i feel feral after watching season 2 of winx
*also if anyone has any good sky x bloom fics send me the link plzzzz
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bartletforamerica · 3 years
How the Bartlet Administration Reacts to COVID-19
Abbey: is not taking any chances. After losing the fight to get the President to retreat to the farm or Camp David, she gets him to agree to limit himself to the oval office and the residence, with as few in person meetings as possible. Even before they’ve pulled together a White House task force, she’s made sure that everything is being disinfected and that her entire schedule is either canceled or made virtual. Her staff is the first to be working from home (and oh boy does she scold if she finds out any of them did something she thinks is foolish), with most of the rest of the White House staff following shortly after. She makes it her mission to do PSAs on what people should be doing and even does a virtual Sesame Street collaboration to teach kids how to wash their hands.
Zoey: Is not super pleased to be stuck in the Residence 24/7. She’s doing classes from her bedroom, so yay to not having to get out of bed early, but she can tell people are super disappointed that her camera is set up so that she has only a blank wall behind her [it turns out the secret service is very touchy about where you take video calls]. She also gets officially hired and given a security clearance for the sole fact that she’s one of the only people allowed to be near her dad who is tech-literate. She ends up doing some of her reading on the couch in his office so that she's on hand for when he's supposed to be skyping with the senior staff and can't figure out what link to click. She spends a lot of time worrying about Ellie, who helping do research about the virus, and texting her friends.
The President: is not happy to be closed up away from people. He also thinks that Abbey is overreacting where he's concerned. He misses actually getting to be around the younger staff. He and Zoey do a cooking from home video at C.J.'s suggestion, so that the country can see he's alive and to encourage people to not go out. They make chili and fight over whether it needs more cumin or oregano while Abbey records it and pipes in from behind the camera. The country is treated to a history of chili and a diplomatic incident nearly happens because apparently Mexicans deny having any association with it, even though most food historians say it has Mexican roots. The flaming debate doesn't stop a second episode at Thanksgiving where the country is treated to the history of the yam and all the secret spices that go into the President's stuffing. A large portion of the country gives him flack for putting Oysters in his stuffing. [In a small bedroom in an Illinois apartment a woman finally figures out why Joe Bethersonsen sounded so familiar.]
Leo: moved into the Residence because there was no way he was going to talk the President off ledges via skype for however long this lasted. He can only do so much. Zoey helps him learn to use Skype and he finds himself missing Margaret desperately even when he spends most of the day with a computer dedicated to having her on Skype so he can turn to it and ask her questions. She insists he get exercise and eat healthy (something he thinks she’s collaborating with the first lady on behind his back—they say very similar things much of the time). He skypes with Mallory on Sunday mornings over breakfast in his room and they pretend they’re at a hotel having a fancy brunch.
Charlie: is not particularly happy. He got sent home with everyone else because he’s not particularly necessary to have on hand if the president isn’t going anywhere. He’s still getting paid and he does do some work (the most important bit being hanging out on the phone with the president so he can ramble about history so Zoey can get her own reading done, Leo can browbeat the staff, and the first lady can do her own job) but he’s been ordered by the president and first lady to focus on getting extra school done while he can.
Donna: started freaking out the first day there was a rumor of a new disease in China. Then the White House shut down and even senior staff got sent home unless they absolutely needed to be in the building (basically just C.J. and some of her staff). And her roommate (not the one she'd really liked, who had a cat, but one she hopes is only temporary) works for a GOP congressman who thinks the whole thing is a hoax and bans masks in his office, so Donna is not at all happy and spends time she should be working cleaning things her roommate touches and that's sixty percent of how she ends up living with Josh.
Josh: is struggling with not being allowed to leave the house on pain of the first lady taking him to task (something about his lungs and the bullet). Even when he was putting his nose to the grindstone to make it through college and law school, he liked being around people while he studied, so he was usually in the library or a cafe rather than his room. He works best when he can bounce ideas off people and take in new ideas. When he was grounded after surgery it absolutely sucked and that was why he drove everyone crazy calling them all the time. Yeah he was bored, but he was also lonely. Plus he's not the best with technology. He very nearly went on national tv with his boxers showing, if not for Donna skyping him beforehand and making sure he fixed the camera. Between needing not to be alone and needing his assistant to be able to actually help him, the invite for Donna to stay with him slips out when she's complaining about her roommate. She shows up two hours later with two suitcases of clothes and two suitcases with pasta, toilet paper, and flour.
Donna and Josh: are handling the pandemic much better now that they're together. Josh can bounce ideas off Donna without it tying up his phone line. And she can listen in on his calls to the various members of congress about the stimulus package that they're working on. It's an even better look at Josh's job than she had before, and while it makes some of her work harder to focus on, she feels like she understands some things better than she ever has before. Josh even starts listening to her about how to sway certain congressmembers to their side. When they're not working, Donna forces Josh to cook with her so they're not entirely subsisting on delivery. They tried making bread and managed to spill half a bag of flour on the floor in the process but they ate all of it, even though it tasted pretty bland. Josh finally got Donna into baseball when it came back. Toby spit out his beer when he was on speakerphone with them and he heard Donna accurately yelling at the Mets for screwing up. Donna wears Josh's clothes more than her own, since she doesn't have to be on camera most of the time. They're platonically sharing a bed because they haven't found a convertible sofa for his living room that they like, they say, and it doesn't make sense for one of them to sleep on the couch, which they say has a spring that makes it uncomfortable to sleep on, even though Donna lounges on it all day with no problem. They are absolutely not dating and so they tell all their friends.
C.J.: spends five minutes laughing every time she gets off the phone with Josh or Donna. She loves her friends but god they're so completely in denial. It does, however, give her a much needed break. Her job has always involved a lot of people and knowing what venue to meet them in to ensure that she gets or passes on the information she needs. COVID protocols mean no more one-on-one meetings with journalists in her office, no more gaggles following her through the halls. The press corps were not happy when they moved all briefings outside and insisted on face masks and shields in addition to everyone sitting six feet apart. She gets asked about the president's health at least once a day and they start doing weekly waving from the balconies just so the press corps can get footage of him, healthy and shouting down to Danny and some of the others. Someone makes a cartoon of the president in the tower, with Abbey as his dragon keeper and though no one is willing to justify a cartoon with a comment, privately C.J. thinks it's accurate. She's always admired Abbey's fierce protectiveness of her family, even when she doesn't agree with every way it expresses itself or when it interferes with C.J.'s job. She has to come up with new ways to push the White House agenda (keep the economy afloat, stay home, no, don't listen to the GOP governors or those running for the primary, those ideas are not good, go the fuck home and stop having parties) and while some work, others bomb. It would help if everyone would stay on message and not screw up.
Sam: would like to make it clear that he did not know how many people would be at that gathering. He thought he was going for an outdoor meal with just a few old friends who could help raise money for the democratic party, not a fifty-person birthday party. The media fallout nearly gets him fired. Instead he gets yelled at by C.J., then by the First Lady. Mallory even sends him a card about how stupid he was. He's pretty sure that having Donna around is the only reason that Josh hasn't made the same mistake by now. It had to have been a toss up as to which of the two of them would screw up. Sam just isn't lucky enough to have a Donna (Sam is very happy that Josh has a Donna, Sam just wants Josh to realize that he talks about Donna the same way most men talk about their wives, because it's really hard not to respond to "why do I put up with finding her hair clogging the shower drain" with "because you love her and can't live without her, stupid"). He instead has adopted a cat for company. It tries to scratch him every time he tries to pet it. Sam spends his days trying to find a way to say "fuck the economy until we've beaten the virus" in a way that is palatable to the American people while trying to remind Toby that they can't actually say that outright. This is not an easy task.
Toby: would like to tell most of the American public to shut up, stay indoors for two months, pretty much nobody excepted, and if you don't, then you get tossed out to sea. He's come within an inch of telling anti-mask people they deserve to get sick on the record and is strongly advocating that the federal government figure out a way to mandate that every person in the country, minus those with legitimate medical exceptions, get the vaccine as soon as possible. He is also about to get evicted because it turns out his neighbors do not appreciate having rubber balls bounced against the walls for hours on end. Apparently, the thud is rather annoying. He worries about everyone, though this is delivered brusquely. Out of everyone he's taking the new work from home situation the best. No one can pop in to distract him, or comment on his eating habits. And if he doesn't want to talk to someone, he can always turn his phone to silent and pretend not to have seen they called. He's not pleased the Yankees lost to the Rays (necessitating rooting for either the Dodgers or the Rays, one of which beat his team and the other which betrayed New York), but he can at least take solace in the fact that the Mets didn't even make the playoffs.
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Dear Chocolate Box Writer
Thanks for signing up for this superfun exchange! This is the fourth year I’ve participated now, and I’ve always enjoyed it– I hope you do, too.
Below you’ll find the following:
General Likes/Kinks General DNWs Fandom Specifics/Prompts
Schitt’s Creek - David Rose/Patrick Brewer
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano
Roswell New Mexico - Michael Guerin/Alex Manes
Superstore - Jonah Simms/Amy Dubanowski
The West Wing - C.J. Cregg & Donna Moss & Amy Gardner & Abbey Bartlet & Ainsley Hayes, Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss
I’ve tried to list some varied prompts for each fandom, but please don’t feel like you have to stick to what I’ve come up with. If the rest of my letter gives you another idea you’d like to write, I’d love to read it!
a little about me to start:
My AO3 name is SuburbanSun; you can also check out my Tumblr if you’d like, and my tags for each of my requested pairings here (or in the case of TWW, to the main fandom tag):
Schitt’s Creek | Crazy Ex-Girlfriend | Roswell New Mexico | Superstore | The West Wing
general likes/kinks:
I’m a big trope fan in general– faves include rivals/enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, bed-sharing, trapped in an enclosed space, mutual pining, secret dating/sneaking around, slow burn, FWBs that turns into something more. 
I have a great love for Secret Service/bodyguard/witness protection AUs, private eye AUs, and vampire slayer AUs, and these days I’m (perhaps unhealthily) invested in US politics/news in my everyday life, so if you want to have any of my requested characters run for office, I’d never turn that down. AUs are great for any of my fandoms even if my prompts tend toward canon compliance.
Epistolary fic, either as part of a story or as all of it, is always fun to me, if it’s up your alley. Phone calls! (Phone sex?) Emails! Letters! I love it all! (Note: I know I have first person POV on my DNW list; first person is fine for the epistolary elements.)
Smut is cool and fun and here are some things that I like to read: Teasing. Phone sex/sexting. Semi-public sex (not actually getting caught though). Workplace sex. Dirty talk. Oral sex. Playfulness/joking around during sex.
general dnws:
Superangst and sad endings. Darkfic. Babyfic/kidfic/pregnancy in general. Noncon/dubcon. A/B/O. Mpreg. Incest. Poly. First person POV.
fandom specifics/prompts:
Schitt’s Creek Patrick Brewer/David Rose Fanfic
This show is so funny, dry and smart and sweet at the same time. I love how absurdly out of touch the Roses are, and how the show balances their outrageousness with the everyday humdrum of the town of Schitt’s Creek, and I especially love how their edges have softened over their years in town.
David and Patrick took my heart by storm, and are the kind of ship that makes me clutch both hands over my chest as I watch them. I loved the slow burn of them coming together and falling in love, and how much they really just LIKE each other in addition to loving each other. They really know each other and see each other and it’s so lovely.
**I’ll be caught up with the show week to week, so feel free to incorporate anything current! Also, I love all the characters, so feel free to include others!
They plan the perfect wedding, but in the end, they just can’t wait another minute to get married. The courthouse it is. (Even if it means Ray is officiating).
I love the more sensible characters on the show teaching David how to adult. What perfectly normal things has he never experienced or done before that Patrick has to walk him through?
I’m interested in Patrick’s journey from being so shy and new to everything when he and David first kissed, to being bold enough to sing a love song to David in front of half the town. Tell me more about how he got to that point, and how (whether he knew it or not) David helped him get there.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Rebecca Bunch/Greg Serrano Fanfic
I loved this show from beginning to end. It’s clever, it’s feminist, it’s funny, it’s real (even as it features elaborate musical sequences!), and the characters are so flawed but so great.
I shipped Rebecca and Greg so hard in the early seasons, before he left. When I read that they were bringing the character back but recasting, I was naturally a bit suspicious– how would that work? Would it diminish my love for the ship? Reader, it did not diminish anything, and in fact made me kind of love them even more. Skylar Astin’s performance of Greg, a little grown up and a little more put together, made me swoon. And I began to see how they could make an adult relationship work. Naturally, things went awry during the course of the final season, but I think the finale left us with so much hope that they would find their way back to each other.
I love all the other characters, so feel free to mix them in– especially Paula!
Rebecca and Greg find their way back to each other! How does it happen?
Rebecca/Greg + any number of tropes– stuck somewhere together; inconvenient bed-sharing; fake dating, the works.
Maybe West Covina has run its course for both of them, and they decide– together or separately– to move somewhere else. Maybe Rebecca decides it’s time for her to go back to New York to give her Broadway dreams a try? Maybe Greg tags along? Or maybe it’s fate, and just as she’s made the choice to head back East, he gets a job offer there, too, so they’re both moving to NYC but aren’t technically together, and how does that work?
Roswell New Mexico Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Fanfic
I didn’t expect to love this show like I do, let alone dive headfirst into the fandom, but, well, here we are. And a huge part of it is the Malex ship, which grabbed me from the pilot and never let go.
I love the rich history that’s been built between them, and how their connection is cosmic, whether they’re together or not. They just love each other so completely, and no amount of distance or time or trauma can make that go away. Ultimately, I just want these two idiots to communicate and recognize what we can all see already. 
Michael and Alex find ways to keep in touch during the 10 years they’re apart-- letters, emails, phone calls, sexts, whatever. 
They’re trying to be friends-- trying so hard-- but every time they’re left alone together, they lose all their willpower and crash into each other.
Alien artifact or serum shenanigans-- they find something or devise something in the lab that causes unforeseen consequences! Take your pick: truth serum, stuck together til the serum wears off, sent back in time to relive a memory, you name it.
Superstore Jonah Simms/Amy Dubanowski Fanfic
This is such a fun and funny show, one that snuck up on me but that is reliably a show I look forward to every single week. Amy and Jonah’s slow burn was a delight to watch, and I love their occasionally contentious attraction to each other, and especially how supremely dorky, pretentious and pedantic Jonah can be.
I love all the other characters, so feel free to mix them in!
I’m really interested in exploring Jonah’s ambition or lack thereof. Does he have any, at this point? What if he decides to quit Cloud 9 to pursue a dream? Does he get an MBA or a creative writing degree? Does he decide to write a screenplay? Give me all the pretentious but well-intentioned Jonah and how Amy reacts to it.
A look at before Jonah and Amy got together, or if they’d gotten together earlier– sneaking around the store, or UST in the break room.
AU where some kind of scary outbreak (zombies? werewolves? giant bats?) has hit the town and they’re trapped in Cloud 9 while they wait it out.
The West Wing C.J. Cregg & Donna Moss & Amy Gardner & Abbey Bartlet & Ainsley Hayes, Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg, Josh Lyman/Donna Moss Fanfic
I love this show and every character on it. It’s become a comfort show, especially in this political climate, and I rewatch episodes frequently (and along with The West Wing Weekly podcast!). if we matched on the CJ and Donna and Amy and Abbey and Ainsley grouping, feel free to choose any combo of those characters– if you can’t fit them all in that’s perfectly fine. (Also, I’m not very interested in a non-political/White House AU for this fandom.) Prompts:
For Josh/Donna: I’d love something set early on where there’s the same level of UST and flirtation that they had back then. Josh getting jealous of someone who’s interested in Donna, or vice versa. Or maybe something that shows Donna’s competence– how she’s the one who keeps the clocks running on time in the office. Or trading barbs that lead to something more when they’re on opposing campaigns later on. Or– there’s an episode where an asteroid is potentially heading for earth. What if (in that episode, or just applying that idea to another timeline) an asteroid/world-ending scare is what forces Josh or Donna to tell the other how they feel?
For Danny/CJ: In my rewatch, I very recently watched the “jump off a cliff and hold hands on the way down” episode, and swoon! I’d love to read how that convo would have gone if it hadn’t been interrupted. Or anything about how CJ and Danny are trying to adjust from being colleagues to partners in that time period of transition.
For the ladies: I’ll take all the gossipy champagne girls’ nights in the Residence you have to offer! 
So, that’s that! I really hope you enjoy the whole process this Chocolate Box season, and thanks for participating! Happy writing!
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
Jane The Virgin: Chapter 61 Recap & Review
Jane the Virgin/ HornDog- Chapter 61
Episode: 6.5 (.5 was for Lina)
It’s Lina! Lina—Jane’s BFF since they choreographed that dance to “Hot in Herre,” Lina—who dated Michael’s bad boy brother who disappeared after two episodes in season 1; Lina—who Jane made Mateo’s godmother! Lina—WHO WE HAVEN’T SEEN SINCE SEASON 2.
Flash back to 14-year-old Jane Gloriana Villanueva on a double date with fast-tailed Lina; these two go way-way back. LATER, AFTER JANE FINISHES TELLING HER MOTHER HER SEX PLANS, Jane runs into Lina at a food truck. Awkward.  Latin Lover Narrator says Jane, and Lina kinda devolved into Facebook friends when Lina moved to the big city. Sad.
Petra visits Anezka in jail. Anezka is still sporting that hilarious “Not Petra” tattoo on her forehead. Anezka is all out of sorts because she can’t remember what happened the night Scott was murdered and there’s a video of her with him. She knows she was upset because he broke up with her, but not upset enough to kill him. Anezka begs Petra to fix things.  
Jane confides in Ro and Xo about running into Lina. Ro offers to help Jane like he helped Oprah and Gayle get back together (eyebrow raised) but Jane declines. Ro goes and wipes Mateo’s tushy.  There’s a lot of Mateo’s tushy needing to be wiped in this episode. Is that a milestone of some sort? Xo worries that she’s moving too fast with Ro. OH MY GOD STOP, XO! JTV WRITERS: GIVE XIOMARA GLORIANA VILLANUEVA A REAL STORYLINE SO SHE CAN MARRY ROGELIO AND GET ON WITH HER LIFE.  Let Sin Rostro kidnap her, then Xo kills Rose and starts her own P.I. firm with Elvis. I don’t know—anything but this.
Jane and Fab are Netflix and Chilling. Fab doesn’t know Queen Elizabeth is still alive. RUN, JANE, RUN. They’re getting hot and heavy when Fab pulls a Jane and says he’s saving himself. Even though he’s already given some of himself away—with cougars, freaks, on Halloween. Still, he says being famous and fine, sex became too easy for him and lost its meaning.  Jane just wants to crush her flower again.
Alba is incensed by the political climate in America. She never says Trump, but, come on, ICE raids and anti-immigrant rhetoric?  Jane tries to convince her to march, but Alba is afraid.  Come on, Albuela! Jane tells Albuela Fab is saving himself and Alba’s like, MARRY HIM! Jane decides to give him another shot. Later that day on the Tiago set, Jane discovers Fab is great with kids and sensitive to a single mother’s dating complexities. Awww, Jane, so what if he is as thick as a 2X4?
Rafael is all PineyFace McPines-A-Lot for Petra. I like Petra, so I’m okay with extended Yael on my TV, but I dunno. They dispatched Abbey with a quickness and now Raf is head over heels for Petra? What happened to Dark Raf who has drunken threesomes with supermodels when he’s afraid?  Anyway, Rafael can’t believe Petra is trying to help Anezka and in a bit of unnecessary exposition, he reminds Petra that Anezka paralyzed her and tried to steal her life (guess he forgot about sleeping with her!). Petra says she just wants to help but Raf doesn’t buy it. Turns out, it’s Petra in the video, masquerading as Anezka! Petra is trying to save Anezka from jail because she knows the culprit isn’t Anezka. The truth: she fired Scott, drugged Anezka, and pretended to be Anezka as she staged a very public break up with Scott.  When Petra tells Raf she lied to him to protect him since he was on parole, Raf goes all gooey. Chuck comes by to take Petra to lunch. When they’re out of earshot, Chuck tells Petra Raf is hot for her.
Jane goes out with Fab. She is so horny, she thinks he’s hot eating nachos and blowing his nose.  She tells him about Lina. His eyes are two close together for me, but I can see why she wants to bang him.
A snooty customer in the Marbella gift shop tells a Spanish-speaking customer to speak English (booooooooo!). Alba doesn’t say anything, but you can tell she’s activating her inner Rosa Parks for the end of the episode. Alba has a pocket Constitution and knows the Preamble, y’all! Still, she’s afraid to march with Jane. She’s worried they could take away her green card.
Lina comes over. Still awkward. Mateo doesn’t even remember her.  But that doesn’t stop him from announcing his potty habits in front of his forgotten godmother. Lina shows Jane Bumble—a Tinder-like app.  Lina runs off to see her fiancé; the reunion is cut short and feelings are hurt.  Jane is left holding the diaper.
Jane and Raf are just the best friends. There’s nothing they can’t talk about. Masturbation, porn. Hopefully, this is setting us up for a big happy ending with these two in season 4 or 5. Jane notices Raf pining for Petra. Jane tells Raf she cares about Petra and unless he is absolutely sure he loves Petra, he better not break her heart again. Maybe Jane and Petra can be like sisterwives or something.
Jane and Fab go to an eat-in-the-dark restaurant, so she won’t be distracted by his hotness and she can get to know him on a deeper level. Fab is seeming like a dimbulb ( he thinks Jane likes books and stuff and confuses George Orwell with Orville Redenbacher). Jane gets a text from Lina and Fab suddenly yells at Jane to go save her friendship with Lina. They rush out of the restaurant and head to Lina’s cake tasting with her fiancé.
Ro wants to show Xo a house. Xo says she’s in bed sick but OF COURSE RO IS OUTSIDE THE WINDOW OVERHEARING AND CRESTFALLEN. I swear if it wasn’t for Jaime Camil’s amazing acting, I’d just be done with this story line.
Rafael’s guy, Elvis the Private Eye finds out there’s someone named J.P. in Pensacola who might have something to do with Scott’s death. Raf is all feeling like the hero. Petra notices and asks if Raf has feelings for her. Raf lies and says no.
Back at the cake-tasting, Jane and Lina go to the bathroom, where they’ve always told each other their truest feelings. Lina tells Jane she was there for her when Michael died (I did not see her at the funeral!), but the second year, Lina didn’t know how to talk to Jane about normal life things because Jane would put everything on the scale of losing Michael. They make up! Diane Guerrero has a new show, so look for her and her fiancé Danny to move half way round the world. Lina encourages Jane to give Fab a chance because Lina isn’t super bright, but she’s a great friend. Kinda.
Mateo is worried someone wants to deport Alba.  I love the way JTV shows how anti-immigrant policies and rhetoric affect every member of the family, from Alba to Mateo, generations on edge over hatred and bigotry.  Raf and Jane reassure Mateo. Alba finds out Jorge is undocumented and gets the courage to march. YAY!
Ro lays into Alba in Spanish and I love it! Yo estoy aqui para ellos! But it’s just a set up to get Ro to the sound stage where Xo has set up a romantic beach.  Xo asks Ro to marry her.
Fab bought 1984 and is almost finished reading it. Jane realizes he might be a diamond in the rough and the two of them have one of those up-all-night-talking nights that’s supposed to make us think of Jane and Raf falling on love, but, c’mon, you know Raf and Jane are getting back together. And you know the Latin Lover Narrator is probably grown up Mateo.
Petra and Chuck head out to investigate JP.  Raf leaves Petra a message confessing his feelings. But Sexy Dennis finds out JP is a nickname Anezka and Scott madeup. It stands for Jerky Pants because the owner of the pants always at beef Jerky and is….CHUCK CHESSER WHO IS DRIVING PETRA TO PENSACOLA WITH A SHOTGUN IN THE BACK SEAT. DUN DUN DUUUUUN!
All in all, not a bad eppy. It was nice to see Lina. She looked really glam. I loved all the shade Alba through the current administration and I like the fact that JTV is one of the first TV shows to address how anti-immigration foolishness is affecting hard-working, loving American families like Jane’s. It just feels like nothing new happened, ya know? I mean, how many times have Xo and RO been engaged? And Lina and Anezka are callbacks, fun callbacks but callbacks nonetheless. It’s cute that Jane gets to be on the other side of horniness, but, jeez Louise, let the poor girl get some good-good already. Alba, too.
To Be Continued…
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suerusselldj · 7 years
The Pitchfork Guide to Upcoming Albums: Spring 2017
Spoil me - I'm a DJ and I'm cute!
Welcome once again to the Pitchfork Guide to Upcoming Releases, our seasonal guide to new music. Four times a year, we round up a list of albums, singles, EPs, reissues, and more arriving in the coming months. This installment covers spring 2017, starting with this Friday, April 7. (Please note that release dates may change.) To start things off, we’ve highlighted a few particularly notable releases, including albums by Kendrick Lamar, Gorillaz, Lana Del Rey, Father John Misty, Fleet Foxes, Lorde, and others. For more about the releases we’re most excited for in 2017, check out our feature from the beginning of the year.
Arca: Arca (April 7, XL Recordings)
The new self-titled album from producer Alejandro Ghersi under his Arca alias is the follow-up to his his 2015 album Mutant and 2016 project Entrañas. It includes the recently released songs “Piel,” “Anoche,” and “Reverie,” and features Arca stepping out in front of the microphone for the first time, singing exclusively in Spanish. 
Father John Misty: Pure Comedy (April 7, Sub Pop)
The irreverent Josh Tillman returns in full force with Pure Comedy, his newest studio album under the Father John Misty name. The announcement of the 75-minute LP came with a 25-minute making-of documentary filmed during the album’s recording as well as a nearly-2000 word explanation. It features a 13-minute song called “Leaving LA,” plus a track that begins with a line about virtual reality sex with Taylor Swift. Read our extensive new interview with Father John Misty here.
Future Islands: The Far Field (April 7, 4AD)
Synth-pop trio Future Islands are set to release their latest album The Far Field, following the breakout success they found on 2014’s Singles. It includes “Ran” and “Cave,” was produced by John Congleton, and includes a guest appearance by Blondie’s Debbie Harry.
Kendrick Lamar: TBA (April 7 [probably], Top Dawg Entertainment)
Ever since the release of To Pimp a Butterfly in 2015, fans have been waiting with bated breath for details on a new album from Kendrick Lamar. Last year, the rapper followed up with a collection of outtakes and demos, untitled unmastered. On his recent track “The Heart Part 4,” Kendrick teased a date in his final verse: “Y'all got ’til April the 7th to get your shit together,” but it hasn't been confirmed if the album will, in fact, be released this Friday. He also released the Mike WiLL Made-It-produced “Humble.” Read our rundown of what Kendrick has been up to since his last album.
Feist: Pleasure (April 28, Universal)
Pleasure marks singer-songwriter Leslie Feist’s first new full-length record in over half a decade. Produced by Feist alongside Mocky and Renaud Letang, the album was recorded “without guile or go-to’s,” the goal being “to pin the songs down with conviction and our straight up human bodies,” according to Feist. She’s thus far released one song, the album’s title track. 
Gorillaz: Humanz (April 28, Parlophone/Warner Bros.)
Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett have finally gotten the animated band back together. Humanz features a massive all-star cast, including Vince Staples, Savages’ Jehnny Beth, Noel Gallagher, Grace Jones, Popcaan, D.R.A.M., Mavis Staples, Danny Brown, De La Soul, Pusha T, Kali Uchis, Kelela, and others. It was recorded in London, Paris, New York, Chicago, and Jamaica and produced by Gorillaz, the Twilite Tone of D /\ P, and Remi Kabaka. The album’s announcement was accompanied by four brand new songs as well as a performance of the entire thing in London.
Mac DeMarco: This Old Dog (May 5, Captured Tracks)
Mac is back with the follow-up to 2015’s mini-album Another One and 2014’s regular-album Salad Days. DeMarco recorded the album after he moved to Los Angeles from Queens. “The majority of this album is acoustic guitar, synthesizer, some drum machine, and one song is electric guitar,” he said in a statement. “So this is a new thing for me.” The album’s announcement was accompanied by two new songs: “My Old Man” and “This Old Dog.” Read Pitchfork’s interview with DeMarco about the new album.
Perfume Genius: No Shape (May 5, Matador)
Mike Hadreas has announced the follow-up to his excellent 2014 album Too Bright. His fourth Perfume Genius album features the new single “Slip Away,” as well as the Weyes Blood-featuring track “Sides.” “I think a lot of [these songs] are about trying to be happy in the face of whatever bullshit I created for myself or how horrible everything and everyone is,” he said in a statement. Hadreas will tour this year alongside serpentwithfeet. 
Slowdive: Slowdive (May 5, Dead Oceans)
The shoegaze originals return 22 years later with Slowdive, their self-titled follow-up to 1995’s Pygmalion. Despite the lengthy gap, the band’s principal songwriter, Neil Halstead, said, “When you’re in a band and you do three records, there’s a continuous flow and a development. For us, that flow re-started with us playing live again and that has continued into the record.” So far, we’ve heard “Star Roving” and “Sugar for the Pill.”
Girlpool: Powerplant (May 12, Anti-)
Girlpool are back with the follow-up to Before the World Was Big, their debut. Powerplant, which has been preceded by “123” and its gruesome video, sees them step up to Epitaph sister-label Anti-. Catch them on tour behind the record.
Planetarium (Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister): Planetarium [June 9, 4AD]
Back in 2011, Nico Muhly, the National’s Bryce Dessner, percussionist James McAlister, and Sufjan Stevens set out on a project that would encompass the breadth of the solar system. The resulting album, Planetarium, will finally be released in June. The record, led by Sufjan’s voice, features songs about “Halley’s Comet,” “Black Hole,” and “Mars”—as well as the previously released “Saturn.”
Fleet Foxes: Crack-Up [June 16, Nonesuch]
Fleet Foxes’ long-awaited follow-up to Helplessness Blues follows a six-year disappearance in which songwriter Robin Pecknold studied at Columbia University. The first single, a nine-minute epic called “Third of May / Ōdaigahara,” addresses Pecknold’s relationship with bandmate Skyler Skjelset—“the feeling of having an unresolved, unrequited relationship that is lingering psychologically,” Pecknold told Pitchfork. Read more about the album in the full interview, and see their upcoming tour dates.
Lorde: Melodrama [June 16, LAVA/Republic]
Lorde returns with her highly anticipated sophomore album, following 2013’s Pure Heroine. It includes her new single “Green Light,” which details her “first major heartbreak,” as well as the stark piano ballad “Liability.” Lorde performed both tracks on “SNL” earlier this year. The album was produced with Jack Antonoff.
Vince Staples: TBA [Def Jam]
Vince Staples’ upcoming album is the follow-up to 2015’s Summertime ’06 and last year’s Prima Donna EP. Earlier this year, he released the new song “BagBak” and announced that VIP packages for his Life Aquatic Tour would include a free copy of the upcoming record. Staples also collaborated with Gorillaz on “Ascension,” from their upcoming album Humanz.
Lana Del Rey: Lust for Life [Polydor/Interscope]
Lana Del Rey announced her new album Lust for Life with a wonderfully mysterious black-and-white clip that found her wondering aloud, “What shall I cook up for the kids today?”. The first taste of her upcoming Honeymoon follow-up arrived with “Love,” a new single released earlier this year. The album will also likely include a collaboration with the Weeknd, following her appearances on “Party Monster” and “Stargirl Interlude” from his 2016 release Starboy. 
LCD Soundsystem: TBA [Columbia]
It’s been seven years since LCD Soundsystem released This Is Happening, their excellent third album. In the time since, the group disbanded, reformed, and embarked on a reunion tour. (They will headline Pitchfork Music Festival this summer). In early 2016, the band announced that they had signed to Columbia Records, with plans to release new music, but nothing has materialized yet. James Murphy offered an update on the album this January, saying he was “still working” on it, but “winter tends to mess with [his] voice.” Hopefully, the warmer weather will bring new LCD Soundsystem music with it.
Allan Kingdom: Lines [So Cold/Empire]
Allred & Broderick: Find the Ways [Erased Tapes]
Annie Hardy: Rules [Full Psycho/American Primitive]
Anthony Naples: Us Mix EP [Proibito]
Arca: Arca [XL]
Aye Nako: Silver Haze [Don Giovanni]
CFM: Dichotomy Desaturated [In The Red]
The Chainsmokers: Memories...Do Not Open [Disruptor/Columbia]
Clark: Death Peak [Warp] 
Cold Beat: Chaos by Invitation [Crime on the Moon]
Cory Branan: Adios [Bloodshot]
Diet Cig: Swear I’m Good At This [Frenchkiss]
Ecstatic Vision: Raw Rock Fury [Relapse]
Father John Misty: Pure Comedy [Sub Pop]
Fuoco Fatuo: Backwater [Profound Lore]
Fujiya & Miyagi: Fujiya & Miyagi [self-released]
Future Islands: The Far Field [4AD]
Guided by Voices: August by Cake [Rockathon]
Joey Bada$$: ALL-AMERIKKKAN BADA$$ [Pro Era/Cinematic Music Group]
Karen Elson: Double Roses [H.O.T.]
Lil Ugly Mane: Mista Thug Isolation [Hundebiss] [reissue]
Michelle Branch: Hopeless Romantic [Verve]
The New Pornographers: Whiteout Conditions [Collected Work/Concord]
Sam Gellaitry: Escapism III [XL]
San Fermin: Belong [Downtown/Interscope]
Soundwalk Collective: Before Music There Is Blood [Apollo]
Sweet Spirit: St. Mojo [Nine Mile]
Timber Timbre: Sincerely, Future Pollution [Arts & Crafts/City Slang]
Vanbot: Siberia [Lisch Recordings]
Various Artists: Resistance Radio: The Man in the High Castle Album [30th Century]
White Reaper: The World’s Best American Band [Polyvinyl]
Actress: AZD [Ninja Tune]
Fionn Regan: The Meetings of the Waters [Abbey]
John Mayer: The Search for Everything [Columbia]
Little Dragon: Season High [Loma Vista]
Mary Lattimore: Collected Pieces [Ghostly] [compilation]
Sam Outlaw: Tenderheart [Six Shooter]
Talib Kweli & Styles P: The Seven [Javotti Media/3D]
Artificial Brain: Infrared Horizon [Profound Lore]
The Black Angels: Death Song [Partisan]
Charly Bliss: Guppy [Barsuk]
Foreseen: Grave Danger [20 Buck Spin]
Ghosts: Crash Ensemble [Bedroom Community]
Harriet Brown: CONTACT [Innovative Leisure]
Hisato Higuchi: Kietsuzukeru Echo [Root Strata]
J Dilla: Motor City [Dillatronic]
Joe Goddard: Electric Lines [Greco-Roman/Domino]
Kamaiyah: Don’t Get It Twisted [self-released]
Mr. Mitch: Devout [Planet Mu]
Ray Davies: Americana [Legacy]
Real Life Buildings: Significant Weather [Lauren]
Robyn Hitchcock: Robyn Hitchcock [Yep Roc]
Tara Jane O’Neil: Tara Jane O’Neil [Gnomonsong]
Valgeir Sigurðsson: Dissonance [Bedroom Community]
Vampire: With Primeval Force [Century Media]
Various Artists: Thank You, Friends: Big Star’s Third Live... And More [Concord Bicycle]
Woods: Love Is Love [Woodsist]
RECORD STORE DAY: See list of releases here
ANAMAI (Egyptrixx & Anna Mayberry): What Mountain [Halocline Trance]
BNQT: Volume 1 [Dualtone/Bella Union]
Colin Stetson: All This I Do For Glory [self-released]
The Cranberries: Something Else [BMG]
Feist: Pleasure [Universal]
Gorillaz: Humanz [Parlophone/Warner Bros]
John Mellencamp: Sad Clowns & Hillbillies [Republic]
Juliana Hatfield: Pussycat [American Laundromat]
Lone: Ambivert Tools Vol. 1 [R&S]
Mark Lanegan Band: Gargoyle [Heavenly]
Mary J. Blige: Strength of a Woman [Capitol]
Mew: Visuals [Play It Again Sam]
The New Year: Snow [Undertow]
Ryuichi Sakamoto: async [Milan]
Shugo Tokumaru: Toss [Polyvinyl]
Sophia Kennedy: Sophia Kennedy [Pampa]
Sufjan Stevens: Carrie & Lowell Live [Asthmatic Kitty]
Swans: The Great Annihilator [Young God/Mute] [reissue]
Sylvan Esso: What Now [Loma Vista]
Thurston Moore: Rock n Roll Consciousness [Caroline International]
WALL: Untitled [Wharf Cat]
Willie Nelson: God’s Problem Child [Legacy]
The Afghan Whigs: In Spades [Sub Pop]
Alice Coltrane: World Spirituality Classics 1 - The Ecstatic Music of Alice Coltrane Turiyasangitananda [Luka Bop] [reissue]
At the Drive In:  in•ter a•li•a [Rise]
Big Walnuts Yonder: Big Walnuts Yonder [Sargent House]
Bill MacKay: Esker [Drag City]
Black Lips: Satan’s graffiti or God’s art [Vice]
Blondie: Pollinator [BMG]
Bonnie “Prince” Billy: Best Troubador [Drag City]
Brother Ali: All the Beauty in This Whole World [Rhymesayers]
Forest Swords: Compassion [Ninja Tune]
Full of Hell: Trumpeting Ecstasy [Profound Lore]
The Grateful Dead: May 1977: Get Shown the Light [Rhino]
Hoops: Routines [Fat Possum]
Ian William Craig: Slow Vessels EP [Fat Cat]
Jesu/Sun Kil Moon: 30 Seconds to the Decline of Planet Earth [Caldo Verde]
Joan Shelley: Joan Shelley [No Quarter]
John Moreland: Big Bad Luv [4AD]
Juana Molina: Halo [Crammed Discs]
Logic: Everybody [Visionary Music Group/Def Jam]
Mac DeMarco: This Old Dog [Captured Tracks]
Moon Duo: Occult Architecture Vol. 2 [Sacred Bones]
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds: Lovely Creatures: The Best of Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds 1984-2014 [Mute]
Nightlands: I Can Feel the Night Around Me [Western Vinyl]
Niia: I [Atlantic]
Nite Jewel: Real High [Gloriette]
Penguin Café: The Imperfect Sea [Erased Tapes]
Perfume Genius: No Shape [Matador]
Pond: The Weather [Marathon Artists]
Robin Trower: Time and Emotion [V-12]
Slowdive: Slowdive [Dead Oceans]
Tall Juan: Olden Goldies [BUFU]
Tiny Vipers: Laughter [Ba Da Bing]
Walter Martin: My Kinda Music [Family Jukebox]
Eyedress: Manila Ice [Lex]
Girlpool: Powerplant [Anti-]
PWR BTTM: Pageant [Polyvinyl]
Slackk: A Little Light [R&S]
Todd Rundgren: White Knight [Cleopatra]
Various Artist: The Bob’s Burgers Music Album [Sub Pop]
Will Stratton: Rosewood Almanac [Bella Union]
!!!: Shake the Shudder [Warp]
Alex G: Rocket [Domino]
Coldcut x On-U Sound: Outside the Echo Chamber [Ahead of Our Time]
Demen: Nektyr [Kranky]
Do Make Say Think: Stubborn Persistent Illusions [Constellation]
Faith Evans/The Notorious B.I.G.: The King & I [Rhino]
George Michael: Listen Without Prejudice/MTV Unplugged [Legacy] [reissue]
Heather Trost: Agistri [LM Dupli-cation]
Helium: The Dirt of Luck/The Magic City/Ends With And [Matador] [reissue]
Jlin: Black Origami [Planet Mu]
Land of Talk: Life After Youth [Saddle Creek]
Lord RAJA: Amadeus EP [Ghostly International]
Loss: Horizonless [Profound Lore]
Man Forever: Play What They Want [Thrill Jockey]
The Mountain Goats: Goths [Merge]
The Radiophonic Workshop: Burials in Several Earths [Room 13]
Roger Waters: Is This the Life We Really Want? [TBA]
Sam Amidon: The Following Mountain [Nonesuch]
She-Devils: She-Devils [Secretly Canadian]
Tigers Jaw: Spin [Black Cement]
Wavves: You’re Welcome [Ghost Ramp]
The Charlatans: Different Days [BMG]
Justin Townes Earle: Kids in the Street [New West]
Martin Rev: Demolition 9 [Atlas Réalisations]
New Order: NOMC15 [Mute]
Alt-J: Relaxer [Canvasback Music]
Beach Fossils: Somersault [Bayonet]
Benjamin Booker: Witness [ATO]
Chastity Belt: I Used to Spend So Much Time Alone [Hardly Art]
Coldplay: Kaleidoscope EP [Parlophone]
Dan Auerbach: Waiting on a Song [Easy Eye Sound]
Kacey Johansing: The Hiding [Night Bloom]
Marika Hackman: I’m Not Your Man [Sub Pop]
Mavis Staples: I’ll Take You There—An All-Star Concert Celebration [Blackbird Presents]
Pixx: The Age of Anxiety [4AD]
Saint Etienne: Home Countries [Heavenly]
TOPS: Sugar at the Gate [Arbutus]
U2: The Joshua Tree [30th Anniversary Edition] [Interscope] [reissue]
Whitney: You’ve Got a Woman/Gonna Hurry (As Slow As I Can) [Secretly Canadian] [12” single]
Agent Blå: Agent Blue [Kanine/Luxury]
Cigarettes After Sex: Cigarettes After Sex [Partisan]
Planetarium (Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister): Planetarium [4AD]
B Boys: Dada [Captured Tracks]
Chuck Berry: Chuck [Dualtone]
The Drums: “Abysmal Thoughts” [Anti-]
Fleet Foxes: Crack-Up [Nonesuch]
Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit: The Nashville Sound [Southeastern]
Kevin Morby: City Music [Dead Oceans]
Lorde: Melodrama [Republic/Lava]
Michael Nau: Some Twist [Suicide Squeeze]
Ride: Weather Diaries [Wichita]
Royal Trux: Platinum Tips + Ice Cream [Drag City]
Banditos: Visionland [Bloodshot]
Alice Glass: TBA [TBA]
Amber Coffman: City of No Reply [Columbia]
Arcade Fire: TBA [TBA]
Beck: TBA [Capitol]
Bleachers: TBA [RCA]
Cashmere Cat: 9 [Mad Love/Interscope]
Chic: It’s About Time [TBA]
Chromatics: Dear Tommy [Italians Do It Better]
CyHi the Prynce: No Dope on Sundays [Brooklyn Knights/Sony RAL]
Danzig: Black Laden Crown [Evilive/Nuclear Blast]
Earl Sweatshirt: TBA [TBA]
Fischerscpooner: SIR [TBA]
Grizzly Bear: TBA [TBA]
GZA: Dark Matter [TBA]
Haim: TBA [TBA]
Halsey: Hopeless Fountain Kingdom [Astralwerks]
The I.L.Y’s: Bodyguard [TBA]
Kane Strang: TBA [Dead Oceans]
Katy Perry: TBA [Capitol]
Kelela: TBA [TBA]
King Krule: TBA [TBA]
Kendrick Lamar: TBA [Top Dawg Entertainment]
The Killers: TBA [TBA]
Lana Del Rey: Lust for Life [Interscope/Polydor]
LCD Soundsystem: TBA [Columbia]
Lil B: Black Ken [self-released]
Major Lazer: TBA [TBA]
Post Malone: Beer Bongs & Bentleys [Republic]
Queens of the Stone Age: TBA [TBA]
Sky Ferreira: Masochism [TBA]
Vampire Weekend: Mitsubishi Macchiato [TBA]
Vince Staples: TBA [Def Jam]
Wolf Parade: TBA [TBA]
Zack de la Rocha: TBA [TBA]
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IN MY Dreams
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ricardosousalemos · 7 years
The Pitchfork Guide to Upcoming Albums: Spring 2017
Welcome once again to the Pitchfork Guide to Upcoming Releases, our seasonal guide to new music. Four times a year, we round up a list of albums, singles, EPs, reissues, and more arriving in the coming months. This installment covers winter 2017, starting with this Friday, April 7. (Please note that release dates may change.) To start things off, we’ve highlighted a few particularly notable releases, including albums by Kendrick Lamar, Gorillaz, Lana Del Rey, Father John Misty, Fleet Foxes, Lorde, and others. For more about the releases we’re most excited for in 2017, check out our feature from the beginning of the year.
Arca: Arca (April 7, XL Recordings)
The new self-titled album from producer Alejandro Ghersi under his Arca alias is the follow-up to his his 2015 album Mutant and 2016 project Entrañas. It includes the recently released songs “Piel,” “Anoche,” and “Reverie,” and features Arca stepping out in front of the microphone for the first time, singing exclusively in Spanish. 
Father John Misty: Pure Comedy (April 7, Sub Pop)
The irreverent Josh Tillman returns in full force with Pure Comedy, his newest studio album under the Father John Misty name. The announcement of the 75-minute LP came with a 25-minute making-of documentary filmed during the album’s recording as well as a nearly-2000 word explanation. It features a 13-minute song called “Leaving LA,” plus a track that begins with a line about virtual reality sex with Taylor Swift. Read our extensive new interview with Father John Misty here.
Future Islands: The Far Field (April 7, 4AD)
Synth-pop trio Future Islands are set to release their latest album The Far Field, following the breakout success they found on 2014’s Singles. It includes “Ran” and “Cave,” was produced by John Congleton, and includes a guest appearance by Blondie’s Debbie Harry.
Kendrick Lamar: TBA (April 7 [probably], Top Dawg Entertainment)
Ever since the release of To Pimp a Butterfly in 2015, fans have been waiting with bated breath for details on a new album from Kendrick Lamar. Last year, the rapper followed up with a collection of outtakes and demos, untitled unmastered. On his recent track “The Heart Part 4,” Kendrick teased a date in his final verse: “Y'all got ’til April the 7th to get your shit together,” but it hasn't been confirmed if the album will, in fact, be released this Friday. He also released the Mike WiLL Made-It-produced “Humble.” Read our rundown of what Kendrick has been up to since his last album.
Feist: Pleasure (April 28, Universal)
Pleasure marks singer-songwriter Leslie Feist’s first new full-length record in over half a decade. Produced by Feist alongside Mocky and Renaud Letang, the album was recorded “without guile or go-to’s,” the goal being “to pin the songs down with conviction and our straight up human bodies,” according to Feist. She’s thus far released one song, the album’s title track. 
Gorillaz: Humanz (April 28, Parlophone/Warner Bros.)
Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett have finally gotten the animated band back together. Humanz features a massive all-star cast, including Vince Staples, Savages’ Jehnny Beth, Noel Gallagher, Grace Jones, Popcaan, D.R.A.M., Mavis Staples, Danny Brown, De La Soul, Pusha T, Kali Uchis, Kelela, and others. It was recorded in London, Paris, New York, Chicago, and Jamaica and produced by Gorillaz, the Twilite Tone of D /\ P, and Remi Kabaka. The album’s announcement was accompanied by four brand new songs as well as a performance of the entire thing in London.
Mac DeMarco: This Old Dog (May 5, Captured Tracks)
Mac is back with the follow-up to 2015’s mini-album Another One and 2014’s regular-album Salad Days. DeMarco recorded the album after he moved to Los Angeles from Queens. “The majority of this album is acoustic guitar, synthesizer, some drum machine, and one song is electric guitar,” he said in a statement. “So this is a new thing for me.” The album’s announcement was accompanied by two new songs: “My Old Man” and “This Old Dog.” Read Pitchfork’s interview with DeMarco about the new album.
Perfume Genius: No Shape (May 5, Matador)
Mike Hadreas has announced the follow-up to his excellent 2014 album Too Bright. His fourth Perfume Genius album features the new single “Slip Away,” as well as the Weyes Blood-featuring track “Sides.” “I think a lot of [these songs] are about trying to be happy in the face of whatever bullshit I created for myself or how horrible everything and everyone is,” he said in a statement. Hadreas will tour this year alongside serpentwithfeet. 
Slowdive: Slowdive (May 5, Dead Oceans)
The shoegaze originals return 22 years later with Slowdive, their self-titled follow-up to 1995’s Pygmalion. Despite the lengthy gap, the band’s principal songwriter, Neil Halstead, said, “When you’re in a band and you do three records, there’s a continuous flow and a development. For us, that flow re-started with us playing live again and that has continued into the record.” So far, we’ve heard “Star Roving” and “Sugar for the Pill.”
Girlpool: Powerplant (May 12, Anti-)
Girlpool are back with the follow-up to Before the World Was Big, their debut. Powerplant, which has been preceded by “123” and its gruesome video, sees them step up to Epitaph sister-label Anti-. Catch them on tour behind the record.
Planetarium (Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister): Planetarium [June 9, 4AD]
Back in 2011, Nico Muhly, the National’s Bryce Dessner, percussionist James McAlister, and Sufjan Stevens set out on a project that would encompass the breadth of the solar system. The resulting album, Planetarium, will finally be released in June. The record, led by Sufjan’s voice, features songs about “Halley’s Comet,” “Black Hole,” and “Mars”—as well as the previously released “Saturn.”
Fleet Foxes: Crack-Up [June 16, Nonesuch]
Fleet Foxes’ long-awaited follow-up to Helplessness Blues follows a six-year disappearance in which songwriter Robin Pecknold studied at Columbia University. The first single, a nine-minute epic called “Third of May / Ōdaigahara,” addresses Pecknold’s relationship with bandmate Skyler Skjelset—“the feeling of having an unresolved, unrequited relationship that is lingering psychologically,” Pecknold told Pitchfork. Read more about the album in the full interview, and see their upcoming tour dates.
Lorde: Melodrama [June 16, LAVA/Republic]
Lorde returns with her highly anticipated sophomore album, following 2013’s Pure Heroine. It includes her new single “Green Light,” which details her “first major heartbreak,” as well as the stark piano ballad “Liability.” Lorde performed both tracks on “SNL” earlier this year. The album was produced with Jack Antonoff.
Vince Staples: TBA [Def Jam]
Vince Staples’ upcoming album is the follow-up to 2015’s Summertime ’06 and last year’s Prima Donna EP. Earlier this year, he released the new song “BagBak” and announced that VIP packages for his Life Aquatic Tour would include a free copy of the upcoming record. Staples also collaborated with Gorillaz on “Ascension,” from their upcoming album Humanz.
Lana Del Rey: Lust for Life [Polydor/Interscope]
Lana Del Rey announced her new album Lust for Life with a wonderfully mysterious black-and-white clip that found her wondering aloud, “What shall I cook up for the kids today?”. The first taste of her upcoming Honeymoon follow-up arrived with “Love,” a new single released earlier this year. The album will also likely include a collaboration with the Weeknd, following her appearances on “Party Monster” and “Stargirl Interlude” from his 2016 release Starboy. 
LCD Soundsystem: TBA [Columbia]
It’s been seven years since LCD Soundsystem released This Is Happening, their excellent third album. In the time since, the group disbanded, reformed, and embarked on a reunion tour. (They will headline Pitchfork Music Festival this summer). In early 2016, the band announced that they had signed to Columbia Records, with plans to release new music, but nothing has materialized yet. James Murphy offered an update on the album this January, saying he was “still working” on it, but “winter tends to mess with [his] voice.” Hopefully, the warmer weather will bring new LCD Soundsystem music with it.
Allan Kingdom: Lines [So Cold/Empire]
Allred & Broderick: Find the Ways [Erased Tapes]
Annie Hardy: Rules [Full Psycho/American Primitive]
Anthony Naples: Us Mix EP [Proibito]
Arca: Arca [XL]
Aye Nako: Silver Haze [Don Giovanni]
The Chainsmokers: Memories...Do Not Open [Disruptor/Columbia]
Clark: Death Peak [Warp] 
Cold Beat: Chaos by Invitation [Crime on the Moon]
Cory Branan: Adios [Bloodshot]
Diet Cig: Swear I’m Good At This [Frenchkiss]
Ecstatic Vision: Raw Rock Fury [Relapse]
Father John Misty: Pure Comedy [Sub Pop]
Fuoco Fatuo: Backwater [Profound Lore]
Fujiya & Miyagi: Fujiya & Miyagi [self-released]
Future Islands: The Far Field [4AD]
Guided by Voices: August by Cake [Rockathon]
Joey Bada$$: ALL-AMERIKKKAN BADA$$ [Pro Era/Cinematic Music Group]
Karen Elson: Double Roses [H.O.T.]
Lil Ugly Mane: Mista Thug Isolation [Hundebiss] [reissue]
Michelle Branch: Hopeless Romantic [Verve]
The New Pornographers: Whiteout Conditions [Collected Work/Concord]
Sam Gellaitry: Escapism III [XL]
San Fermin: Belong [Downtown/Interscope]
Soundwalk Collective: Before Music There Is Blood [Apollo]
Sweet Spirit: St. Mojo [Nine Mile]
Timber Timbre: Sincerely, Future Pollution [Arts & Crafts/City Slang]
Vanbot: Siberia [Lisch Recordings]
Various Artists: Resistance Radio: The Man in the High Castle Album [30th Century]
White Reaper: The World’s Best American Band [Polyvinyl]
Actress: AZD [Ninja Tune]
Fionn Regan: The Meetings of the Waters [Abbey]
John Mayer: The Search for Everything [Columbia]
Little Dragon: Season High [Loma Vista]
Mary Lattimore: Collected Pieces [Ghostly] [compilation]
Sam Outlaw: Tenderheart [Six Shooter]
Talib Kweli & Styles P: The Seven [Javotti Media/3D]
Artificial Brain: Infrared Horizon [Profound Lore]
The Black Angels: Death Song [Partisan]
Charly Bliss: Guppy [Barsuk]
Foreseen: Grave Danger [20 Buck Spin]
Ghosts: Crash Ensemble [Bedroom Community]
Harriet Brown: CONTACT [Innovative Leisure]
Hisato Higuchi: Kietsuzukeru Echo [Root Strata]
J Dilla: Motor City [Dillatronic]
Joe Goddard: Electric Lines [Greco-Roman/Domino]
Kamaiyah: Don’t Get It Twisted [self-released]
Mr. Mitch: Devout [Planet Mu]
Ray Davies: Americana [Legacy]
Real Life Buildings: Significant Weather [Lauren]
Robyn Hitchcock: Robyn Hitchcock [Yep Roc]
Tara Jane O’Neil: Tara Jane O’Neil [Gnomonsong]
Valgeir Sigurðsson: Dissonance [Bedroom Community]
Vampire: With Primeval Force [Century Media]
Various Artists: Thank You, Friends: Big Star’s Third Live... And More [Concord Bicycle]
Woods: Love Is Love [Woodsist]
RECORD STORE DAY: See list of releases here
ANAMAI (Egyptrixx & Anna Mayberry): What Mountain [Halocline Trance]
BNQT: Volume 1 [Dualtone/Bella Union]
Colin Stetson: All This I Do For Glory [self-released]
The Cranberries: Something Else [BMG]
Feist: Pleasure [Universal]
Gorillaz: Humanz [Parlophone/Warner Bros]
John Mellencamp: Sad Clowns & Hillbillies [Republic]
Juliana Hatfield: Pussycat [American Laundromat]
Lone: Ambivert Tools Vol. 1 [R&S]
Mark Lanegan Band: Gargoyle [Heavenly]
Mary J. Blige: Strength of a Woman [Capitol]
Mew: Visuals [Play It Again Sam]
The New Year: Snow [Undertow]
Ryuichi Sakamoto: async [Milan]
Shugo Tokumaru: Toss [Polyvinyl]
Sophia Kennedy: Sophia Kennedy [Pampa]
Sufjan Stevens: Carrie & Lowell Live [Asthmatic Kitty]
Swans: The Great Annihilator [Young God/Mute] [reissue]
Sylvan Esso: What Now [Loma Vista]
Thurston Moore: Rock n Roll Consciousness [Caroline International]
WALL: Untitled [Wharf Cat]
Willie Nelson: God’s Problem Child [Legacy]
The Afghan Whigs: In Spades [Sub Pop]
Alice Coltrane: World Spirituality Classics 1 - The Ecstatic Music of Alice Coltrane Turiyasangitananda [Luka Bop] [reissue]
At the Drive In:  in•ter a•li•a [Rise]
Big Walnuts Yonder: Big Walnuts Yonder [Sargent House]
Bill MacKay: Esker [Drag City]
Black Lips: Satan’s graffiti or God’s art [Vice]
Blondie: Pollinator [BMG]
Bonnie “Prince” Billy: Best Troubador [Drag City]
Brother Ali: All the Beauty in This Whole World [Rhymesayers]
Forest Swords: Compassion [Ninja Tune]
Full of Hell: Trumpeting Ecstasy [Profound Lore]
The Grateful Dead: May 1977: Get Shown the Light [Rhino]
Hoops: Routines [Fat Possum]
Ian William Craig: Slow Vessels EP [Fat Cat]
Jesu/Sun Kil Moon: 30 Seconds to the Decline of Planet Earth [Caldo Verde]
Joan Shelley: Joan Shelley [No Quarter]
John Moreland: Big Bad Luv [4AD]
Juana Molina: Halo [Crammed Discs]
Logic: Everybody [Visionary Music Group/Def Jam]
Mac DeMarco: This Old Dog [Captured Tracks]
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds: Lovely Creatures: The Best of Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds 1984-2014 [Mute]
Nightlands: I Can Feel the Night Around Me [Western Vinyl]
Niia: I [Atlantic]
Nite Jewel: Real High [Gloriette]
Penguin Café: The Imperfect Sea [Erased Tapes]
Perfume Genius: No Shape [Matador]
Pond: The Weather [Marathon Artists]
Robin Trower: Time and Emotion [V-12]
Slowdive: Slowdive [Dead Oceans]
Tall Juan: Olden Goldies [BUFU]
Tiny Vipers: Laughter [Ba Da Bing]
Walter Martin: My Kinda Music [Family Jukebox]
Eyedress: Manila Ice [Lex]
Girlpool: Powerplant [Anti-]
PWR BTTM: Pageant [Polyvinyl]
Slackk: A Little Light [R&S]
Todd Rundgren: White Knight [Cleopatra]
Various Artist: The Bob’s Burgers Music Album [Sub Pop]
Will Stratton: Rosewood Almanac [Bella Union]
!!!: Shake the Shudder [Warp]
Alex G: Rocket [Domino]
B Boys: Dada [Captured Tracks]
Coldcut x On-U Sound: Outside the Echo Chamber [Ahead of Our Time]
Demen: Nektyr [Kranky]
Do Make Say Think: Stubborn Persistent Illusions [Constellation]
Faith Evans/The Notorious B.I.G.: The King & I [Rhino]
George Michael: Listen Without Prejudice/MTV Unplugged [Legacy] [reissue]
Heather Trost: Agistri [LM Dupli-cation]
Helium: The Dirt of Luck/The Magic City/Ends With And [Matador] [reissue]
Jlin: Black Origami [Planet Mu]
Land of Talk: Life After Youth [Saddle Creek]
Lord RAJA: Amadeus EP [Ghostly International]
Loss: Horizonless [Profound Lore]
Man Forever: Play What They Want [Thrill Jockey]
The Mountain Goats: Goths [Merge]
The Radiophonic Workshop: Burials in Several Earths [Room 13]
Roger Waters: Is This the Life We Really Want? [TBA]
Sam Amidon: The Following Mountain [Nonesuch]
She-Devils: She-Devils [Secretly Canadian]
Tigers Jaw: Spin [Black Cement]
Wavves: You’re Welcome [Ghost Ramp]
The Charlatans: Different Days [BMG]
Justin Townes Earle: Kids in the Street [New West]
Martin Rev: Demolition 9 [Atlas Réalisations]
New Order: NOMC15 [Mute]
Alt-J: Relaxer [Canvasback Music]
Beach Fossils: Somersault [Bayonet]
Benjamin Booker: Witness [ATO]
Chastity Belt: I Used to Spend So Much Time Alone [Hardly Art]
Coldplay: Kaleidoscope EP [Parlophone]
Dan Auerbach: Waiting on a Song [Easy Eye Sound]
Kacey Johansing: The Hiding [Night Bloom]
Marika Hackman: I’m Not Your Man [Sub Pop]
Mavis Staples: I’ll Take You There—An All-Star Concert Celebration [Blackbird Presents]
Pixx: The Age of Anxiety [4AD]
Saint Etienne: Home Countries [Heavenly]
TOPS: Sugar at the Gate [Arbutus]
U2: The Joshua Tree [30th Anniversary Edition] [Interscope] [reissue]
Whitney: You’ve Got a Woman/Gonna Hurry (As Slow As I Can) [Secretly Canadian] [12” single]
Agent Blå: Agent Blue [Kanine/Luxury]
Cigarettes After Sex: Cigarettes After Sex [Partisan]
Planetarium (Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly, James McAlister): Planetarium [4AD]
Chuck Berry: Chuck [Dualtone]
The Drums: “Abysmal Thoughts” [Anti-]
Fleet Foxes: Crack-Up [Nonesuch]
Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit: The Nashville Sound [Southeastern]
Kevin Morby: City Music [Dead Oceans]
Lorde: Melodrama [Republic/Lava]
Ride: Weather Diaries [Wichita]
Royal Trux: Platinum Tips + Ice Cream [Drag City]
Banditos: Visionland [Bloodshot]
Alice Glass: TBA [TBA]
Amber Coffman: City of No Reply [Columbia]
Arcade Fire: TBA [TBA]
Beck: TBA [Capitol]
Bleachers: TBA [RCA]
Cashmere Cat: 9 [Mad Love/Interscope]
Chic: It’s About Time [TBA]
Chromatics: Dear Tommy [Italians Do It Better]
CyHi the Prynce: No Dope on Sundays [Brooklyn Knights/Sony RAL]
Danzig: Black Laden Crown [Evilive/Nuclear Blast]
Earl Sweatshirt: TBA [TBA]
Fischerscpooner: SIR [TBA]
Grizzly Bear: TBA [TBA]
GZA: Dark Matter [TBA]
Haim: TBA [TBA]
Halsey: Hopeless Fountain Kingdom [Astralwerks]
The I.L.Y’s: Bodyguard [TBA]
Katy Perry: TBA [Capitol]
Kelela: TBA [TBA]
King Krule: TBA [TBA]
Kendrick Lamar: TBA [Top Dawg Entertainment]
The Killers: TBA [TBA]
Lana Del Rey: Lust for Life [Interscope/Polydor]
LCD Soundsystem: TBA [Columbia]
Lil B: Black Ken [self-released]
Major Lazer: TBA [TBA]
Post Malone: Beer Bongs & Bentleys [Republic]
Queens of the Stone Age: TBA [TBA]
Sky Ferreira: Masochism [TBA]
Vampire Weekend: Mitsubishi Macchiato [TBA]
Vince Staples: TBA [Def Jam]
Wolf Parade: TBA [TBA]
Zack de la Rocha: TBA [TBA]
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