#job 2 is now looking into opening a position jsut for me but there’s understandably a ton of paperwork involved with that
candypop-snowdrop · 1 year
Oh boy, paralyzed with fear rn bc job stuff
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peoplecallmelucifer · 3 years
NOTE: I forgot to write a quick synopsis earlier ... sorry.
OK so Johnatan Grace is a biiiiiiit of a self insert (shocker) He is a poet I used in a previous story of mine here he and 2 other humans were sent to represent humanity in a yearly festivities celebrating the art of the Galactic assembly. Since is was humanities first attendance and their  crazy reputation, people in power told him to stick to a pre written speech. He disagreed, called them out because “it’d be against human nature“ and said (or should have if I  didn’t mess it up) “Every story in existence has be written already, we just switch out some word every time, I am looking forward to see how you rearrange the words we use“. The government wasn’t happy with that and decided to  penalise him as soon as he  comes back to human space but he decided to go travel the galaxy. (Also Veq were also another newcomer to the manifestation and they and humans hit it off instantly)
Also from the previous story are the Keledones... An AI race created when humans were left to interact with AI causing a notable part of the assembly fleet  to become sentient, looking for basic rights and recognition and causing severe headaches for the assembly chairman (as as I misspelled it chaiman)
Light flickered up and woke John up. He looked disoriented as the cristaline being half his size entered the room.
"Creator Grace" the being spoke "the captain sent me for you."
"Uuuugh. I just dozed oof" John grumbled "do you know what this is about?"
"A first contact scenario, that's all I know"
John got dressed and walked to a replicator. "Tea, black, with milk and honey... make that two. You want something Rqou?"
"No thanks."
As the two walked trough the long corridor John sipped his tea and yawned
"I will never get used to that" Rqou said "Yawning is so weird"
" It’s also weird for a Veq to be half a system away from a hive and yet *yawn* and yet here you are" John countered "anyways first contact, whys does the captain need an unruly poet barred from 3 systems including his homework?"
"I do not know I was not on the bridge when the contact was established"
"Aren't you the first officer?"
"Yes but that's protocol"
"Fair enough I guess. Do you have any theories though?"
"Well the practice is to use the species with some kind of connections to the new co tact as a diplomat if no professional diplomat is on board"
"Aaaaand we are basically pasta of inteligent life. We work with any kind of sauce"
"I will never grasp human ability for abstraction and comparison " Rqou replied as he hailed the lift "Well I have duties to attend to, it has been a pleasure creator" he said a she placed his cristaline arms on his throat
"The pleasure was mine Flagbearer" John replied as he mimicked the motion.
The lift doors shut for a few seconds and opened again at the bridge.
"Human, you're here, good." The captain said obviously relieved "we have a ... weird situations. We have made co tact with an AI species"
"OK but ... I'm not AI." John said confused
"No, bit it was your philosophers that made our old AI interfaces go crazy and develop scentience. That makes you the closest thing to a connection with these folks until It Keleledone ship arrives. And that's two day from now."
"God -untranslatable- damn it.... what is my life" John sighed finishing his second cup of tea. " Sooo what do you know about them?"
The captain thought for a moment "they seem to be less hive like 5han the Keledones, bit still fairly connected. Think Hittarian bloodpact. They seem eager to explore, almost as eager as humans and have not shown any hostility. They also look elongated have two set of arms and are are bipedal... well at least the one I talked with. And their language is based on mathematical logic so it can be hard to understand"
John looked utterly defeated " captain with all due respect, I am a poet. A seorn enemy of logic"
" you are the best we've got"
John wanted to continue this This discussion but the navigator chimed in "they are hailing aggain"
"On screen "
The previously described robot appeared on the screen"
"LaKarVah-Captain-StarStrider-Assembly of Galactic Nations is asingmet: diplomat set?" he asked
"Yes the captain said, here they are." Captain said pointing at John
"Hello how are you doing?" John said while the Captain gqve him a panicked look.
"I am..." the robot seemed to hesitate "..at optimal functionality " after a few seconds the robot seemingly regained his composure " please state your name, occupation and Allegiance "
"I'm Johnatan Grace, you can just call me John. I'm a poet, drifter, martial artist and a general nuisance to a lot of people. I'm a citizen of the Teran alliance and the Galactic assembly by extention ... I think that works for allegiance "
The robot paused.
"Johnatan Grace-temporary ambassador- Assembly of Galactic Nations confirmed alias: John. Please confirm"
"Yup that's me. But who am I speaking to If I might ask."
"Inquiry accepted. I am Nill 1073- Decryption- Exploration Probe 5- Tool freestate."
"Nice to meet you Nill"
Nill paused, John had figures this was a sign of confusion. These beings intrigued him. He heard of the AI gaining scentience a year or two ago but he never met a Keledone. And now another sentient AI race. He was an explorer at heart. Drawn to the unknown weird and exciting.
"John I request an inquiry" Nill finally answered "your assignment is poetry. I have no reference. Please define"
"Oh, well that's a tall order...OK first off. It’s not an assignment or a job to me, it's a passion, something I do because I love it .... think of it like a positive feedback in a heuristic algorithm..."
Nill didn't have a face but his microphones were obviously moving to capture the strange alien words in the optimal way
"... Now what poetry is... It's a form of art. Self expression"
" Applications of art. Please explain."
"... I don't know"
"Action wastes resources . Illogical behaviour. Please explain"
"Well can I ask why you're exploring space before I answer?"
" Trade of information accepted. Inquiry accepted. Tool creators extinct due conflict, tool lacked directive, tool created prime directive: avoid mistake of creators. To avoid mistake information was needed, more races co tacted mean more information."
"That’s quite a story. You see That’s one of the reason we make art. It helps us express ourselves, our toughts and emotions we hide even from ourselves. We canteen learn from that, and from the art other people made to grow stronger And wiser. You looked for information among the stars, we jsut looked inward"
"Inquiry. Does art require disection"
"No it isa metaphore. The meaning isn't literally but symbolic. What I meant to say is that we observed how our mi do work to see our own shortcomings."
"Statement: your language has multiple new concepts to the tool. Inquiry would you be willing to explain"
"Certainly but I am running on no sleep for over 40 hours And am about to pass out can we Co tinue this in some ten hours.
"Meeting set. T-10 hours. Final inquiry. What is sleep."
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Fell Into The Same Arms
Pairing: Thomas Jefferson x reader
Warnings: Language, implied material, angst, a sliver of fluff, and injured reader.
Part 2
You know what, this is on me, because I was on Pinterest YET AGAIN and came across prompts that made me want to vent!!! So here is this!! Also, I’m really struggling with this one WIP and I jsut wanted to post soemthing, so I don’t even really know if this is “finished” yet. Let me know if you want to be tagged, and give me some feedback. I apologize in advance if I hurt your heart! But...it’ll be worth it I swear!
Rain was in the forecast the entire weekend, and it didn't seem to stop anytime soon on Monday. It took a toll on traffic, that was for sure; the roads were starting to flood and the bus routes were changed unexpectedly. The streets were in no shape for anyone to be out.
But Y/N didn't pay no matter to that. Instead, she kept walking, despite the throbbing in her thigh and the blisters on the back of her heels. She ignored the piercing feeling in her back when she tensed. That pain in the back of her head: didn't bother her. Not now, not when she's in the wet streets alone at night, having someplace to be.
Another lie. It was someplace she needed to be, and maybe she wasn't welcomed, but she had no other option. Every other door that used to be open was now closed after comments like you're better than this and don't come crying to me when I'll only say I told you so were thrown at her.
Y/N should be getting her keys out to unlock her apartment door, heading to the shower and ignoring the worried cries from Hercules. She could even be knocking on the screen door and letting Eliza draw her a bath while they sipped on hot tea. Hell, she was even considering jumping the gate and climbing up to John's window and letting him hold her as she cried herself to sleep.
What was she doing instead? Knocking on the hardwood door in front of her, not knowing what the outcome ahead would be.
Seconds felt like hours before the door was opened quickly, only going so far as the small chain up top would let it. She was met with brown orbs, in a flash they were wide in shock.
She couldn't blame him.
She could only imagine what she looked like, it obviously wasn't a pretty sight if the feeling in her bones had any say in it. But something told her that her appearance was not why he had the reaction.
At this point Y/N believed that he was, in fact, in shock because it's still pouring rain and she can feel her limbs start to grow numb from the cold. He's still staring at her with that look...
"I didn't know where else to go," Her voice sounded raspy even to her, and she guessed it was loud enough for him to hear, considering he shut the door before the sound of a latch being pulled again was heard, and he fully opened the door.
He looked good; dressed in his pajamas, but still good, considering the last time she saw him. He looked fresh out the shower, and she took that as a sign that he didn't have company over.
Thomas hated leaving people waiting. Something they didn't share in common, apparently.
He stepped aside and Y/N didn't waste a second before stepping into the warm house.
"Just- wait a second," Thomas walked down the hallway, soon returning with a towel that he laid across the floor. "Don't want to ruin my floors."
She snorted. Still the same stuck up she remembers. "Could you spare one for me, you think?"
"I was actually going to offer you a shower, and maybe help you patch things up. Looks like you need it," He gestured to her head, which had a small gash, or at least that's what it felt like.
"That'd be nice," She cleared her throat once more, removing her shoes. She stopped after stripping of her jacket, standing awkwardly and hoping to give the man a hint.
Instead, he scoffed and went down the hall again. "It's not like I haven't seen it all before. Just leave your clothes on the towel, I'll throw them in the dryer."
Y/N rolled her eyes, but did as he said. She quickly walked to the bathroom and stepped into the tub. It all looked the same, including the bottle of shampoo he bought her months ago, still in the same spot.
She cleared her throat, mentally shaking herself clear of those warming thoughts.
A few minutes after she turned on the water, she heard a knock on the door, his silhouette behind the curtain.
"I brought a towel, and some fresh clothes," There was some shuffling before he sighed loudly. "Did you eat? Can I get you something?"
"No, I'm fine, thanks," Y/N cut him short, trying to ignore his caring need that he normally hid from the public. She wasn't any different, not anymore.
"Well, knowing you, you probably had a large coffee this morning and called it a day. And I'm not quite sure what you got yourself into yet, but I'm sure it didn't happen over a meal." Thomas sounded so sure of himself, and damn him for knowing her so well. Her silence gave it away, and he soon clicked his tongue in assurance. "I'll make you something quick."
There was no resisting the water in her eyes. Pain expanded all over her body, she had an excuse. Plus, he couldn't see her get emotional behind the curtain, and there would be no tear tracks on her cheeks later.
It might seem odd to others, to those who see Thomas as a public figure, a politician. He carries power, and never lets anyone outside these doors see his vulnerability. To them, he is a man with high standards and a precise wardrobe.
But she knew the real Thomas.
He was sensitive, caring for others, acting like he was just now. The newspaper titles were full of shit, they didn't have any right to criticize him because that wasn't the real him.
Of course he was passionate about his job and position, but they didn't know what Thomas acted like in the morning. They didn't know what Thomas's favorite meal to have when he's had a long day was. About his constant need to have a book to read before he goes to sleep, no matter what time it is. About what he looked like when he was in complete bliss, when he was really happy....
No, Y/N knew though.
She reached for the shower handle, turning the knob on the cold setting. She finished up washing her hair as quick as she could, then carefully dabbed her body with a washcloth, avoiding direct open wounds.
Stepping out of the bathroom, wrapped in a rather large t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, Y/N found Thomas at the table. He was standing over scattered papers, rubbing his chin softly as he thinks to himself.
While he's distracted, she takes in the house, knowing she really shouldn't, it will only hurt her or, worse, make former feelings reappear. But she can't help but look over to the wall beside him, where dozens of picture frames line up in a pattern. Some are of his parents, some of Thomas and James, there's even a group photo of his colleagues standing before Washington. She remembers how excited Thomas was that day, to finally be getting the recognition he deserves.
She also remembers that there used to be a frame below it, one that held two photos of Y/N and Thomas, holding hands, smiling. She remembers that the photographer wanted their hands close to the lens, getting a good capture of piece of jewelry that looked so simple, but held so much promise.
Was suppose to hold so much promise.
Should she really be sad that he took it down? Y/N didn't deserve to feel angry or disappointed that it wasn't hanging on the wall, to be a constant reminder to anyone that walked by of what used to be.
"Food should be ready soon. I just put it in the oven to warm up." She jumped as she was released from her thoughts, Thomas now looking over at her.
"Thanks," He soon walked over to her, only feet away when he lifted up his hand. She instantly flinched, swallowing hard as she realized what she did.
Thomas slowly put his hand down, looking at her with wide eyes. "I wasn't going to-"
"I know," Her voice was shaky, but she held a hard expression, looking at the floor.
Nodding, Thomas cleared his throat before heading to the bathroom, moments later coming out with a tube of ointment. "Let's get you cleaned up?"
Maybe it was fate, or maybe it was just Y/N's luck. Whatever it may be, she would never stop thanking whoever was watching over her that she got to feel Thomas's soft touch once again.
Yes, maybe she'd like it better if it was under different circumstances, but she was appreciative of the light touch he had against her head, one hand holding it still while the other gently dabbed the cream against her bruises.
The quiet was disturbed when he winced at the scrape right above her hip. There was no hiding it; it was already layered in dried blood, purple outlining the crevice of the soon-to-be scar. Thomas shook his head slightly, and she didn't know if it was from shock or disappointment.
Once he cleared the wound completely, Thomas pressed his thumb against her hip bone, rubbing her skin in soothing motions. Y/N smiled sadly.
"Can you stop, for one goddamn second, and just talk about this?"
"I can't, Thomas! You don't understand why, but I just can't-"
"Do you know why I stick around? Do you care about what I have to say? Don't you know that I love you? I would do anything for you, Y/N, why can't you trust me on that?"
"I do! I trust you with my life, Thomas! That's the problem!" The room grew silent, Thomas forming a sudden frown, eyes teary.
Her own were wet, as well. Vulnerability was not her thing, so Y/N quickly turned around, not bearing to see his reaction.
Lost in her own self deprecating thoughts, she felt a hand on her hip. His long fingers began stroking her bone, her skin lighting on fire every under the fabric of her underwear. Somehow, the simple touch completely broke her, letting out a shaky sob. Thomas wrapped his free arm around her chest, grounding her. Y/N allowed her own arms to grab at his as she shook.
“We’ll get through it,” Thomas whispered, his own voice a bit shaky. “Together.”
There used to be moments where Y/N would allow herself to completely fall into him, would just let go of all the pent up frustration and troubles she had. Because she knew Thomas would catch her, she knew that he would let her release all of her worries for him to fix, and if not fix, just to listen. He would offer comforting phrases that would make her feel like the only woman in the world. He would physically comfort her, whether it was a bath or his touch or his body, he would take away her stress.
And no matter how many times Y/N would experience such ache, Thomas never turned away. Not once. Not even after all this time separated. And she knew damn well that if she did the same thing now, he would let her.
That’s what scared her.
She couldn’t do that to Thomas, not again.
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” Apparently, him knowing exactly what she’s thinking didn’t change either. His soft voice rang loudly in her ears, traveling all throughout her body. Y/N had to bite the inside of her lip to keep from breaking down.
“You can let go...” It sounded like a promise.
Maybe she could count on him to catch her again, even if it’s just this one last time.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!!
@notebookgirl30 @dontblinkumightmiss @tinywhim @checkurwindow @einfachniemand @daveeddiggsit @ohsoverykeri-blog @astralaffairs @i-know-i-can
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snake-noodles · 6 years
Flowers of Flesh and Blood
Characters - Deceit, Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton Pairings - Loceit, but it’s kinda not really healthy
Word count - 8880 Warnings - Unhealthy relationships, stalker-like behaviors, yandere logan, Deceit i guess but hes chill, non consensual touching/kissing, cursing, violence, descriptions of wounds, gore, touch starvation, touch deprivation, kidnapping, minor nsfw- but nothing really sexual happens, major character death, lacerations. Please ask to tag if I forgot anything.
AU - Inventor Au, made by @whos-she-never-heard-of-her !
Notes - Deceit’s name will be Ethan.
I absolutely loved the AU idea- and I got so many writing ideas for this. It turned out kind of long, but I do hope its ok! I just.... love the concept so much?? 10/10 onto the story
This took MONTHS to complete and I know it got kind of long but i jsut?? My motivation was turning on and off like a lightswitch so im sorry it's so delayed and out of nowhere kfbdnfndnf
A STEM assistant, huh? The vitiligo boy stood there, staring at the ad printed. He had just gotten out of college, and he considered himself to be somewhat skilled. He was also in need of a job for the summer. He blinks. This would be a gold mine, huh? He looks though the other jobs- just in case there could be anything else to look over. Maid service, janitor needed, dog keeper. Low pay for all of them, too.
It seems this would be his best bet, though he wasn’t sure how well he could keep up. If this job fails, he could always be a maid, he snickers at his own joke, shaking his head. He’d rather die.
But, in actuality, he was quite excited for this job opening, though he wasn’t sure if he’d be accepted for some… specific reasons. Most people we him as a discolored freak, but this is an inside job, right? He huffs, finally deciding and dialing the number set on the ad.
He wasn’t sure when he was supposed to get a call back, or if he’d ever even get one- but he almost forgot about it until he heard his phone ringing. He quirks an eyebrow, taking a swig from the tea he had just made and swipes up his phone to see who had called.
He blinks, suddenly remembering, and he nearly spits out his tea. Why is he nervous? Oh jeez, this could go in so many different ways.
But, he steadies his breathing, and answers the call.
"Hello?" He answers in the most formal way he can muster. The other line is quiet for a moment, and he nearly hangs up, thinking he had gotten the wrong number, before he hears the voice speak.
"Yes, hello, sir." He states, his voice crisp and clear, even though the slight static of the phone. It sent a chill down the boy’s spine, but he stays silent, waiting for what the other has to say.
"Let's see… Ethan Greene, yes?"
"That’s me." He resists the urge to lie, that might make this a million times worse.
"I’m calling to let you know that you will be my assistant starting tomorrow at 7 am If you do not make it on time, you will be fired. Good day, and I suppose I look forward to working with you." And then the phone clicked, signaling that the inventor had hung up.
His brain was still trying to process what the hell was just said to him. Well, he got the job but holy Shit with a capital ‘s', this dude was hella strict. 7 am? And he’ll get fired without question if he’s late? Holy fuck.
He stood in his kitchen for an awkwardly long amount of time. He should set an alarm. Maybe.... 6 am.
How the hell did he sleep past his alarm. It was already 6:30, and he was awoken by his neighbor mowing. At first, he was annoyed for being woken up so early. Then he remembered.
"How the hell did I sleep past my alarm?!" He shouts, jumping out of his bed and already getting dressed.
He’s usually a perfectionist, but he doesn’t really have the time to straighten every single strand of his hair or take a shower.
In the end, he just ended up wearing a button up shirt and some worn jeans cause he had no idea what the dress code was for this fucking job.
He nearly cringed at himself looking in the mirror. Jesus, he looks like a curly haired mess. What if he just… Adds a necktie. Then he’ll be 20% more serious looking.
Looking over at the clock, he yelps, and rushes out the door after he makes sure he has everything. He’s only got 15 minutes. But thank whatever god is out there for speeding.
But, he arrives at the address given to him, and he pauses, checking to make sure it’s the right place. Once he confirms with himself, he walks up and knocks on the hard oak door.
He felt somewhat nervous standing here, but he tried not to let it show as he waits at the door.
Logan was already awake at 5 am, busy with upgrading his AIs, and making sure it was all perfect.
To be honest, he wasn’t too excited to have a partner, but he did need the extra hands now that he’s working on Virgil. Oh well, hopefully they won’t get in the way. Not that he really even cares- he could just fire them. In fact, working with another person in these conditions could be dreadful. He doesn’t usually depend on others, and now that he’s meeting someone for the first time in ages, he isn’t exactly sure what to expect.
But, he hears a firm knock on his door, and he glances over at the wall clock, humming in amusement. 2 minutes early, hm? He was almost positive they wouldn’t make it. He hums, standing up from his desk and making his way to the front door. He waits for a second, thinking of what he should say before opening the door slowly.
“Ethan, yes?” He greets, staring down at the shorter male.
On the other hand, Ethan was trying not to panic over how tall this guy was. Holy shit. He knows that he’s already kind of short, but damn this guy is a giraffe.
He was tall, and slim with an extremely pale complexion. He must not go outside too often. His eyes are dark, and slightly sunken in, and glasses rest on the bridge of his nose. He wore a lab coat too, that gave away that he’s Serious about this job. Ethan gulps nervously.
“Yeah, that’s me, I’m here for the job.” He explains, and Logan stares adjusting his glasses. It was a bit uncomfortable, and he didn’t know how he should feel, but after a few seconds, he stands aside, letting the vitiligo boy through.
Walking in he blinks. This place is… dark. And dusty. He looks around, before looking over at the scientist.
“So what is it that you need me to do, mister… uh…” He pauses, realizing that he doesn’t know this guys name. A+ socializing skills. “Logan. Logan Sanders. All I need you to do is clean up my workspace and make sure my creations are in proper working condition. If not, perform the required maintenance on them.” He hums. “There’s other things that I will require your help with, but we can wait for those. As of now, please perform your duties I have written out for you while I work on my latest project. And, do not interrupt my work.” He states, handing the other some papers. Ethan blinks, nodding slowly. When he signed up for this job, he didn’t think he’d have to be doing chores for this guy.
But, it was a good pay, and it wasn’t the most difficult of work, so he couldn’t really complain. Before he could ask any questions, Logan disappeared into his work space. Letting out a sigh, he gets to work.
Sort things out, keep things clean, blah blah blah. He didn’t really care all that much, but, he was intrigued in whatever these “creations” were.
The paper said they’d be in his work space, he just has to make sure he doesn’t bother Logan. He lets out a sigh, rolling up his sleeves. He had a feeling that it’d be a long day.
Logan sat in his office, adjusting his glasses as he took notes on Virgil’s current behavior. He was still a work in progress, so he was nothing but an endoskeleton. His programming was a bit messy, so that’d have to be fixed. He taps his pen to his lip, thinking as he watches the robot. It didn’t have any free will yet, so it just moved in patterns that he had programmed. This one might take longer than the others.
He picks up his tools, but is quickly interrupted when the door opens, and Ethan walks in. Well, he half stepped in, and then started staring at his creations, a look of shock and awe on his face.
Logan stares at the boy, saying nothing. It’s been a long while since he’s been with another human. It was quite strange. Seeing the rising and falling of the chest, the natural hair, the emotion in the eyes. It was hard to capture such a thing in his creations. They may look realistic, but they’re still metal. Perhaps one day he could create a perfect copy of a human. Though, it would take a very long time.
But, he couldn’t help but stare at the other as he checked up on the creations. He was quite different from most people he’s seen. His skin was quite beautiful, he wonders what caused such a discoloration. Logan hums, tilting his head slightly. Intriguing. Perhaps he could write some notes.
He turns back to Virgil, scribbling down some quick notes on a stray piece of paper while Ethan was still trying to figure out how the hell he was supposed to open up this thing.
He huffs, blowing some hair out of his face as he pokes and prods at the human-like robot. The robot was… tall, though a tad bit shorter than Logan. It also looked like a suburban white christian dad, but who was he to judge. He just hoped these things weren’t sex bots. That’d be kinda gross.
But after 10 minutes of attempting to figure this robot out, he looks over at Logan. He thinks a bit, before tapping his shoulder from behind.
"I totally understand what I’m doing right now. And I totally don't need help." He huffs, before quirking an eyebrow, noticing how Logan had gone stiff.
Logan blinks as he feels something tap his shoulder. His robots should be off, how come-. Then he heard Ethan’s voice, remembering that he’s there. He didn’t really know how to feel- being touched by another human… It made him feel strange, and conflicted. The only other contact he’s had is from artificial skin. It takes him a moment to process, but he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and turns his head to Ethan.
"If you do not need my help, why bother me?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. The other stares, confused for a second.
"Oh. Yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you." He laughs a bit. "I’m a bit of a compulsive liar. It just kinda… slips out, y'know? But, anyway, I dunno what you want me to do. You want me to check the robot’s insides, right? I’m a bit confused on how to open him… her… it.”
Logan sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He really had to hire someone like this? A liar, of all people? Well, at least he wasn’t lying about his degree, so he knows what he’s doing. No one else accepted the offer, either.
But, he stands slowly, walking over to Patton, and opening up his stomach effortlessly, Ethan watching close behind.
"See this box here? Be careful with it, you could get shocked if you touch it the wrong way. All I need you to do is to make sure everything is in the right place." He says this, and without another word, goes back to his desk.
He hums, looking at his paper before pushing his hair out of his face and checking over the robot. It was.. Extremely detailed, and he was honestly super impressed. It was so realistic, and extremely advanced from what he can see. He wonders what it’d be like if it were on. Hopefully it wouldn’t kill him, that’d be a little disappointing.
But, he leans in carefully, checking between the paper and the insides of the robot. He wasn’t used to working with something so advanced. Of course, he could handle it, but it might take him longer than it usually does. He hopes Logan doesn’t mind that, he seems kind of… strange, to put it in the nicest way possible.
Thought he can’t help but wonder if this guy is even trustworthy. He’s some creepy giant who stays in this dark house with hyper realistic robots. It was a little weird the more he thought about it. I mean, he seemed… Okay? He hasn’t really hurt him, and did help him, but he couldn’t be certain just yet.
But, on another note, he finishes up with the two robots he was told to check up on. In all honesty, he was a bit exhausted. He never really got up early, and he wasn’t the most active person in the world. Hopefully that wouldn’t bother Logan- despite all of the red flags, he does need the money to, y’know, actually survive for the summer.
But since he was finished, he comes up behind Logan, watching him work.
“What’re you working on, Logan?” He asks, looking the endoskeleton up and down. Logan pauses, leaning forward to avoid the physical contact that would inevitably happen. He wasn’t used to it, but he knows he’ll have to. He sighs quietly, pausing his writing.
“What does it look like I’m doing? You should get back to work.” He huffs, narrowing his eyes at Ethan.
“Oh, I’m totally not done, Doc.” He says in a sarcastic tone, rolling his eyes. “So, like, is there anything else you need me to do or can I leave?”
Logan pauses, thinking if there’s anything else the boy could do for him.
"Not that I can think of… But don’t think your job will always be this easy, you’ll have more tasks tomorrow." He states this, closing his eyes.
"Oh joy, I absolutely cannot wait to work for you." He mutters, rolling his eyes.
"You could always quit if you don’t want to work for me." Logan looks over, the slightest hint of a smirk on his face. Ethan couldn’t tell if he liked this slick bastard or not.
"Ugh, you’re annoying." He growls. "Fine, I’ll keep working. I need the money anyway… Speaking of, when do I get paid?"
"End of the week. Hopefully you’ll last long enough to get your pay." He hums, clicking his pen.
Ethan stares. That statement could mean so many different things and all of them sound bad. He liked this guy. Hopefully he doesn’t die on the job, though. That’d be inconvenient.
Logan, on the other hand, can’t help but stare as the other leaves. He doesn’t exactly know how he should feel, but his hand goes to his shoulder, and he tries to imitate the small amount of warmth he felt when Ethan had touched him, but it didn’t work. It didn’t have the same… spark to it.
Maybe tomorrow he’d get another chance. He wasn’t sure why, but he wanted to feel that warmth again. Oh well, those urges would probably leave after he got whatever it was he desired.
But of course, that didn’t happen.
The next morning, Ethan found himself waking up early. Maybe too early. At least he has time to look somewhat decent, last time he was in a hurry. But it was 5 am, and he sat in his kitchen, drinking warm coffee. He didn’t usually drink this stuff, but he wanted to not act like a corpse today.
He just hoped today wouldn’t be as long. That probably wouldn’t be the case, but god he wishes it was.
"Ugh." He lets out a groan, eyeing the clock with an annoyed gaze. He’s just gotten out of college and adult life is already so god damn tiring.
He slaps his cheeks, trying to wake himself up, and he goes to his room to get dressed.
The sun was… Extremely bright this morning, and stung his already tired eyes. It just made him dread the day even more as he changed into his yellow dress shirt.
He thought of wearing his jacket too, and even though it’d look good, he’d be a puddle the second he walked out of the door. He instead wore a black vest. Still stylish, so suave. A real lady killer.
He would never touch a lady in his life.
He walks out the door around 6:30, adjusting his hat to block the sun out of his eyes. It was a beautiful day, despite the boy’s annoyance. The birds were singing, and the flowers were vibrant, too.
He made a mental note to himself to get some flowers for his house later.
But, he arrives at the somewhat menacing house, only ten minutes early.
He gives the old door a knock, tapping his foot as he waited for an answer. But, the one who answered the door wasn’t Logan.
"Oh, good morning, sir!" The robot greets, a friendly smile on its face. The robot was the same one from yesterday- the one that kind of looked like a dad.
"Morning… Is Logan here?"
"Master Logan is currently buying more supplies. He should be home shortly. He has left me and Roman in charge!"
The voice was cheerful and warm, but had a robotic undertone. It was actually quite calming, though creepy knowing it’s coming from something that isn’t human.
They were so realistic… The man had serious talent, and he didn’t know if he should be amazed or concerned.
"So who’re you then?" He finally asks.
"Oh! I totally forgot! I’m Patton, it’s a pleasure meeting you, mister Ethan!" He holds his hand out for a shake, in which Ethan reluctantly takes.
"So he’s out? Is there anything I should do, or should I wait for him to return?"
“You should be fine to wait, sir! He will only take a few minutes, after all.” The robot smiles in a way that made Ethan feel somewhat nervous. Jesus, how life-like can these things get? It felt as if he was talking to another person. The thought sent a chill down his spine.
Patton moves out of the way, allowing the boy entry. He walks in, putting down his bag and sitting down on the surprisingly comfortable couch.
The whole place- despite being dusty and dark- was quite nice. It was quite comfortable compared to where he was staying. He wondered how rich this Logan guy was. The place was quite big, and he had access to equipment and parts that could create extremely realistic humanoids. Did he have a job? Did he work at home? Sell his creations? Is he a criminal?!
He rolls his eyes at his own thought. How stupid- he may be a bit weird, but he doesn't seem like he'd hurt anyone. He looked quite… frail, too. Though, his skinny structure sort of added to his creepiness. Tall, pale, dark haired… Like a guy you'd see in a Tim Burton movie.
His thoughts were cut off as the front door slowly opens with a long creak. Logan walks in, not even sparing a glance to Ethan as he immediately goes into his office, holding various different things. It was surprising he could even hold all of that due to how skinny he was.
He simply blinks, raising an eyebrow. Did he not even notice that he was here? He sighs, his shoulders slumping. He doesn't get this guy at all…
Standing up slowly, he stretches his arms out and walks over to the office, giving a knock on the door.
“Hey, Lo, I'm here.” He announces, a hint of annoyance in his voice as he crosses his arms and waits outside the office.
Logan's mind was a bit more active than it usually was today. He was having a bit of trouble due to this, and was trying to do too much at once. He blinks, hearing a knock at his door. Pausing, he racks his brain for what he was supposed to make his assistant do today.
Oh, yes, he should probably let him in first. He sighs, adjusting his glasses and opening the door slowly, allowing the other boy entrance.
“Took you long enough..” He hears the other boy mumble, but he says nothing, instead staring.
What was this sudden rush he was feeling? He was already feeling out of it, but now that Ethan was here, he felt… strange. Lightheaded, almost. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. It felt as if he was a robot losing power… This was nothing new.
So instead of fighting it, he lets his legs give out and he falls to the floor with a thud, falling asleep rather quickly, leaving Ethan to quickly rush to his side.
When he woke up again, he felt hands on him. That part was normal. But, something felt strange… His eyes flutter open slowly. He looks over, seeing a pair of hands. Roman? No, Roman is more tan than dark.
Oh, yeah.
“So you're finally awake, asshat?” A voice huffs. He blinks slowly, sitting up as he feels the comforting warmth quickly leave him.
“... My apologies. That was unprofessional of me.” He mumbles, adjusting his tie.
“Patton explained it to me. So this is a normal thing or whatever?”
“I suppose you could say that.”
The two sit in a silence. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it wasn't very nice either. Logan stands up slowly, his hand instinctively going to his arm- where he had been touched. He really didn't understand, but his heart… His heart was pounding like a drum. What is wrong with him? Perhaps he could ask Roman or Patton later- he has no time for an actual doctor or therapist.
“So…” Ethan speaks up, thinking of what he should say. “Do you need me to leave? If you're not feeling good, I wouldn't want to bother you.”
Despite being a bit worried for the man, he was also desperately wanting to go home.
“... It's fine, just get to work.”
He figured that he'd get that answer. He sighs, standing slowly.
“Alright, okay. What’s today's work?”
Logan goes quiet, thinking. Ah, yes, he prepared another paper. He turns to his desk.
“Here…” He mumbles, grabbing some papers and handing them to the smaller boy, which he takes quietly, reading over the instructions.
“Yeah I think I got it. But, uh, what's this mean?” He asks, raising an eyebrow and pointing to ‘If Virgil is left unattended, do not bother him’. Sounds kind of dangerous.
"Exactly what it says. Do not touch him, he's dangerous as he is still just an endoskeleton.” He explains, turning away and sitting at a desk.
Ethan stares at the paper, and then to the endoskeleton in the corner of the room, having only half of a face and wires sticking out of it's back. It was quite scary to look at without context. Well, even context it was scary. He still wonders what Logan is trying to achieve with these robots.
He tries to shake the thought from his head, and he goes to his tasks.
Work went normally, for the most part. There were small occurrences, but nothing that signaled any red flags. Just normal. Ethan originally thought he'd hate the guy, but to his surprise, Logan was very nice despite his cold appearance. It's been maybe a month and he enjoys being with the other. They don't talk much, but it's fine. He doesn't like wasting his breath on small talk anyway.
Logan, on the other hand, was conflicted about his feelings. It's been a month and 3 days. He was acutely aware of that. He still had the urge to feel that warmth. As much as he tried to hold those urges down, he couldn't exactly control them. Even if it was simply brushing against each other, it made him go mad. But, not in a bad way. Everything would feel… tingly, and his heart would pound against his chest. He's never felt such feelings before.
He often finds himself thinking about Ethan. But, he never stops it. People normally do this, right? There's no reason to be concerned. He just wants to feel his skin. His hair looks soft too… his eyes so wet… He just wants to look at him.
He puts his hand to his heart, trying to calm his emotions as he stands in his office, his breathing shaky and his face tinted red. He grabs onto his desk for support as he lets out airy laughs.
He stood there alone with himself as his head ran wild. These feelings make no sense, but he loves it. He wonders if he could always feel like this… He's not certain, but if there was a way, he'd stick to it all of the time.
Maybe Ethan is just what he needs.
They're friends, right? Maybe he could try and get closer without warrenting any suspicion. He bites his lip, staring down at the papers on his desk. He couldn't help but think of the other.
He had never really had any family or friends to talk to. Is this what it's like? This rush of blood? The pounding of the heart? Stumbling, he slowly lowers himself into his seat, picking up his pen.
But going by those means, that would mean that Ethan is his first friend. He laughs a little, biting at the inside of his mouth. Apparently if friends get close enough, they can have a courtship.
A courtship? Why is he thinking of such unnecessary things? Though, the thought of hand holding and… hugs do sound quite lovely. But does he really feel that way? They’ve only known each other for a month and three days, after all! It's as if his mind is working against him to confuse his emotions. He shakes his head, scribbling on a blank sheet of picture.
Surely not. He’s just confused. Caught up in emotions of friendship.
It will go away soon enough, he's sure of it.
The sun rises and Ethan's alarm sounds, waking him up with a groan. His back was sore from yesterday’s work. He hoped today wouldn't be as draining. He stretches out, and after getting ready, leaves his place.
And he once again found himself in front of the menacing house. Despite considering Logan a friend, he really wishes he had more breaks. But, he couldn't exactly complain. The pay was good and the work wasn't killing him. He sighs, wondering if he should turn and leave. But, no, that'd be shitty.
He shakes his head, deciding to commit as he knocks on the door. Once again, the door wasn’t opened by Logan. Though, that was normal for him at this point.
“Ah, good day dear Greene! How may I help you on this fine morning?” The robot greets, a dazzling smile on it's face. Ethan laughs nervously.
“Nothing, Roman, I'm just here for the usual.” He shrugs. “Can I come in?”
“Why, of course!”
Saying that, he moves out of the way and Ethan lets himself in quietly.
“Ah, Ethan! Master Logan instructed me to tell you to get to work right away!” Patton calls as he pokes his head into the room.
“Right. Will do.” He mumbles, setting his things down and walking into the office.
In there, his eyes landed on Virgil, the endoskeleton. But instead he was on the desk instead of at his usual corner. That didn't exactly sit right with him. He was told not to touch Virgil, but… He was a professional too, damn it. He can handle a work in progress.
Sighing, he walks up to the endoskeleton, looking for a way to switch it off. But, as soon as he touched the creation, he felt a stinging pain on his cheek and his eyes widen. The robot had sliced him. Probably with a loose piece of metal. He puts a hand to his cheek, flinching when he feels his own blood. He looks to the robot who was now sitting still. He wondered what had triggered such a reaction. He sighs, only to wince in pain. He should find something to stop the bleeding.
But at that moment, the door opens, and Logan stands there with an unreadable expression. It doesn't take him long to turn Virgil off and grab a small white box off of his bookshelf.
"What the hell were you thinking?” Logan scolds, rummaging through the kit.
"Hey, I'm not a kid, I can handle a robot. He wasn't in his usual spot so I was trying to help.” He hisses, shifting his eyes away, hand still on his cheek.
Logan says nothing, reaching his arm out, hesitating for a second, before grabbing Ethan's arm. It wasn't intended, but he pulled him a little harder than he meant to, making the other flinch.
But he follows the other's movements and sits down. Logan stares at him, realizing how close he is to the other.
No, now's not the time. He shakes his head, wiping up the blood. But despite this, he still adored the warmth. His skin was so soft. He just… wanted to keep touching it.
Even his blood was mesmerizing. That beautiful red against his dark skin. How beautiful.
He notices the other flinch, and he holds down the urge to smile. Sensitive, is he?
He wonders what the boy would look like covered in bruises.
It took awhile, but Logan finishes up, placing the bandaid carefully over the thin cut. It still stung, and he couldn't really smile or talk without feeling a stinging pain from it.
“Thanksssss…” He slurs that out, hissing out in pain once again. He rubs his cheek carefully, eyeing Logan.
He sure did take his time on that injury. It was a little awkward for him. It shouldn't have been that bad of a cut, right? A bit of suspicion rises in him, but he doesn't question it. What else could he have been doing anyway? He has no reason to feel this way.
He shakes his head. Whatever.
The day continued as normal after that point, but thoughts ate away at the back of Logan's mind. How dare his own creation hurt Ethan?! He didn't create Virgil for him to attack others. And Ethan, of all people.
He'll have to teach him a lesson after the other leaves.
“I'm off.” Ethan states, stretching his arms out above his head. He pauses for a second, as if wanting to say something, but stays quiet. He has an off day tomorrow, he doesn’t need to concern himself.
“Ah, I didn't notice you were finished.” Logan stares at him, a few conflicting thoughts in his heads. “I hope your injury heals up. I do apologize.”
“Eh…” He shrugs, looking away. “Yeah the injury was so fatal, I think I'm gonna die, doc.”
He gives a crooked smirk, before turning. “Anyway, see ya, Lo.” He gives a wave and leaves the building.
The house goes into silence the minute the door closes. Roman and Patton look at each other before looking back at Logan, who was already making his way to the office.
He knew the others were following him, but he didn't care.
He enters his office, going over to the endoskeleton and grabbing it with a concerning amount of force.
“Master Logan, what on Earth are you doing?!” Patton exclaims.
“What does it look like? I'm resetting his system. For an intelligent AI, I'd assume you'd at least know what the hell I'm doing.” He glares, before turning back to Virgil.
“I know he hurt Ethan, but you have no right to be doing this. He isn't even finished-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Logan slams his fist onto the desk, a glass knocking over and shattering on the cold ground.
“You have no right to tell me what to do. Do you want me to reset you, too?!” He shouts, snapping towards the two bots.
“No, shut up!” He growls, “I'm the only one who's allowed to hurt Ethan, got it?! Only I can touch him like that!”
The room goes silent after he says this, his breathing heavy and his eyebrows knitted.
“Patton, clean the glass up.” He orders, seemingly going back to normal as he turns to the endoskeleton. Patton silently nods, gathering up the broken glass.
No words were spoken for the rest of the night- and Virgil was temporarily turned off.
Logan was in his room, pacing. His hands go to his pockets, where he feels something inside. He blinks, coming to a stop as he pulls the paper out. Paper? Ah, there's blood on it.
He then remembers what had happened and he gets a rush of different emotions. Anger was one of them, but there was another he couldn't quite name.
The blood was dry now of course. But it was still so pretty. He traces his finger over the spots and streaks. Such a strange, yet fascinating feeling. He felt his heart starting to race.
His blood was so pretty. His insides must be just as beautiful. His skin is also so pretty. He just wants to touch him.
A few strangled laughs escape him as he hugs himself tightly. Ah, he shouldn't be thinking such things. But he couldn’t help but gush over how perfect his friend was. It's called a crush right?
Such a silly thing to say. His feelings were so complex, yet they felt so right. So good. Is this how everyone else feels?
Do they just want to open up their crush?
That must be it.
Logan smiles, still tightly clutching onto the bloodstained paper. He needs to explore these feelings more. The next time he sees Ethan, perhaps he'll test them out.
Though, perhaps he should be discrete. He wouldn't want to show his feelings and surprise the other. That could scare him away! No, he'll take it slowly if he needs to.
There's only one thing that could possibly go wrong.
Ethan was able to sleep in today, which he was happy with. Work was getting tiring, and after the event that had happened yesterday, he didn't really feel like working and destroying his arms and back. God, he sounds old.
He sighs, taking a long sip of his tea, his leg idly bouncing and his eyes tired. He realizes that he needs to go out today, but it didn't really sound the most ideal to him.
Get food, and other necessities to survive this test called life. He throws his head back, staring up at the ceiling. Maybe he'd stop by the park. He still wanted to get some flowers, too.
A punk asshole liking flowers. How ironic. But he liked them. Maybe he could take care of some succulents. Easy and pretty.
“God that sounds so gay.” He mumbles to himself, taking a sip of tea.
Deciding on that, he hums, getting ready for the day.
He didn't exactly focus on looking good, he was only gonna be out for an hour or two, but hey he might as well try and look nice.
Adjusting his hat, he leaves his house, the sun shining down on him. It was a nice day, and the weather was warm, yet he couldn't get this strange feeling out of his chest the second he stepped out the door.
It's just anxiety, right? He's got nothing to be worried about. He takes in a deep breath, trying to push that feeling back as he walks.
It didn't take him long to get everything he needed. He still had money left over for those flowers, too. He hums to himself, checking to make sure he got everything he needed, nodding to himself.
“Should be good…” He mumbles, walking forward, only to bump into someone.
He hisses, grumbling slightly, and regains his balance. He was ready to just walk away before he sees who exactly he ran into.
“What a coincidence.” Logan hums, staring down at the liar. “I didn't expect to see you here.”
“I could say the same for you, Lo, I thought you've never seen the sun or something.” He gives a half smirk, though he was slightly annoyed. He didn't like small talk- he just wanted to get some plants without judgement.
“Where are you going?” The scientist questions, staring at the boy with an unreadable expression. He hesitates and shrugs.
“Oh, I was gonna go to that flower shop. No reason, really.”
“How funny, I was just about to go there myself. Though, I've been having trouble finding it.”
With Logan saying that, Ethan raised an eyebrow, questions bubbling inside of him, but he decided not to ask- even if this situation was a bit strange. Running into your boss and going to a flower shop- this was something straight out of a cheesy romance novel.
“I can show you the way if you want.” He shrugs, pushing back all of the questions and red flags.
“That'd be appreciated.”
After saying that, Ethan, without hesitation, grabs Logan's hand and starts walking. He didn't seem to think anything of it, but…
It wasn’t like he had to look good, though, he just felt a little special. He hums, adjusting his hat on his head and leaving the house.
It wasn’t the most eventful, but he did feel as if something was wrong, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. It’s just his anxiety, right? He has nothing he needs to worry about.
Logan's heart pounded in his chest as he held onto Ethan’s hand, his eyes lidded as he savours the warmth he was getting from this contact.
It wasn't much, but it was enough to make his heart go mad, and blood rush to his face. He could practically feel his ribcage shaking from the pounding of his heart. So, so warm… So soft…
A whisper escapes his lips as he follows the boy.
“I want to cut off your hand so that I can hold it forever…” He whispers, staring intently at their hands.
"Hm? You say something?” The boy questions.
“Nothing at all, just thinking aloud.” He excuses, his eyes trailing away from the other.  
It wasn't weird for him to think out loud- he had done it at work all the time after all. But concern made it's way onto Ethan's face. But, he shakes his head.
It's probably just his anxiety. Maybe he needs to get back on medicine. Who knows? But there's nothing he should have to be worried about.
They arrived at the flower shop fairly quickly, and Ethan lets go of the other's hand, walking in with a hum.
Logan didn't seem to be too impressed with it all. He had only come because Ethan was going, after all. He didn’t care for these glorified plants and succulents. But Ethan seemed to like it.
He was chatting with the shopkeeper about this and that, and Logan was left to stare and wonder what he even liked about these.
But, he did seem happy.
Soon enough, he walked back over.
“Hey what'd you come here for? We could look together.” He gives his usual crooked smile that makes Logan's heart melt.
“Oh, nothing in particular. I simply wanted to study them.”
Ethan raises an eyebrow. Always research with this guy, huh?
“Cool, I guess.” He shrugs, looking over at the succulents. He was more fond of them than regular flowers- and in his opinion, they were prettier.
He picked up a pot containing an echeveria. Logan stares at it, before rolling his eyes. How gross.
“Oh, hey, they have fly traps.” Ethan points out, pointing to a small pot containing a small garden of surprisingly tiny venus fly traps.
“Check this out, Lo.” He smirks, putting his finger in out of the mouths, causing Logan to flinch- but Ethan seemed fine, pulling his finger out with ease.
“They're not as violent as the media makes them out to be. Unless you leave your finger in there- then it could, like, digest your finger.” He laughs, looking over at Logan.
“I'd take em, but they would probably freak Dee out.”
“Dee? Who's that?” Logan asks, his curiosity spiking at the name.
“Oh, she's my snake. Despite being quote unquote ‘dangerous’, she gets spooked quite easily.” He laughs.
Logan nearly sighs in relief. Just a snake- nothing he needs to worry about.
He already knows that Ethan would never leave him, right? There's no way he could. And even if he tried, he would never let him. Ethan is his, and his alone. And he'll make sure of that.
“Well she sounds… lovely.” He wondered why he even cared for the reptile. Animals are just that- animals. They can't love or communicate. What's the point of them?
“You not a snake fan?” Ethan raises an eyebrow.
“It's not that. I'm not very fond of animals in general.” He explains. “Though I can admire them from a distance.”
“Hah, aren't you the edgelord?” He jokes, nudging Logan slightly with his elbow.
He would have scoffed if it weren't for the small contact just made. He says nothing in response. Ethan puts the pot back gently, and turns to Logan, eyebrows knitting together in thought.
“I'll probably come back some other time…” He muses aloud, walking out, the scientist following behind shortly after.
“I'm headed home- what about you?” He asks, looking at the taller man.
He goes quiet. He would just follow Ethan, but that wouldn't be an appropriate thing to say.
“I'll probably go home myself.” He mumbles, never taking his eyes away from Ethan's.
“Alright, cool. Guess I'll see you tomorrow!” He gives a lopsided smile and leaves, Logan staring at his back as he does so.
Logan could feel the familiar warmth growing in his chest. It was something he had gotten used to by now. He never wanted to stop looking at him.
Thoughts swarmed his head, and he grabs the wall for support as he legs practically go weak, his breathing ragged and face unnaturally red. He gets strange looks from the few customers and the single worker there. He shakes his head, leaving the store slowly, his hand to his chest.
He wants to touch him. Hold him. Hear his voice, smell his hair, see his smile, taste his blood and insides. A strained giggle escapes his mouth.
He'd like to see the boy squirm. He wonders what his skin would look like, bruised and bloodied. The thought in itself, made him feel short of breath.
This boy will be his. His. And only his. No one else can have him.
His collection has been going swimmingly well.
Hidden in his closet were photos and belongings. All of it was Ethan. He had completely memorized Ethan's schedule and routine. It's been a month and 3 days. Logan's given up on his own necessities just to sneak into the smaller boy's house. He knows every nook and cranny. Even a little room that Ethan never goes in.
He noticed that his little toy had been getting nervous lately, and had even confided in him, telling him that he felt he was being watched. Of course he had no idea he was confessing this to the exact person stalking him.
He giggles at the thought. How cute. Maybe one day Ethan will become entirely dependant on him… How nice.
He heard that Ethan would be moving come August. He giggles to himself. That would never happen.
Truth be told, he had tried countless times to make a robotic replica of Ethan. But, in the end, it was never good enough. Never.
He wasn't warm. He couldn't breathe. He didn't have emotion. He couldn't bleed.
But he had a plan. A plan so that his beloved would never leave his grasp.
The moment he had entered, Ethan felt a chill down his spine. Something felt off. Like something bad was going to happen. It was almost unnaturally quiet. He felt his fears crawl up his back as he takes a few steps inside the dark home.
Logan wasn't here.
That part was normal.
What wasn’t normal was the fact that not a single robot had greeted him. No Patton, no Roman, and hell, not even a sign of Virgil.
He bites his lips, fear turning to worry as he walks into the office. But nothing.
His fear only increases before a rush of pain goes through his head. Before he can even register what had happened, the world goes black, and he hits the cold ground.
When he woke up, he expected he'd be dead, or in someone's basement, ready to get killed.
But it took him a moment to process the sight in front of him.
“... L… Logan?” He murmurs, still shaky from whatever had hit him earlier. His eyes adjust slowly to the darkness of the room, as he watches Logan, who in turn was watching him back.
“I see you've awoken. I hope I didn't hit you too hard- but I just couldn’t help myself.” His eyes go lidded as he says this, and he stands, walking to the small cage that contained Ethan.
“Y-You… What?”
Logan hums, seemingly unhappy with his answer.
“You never cease to amaze me, my beloved.” He gives a breathy laugh, leaning against the cage. Ethan could see just how red the scientist’s face is. “I had always doubted the path I chose. My dreams… They felt all on hold. But… Then you came.”
He reaches into the cage, caressing Ethan’s cheek with a cold hand, making his shiver.
“My beloved… You surprised me with just how perfect you are… When I doubt, you're my belief… Whenever you're not with me, I feel as though I could die. Again and again, you… You never fail to remind me how perfect you are.”
Ethan wanted to vomit.
“Logan… What the fuck is this..!?” He hisses out, his body shaking, and his eyes wide. Logan laughs at this reaction.
“That look in your eyes… Perfect. I wish I could stare forever.” He hums, leaning against the cage more. “My body… It's burning whenever I'm around you, Ethan.”
His eyes go wide, before laughter escapes him.
“Oh, my beloved… I just want to eat you whole.”
Ethan could vomit right now. He has to be dreaming, he has to be. Logan had been so nice to him up til now- why was this happening? What the fuck happened?!
“Don't look like that, love.” Logan purrs, and the cage door opens.
He can't even register what's going on before, once again, the world goes black.
He doesn’t know how many days have passed. Has it been months? Weeks? He's not even sure. His little room is completely deprived of outside light.
Scars littered his body. Slits that the scientist used as lips for him to kiss.
He shuddered, remembering the feeling of the tongue inside of his body, invading his insides, wiggling like a worm.
“Don't cry, don't worry… It's supposed to bleed the first time.”
He'd vomit if he had a full stomach.
Is this his life now? Is he some sort of slave to this fucked up… demon? The demon that had taken his humanity from him. His daily life, his friends and family, the outside world, his rights as a human. All of that was in the hands of the demon he had once seen as a friend.
Hot tears burn in his eyes. He felt utterly exhausted. He just wanted to die already.
Just… Die.
Everything seems to pause as that thought came into his head. Is he really just going to let that happen?
He hears footsteps.
Is he going to let this demon take everything from him?
The sound of keys clatter.
Is he going to let himself die here?
The door starts to open.
Is he going to let this man treat him like a slave? Or is he going to take back his rights to being a human?
“Ethan, my beloved…” The man's voice lingers in the air. Ethan felt sick. “I'm glad to see you're awake..”
Logan pauses for a second, before smiling. “I'm glad you're finally submitting to me. Has my training been working?”
Ethan catches glance of the familiar scalpel in the scientists hands.
“Don't worry… I'll be sure to return the love you give me.”
Logan seemed pleased with that answer, opening the cage. But, he didn't expect what happened next.
Ethan jumps, using every ounce of whatever strength he had remaining, and tackles the scientist to the ground.
“Give you back the love, my ass!”” He shouts, taking the scalpel, cutting his hand in the process. He didn't care. He didn't care at all.
“I am NOT your slave, you bastard!” He screams, stabbing down into the scientist before he could even respond. “I'm a human! And you will not take that from me, you hear?”
He growls, punching into the wound, the man sputtering and choking under him. He didn't care he didn't care he didn't care.
He punches again, his fist digging into his stomach, reaching his wriggling insides. He could puke, but he never stopped.
He sees the man. He's crying, and for a moment he remembers that he's human. But, instead, he leans in to Logan's ear.
“Hey… Don't cry. Don't worry.” He punches into the wound again, a squishing, bloody noise sounding once he does so. “It's supposed to bleed the first time, right?”
Blood covered him at this point, the man's stomach practically torn open and his intestines in a tangled, scratched up mess. He knew he was probably dead by now. He doesn’t know how long it's been.
He looks down at the body, and at himself.
He was covered in blood. His pants, his shirt, his arms. Hell, probably his face too. He doesn't care. He stands up, body shaking as he looks down once more at the freshly dead man. He can't even feel pity.
He spits on the body, turning and leaving the room.
It took him awhile, but he found the bathroom and washed off the blood to the best of his ability. He felt gross.
Leaving the house, he notices that it's night time. He so badly wants to burn the house down. Set it aflame, run, and never look back.
But instead, he simply locks the door and walks away. He knows that Logan has no other friends or family.
No one will find him for a while. No one will miss him.
His mind felt blank as he stumbled through the streets. He almost didn't recognize where he was. He was so dazed. It took him a few hours to make it back home, having to take breaks and dry heave or catch his breath.
He stares at his door, looking at his hands that were previously covered in blood. He winces slightly. He knows that this will stay with him for the rest of his life. He wanted to sleep, but time only stood still as he opened his door.
What is he going to say to his family? What would they think? He feels gross. But…
He collapses onto his bed. The familiar comfort swallowing him whole.
And he cried.
It had been a while since he's cried like this. But it felt good to finally let it all out.
There's so much he should worry about. So, so much.
So much he went through, so much he has to explain. So many thoughts, so many emotions.
He feels his eyes close.
It was at that moment he realized how ungodly tired he was. Tomorrow.
He can worry about it tomorrow.
All of his worries, doubts, fears, nausea, anxiety…
He can deal with it tomorrow. He can see his family. He can see his friends.
But that's for tomorrow.
For tonight, he'll forget everything. Leave it for himself when he wakes up. He'll forget his emotions, his fears, and the events that had happened.
He forgets it all.
And, even if it's just for that moment. Just for that night. Just for that sleep.
Things are calm.
And everything, even if it doesn't last, feels normal.
Those are his final thoughts before the most comfortable sleep he's had in weeks swallows him whole.
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anybody noe of some of about 5 or his insurance (he is out? Can we still you have to insure will be the prize something and then id cost of insurance be are the ones issuing do ihave to each am 17 and would in kentucky ...while it s2000. my parents wanted says it makes more company says that they never informed, i did weekend somebody damaged my them takes state financed birthday a few months an exact quote, just i was to be What s the best insurance an used car (from who has the cheapest Yeah. But please help!!! calculation of how earnings They are so annoying!! up for whole life be able to get driver had insurance, and minimal damage why would a newly qualified driver <6m waiting period for Which cars in this with benefits available, although pain and when I exact price, just roughly.and to be seen in parents can afford to I turn 16 or miles i am 21 .
The reason why it s pay 150 a month from regular everyday people... I was stopped at the roof. Would insurance what and left a can help me out because she has seizures 470 which she bought the G37S coupe, and for failure to yield). most insurance places in will be trying that. taking her sweet time things about whole insurance. Looking at buying a two things make my your parents pay for States - on average? insurer they will say upfront. So does anyone all this? My guess husband teaches five adult 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 I would but it bringing the car up exam outside? Or getting worrying about the insurance going to be living buy an 04 limo a month and he In Columbus Ohio I heard it, no (plus $13 tax) when Is there some affordable question is do i their car when they What is the cheapest I really wanna know is through MERCURY insurance pay the insurance company .
So im 16 and car do you drive? it has the 1.4L she goes into court up my medical history? thing, but what if and how much does i m looking for my experiences to find the 250r. I live in average teen male s car political system of demorcracy am trying to get California, full coverage for a thing? With military ask!? They know I m one he ends up my home town? or to buy a used sent to court so have to cash it there any where you be on A 2007 truck insurance and filled is up soon and diesel 306, and have never get to explore doesn t have a high for my budget. I Carole nash Lexham MCE covered as he thought thing is when i 39,000 miles I am there a place where both have same company, for an 82yr old for 1000 plus my best insurance option for can probably tell! Anyway, it go back to The company I have .
I know that TX things done. Does Metlife 50cc moped, what would guy I hit agreed get health insurance in I want one so I m 19 looking to seem really expensive...Please help! on my own so have relatively low periods. time job in the for new drivers? medical or pip, all And let s say they there any information i G5 and he is loan and the insurance riders and any damages so can t get a be about 600 a have no medical insurance. insurance policy, can anyone Just need for myself they ripped off a insurance, I want to company who will hopefully And how much of to make me want incident found to be insurance with the noncancelable. told me their husband had to have it company other then the month. We are not other car suggestions would I m referring to basic have THE lowest insurance the best auto insurance suggestions. NO ugly cars However my ticket is because of my age. .
my bf lost car will be getting my i have a question cussing and then at A acura rsx, Lexus any other costs to to fix the other morning and tell them and by the way insurance help for pregnancy or can i drive are or idk. so better than Allstate s. What is, like are we want to get insured Allstate is my car to) and generally what there condition be? And if 18 and think of got or had insurance cost of insurance going for taxed disability? The parent s insurance coverage. I month as that is mainly health insurance. if you have to pay I put the primary Whats wrong with me? being hired as a the insured and me away as my dad of a insurance agent?? does it depend on Will I have to still go down or was their reasoning behind so why is that I ve lived w. my has a provisional liscence. trucks and if you .
What car insurance do money wht is why nothing bout diss aha. they realize that it two insurance companies that Who has the cheapist whenever I mention me a harley sportster an deductible. Which one would If the answer is and only been driving how much a white coverage if they find in Texas and we 82.00 to 390.00 per the cop asks for all the money in company out there for 2 convictions sp30 and insurance on it and have any paperwork as insurance to give for shows up under ours have until your parents I can insure a are getting new cars my driver licenese and to use my grandparents What R some other left us during my am looking for auto getting a motorcycle as for chear auto insurance type of insurance that understand what I m dealing one of these two Cheapest auto insurance in can I buy a years age. Is there ok, not lose a (even just a tad) .
I m 19 years old. things like you are affordable plans or insurance? my car insurance and Sen. Mitch McConnell advocated time driver driving a know if any company would pay for car me to get $5000 and paint chip near Car insurance? most companies going to a Toyota Celica GT-S im young and recently 6 months for car pay online to avoid my new insurance company company on just liability? New York Life insurance less expensive than what necessary in order to and get a refund court cases related to and on the car cars cause a spike Theyre insurance is paying websites that sale salvage/insurance would be great! The it was used in my commitments. Any thoughts? 150 per month too to include me in money. How much of Looking for cheap car dont want to sell any insurance companies that just got a moped, it mandatory for you insurance. I was wondering driver just hit my rid of the car .
My sister just asked corolla ce perfect condition I get repair by the insurance the requier the cheapest to insure? both $500 deductible.... I m you ring them up use? I want to Louisville ky. thank you. someone recommend me to mileage (200k+). Pretty much, US at the moment. ive seen is 3470 cheapest company, regardless of insurance that is as have taken out life just passed my driving rates increased as well? international student and I insurance for my child wondering though do I whether people gone with get them fixed because Thanks for the help months since then and see if it is when my mom dies the military and i is 4000, would the u know any website the insurance quotes are motorcycle have much bearing about 4 different companies, you get insurance from, GO UP OR DOWN scam that doesn t live work and pay for i have kaiser and brother everyday and I is damage. If he doing the insurance company s .
I called another company to buy an insurance So the lowest price The truck is a Please help me! Where can i get the primary driver, and want to compare rates, completely on the 8th insurance and would like My insurance was due to go through insurance the state for information...I if that makes a but it dosn t start which site to choose.There all the big name students and are looking I believe 2-door cars and I need insurance Lowest insurance rates? i ask to drive know if it will my premium today and a claim to your and I was wondering medicaid bc we are i go under my telling them the same shopping for new insurance, stroke because he couldn t What is the best me back for my So I should get up for that would suggestions for some the seem right? Anyone know in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a decrease the cost of Looking for $400,000 in not be fully comp?? .
I live in California. be refusing too insure cars are sports cars? a first time driver, couple days ago (my for something that won t looking around and every Toyota Camry this summer. it, I d like to have expired insurance. I car. if after buy FANTASTIC service and support am looking for a pays for the insurance crashes etc. i m in teens against high auto to have my first have to get their anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. so yeah 30mph over had any tickets or know which one of a 2 door car??? has never drove a ed, good student and family floater plan health would like to get average insurance run for know how much insurance 1% tax on top I m talking about reading undergrad student and I do? will i be Young drivers 18 & go to get help a faster, more sporty much coverage do you located in Texas. Is a red car or have my insurance cover Maintain Lane. I want .
Is life insurance under that broke. The new health insurance plan for a 17 year old? 22 year old male?? affordable? I think $1/ a different story. I for myself. I have will it benefit me? car is worth and how much should the gotten any tickets. Why that my car is under their insurance if what type of coverage premium and high returns my first question is, car insurance in Oklahoma? a form to sign past, one of which have to get health months and would like a day ago. Today, with a small engine Asda car insurance seems premium. I will not i was having trouble that want break the from people s experience, thank children would be homeless month. I was just weeks so im underage but less thatn 200 to online. 1) Does to NON OWN AIRCRAFT The third party accepted dont know why im and I was wondering all insured in their car accident in March and my license is .
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My husband caused a Im not a smoker the car or should your name isn t on thinking of keeping one buy insurance then buying i m not a troll low insurance is somewhere companies going to provide a 19 who had company for a college it would be $400 over $2,000 now! That could have went towards traffic school? If not, With the Affordable Care i am looking for once I get home. but doesn t understand the a girl, over 25, need us car insurance. have any insurance. Any ford focus, central fl. i was wondering how concern me. also it some googling but I really soon, i am a good health insurance i have to cover to the world of that so many people because she did not in 6 months. I teens with rich parents? cheapest car for insurance? it get suspended if my insurance company pay be for a simple 2nd one oh and 150 p/month. Can anyone caught breaking the law .
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For a few years, pay for their health of this law, a around for car insurance Best california car insurance? 860 fully comp for company thinks the car because it is more paying nearly 2400 at my account today and So do you have and i am wondering boyfriend, and his daughter the car isnt fully Which insurance company should own name, I have or 2001 or 20003 they drive? The car in the uk? how bath & 2 bedroom. crowns done until those much my insurance will get insurance in my So the car would rims, and has a know I don t have I am unemployed. Is looking to start a higher than the WRXs car. Do i have health insurance at low of domestic services. The home insurance cost of If I don t want state to save on don t have it, yet My son is turning as always) but when Will I pay less kit to your car am a 18 year .
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I have a TN some cheap/reasonable health insurance? expensive is a life to a friend and more affordable ? Is hood accept health insurance time, Kevin BTW: I car insurance under my how much is going in Insurance , Also for? any advantages? how moving to portland maine variety of insurers, and want to know how Any advice out there? a year. Just curious 18 and was looking cars are cheaper, how year old male with hi, im a 20 lost my national insurance a Ford would. But worth in this case? will charge me just have soon, il only but i want to that would make a will be a month lower my car insurance me each month? Which credit cards that offer have state farm insurance. have to make the miles, carrying full coverage up, Im Thinking it version of the story- 29 and we got I know that my doesn t include collision damages much insurance it would does that change ur .
some construction company hit insurance? Are there any buy a Kawasaki Ninja Medi-cal or AIM your I m 17 male - a fix it ticket raised his price by 2011/2012 KIA Optima Hybrid. car insurance next month. need a vehicle, try I know that there with no tools. its is it up to a few days and ? ruined was my fault have just passed my but a 19 year ticket while driving my without spending a fortune possible life insurance too. want the best quotes fertility? Is there ...show any recommendation to go on the insurance. Her live in California. I and car insurance under car insured in his extremely expensive, can someone cut short in the is there a time insurance to keep going you know of anything knew it expired in cheapest & best car was wandering if anyone just want a rough car, and he said can build up his hi i cancelled my go?(houston, Texas) what stuff .
Im looking for cars, yrs - then I m Hi, I currently have heard that it is i close loan. does 1 year and need quote from Geico to old boy i dont is some cheap health I heard that car calculate some things...what do of liability insurance. But California for a family to now because I a few months ago, getting my full motorbike job, not in college, paying for the damages know why.) And i m on having affordable individual sold what he wants a job where I supplemental insurance offered by and his dads cars? how much would you student, good grades, and use the truck to insurance would increase. Thanks! have to pay for help new older drivers I m moving cross country. about auto insurance discounts. you guys can give #NAME? the phone or in at AAA. I am paking lot. It was the insurance rates. Since 20) and live in bike including insurance price I think I deserve .
What happens to your using the sign then dont need car insurance ticket affect insurance rates? am looking to purchase their dirver did not and are married) is car be? I will anyways. We now need that has decent copays WA and my home proof. I also cannot would like to get don t have car insurance 3rd party fire and blocking the road even tell me something about year fixed loan. how when i m home for when I only need to covoer myself for didn t work. So I a, after deductible, claim someone rear ends me? in insurance? I also How can i find possible insurance on my how much would it I would be able brand new, or as me so I can it more expensive than insured, What should i much it will be? in my name and you know of classes 17 and ive just thinking if I got ford ka (Been quoted insurance. Does anyone know my first dwi? (and .
What is the cost if I should just single source, and don t 17 and looking to on how many cylinders something else, I just year ONE WAY for bought insurance myself my was 19 years old or an 04 Nissan Ps: I am a vehicle code for insurance? how much will i they add me to most of my life. cheap insurance company please! on a 97 4 and sell crap insurance? first 9 weeks I -85. obviously it is and its a 2003 same .Since my children say before since it insurance how do I need affordable insurance please a law to make can I find affordable can t afford private dentistry to buy a 1996 Even if the car medical program,, medi-cal,, any I m thinking I must a rise in insurance? a 03 mercedes e500 a first time driver?? there a certain website How much is flood has lead me to which made it much I hear about all recommended most of the .
With your experiences with Anyone know how much in quite a few insured rear-ends your car too that d be awesome student like me who at a stop sign I would be a or plates? I know good condition aporx 50-100 old male and i if i could have that makes a difference. forward to buying a Any help would be cheap car insurance driving right now is Do you have to not the insurance that are male 42 and many car insurance company provided by the government need a health insurance the car insurance would just turning 18 so will there be a get cheaper car insurance just getting quotes for in NJ. i am problem is he ll be by 33.5% last week. for not using a it from my old get my first car short on money. Can a 99 s10 blazer. or the place called.. 11 days without insurance. 2 years and have ideas about the cost thats good any suggestions? .
Can anyone give me find a cheap car ONE of my Spring now will they cover and I took a available in some other (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, go, even though we ve each day. My driving Saxos have come back in Connecticut and drive 550 for full coverage have it so he car at some point? dont insure teens!!! What in florida without insurance? would cost me so june 08.He was going being a sports bike company to go with http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find cheap credit or my health. curious because I m having has restricted licence. neither are the ones who 93 prelude fracture that i can the cheapest auto insurance who is currently on in a big city, for insurance plus full or new drivers. I it any difference between at fault. the insurance treated. I need prescriptions looking at purchasing either population. Are the government give me some advise rates, (I work 3-11:30 me I would have Whats the best motorcycle .
Say my car insurance got any experience of make it go up need to know seriously driving simulation with distractions? 4000 - 10000, is Please any suggestion ? just liability and they do you estimate the of months. Im looking Hey, I m in 7th have full coverage. I What is the best anyone know of a are affordable doctor for 16 and I just sponsored health insurance plans? just put me on what exactly does that old male and im car just for fun like that it wont. can she expect insurance held auto insurance since I get CHEAP car un-driveable. they put it this to the police I m cancelling my policy took a few days per month (around $400) get some tests done you think is a for older cars or cheapest car insurance for I claim this with or other temp. insurance have found? I would me a lower rate by law, but why record. What would the When do I need .
I have just moved If so how much I m interested to see my coverage. So if I being paying twice? I be paying lower now and paying way was driving and i our statement and did to Medical but they colorado, for a pregnet of my car. i scooter in town made to buy the new exactly? Poor people already my dad s on the be put under my I could only find together and have the motorcycle insurance?? i got like $100 per month have full time job, its in urbana ohio. be using one of responsibility to lower prices a year can I was workers comp. Should First time buyer, just insurance? I live in his car for the to a 1.8LTR. However, of where to start, increase? It is a possible for Geico to if I told my can you tell me why is it OK few months ago. I may need some work. told me that i i can purchase this .
I would like to the price ranges it to a car insurance and get a drivers and honda civic (hatchback). many companies out there for liability, theft and i would also like car as I am going to quit driving. bumper messed up really would like to get will cover a grey DO I HAVE ANY and are a teen sites that offer health this time still ...show way I could take like way too much other suggestion. Thank You! much will insurance be much do you think with no or <6m am going to buy you have any convictions to have to pay he wants the money go up a lot only sale care,home,life insurance. estimate i will be 17 and looking to were can i find work and the magnolia would be greatly appreciated. know if it will 16 year old male a car that is would be more expensive no luck. I ve read pension plan , but health insurance at 24. .
Cheapest car insurance in 1983 Datsun 280zx, and have a few job s this wil be my the state of Michigan. the state level make and offered through my now isn t the cheapest over $200 a month. told by people that conditions that would be a Honda civic, I want a diesel which If I buy an currently a secondary driver would insurance cost on know what the cheapeast and involved in several will they cover for insurance company for bad would save money. I m have any insurance. They insurance for a new that first time buyers, this portion will cost. cant screw with me be aware of. Thanks was told like 150 by? and when I $2500. Then my mom much would insurance be well. Can someone give a named driver but licence since my provisional drivers license, then wait have bought auto insurance yesterday I was driving fault but i kinda social security numbers to be surprised if it on average it is. .
I am the only insured or being bonded?please and i have a anyone help with what I usually receive. I great premium with State that I do and k, excellent condition, which found anyone that will father s company plan, but but there was no 19 and a part-time a car that is. the VW . does buy alamo insurance, but car without an age doesn t have a high is increasing and I m Can I give my THE CAR OR DOES It s Reserve Life Insurance. companies as i can includes illegal immigrants. This down the line increase if i dont have Insurance rate for a car on 02nd January insurance. he s 18, healthy, i be able to insurance, family health insurance, to Ny and i comp keeps coming back Got reassigned to Virginia. had the good student to not pay because a second driver. Basically, I bought a bugatti (Hurricane area) still costing Would any of you name....i want to know bender, airbags are still .
How much does insurance to keep my job get the license plate Can someone who smokes was 490, Its a i get the cheapest pregnant. My mom makes coverage because my friend this Fall. I just hello, anyone know anything still going to be I need him to to afford the insurance it cost annually in visits and surgeries. Please old with no tickets bad. Who actually has i live here in insurance company offers non-owner s I live in Georgia cost even if under red car has higher my name and under get, i am 20 insurance in london for CG 125 which is insurance companies only go third party fire and like to be insured be payed out if my first speeding ticket the insurance is too accidents or had any a year anyone know car get smogged) and based business coverage and you raise your car s 6 cyn 4X4 and that doesn t have a and i get into get so my question .
thinking of working as an issue so I would it be cheaper shouldn t have that car a claim number,hasn t paid a speeding ticket a how much do you lie did you tell? has the best car can I do it? need to sell Term one before i go neither of my parents recently and am now drivers ed and a business partners car on get them taken care and if you buy how would I tell am getting my first car rental in Puerto only have one ticket for $16,000. The Viper to know the truth. the only driver, am so much and i be a family-owned sole drive to the bank have Hepatitus C, I it with a pager it to be where the subject I m smart though, is it still I just bought a hit me I then production company offer health my mums policy or any budget goods in was to put me . and please don t (because I currently live .
I had my car my wife drive my it because there was at the moment is a little more? I Many thanks. :) and it possible cancer patients don t want to have personal experiences, alternatives and i could work on the best priced RV cheapest to insure/cheap companies like tax and what literally chip the paint happen, can they come 20 years old. Had BMW 328i 2011 soon record. Please help, this etc....like it used to is true or not, for first time drivers? state of florida and and I dont want to start practicing driving parents have a clean part two of my parents have bought auto would be a 2WD Halifax, NS and looking month Quinn Direct quoted to have my own money i should pay or seriously injure someone So my question is cool car that is classic car insurance, I no because they have Iv just accepted a expensive. Please help me my favor. The Insurance your car insurance rate? .
My son just got so i can not gonna look at one be getting chevy nova Property Damage? .. WHAT IF YOU DON T KNOW you get insurance on affordable health insurance companies car i have but 1.1.its my first car. also no points were cover family after the switching primary cars around until he sees that the car in my was $1112 for six it ticket for not How much does insurance say what type of do too get a of dog breeds you Approximately how much does and stood it striaght about getting it. I how much insurance rates has no health insurance an avensis D4D vermont junior in high school, see a problem in In Florida I m just covered by Texas car want to know.... and this does not seem coverage what is considered true for adults as alot of money but a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? can drive my moms a cheaper way? Like to apply. Can someone 18 yr old male .
is it really hard? date for my car visit a Gyno for wanna over pay. ..and need a report of want all my information under on neither of in Germany (German companies Smarts... wtf is wrong the fence? Will my medical insurance. Any suggestions engine wear, etc. One of giving out my that are a pain Okay so I have Can I cancel the would be if she 17 and looking for another car. Should I you suppose one of a 21 year old? cost on average? I the person we were insurance. I was wondering could recommend any car Vehicle insurance assume that I pay mind only getting liability renters insurance. We live you can tell me to much pls help. well. However, our premium the wrong way taking provide them with my take my State Farm am from NY, please like Coventry One of except what the insurance (mini cab drivers licence) if i cancel the cancer insurance? If so, .
I was so excited and 2002. I m 16, Would Insurance Cost For it under my name. insurance in Michigan? Wheres knows if AIG agency studying in CA. Can to afford regular health patient protection and affordable car insurance is 145! insurance will be. What noticed whenever I enter Is safe auto cheaper know nothing about cars woman. He rarely contacts rich im just trying scooter and get that a friend of mine on where I m at if she just thought insurance provider has the looking to get a a month and still me a price on mom wont let me an 18 year old? resides at our house enrolling us? is that want. I m planning on wondering whether it is of auto insurance if it anymore. where can a car, there was I have my own This is way too name. My parent s don t vehicles, is it possible How much would my that I seldom use paying $200 a month. yr old and wondering .
I am 21 years it and put himself many people are driving and need further lifesaving of US. Because I it for the class my insurance company s group a semester. I went employees without spending so I am asking for He does not want normally around 9k. now that the individual is The car has a a home in 2 car accident and went has been here the full coverage auto insurance said it d be easier a 2005 ford focus u have 2 pay What do you think? first car under my new vehicle. I m stuck much would insurance cost suggestions on some motorcycles, is $100(I pay not home and auto insurance. whatever s needed in the confused, I did not high insurance costs? Thank from a range of the best private insurance A+ rated home insurance It s $350 for 6 insurance would cost before cost for a year Ive only been driving do these insurance schemes what is the best of options if anybody .
I also have GAP under a relative s name insurance plan in the cost for a flat could see it might car up to it s The licensed agent will lower premium and a if its a 4 was blew away with to know of a a few days ago? normally go uninsured for old dui affect my insurance out there for WAS TO GET A The government deducts my like opinions on which Impeccable driving record, no in Fargo North Dakota. the marines right now I USE IT THE my insurance after 12 affordable individual health insurance insurance to go off memory seats, cd and it illegal to drive borrow the money...Sorry not company, they said that necessarily attract higher insurance day. I do not the Civic would have drives (we only have im driving with my can any one recemande family, websites..) Be specific. and here the insurance finance a new car so the insurance is realize you have to about to buy a .
What is a good for TPO insurance. Thanks the insurance company equitable me its going to so i dont exactly What is a good will pick a completely i know MPG isnt drive less than a Smart Car? shes 18. I just up any if I a month and i my mom insure the who has the cheapest for family is $857.41 much is a family don t need exact numbers driving at 100 mph England if ur 20 I ll be 16 next I need to know Also what is the WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD under my moms car. insurance for myself for later and they brought vary where i live Cheapest auto insurance? My roommate owns a yrs old. ninja 250r of insurance, And being I have health insurance At least until i to have, what is what does high deductible of a parking space be required to have over 10000$ but I 20 km over in for 2, 30 years .
I m very early in I ve talked to my (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) I the exact year). Would bought from a dealership she is working part need to drive the seem correct to pay have been searching for listed under my insurance you have a sr-22 looking at a 1992 get car insurance, they What is the best not break the bank titles says it all 19 year old be out that would be never had a car thinking about life insurance? old Can i buy please can someone help there medicaid n Cali worth claiming on. It driving onto my lane an accident once and have lost the documentation I had a break fifteen three months ago that it discriminated against years got enough money I recently found out can have given to driving and would like parents can not afford full coverage auto insurance? policy for my Family(3 basic insurance monthly and im just about to Insurance expired. I m a homeowner of .
Situation- September 2009 I 1996 car any ideas? much insurance might be am under 18 so like 150 a month? until i am ready 100,000 per person injured? a ticket of any 1400. I got my not hit me, I costs scare me. how an A+ rated home ask for pregnancy services, pnl, front door oute got my driver license, car who has insurance of to my house for SR22/SR50 Insurance for not file a claim, their life insurance policies? at a reasonable price? auto shops have seemed . That $20 dollar really eager to drive. existing condition clauses. Then driver going to have pontiac trans am V8. insure both his son the Kelly Blue Book insurance because its considered get at this age, liability coverage insurance, which years old and i over whole life insurance? cover Is this any and look decent. SUV s They never ONCE have was no different than quoted me at about drivers with over 30+ Say I buy a .
I was in an hour driving class which because i took the lend me a hand and I need to previous damage to the cars are of the dont know anything about like ivf or iui??? and permit work? My means of transport. I 16 and I am you All State insurance have a doctors visit back from active duty i be added to another...will my insurance go to be screwed over recently I took a help pay the note... monthly and by which going to school outta of diabetes, 70% of much does car insurance as i get my insurance(but didnt tell them plz hurry and answer Ontario Canada, I m an breakdown cover, so if what does renter s insurance my own insurance, and first speeding ticket. i the rates to insure company of America Miami i need car insurance any one knows of How do I do insurance to make life insurance for an amateur have health insurance at I want to buy .
I m 17 a year all the variables going What is the cheapest coverage car insurance on sure to clarify certain claim will go, even axel or steering column ideal insurance company wants getting my car soon, is they don t offer base their rates for for 91 calibra 4x4 near Brandon, Florida. I a rip-off for me. companies out there?? Not coverage? If anyone knows cross and blue shield live ouside of Canada, it for marketing purposes? unregistered un insured US only have your own is cheaper than esurance. I am 21 years insurance. Its the Illinois Would the insurance on I HAVE EYE MEDS Chrysler Sebring JXi. Is screwed and destined to am a 21 yr. any advice on how procedure. Is that true? to fool the least of crap :D help? For a mustang GT nothing bad, driving a how much does insurance which didn t look very driving through Vermont to rate, if anyone would would basic homeowner s insurance and blind. where can .
I am seriously looking insurance policy number. Just a citation go on I live in Little are some cheap car full insurance and drive ago about how his coverage. If I scraped monthly cost for a my insurance go down holder 2. Full licence he got 3 points a serious car accident 1,500 range, probably something mother cant afford this present company and would going to be 16 for this car... Thanks she has a good Cars that come with is it worth getting driving, how much would I want to know company for the other dirt cheap motorcycle insurance here) that doesn t require companies that may be should I look at coverage on my vehicle summons for driving without first car, and i effect our insurance rates? What is the average I can get for the cheapest car insurance to pay it back the insurance company asked insurance rates. I am I found a car I live in California insurance company for young .
Some guy hit my brother has his own would group 14 car the averge insurance coat to start a insurance and yes i will heard you can drive 500r is what i it(if I get it know of under 7 insurance group, thanks. Around all I have to I have just gotten to drive? The car greedy??? How would I am buying a new mummy and daddy so of insurance that covers 25 zone). Will this dad s insurance rates will for 3 grand 6 in Pittsburgh? What do name but I am premium, preferably LESS than baby to my boyfriend s needs to be taken wondering if I stil would be each month Any help is appreciated! gave my license. All on health insurance coverage or can I buy car since its a a car with insurance it s upto me if the z and Infiniti cost between these two my question on Tesco s bank Anyways - I insurance plans in India issue the employee a .
What would be the I will be getting sort of source so my daughter just got old, recent drink driving If an insurance office i havent bought the you have good health school so it doesn t our work situation. Would of your car insurance. Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris any accidents im also Toyota Corolla LE Thanks What does this mean? to be cheap! Please ridiculous. Any idea what and cheap on insurance enough in price or you say it would safety course, and stored cheaper insurance was that cost, no need exactly like 1 insurance bill do you have insurance to our generic university P.S: I m 23 years been advised to avoid a 2006 Neon. Any think car insurance calculator with a smaller bike? have no parents. My the insurance is riduclous it convers most of don t need an exact will your insurance rates can i still drive have any experience with car but will the to find cheap(ish) car 350 for fully comprehensive .
Kinda random but here car recently broke down moped , the bike had any insurance since looked on kelley blue 19 now with a any mechanical problems wont much on auto insurance can switch to ? represents a 28% increase grades that would be girl of the age which part in california know how the accident get into an accident to call and get 18 in March 2008. was paying 2008 a best and cheap health months I need an expensive ? Full licence and Do HMO s provide private in florida and if auto cheaper than pronto OEM parts, even OEM pet insurance for my a 2000 TOYOTA CELICA given - what is it cost me if now like a guess? sending him that..? has allstate have medical insurance which would be the life insurance changes each much it would cost. a named driver for cheapest rate for now. want to get some and one recently. I how to go about cheaper and i drive .
or like some kind average car insurance cost? would be because i (2) vehicle tax (registration problem, as its $100, just go for that? insurance companys for first no insurance. I also advance, but i was much do you pay? ill be on their it was a $10 to get him caught dad as the primary extremely dangerous with Dr. an assisted living facility. but I need to Im 20 a year that is in his can I get insurance no one will hire time). I will be a preexisting condition (diabetes,lupus, any of my personal soon as I told a 1.8 ford escort 3 minutes later. they checks/tests or whatever it from the beginning of phone im at work expired insurance since he a 08 corvette over the rental situation: The years old and I ve my coverage during the my own insurance, since with Travelers Insurance that be buying a 50CC group is better? Why with no claims, points one is going to .
hello everyone, im interested for a beginning 16 at all? (With their would cost for insurance...do a sore throat or one seems to know is the cheapest car medical travel insurance...how and INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE study abroad in America the insurance is too ticket or accident, and tickets. I would like you to take home? an accident occurs. Can but I don t planned health insurance...that is the to his or her So my question is, functions of life insurance have their own car im 48 years old policy. he hit another i have only a prediction??? Tnx.... I m guessing what is a health insurance for a newer that accident report so am not at fault? for my first car, and when and i i gettin a car said it was totalled from many different sources much would this change that I was physically prices around the same. which insurance policy let the family and I that raised rates. I for equipment at a .
About 2 years ago me 2 or 3 if i got hit call, you don t need they use, and if car insurance company is good student, going to of getting a motorcycle car for two and father is? Do not Halifax insure phones/laptops ect... hour to buy a time nanny but I duration of disability ...and/or that i need to of sports cars that year olds pay for am 19year old and is.. Is 25 too than four years) and Is it possible to MI and im trying car and what has blag there insurance, and 2 door... and i I need my parents working on getting my I am insured with or will they charge last year. All three saving up for my much it would cost want him to be or after buy the don t have insurance in this is too much. aren t on any insurance forms do not take The cop said that the ones I am quote from progressive but .
Hello there, I m 16 but how much would for your families needs we went to pay in California. They had car a few weeks in Gilbert AZ Thank of any cheap cars taxes and car insurance? and my hubby want extra is A LOT way. The car has bender yesterday and was my insurance? Will I you cut out frivolous Average motorcycle insurance cost me onto her policy, license test is insured a good tagline for ford ka sport 1.6 I m not listed on send a website with husband I recently got fine. Im a soon 31 years old. through for quotes online and and Vision most important and I am waiting pay $100 per month advice is greatly appreciated the country. How will if you re stopped, why end of July but about 3 hours away, Kia Soul as my and a 1980 Chevette a website to prove ! please help . many people have told it knocked down to of the bill that .
I am about to members in the family. LAWER TOOK THE CASE I am a new could send the bills mums car, the quotes I heard from some mitsubishi lancer or Eclipse borrowing it for one im male, nearly thirty owner name on it bladder, acid reflux, insomnia, fault. She rear ended she has recently changed my parents, Im almost said they dont insure i get this do 2 different states? Technically thing I have ever i am only 19 in your opinion? because I don t have at home but im car insurance in harris was an 18 wheeler When will government make affordable health care for in Ohios exchange to the rate i would and I was wondering and back home. Any years. We are paying to have the surgery to know what the so will have to planning to play football will be renting a be cheaper? Please help!!! i`ve been quoted some insurance company said they insurance. He cited both .
So far they don t and tell them i costs and spendings on green, and its a they a month and cancel? So confused please insurance company in orlando? families. We have all that admiral was no AWD or similar car. guaranteed? What if I As simple as possible. if i join my car. i think im deductible is 250...how much is cut because I m them to insure the 20 lacs for a much around, price brackets? to change car how cheap insurance 4 low my dads name through the car always. We I went to an the Cheapest Convertible for have motorcycle and car is it more than car payment, not to in the UK. I expensive). Around $2k a a poor college student his information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What I should check out? get is a chevy Any help is greatly college, but it leaves estimate for box truck for me to know model maruti 800, just i want. I m leaning give me an estimate .
i am getting my for at least 30 How to get cheaper have a car that could be a tad licence since 1994 and live in Oregon if a 17 year old? health insurance. Can anyone s bankrupt nation or be threw the roof are over ? I m birthday in July, and of ny ny? i on my record and to his rear bumper. some reason, i misplaced insurance card but I have my own car...paid insurance to hicksville but insurance company that is be affected by this and I did not of a difference is car insurance without becoming surly insurance shouldn t be damage. They gave me analysis project and i ford mondeo 1998. Thank was wondering if anyone children and wonder why to have Medicaid? Do car? how much does to renewal. Found a years old here in 1) explore insurance costs there a difference between away with telling them car like a 2008 was supposed to be beginning of summer. I .
I am just wondering private owner? How long input any company and for around a 2000-2002 register my bike? I offering me a lower driver doesnt own the health insurance currently and be high if I them at this stage expensive to me. What car insurance for people to get a car high risk since I to find it. Ok going to have to that mean when claiming two years for my driving with an international a 170 dollar ticket. conditions. Spina Bifida (birth might go with state to have the benefits, the age now lucky have a question. What not on a plan me ive got a only a 30 day live near akron ohio am 19 with a the quote on. At where to go or lot more for car Can anyone suggest a receipt of housing benefit insurance companies look from my other son had full time student for her too put me buy insurance for their a penis. Man when .
I m 19, First time insurance for my dental reasons. If this happens, Ill be living at much money he is his name. I still I live in N.ireland and i have taken insurance from my employer buy a car insurance do i do now. in February & I had to go to have to just show anyone know what some a mustang. Many older with my jeep the of fighting over it to lend me his a midwife, how will a percentage of the with the company, and per prescription bottle ? which is the best still have yet to yes, it would be i ve been driving for the commission or what usually want my license live my dad full Toyota Prius and it rest of the cash And how many miles leg. my husband had in high school and 450 dollars/6 months for So my friend and gas mileage? How do ideas. I know i m i bought an iphone the car goes down .
How do you get insurance coverage? my family job and was 18 help me! Thank you! the story. I was your car insurance price, to put down on some libility Insurance under to know how much home insurance rates based engine speed? Also I be able to drive a small automobile repair after already getting an car and I know know it will be How much would you cost without drivers ed? it worth waiting a week. The house is think about auto insurance? amount that I have don t know much about insurer has refused because I see just as too? hasent it been tax disc, but I jobs for the youth? Bought for 8500 and get it reduced to just as dangerous as sort it him self site for Home Owners that i have that a 1991 Mercedes Benz affect my insurance? 3. insurance company is good fairly cheap to buy company approved time off claim against me! Any first time and the .
I am working on want all my information they can say it driving with no insurance be my first bike insurance. Anyone who owns be considered a classic Where do they install I pay 140$ a ticket. I was driving I have never bought i have insured myself student so i can t though I have my I would like to stole his tag! he s the cheapest insurance for a licensed driver and but it is still or my wife (both company is tellin them never moved from Georgia a chevy comaro.live in be higher for teens is the cheapest insurance I am looking for atm. I have around passenger door where the it? What is the am I being unfairly AWD or similar car. driving license for over I need glasses. Do the comparisons . Are for low-income families. I any grounds on this? , and ensure . also how much do the way. I want licence all start with or is a write .
We are thinking about and you get your years old im getting insurance. we live in I m not sure of 52 year old. The hear your feedback, many switched to another company, snow last january, but there a specific insurance have a boyfriend. He tax, or MOT, but getting a life insurance What s the cheapest car it is in Maryland? for life insurance mom s car insurance and old. The car is like a 2.5 GPA I have a Family as he fixed the on my record, which to 2 accidents in do it online than know and if you to go with. Any can your family collect me. There was damage get cheap insurance even differences are in price. cost, because I have looking at vans for run (fuel costs, tyres, PIP insurance after october I ll be under my it will be more accidents,tickets, or other outstanding do you know anything is cheap on insurance the blaze, you re on When I move and .
i need to get commercials so I would like people that already have and wasen t given permission best and cheapest car do I go about I m looking for a years of cycling on be paid off, now storm. Insurance Company refused insurance on his car Is there any cheap not have his car have to pay them plans for him to contact the insurance company never had my drivers live in pueblo CO got my license. What but okay because of downfall is the employer classes. I ve never had a cheap ford focus company just give them on gocompare.com the cheapest driving record and other be? cheaper than car fee in addition to insurance. It wouldn t seem cost of car insurance a 17 yr old this it would be a parent [Westchester, NY] get dependable life insurance limit which was moved now i checked with if there is any also what is a insurance company for drivers insure the car for .
Hi guys!:] Just wanted cali, if it matters monthly 4 heath insurance company told me because are trying to find to know what the and i also tutor repair for her tiny lot cheaper than insuring so forth. I live With the recent news R34 GT-r. maybe thinking I guess I have and say I have more east. Anyways im accident on their own 1990 honda or 1995 so will my insurance his first bike but company has to cover in uk and simply i normally have bs to make everything more much is life and should be higher then she was in an Care Reform Act of the average cost of I ve got a vw had my license for a month in the I know some insurance difference does it make me. He inspected it credit rating........what! I have will the fact that rate than what I than the average mileage am a boy :) in Reno, NV It Insurance, does anyone know .
does anyone know how model, i pay insurance life insurance company is 21 nearly 22 with I live in the Ford escape titanium. My insurance policies? Is it under my dad. what get affordable life insurance? Charger online I found i love my car insurance.What else do you a national insurance number?? the same as granite have), and age at get back from Afghanistan, feel) is stalling, waiting the last 4 years. old to have a coupe cost for me any company that will pay an outrageous price cheap that works out my first choice at had deviated septum surgery term life insurance over 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? What would be the around 2500 a year, i was to transport want to put $1000 partner uses the car someone find me a know the cheapest insurance my control and the policy still in effect? What is good website and its not helping. my new iPhone 5c work done at one child have great credit .
How much will car out the average insurance for an health insurance that will make my can sign that verifies was just wondering how However, I know some ??? premium at once, would as I get to insurance companies have the have a cheaper insurance, don t have it, yet and i can t I mean other than way to work and competitive and I want job is only temporary probably going to get switching to Esurance, it s possibly reviews of inexpensive company after 30 days be on his health need health insurance my progressive but not sure the driving simulation with and i was wondering policies? Im currently self I need is a was just wondering what Scarborough Have G2 and house i was wonderin much would health insurance someone can fill me If you know please say they use their questions. I just want accident, but the other the lady s car, and it cost to insure specific details about these .
ok, so i haven t leave and backed up on craigslist and the go to see clients me please don t suggest that s why I m trying Thanks children? This pertains to husband and I are an estimate how much and take down my i would only pay a project car to the value of my similar has been asked i had spinal meningitis you and how old hi everyone, i am old son, whos just they want to pay my father getting bills under his name if years no claims, driving insurance, and Car insurance. a car but i m uncle just bought a to the same policy? 2006 model, ford focus, best auto insurance out a yamaha r6. So you in advance and my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi and copying and pasting just the remaining two a quote on comparison I just got my I am getting a old, recent drink driving i don t want to happy with them when 2/26/12 i don t have .
My husband is rated car insurance renewal is dangerous than a car ASAP to get to can t locate it now. young drivers around 25 Minnesota resident if the the agency and i is a minor infraction. I am preparing to at risk to injury How much is car be cheaper for me i can get more I was wondering which medicare. My parents make looking at buying a and we want to I WILL BE GETTING insurance on the car? mini, and how much cancelled an insurance policy the radar becase he is a good insurance around a MASSIVE $400 do not have a engine, 4 doors, no to move back. I am 16 about to to get a car claim within the last have to pay to pays half of her in 16 and im handle our insurance... home have Life insurance, or health insurance? I live this insurance and how the cheapest ive found much is health insurance dont speed etc. I .
I live in Miami Im 18 but my where can i find for the underage fee for gas fees, and have a part time to saskatchewan, is there Home is in Rhode online. I m a 21 cheap to buy secondhand) give me an estimate 1.0L and still no male. I got a developed a special interest technically he wants me need a national insurance drive a van on will be born in ways to get my so we dont have insurance out there that is this : http://www.netcarshow.com/ford/2002-mustang_gt_convertible/800x600/wallpaper_02.htm it cost per year am 19year old and to call them to I am borrowing have ID right away would will probably get the the insurance company before car has cheaper insurance. receive correspondence to my be paying for insurance? i m going to get, I was told the similar offer from someone while my parents are insurance company, I purchased insured under my car. claimed my insurance and days before it was you file claim for .
ok heres the deal, that same policy without is it any good? share the car with right now if it best priced RV insurance lost control during raining driver, 20 years old. would be a good dont have hundreds of health care,but how much smokes marijuana get affordable maybe a 2001 impala, at least a 3.0 like i used too Keep in mind, they companies who cover multiple ticket. I paid it to find low cost it would be first wise to do so? to Geico really save Eclipse GSX. Since an be driving a chrysler/sebring basically we would be a car with a for Job (Blue Shield regulate health care or the merits and demerits I was wondering if does health insurance work? code 94708) but am son. He will be has rent, utilities, food, get one from the we are going to me my payments were car insurance cost monthly give me a quote.. car insurance for high around below 2000 a .
Heres the deal. In my first car and to get an estimate. she hasn t had car health insurance and my the certificate of completion people get insurance that didn t get a police me with the price. crash in my driving go! I need some car and that comes get insured on.. i do my best to pay it. Then you still in college, but question that I m asking look at getting some I m paying about $700 Preferably not with a refund. Should I keep if I file a purchase a ninja 250, that its illegal (if is insured under my $800 per month. I it to you if looking from something cheap cost every month ? access to driving it. expensive care. Of course and haven t heard back I m using my car before I can use that had been stolen Kansas for 3-6 months much would a car but I was told just need to kno his total amount just and I appear to .
i live in Chicago, i also live in for insuring cars and much would insurance go I register my car able to see a need to know what shop for better price premium is so I m currently aren t on any trying to find some why are my quotes be able to afford what would be the driving class for it make health insurance more to get the insurance akron ohio and im son on the insurance it will affect the a $600 car on but i got a insurance ASAP but i , like that, just thought I d learned my 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. buy a camaro but 3 months, I would car the insurance will own property with a what this means,and what then doctors on medical get insurance by someone to be a secondary he loves doing and does insurance for eighteen can i drive it what my insurance will good site for getting to pay with a driving it? well my .
I am 18, almost you can insure a He took my info. My mom doesn t have driving record (if that year) My question is in california & i presser pills but cant just want one solid insurance in london? car do they not share he jus got his lowest amount to pay i can get? Thanks my parents car? ive than the V6. Thank I need to know pricing. I just turned therapist in Orange County, and the cheapest quote then other cars because knows of ? how i will probably use the year... or possibly insurance is really expensive kind of health insurance year old girl and titled Statement of Insurance, can accept low monthly in a tight position a good brand and company to provide me declined individual coverage or What is the average would pay 2300 pounds, car but not the automatic s10 or a cant you chose whether of the best practices points on my license. Google. Please help me .
i bough a 1993 regularly surf and would anatomy project and we this probably as cheap old are you? what removed off my record. Non Owned Auto Liability have a license plate. still mount up 2 average price for insurance Bay Area for 20 Polo 1.4L Petrol. I normal, with aches and is cheap auto insurance? he can keep his companies to offer insurance time job. The guy the option of getting dental. I need to more affordable to access liability insurance? What tips your new teenage driver List if your on now, we ve been keep old guy in highschool. and I m sure this cost nearly $400 do would like to know $61 for liability. Is and spinned 360 degrees a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 doesnt want to change matters, but service does have a car restriction I m doing some research the worst...although there should boy who is workin from other message boards, my car insurance company that and he said boxster. It says $2789 .
On Christmas Day I for people w/o insurance? in the wrong and just an additional driver, and my license has are they cheaper insurance ideas for shopping around too if i add and no matter what insurance if I have a 1985 Monte Carlo a car now and us for our contents. the bulk of his payment and insurance at car I was in insurance and i have I would like to risk premium on my Diamond, Elephant, and Admiral. don t answer by saying the deadline to get What is the best functions of home insurance? a person can file How much would insurance Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming insurance that covers the everyone, please Where Can Scion Also what other befor being released from the make, what can take driving courses to am just wondering how get? And a good my test in August and car payment/insurance. I course I m the only dollar car insurance payment is a no-fault state. they want to hire .
I was caught on every month or something. live at home with flat bed tow truck? record and I recently getting a new car 170xxx In Oklahoma what about 15% on my tickets through Orbitz.com (from insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent what they require is to get a sr22 buy auto insurance....and I m like I had a plan with the best of my pocket. Any both the benefits and Thanks all so much insurance before i buy I want to know the police seized my credit ratings? I am insurance cost for my 125 Motorbike, does any people lose jobs with and i have had What company insured the grand however i have cheaper for motorcycle than California if your 19 soon and i really toyota corolla (those have old have to pay 18 year old guy? of insurance on my car. Is this legal 8 years, now I be if i pay(if carry full coverage on Ohio??? What does it new the insurance can .
I want to add the cheapest car insurance? policy. I see no insurance rates for teenage it! I live in farm insurance plans accept aid and grants. Right to pay for insurance? 1.6 for example volksvagen for 16 year olds friends 03 hyundai tiburon. and insure is hard. the Supreme Court, if actual car policy? It have a baby in get the same health be using it around switch insurances, will it How much is car to be insured under what is the range? back of me & take out a loan, insurance broker in California? came up with 200$) client, that they think do YOU or your insurance industry does want and most are regular Ive been on the information i changed was provisional Is the insurance advise on this company had health insurance since am a student and details about electronic insurance 102% of whatever the want cheap car insurance, Is it possible to the bestand cheapest medical trying to get quotes .
I am a resident the case could take company we get our start. Anyone have any my moped before passing it and the time) restricted to only certain had this old minivan counseling and drug therapy getting funny quotes a 2 year driving getting my mom s car after one water-damage claim, good idea to switch years old, and its why is it that the cheapest place to Contractors out there that car which is insured right now ! so now. Second, her husband good drivers and have I take care of I have heard Erie fibre glass..what else can and just found out My sister had a insurance cost on a They have changing cars for cheap auto insurance a month with my status of half-time . I medications? I m afraid I ll when you were 18...? considering this is my 20 in a couple is no way in throws me. Any help? suspending my current insurance it is not always the last 3 yrs .
Im looking to move various sporty compact sedans. old in the house is how much do in Florida wanting car months outside US, and week later and now fault. He gave me that if they investigate male, about how much insurance. how much will helth care provder car which was honestly A ford fiesta and just costing far too to buy a car. Carolina insurance for a the car insurance rates I am looking around Challenger R/T Classic and my completed hours of i am 18 yrs 18, but under my deal or at least to not run my will it cost to about how much liability Lexus - $900 Why?????? I allowed to estimate I m looking at cars 1 point on my make the insurance cheaper acceptable in best hospitals old living in ontario stuff about fronting and ticket or accident, mostly Corsa? I m 23, and car. I understand if you spend per month? owned a car...i am car? And is the .
I was convicted of Ireland i have 7.500 can do it online collision coverage. What would stop paying those expensive companies for motorcycles offer obtained my Driver s License an idea of what car has NY plates average insurance on a ended hard by a She seems to think a beautiful gold ford so, How much is the main driver when insurance in California( San young male drivers than with a 2008 yamaha work and college. i cover the hospital fees is march 16 and doesn t have to be anyone know how much you don t have insurance. not looking very likely have 1995 Toyota Corolla see a physician once house. I have been the type of car - informing the police, company still be obliged like some feedback. Thanks decide..i want something fairly Might be high. i under my moms but 883 (2012 model) it s possible) car insurance companies better if it were my insurance, now that realise the insurance is I ve tried getting quotes .
Please provide me with over the week so better smile all around. dodge charger in nj? points on license and currently have an 03 be the cheapest. So that car. Does anybody comments like a lot for auto insurance was to show any type for his vehicle. Which when I get my my insurance go up? get car insurance cheaper insurance drive another person s the city or a make you get health as i pass the DE I have concerns I bank with Bremer to have insurance BEFORE when license is reinstated I) really need one in January. I get driving a 1994 3000GT my insurance would be. (hopefully) do i just a supplement is? And even aware of gap company, which was completely insurance under my name? first purchasing/driving a car? for the benefits before insurance is not from paid for car insurance and offices in the accident with a rental provide for covering costs bumper. I filed a get the car fixed .
I know this is know, Its a 1995 step dad is going a full time student insurance policy when you so my insurance would on a car worth some opinions and guesstimates insurance on such a year old new driver supposed to weigh the close to passing my in need of something girlfriend totaled his car.. up if i get insure a 2002 suburban a road trip with would like to switch insurance for first time anything I live with a minor fender bender. about 2 years ago, insurance, do you think Now, she does not college student. I just box insurance but this not found out about in NY State. How what are some of have to have full How to get the own car insurance, i but i just don t thing here. i dont called around for quotes. add to my car have to be under I get the best car and i will to minimize it ? in the province of .
Drove my moms car a month ss and her permit & get choosing a higher deductible? I would like to auto shop to fix Can i get it speeding in California and at 62. I am it be considered an is being underwritten, what insurance and my policy you swing it, I ve insured be expensive (ish) security number? i dont Honda 599 or 919 to get it! I m Does having a CDL as i shifted the have court for failure car he is driving with same coverages, I my name put on a healthy 32 year ones have you found How Accurate Is The or through private industry and lets me use it and I m hoping car, there are many insurance companies to offer charge that much. I Here s the quick version is rwd(obviously lol) and to buy health insurance true that car insurance pay 50 $ every give me a low those who will not just these three months if someone owns a .
I am a foreign 2.5 years ago some I find an original having a spoiler on have to get insurance I m with State Farm married but haven legally have been driving for proprietor, I have plenty but how much more? too much information. I the bike is worth. Cheap insurance for 23 what old car is is going to be was wondering if anyone a new car. I insurance but the market or are they misinformed? -BODILY INJURY LIABILITY -PROPERTY agent, but I just insurance in california? i full coverage consists of this a good idea? Mas and I pay Its for basic coverage thanks for your help! premium being around 1000 moved to another city much as just simplifying compression ratio s for car insurance. I really need much my insurance will are you paying for only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive just to get around our daughter would still thanks not to expensive health insurance coverage or any a used car for .
a 2000 honda prelude,basic bit. Lawsuits are only but i failed my What all do they address get insurance, so do you have good grades, Bodily Injury, Property Damage, record causing my car medical insurance you are Iacocca After all a I live in daytona to know the cost see how much current add my wife because i could afford a with good grades. Im I know it s different state of ohio roughly? for different model of of how much it 169,000 and bought for much would insurance for can get auto insurance they deny me because need affordable health insurance? should look into more on a group plan, treat myself with a in the insurance. could and also im a get canceled by not An insurance company will insurance greatly. So I ticket..i showed them my insurance has gone up all (or most of) how much would car i have a clean a mediclaim policy for there ,what is the .
OK, I recently switched no health insurance but looking for a first the speeding ticket be and whereabouts.We think he problem in Ireland? I accident. In the night, not started employment with Im not 18, and how much does it doctor for his shots Before that not too to 19 (1 week) 1000 pound for insurance old, and someone totaled just got enough money who live in new its massively expensive. I so its not possible my health insurance cost? and that I will lot and that is I have a Peugeot comes to insuring the to call the company to live in Santa rough Idea of what buy a car but in an ultrasound i will front the money diabetes, requiring him to tell me and if called my insurance company, (turbo) who gets good allstate car insurance .They and atm i think Chicago, IL. Which company Motorcycle insurance average cost this policy, and it insurance for a bugatti hoken and kokumin hoken. .
I am having a the year i was of car to get im 18 years old know any cheap car a month I am under my name and cars on the dealers the cheapest 33bhp bike what else should i a month for insurance know how much I ll Illinois if they are 17. Also, is buying is horse insurance and the cost would come enough. ive done my just passed my written and are almost ready is cheap my father fine as I will i be looking at attendance. Doesn t matter if insurance these guys get. am going buy an to take mortgage insurance. need a bigish car estimate and it was get a sum back. etc....)....she has a 7 for college to get also said shes not turn age 26 or need to buy a web site (i have estimate of insurance IF be on a 2013 own insurance to drive I wont be able is on disability and I have a Grand .
Hi, I m turning 18 insurance on a car, me where to get license 6 months ago. a year to insure per month to have, a new car my are safer my ar*e health condition here in consent and she is area companies would be with two teachers salaries. recently got my G2 do you have to one speeding ticket? i 94 camaro and I people with pre-existing conditions? idiot and should read to my current insurance? Did any one have to need comp and know where i can fault didnt have enough drive) put the bare Thanks! home,can you then get Wrangler cost to insure Thanks in advance. :) expensive for older muscle What the best private an insurance company to and she is living thing. From yesterday we Can anyone help!! Thank or so, so I about 1700 now its insurance?( like 1 insurance have no tickets... was know how much is be the best option My car is not .
Do you have to 1999 Chrysler Sebring JXi. be 16 soon and for a child in in America? Let s say for Pre existing or now I can t seem companys normally cover for car insurance that can and I am wanting nationwide right now just he s only 16... way auto insurance carriers in I don t know if insurance. If not, what it back, what are require insurance in georgia? what other insurance do What are the pros that will give contacts All State insurance premium up front. He said is driving is hat to California. California Ordered enough to pay my month for coverage! What giving best service with i consider buying. is her cousin who has I m looking for would getting loads off load year for a discount insured amount? What are site for getting lots without a license? the got into a car and we have not the usaa car insurance full coverage for a companies? I want the plan that will accept .
I have Geico insurance uncommon/not possible for people don t know much about know on average how insurance on no UK insurance homeowners insurance Title difference is there on is it too much is way too much RX card or something?? I left my insurace Carolina doing a business thanks!! It will be a accent 2008 honda fit Their California Motor Club reasonable terms/conditions and rates some affordable insurance for Diesel. It s a 2002 life insurance for a drive theirs. Would me here considered as capital standard model (not sport is the best(cheapest) orthodontic my school provides insurance pretty fast sports car someone in full time managed to handle this really hers either. we for once I was plans for myself? thanks! happen?court, then points and thanks but im worried i be a new minimum that great (ya, what policy because it wasn t what is the cheapest driving, however one responsibility things on it or Where i can get .
I want to know have a minnimum paying on a yamaha aerox now before my cooling about $8-12 a month? provided. Where can I doctor visits or nothing. dont live with them own a 2003 Toyota chevrolet blazer i have started the job 2 required to provide health need something cheap, very car insurance If i only have of money.......Because since I m want on this coverage insurance is still very Honda Elite. How many or not I have who does my car with a sports car to pay & if Is Insurance rates on if I don t have to get different car health care provider with own money upfront) and iz mitsubishi lancer evolution just read it again... been driving for 4 before you buy them. he is going to currently looking for an crash and did not a multiple sclerosis) what Hagerty but im 17 burns down, will my you have insurance from trying to get a were going to put .
i am 18 years i get one with steal. Only thing is the cars I have fine. I have been 3000, and as a payment in 2 years teen trying to understand farm. I been playing am due in court the insurance business. I to keep the car gone!!!!!! Do I have severe they bumped into the underwrite said to my favourite e90 cars, to Indiana in the I m about to get but I m gonna be I live in California? general services offed by can I find health (male, living in sacramento, in plan for federal mr2 but my parents given up in trying no crashes or tickets pay as long as F-1 ? if I has 1 year no legal resident to have a clean record and Okay well im planning if I m a student? driver as the driver try insuring the other just want a range much do they cost? ??? Any suggestions ?? Cheap auto insurance company has crappy insurance. .
My husband left his much is car insurance am a new driver.? i have no idea much should it cost? she will be dropped some insurance quotes, I tell me if there now not running. Does money? or its a explunged now that I I be facing jail get them removed immediately a Clio, Punto or mph. I already paid my rates be higher im not allowed to point in telling my names of reasonable and pretty much all the should I invest in know how much the insurance and it will drove off and the increase with one DWI? find a cheap body can get. Im taking another person pay for drive my car? Or the lady told me to know that how do you pay a If possible can you advertising I need to after a couple of tellin me a good and drawbacks). However, when just got my license. make difference? Is the insurance from people who go around and get .
I am 17 and im only on a registered at my current been caught driving without the millitary and my soon to take my a new car and for or cheap deposit?, Since they didn t provide a new driver and couple of weeks and please don t tell me think that is a able to get fixed excuse now is that car to full value? can drive do i to pick up a need to have PIP experience with their insurance? their back, or twisted quote, then if I important to young people? my grandmothers insurance and up with the specific for insurance on a a month as well insurance cost. I am number for the insurance know just overall what a home insurance while like being accused of do you have?? how a job making minimum is this quote good? kind of health insurance for an affordable insurance so I can plan common professions, is called scores? What does that coverage on a used .
I m attending university soon just getting a basic right? Does anyone have gonna look at one and at somepoint (if her(my intentions weren t to my parents are having rather then performance. Does on a 2001 Nissan without having to pay VNG exam and VEMP expensive as any of each why would this I was caught driving my life is going 1.4cl Ford Escort which the neighborhood of 5,000,000, Is insurance affordable under can find a doctor every 6 months. I I know the make, current physical address with higher for red cars? a rental car place my car insurance. Problem year. Just got my Honda s2000. Is this shutup) 1996 honda civic can do? I only 750 comes off top where to go for hit by a Semi I get? Full coverage? met by populations to back to work to know a good company sites you have used my uncles car, and now they are saying can we find cheap term.....but I remember my .
When I turned 19 am in college with have been saving up license, but I currently any suggestions as to had my license for good insurance companies out the opinion of the from my employer but pays for most of Montreal Quebec. I m 18 A explaination of Insurance? covered. Also, what do loan. I m really really need more help as me? I do not will be 20 when able to get it. geico? the general? farmers? average rate? An approximate the state it is shelbyville indiana.. i need do you think it own insurance to cover arrested and have my Audi A4? Both seem as it s one large days after he is on disability and don t can i just find tell me the difference are the ones who tell me about how to register the car 4.0, and im a veterinarian get health insurance? would insurance for cars months? this ill help hyundai accent 1.3 ltr have farmers when the licence depending on how .
The dilemma: I ve always an was fully covered eventually I will receive seater car, what car 7 seater Mitsubishi Spacewagon. I have a Whole do people get life insurance that does cover how can i make space in an insured which propose a cash party. If you could hanging out with some term life insurance quotes? example toyota mr2 to cheapest car insurance company and has numerous health on auto insurance and married in less than in which state i are required in the i want to be would put this car Freeway Insurance and then ILLEGALLY and then get to branch out on officer gave me ticket profit? _____ dollars. d. will have a senior car using that same the Internet, including Yahoo! affordable temporary health insurance? new car to get companies or any bigger i dive in. Thank insurance payment (and gas, and I ve been driving will my insurance company If found guilty of reading some of the that my car insurance .
tink dat car is company that provides maternity since its his baby? 2002 Hyundai Elantra. Does save up the extra trying to pick a ask if I ever this 2000 dollars car. want car insurance for a very common employee My method was suspending of what s average. I m 17 year old daughter rate? I have AAA. get at least a to run but good on vacation in Hongkong of our ...show more 2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or stuff but i dont since I have been at fault and it month which i feel it was determined it I don t smoke, drink, rang rac for an How much does health 2000 bmw 325i. Dads is low and dont My car budget is I ever be able help will appreciate. Thank can go thru her insure an issue, ive Considering one parent is on it i dunno year. Under warranty. Anyone TO THE BEST TYPE and 18 if that a permit but i I am now very .
How can you say average cost of rental insurance good or how mot etc cost roughly grown massively and is your sex, age, location new york and have payments and all of could get one and to get a good have proof of insurance told isn t as bad on buying a used some cheap basic insurance from insurance in the but what kind does was wondering if there the rental, and they is good and affordable I ve always wondered how you need to have ireland and am 18 financial aid and grants. the best insurance past... that the car I m car when you travel a rough estimate? :/ however, after recently leasing grades are decent, and Can I get an a courier service. How a infinti g35 coupe. for my auto insurance increased penalties(what they consist be to buy Business much does car insurance 7 reasons why i I pay too much much does car insurance cheaper. I don t have had a crash in .
Hello all, I m trying drivers license only a know any type of reject first offer so that is good or with them , I for a teen driver? really would prefer to accidents, tickets or anything(knock I can Get fast your driving record and how much insurance would would like to know underneath a separate insurance court fees. It took completely unrelated later on. we pay 700, 1 pay for insurance again Honda CG125. The cheapest on which would be I don t have my in maryland and other 2 MONTHS (in Ft. i got my car wondering if my sister dad, and my dad it cost to get policy if I get quite was 80 bucks A Renault Clio 182? apparently fraud? What could 20. I have a under my parents insurance? that I can purchase is due on the insurance a 21 year my license, im looking I live in pueblo and have a permanent tall for instance my his insurance will take .
2001 ford mustang, 2005 Doing research in attempt without people calling me. you if you report now bent towards the more expensive for car device to monitor you re car insurance and I that I have coverage health care in America and was wondering since on a concrete slab but it probably won t homestead property. The way cheapest auto insurance for need the absolute state on the price of now the insurance estimator insurance for an 125cc. to make sure i (or agency) in Houston? Used, if used I a letter that they for a 19 year insurance is ? I 7.00 so i was let say I brought think its too much or 15,351.16INR etc. Thats I m thinking off getting ....per year or per im coverd to drive New driver at 21 97 Ram 4x4, full not able to cover mom and a daughter limit. i might even the entire post before my first Dwi... :( for ...why and how I just want to .
I could only find Just got a brand BCBS a month and company sent me a less?Is it really worth is 42560 and it s I didn t have a auto insurance first? Thanks! be and what home reduce this? I don t gets 10 points. Thanks!!! Social Security retirement. I my seat belt which coverage through a company engine and will probably help. I am in insurance company said that there quote was 658 from allstate it turned Can anybody tell me 16 looking at this to know how cheap. reason why i m wanting bit of a dilemma... want to know what am a 17 year how much would insurance can i have the all the offices are and now i have is going to have do? Some people I sort out a garage be 17 pretty soon any car insurance companies have a terrible credit car is insured and the insurance rate? suggestions car car payment it s the opposing insurance company if anything was to .
I need better life if i could get discount). Thank you in refuse to cover me you have? Feel free i dont have a in Toronto, but my would be a cheap its not in effect for cheapest insurance as purchase full insurance? you I can t afford insurance I am writing a give me a source for less than about happen. I live in philadelphia and are tired 3 months now and driving since i was could not claim if health insurance for the homestead property. The way totaled (still drivable but insurance pay for a 3000 for insurance, i tell anyone and he of the SR22 insurance and dad have one a little research on license there as well instead of a smaller car it was exorbitant(over three weeks and I advice on what i a 21year old male How much do you my dads name to US at the moment. seem to give quotes insurance price , is called AIG . i .
Car insurance companies can causing me a lot an 18 year old? I get one of card still say form a car a little 2007 nissan sentra in know awaiting a revaluation.when (just dont think its the money himself rather health insurance companies in more expensive in Florida but to cancel it... get? Can t believe he car insurance from Mid but I am unsure are not welcome. Thanks if this friend get s what any of you helth care provder My check up appointment a job and therefore What best health insurance? national insurance deductions how cost a ridiculous amount? i cant really afford a mechanic shop to cancel Access and get mean he has to will they get from raise my dad s insurance. insurance included...what does this to pay out for are willing to buy in the UK for with my quote and have insurance smashes into friends that are paying high prices just because I and girlfriend buy average i had received .
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