#chocolate box 2020
slvtforfiction · 8 months
Hi I think your request are open. 😭
Anyways I have a prompt where it’s like Jonnie meets a fan and like later on he kind stalks her media and accidentally likes something for an old emo phase and she dms him “??” And it just spirals from there into something cute?
An old phase,A new like
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☆ Yesss!
☆ Love this,thank you anon x
☆ Sorry it’s so short
☆ Johnnie Guilbert X Reader
☆ Fluff
☆ If you are going to request: please check at the pinned post if requests are open,otherwise I will delete your requests which I have already been doing
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
Masterlist | Pinned post
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“So today we are-“ I look down at my phone as a notification pushed past my do not disturb, Johnnie Guilbert like your photo.
I knew Johnnie,we had text back and forth for a while about doing a video idea even though we had never done it. I had met him at a convention and most likely acted like the biggest fan girl alive.
I clicked on the notification and saw that the like was a photo from 2020,almost 4 years ago.
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Liking photos from 2020,huh?
Sorry didn’t mean to.
Nooo it’s okay sorry lol
Okay good lol,thought you were mad
No,no lol
So how are you?
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2 weeks later,
“I’ll see you again next week? Maybe another date?” I ask with a schoolgirl smile on my face, “Yeah ofcourse,I’d love that.” He replied and I smiled,kissing his cheek.
We walked back to my apartment and watched a movie,cuddling up to each other and sharing some popcorn whilst we watched some shitty romcom. Neither of us cared about the movie,though neither of us would say it. We just enjoyed the comfort of each other.
Around nine o’clock Johnnie left,I was sad to see him go but I knew he had an apartment to sleep in so I couldn’t exactly keep him.
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6 months later,
“Hey Johnnie!” I smile down the phone,we hadn’t hung out a lot this week but I didn’t mind,opting to sleep on call for the week instead.
“Hey love,you okay?” He asks me and I smile at the nickname, “Yeah,im okay,you?” I ask and I could almost hear his smile.
It was always nice to hear johnnies voice,it had become comforting over the past month or so,despite his energetic attitude. He always knew when it was time to settle down and he always knew what to say and how to say it. It made me envy those closest to him.
“So how was your day?”
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1 year later,
“Happy 6 month anniversary!” He said as he hugged me,I smiled and kissed him as I grabbed some chocolates I had bought him.
He handed me some flowers and chocolate and I smiled, “Happy 6 months!” I smiled at him,my face beaming with excitement.
One phone call 6 months ago had led me to become infatuated with him,though I would be lying to say that I hadn’t had a small crush on him since I first text him.
We sat down on his sofa in his apartment and smiled as we put on the same shitty romcom that we always do,it had become our tradition and no one was complaining. As long as I got to snuggle up to the comfort of his chest I didn’t mind.
It had become apparent to both of us that we didn’t really care what we watched as long as we were with each other. I smiled as I snuggled into his chest,something that had become somewhat familiar with us. He snaked his hand around my waist and we sat their in comfortable silence as we admired each other.
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2 years later,
“Happy one year!” I say as I wake up next to him in our apartment, “Happy one year.” He smiled at me,clearly as tired as he always was,I smiled at his goofy little smile and kissed him on the cheek.
“I got you something.” Johnnie whispers as he reaches into his draw,on the other side of the bed. He pulls out a ring box and I smile as he opens it, “I got us those Pandora promise rings you like.”He says with a smile. I sit up in bed and shimmy onto his lap pulling him into a deep hug. “Thank you Johnnie!” I almost yell as I kiss all over his face.
“Do you wanna be the moon or the sun?” I ask and he shakes his head “Whatever you want princess.” He chuckles and I immediately give him the moon ring. “Johnnie,we’re literally the sun and the moon.” I smile and he nods his head, “I love you so much,thank you!” I say happily and he smiles at me as he gives me a peck to the lips.
“I got you something too!” I say with a huge smile beaming across my face, I reach into my draw and pull out three wrapped presents. I feel like a parent watching their child open their presents with glee.
“Awh thank you baby!” He says pulling me back in for a hug and I smile,accepting the hug gratefully.
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6 years later,
“I love you so much,I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else,Y/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?”
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 2 months
Get To Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
Tagged by @ink-flavored (here) to do this event created by @davycoquette (question template here)! Thanks to both of you.
To anyone seeing this, consider yourself tagged in addition to @sunset-a-story @touloserlautrec @sarahlizziewrites @k--havok @thatndginger @oliolioxenfreewrites @the-scaredy-crow @words-after-midnight @space-writes @vacantgodling @jezifster @ghostpoetics @lacependragon @xenascribbles @afoolandathief @drawnecromancy @the-ace-of-wrath
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[ID: A thin border divider showing a sliver of a golden sky streaked by rain clouds above a dark blue sea.]
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Since, like, 2020? Somewhere thereabouts.
What led you to create it?
Wanting to connect with writers/readers outside of Ao3 (it's just not set up for conversations outside of comment threads). And wanting to raise my characters up like baby Simba at the start of The Lion King for more of the Internet to behold.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
It's about the connection. 🤌 Plenty of writing communities, both on and offline, focus on critique or getting something published. Which can be great, if it's what you're after. But I think having others who genuinely cheer you on and let you ramble is just as important to helping writers through the often messy process of creating.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I can be a bit shy or slow to interact, but once I'm invited in I'll haunt follow your blog or writing even if I'm not constantly saying anything.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
People talking about what they love, in published work and with writeblr stuff. A lot of the time I read or watch something because of the way others talk about it. That includes your own writing!
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Be patient, manage your expectations, and focus on having some fun. There's no algorithm here and even less clout. Writers can and do build audiences on Tumblr, but it's uniquely suited to allow us to experiment and be weird too.
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
I'm rewriting Apophenia, a novel about a supernatural researcher enduring the worst assignment of his life. A lot of my other projects are set in the same world.
How long have you been working on them?
Over five years now, I think! I'm slow.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
The Chocolate Box event on Ao3! The prompt was for a human captured by a vampire, but I wound up creating an entire world and series. Oops.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
If I'm not thinking about these characters it's only because I'm dead.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
Gay vampire trash.
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
I write about characters who struggle towards community, compassion, and being better people despite a) their flaws, and b) the world burning down around them. I hope that it gives me the courage to continue doing the same.
Name any characters you created.
I'll direct you to some mood boards/intros even: Isaac Soto Márquez, Renato Faria Dimas, Dorian St-Ange, Kinslayer, Elfy Bosques-Rodriguez, Ankaris the Memory Salesman, Fior the Master Transcriber, Vess the Collector. And here's a comic sans presentation for Apophenia.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Outwardly? Any of my necromancers. They come in a wide variety of styles, from Motley sewing patches of skin onto itself, to Acacius of Antioch who drapes his bejeweled and gilded bones in black veils. Each also has an, um, unique view of (un)life, the body, and ethics. Views which could come across as unhinged.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
At this point Isaac Soto, the protagonist of Apophenia. We do share a few similarities, but mostly I've just been writing him for years now.
Do you ever cringe at them?
At my characters or their antics? I wouldn't give them the satisfaction.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
They do frequently just spring ideas and actions on me, but I have the ultimate say in what makes it onto the page. Same with having the power/responsibility of changing something I realize isn't working, is insensitive, etc.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Always and forever, yes. 💜 Send me asks, comment in the tags or on Ao3, shriek in reblogs, replies, or a dm. It doesn't matter how--I love whenever someone is curious or interested enough to ask something about my fictional creations.
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
Sometimes it's based on vibes, sometimes I really like the sound of their stories. I appreciate a sense of whimsy and/or humor especially. And someone who likes spooky as well as fantasy stuff.
What makes you decide against following?
Two things: A) Their intro already has, like, 80+ notes (though the vibe/story will override this), and B) lots of posts hating on things/trends/people. I don't mean venting or sometimes ranting, which is everyone's right. I mean someone's whole brand is ridicule or just immediately seeing the bad in everything. Which is still their right. It's also mine to avoid it, and I think this is mutually beneficial. Thankfully, though, this experience has been very rare for me on writeblr.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try to. I'll reblog, read, comment, take an open tag, whatever when I have the energy. I mean, how else do writers get readers? It takes people who might not know you personally talking about your work a lot of the time.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I am absorbing the essence of your blorbos as we speak, making them an eternal part of me.
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toasttt11 · 2 months
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January 14, 2020
Cutter and Rutger’s family’s were taking a vacation up in the mountains and spending most of the vacation snowboarding and skiing, they were also spending Cutter’s birthday at the snow.
Cutter was peaceful sleeping under her many layers of blankets and was extremely warm in her little cocoon, she didn’t hear Rutger quietly walking into her room as he sat on her bed gently shaking her.
“Cut.” Rutger softly whispered making her groan and turn her head hiding her face in her pillow, “Come on Cutta.” He softly cooed making her groan and turn her head to him squinting her eyes at him.
“Happy birthday.” Rutger softly spoke leaning down pressing a soft kiss to her forehead making her cheeks flush a light pink.
Cutter hummed squeezing his hand in thanks and noticed how the sun was not even up and it was still very dark outside, “Why is the sun not up and i’m up.” Cutter grumpily grumbled.
“It’s a surprise, just get dressed in your snow gear and meet me downstairs.” Rutger told her before smiling at her once more before getting up and leaving her room.
Cutter groaned rubbing her face, Rutger was so lucky he is her best friend anyone else she would have smacked for waking her up this early.
Cutter very reluctantly got out of bed and slowly slipped on her snow clothes and excited her room heading down the stairs of the cabin seeing some of the lights on and she noticed one of the walls all decorated with silver streamers and a number sixteen balloons.
Cutter walked through the bottom floor and found Rutger in the kitchen, she smiled softly seeing a very cute cake and a bouquet of white tulips, her favorite flower.
Cutter picked up the car in the flowers and raised an eyebrow seeing they were from Rutger.
“Happy sixteenth birthday.” Rutger softly whispered pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek.
Cutter was glad Rutger was standing behind her so he didn’t see the pleased smile she was trying to hide.
“Thank you Rut.” Cutter softly whispered back grabbing his hand and squeezing it once before dropping it.
“Alright let’s get going.” Rutger told her walking to the front door picking his backpack up and putting it own before opening front door getting blasted with the freezing cold air.
Cutter shook her head fondly as she followed Rutger into the freezing cold, the things she does for her best friend.
Cutter followed Rutger for a good fifteen minutes of comforting silence as they hiked a small snow mountain.
Once they reached the top Cutter’s breath was caught in her throat at his beautiful the view was from up there especially as the sun was slowly starting to come up as well.
Rutger plopped down on the snow opening his backpack as Cutter admired the view in front of her.
Rutger pulled out two thermoses, handing one to Cutter as she sat down next to him. Cutter took a small sip not sure what was in the thermos but was pleasantly surprised it was her favorite hot chocolate, the one Rutger makes.
Cutter leaned her head on his shoulder she happily sipped on her hot chocolate with Rutger as they watched the sunrise together.
“Thank you.” Cutter softly spoke after a few minutes of peaceful silence, she was grateful to have someone as special and kind as Rutger in her life.
“Always.” Rutger promised squeezing her shoulder before reaching into his back pack and grabbing a small box and handing it to Cutter looking nervous.
“Happy birthday.” Rutger watched her nervously as she gently opened the small black box.
Cutter’s eyes widen in shock as she delicately picked up the small necklace, it was a star, her favorite star. Something she has never told anyone.
“How did you?” Cutter looked up at Rutger in a shock and disbelief.
“I pay attention.” Rutger nonchalantly shrugged but was smiled pleased glad Cutter likes it.
“It’s perfect.” Cutter whispered in awe gently tracing her finger over the small star charm.
“Good.” Rutger smiled satisfied that he picked a necklace she seems to love.
“Help me put it on?” Cutter asked him softly holding the necklace out to him.
Rutger eagerly nodded and gently took the necklace as Cutter turned around pushing her hair to one side of her shoulders.
Rutger softly wrapped the necklace around her neck and clipped it close.
He watched as she turned back around facing him again, “Beautiful.” Rutger mumbled staring at her with stars in his eyes.
Cutter froze hearing him, she didn’t understand why she felt what she feels for Rutger but she isn’t ready to figure that out yet.
Rutger gently pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled sadly at her seeing the fear on her face, “I know.” Rutger knows Cutter better than anyone and knows how much she gets uncomfortable because of her own emotions and hates feeling vulnerable.
Which is also why Rutger knows when Cutter feels something for him back, he notices the pink that dust her cheeks because oh him and the glances she makes when she thinks he is not looking. Rutger is more than happy to wait as long as he needs to until Cutter is comfortable, Cutter is still his best friend and that is more than enough.
“I do have feelings for you Cutter but i know you aren’t ready for anything, i will happily wait for however long you need because i am perfectly content being just your best friend.” Rutger softly confessed but also reassured her, he did not want to make her feel bad because he understood.
“Now we better get back everyone else is probably wake by now.” Rutger smiled at her reassuring her again, he didn’t want her birthday to be sad but he did want her to know he does care for her romantically but is happy with being just friends.
Cutter reluctantly nodded and toon Rutger’s hand standing up as they grabbed their stuff before staring the hike back down the snowy hill.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 5 months
Overboard (Another Level Valentine's Blurb)
Another Level Masterlist | Kiko's Masterlist | AO3 💕
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Overboard 2020
Rinko released a heavy sigh at the sight of numerous boxes and bags piled on top of her desk when she opened the door to her office. Not a single inch of the surface was visible beneath the plethora of decorative containers, and she couldn’t help but chuckle when one fell off the side.
Stepping forward, she picked up the fallen bag and opened it to find a box of assorted chocolates.
She couldn’t even say she was surprised, but she’d admit that she found it shocking he’d managed to get it done before she got to work. He must have slipped out in the middle of the night.
A smile formed when she noticed a bag of black sesame cookies, grabbing them to munch on as she assessed the damage done to her office.
Overboard, as always, she mused to herself.
Again, she wasn’t surprised.
Admittedly, she had gone a bit overboard on Valentine’s Day to make up for missing last year. Even though it hadn’t been her fault.
The look on Gojo’s face when he realized she’d been able to convince them to sell her ten dozen caramel miso butter cookies in one order was priceless. She’d made it weeks in advance, and it had been ridiculously expensive for cookies. But his smile had made it all worth it.
They’d barely lasted him a week.
The fact that the man still had a fucking eight-pack and no diabetes was completely unfair.
“Like your gifts, baby?” his voice murmured in her ear, drawing a yelp from her as she jumped.
Gojo’s arm wrapped around her waist, his lips connecting with her temple.
“I love them,” she murmured. “You didn’t have to-”
“When has that ever stopped me?” he scoffed, squeezing her tightly.
She took another bite of her cookie, “Did you blackmail Megumi-”
“He asked if I was doing something and wanted to help,” Gojo cut her off, smirking at her raised eyebrows. She knew Megumi was thoughtful, but he also hated showing any kind of affection. “I know. He only got the cookies, though.”
Scanning the items she could see, she hummed when he squeezed her waist tighter. Yuuta and Yuuji had clearly helped as well, and she spotted a pack of rice balls from Toge.
“Did you do all of this last night?”
He just hummed in acknowledgment, leaning down to press his lips to her neck.
“There’s more.” Holding a box up in front of her face, he chuckled when she caught a whiff of it. “Happy White Day, Rinko-chan.”
Warm matcha and chocolate taiyaki filled her senses as she snatched the box and opened it excitedly. Leaning back into him, Rinko took a large bite of one of the pastries. Still fresh enough she had to puff air around the heat, and she sighed at the taste.
“Thank you, Satoru.”
“Anything for you,” he replied instantly. He nosed her ticklish spot playfully, and she swatted his head when he licked it instead.
“Down, boy,” she scolded lightly.
Glancing down, she met his eyes that gleamed at her over his shades. 
“I know,” he sighed, lifting his head from her shoulder to peck her cheek. “Not at work.” He accepted a bite of her taiyaki, grinning at her as he chewed. “I’ll be back in a few hours. I’m stealing you away early.”
“I need to-”
He grasped her chin, pressing his lips to hers gently.
“It’s the weekend, baby,” he reminded, nipping her bottom lip. “You shouldn’t even be here today. But I’ll let it slide since shit has been busy lately. Ijichi can handle everything else while you get some rest.”
Leaving no more room for argument, he gave her another quick kiss and swatted her ass playfully as he straightened to his full height.
“Gimme a few hours,” he repeated, pushing his shades up his nose. “Gotta go deal with the old geezer for a bit.”
Smirking, she stood on her toes so she could reach his face, pecking his cheek in return.
“Thank you again for the gifts, darling.”
His sharp exhale was paired with his eyes narrowing slightly.
“Make that a couple hours,” he muttered. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
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AN: In Japan, on Valentine's Day, the women give men chocolates/gifts, and then the men reciprocate a month later on March 14th, or White Day. The Valentine's tradition began when a company wanted to promote a western tradition for commercial reasons, but due to a mistranslation, it was implied that only men were supposed to receive gifts. Eventually, people decided to have a separate day for women to also receive gifts, which began the tradition of White Day.
Also, he got her sobayaki dan okonomayaki (from her favorite place in Kyoto, which is why he needed a few hours) and they spent the rest of the day watching movies and cuddling until he inevitably got horny
I know this is months late, but hopefully, you guys enjoyed this lil blurb!!
Remember, if you wanna make the caramel miso butter cookies for yourself, you can find my recipe here 💕
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cthulhu-with-a-fez · 6 months
You reblogged a dewy spiderweb photoset the other day and commented you made a shawl inspired by that once. Tell us about that, do you have pictures? 👀
I DO ACTUALLY okay so like here's the thing you gotta Understand about me, i get. Intense. about gifts. and when i had my Defining The Relationship conversation with my long-distance then-friend now-datemate (of now over four years!! i love them so much, i'm so happy :D) it happened in february of 2020, so uh. all of our travel plans were pretty immediately kaput due to covid. which meant that i was getting returns on interest on my pent-up first-meeting-in-person, and it had to go SOMEWHERE
so i uh. might. maybe. have gone slightly overboard making them a courting gift, while we waited.
they'd started using spider imagery for me as an endearment after a while of seeing the kinds of stuff i liked to make, so when i found this pattern on ravelry i got a little obsessed with it because doesn't it just vibe like a dewy spiderweb, though??
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i had a good couple skeins of this really lovely llama/silk blend yarn (now tragically discontinued, RIP to juniper moon stargazer) that i had intended to use to make a cardigan for someone who ultimately blacklisted herself from my knitworthy-people list, but that's besides the point, because the POINT IS that i found myself staring at the ~1800 yards of it that i had, and the little jars of vintage wooden beads i'd picked up at a flea market ages ago, and uh. look. they didn't NOT remind me of a cute lil jumping spider when i sat them next to each other, is the thing, and the yarn was SO cozy soft, and uh
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it turned out B I G
out of all that yardage i literally only had LESS THAN A FOOT left after the bind-off, so i think i pretty successfully won that round of yarn chicken XD
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i ended up going even MORE overboard with gifts when i did finally get to meet them in person, because in the meantime i'd made a cedar box with fancy grain matching to put the shawl in and decided THAT wasn't enough so i packed mugs, looseleaf tea, teaspoon measure, animal tea infusers, a family friend's homemade bread, homemade plum chutney, three kinds of cheese (two of which were from the dairy farm i worked at for a year), a cutting board to put all that on, fancy chocolates from the airport, a worksheet with measurements for a sweater to make them later, and a few other odds and ends, along with pillaging the landscaping around the hotel for greenery accents XD
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and the funny part is, the way the room was laid out you couldn't immediately see the bed from right inside the doorway, it's around the corner to the left, so when they walked through the door and saw all this and were like "is this your version of a trail of rose petals leading to the bed? XD" i was like "wellllllll,"
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"maybe a little bit yeah :3"
and they just cracked up XD
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she-karev · 2 months
Man’s Best Friend (Andrew DeLuca Dog Imagine)
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of Three
Fandom: Station 19
Canon Episode: Season 4 Episode 4
AN: Hey guys I’m a dog mom so I decided to give Andrew a dog. The dog of this story is based on the actor, Giacomo Gianniotti��s, IRL dog named Jazz. If you want proof just go on his Instagram page.
Summary: Andrew DeLuca tries to get back in Amber’s good graces, but she rejects him again. Meanwhile Station 19 tries to calm down a drug addict and abusive couple who have a three-legged dog that overdosed on cocaine. A concerned neighbor brings the dog to the hospital where Andrew is at the pit and revives the dog.
Words: 4023
April 8th 2020
Maya looks around the pasta hanging out to dry in her and Carina’s kitchen as well as the cheeses around the island in growing anxiety. She’s a woman who likes control especially in her own home but she knows it’s not just her home anymore it’s hers and Carina’s.
Lately Carina has been on a cooking binge and while Maya found it sexy at first now, she finds it to be an inconvenience to have ingredients for a whole party in a pandemic. She tries to hide her stress as she walks around her roommate Andy Herrera who looks more amused than Maya at the kitchen being turned into an Italian restaurant.
“I-I always dreamed of living inside a Buca di Beppo, and…and now we do.” Andy jokes.
Maya explains, “Carina is hanging all this to dry. She says that it reminds her of home.” A little of her stress shows as she asks her best friend, “What do I do with this?”
Andy smiles holding a cheese slice, “I don't know. Throw a dinner party?”
Andy sniffs and is taken back by the scent as Carina walks in with her brother behind her. Andrew DeLuca came by after making a request to Carina last night about making a dish so he can give it to Amber as a symbol of his love and an apology.
“Oh, you like that one?” Carina smiles, “It's Basilio. Pesto-flavored and made from unpasteurized sheep's milk.”
Maya looks at Andrew curiously feeling her stress grow at having guests over without her knowledge. She shoves it down, however knowing better than to antagonize her lover’s brother. Instead she asks the Italian man calmly.
“Hi, what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to get something from Carina, she said she just got it out of the oven this morning. I had to get them while they’re hot.”
Carina pulls out a small white cake box with a window showing that instead of cake it has cannoli’s instead.
Andrew gratefully takes the box, “Thank you, hopefully these will do the job.”
“What job?” Andy asks, curious about what his intentions are, and he explains.
“The job of convincing a prickly resident to love and forgive me once she sees I am serious about my mental health and my commitment to a relationship she told me is dead twice now.”
Andy hmms at that, “Most guys give flowers and chocolates.”
“Amber hates flowers.” Andrew informs her plainly, “And she says chocolate is good but sour gummy bears are her sweet tooth’s love.”
Maya chuckles, “She sounds…unique.”
Andrew sighs wistfully, “You have no idea. I better get going while these are still fresh thanks again.” Carina grins as her brother leaves, “Wish me luck!”
Andy chuckles before turning to Maya, “Uh, we're gonna be late.”
Maya nods and looks at Carina who is washing tomatoes. She caresses her back before walking away but not before shouting to Carina and the world, “I love you!”
Carina looks at Maya with an amused grin and the blonde firefighter leaves while Carina laughs.
April and Amber get out of Amber’s car that she parks behind Jackson’s apartment building. Their shift ended an hour ago so April proposed they carpool together so they can save the planet one way. Amber didn’t resist, mostly because she’s too tired and worn out to object, but still.
April slings her purse over her shoulder while Amber gets her backpack from the back, “How did it go with Ian Talbert’s lawyer?”
Amber saddens reminded of her patient who died after putting her on the will. She slings her backpack and slams the door, “He was asking me questions to make sure I didn’t persuade Ian before he died. After that he left me about 50 grand from Ian’s account.”
April’s eyes widen at that amount, “Wow, he wasn’t kidding about leaving you everything.”
“Well yes and no.” Amber explains as they walk to the front entrance, “Most of his estate went to his ex-wife and a variety of military charities. Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t get everything. I wouldn’t know what to do with all of that money let alone 50 grand.”
April shrugs, “You could donate it or invest in a new place.”
“Real estate is hell right now and your neighbors are much cleaner. I’ll think of something once this whole thing is over.”
“Do you have work tomorrow?”
They turn left at the corner on the sidewalk, “I have a shift tomorrow afternoon so I’m just gonna spend the day reading trashy novels. I just hope the next patient I have in the ICU he’ll walk out with everyone clapping. God, I want someone to get a good clap out.” Amber holds the military tags in her hands as she misses Ian.
April looks at her in sympathy, “He didn’t blame you; you know that.”
“I know but that doesn’t mean I don’t blame myself.”
Amber and April finally arrive at the front entrance where Amber sees Andrew DeLuca on the bench outside. He is wearing a leather jacket, blue shirt and jeans with a black mask on his face. Amber’s shock is hidden by her red fabric mask as well as April’s who is wearing a purple mask.
Andrew stands up holding the white box and greets, “Hi I uh wanted to come by and see how you are since Grey was admitted to the ICU.”
Amber’s shock morphs to annoyance over Andrew not taking a hint and looks down on the ground with her arms crossed while April is next to her watching how the scene plays out like she’s watching medical Bridgerton.
Andrew clears his throat, “Anyways I brought you something special. It’s cannoli’s.” Amber closes her eyes at the symbol of the cannoli’s as he continues, “I thought some sweets would help and I know how much you liked the dark chocolate chips inside the filling.”
Amber exhales annoyed as April looks at her waiting for her reaction but she stays silent while the Italian waits there with the box in his hands. The red headed doctor decides to step in desperate for this to not be awkward.
“It looks delicious Andrew.” April says for Amber who glares at her before glaring at her ex-boyfriend.
“She does not speak for me; I speak for me so I am gonna speak for me to you so you can get this through your thick skull.” Andrew frowns sensing a verbal lashing coming, “When I tell you you’re not gonna earn my forgiveness I mean it. When I tell you that I am not getting back into this crap fest of a relationship with you I mean it. This is not some high school, ‘I hate him because I love him’ crap this is me putting myself first after I made myself vulnerable for you and you hurt me in every way you knew would do the trick. And then you walked away without so much as letting me know if you were alive or not which at this point I don’t give a damn about either!”
Andrew stands there frowning while April is next to them trying to look anywhere else besides the soap opera right in front of her. Amber exhales before continuing.
“You are untrustworthy, you are unpredictable, you are unstable, and I have had enough of all of that to last all our lifetimes. I am 150 percent certain that if I give you another chance you will slip, and I will once again be forced to raise a mentally incompetent child whose main goal is to hurt me or neglect me and I am not doing that again! So I don’t want you coming to me with Italian pastries or sweet words to make me forget the hell you put me through because I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to hear from you!”
Andrew stands there with a hurt look that makes April feel sympathetic towards him. Amber growls under her breath and briskly walks away from them pushing the front door open. April gingerly approaches Andrew taking the box from him while he sighs at another brutal rejection.
“Sorry.” April says not knowing what else to do. She walks away from him and follows Amber expecting to find her in front of the elevator. But she spots Amber opening the door to the stairwell, so she runs toward her and starts walking up the stairs with Amber a flight ahead.
“Hey why are we taking the stairs? Elevators were invented, you got the memo right?”
Amber is breathing steadily as she climbs, “Your ex is taking up the gym so I gotta get my exercise somehow. Plus, the maskless Karen’s don’t take the stairs and it’s less awkward than an elevator ride with them.”
“I bet.” April begins to pant as the exertion is getting to her but she continues to talk to Amber while they climb, “Hey speaking of exes are we gonna talk about your brutal dismembering of yours five seconds ago?”
“You are my friend, not his you do not get to take his side.” Amber tells April angrily.
“I am not taking sides I am just saying maybe you could have made your point a little less viciously. Especially when he’s trying to get back in your good graces.”
“He dumped me, kicked me out and compared me to my mom.” Amber coldly reminds April who is lagging behind, “And that was just the day of the blizzard, do you want me to list all the other things that make his attempts look like trying to glue together shredded paper?”
April pants overexerted, “You need to stop.”
Amber doesn’t notice as she’s climbing the stairs without a problem unlike April, “Do not tell me what to do.”
“No, I mean stop!” Amber stops midway through the steps causing April to stop and lean against the railing clutching her chest, “I’m having a cardiac event these stairs are killing me. You have no idea how lucky you are to be 29.”
“26.” Amber corrects a heaving April who looks up annoyed, “I skipped 4th and 9th grade and finished undergrad in 3 years.”
“I hate you.” April exhales deeply as she leans against the rail to Amber’s confusion.
“Didn’t you have to do basic training in the army or something?”
April gulps, “That was a long time ago and I was a surgeon on the field not a soldier.”
“Either way we gotta keep going, do you want me to carry you soldier?” Amber asks sarcastically.
April shakes her head and stands up straight, “Let’s do this, just keep a slow pace please.”
Amber rolls her eyes but goes back to climbing at a relatively calmer pace as April walks up behind her, “I’m not trying to make this harder for you and I’m not taking sides I’m just saying maybe give the poor guy credit where credit is due.”
“I am not moving back in with him.” Amber emphasizes.
“I’m not saying you should I am just saying all that anger and rage you have towards him isn’t just killing him it’s killing you too.” Amber scoffs at April’s analysis, “Look the world is imploding we don’t need you blowing it up as well. Maybe you can lessen the resentment just a bit and see things from his point of view.”
Amber scoffs, “Yeah, I know his point of view, I know the stress and the crazy that filled his head for months before he came to his senses. I have had to do that with my mom and brother so I wouldn’t be so mad at them, and I have had it. I have had it with the crazy and the trust issues and being a checklist of apologies when they take their meds after a crazy spiral, I am not gonna do that again. And that scene was me making it clear, trust me he’ll thank me for getting his foot in the door and showing him there’s no future where we could possibly work.”
A loud thud stops Bailey as she enters the supply closet. She sees the sound coming from Andrew DeLuca roughly organizing the supplies they have on the shelves. He puts the storage bins on the shelves with so much force they rattle. Even though he’s wearing a mask she sees in his eyes the frustration that she can tell is coming from some place other than work.
“DeLuca?” Andrew stops in place for a moment before putting another bin on the shelf with a little less force, “Is there a reason you’re organizing the closet like it’s a boxing gym?”
Andrew chuckles darkly, “Let’s see, I got saddled with a bipolar diagnosis, made an embarrassment of myself in front of the entire medical community, have to work at a hospital in the middle of a pandemic and just an hour ago the woman I love told me to fuck off when I tried to ply her with cannoli’s.” Bailey frowns at that feeling bad for him, “I’m hoping my luck will change soon and I’ll contract this virus and die inside one of those depressing cubicles.”
“That is not funny.”
“I wasn’t trying to be.” Andrew bitterly says before grabbing a bin and throwing it at the floor getting more mad at himself by the minute, “She called me another mentally incompetent child she was burdened with which you know I can take it because let’s be honest it’s more tame than the crap I said to her. It’s probably what I deserve after I stupidly destroyed the only good relationship I have even been.”
“The mental illness did that you didn’t.” Bailey tries to tell him to no avail.
“Like mental illness got her mom to neglect her and her brother to almost kill her?” Andrew asks that stops Bailey in place, “Maybe if she didn’t have so much of that crap happening to her over and over again we could be…but we can’t. She doesn’t want me because she thinks I am gonna be like her mom and my father and make false promises to get better only to keep disappointing her. And…and the thought of doing this to her again makes me sick, it makes me promise not to her but to myself that I will not go down the path of my father, that I will be better than him.”
Bailey nods and speaks again, “Have you said all of this to her?”
Andrew chuckles bitterly, “She is not reciprocal of me right now, trust me.”
“DeLuca, I separated from my husband when I was slipping too. I made him feel like it was his fault that I was on the verge of another heart attack. I made him leave and it wasn’t until I got better, I realized my life was less stressful with him in it than without.” Bailey sighs at that rough time before continuing, “Now when I came to my senses, I knew it would take more than one apology to get him to take me back. I knew I had to fight for my marriage after I almost broke it. I knew I loved him enough to show him I am not gonna run again and that I was here to stay. Can you tell me if you feel that way about Amber?”
Andrew inhales and exhales behind his mask, “I do.”
“Then tell her all of that and if she still doesn’t trust you…then find a way to live your life without her because she can’t be your salvation, you have to be that for yourself.” Bailey leaves Andrew to think over her advice.
Vic and Travis enter the scene and see the pregnant woman outside her house smashing tables and chairs with a baseball bat and spouting bible verses in anger annoying her neighbors.
“Do unto your neighbors as you would have them do unto you!”
Travis and Vic start gowning before entering the yard, “Oh, fun. Church.”
Vic asks the lady from a distance, “Ma'am, are you alright? We received a call about someone being struck by a-by a baseball.”
Gina hits the chair with the bat and yells at her neighbor, “You want me to call the cops every time you get in a fight with your ugly husband, huh?!”
Travis tries to calm down the agitated woman, “Hey, ma'am! Ma'am! We're not the police.”
“I still don't want you here!”
“Okay, we're actually from the Seattle Fire Department.” Vic holds a mask to Gina, “Can you please put this on?”
“God protects us!” Gina defends.
“Yep, God protects us with masks!” Travis argues back.
Vic gets back to topic as Gina hits a beer can with the bat, “Ma'am, we got a call about a head injury. Can you tell us what happened?”
“Yeah, I got drunk nine months ago and had sеx with my loser husband! That's what happened! Eddie, try not to be such a bitch baby your whole life!”
Vic speaks to the radio, “Alright, Bishop, this is Aid Car 19. We're gonna need some backup here.” Vic sees the empty dog bowls and a dirty rope leash that was untied, “Ma’am do you have a dog? Is he violent?”
Gina sees the empty leash and growls, “Where the hell is that whining bitch! Hey!” She yells at the neighbors next door, “Which one of you stole Jazz?! I’m gonna crack your skulls if you don’t give him back!”
An Asian teenager speaks up from behind her dad, “Shut up Gina my mom’s taking him to the vet after your loser ass husband fed him drugs when he was barking!”
Travis looks at the neighbors and the angry woman in shock, “What? You…What?!”
Andrew walks around the pit seeing as many patients as he can before he goes home. The pit is a welcome relief compared to the covid ICU. Suddenly an Asian woman in her early 50’s runs inside the pit carrying a three-legged black pitbull/labrador that is slowly losing consciousness in the woman’s arm who looks frantic.
“I need a doctor help!” Andrew sees her and is surprised by the dog but approaches her.
“Ma’am what is it? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
The woman shakes her head, “No it’s not me it’s the dog my neighbors they fed him drugs to shut him up and I got him untied when that cunt Gina wasn’t looking, please help him.”
The story takes Andrew by surprise and he reacts, “Okay, um get him on a bed.” The woman puts the dog on the bed where he lies on his side whining causing Andrew to feel bad, “Do you know what this dog ate? Marijuana? Coke? Heroin?”
The woman thinks, “Um coke I think or maybe it was meth I think I don’t know what my crazy ass neighbors are into the guy was always strung out of his mind and he had marks all over his arms.”
“Okay it sounds like cocaine, Narcan!” The nurse hands him the Narcan and he does the math as quickly as he can to figure out the right amount to give, “Okay he’s 20 pounds give or take, 0.4 kilograms per milligram. That’s…9.07 times 0.4 is 3.6 milligrams Narcan.” He takes a syringe and squeezes out the right amount before inserting it in the dog’s hip and pushes the plunger. He anxiously waits several moments for a reaction, “Come on buddy, come on.”
The dog suddenly barks and stands on his three legs on the bed looking around the room excitedly causing Andrew and the woman to exhale in relief. The dog whines as he looks at both of them with interest. Hunt enters the pit and is taken back by the dog in the pit so he approaches them for answers.
“Um DeLuca?”
He explains to his boss, “Dog came in from overdose apparently his owner fed it to him to shut him up. I gave him Narcan and he’s responding.”
“I brought him in, I wanted to take him to the pet emergency room, but I was afraid it was closed like everything else, so I came here.” The woman swallows the lump in her throat, “Thank god I did though, I couldn’t handle a pandemic let alone a dog who was killed by his idiot owners.”
Andrew chuckle slightly, “I think your putting those in the wrong order of horrible events.”
“I’m a dog mom so I’m really not.” The woman scratches the dog behind his ears, “Please tell me you’re not gonna discharge him back to that son of a bitch.”
Andrew straightens up and looks at the dog in sympathy as he lies down on the bed relaxing, “We need to detox his system and if what you told me is true I think a shelter is a better place for him that with those people.”
The woman nods, “Okay I should probably go and make sure my family wasn’t killed by Gina and Eddie aka Bonnie and Clyde on drugs. Plus the cops might want to know what happened assuming they get there. Those damn idiots make as much noise as this and it’s gotten worse since quarantine.”
DeLuca exhales at that, “When you put it like that a shelter might not sound so bad for this guy.” DeLuca strokes Jazz’s furry back who whines in pleasure at the attention.
After hooking up Jazz to the activated charcoal via nasogastric tube and sedating him so he can lay still, DeLuca goes over the chart he made for the furry patient. He snorts thinking about the nurses and Bailey’s reaction to reading a patient chart for a dog. Vic and Warren enter the pit with Eddie handcuffed to the gurney with a facial laceration. The drug addict notices the dog and yells out.
“Hey that’s my dog!”
Vic holds an ice pack to her jaw, “Eddie stop it, don’t make things worse.”
“That’s my dog man what the hell is he doing here?” DeLuca notices and feels anger at the man for acting concerned over a dog he almost killed, “Jazz was supposed to be tied up how did he get out?”
Andrew marches over towards them with a look of fury, “Your Eddie?”
“Yeah man why is my dog here?”
“Your dog is here because your neighbor did the right thing and brought him here after you fed him coke!” Andrew says in anger over Jazz.
“Okay DeLuca that’s enough.” Vic says to ease the patient who starts to cry.
“No, I’m just getting started. If she didn’t do what she did your dog’s heart would have stopped because his owner is an evil junkie!”
Eddie sniffles, “I just want my dog man come on.”
“Did you do that to his leg?” Andrew asks about the three-legged pet, “What did he do? Did he bark too loudly or wake you up from a hangover, so you decided to cut off his leg as punishment?”
Eddie shakes his head, “No man he came like that I felt bad for him when I saw him at the pound I wanted to help.”
“Giving him drugs is helping?” DeLuca asks in anger, “A shelter can give him better care than you ever could. And cruelty towards an animal is gonna show if you ever try to get him back. I bet you didn’t think about that when you were plying him with drugs.”
“He’s all I got left man come on.” Eddie whimpers pathetically that makes DeLuca shake his head.
“Cry me a fucking river.” Andrew coldly says before looking up at Warren and Hughes who stand there awkwardly, “Take him to Trauma 1 and get him as far away as possible from the dog until I take him to a shelter.”
The paramedics wheel a crying Eddie away while DeLuca goes over to Jazz who is sleeping. He looks down at the dog saddened by his previous living situation wondering how someone can be so cruel to their own dog.
Next Part Here
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Contained - sequel
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Marc Spector x gn!reader
Genre: angst, comfort
Summary: after the events of contained by @luke-o-lophus , Marc gets a call from the reader insisting he comes over for a heart to heart conversation over tea.
Warnings: heavy angst, talks of suicide and self harm, mention of cum, mention of childhood abuse.
Word count: 2020
Marc was woken by the shrill ringing of his phone. Usually, he wouldn't bother to pick up in a mood like this, but his sleep clouded mind had the upper hand. By muscle memory alone, Marc answered you.
"Hi! Um, how are you doing?"
"I asked how are you."
"Why are you calling in the middle of the night?"
"... I'm... Not? Marc it's 11 PM. Are you okay?"
There was an uneasy silence on his end of the line. He hated lying to you.
"Okay. I see. Will you come over please? I can pick you up if you want."
"No, no, I'll... I'll come." Marc knew there was no way to avoid you. You had a sense for people's trouble, especially his. And for some reason you wouldn't let him go. After some long years of friendship, he still struggled to understand why you care.
"Alright then. See you soon?"
Marc cleared his throat. "Yeah. See ya."
You felt as if it was one of those nights, and asked: "Do you promise?"
He gathered every crumb of strength he had left in him, and painfully declared: "Yes. I promise."
The call ended, leaving Marc with the impossible task of moving himself to your house. He felt his breath quickening as he realised just how monumental it seemed at his state. He was panicking. There was nothing he wanted more than for you to magically appear in front of him, help him clean up and carry him with you. To see all his pain, but not see it. Understand him but never think he is as damn pathetic as he felt.
At that point, every movement was a risk. Marc felt as if any little thing could start a chain of events and leave his body on autopilot. He was scared to stand up. He was scared to get his bag, the gun was there. He promised you he'll come. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. He couldn't do it. He'd disassociate. He can't leave Steven here, no. He promised you he'll come.
Marc forced a slow breath in through his teeth. What would you do? What did you tell him to do? Come on, come on, think! He was getting frustrated with his brain, working so slow. Trying to think was like connecting unrelated pieces together. Pieces... YES! That's it! Do things in small pieces, break them down. That's what you told him.
Just one step at the time. He put his feet on the floor. ONE. He cleaned off the sticky remains of his cum from his belly. STEP. He put on his shirt. AT. Shoes. A. Bag. TIME! And he was out of the storage complex and briskly walking towards your apartment in the cold night air.
You heard a knock on your door and quickly came to open it. You were expecting Marc rather anxiously, you could admit. The kettle was on, and a mug with his favourite tea already stood on the counter waiting for the water to boil.
You opened the door and examined him. He was looking down at his feet, but you could see his nose was a little red from the cold. Why the hell wasn't he wearing a coat?
"Hey," you softly said.
"Hi." He replied with a shaky voice.
"Come in." You extended your hand to him and moved out of the way. He stepped into your flat and was pulled into a hug as soon as you closed the door.
He froze for a second, not totally prepared for the affection thrust his way, but relaxed and wrapped his arms around you. He laid his head on your shoulder and stayed there for a few breaths, then let go.
Marc stood in front of you, uneasy. You gestured to the couch. "The water just boiled, let me get you some tea?" You asked when he sat down.
"Um, uh..."
"Okay. I'm getting the tea."
You brewed two mugs and brought them to the coffee table, along with a box. "I made chocolate chip cookies," you said and opened the lid. Those were Marc's favourites. "Have some."
He was now sitting in front of you, tea in his hand and nibbling on a cookie. A lovely sight, agreeably, but the look on his face still bothered you. He was incredibly tense, as if he might crumble if he breathed too deeply.
There are things in Marc's life that created an almost perpetual hurt. Thrust from trauma to trauma, all that pain has crested and fallen and spiralled down under it's own weight, pulling Marc with it and drowning him. It just never stopped. Life didn't stop. More things happened and more things hurt, he thought he'd seen rock bottom from beneath. There was so little to feel good about, too little light in the darkness. He wasn't even looking up anymore - "how happy can I get" turned to "how much more hurt can I possibly withstand?"
"How much longer can I do this?" he thought. "Is it going to become bearable soon? At any point? Or will it only stop when I stop altogether?"
Marc was terrified of death. Even when he harmed himself, he was meticulous. Careful. He never left scars, always cleaned his wounds. He lied a lot, well enough to fool the army and definitely to fool his dad. Maybe he just didn't care. Maybe he wanted Marc to finish the job himself and leave Wendy "off the hook". Marc would always shudder at the thought. Scared to death of death. Scared and suicidal.
"Marc?" You roused him from his thoughts. "What happened?"
You took the mug from his shaking hands, not wanting it to spill, and set it on the table.
"Talk to me, dear." You leaned to scan his face with your worried eyes.
"Ehh... I don't know where to start." He said quietly, almost ashamed.
You took his hand in yours, as if to strengthen him. "Start from the chronological beginning. What triggered this chain of events?"
"It's, um, it's a long story," he patted your hand and shifted in his seat. "You know what? I'm fine. It's fine. I'm gonna go now, yeah? Feeling great!" He spewed anxiously, but you didn't let go of his hand.
"Sit down, Spector. I'm not done with you."
Marc was wholly taken aback by your stern response. In his shock, he obeyed.
Your eyes softened upon meeting his, and so did your tone.
"I have all the time in the world for you. There is no place I'd rather be, nothing I'd rather do, than sit right here, right now, with you. Tell me."
Marc drew in a shaky breath, exhaled deeper, and spoke.
"You know... For a while, I thought I could put an end to this. If I managed to do this or achieve that... I'd finally be free. My mind would stop... being this way. But it fails, every time. I fail every time. It's all back to ground zero. And I'm just so tired-" his voice cracked and he inhaled sharply.
"I'm so tired of trying. I wish I could just fall asleep and... And not wake up for a long time. A really long time."
You squeezed his hand. "Go on," you told him. "I'm listening." He squeezed your hand back and continued.
"I just wanna be good. It's... It's all I've ever fucking wanted. But nothing I ever do is good enough. I'm running out of ideas, and I wanna be prepared when I run out completely. What do I do then? I wish there was something good I could do. Something I could add to the world. God, I wish it so damn much!" Marc's eyes glistened with tears.
"And... And I'm not even supposed to be here. I'm not supposed to be this way. Marc... 9 year old Marc is the person the world asked for. Nobody asked for me. I'm twisted, I'm a product of circumstances, I'm a parasite who took over an innocent kid's life. I'm not supposed to be here. Not this way." His voice was chocked and cracking, so he took a few deep breaths to steady himself.
"I can think of at least three ways of... ending this. I'm scared. I'm scared that if I'll get up nothing will stop me. I know exactly what I'm gonna do but I don't want to do it! I don't wanna do it!" Marc's tears were flowing freely out of his wide open, terrified eyes. He pulled your hand to his chest, intertwined in his.
"I don't wanna go," he mumbled. "I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna go!!!" Marc was openly sobbing now, shaking and swaying back and forth trying to self sooth. You let him rock for a minute, but when his grip on your hand became painful you leaned back on the couch and instructed him to lay on you.
He burrowed his face into the crook of your neck, and you started to run your hands through his hair, scratching gently at his curls.
"It's okay, dear. It's alright. I'm here. You're not going anywhere, I'm not letting you go. It's alright. I've got you. I'm holding you and I'm not leaving. We're okay." Your grip on him never loosened, not even after your shoulder was soaked and Marc had been crying for over an hour. You just held him, stroked his back and his head, planted little kisses on his hairline and never stopped talking. You wouldn't let the silence consume him.
"You're good, Marc. You deserve to live. I love you. I'm here. It's okay. You're safe. Everything will stop hurting eventually, I promise. It'll be okay. I'm here for you. I care, and I'm listening. Yeah, let it all out, I've got you. It's okay. You're good and you're loved and you're worthy. The world will be good and kind and you will be happy. There will come peace and surround you and it'll come from within. I love you."
You continued that way for a long time, him crying and sobbing and weeping and wailing and you - containing. Encompassing. Embracing. You were grateful for the trust he had in you, and for the opportunity to help. You held him until his sobs subsided, his distress dying down, but didn't let go even then.
When his all consuming sorrow had showed itself as only sniffles, when you've been cuddled together so long you'd become one, when you were absolutely certain he wouldn't disintegrate when you looked away, you relaxed your grip on him, and suggested a hot shower. He was too exhausted to argue, so you led him to the bathroom and put out a change of clean clothes for him.
"Stay the night," you asked. "Stay with me."
Marc obliged. He was still scared to be alone. In the shower he eyed your shaving razor as if it was staring at him, asking to be abused. Asking to abuse him. He washed as quickly as he could and practically burst out of the bathroom, towel around his hips and breathing heavy. He heard you faintly humming to yourself from the other room and relaxed, dressed himself and came to meet you.
"Hi." He said, tapping on your shoulder.
"Hey there. How are you feeling?"
"Much better. You were right about the shower."
"Glad to hear that. You must be spent, eh?"
"Yeah, I'm fucking exhausted. You're too, right?"
"Yeah. But I'm alright. I'm happy you're here."
"Thank you." He says shyly. "Do you want to go to sleep? I'll get a sheet for the couch-"
You stopped him. "What couch? No, Marc, I have a bed that we both happen to fit in. I said I'm not leaving you. I mean it. Come sleep with me tonight."
Marc was more grateful than he would ever admit. "Okay, thank you," he said. A few minutes later you were both warm and cozy in your bed, bodies tangled together.
"Thank you," Marc whispered. "I love you."
"I love you too, dear. Forever."
Tagging some mutuals: @ivystoryweaver @romanarose @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @spider-starry @eyelessfaces
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conkreetmonkey · 11 months
Interesting squirrels I have seen:
Local squirrel who lives a few blocks away but still within the same neighborhood. His tail is partially flattened, seemingly having been run over by a car while the rest of the squirrel escaped. The flattened bit, which takes up the end half of the tail from the middle to the tip, never seems to flex with the rest, and the fur has never floofed back out, but for all intents and purposes the squirrel seems fine, so I think it's just like that now. I see this one regularly.
Squirrel with no tail I used to see years ago, back when a sibling was still in elementary school, which is around where he seemed to live. He has no tail! The whole thing is gone, save for a bit of stump fluff that, without the whole bushy tail, stuck out and looked like the tail of a rabbit. Interestingly, he moved more like a rabbit than a squirrel, taking on more of a bounding gait than his peers. Also interestingly, much of the tail fur around the stump was white, which, among other evidence I have seen, leads me to believe that squirrel fur grows back white when the skin is injured.
Squirrel I saw once in childhood behind a local grocery store, who leapt out of an electrical box and ran away. His tail was almost entirely bald, save for a few scraps of fur that stuck out strangely. I love how he came out of an electrical box, looking exactly how animals in cartoons look like after getting electrocuted. Environmental storytelling.
The population of squirrels at a local playground that have black bodies and red tails (the black bodies aren't too noteworthy, as melanistic squirrels are actually the dominant coat variant here, with about 2/3rds of the grey squirrel population being black). I assume it was hybridization between grey and red squirrels? I only ever really saw them in that one public park, and haven't much since due to being an adult who doesn't spend much time at playgrounds anymore.
The two baby squirrels born in my yard in 2020 who didn't see much of humans and would spy on me when I went outside, thinking they were being so discreet by hiding behind tree trunks and poking their heads around. One was grey and one was black. I saw their mother teach them how to climb, it was adorable.
Finally, the one squirrel in my yard I once watched struggle to carry a chocolate pudding cup up a tree through the window for an entire dinner, then drop it, look down at the ground for a while evaluating his options, and then choose to leave it and go home. #relateable.
Also-worth-mentioning Squirrel Moment:
The time my father planted some seed potatoes in the garden, and the squirrels dug them all up and stored them in their nests. Then we ran into a period of windy weather, and for about a week afterwards potatoes would just fall from above like acorns.
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television-overload · 6 months
Nine people I’d like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me @enigmaticxbee ! ♥
Last Song: Wastin' Time by AMH (Adam and the Metal Hawks). It's like if Jack Black was the lead singer for AC/DC and made music in the 2020s (AKA: Fantastic, we need more of this, but I'm a big fan of any music pre-2000 and this ticks the boxes)
Favorite Color: Sage green at the moment
Currently Watching: Rewatching NCIS for the millionth time (slowly). Also trying to keep up on Abbott Elementary.
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Honestly couldn't choose. Spicy stuff needs to at least have flavor, otherwise I'm not a fan. Right now I have way too much candy laying around.
Relationship Status: So chronically single that it's not even funny. And yet I write ship fic lol
Current Obsession: X-Files and NCIS. Cadbury milk chocolate mini eggs (part of the stash of candy that I have too much of haha)
Tagging: @butwhenthesuncameup @benedettabeby @lyricalnerd @randomfoggytiger @agent-troi @slippery-soapbox @densi-obsessed @skelavender @hopeless-nostalgiac
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notstilinski · 1 year
Beach Read Starters !
Taken from the 2020 novel by Emily Henry, Beach Read! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! 
“How is it? Is there a sex dungeon?”
“So wise. So deep.”
“What will you do if you realize you’ve fallen in love with a ghost?”
“No way. Blow jobs are for major holidays. What you’ve got on your hands is a good old-fashioned foot job pro quo.”
“What’s disturbing about foot jobs as a form of currency?”
“Could you turn off your sad-boy-angsting playlist?”
“Let me guess: Everyone lives happily ever after. Again.”
“Offending you. One syllable. ‘Ah.’ Pretty impressive.”
“My weird ass neighbor was blasting his crying soundtrack all night.”
“Seeing them out in the wild after all this time was horrifying.”
“No, (Name), I’m not talking about sex stuff.”
“The trick to sobering up is… donuts.”
“How do you know your Googling me wouldn’t be even more amusing g to me?”
“How do you know I won’t keep answering your questions with other questions until we both die?”
“You have a hard time… reading happy endings?“
“Are you honestly saying you don’t believe in love?”
“Sure, love happens. But it’s better to be realistic so shit’s not constantly blowing up in your face. And love is way more likely to blow up in your face than to bring eternal happiness. And if it doesn’t hurt you, then you’re the one hurting someone else.”
“I’m not asking you to tell me. I just… I don’t know. It’s weird to see you like this.”
“Oh my God! Are you slightly misquoting A Walk to Remember at me?”
“Life is meaningless, (Name). Gaze into the abyss.”
“Be honest… Did you bring me here to murder me?”
“This one of your murder spots?”
“I refuse to answer that on the grounds that you might take it from me.”
“You just too me on the worlds most depressing date. The least you could do is tell me a single thing about yourself, and why all this stuff matters to you.”
“Why? Part of your dark, mysterious past?”
“But you were in love with him.”
“It’s okay he dumped me in a hot tub.”
“You can just give me three dollars when I take you home, and then if I ever find out I need an organ, we can circle back.”
“I love seeing where you get your admirable qualities from.”
“It didn’t feel like a lie. Maybe a complicated truth, but not a lie.”
“Life is like us like a box of chocolates. You really don’t know what you’re eating and the chocolate map on the lid is fucking always wrong.”
“If you’re a beard, I’m a bird.”
“Do you feel like your mom just dropped us off here before homecoming?”
“It’s shit like this that makes it impossible for me to believe in happy endings. You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world.”
“There’s nothing to loathe about your face.”
“I HATE falling in love. It’s always ruining my bad boy reputation.”
“You know, as private as they are, I have to pull a lot from context out of our conversations. But yes, I’ve gathered the clues that you two have formed a friendship.”
“She left them on their birthday?”
“I think some things are… inevitable.”
“I brought these in case you’re taking me to a Texan church service.”
“This has been an exact recurring nightmare I’m only just realizing was actually a premonition.”
“You honestly have to write me into your will for this.”
“Happy endings don’t happen to everyone. There’s nothing you can do to make someone keep loving you.”
“I want to know you.”
“I’ve never thought you were stupid.”
“I thought—think it’s grace to believe in love. I mean, the lasting kind. To try for that, even knowing it can hurt you.”
“Not believing in something doesn’t stop you from wanting it. If you’re not careful.”
“I remember. A historic moment in our friendship.”
“I told you I wanted you to know me. You can ask me anything you want.”
“I saw that with my parents, you know? This black hole and this bright light he was always just trying to swallow while.”
“It didn’t overwhelm you to watch them sleep.”
“Like being right mattered less than being… okay.”
“Really? Because in winter, I’d just prefer to be dead.”
“(Name) likes to say I was never a kid.”
“I am, though. I am angry and messed up, and every time I try to get closer to you, it’s like all these warning bells go off and I try to act like a normal person, but I can’t.”
“I thought you understood that there’s no such thing as a normal person.”
“Stop it. You’re not going to break me, (Name).”
“I do, you know. Care about you.”
“That’s you’re right, as an American citizen.”
And again, I’m seventeen in that picture. Please stop objectifying child me.”
“It seemed too crass to invite you to my aunts house and then bring up your ass.”
“Are you praying to me, (Name).”
“You’re so fucking beautiful, like the sun.”
“I really didn’t show up to your sex dungeon to seduce you.”
“I’ll make my getaway and leave you behind if I have to.”
“What? Fun? Are you afraid it’s contagious?”
“Come here to ponder your own morality?”
“I want to be your perfect fucking Fabio, (Name), but I can’t. I’m not.”
“It just means I also want you to be happy, and I’m scared I could never be the person who could give you that.”
“Then let me be happy with you, (Name).”
“I can’t wait to visit and watch him be completely smitten with you.”
“I mean, I hope it was partially an elaborate ruse to sleep with me.”
“I never wanted you to see the world like I see it.”
“When you love someone… You want to make the world look different for them. To give all the ugly stuff meaning, and to amplify the good. That’s what you do.”
“If you can learn to dance in the rain then I can stare the ugly things down.”
“I don’t care if you’re a complete person.”
“The good news is your skin looks like a newborn baby’s. What have you been eating here?”
“What’s wrong with these pants? These are my official uniform now, on account of I’ve officially given up.”
“I both love and hate falling in love.”
“Are we being ax-murdered?”
“It’s not the promise that matters. It’s that I told you.“
“Fine. I can’t know if. But I believe it. I see it. Let me prove I’m right. Let me prove I can love you forever.”
“What is we don’t get our happy ending, (Name)?”
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toasttt11 · 8 months
sixteenth birthday
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June 8, 2020
Carter looked up from her phone hearing a knock on her door and then three more knocks followings she smiled knowing it’s Connor, she walked across her dorm room opening the door seeing Connor standing there with a box in his hands, Connor stepped towards her handing Carter box, “Happy birthday!!” Connor smiled towards the person that had become his best friend in the last few months.
Carter looked down at the box smiling taking it from him, “Thank you Con, come in.” Carter moved out of the way letting Connor into her dorm, watching him jump onto her bed like he always does.
“We’ll go on Roo! Open it.” Connor put his arms behind his head smiling at her.
Carter fondly rolled eyes sitting next to Connor on her bed and untying the green bow on the box and taking the lid off seeing a stuffed animal gently picking it up seeing what animal it was, a kangaroo. Carter laughed knowing why he picked the stuff animal, “Thank you it’s adorable!” She held up to her chest feeling how soft it is.
“Thought it fit you perfectly Roo.” Connor smiled knowing how much Carter adores Kangaroos and that’s why he calls her Roo.
Carter layed down next to Connor cuddling her Kangaroo enjoying spending her birthday with someone as she couldn’t see any of her family for her birthday this year because of Covid.
Also because she was lent to the Sweden Hockey team being able to practice and play some hockey during Covid, not knowing when she would be going home luckily Connor had been lent too and their are sharing a common room that connects to their own dorms, meaning they are quarantined together and spend basically all their days together.
“Want to go to the cafe?” Connor turned on his side facing Carter, as she turned to look at him.
“Yeah!” Carter got out of bed slipping on a pair of sandals and setting her Kangaroo on her bed againt her pillows before grabbing her phone and slipping it into her small purse before throwing her purse over her body.
Connor hopped out of the bed heading to the door opening letting Carter walk through and then closing it behind them. They got into their common room both grabbing their masks that were hanging by the door slipping them on before leaving their common room and walking through the doom halls and. the million other hallways before walking down the staircase and walking out of the large building to the outside.
They walked for about five minutes before reaching their favorite street, a few of their favorite places they have found are all on this one street.
Connor helped open the door for Carter as they walked into the Cafe, “You go find a seat, and i’ll order.” Connor shook his head seeing Carter about to protest, “Nope it’s your birthday you’re not buying.”
Carter reluctantly nodded knowing Connor can be just as stubborn as her before walking away and going up the stairs in the cafe to the loft area, that has a small library in it.
The loft has Connor and Carter favorite spot, a small little booth and table in the corner right by the window with a pretty view of the city and the beach.
Carter and Connor found the cafe within the first week they were in Sweden and it’s become the place they like to hang out together, and where they end up doing their school work most days.
Carter sat down on her side of the bench looking towards the window, opening it and immediately getting hit with the smell of the fresh water from the beach close by, she was so focused looking outside she didn’t realize how much time had passed and Connor was already upstairs and setting their stuff on the table, gaining her attention.
“One Strawberry, Blueberry, Spinach, Peanut butter smoothie and a chocolate crossiant for the birthday girl.” Connor smiled sliding into his spot next to her, taking his mask off setting it on the table next to Carter’s who took her’s off already.
Carter smiled always touched that Connor always remembers her smoothie order, “Thank you. Chocolate crossiant?” She knew that wasn’t apart of their diet and usally Connor was the more strict of the two for following their diets.
Connor fondly rolled his eyes, “It’s your birthday.”
Carter just smiled at her best friend.
Carter never understood growing up how her brothers all had that one best friend that they were so insanely close with.
Carter doesn’t love making friends and has always been find with her brothers friends and her brothers but she met Connor and she understood.
Connor just snuck into her heart and she knows he has no plans to leave, not that she would want him to anyway.
Connor pulled out his phone, not loving having photos taken of him but he does like taking photos of and with Carter, enjoying looking at them later.
Connor snapped a photo of Carter smiling with her crossiant before holding the phone in front of them as Carter stuck her tongue out for the selfie and Connor silliy grinned at the camera.
Carter gently grabbed Connor’s face with her hand and squeezed his cheeks together with a big grin on her face as she looked at the camera and Connor looking at her.
Carter laughed with Connor as they looked at the photos together and they spilt the chocolate croissant.
Carter did miss her family that day but she ended up having an amazing birthday spending it with her best friend.
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Patricio "Pato" O'Ward Junco
Birthdate: May 6, 1999 Hometown: Monterrey, Mexico Residence: Monterrey, Mexico/San Antonio, TX Height/Weight: 5’8”/155lbs
Rookie Year: 2019
Team: Arrow McLaren
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Follow him on: Instagram Twitter YouTube
Career Stats
2018: 1 race with Harding Racing - 31st Overall 2019: 8 races with Carlin - 26th Overall 2020: Arrow McLaren SP- 4th Overall 2021: Arrow McLaren SP - 3rd Overall 2022: Arrow McLaren SP - 7th Overall 2023: Arrow McLaren SP - 4th Overall
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2018 Indy NXT (formerly Indy Lights) Rookie of the Year and Season Champion 2021 and 2022 several F1 tests with McLaren 2022 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix F1 free practice with McLaren IMSA 2017 Youngest driver ever to win Daytona 24 and Sebring 12 hour in Prototype Challenge (PC) class 2017 Prototype Challenge drivers championship, North American Endurance Cup Championship. 2018 Daytona 24 8th, Sebring 12 hour 13th 2022 Daytona 24 (LMP2 class) 1st.
-Doesn't drink coffee. -Has a list of acceptable restaurants around every track Indycar visits -Although a native of Mexico, attended high school in San Antonio, Texas. -Lists karting, fitness training - especially boxing and weight training - as his hobbies. -He loves Eggo waffles and sushi. -2020 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year.
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Iconic/memorable moments
Pato O'Ward reveals helmet design for Indianapolis 500 to James Hinchcliffe | Motorsports on NBC INSIDE THE RACE // PATO O'WARD AT WEATHERTECH RACEWAY LAGUNA SECA PUSH TO PASS | EP. 1 - "So Close, Yet So Far" This or That with Pato O'Ward and Indy 500 Friends TikTok: Pato Likes Food RACER: Pato O'Ward Texas IndyCar Walk and Talk CHEVY PACE CAR // FELIX ROSENQVIST AND PATO O'WARD Felix and Pato interview Alex Rossi in their own languages: AMSP Unlocked 2020 AMSP Unlocked 2021 AMSP Mic’d Up 2022 Pato O'Ward and Felix Rosenqvist Play-Fighting Then and Now | Pato O'Ward & Felix Rosenqvist - Part 1 Then and Now: Pato O'Ward Part 2 Midnight Snack Chocolate covered Pato Lobster papi.
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Happy Valentines Day Love/Hate relationship with pre-race ice baths Guess the song Tiny Cars with James – Pato O’Ward Pato O’Ward sings “Feel This Moment” Felix and Pato wrestling Don’t touch the cones!!! How tall are McLaren drivers? Arrow McLaren: Red Flag Green Flag Arrow McLaren: Red Flag Green Flag Again Measuring noses Wakeboarding Pato Wink and Kiss Pato Barbie Nashville Cowboy hat shopping Indianapolis Motor Speedway Fair Imitate Famous Landmarks Phone Flip - Drivers in the Paddock Part 1 Part 2
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Driver Superlatives Part 1 Part 2 Holiday Tree Blindfolded Challenge Holiday Family phototshoot Behind the Scenes Baking Challenge: Part 1 Baking Challenge: Part 2 Rainy day activities Spill your guts game Intro Part 1 Part 2 Off Track with Hinch and Rossi – The Papaya One Area Codes Our cinnamon rolls Go-to Karaoke song
Team Penske hit with penalties over Push to Pass use; O’Ward declared St. Petersburg winner
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Excitable and exuberant, Pato wears his emotions on his sleeve. If he’s happy, you’ll know it, and if he’s not, you’ll know that too, just by looking at his face. Full of energy, Pato is hardly ever still, fidgeting if he can’t do anything else. A self-proclaimed foodie, his social media often shows off what he’s eating. And if it’s not pics of his food, it’s pics of him in the gym, puddles of sweat and all. He’s said that he works out to eat the foods he loves. His devoted fanbase has recently has exploded into near rock-star-like proportions with suites and a grandstand at Texas Motor Speedway devoted to his fans through special giveaways and promotions.
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Fanfic Lore
Paired with former teammate Felix Rosenqvist
Frequently paired with Colton Herta. The two raced together in IndyNXT (formerly Indy Lights). Ship name O'Herta
Paired with Alex Palou. Ship name O'Palou
Paired with teammate Alex Rossi
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showyourself80 · 3 months
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Title: Stuffed
Summary: Severus has no self control. Luckily he has Harry to keep him in line.
Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Warnings: Mature rating
Author's Notes:
House of Snarry chain game June 2024
Prompt: "It's not what it looks like"
Also read on Ao3
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At the creak of the door, Severus froze, positioned rather awkwardly.
“It’s not what it looks like.” 
“Mmm hmm.”  Harry pushed through the doorway, eyes raking the guilty posture of his partner.  “I thought we discussed this, this morning.”
Severus bit his lip, looking down at the contraband item in his hands.  How it glistened, how it called to him.
“I told you that greedy boys have to wait.  That only I could give you what you really need.  Isn’t that so?”
The usually verbose potions master hung his head in shame.  He had let his appetites run away with themselves yet again.  Harry only ever did this for his own good.  Without him, who knows what state he could get himself into.
“I told you that it had to stay in the box, that you couldn’t start without me.  And why was that?”
“Because you like watching.  You like to see me glut myself.  To enjoy every last second.”
“Yes, and you would have deprived me of that, wouldn’t you?”
“No, no I promise.  I just wanted to look.”
“And have you been good for me today?  Do you deserve this?”
 “I have.  I promise.  I behaved so well.  No unnecessary detentions.  No snarking in the staff room.  I did everything you asked.”
Harry stepped closer.  “Give it to me.  You know I’m the only one who gets to stuff that hole.”  Severus whined, placing the item reverently back in the box.
He watched as delicate fingers picked it back up, stroking the length.
Fuck, he loved chocolate eclairs.
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Image source: https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2-Severus-Snape-Occlumency.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=825&dpr=1.5
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but-a-humble-goon · 6 months
[Aims gun at comic protagonist] Comic protagonist from the 2000s: Oh shit, a gun. Comic protagonist from the 2020s: back when I was a hard-bitten little boy on the mean streets Detroid slinging dope there were times like this when my momma would say, 'son, life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.'
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eeclare · 2 years
Bob’s Burgers bedrooms
I downloaded Toca Life World and made the Belcher’s bedrooms with my own little twists to them. I reimagined some of it and I hope you guys like it!
Starting off with Tina:
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Some classic horse paraphernalia (I imagine the brown horse is Chariot from the equestranauts)
I put walkie talkies in all the Belcher kids’ bedrooms because I like to imagine that they communicate with each other past their bedtime
Tina would 100% have those glow in the dark stars on her walls all throughout high school. Change my mind
I think she would have bought into that vines on the walls trend that was all over Tik tok for a while. She thinks they look classy
I also added a lil cameo of the cat treats that Tina and Gene eat in that one episode lol I headcannon that they still snack on them from time to time
There’s also a box of chocolates and a little teddy bear holding a heart, I just think that she either received them from someone (Zeke, J-Ju, whoever you want) or she’s saving them to give to someone else
Shoutout to the composition notebook on her desk for her erotic friendfiction
And because this is a headcannon for teenaged Tina’s bedroom, I gave her a mirror and some fancy looking moisturizer. I don’t think she wears much makeup (if any at all) but I do think she takes skincare VERY seriously
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Gene’s room is MESSY
Like I love him but he’s a total slob
I think that he would have some of those LED lights, but only because Louise wanted them first but her room was too small for the whole roll
Like in Tina’s room, I gave him the cat food to snack on
I also think that Gene is a sweaty boy and therefore has a fan on 24/7
Burger and ketchup plushies!
So. Many. Snacks.
I gave him a kiddie radio and a regular boombox as well as a synthesizer (I couldn’t find any keyboards that’s my bad)
He also has a walkie talkie so he can “walkie and talkie with his favourite sisters”
I also added a music score!
The posters are kinda miscellaneous, they didn’t have any music based ones but I think that “bulko” character would be one that Gene is rlly into
Ofc I added a baseball in there as well. I think that even though he never excelled at the sport and isn’t a sport person in general, he still just likes to have the ball around. Maybe as a stim toy maybe not who knows
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Louise was my favourite room to put together! I just find that she and I have/had similar rooms growing up and I just relate to her on that level
I gave her the loft bed with the desk underneath because obviously. She has one. But I chose this one specifically because I think that it’s very her.
I think she added the caution tape because it’s “the next best thing besides barbed wire”
And ofc the stickers to add some ✨personality✨
Louise got really into the LED craze of 2020 and hence, got some for Christmas or something like that
But her room *cough* closet *cough* is too teeny tiny for the full roll so she had to share the rest of it with Gene
I added horror movie posters next to her bed because there are SO many instances in the show where she just talks about horror films and I think she gets REALLY into them when she gets older
She still uses crayons. Sue her
Ofc I also gave her a walkie talkie. She’s literally the reason the Belcher kids have them in the first place
The one poster in a frame reminds me of that one onion poster she has in her room in the show. I still don’t understand the significance of the poster but I think it deserves to be added
The green frog on her bed is supposed to represent Kuchi Kopi
And all the other weird looking toys are her collectables!
And I have to address the lady bug in the room. I think that she got that as a lil baby and just grew so emotionally attached to it that she can’t bear to get rid of it. She rides it around the apartment when she’s bored
I also tried to imitate her spiral carpet and even though there is no spiral I think the colour is spot on
Bob and Linda:
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Linda 100% made all of the design choices in their bedroom
Ik that canonically they don’t have a window but shhhhhh
I think that they would have two carpets because Linda always complains that her feet get cold when she’s getting ready in the mornings
And she let Bob pick the colour of it (the red one)
Linda found that tapestry at a flea market and “Isn’t it just DARLING Bobby”
BUT it smelled like cigarettes for sooooo long she almost got rid of it
Linda is a candle gurly. If she goes to the store and sees a candle she HAS to have it, especially if it smells good
She also got rlly into the holistic medicine industry for a while, hence the salt lamp
She thinks it looks fancy and rustic at the same time
Bob picked out the framed picture and he’s so proud of himself
“Did you know that IM the one that picked that? And now it’s hanging in our room”
They have white sheets because Linda likes to feel like she’s in a hotel
Bob actually is an avid reader. Well, mostly.
He reads but he doesn’t really READ, you know?
But he always tries to read a little before bed so he keeps his current books on his nightstand (at least since the events of the episode where he and Linda sleep apart)
Those are my headcannons for the Blecher bedrooms! I’m thinking of doing an MLP version too but we’ll see. I’ve also been thinking of doing a Mr. Frond and Gayle bedroom because in my mind they stay together forever lol who knows
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mariacallous · 7 months
Like so many stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Marlo Gorelick picked up a new hobby: cake decorating.
She learned all the trendy techniques of the day, from of-the-moment decorations to how to properly layer colorful cakes and jams in order to create the all-popular rainbow cake.
But, unlike the myriad cottage food businesses that Jewish entrepreneurs launched during and after the pandemic, Gorelick’s cakes stood out for one significant reason: They weren’t edible. But don’t mistake this as a commentary on Gorelick’s baking skills: Gorelick’s cakes were never intended for eating. Rather, they’re designed to be worn —  as purses. 
“My husband said to me, ‘If you bake, you’re going to burn the house down,’” Gorelick told the New York Jewish Week. “So I took cake and I married it with something that my mother loved, which was handbags.”
During the pandemic she launched Cake Purses — a line of highly decorative vegan leather bags in the shape of confectionery, such as carrot cake and strawberry shortcake. Some of her bags, which can be found on her social media, are bedazzled with crystal stones while others are painted; all come with a zipper in the back to store items in the satin-lined interior.
Last summer, Gorelick wanted to find a new direction for her business. She began experimenting with creating purses in the shape of classic Ashkenazi Jewish foods: challahs, bagels and that New York City classic, black and white cookies. 
“I said goodbye to it [cake purses] because I saw that people were just icing boxes and getting tons of hits and money from it,” Gorelick recalled. “I thought, ‘What am I doing? This is silly. This is ridiculous.’” 
She began to roll out her first few Jewish food designs ahead of the High Holidays — but then, Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel gave her pause. Gorelick admits she was “scared” about being so outwardly Jewish. “I didn’t want anything bad to happen to me or anybody, so I tabled it,” she said.
But life had other plans. After a major illness the following month, Gorelick returned from the hospital knowing that pivoting her business towards Judaism was ultimately “what I was meant to do,” she said. And so, earlier this month, Gorelick, who is based in Princeton, New Jersey, officially launched Glam Judaica, a new line of Jewish food-themed purses and accessories that includes a rhinestone-covered matzah ball soup bag and a very realistic looking potato knish purse. She’s also crafted purses in the shape of Jewish holiday-specific treats like hamantaschen and sufganiyot.
“I’d gone through this near-death experience where so many things had been taken from me. I said to myself, ‘You can’t take away my Judaism — I will always be that,’” she said. “If I’m going to do this [make food purses], I’m going to do it with things that are near and dear to me.’” 
Gorelick grew up in a Conservative Jewish family in New Jersey, and said that Judaism is a major part of her life and identity. “My grandfather immigrated from Kyiv, in what is now Ukraine, to escape pogroms. My father’s mother’s side of the family was in the Holocaust. My mother’s family escaped Russia. So [Judaism] is fully ingrained in me,” she said. 
During the pandemic, Gorelick’s spangled designs made their way around the internet and to several craft and candy expo shows in the Tri-State area. She also partnered with the iconic East Side restaurant Serendipity3 last year to create exclusive “Frrrrozen Hot Chocolate” purses to celebrate the 30 millionth serving of its “world famous” sweet treat.
For now, she makes the Glam Judaica bags, which are generally between six and 10 inches wide, to order. Gorelick, who runs the business by herself with some design and content creation help from her husband, said it takes her up to three weeks to create a purse.
The Glam Judaica line includes bracelets, necklaces and pins. She adorns one of her bracelets with five different miniature food charms — a hamantaschen, bagel, black and white cookie, rugelach and challah — and decorates a shiny bagel pin with lox, onions and capers. Each item, including the purses, starts around $125, Gorelick said, though she adjusts the prices depending on the type of material and “bling” the customer wants. 
The response so far to her new Jewish collection has been “fabulous,” Gorelick said.
“People see it, they identify with it,” she said. “It’s a bit of nostalgia and they want it,  because that’s the cookie they baked with their bubbe or that’s what they served when they had their bar or bat mitzvah.”
But Gorelick is not done with cakes quite yet. In addition to Jewish food designs, Gorelick recently made a yellow cake purse with the words “Bring Them Home” written in white “frosting” to raise awareness for the 100-plus Israeli hostages still held in Gaza. Gorelick also used the proceeds for one of her other creations — a rainbow sprinkle black and white cookie purse — to raise money for Zaka, Israel’s volunteer emergency response teams. 
“Everything I do is a little bit glitzy and glammy because that’s who I am,” Gorelick said. “My stuff is not for everybody — I get that. But if you like a little bit of sparkle and something to make you smile, I have something sweet and sparkly for you.”
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