koumeowkami · 1 year
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deadmanz koga and rei. if you care
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wildwoof · 1 year
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makur0 · 2 years
Another rant because Death Game Holic is giving me the chills:
What’s it like dating them?
First off, being with Rei Sakuma at that time is going to be fucking chaotic, but a good chaotic. never stops making you flustered, giving you sexual hints, even going as far as literally making out with you in the backstage right after one of his lives, out of view of Keito and Koga. When he does perform and you have the chance to watch- babes. he be stealing the show just for you (sorry koga). by lord almighty i miss his rough husky voice and he knows you like it too, so he’s gonna be EXTREMELY seductive on that stage. prepare yourself hun.
As for Keito... you probably wouldn’t know why his true plan was for this, and isn’t really his cup of tea, but seeing you so excited by his performances makes him slip just a bit. manz get super flustered around you whenever you flaunt him around like he’s your precious gemstone, but he’s always given a chance to bite back during those lives. with you sitting in the front, your’re from a supportive yet michevious lover burnt down to a embarrassed, horny mess after, and he prides himself on it. Ok i get this guy is literally a buddhist /hj but he just can’t let these rare chances slip away.
Koga- oh boy. You either love his guitar or you’re deaf- he’s ALWAYS playing it no matter the time of day or night. Just as confident off the stage as he is on, he will ALWAYS try to pull a compliment out of you just to fuel his ego and pride. Of course, when you’re little lone wolf gets too rowdy you tug on that lil ponytail of his and he’s all yours, reduced to a blushing puppy. Nah but seriously, you two just love conveying secret messages during performances, kinda like your love language.
Now... leave those as memories, what’s going on between you two now? Is it still a raging love, or has it dimished? 
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enstaries · 7 years
YOOO I UNDERSTAND YOU! Rei and Keito are so *melts into goo* oh my god and not to mention the event bgm?? ITS SO L I T this event makes me happy oh my god DEADMANZ is so good?? And koga's lil ponytail and emo kuro mmmmMMMMMM this event IS GOOD ;; will happy ele give us a 3* teto ado and souma like cmon do i t
THE EVENT BGM HOLY HELL it’s setting the tone for the DEADMANZ track and i can already imagine me headbanging to it on the train omw home as i play the event lmao
the leopard print outfits are killing me but oh heckie the quality of their cards are so good i can’t complain???? at all???? i’m still eh about koga’s ponytail bc it’S SO FUNNY IT’S LIKE THE CHINESE BRAID QUEUE IF YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS??? i dk but emo kuro with his hair down i just i just
i would d i e for middle school tetora not recognising kuro and like,, souma falling in love with keito’s rock music bc,, ye s
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wildwoof · 1 year
wakes up from sleep
me: God I love one (1) Oogami Koga sm
brain: still think about first year babu koga with his lil ponytail
me: he was such a cute lil shit ...
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wildwoof · 1 year
@ironicxblue :: The lil ponytail though. Koga you looked adorable grow your hair again
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First year bb Koga gives me so much delight. Koga now gives me just as much delight, but look at that precious child. The light of his youth. Following after Rei. Trying to impress him. Still figuring himself out. His lil ponytail is the light of my life. I have wondered what made him decide to cut it off. Like Rei's hair is still the same. Kaoru still has his mullet as well. But Koga ultimately cut his hair.
There's like the whole dramatic moments of people cutting their hair ( typically women now a days ) to signify like the big change in their life. But honestly ??? Koga didn't have no big changes in his life. He just got a haircut. But what made him ultimately choose to cut his long hair ?? I'd wanna know. Was it bc Rei had changed in his third year which annoyed Koga so much, so he wasn't running after Rei to get his attention anymore ?? Or did he truly just want a simple change in his hair style ??
But he was so cute in his first year with his lil ponytail. I still think about him with his lil ponytail. I think about first year bb Koga a lot. Look at that precious face. He was so excited for his promise with Rei to teach him guitar after Keito taught him just to impress Rei. He was so excited to stand on stage with Rei as DEADMANZ.
The dissolve of DEADMANZ after Crossroad tore into him to the point he decided to bring Rei back around with UNDEAD. The fact that Koga named them UNDEAD even tho Rei was the one to brought Adonis & Kaoru into it just... [bangs fist on table]. Bb first year Koga didn't give up on Rei even after the War.
I totally just started rambling. Hello. Get back on track. I'd love to see him again with a lil ponytail or let his mullet hang loose, but idk if that'd ever happen. He probs honestly wanted to differentiate himself from Rei & Kaoru at that point in his second year. I imagine he won't regrow his hair out, but he'd be so cute again with it.
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wildwoof · 2 years
Baby Koga with his lil ponytail.
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wildwoof · 1 year
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Bby Koga with his lil ponytail lives in my brain rent free.
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