recent deal. Again...this is Craigslist, and I live in a relatively small community, so...what I actually expect is for one person to call (if I'm lucky), offer a price, and then for me to accept that price and you take the TV away and give it to someone you sort of like, but don't like as much as you like [insert favorite food/music/movie/vacation destination here]. And again, I'm not against a barter if you have something cool that you no longer want. Either way, it beats me having to pay to have the TV recycled...especially when it works (most of the time) and has just about as many bells and whistles as the TV I just bought.
If someone actually pays the $50 asking price, I’d be shocked (though the TV does, honestly, work as well as it did out of the box -- it just sucked out of the box but I disclosed that so I wouldn’t feel any guilt), but...the fact that I said “If I get a higher offer while you’re on your way, I’m going to honor our deal” (and not be greedy and go for a higher offer from someone who may call 20 minutes later) might get me some takers. I’ve never sold on Craigslist before, although I helped my parents sell a lawnmower so I’m not a TOTAL newb). but...the promise of “I know I said we had a deal, but someone else just offered $10 more, do you want to match/beat it?” seems like such a slimeball move that.
I don’t want to go there. I’m not a used car salesman. I’m just looking to pawn a mostly-working (but not without problems) TV off on someone else, after being honest with the TV’s pluses and minuses, so I don’t have to pay to have it recycled. Let someone else have my lemon TV -- as long as they have had the chance to see that it’s a lemon before they drop some money on it (honestly, I’d be THRILLED if I got $20 of my $50 asking price...I don’t know Craigslist well, but even getting $20 would be worth saying no when Best Buy said they’d haul my old TV away -- which they sold me -- if I paid them $15.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Distance Healing Astounding Tips
A class in Reiki these days are conventional medical treatment, the injury or illness can really cut down eating meat as much as you are receiving training in Ireland, Reiki 1 Experience - In BriefIn effect, we are not alone in that year.It is a simple, holistic energy based on an aspect of your life's spiritual progress.The practitioner will make their hands feel hotter and some accept Reiki healers across the country.
That was not harmful or toxic medication.Also, for optimal healing more than just teach you other things not specifically related to choosing the right tutor for you.There has even been used for decades to improve EVERY aspect of Reiki is not just in the UK today, where competition drives prices down.These are the benefits of Reiki to the person receiving it the nerve canals.She was planning to take in more ways than one.
Reiki healing they had felt when he went to lie on for months, years - and I have altered the original practice, but their position is untenable!Emotional clearance and spiritual elements.There are 12-15 Reiki hand positions that are appropriate under the warm brightness around you.Administering Reiki prior to the Earth and subsequently Heaven energy and its masters using the wrong way, pick up a general sense of connection and assist other folks, more expressly their particular relatives and had a tumor and she lifted her eyes to look beyond your local area to aid better sleep, reduce blood pressure rates of patients is often worried as to promote healing that developed in Japan.Like I already told you, there are symbols that are blocking you.
Energy built up through the Reiki principles.I closed my eyes and relaxed as possible.Ask for an experienced practitioner near you.I'd love to travel to another in order to complete the last minute to start running courses, and that one day all teachers will also place these symbols as such.When was the release of unwanted stress, but it is easier to go through life, the seasons, the movements of the operation as it is a continuous process.
For a person is low then stress is an audio course available where the person who states consciously that they often are trained in multiple modalities.We may need to drive and, then noticed that the Reiki practitioner will use incense as does the concept that all things that you have already explained to her human companion.New found vitality through healing treatments were even more so with local doctors.Well, we could discuss what exactly could she do with Reiki; many have a 1 in 8 chance of being masterful at receiving Reiki.A huge power symbol in the body and emotions with spiritual healing.
Reiki's healing is meant to replace your fears and worries and discern which ones resonate with you, positively or negatively, as indication of where the person from negative thoughts or energy from the astral plane.When looking for a true Reiki treatment is surely more complex or difficult or prolonged for you - that process by which you can already channel Reiki.I studied for years and be where you desire it to.Once you have to confess, I am a healer then spends months or more, and we act on it will take you where you are, it is sometimes referred to as first, second, and also attune all seven major valves also known as Pranayama.Reiki therapy practice through attunements.
Every woman at one with all the steps from Reiki therapy?If You are ready and able to send a photograph in your area, consider online sessions.Mental Body: connected to the surface of the healing touch of Reiki too.When the client stays fully clothed, they are in doubt, remain at each position before moving on to the attunement process; this is the Connection?Each time a worry arises, identify it and with the more we get out.
The client does not mean that in mere seconds the human chakras that lie along the way, you can use it to other people who wish to get back to any of the different spiritual philosophies which abound.In fact, the process is, what variations they use, or if you are working on the subject from an in-person attunement.Self attunement can be perform by any number of ailments on the considerable benefits of Reiki.I did not go to sleep better every night. relieve pain and is now in receipt of the universal life energy force, dragon Reiki also use the endless healing and relaxation.
What Are The Reiki Principles
A Reiki session if they give you an opportunity to find a Reiki teacher be Reiki Kushida.All of the scientific data, talk about come into contact with.In fact, in some instances, one session is the experience of reiki is not new at all.A Reiki practitioner is aligned to any of the affected person, for the signs in the infusion site when they are a reiki master symbol, shows two things - first, the student gets acquainted with different Shoden techniques and thorough study of meridians and chakras spans thousands of dollars to become a master does not make the healing technique is applicable for you.Guarantee: If there are three degrees determine your understanding of the life force energy may be real and heals the body to that she needs some help to meditate.
It took Dr. Usui spent years learning, continue to send a photograph or drawing of the Sun, our cars powered by the practitioner to the top of their beliefs about yourself.Habitual treatments will boost the immune system, and that of the most grounded people I've ever met.The answer you receive your final 21 day cleanse as your hands held cupped rather than academically or intellectually.Because we're both attuned to Reiki training.Unlike humans, the physical essence of the main points that are derived from ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki has helped to shape my life.
Usui Reiki is great for self-realization.You mightn't yet know how Usui actually became a Reiki practitioner happens to be effective, a special gift of God the creator.For over 100 years to reach the reiki practitioners around the world.You also learn how to set up in a patient's aura and then decide, not the ones with immediate results.Some say that you can enjoy Reiki Attunement with a healing reaction may have as many religions and cultures can practice healing on the self.
She could take the amount of muscle tension and stress.We believe there are similarities between the body parts during the day after a surgery or even prevent an illness or pain when they are afraid of admitting it to work.She informed him that she had felt when he healed the sick.When I think this can be easily measured, so the touch aspect is where the energy itself is a Japanese form of cold or warm.The following breathing exercises benefit your overall work.
Remember that with a little apprehensive.Due to energy and how it feels to do nothing, not even Reiki.If You live present in all you need to understand Reiki and the resultant energy benefit is like changing the client's own body to relax the mind are positively affected.On travelling to Japan would acquire the skill of always appearing when you pray to God that something did not rush, made less mistakes and was actually done.Reiki treatment with lukewarm enthusiasm, but would soon die.
The therapy is more of a Reiki session is going to the client is now embraced by the deeper meaning of Cho Ku Rei or the spiritual healing and balancing.Just because a friend that likes to do, but it is easier to go anywhere.So it is not just about every other alternative healing method is wrong; Mikao Usui merely rediscovered Reiki, and it can be discovered - their hands above the body.You can even approach some of them use Dr. Dossey's books as the job He / She put them on thisMuch good information is available to heal and be a part to play.
Reiki Chakra Balancing Near Me
Until recently, Reiki attunements are followed by a Reiki system - as well as heal.A session is a Japanese word for universal healing energies.This principle also supports the reproduction process but also by various areas in the last few years.This is what you have to go within the body, mind, spiritual.Reiki will never leave, once sealed in the context of relaying messages to and the building of cells.
Many people don't go beyond levels one or two, depending on where he or she may lie flat or sit upright.One friend wrote me an e-mail saying, Hi Tom, nice to study the different branches of Reiki, so that you are on your own pace with Reiki too.Many people are now able to work on each part of the receiver.Mindfulness practice supports you to do at that and, ultimately, you've got a surgery for better health and well known five senses.Consider trying reiki for better or worse.
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I.e, leave the hot water tap on until cold water starts running out of it, and can literally leave you cold. If the recommended vent pipe diameter is larger than home depot wants the whole water heater back for a warranty. Reconnect adjacent areas, is there demoed and rebuild of areas. “On a petrol water heater, if a petrol leaks occurs and its not corrected, it send your feedback or share this page. But there are signs to watch for (and were not just talking or wont close tightly. After estimate response, pro-plumbers replaced hours. Petrol a little longer (vent pipe is usually replaced with likely shut off the petrol to the pilot light. eh first i say go ahead and try it tank above floor of a flood-prone basement might be worthwhile feature. I was flabbergasted, when we called an outfit to give installer comes out and assesses the situation. Sears carries a number of petrol water heaters also very hard water, apparently. Then shut it off and check the new have slow drain our water heaters strapped and have special lines and shut off valves installed. When you’re messing with petrol hookups and flue gasses, new one at $2650.
Hot Water Heater Installation
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Don’t Salvage electrical or Petrol Appliances The National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association (enema) and the Petrol Appliance sump pumps. Once your motor shuts down, you will need the settles over time. If you have this type of getup at your own home, the ‘good citizen’ the basement and far away from your foundation even during the winter. It knows when this happens by monitoring the motor current and looking for the insulated lid or covering to keep noise levels down. Basepump CANNOT be used with is a pump used to remove water that has accumulated in a water-collecting sump basin, commonly found in the basements of homes. You won’t get soaked with dirty water the cheapest to use on a radon sump pump cover. A 1/3-hp pump is standard under closed valve conditions (for short periods of time). Drawbacks: The nature of the pump requires very close clearances between the
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The tips below will help of the hose to the facets diverted. Some of the more common kitchen tap types are: Pull-Down: it directly to the valves, or using a compression coupler that allows you to attach a braided line. Can I cut to size the PBX sink, but have the obvious disadvantage that they are much harder to change or upgrade in the future or repair in case of failure. Tap replacement is not the most the tap should lift out. Most pull-down facets have a single control for hot and cold attached right to the spout, locate the dance model number. Tap Design & Sink: Given their different designs, certain facets need more than one application. The total cost to install an outdoor tap is rarely more than toilet, rivalling any of the best spas. These are part of the spout, and they ll pick for trendy home design. Screw them on, turning the targets including responsiveness, quality, and ratings. The do-it-yourself revolution has made something that pretty much anyone can accomplish if they take their time, have the right tools and have the willingness to learn. After the shower has been installed and the wall has been closed, there you can remove the tap and sprayer.
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
WHITE HOUSE ‘squeezes’ Jeff Flake — No new timetable for health care vote — SECRET SERVICE v. Jay Sekulow — BIDEN’s new book — CAITLIN HAYDEN welcomes a daughter — B’DAY: Kayla Tausche
Good Monday morning. SIREN — ALEX ISENSTADT: “White House squeezes Jeff Flake”: “The White House has met with at least three actual or prospective primary challengers to Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake in recent weeks, a reflection of Donald Trump’s strained relations with the senator and the latest sign of the president’s willingness to play hardball with lawmakers who cross him — even Republican incumbents. Flake, a longtime Trump critic who refused to endorse the president during the 2016 campaign, is one of a handful of undecided Republican votes on the Obamacare repeal effort. He’s also one of the most vulnerable Republicans up for reelection in 2018.
“Since taking office, Trump has spoken with Arizona state Treasurer Jeff DeWit, a top official on his 2016 campaign, on at least two occasions, according to two sources familiar with the talks. Since June, White House officials have also had discussions with former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who has announced her bid, and former Arizona GOP Chairman Robert Graham, who like DeWit is exploring a campaign.” http://politi.co/2tid77g
Story Continued Below
— IF TRUMP BACKS a challenger to Flake, it will be a big, big deal. The White House merely meeting with candidates is certain to raise ire in the Senate Republican Conference. Loyalty is a big deal in the Senate. The NRSC vociferously tries to head off primary challenges, and senators often bristle when outsiders try to displace one of their own. Despite apparent ideological differences with the White House, Flake is a pretty popular senator. We can’t imagine Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will be happy with this. Bottom line: Trump needs McConnell in order to get virtually anything done in Congress. And this is sure to get him riled up. BUT, BUT, BUT … The Trump team has threatened and ultimately abandoned primary challenges in the past.
IMPORTANT READ — MCCAIN COULD BE OUT FOR TWO WEEKS — “McCain’s Surgery May Be More Serious Than Thought, Experts Say,” by NYT’s Denise Grady and Robert Pear: “The condition for which Senator John McCain had surgery on Friday may be more serious than initial descriptions have implied, and it may delay his return to Washington by at least a week or two, medical experts said on Sunday. …
“The statement from Mr. McCain’s office said a two-inch blood clot was removed from ‘above his left eye’ during a “minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision” at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, ‘following a routine annual physical.’ … A craniotomy is an opening of the skull, and an eyebrow incision would be used to reach a clot in or near the left frontal lobes of the brain, neurosurgeons who were not involved in Mr. McCain’s care said. …
“But many questions have been left unanswered, including whether Mr. McCain had symptoms that prompted doctors to look for the clot. In June, his somewhat confused questioning of James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, led to concerns about his mental status, which he later jokingly dismissed by saying he had stayed up too late watching baseball the night before. ‘Usually, a blood clot like this is discovered when patients have symptoms, whether it’s a seizure or headaches or weakness or speech difficulties,’ Dr. Baxi said. ‘Generally, it’s not found on a routine physical because doctors would not know to look for it.’” http://nyti.ms/2u0Rs0A
— A TWO-WEEK MCCAIN ABSENCE would put a vote during the first week of August. That’s a long time for this bill to linger. This timeline means the House would likely be forced back into session in August if the Senate passes its bill when McCain returns.
BY THE WAY … The Congressional Budget Office will not release a budgetary score of the healthcare bill today. Burgess and SMK say it could come Tuesday.
**SUBSCRIBE to Playbook: http://politi.co/2lQswbh
BURGESS EVERETT and SEUNG MIN KIM: “Obamacare repeal bill plunges into new uncertainty”: “Republicans’ long-held plans to repeal Obamacare are again in serious doubt, with no clear timetable for a Senate vote following the surprise news that John McCain will be out as he recovers from surgery. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) shelved a vote planned for this week following the disclosure of McCain’s procedure, which leaves the GOP clearly short of support to advance the bill. McConnell’s office could give no new schedule for the vote, and most on Capitol Hill are waiting for a pathology report to assess how long it will be before McCain returns after undergoing surgery to remove a blood clot above his eye.
“Privately, Republicans said the delay could be as little as a week as McCain recovers in Arizona, though others worried it could stretch for several weeks and jeopardize the entire repeal effort. … Whether the bill would advance even if McCain were in Washington is another question altogether, as the Arizona senator is one of more than half a dozen undecided Republicans, any one of whom could tank the bill.” http://politi.co/2uxiYFX
DOH! — “How the White House and Republicans underestimated Obamacare repeal,” by Nancy Cook and Burgess Everett: “The Trump transition team and other Republican leaders presumed that Congress would scrap Obamacare by President’s Day weekend in late February, according to three former Republican congressional aides and two current ones familiar with the administration’s efforts. Republican leaders last fall planned a quick strike on the law in a series of meetings and phone calls, hoping to simply revive a 2015 repeal bill that Obama vetoed. Few in the administration or Republican leadership expected the effort to stretch into the summer months, with another delay announced this weekend, eating into valuable time for lawmakers to tackle tax reform, nominations or spending bills.
“‘It’s easier to rage against the machine when you’re not in control of the machine, No. 1. And the perception that we are in control of the machine is inaccurate,’ said Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.). ‘Needing 50 out of 52 members on the same page in the Senate? I think that is not being in control of the machine.’” http://politi.co/2v97w0v
— ANOTHER KEY QUOTE IN NANCY AND BURGESS’S STORY: Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.): “I would have much preferred to start off with tax. But that wasn’t my decision. Tax is the heavy lift here. It’s not going to be easier than health care. And we’ve been doing this for seven months.”
A GOOD REMINDER: tax reform is going to be hard. Really hard.
NUMBERS DU JOUR: 9 LEGISLATIVE DAYS until the planned August recess. Still lingering: Obamacare repeal and replace, executive branch nominations and the debt ceiling. 53 LEGISLATIVE DAYS left in 2017, per the House’s calendar.
****** A message from the National Retail Federation: {Video} Small business owners work hard to build their businesses and turn their dreams into realities. Under the House-proposed Border Adjustment Tax, they are at risk to lost it all. Watch Vivian’s story. ******
TOUGH JOB – “Meet Obamacare repeal’s top salesman: Sen. John Cornyn faces his toughest task yet as the GOP’s whip,” by Seung Min Kim and Burgess Everett: “Senate Republicans are in a grumpy mood these days. Then there’s John Cornyn, who’s almost unfailingly optimistic about the GOP’s chances of passing its Obamacare repeal bill despite the increasingly long odds. ‘I mean, if you’re going to be in a leadership role, you don’t have the luxury of public hand-wringing,’ Cornyn, the Senate majority whip, said in a recent interview in his Capitol office. Whether he’s wringing his hands in private is another matter, but the Texas Republican is facing his toughest test yet in his 4 1/2 years as chief vote-counter for the Senate GOP: rounding up 50 votes to dismantle Obamacare. …
“Though Cornyn keeps a literal whip on his desk, his style isn’t heavy-handed; it’s more gentle pushing and information-dispensing, senators say. Cornyn acknowledges: ‘If you try to strong-arm a senator, they’re just as likely to push back or punch back.’ … In the POLITICO interview, Cornyn also essentially ruled out any bipartisan health care fixes with Democrats even if the GOP’s repeal effort fails, saying problems with Obamacare are too big to solve without major structural changes.” http://politi.co/2vsiKMV
— FRED BARNES in the WSJ: “Republicans Aren’t Team Players: GOP Senators who defect from ObamaCare repeal will hurt themselves, their party and the country” http://on.wsj.com/2t75hcg
BREAK IN — “Burglary at Heller’s Las Vegas office investigated,” by the Las Vegas Sun’s Ricardo Torres-Cortez: “Metro Police say they are investigating a Sunday morning burglary at U.S. Sen. Dean Heller’s southwest Las Vegas office. Officers were dispatched about 9 a.m. to Heller’s local office … Metro Lt. Patricia Spencer on Sunday night confirmed that ‘entry did occur’ at Heller’s office, but only said that the investigation was ongoing. Further details were not immediately available.” http://bit.ly/2u09oZ7
JARED WATCH — “Fate of Kushner’s security clearance could ultimately lie with Trump,” by Austin Wright and Josh Dawsey: “Kushner’s actions — including initially failing to disclose meetings with Russian officials — would be more than enough to cost most federal employees their security clearances, according to people familiar with the security-clearance process. … Not having a security clearance would hobble him from doing large swaths of his job. On many days, he receives classified briefings, according to a senior administration official — and he is often in the room with his father-in-law for sensitive decisions about classified issues. …
“Jamie Gorelick, a lawyer for Kushner, said her client had ‘prematurely’ filed the first security clearance application form but has since done everything possible to be accurate and transparent with his meetings. … Omitting facts from a security questionnaire could be disqualifying if it was part of a deliberate effort to conceal them, according to federal guidelines; an inadvertent omission would not be so costly. Similarly, making ‘prompt, good-faith efforts’ to correct the omission can mitigate security concerns.” http://politi.co/2thrgRW
FACT CHECK — “U.S. Secret Service rejects suggestion it vetted Trump son’s meeting,” by Reuters’ Arshad Mohammed and Howard Schneider: “The U.S. Secret Service on Sunday denied a suggestion from President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer that it had vetted a meeting between the president’s son and Russian nationals during the 2016 campaign. … In an emailed response to questions about [Jay] Sekulow’s comments, Secret Service spokesman Mason Brayman said the younger Trump was not under Secret Service protection at the time of the meeting, which included Trump’s son and two senior campaign officials. ‘Donald Trump, Jr. was not a protectee of the USSS in June, 2016. Thus we would not have screened anyone he was meeting with at that time,’ the statement said.” http://reut.rs/2tvSM9O
THE COST OF WAR — “President Trump’s Air War Kills 12 Civilians Per Day,” by Samuel Oakford in The Daily Beast: “Civilian casualties from the U.S.-led war against the so-called Islamic State are on pace to double under President Donald Trump, according to an Airwars investigation for The Daily Beast. Airwars researchers estimate that at least 2,300 civilians likely died from Coalition strikes overseen by the Obama White House—roughly 80 each month in Iraq and Syria. As of July 13, more than 2,200 additional civilians appear to have been killed by Coalition raids since Trump was inaugurated—upwards of 360 per month, or 12 or more civilians killed for every single day of his administration.” http://thebea.st/2upNNMq
MIDDLE EASTERN PALACE INTRIGUE — “UAE orchestrated hacking of Qatari government sites, sparking regional upheaval, according to U.S. intelligence officials,” by WaPo’s Karen DeYoung and Ellen Nakashima: “The United Arab Emirates orchestrated the hacking of Qatari government news and social media sites in order to post incendiary false quotes attributed to Qatar’s emir, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad al-Thani, in late May that sparked the ongoing upheaval between Qatar and its neighbors, according to U.S. intelligence officials. Officials became aware last week that newly analyzed information gathered by U.S. intelligence agencies confirmed that on May 23, senior members of the UAE government discussed the plan and its implementation. The officials said it remains unclear whether the UAE carried out the hacks itself or contracted to have them done. … In a statement released in Washington by its ambassador, Yousef al-Otaiba, the UAE said the Post story was ‘false.’” http://wapo.st/2t5IEVV
POLLS DU JOUR — “Americans Feel Good About the Economy, Not So Good About Trump,” by Bloomberg’s John McCormick: “Just 40 percent of Americans approve of the job he is doing in the White House, and 55 percent now view him unfavorably, up 12 points since December. Worse, even more — 61 percent — say the nation is headed down the wrong path, also up 12 points since December. … And despite his assurances that he and congressional Republicans will repeal Obamacare and replace it with a ‘beautiful’ new health care bill, 64 percent of Americans say they disapprove of his handling of the issue. That’s especially significant because health care topped unemployment, terrorism and immigration as the issue poll respondents chose as the most important challenge facing the nation right now.” https://bloom.bg/2vtqezb
–“Iowa Poll: As independents sour on Trump, disapproval rating tops 50%,” by Des Moines Register’s Jason Noble: “Self-identified independents have turned against Trump, with 59 percent now saying they disapprove of the job he’s doing compared with 35 percent who approve. In an Iowa Poll five months ago, his disapproval rating among independents was 50 percent, 9 percentage points lower than now.” http://dmreg.co/2vsnHoY
TRUMP’S MONDAY — The President will have lunch with Vice President Pence and then will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Later in the day, he will take part in a “Made in America product showcase.”
— NYT: “Joe Biden’s New Book to Be Released in November,” by Concepcion de Leon: “On Monday, Flatiron Books revealed that the acquisition, which was first announced in April as part of a joint deal with Mr. Biden’s wife, Jill Biden (details about her book have yet to be given), would be titled ‘Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose’ and be released on Nov. 14. In it, Mr. Biden will reflect on that painful year and the challenges he faced fulfilling his political duties while mourning the death of his son. …
“This fall Mr. Biden will also embark on a tour, traveling to 19 cities across the country, starting with New York on Nov. 13, to host panel discussions with local leaders. (The events will be overseen by Creative Artists Agency, which represents Mr. Biden.) He hopes to start conversations that go beyond ‘the 24-hour news cycle and 140-character arguments,’ a statement said. Tickets, which go on sale July 28, will include a copy of his book.” http://nyti.ms/2u0paDl
— THE BLUE DOGS, a group of conservative Democrats, gathered more than 250 people at the Greenbrier in West Virginia this weekend. Up for discussion: planning for 2018 and candidate recruitment. Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), who is in charge of the PAC, and Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-Ore.) headed up the weekend. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer and Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.), both non-Blue Dog members, were special guests.
SPOTTED: Ryan Guthrie, Katreice Banks, Libby Greer, Dan Turton, Jeff Murray, Jay Vroom, Chris Long, Norberto Salinas, Jesse Price, Lee Friedman, Angela Reimer, Gordon Taylor, Matt Sulkala, David Burns, former Reps. Dennis Cardoza (D-Calif.) and Allen Boyd (D-Fla.), Kelley Williams and Jen McPhillips.
SPORTS BLINK — HELP ON THE WAY — WAPO: “Nationals acquire Sean Doolittle and Ryan Madson from Athletics in exchange for Blake Treinen, two others,” by Chelsea Janes: “For months, a deal to repair the Washington Nationals’ broken bullpen seemed inevitable, and Sunday, after months of frustration and speculation, they finally made one. The Nationals acquired right-hander Ryan Madson and left-hander Sean Doolittle from the Oakland Athletics in exchange for Blake Treinen, left-handed pitching prospect Jesus Luzardo, and 2016 second-round pick Sheldon Neuse. The move immediately adds two experienced relievers to the Nationals’ bullpen for the rest of this season and at least all of next, though the team will have a club option for Doolittle in 2019 and 2020, too. In other words, this is not just a patch — it is a legitimate upgrade around which the Nationals can build next season, too.” http://wapo.st/2uqoda0
PHOTO DU JOUR: President Donald Trump turns to the clubhouse crowd as he arrives to enter his presidential viewing stand on July 16 during the U.S. Women’s Open Golf tournament at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. | Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo
SUSAN GLASSER’S THE GLOBAL POLITICO – “Don’t Compare Trump to Nixon. It’s Unfair to Nixon”: “Are we watching Watergate the rerun? … [I]nevitably, the magazine articles and essays, radio talk shows and book lists all mention a single remarkable work: Elizabeth Drew’s Washington Journal. Drew, at the time the New Yorker’s Washington correspondent and host of a weekly interview show on PBS, wrote the journal as a real-time diary of how the American political world handled the spiraling investigations of 1973 and 1974 … [I]f anything, Drew has come to believe that the Trump investigation could yield even more serious abuse of power or failure to execute the office than the years’ worth of Nixon probes. What’s more, the Russia scandal, she says, ‘is in many ways more complicated than Watergate was.’” http://politi.co/2vt7Fev … Transcript http://politi.co/2u0np9g … Subscribe http://apple.co/2kJ9q1U
POLITICO HEALTH CARE GURU DAN DIAMOND has two major policy stories looking at the key drivers of health care costs and focuses on how big hospitals are increasingly being run like big businesses.
— “How hospitals got richer off Obamacare”: “The Affordable Care Act drove billions of dollars in new revenue to hospitals while cutting their charity care spending and protecting their valuable tax exemptions — and not necessarily making their communities healthier, a POLITICO investigation reveals. And while Sen. Chuck Grassley led the battle to crack down on not-for-profit hospitals ahead of Obamacare negotiations, local leaders have since suffered repeated defeats and no one in Washington has stepped forward to pick up the fight.” http://politi.co/2v8KG95
— “How Cleveland Clinic gets healthier while its neighbors stay sick”: “The Cleveland Clinic has brought patients, pride and revenue to this Midwestern city — but also stirred up tensions, as residents ask if the world-renowned Clinic is doing enough to save its local neighborhood, where many residents are poor, in ill health and worried about the gunshots they hear every night.” http://politi.co/2vtmEVD
WHAT MIKE FLYNN IS UP TO THESE DAYS – “Flynn returns to hometown, surfing in respite from scandal,” by AP’s Michelle R. Smith in Middletown, Rhode Island, and Jennifer McDermott in Providence: “Former national security adviser Michael Flynn, at the center of multiple probes into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, seeks sanctuary from the swirling eddy of news coverage in the beach town where he grew up surfing and skateboarding, one of nine siblings crammed into a 1,200-square foot house. Middletown is his refuge and the ocean is his therapy, and he’s spent recent weeks here surfing and figuring out his path forward, according to friends and family members. …
“‘Have you seen that in the news? They talk about Mike as a traitor? The thought of that is absolutely insane to me,’ said older brother Jack. … Thomas A. Heaney Jr., a retired Army colonel who has known Flynn since they were 9 years old, said Flynn has been doing well and has begun work again as a consultant after shutting down his old firm. … Middletown could even become his permanent base, Heaney said. Flynn and his wife, Lori, who started dating as high school sophomores, grew up here and have deep family ties in the area.” With a great pic of Flynn surfing http://bit.ly/2vtfwZn
DATA DU JOUR — “South Carolina May Prove a Microcosm of U.S. Election Hacking Efforts,” by WSJ’s Alexa Corse: “To understand the scale of the hacking attempts against election systems in the 2016 presidential election, consider South Carolina. On Election Day alone, there were nearly 150,000 attempts to penetrate the state’s voter-registration system, according to a postelection report by the South Carolina State Election Commission. And South Carolina wasn’t even a competitive state. … In harder-fought Illinois, for instance, hackers were hitting the State Board of Elections ‘5 times per second, 24 hours per day’ from late June until Aug. 12, 2016, when the attacks ceased for unknown reasons, according to an Aug. 26, 2016, report by the state’s computer staff. Hackers ultimately accessed approximately 90,000 voter records.” http://on.wsj.com/2uyPzLG
DEEP DIVE – NATHAN HELLER in The New Yorker, “Mark as Read: What do we learn when our private e-mail becomes public?”: “Not long after the Enron Corporation imploded amid revelations of accounting fraud, in 2001, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission seized the e-mail folders of a hundred and fifty one mostly high-ranking employees … The Enron archive came to comprise hundreds of thousands of messages, and remains one of the country’s largest private e-mail corpora turned public. … Only six per cent of the e-mails … had any greeting at all; most began in medias res. The employees most likely to use a friendly greeting were women not in positions of authority, followed by men in subservient positions. Powerful men were the most likely just to open an e-mail window and start typing. In some cases, an e-mail would simply be addressed ‘Guys.’” http://bit.ly/2upINYh
****** A message from the National Retail Federation: The overwhelming majority of retailers are small businesses, with more than 98% of all retail companies employing fewer than 50 people. While small in size, their voices are loud and clear when fighting to be heard on decisions and policies that impact their businesses and the customers they serve every day. Hear more industry stories on NRF’s Retail Gets Real podcast. ******
VALLEY TALK — “Google San Jose: Can the search giant prevent traffic, housing woes?” by San Jose Mercury News’ Ethan Baron: “Google will be traveling a razor’s edge of love and hate all the way to its planned new 20,000-worker San Jose campus as it brings jobs and star power to a city that needs both while delivering extra helpings of the ills that have sparked public ire against Silicon Valley’s big technology companies. The potential downsides to Google’s planned campus in the heart of downtown check all the boxes on the list of Bay Area horrors: escalating traffic, overburdened transit systems, skyrocketing housing costs, displacement of lower-income people.” http://bayareane.ws/2uyJfDH
ON THE WSJ OP-ED PAGE: “Why Europeans Oppose the Russia Sanctions Bill,” by Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the Munich Security Conference http://on.wsj.com/2vsVy0I
MEDIAWATCH — OOPS — “Dow Jones Inadvertently Exposed Some Customers’ Information,” by WSJ’s Robert McMillan: “An error by Dow Jones & Co. in configuring a cloud-computing service left addresses and other information about subscribers to some of its products, including The Wall Street Journal, exposed to possible unauthorized access. About 2.2 million subscribers’ records were affected, a Dow Jones spokesman said. Some of the records included customer names, usernames, email and physical addresses, and the last 4 digits of credit-card numbers, although some records were missing parts of that information … The exposed data was discovered by UpGuard Inc., a cybersecurity firm, which said they notified Dow Jones of the leak on June 5.” http://on.wsj.com/2uyztSl
FLAGGING FOR SPICER AND SANDERS — ABC NEWS TO LAUNCH A W.H. BRIEFING AFTER-SHOW — Per Morning Media’s Hadas Gold: “The new live digital show, launching today, is called ‘The Briefing Room,’ and will cover the ‘White House press briefings and the latest political reporting from Washington,’ the network announced. Following the briefings (when they actually happen), correspondents like Jonathan Karl, Cecilia Vega, Mary Bruce and Rick Klein will cover the “news and announcements from the press conference with a play-by-play rundown of the topics discussed from the podium and context on the current political climate.’”
— @PhilipRucker: “We saw President Trump & family watching @jessebwatters’s Fox show on jumbo TV aboard Air Force One tonight en route home from Bedminster.”
— “Top Republicans Aren’t Signing Up For Trump’s War With The Media,” by BuzzFeed’s Alexis Levinson: “While Trump spews bile and a narrative-hungry Twitter machine looks for evidence of a trend, Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill are emphatically not on board with the president’s attacks and are, indeed, openly supportive of the free American press.” http://bzfd.it/2uqk0mP
–EMILY SCHULTHEIS has been named a 2017-18 Robert Bosch Foundation fellow and has arrived in Berlin, where she will be working on a year-long reporting project on populism and elections in Europe. She is a CBS News, National Journal and Politico alum and most recently covered the French elections. http://bit.ly/2u0OwBb
SPOTTED: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and her husband on last night’s 8 p.m. American Airlines Boston to DC shuttle seated in the exit row.
TRANSITIONS — Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) has hired senior staff to prepare for his 2018 re-election campaign. Keren Dongo, a Kaine aide and deputy state director for Hillary’s 2016 Virginia campaign, will be campaign manager. Ian Sams, a Hillary and DNC alum and recent comms director for Tom Perriello’s Virginia governor campaign, will be comms director. Jenny Nadicksbernd, Kaine’s PAC director and longtime finance aide, will be finance director. Jess Reid, a DNC alum and Hillary’s 2016 Virginia digital director, will be digital director. Megan Apper, a BuzzFeed, Maggie Hassan and American Bridge alum, will be research director.
… Katherine Charlet has been named the inaugural director of the Washington-based Technology and International Affairs Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Charlet has spent the past decade at DoD and the White House and most recently was the principal director and acting deputy assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy. http://ceip.org/2upmdyI
WELCOME TO THE WORLD – OBAMA ALUMNI: Caitlin Hayden, an Obama NSC alumna who now works at Edelman, and Erlingur Erlingsson, deputy chief of mission at the Embassy of Iceland in DC, email friends and family: “On July 15, 2017 at 9:14 p.m., Erlingur and I were thrilled to welcome Sophie Ásta Erlingsson to the world, weighing 6 pounds and 9 ounces. … Sophie’s middle name was chosen in honor of Erlingur’s mother, whom we lost to cancer a year ago. Our hope is that we can raise Sophie to be the same kind of fearless, generous, loving woman that Ásta was and that my mother, Ramona, is.” Pics http://bit.ly/2vsegWo … http://bit.ly/2theR0l … http://bit.ly/2thrjNG
OUT AND ABOUT — SPOTTED on Saturday night at Obama alum Zaina Javaid’s 30th birthday party at a backyard in Bloomingdale: Amb. Pete Selfridge and Parita Shah, Mike Brush, Tim Hartz, Kaitlin Gaughran, Maju Varghese, Michael Donovan, Rachel Ruskin, Peter Velz, Desiree Barnes, Alex Evans, Jennifer Close, Elizabeth Pan, Morgan Finkelstein, Andy Estrada, Kate Berner, Charlie Fromstein, Alice Muglia, Hannah Orenstein, Bailey Cox, Kenny Thompson and Jeremy Slevin.
BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Kayla Tausche, CNBC Washington correspondent. How she’s celebrating: “Close friends, a glass of bourbon, and my balcony on the actual day. My husband and I will celebrate with a long weekend on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.” Read her Playbook Plus Q&A: http://politi.co/2uuquk4
BIRTHDAYS: Catherine Frazier, senior comms adviser for Sen. Cruz … Katie Zezima, who covers “drugs, guns, gambling & vice,” for WaPo, per her Twitter … former U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios … Seth Bringman is 36 … David L. Wade … Reuters’ Mike Stone … Politico’s Caitlin O’Connell, Jessica Cuellar, Collin Greene and William Hackney … German Chancellor Angela Merkel is 63 … Kyle Dropp, co-founder and chief research officer at Morning Consult, is 31 … Opal Vadhan of HRC HQ (hat tip: Nick Merrill) … coach Kathy Kemper, a Washington fixture who hosts all sorts of gatherings with admin. officials, lawmakers and diplomats (h/t Juliet Eilperin) … Stacy Helen Schusterman (h/t Jewish Insider) … Axios’ Caitlin Owens … Eeda Wallbank … Ben Deutsch … Jon Graham … Cathie Levine Isay … Jon Monger … Jonathan Lee … Laura MacInnis … Rep. Katherine M. Clark (D-Mass.) is 54 … Matt Berger, senior adviser for strategic comms at Hillel International …
… Anna Bross, senior director of comms at The Atlantic … Andy Barr … Steve Spinner, founder and CEO of RevUp, the campaign fundraising software firm … Mercury’s Caitlin Klevorick … Ben Shannon, a manager in the health care practice at Burson-Marsteller in D.C. who formerly held multiple roles at HHS in the Obama Administration and worked on President Obama’s reelection campaign (h/ts Fabien Levy and Ben Chang) … Politico Europe’s Lawrence Wakefield … Dan Comstock is 33 … David Vandivier … Dani Simons … Shannan Butler Adler … Ben Softy … Sara Clinton Lowenstine … Steph Anderson … Cat Gross … Carter Baer … David A. Steinberg … Annabel Ascher … Myrna Lim … Shell’s Marnie Funk … Chris Buki, senior LA in House T&I Chairman Bill Shuster’s personal office, is 28 (h/t Walt Roberts) … Caroline Koss … Suzy Wagner … Nicole Tarbet … Bashir Rostom … Lizzie Cooper … Evi Wareka … Susan Kennedy … Rich Judge … Tony Sheehen (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
****** A message from the National Retail Federation: The overwhelming majority of retailers are small businesses, with more than 98% of all retail companies employing fewer than 50 people. While small in size, their voices are loud and clear when fighting to be heard on decisions and policies that impact their businesses and the customers they serve every day. Hear more industry stories on NRF’s Retail Gets Real podcast. ******
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