blackraged · 2 years
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strwbrryvagabond · 3 years
have some valorant headcanons because this game has taken over my life ❤
First of all, idk if KJ has a name in canon, but for some reason she feels like a Katie to me
Killjoy either has ADHD or is on the Spectrum
Jett & Raze both have ADHD
Raze and KJ both treat their bots like their children, and Cypher doesn't get it at ALL
KAY/O is very happy about this and he likes the bots quite a bit
Killjoy is allergic to dogs so she originally made the alarmbot as a substitute dog, which is why it looks so much like a puppy
Skye though KJ's swarm grenades were called "swan grenades" for several months upon joining the protocol, and she looked at them every chance she got to try and see if they had swan decorations on them
Yoru is hard-core crushing on Skye and she is the only one who doesn't notice (except KAY/O but he gets a pass)
Jett and Phoenix casually flirt all the time and no one knows if they're actually together or not
Brim has to ask KJ for help with anything technology related embarrassingly often and she ruthlessly makes fun of him every time but still helps him
Cypher sees KJ as a daughter, so when she asked if he could show her around the dark web, he nearly had a heart attack
KJ likes to wear fun and obnoxious shoes purely to bother Phoenix and Jett it really gets under their skin
Yoru helps feed Skye's animals and complains about it the entire time but if she asks if he wants to leave he does a 180 and shuts up
Breach and Sova keep offering Jett, Yoru, Skye, Phoenix, and KJ booze forgetting that they're all under the legal drinking age (assuming the protocol is based in the US)
Raze and KJ both have messy lab spaces, but KJ's is a thousand times worse, so Cypher has trouble taking from her purely because he can't find anything
Astra and Sage are both total moms, and mother hen the ever loving shit out of all the younger agents
like sometimes Astra even mothers Sage because Sage is a few years younger than her
she also has a huge Jewelry addiction, one that was very quickly picked up by KJ and Jett when Astra joined
Brim is more of a father figure to most of the agents, Sage and Astra are mother figures, and Sova is the team's fun uncle
Sova and Sage are together, but they're so subtle and private about it that few people even know about their relationship
Viper secretly loves all the kids with her whole heart, but she'd never admit it out loud because they all have very big egos and she'd never live it down
Reyna has a huge soft spot for Jett for reasons she refuses to reveal, but Jett is just about the only person who can consistently calm her down
Omen feeds several stray cats with Skye that leave near their building, and whenever they go on missions they smuggle more back, and Omen knits them little clothes
Brim knows about their cat smuggling ring but he pretends he doesn't because it makes them happy
Jett throws a temper tantrum every once in a while when Brim gets angry with her and the whole team will be tense for days after
Jett despises being treated like a child, but it still happens because she's the youngest after KJ, who's only a few months younger than her
Raze and Jett are besties, I don't make the rules they just are
Raze and Astra organize girls nights and while some girls willingly go, others have to be forced to attend (Reyna and Viper)
Only Viper and Brim know about Agent #8, and they both refuse to talk about them, KJ has tried to badger Brim into telling her dozens of times, but it's the one subject he won't budge on
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cyberstabbing · 7 years
Sci-fi/Dystopian future/Danger Days/idk
Heaven’s Not About Your Reputation - Desolation Row AU. The Tipper Laws have consumed the nation; more and more freedoms are being restricted every day. After getting thrown in jail for causing a riot with their illegal punk show, My Chem decides to do the logical thing: cause even more trouble. 28k
In Repair - "Shit,“ Frank mutters, and shoves both hands through his hair. He looks around the kitchen like he’s gonna find what he should do scratched into the old linoleum, then looks back at the bot. He gnaws on his lip. Fuck it. He already knows what he’s gonna do. He’s just gotta do it.
Getting down on his knees, he braces a hand on the edge of the crate and leans over the bot. It’s dressed in a plain white tee and matching drawstring pants like an escaped mental patient. Frank rolls his neck and cracks his knuckles, shaking the ache out of them before carefully laying his palm against its cheek. He’s pretty sure his voice is steady when he says, "Activate.”
Nothing happens. Fucking shitty packaging– the thing’s busted. But Frank keeps his hand where it is, jumping a little when he feels the surge of energy beneath it. The robot’s skin goes from room temperature to lukewarm, then warm. Frank watches it open its eyes, the light behind them adjusting until they’re a pale sort of brown. It looks at him and asks, “Am I dead?” 33k
sing it for the n00bs - Gerard would be killing twice as many dracs right now if his fucking spacebar would quit sticking. (Gamer AU, wherein the Danger Days universe is an MMORPG.) 17k
I was rereading this on a bus in France with my stepsister. She asked me what I was reading and I just squirmed around in my seat. So she shouted “FANFICTION??” And I was like … Well, I mean, yes–but hear me out!! And so I told her about Danger Days, the Killjoys and the whole gamer au concept.
She actually thought it sounded pretty cool. Or maybe she just wanted me to quit gushing about it and leave her alone.
The point is, if someone who just heard a second-rate description of this fic still thought it sounded interesting, that means it’s HELLA RAD. And it is. So. Read it.
The Way They Fly - Frank is a robot. He is in love with his genius creator, Gerard, who doesn’t realize that Frank is capable of real feelings. Frank starts breaking down, getting ill, and Gerard doesn’t know what to do to fix it - all his methods are completely useless, none of the programming explains why this is happening to his Frank - but it’s because Frank has a broken heart. 17k
Of Another Kind - Gerard is an alien on a mission–to find a human mate on Earth. He’s decided on Frank Iero, but his database doesn’t give him all the facts he needs to win over his future companion, and there are just some things he will have to learn on his own. 17k
Let The Darkness Lead You Home - Vampires are in charge and most of the humans on earth are prey, so Frank Iero’s parents have him train as a cyber tech to protect him. Leaving the family he’s born into may have saved his life, but his parents never could have expected the lengths he’d go to in order to find a new family to call home. 49k
The Chasing of Moons - The biggest dilemma in all of this is that Frank slept with his future husband. Now Frank’s just got to make sure that the future with him stays intact, but it’s not so easy when present day Gerard seems to hate his guts. 110k
Might I Have a Bit of Earth - Gerard took things. He didn’t used to take things; he used to ask before, say please and may I and other things his parents taught him, because that was what you did. You didn’t just take. 14k
Space pirates :D !!
Are You Broken? (from the Robot!Gerard series) - Frank gets sick and Gerard doesn’t understand. <1k (the series is 7k)
Lovely Way to Burn - Frank is no stranger to sickness. He’s been wheezing his way in and out of hospitals since he was a kid, but things are different now. He was already pulled from two assignments due to illness, and the third time is the charm. Three strikes and you’re out. 4k
video girl - This is a space AU that has more random worldbuilding than actual porn in it. In which Frank wanders into a virtual sex video booth. 1k
Reaching Through The Mirror - The one where Party Poison and Basement!Gerard have sex. 5k
(part one of Time Travel ‘verse)
James Cameron Got It Wrong - In which 2005!Frank and Fun Ghoul get it on. Then Frank accidentally winds up in 2019. 56k
(part two of Time Travel ‘verse)
yoooo i just found some really really REALLY good fanart. .. unbelievably good. and six years after the fic came out! that’s amazing!! anyway, here it is.
EDIT #2: found some more! Man, that fic just keeps giving.
EDIT #3: Damn it, the artist’s blog (second one) is marked as having “sensitive content”, so I couldn’t view it anymore on this account. So here is the post reblogged on a sfw blog for y’all youngins, and here is a screenshot juuust in case the sfw blog deactivates and that link stops working, too. 
The Science of Sleep - It’s 2011 and Frank Iero’s life is pretty average until the night where he starts getting dreams about a strange, apocalyptic California where there’s rayguns, grey corporations and terrorists who use art and color as a weapon. Interesting and fun at first, but the more he dreams about this world, the more he starts to wonder if it really is a dream… and the deeper he gets into this futuristic world, the more it seems to affect his life in the present day.
And just how exactly does everything all seem to link in with that douchebag black-haired artist who sits in Starbucks every day?
(Set in the Danger Days world but not necessarily following the cannon established by the album and music video’s.) 93k
Killjoys Never Die - No description. 2k
i want to die i want to die i want to die
Up Against Your Will (HERE is the chapter index) - Stepping into a world so different from their own, Frank and Gerard struggle to survive. 18 chapters
this was amazing, but also hard to read in some parts, bc of the non con and gore :/ not my cup of tea, but I did love the word building and the fic overall.
Fogs, Sheets and Thunder - Not as grey as it seems. A post-apocalyptic postal service AU. 5k
And ze art!
​The World Famous Extraterrestial Diner - Sure the menu had a picture of literally everything in it, causing the menu itself to be ten pages in total, but that was for the foreign visitors. And not just the ones from other countries, according to the owners.Gerard worked at a diner located directly on the famous ‘extraterrestrial highway’. The pictures were more for if any actual aliens ever came by Earth for a good meal and couldn’t speak English. They had the pictures to see exactly what was on offer. Even the beverages had their own separate pictures.Not that they had had any extraterrestial visitors since, like, ever. 8k
Born to Motorbabies - Here's the thing with having a crush on a mysterious DJ; it's kind of an inconvenient place to hang your affections. 12k
The person who’s rec list i snagged this from (can’t remember who, sorry!) added “​affectionately referred to as the dishwasher fic” which is v cute so I’m putting it here too.
...the weapon - Tattoos are one of the ways they measure out the time between getting ghosted. Inspired by Art is... 0.2k
Code Red - In the fall out of a fire fight, Party Poison goes looking for medicine, and finds pretty much the exact opposite of that. 2k Ship: Party Poison/Korse
Workplace Appropriate Attire - Korse is a creepy boyfriend. 1k
Ship: Party Poison/Korse
This was fun to read, but some lines made me go OH SHIT, because ...... well if you read this you will know what I’m talking about.
We Got Machines - There are questions on the lips of everyone with eyes or money on the arena. Who is this kid? Where’d he come from? Who trained him? BLind’s got no records on him, meaning he’s a Zonebrat returning to the grasp of the city of his own volition. Another anomaly. That a 16 year old nobody could waltz in out of nowhere and turn the system on its head is... concerning to BLind. <1k
Part 1 of KJ/Griefers 'verse (3.5k in total)
Ship: Deadmau5/G3rard
xoxoxoxo - Party Poison wakes up somewhere he's never been - but there's plenty that's familiar here. 1k
Ship: Party Poison/Korse
Looking for Satellites - Galaxy-hopping alien trader Gerard has business on space station Perseus Four. Getting to know station administrator Grant is a nice bonus. 25k Ship: Gerard/Grant Gerard is a sexy, telepathic and open minded (heh) alien and it’s great.
the only hope for me - Korse has never been one to show his emotions. 1k Ship: Korse/Party Poison
your kicks don't hit, so we remain the same - a battery city ambush goes somewhat wrong. korsepoison. 0.8k Ship: Korse/Party Poison
Methane Skies - Run, run, bunny, run. 3k
Hot damn this is some creepy and suspenseful��stuff. Ship: (implied) Korse/Party Poison
mutilate, maim and destroy (just a tad) - For clarification, this fic is about Gerard Way the actual person being tortured by Korse in the Killjoys universe. Like. Hnng, you'll see nevermind. Ship: Gerard/Korse
A Room Full Of Suicides - His jaw was clenched and his whole body quivering. He looked right at Korse with those huge, transparent eyes. “Do what you want to me. I don’t give a shit, Korse.” He drew in a breath that shook. “You wouldn’t understand. It’s about standing up for what you believe in.” God, the kid was adorable. Korse couldn’t wait to make him scream. 4k Ship: Korse/Party Poison, Fun Ghoul/Party Poison (implied)
Of All the Places in the Universe - Gerard, an alien with a severe case of anomie and wanderlust, crash-lands in Jersey while traveling the galaxy. A chance meeting with a creature his studies had told him didn't exist leads to a surprising turn of events. With time, Gerard comes to call Earth home, and finds love with the adorable punk who found him--Frank, an energetic puppy of a werewolf who's really more bark than bite. 30k
"You know The Smiths?"
Gerard grinned. "Oh, yes! They're one of my favorite Earth bands."
Thank You For The - Just an alien in New Jersey, looking for a mate. 0.5k Ship: Gabe Saporta/Mikey Way
"Have fun," Gerard said, even though he'd just told Mikey he couldn't have fun because he needed to be careful. Mikey wished his venom sacs were fully developed. He would spit on Gerard's shoes.
Double Exposure - “The worst part was the confession. Well, the explanation sucked too.” Written for prompt 38. Frank/Mikey - Frank and Mikey bodyswap during tour and have to play shows as each other. 2.5k
Frank isn’t part italian in this fic. He’s part alien! :D Ship: Frank/Mikey
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foureyesbitchdragon · 8 years
i did it @animated-axolotl
Last movie watched: The Iron Gaint Last song listened to: Lofi Hip Hop Radio Last book I read: does a panphlet from Petsmart on how to take care of South and Central American Cichlids count? Last thing I ate: Poke One good thing that happened today: I got to draw Magnus Burnsides If I could time travel to any period of time: 18 hours ago when i was eating poke
A – Age: not yet an adult B - Biggest fear: fear C - Current time: 12 pm D - Drink you last had: Water E - Every day starts with: wondering if im still dreaming F - Favorite song: hoo boy i cant just pick one G - Ghosts, are they real: i live with one, his name is Bob H - Hometown: Not my favorite buffet but i’d take that over going to Denny’s tbh I - In love with: too many things J - Jealous of: those rly cute people who have people willingly talk to them K - Killed someone: i,,,dont think so L - Last time you cried: uh M - Middle name: diidy N - Number of siblings: 1 O - One wish: happineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss P - Person last called/texted: my friieeeeeeeeend Q - Question you’re always asked: “Are you indian?” R - Reasons to smile: Mangus Burnsides S - Song last sang: an Anna Kendrick song T - Time you woke up: 9 am U - Underwear color: salmon and its got lil blue hearts on them V - Vacation destination: somewhere to wander W - Worst habit: uh X - X-rays you’re had: does going to the dentist once every blue moon to have my teeth checked count? Y - Your favorite food: i rly like chicken soup Z - Zodiac sign: Crapicorn
Nickname: "Dumbass” is popular on the list but i like to go by KJ
Star sign: Cappy
Height: 5′4
Time right now: 12:13
Last thing you googled: summer in ohio
Fave music artist: Panic! At The Disco is p good
Song stuck in your head: summer in ohio
Last movie i watched: The Iron Giant (11/10 recommend)
Last tv show i watched: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
What i’m wearing right now: loose t-shirt, shorts, that underwear i mentioned
When i created this blog: 2013
The kind of stuff i post: Its a mixed bag
Do i do asks regularly: When the planets align, and a total solar eclipse occurs and the exact same time, then, and only then, will an ask appear on my inbox
Why did i choose my url: I thought it was funny
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: the blue one
Favorite color: the blue one
Pokemon team: the blue one
Favourite characters: Everyone on Paranatural
Dream job: I wanna bake tons of goodies
Number of blankets: 1
Followers: 405, shout out to the porn bots 4 sticking with me through thic n thin
and now the tagging
Disclaimer: You do not have to do all of the questions, i just did it because i have a lot of time and not much to do. Also if i tag you you do not have to do it. Also if i dont tag u, u can still do it if ya want
@snipperclip @fluffy-rulos @jitterydebonair @granitebox @logrino @emberchii @i-normally-dont
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