stinkrascal · 1 year
i fucking love orange juice and whole milk. my eyes and my bones are so strong
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Descendants, Chapter 3
----- “So good health,” said Holtzmann. “Doc said I should try to exercise, but that’s for dweebs.”
“They just don’t know you,” said Abby. She was folding laundry and sorting it into piles. “You expend too much energy for the little food you eat.”
“All these go in the underwear drawer?” said Holtzmann, gesturing to a pile. Abby nodded and Holtz took it and put it away.
“But other than that, I'm ready to go.”
“So I guess you’re going to start calculating ovulation?” asked Abby.
“I already know that. It’s been the bane of my existence since I was 12. It’s like clockwork.”
“Mine can be slightly irregular,” said Abby. “Think it’s mostly because of my weight.” She sighed and handed Holtz a stack of her scarves.
“You found them all and washed them?” said Holtzmann, looking starry eyed at her wife.
“Someone had to,” said Abby. “Our laundry baskets were overflowing.” “I’m loving how domestic you've become.”
“If you even utter the word housewife, Jillian Danielle Holtzmann...”
“Full name, ouch. I must have done something.”
“No... it’s just me,” said Abby with a sigh. “If I’m cleaning, I’m thinking. And I’m thinking too much.” She sat down on edge of the bed. “You know me, I’m a worrier.”
“This is why Abs, I try to take everything away from you when I can,” said Holtz. She played with Abby’s bun, much to her protest.
“I’m not trying to, it just creeps in.” Holtz kissed the back of Abby’s neck, hoping it would calm her.
There was a knock on their bedroom door. Patty stuck her head in after Holtzmann shouted “All Clear!” to her. Abby rolled her eyes. Patty grinned at the pair before speaking.
“I appreciate that Holtzy, but I think we can all agree that with you, nothing is ever clear.”
“Something up?” asked Abby to Patty.
“Yeah, I was leaving and the phone rang. Guy said there’s ‘something pale and creepy’ wandering around the basement of his business in the Fashion District and making a mess. He needs it ‘disposed of’ as soon as possible. Erin’s downstairs, printing out directions to his place.”
“I’ll go load the packs,” said Abby quickly. Patty opened the door and let her rush through. Holtzmann went over to Patty and made a large display of affection by kissing her on both cheeks, who reacted in disgust, although it was more for Holtz’s amusement than any actual repulsion. She was too used to her antics after six years.
“I am in your debt once again,” Holtz said. “Abby was cleaning.”
Patty chuckled. “Need to get her mind off things, huh?”
“The thing about Abby is her worrying is infectious. It spreads like a virus. And Erin only compounds the problem.”
“Don’t I know it,” said Patty. “Remember when we thought the Mayor was going to cut our budget by over half?”
“I’d rather not remember,” said Holtzmann. “It is filed under dark days that shall not be dwelled upon.”
Holtzmann was sketching out a new pack design when Erin walked into her lab the next day, carrying a takeout box and a large soda. The redhead smiled and greeted her when Holtz lowered the music to a suitable level.
“Thought you might be hungry. Patty and I ordered some gumbo from that new Creole place a few streets over.”
“Thanks,” said Holtzmann, moving a few things to clear up a spot for the stuff in Erin’s hands. “Food is most welcome distraction at the moment.”
“Can’t see the design in your head?” said Erin. Holtzmann opened the container and stabbed a shrimp with a plastic fork.
“No, but Abby’s wearing off on me.”
“Where is she by the way?” asked Erin. “She disappeared after our meeting with a client.”
“Doctor’s appointment,” said Holtz. “And design is never a problem.” Erin shook her head with a smile.
“You still amaze me how you can think up these things.”
“The only problem with my design is that I can see the finished product in my head. It’s getting the pieces to cooperate within it that’s the slightly difficult part.”
“How is this going to work?” asked Erin, looking at the drawings.
“It’s not at the moment,” said Holtz. “I’m missing a stabilizer.” She poked at a piece of okra. “The problem I struggling with most now is safety. Making things safer. Being safer. It will never be safe enough. This is dangerous work. It is cutting edge. We don’t even have research much to back us up most of the time.”
“Holtz--” began Erin. She sat down on a stool across from her. She studied the engineer for a moment.
“It’s not the equipment you’re worried about.”
Holtzmann glowered at her friend as she took another mouthful of shrimp.
Erin couldn’t help but laugh. For a second, she felt like she was 16 again and talking to Abby about their futures in her bedroom in Michigan.
“We chose this line of work Holtz. We know the risks. We’ve all been injured. We’ve probably taken more hits than a football team. You’ll just have to be more careful than usual. Be a little more picky about which busts to go on and when to get out of the way--”
“It’s not me I’m worried about,” interjected Holtzmann, but Erin went on.
“And you’re worried about getting emotionally invested in this and if something should happen--”
Holtzmann frowned and put a hand over Erin’s. “Like I said, it’s not me I’m worried about.” Erin nodded, finally realizing what she meant.
“Let’s run headfirst into a bust without thinking Abby? Or the let’s push my new friend to get away from Rowan and still end up captured in his death grip anyways Abby?”
“Both,” sighed Holtzmann. “And what if Abby’s the one who ends up having the baby? I don’t know if my nerves could handle this.” She put down her fork and put her hand to her face, propping her arms on the table.
“I’m letting my flights of fancy get away from me.”
“I think this is a bridge you’re just going to have to cross when the time comes,” shrugged Erin. She scratched the top of her head. “And perhaps talk to her about. Just so you’re on the same page. We don’t know what the future might hold.”
“It’s not the future if it’s two or three months from now,” Holtzmann said, picking up her fork and staring through it. “I’ve already taken care of the registration and upfront fees.”
“W--wow,” said Erin, surprised. “That quick?”
“Two months is long enough for us to make calculations on our cycles,” said Holtz. “That’ll give us plenty of time to find a donor. That’s provided that the doctor gives Abby the go ahead.”
“Why didn’t you go with her today?”
Holtzmann took a bite of rice with the tomato based broth. “It was just a check up where they decide whether they think you are ready for childbearing.”
“And are you? I know you went yesterday,” asked Erin.
“Fit as a fiddle,” said Holtzmann, smirking. “These hips are made for birthin’.”
“Babies,” squealed Erin, surprising herself. She laughed. “We need to talk to Cheyenne.”
“You talk to her,” said Holtz. “Patty’s already made me promise not to say a word as to what we are doing.”
“I’ll get her,” said the redhead. “I can’t wait till we have little ones in the firehouse.”
“They’ll be here soon enough. Probably too soon,” said Holtz as she took another bite of her food.
“Abby’s going to love this place. Was that andouille sausage?” Erin nodded as Holtz picked up the spoon out of the plastic and dipped into the broth.
Abby put down a bag of items on top of the Ecto-1 when she got home from her appointment, knocking on it to get her wife’s attention. Holtzmann was underneath in her coveralls, tinkering with something underneath the body of the Cadillac. Six years since they had gotten it and it was still thundering along. Thankfully the second one had lasted a bit longer than the first.
“You brought home groceries?” said Holtz, looking concerned. She slid out from under the car on the mechanic’s creeper she had been lying on. If Abby had been out shopping, then something was definitely weighing on her mind, and badly.
“I took a walk,” she said. “Ended up at Trader Joe’s.”
“Please tell me you got the goods,” said Holtzmann, getting a little distracted. Abby handed her the bowl of small, chunky fudge covered brownies that she loved from there.
“Do I ever disappoint you?” she said with a smirk.
“Yes!” grinned Holtz happily, hugging the container. She bounced up, pulling out a rag from her coveralls and wiped her hands. She leaned in and kissed Abby, the both of them enjoying the intimacy of the moment, even with the brownies between them. “So...” began Holtzmann, realizing she doesn’t know what to say, or even ask.
“So?” said Abby, picking up the other two bags she had brought in and had sat down on the floor. Holtzmann grabbed the other one that was sitting on the car and put the treats in it.
“What did they say?”
“I’m... in reasonable health,” said Abby as they headed for the stairs. “No major health problems, except you know, the extra padding. I need to eat better of course. And exercise. And cut out some of the stress.”
“Then we can do this,” said Holtzmann, stopping in the middle of the staircase.
“We can do this,” echoed Abby. Holtzmann whooped loudly, fist pumping up in the air before hugging Abby on the stair behind her. The latter was laughing at her wife’s enthusiasm.
“So... why did you go grocery shopping?” asked Holtz as they headed up. “You usually whine about our weekly trip.”
“Because I’m freaking out!” exclaimed Abby. “I mean seriously, Holtz. You could be pregnant in a couple of months. That’s a big deal.”
“So you bought... peaches, rice, frozen broccoli, and chicken,” said Holtz, pawing through the bag on her arm.
“It would be a good start to a healthier diet,” said Abby. “We sort of need to start cooking more for ourselves.” They had gotten up to the third floor and headed towards the kitchen. “We have enough stuff already that we can just heat up. I thought we could make a sit down meal that doesn’t involve us leaving a tip.”
Holtz smirked. “And here I thought we could settle on pizza and beer for dinner tonight.”
“Tonight,” said Abby. “But once we start doing the-- the thing... we’re going to have to forego the beer.”
“And caffeine,” said Holtz, glancing at Abby. The brunette’s eyes narrowed at that. “I mean the both of us Abs. The soda and energy drinks are great for late night work, but not--”
“I know,” said Abby. “But I need my coffee.”
Holtz wrapped her arms around Abby’s waist and snuggled her head into her neck. She watched as Abby put the rest of the items in the fridge and took the pizza out of the freezer.
“I’m happy you’re doing this with me,” she said softly.
“Like I would leave you hanging if you really wanted to have a baby,” said Abby with a slight scoff. “That’s just silly Holtzmann.”
“So when do you want to start trying?” asked Holtz.
“Well, this month is shot,” said Abby. “I know for you too.” She put the pizza in the oven and dusted off her hands, turning around to look at her lover.
“Like the doctor said today, the best thing we can do is keep track of everything.”
“I can keep track for you,” purred Holtzmann in Abby’s ear. “I spend enough time down there.” She nuzzled Abby’s neck, moving her sweater and unbuttoning her collar. The paranormal investigator lost all train of thought for a few seconds when Holtzmann nuzzled and licked down her collarbone.
“As pleasurable as that sounds, and believe me, that is the best idea ever, I think it would probably be best if we did it ourselves.” Holtzmann’s tongue was drawing circles at the nape of her neck and Abby felt nearly liquid next to her lover. Holtz must have realized Abby’s state as she had a hold of her hips and ass. And she wasn’t relenting. Abby whimpered, catching Holtz’s attention. Her right hand moved quickly and went down Abby’s bra, which she knew would do the trick to make her wife succumb completely to desire. She managed to snag open a few buttons of her shirt in the process of doing so.
Holtzmann was certain Abby was already halfway headed towards bliss by how she whined softly when she removed her hands from her chest and hips. She winked.
“You coming? I think this is an idea we can explore between now and time for dinner,” she said, tossing her head towards the direction of their bedroom with a giddy little grin. Abby turned on the oven and followed Holtz, her legs still feeling like jelly while she walked. <– Prev | Next –>
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myfinanceblog · 7 years
New Post has been published on My Finance Blog
New Post has been published on http://princefinance.princefamily33.com/2017/01/29/helpful-hints-to-sell-your-home-quickly-and-easily-3/
Helpful Hints To Sell Your Home Quickly And Easily
TIP! Have ready any information that buyers might find helpful when buying a home. You should compile a list of any renovations or remodeling that was done on the home, along with the contractors used to complete the work.
Selling real estate can be a stressful process, especially when trying to sell your own home. It can even be more challenging if you have no clue what you are doing. Being educated and informed about the process of selling your home is necessary. This article contains some of the information and advice that you will need to make selling real estate easier.
TIP! In some regions, the time for buying and selling homes tends to be seasonal. Take advantage of seasonal colors and decorations in order to make your house feel cozy and comfortable.
Energy-efficient items can be an attractive enticement for many buyers. By adding items like energy efficiant lights and Energy Star rated appliances to your home, you are attracting potential buyers with the promise of energy savings.
TIP! Try to do all you can to create the environment that will lead to a bidding war. Set a competitive listing price in an effort to entice potential buyers to view the property.
Ask a reasonable price for your home. Look at compatible local sales and the values of homes in your area, then set a price which is at the higher end of the average. Don’t set too high of a price; you’ll only end up lowering it because nobody is willing to pay that price for your home.
TIP! An inviting home is more welcoming to anyone that is looking to buy. When you do this you, make your home that much more welcoming when you have showings which can be the deciding factor when you try and sell your home.
Empty your home, as much as possible, before showing it. Potential buyers want to picture themselves living there, and keeping the house clear of items makes this process simpler for them, while also giving you much less work to do later on.
TIP! When you can, have your old house sold before you move to the new one. You can quickly get into financial difficulty if you are trying to make payments on two houses while the old one is still up for sale.
Understand that real estate sales are seasonal in many places. Fall decorations can make your home appear more welcoming to prospective buyers. Make sure your yard is raked clean of fallen leaves so your home will appear neat and well cared for.
TIP! When you decide to sell your home, make sure you carefully choose a real estate agent you can trust. Selling and buying property is important, so be sure your agent is well-versed in this field for your sake.
Interior paint jobs preceding a sale should not necessarily reflect your own personality. Rather, select traditional, neutral colors like off-white, eggshell, or taupe. Applying new paint is, easily, one of the best and most dramatic ways to boost the allure of a home to potential buyers.
TIP! Clean up around your house to make it more attractive to prospective buyers. If possible, all clothing should be removed from closets.
Try to keep your clutter at a minimum so you can attract buyers. Closets should contain the least amount of items possible, arranged in an organized manner, and should also be free from dust. Also clean out kitchen cabinets. You may want to consider a few gourmet, fancy packaged foods, which will add some sophistication.
TIP! Wipe down counter tops and appliances. Sweep, mop and vacuum all floors, and clean the bathrooms.
Give counter tops and appliances a thorough wiping. Sweep the floors, vacuum the carpet, and clean the bathroom well. Get your children to put all toys away neatly. Pick up any dirty clothes laying on any floor, and pile up your household’s dirty laundry out of sight. Cleanliness is a definite asset in the home selling process. Buyers will focus on what is important about the home and will not be distracted by your poor house cleaning skills.
Potential Buyers
TIP! Paint your walls a neutral color so that the potential buyer can more easily picture themselves living in the home. Light up a few scented candles or bake something in the oven.
When showing a home, open up your curtains. Potential buyers enjoy seeing how bright the home can be just from the sunlight. Lift all of your blinds, pull back the drapes and curtains and you should be good to go. Weather permitting, let some fresh air into your home by opening the windows, which will be attractive to potential buyers.
TIP! Don’t scoff at suggestions your realtor makes. You may not like everything the real estate agent has to say regarding improving your home for sale; however, this advice is in your best interest.
Buyers and sellers alike will benefit by setting goals as to what they expect when they jump into the market for real estate. By sticking with the right prices, amenities and locations, buyers can hold off on being persuaded by undue eagerness. When a seller knows exactly what sort of prices they’re willing to accept, they can prevent themselves from accepting a low offer when they’re desperate or worried about the property selling.
TIP! Ask for opinions after showing an open house when you are selling your home. You can either directly ask prospective buyers or give them a paper survey.
Once you have an understanding of how to sell, your real estate venture will not seem so hard. Knowledge is definitely an advantage in real estate. Applying the tips in the above article will provide lots of assistance in your quest of selling real estate.
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