#it turned out awful it was the worst thing ive ever made
stinkrascal · 2 years
i fucking love orange juice and whole milk. my eyes and my bones are so strong
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aita for telling someone they're a horrible person and making them relapse?
trigger warning: self-harm, suicide(?)
so im, like many teenagers online, an avid participant of fandom spaces and my current favorite is genshin impact. if you've ever interacted with the genshin fandom you may guess where this is going but i happened to find myself liking a ship that is the big nono ship in this fandom (aka the incest ship, kaeluc) but since i mostly stick to my space and don't really interact with anyone that doesn't already have content of this ship on their account id never gotten into any hot water over it.. until recently.
this person, ill call them rick, suddenly liked a bunch of my (non-ship related) posts. normal interaction, i didn't think anything of if and moved on. (i didn't even notice at the time, but they unliked all of the posts before what happened next, i assume as they realized i was a proshipper and didn't want to associate with me.) next thing i know, the same user is in my askbox, sending me the most vile, hate filled messages i have ever seen.
ok... no biggie. i delete the asks, block them and move on with my life. but it doesn't stop. i had never in my whole life received hate online, but now for the first time ever, i had a dedicated hater, sending me anonymous asks at all times of the day. death threats, dox threats, telling me to kill myself, calling me a degenerate and all that, all with the same consistent writing style. now, one could say that maybe this wasn't rick, and maybe not even all the same person but i really feel like this is the only reasonable explanation considering i have like 6 followers and my most famous post has 3 notes. i don't think im important enough to have that many haters.
so, i did the only thing i could think to do: turned off anon asks. then the asks started coming from random throwaway accounts. ok...turned off asks. then it was dms. turned those off too. THE FUCKING COMMENT SECTIONS OF MY POSTS.
dedication isn't enough to describe this. at this point it's actually becoming distressing to me and im considering closing my whole account cause i just wanna get away from all this. im 16, i don't have the mental capacity to spend all day policing my social media because someone wants me to die for liking fictional incest.
so i very reluctantly unblock rick and send them a dm. i very gently ask if they are the person who has been sending me asks/dms/etc and if they are, if they could please stop because it's become genuinely distressing to me and i just want to be silly on a website. they block me.
alright, im now out of options. everything on my profile is blocked at this point and i don't even want to post anything else so i just kind of leave the account behind for a while. when i come back, i discover that someone HACKED into the account and defaced the whole thing (changed pfp, deleted posts etc etc) so now im genuinely bummed. i go to rick's profile and guess who has been unblocked? i ask them if they can please answer my question. they don't answer but instead tell me i deserve everything ive gotten and i should choke for all they care.
i tell them they're a terrible person and go absolutely off the rails like the dumb, upset teenager i am. i didn't say anything particularly horrible (mostly i just tell them about how awful they've made me feel over fictional shit that really doesn't matter and how i just wanted peace) but i definetely wouldn't like to receive a message like that. and rick didn't either, because they blocked me.
well, since im sure you're wondering where this comes in, here's where i kind of feel like an asshole:
i continued to stalk rick's account on a different blog (because i was bitter. ok?) and they've been posting about how they relapsed into self harm because of a message they received from a stranger and how they've been crying non-stop and this is the worst relapse they've had in years and etc etc and i just got this pit in my stomach. this person's bio says they're 15! i don't want to ever be the reason a fifteen year old is hurting themselves! i've been feeling like a piece of shit ever since (esp since i also deal with sh) and i just feel like the worse person ever. i honestly don't know if i was just acting like anyone else and this was an unfortunate consequence or if i need to go pray for god to forgive my sins or something.
What are these acronyms?
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Cruel Summer Chapter 1 (Chris Evans x Actress/Singer!Reader)
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(Okay, So Ive been away for a hot minute. And I've been through quite a bit. But I got inspired to write this and I hope yall love it!! Couple of things. 1.) Taylor Swift doesnt exist in this series, the reader is like taylor swift! 2) dont come for me, I've been chewing on this idea for a few months now lol. 3.) Im almost done with chapter 1 of My Alpha, I know I've gotten some messages about that!! Also, half way through chapter 2 of Midnight rain ;) Enjoy! Let me know your thoughts on this!! love you guys!!!)
Thoughts? Suggestions? General opinion wanted here!!!!!
You’d be delusional to think that he wanted anything more than hookups with you. Being a movie star was hard enough to make a “normal” life ...falling in love with your co-star though...that made everything even worse. That’s what led you to becoming a world famous pop star, releasing smash hit after smash hit. Your smile; when up on that stage, tens of thousands of fans screaming your songs as you sang them, standing ovations, tears of happiness, excitement, thrill, it all made that heartache ease just a little bit. But not all the way. 
“Tonight is a HUGE night, I can’t believe you’re going to announce another album. I’m in awe, really I am.” Your mom said, grabbing your shoulders and looking at you in the mirror of the room you were currently using backstage. “Mom, thanks so much for traveling with me during this tour. It means so much to me.” you smiled softly at her, “especially after everything I’ve been through recently. Wanna know the surprise songs tonight? Or just be surprised like everyone else?” you asked with a soft laugh. 
Your mom and dad were your biggest and best fans you could have ever asked for. Even during the worst time of your life, you’d had your parents support when changing careers. “Awe, let me be surprised like everyone else dear. Your cue is up….come on,” she gave you a big hug and kissed your cheek. “You’re going to be amazing, just like every other night” she beamed before walking out of your dressing room. 
You stared in the mirror, touching up your red lipstick before turning around and walking out. Your bejeweled bodysuit in the colors of your most favorite album you’d put out, pinks and blues. You smiled at the stage crew and everyone working behind the scenes as you walked with your assistant. “Another great sold out crowd out there, the VIP tent is dead center, lots of celebrities are here tonight too.” She smiled before you walked away standing on your mark. 
Listening to the entrance music you’d had custom made, caused the memories to flood your mind. 
You looked over at him grinning as you both reached for a piece of popcorn. “Soooo I thought you wanted to do something else when you asked me to come to your hotel room 10:30 at night.” you smirked as he laughed, throwing his head back. “While yes, I’d love to do that too….I figured it would be nice to watch a movie or two, enjoy a snack and relax together too. I ordered some wine and chocolate covered strawberries too.” he said leaning closer to you, as you bit your lip leaning into him, letting his lips brush yours. The next thing you knew, he had you pinned to the bed, popcorn littering the floor as he kissed down your neck, slowly pushing your shirt off and attacking your chest. 
“Ready? Have fun!!” Your assistant shouted over the music and screaming fans as the platform started to bring you up from under the stage. You plastered a grin on your lips and got in your stance with your mic. 
The moment your back up dancers pulled back the large fabric fans to reveal you, you began to sing one of your songs. The roar of screams, cheers and cries erupted throughout the entire stadium as you came into sight for everyone. The platform continued to rise as you sang, smiling at everyone. 
“It's you and me, that's my whole world
They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl"
Oh, I just thought you should know (you should know)
It's you and me, there's nothing like this (like this)
Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (okay)
We're so sad, we paint the town blue (paint it blue)
Voted most likely to run away with you.” 
The music ended as everyone cheered even louder and you laughed softly, the platform lowering back to the mainstage level; you grinned as the next song began instantly. You loved performing for a crowd, they never made you feel like you weren’t worth the love and attention. You strut toward the front of the stage, beginning to sing the bridge, along with the crowd, when a sight almost threw you off your performance. He stood there in the VIP tent with a cold beer in one hand, his other arm around the shoulders of a petite brunette. 
“I'm drunk in the back of the car
And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh)
Said, "I'm fine, " but it wasn't true
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
And I snuck in through the garden gate
Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh)
And I screamed for whatever it's worth
"I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
He looks up grinning like a devil” 
You belt out the bridge, the crowd screaming louder toward the end. You tried to not to look at the VIP tent, the urge to see him again, standing there happy with some other girl, you danced around, happily grinning at the crowd, encouraging them to sing along. You finally took a break, smiling wide as everyone clapped and cheered. “Hi!” you said cheerfully. “My name is Y/N and welcome to The Eras Tour,” you grinned as the stadium erupted again. 
“I just want to say thank you to everyone who is here tonight and I hope that I don’t disappoint. I usually perform only two surprise songs a night, however, I’m feeling…fun tonight, so I want to add another song to the list for you all. It’s one that I don't usually perform live. But, I hope you enjoy it.” you smiled as the platform rose and you looked around, the soft jazz music starting as loud cheers erupted. You couldn't stop the smile that landed on your face as you began to sing. 
“We were crazy to think
Crazy to think that this could work
Remember how I said I'd die for you?
We were stupid to jump
In the ocean separating us
Remember how I'd fly to you?
And I can't talk to you when you're like this
Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town
I'm New York City
I still do it for you, babe
They all warned us about times like this
They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you're led by blind faith
Blind faith” 
You smiled looking around, your eyes landed on him again, he had a look in his eyes, just like how he used to look at you, hunger and desperation for your touch. You put your lips back up to the microphone and made eye contact with him again. 
“But we might just get away with it
Religion's in your lips
Even if it's a false god
We'd still worship
We might just get away with it
The altar is my hips
Even if it's a false god
We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love
I know heaven's a thing
I go there when you touch me
Honey hell is when I fight with you” 
You didn’t mean to stare for so long, but the way he looked at you, watching your body move. You wanted to jump off stage and run into his arms again, kissing him, telling him how in love with him you still were, even after the three years that had passed. You felt a tightness in your chest when the girl turned and kissed his neck, and began to dance with him. 
You finished the song not soon after and took a small bow as everyone screamed out. You stood still smiling as the platform began to lower, before diving off to get changed. “I need a minute,” you said as your assistant came up to you. She looked slightly confused as they began to help you into your next outfit. How were you going to continue this concert with him staring at you? You didn’t think you could do it honestly. 
“I can’t believe you changed the set list, We’re going to have to cut one of the surprise songs.” You looked at her. “No we can’t but we are changing them tonight.” you said as they did up the back of your dress. “What?! Why!” she gasped. “Chris is here,” you said looking at her as her face fell. “With some girl.” she sighed putting a hand on her head “Jesus fucking Christ……okay. Tell me what you need.” you looked at her again as tears filled your eyes. “I need a fucking minute.” you grabbed the new mic rushing off.
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒍 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓
Synopsis: In 1989 you're forced to go on another one of the Targaryen family vacations except this one is to a summer camp. Crystal Lake isn't renowned for its beauty and exciting activities. Instead, it's well known for murder and strange disappearances; this doesn't deter money hungry counselors from setting up here. The twins swear it's folklore, Aegon claims you're going crazy but ever since you stepped out of the car you knew, this summer was going to be one to remember.
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x You T/W: dead bird, bad omens, nightmares, bullying, anxiety & paranoia, new friends, 80's slang, and all the bad vibes. A/N This is only kind of a Friday the 13th AU, I stole some names and lore but otherwise this is coming from my brain. Ive been listening to cruel summer nonstop hence the name. I really hope the first chapter got you as excited for the rest as I am!
Summer of 1989, you, your best friend and ride or die Hel, plus her army of obnoxious brothers are making your way to summer camp. Hel’s mother, Ali, she’s a sweet lady but her choice of family activities is never the greatest. This has got to be one of the very worst so far. 
To be fair, you would roll over and bark if she asked. She deserved it considering she basically adopted you like a stray cat after your family disappeared… That’s another story for another day where you aren’t trapped in the back seat with the biggest tool known to mankind. “Play this!” You scrunched up your nose, “No! Keep the radio on!” You reached to snatch the cassette from his hand, but he shoved your face back, “Hell no! I don’t wanna listen to Bananarama.”  
You shoved him back, “Shut up, Aegon. No one likes your music.” His eyes rolled into the back of his skull, “Shut up, Aegon. no one likes your music.” You huffed, “Stop mocking me!” He copied, “Stop mocking me!” You became desperate, anything to make him shut up. “Hellll! Make him stop.” With his obnoxious voice he continued, “Helllll make him stop.”
“Will you both shut up!” He turned the dial on the radio and began blasting whatever was originally on. The mood killer of all mood killers, Aemond Targaryen. The perfect student, son, and total stick in the mud. Granted, he did get his eye snatched out by his nephew. You’ve never heard the full story and don’t dare to ask but they don’t speak any more to say the least. 
There’re some good things about him. He has a super soft spot for Hel which sorta extends to you. That is why you’re listening to cruel summer instead of whatever shit Aegon had planned. He also barely speaks to you, almost like he purposely avoids you. In the years you’ve known each other there’s only been a total of ten conversations you remember. 
That’s fine with you, not everyone has to like you. That’s what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better at night. Your eyes drifted to the rear-view mirror, a perfect view of the man himself inside. In some lights Aemond truly was handsome, as if he was carved from marble. It didn’t help that his face almost always remained in a stoic position, unmoving and unwavering no matter the circumstance. The faux eye or eyepatch he chose to wear didn’t ruin his looks at all. In fact, it made him all the more alluring to certain girls.  
You’ve known him for years, lived with his family, basically a constant in his life since you were young, and he still remains a mystery. You enjoyed mysteries a lot, one of your favorite genres of books. You got caught, His good eye flickered to meet yours. Eye contact with Aemond made your breath hitch in your throat. It was intense, everything he did was intense. 
“Aemond watch Out!” 
Helaena screeched, a large black object landing directly into the windshield, cracking it. His eyes flickered back at the road as the car spun out of control. None of the three in the back had any seat belts on. Aegon grabbed ahold of you and the door handle, both of you screeching like little girls. The car made a god-awful noise as Aemond slammed on the brakes, shrouding the car in dust. In the very back you heard Daeron fall to the floor, waking him up immediately. 
“Oh my god! Oh my god!” Hel opened her door, leaping out of the car. Aemond quickly followed behind as the rest of you scrambled to get up. The dust from the road was finally starting to settle as you managed to pry yourself from your seat. “Ew.” Aegon murmured under his breath as he stood over the dead body of a raven. She was silently crying to herself as she bent over the lifeless thing. Helaena had always held an intense love for animals.
You peered at Aemond who remained completely composed, eerily silent as usual. He peered back at you, was this your fault for distracting him? You weren’t even doing anything besides staring! “Ravens are bad omens ya know… Great start to summer guys!” Daeron chirped from behind. “I’m going to the car,” Aegon said with disgust, brushing aside his sister's mourning. Daeron followed quickly behind, excited to go back to napping.
It took Aemond a few tries to get Helaena to leave the bird and return to her seat… She’s too gentle for this world. For some reason you were stuck in place. The second you stepped out of the car you felt eyes on you. You didn’t know where they were coming from, but they were there or everywhere. Instant anxiety coursed through you; this place had bad vibes in the first place. It didn’t help that you were watching a bird slowly choking to death on its own blood.
Bad omen
Bad omen
Bad omen
Bad omen
“Hey! We’re going to be late, get in the car.” Aegon’s screeching pulled you out of your trance, “Oh piss off!” 
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The walk through of camp was rather boring. Immediately the girls were separated from the boys and to be completely honest, the girls' cabins were shit. They were wooden and lined with poorly built bunk beds. No plumbing whatsoever besides the showers which only ran cold water. A bug infestation was definitely on the horizon. The camp tshirts weren’t terrible, just a little ugly in design. The counselors were only a few years older than you, which teed you off because they were barking orders left and right. 
Helaena didn’t seem to mind any of it, lost in her head as usual. The dead bird definitely ruined her mood for today… You on the other hand couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. It came just as quickly as it went, and it fucking followed you… You were actually going insane. Or one of the boys was playing a long prank on you.
The tour was painstakingly long as you walked the grounds looking at the lake, the yard, the forest trails and the other buildings of importance. The recreation room, the dining hall and kitchen, the banned counselor area and finally the “special building.” It was where all the electricity came from and probably plumbing too. 
The events for welcoming day were as follows: settling in, tour of the camp, dinner, and the huge bonfire in front of the lake. It seemed simple and easy to digest but you couldn’t shake your anxiety. You didn’t like being around strange people, you didn’t like being far away from home and you definitely didn’t like that they separated your bed from Hel’s. Also, Daeron’s comment from earlier was making you paranoid. Little shit always has a way of getting in your head. 
“Aegon is already flirting with the girls from the other cabin.” You peered from across the dining room to watch him shamelessly chat up randos. Your face twisted in minor disgust. “Oh, gag me with a spoon… I don’t know how you’re related.” You slid down the line grabbing the food the “chef” had made. Without a doubt there was a few mystery meats and a hair lurking in the applesauce. Maybe you were being pretentious, but shouldn’t a rich camp afford better food? 
You took your seat after meticulously avoiding all of the possible bowel killing food and settled on Mac n Cheese. Even at camp the tables were separated by categories, freaks aka rebels, geeks/brains depending on who you ask, the jocks, the heathers aka bitches and the outcasts. Obviously, you the Targaryen’s stray cat and the weird girl obsessed with bugs aka Hel say with the outcasts. 
Aegon had wormed his way into the jocks even though he didn’t play sports. Daeron fit in anywhere because he was just sooo charming. And well, Aemond, was staring at you from across the room at the brains table. Gracefully avoiding direct eye contact when you glanced over. He always did that, ever since you were kids. 
A normal person might ask why or go and talk to him. You weren’t normal and unbelievably awkward when alone with him. It was just because he was intimidating and obviously didn’t like you very much. Or maybe he was madly in love with you and just couldn’t find the strength to speak to you… Of course, it was the former.
 “Hey!” A short girl with pretty curls took her seat in front of you both. Hel and you glanced at each other, shocked someone were talking to you. She was beaming, sunshine literally radiating off of her skin. A total surfer chick from the west coast. You learned her name was Rhaena, her twin Baela had ditched her earlier for a boy and she was trying to make new friends. 
“So, this is your first time here? That’s totally tubular!” Helaena spoke up,“You’ve been here before?” Rhaena propped her knees up on the seat, so she was basically in Hel’s face. “Yeah! Baela and I have been coming since we were kids.” Helaena smiled, eyes twinkling with something you hadn’t seen before.“That’s rad.” You paused, when has seen used slang before? “What about you? Have you been here before?” Her voice sounded muted, as if asking you was a total pain. “Oh no. This is my first time.” 
“Oh my god I can totally show you guys around and tell you all the secrets.” Helaena cocked a brow, “What secrets?” Rhaena smiled mischievously, “Likeee there’s this abandoned shack not too far away that everyone goes and explores. Apparently, it’s haunted.” You were nodding your head along getting lost in thought. 
“Oh, and the boys get all the hot water, and we don’t… and they only use knock off versions of food to save money… Don’t eat the Mac n cheese, I’m pretty sure it’s spoiled.” You dropped your spoon, apparently nothing was edible here…. Wait?! The boys got hot showers and you didn’t?! And there’s a fucking haunted house… You knew this place was fucking creepy. 
“Baela! That’s the twin I was telling you about! Come on, I want y’all to meet her.” She grabbed Helaena’s hand and gently tugged her in the opposite direction. “Hey, you coming?” There it was again! The feeling of your hair standing up and someone watching you. You froze in place, eyes scanning the area. Aemond wasn’t looking at you anymore, too preoccupied with Daeron. 
“She’s zoned out again… Bestie we’re gonna be right back.” No one in your peripheral vision either… Which means they were behind you. You jumped around in your seat, prepared to surprise whoever was there. 
Except, there was no one but an empty building. You spun around looking for any sign of life and found none… How long have you been sitting here? When did Helaena leave you? The lights turned off and you felt your heart sink to your ass… 
A masked figure emerged from the darkness of the kitchen holding a kitchen knife. He was soaking wet, as if he had just come out of the lake. You stumbled back in place, bumping into the table behind you. Your breath hitched in your throat; your heart began thumping rapidly. 
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
You weren’t able to scream, your legs had turned into wet noodles that wouldn’t move. You were going to die; you were totally going to fucking die. It cocked its head to the side, “Run Rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run,” it sang in an eerily sweet voice. Not the fucking tune from the thirties! 
All of the sudden he charged; you squeezed your eyes shut preparing for the worse… You felt two hands shaking you, violently shaking you. 
“Mrs. y/l/n, please wake up.” The counselor shook you a few more times, “Hey! Rise and Shine sweetheart!” You jumped in place, gasping for air and startling the counselor. “We’re going to be late for the bonfire, please hurry up.” You looked around, the lights were still beaming, and the sun had only just started to set. There were still a few counselors around and your face was sticky…
You fell asleep in the fucking Mac n Cheese!  
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“Hey.” You awkwardly took a seat in between Aemond and Aegon seeing as Helaena was being fussed over by the twins. “You only come to me when your girl gets stolen. Don’t worry babe, I can make you forget about her.” You shoved him into Daeron, nearly knocking him off the bench. “Can you be normal?! For like five seconds, please.” 
“Impossible, his brain is made of jello.” Aemond deadpanned, eyes burning holes into Aegon’s skull. You giggled to yourself, “The off brand Jell-O.” The camp counselor marched in front of the four of you, pointing fingers. “Hey! Don’t tell me you four are gonna be the troublemakers this year. I’ll have you know-“ 
“Ms. Dunn! I just saw a kid go into the electrical cabin!” Baela, you assumed, just caused a perfect distraction. The counselor went running in the opposite direction. She winked at you all and walked off to join her sister and your best friend. Aegon sat up, dead silent. He had that look in his eyes, the look of a boy who found a new boy. “He’s found a new conquest.” 
You peered at Aemond, unable to hide the smirk creeping onto your face. “Let’s hope this one has some standards.” The head counselor stepped up, clapping their hands together to announce their presence. Ghost stories, a nice welcome to a strange camp. It was tradition according to Rhaena, a weird fucking tradition. 
It took a minute for everyone to settle down, specifically Aegon who kept poking you in your side. He did this consistently throughout your life, teased you until you gave him attention. Aeg was like an older brother but worse and more pervy. Introductions, getting to know each other, and then finally the fucking story. The entire thing was unbearably boring. 
“Many years ago, a mad woman lived here with her son before her land was sold to us. It is said after years of listening to the campers next door she went insane. She butchered every single camper, except one who drowned her own son believing him to be the killer!” The crowd was silent, except the few gasps of some younger girls. You sat up in your seat, fixated on lore. 
“Not long after, a group of campers decided to explore the lake and the supposed haunted cabin. Of course, they were brave and didn’t believe in myths or legends. As they walked along the shore, they heard strange noises coming from the trees. Branches cracked, leaves rustled, and something seemed to be following them.” You weren’t easily frightened… but for some reason your nails were picking at the tips of your shorts. 
“They picked up their pace, escaping into the abandoned shack they originally thought to be safe. One brave boy ventured deeper inside, until he fell through the floor. An ear-piercing scream could be heard across the lake… He fell right on top of the mother’s remains!” Aemond wasn’t amused, he was far more entranced by the way the fire lit up your face. And the way your jaw hung with suspense at a silly ghost story. 
“They ran back to the main grounds, hoping to find safety! However, when they returned the camp was nearly empty. Not a single soul remained on this land. Ripples began forming in the lake below them, tree branches cracking the distance. They all began to panic, huddling in a circle… From the darkness of the lake emerged a looming figure, soaked head to toe with blood. He held out the machete in his hand and stormed towards them.” 
The outdoors became eerily silent, only the crackling fire provided comfort. You were on the edge of your seat, anticipating blood shed… “The next day the authorities arrived and found no trace of the bodies. No blood or weapons could be found anywhere in the vicinity. Twenty campers and counselors disappeared that night without a single trace…” You leaned back in your seat, that wasn’t an epic ending at all. It was like almost reaching an orgasm then being cut off. “it’s said every few years he comes back... He waits for the campers to get comfortable… to feel safe… Until-”
A dark figure in a black mask with a blood coated axe jumped out of the darkness. You screamed like a banshee, you jumped back in place, landing against Aemond’s chest. It felt like your eyes were going to pop out of your skull, or maybe your heart would explode. His arms wrapped around you lightly, you could barely feel them securing you into place. 
“Ahahaha! Ahahaha!  you’re so fucking jumpy! You’re like a little rabbit.” You stared at him blankly, then you stared at the people around you… No one else was screaming but you. Was the jump scare seriously not that terrifying to anyone but you. Aemond cleared his throat, “You good?” He didn’t mind you being close, he didn’t mind that you crushed his groin. In fact, he could stay like this for hours if there weren’t camp counselors staring him down. 
It was like an alarm going off in your head, you turned to look at Aemond for a second. Embarrassment quickly drowning all of your sensations. You slid off of his lap and back on the bench. No words were coming out, no thoughts being processed. Your cheeks were beaming red, this summer was going to be fucking hell. 
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After the bonfire, aka your personal torment, your family and the new add ons Baela and Rhaena huddled into a lopsided circle by the lake. “I have an idea,” Aegon announced to the group. “Baela told me about the broken-down shack, and I think we should totally go check it out!” You looked around at everyone’s faces and they all seemed to be in agreement… “Haven’t you seen the movies? This is how everyone dies dumby.” 
Aegon scoffed, “Ok freakazoid, did you and Aemond switch bodies? ” He just killed two birds with one stone, or one sentence. Aemond was used to the slander, you however had a short fuse when it came to Egg boy. “Eat my shorts, Aegon!” He cocked an eyebrow, “Only if you ask nicely.” You faked a vomiting noise. Helaena made a sour face, “That’s grody.” You paused; Helaena never used slang before. Aegon chimed in, “Are you done being pussy?” 
You began bickering instantly, the sounds of your petty argument and Aegon’s obnoxious laughter obviously killing the vibe. Daeron pushed into the center of the circle. “Everyone take a chill pill! How about we go to the cabin, and you stay here as a lookout.” Aegon clapped his hands together, “Awesome! We gotta go now before the counselors wake up.” You took a step back watching the group disperse towards the forest. Rhaena took Helaena’s hand and started bouncing off, leaking excitement. “Hel? Are you not gonna stay behind?” 
She paused, glanced between you both. “I- I just want to check it out! I’ll be back in a sec.” Rhaena raised a hand to wave, “Don’t stress! We won’t die!” You watched silently as your best friend got whisked off into the darkness. She’s never left you behind before, she’s never done adventurous things. She’s calm, quiet, quirky and, and you don’t like this. You don’t like this one bit. 
“You look jealous.” You whipped your body around, nearly stumbling on the leaves behind you. “Aemond? I thought you were going with them.” He smiled, just barely, “Exploring abandoned shacks isn’t my forte.” He definitely wasn’t staying behind because you were. He especially wasn’t staying behind to be alone with you. “Oh…” you stared at him, not a single thought in your brain. Why were you so nervous? Have you always been so nervous around him? 
It might be because you had to crane your neck up to look at him. “I’m not jealous!” He stalked behind you with his hands behind his back. “Is that so? You’ve looked pissed the past few hours.” Your brows furrowed, “Pissed? What no. It’s just… ever since we got here, I’ve had anxiety out the butt.” Aemond paused his steps, “I’m sorry about the bird. I should have been looking but I-”
“It’s not the bird. I mean it is kinda the bird, but this place gives me the creeps!” You held your arms out wide and twirled in a circle. You were trying to make a point. Aemond smiled to himself, “I get it. It’s too calm, the perfect place for a monster to hide out.” Your mouth gaped in faux shock; your hand went to swat at his arm. “Don’t joke! I’m being serious, it has bad vibes.”
“Hm,” he nodded his head as if agreeing or thinking, you couldn’t tell. “You just need to distract yourself from the bad vibes.” You cocked your head to the side, “How?” Aemond sat down on the little beach, motioning for you to follow. “We could play a game.” You followed suit, sitting with your legs crossed. “Which game?”
He picked up a pebble and threw it into the water. “I was hoping you would know.” Who would offer to play a game then not even know what game! “Uhhh all I know is twenty questions.” He tossed another pebble,“Great.” 
He was always straight forward and maybe a little too quiet. You couldn’t tell if he was doing this out of pity or he really wanted to play with you… Aemond Targaryen was a confusing man. “You’re agreeing that easily?” He finally turned to look at you, sincerity gracing his features. “I mean, all we know about each other is from what Helaena says so I don’t see why not.” You tapped your fingers on your chin, “Okay… Why’d you choose Vhagar as a pet name.” 
He hummed to himself, “I was twelve and thought it was a cool name for a big lizard. What’s your favorite song?” The same song that almost caused a car accident earlier, you thought to yourself. “Easy. Cruel Summer by Bananarama.” Aemond smiled, a smile that could genuinely light up the world. “Ah, that’s why you almost fist fought Aegon for radio rights.” You clapped your hands together, “It’s a great song! And it totally fits the vibes. Next question… What’s your favorite song?”
“For Whom the Bells Toll. I can play pretty much every Metallica song on guitar.” Your eyes lit up with excitement, “You’re a metalhead and you play?! Aemond I never knew that!” You sat up and grabbed his shoulders, tugging at them gently. “It’s not that impressive.” He made eye contact for a split second before his lips curled into a tiny smirk. “Oh please! don’t be coy. You need to play for me sometime… If you-” 
“Of course.” A sudden sting of embarrassment rose through him as quickly as he said it. He didn’t mean to cut you off, or seem so excited… “What’s something you regret?” You stopped invading his personal space and sat back, criss cross applesauce. What was something you regretted? You could be completely honest and go for it or make up a lie. You regretted many things in your life, too many to count. The only one you could think of now, “I regret not getting to know you sooner. You're super cool, Aemond.” 
Aemond felt his heart rate pick up its pace and his palms were getting all sweaty. He always knew you were pretty but seeing you excited over him took it to a new level. The way your eyes sparkled and the moonlight reflecting off of the water perfectly illuminating your features. For a second, he swore he saw your lip's part. Did you want to kiss him? No, he avoided you for years, no way you’d be into him now. Unless… 
 “What’s your favorite memory?” Aemond paused, obviously he couldn’t say the day you moved in. The day you nearly bit Aegon’s finger off for shoving it in his face. The day you awkwardly danced with him at prom because no one else would… “I think I’m gonna create my favorite this summer…” He leaned in, slowly but purposefully. Your cheeks lit up bright red, eyes bursting out of your skull. Was he going to kiss you? Is Aemond trying to kiss you?
Why aren’t you pulling back? Why are you leaning into him! Aemond murmured under his breath, “…with you.” For a second, and only a second you thought you would kiss. You never moved this fast, was he always this alluring? Ever since you got here everyone had been acting strange. Helaena is using slang and ditching you. All of the sudden Aegon is a natural born leader. Daeron is going on dangerous adventures with Aegon of all people… And you are about to kiss your best friend’s brother whom you barely know! 
An ear-piercing scream immediately caught both of your attention. “Helaena,” you said in unison. Aemond shot to his feet first, you quickly followed suit. He sprinted towards the forest, fastest you’ve ever seen him run. This wasn’t the time for I told you so but, you fucking told them so! 
All you could hear was yourself panting, twigs breaking, and leaves being crushed beneath your feet. Why did everything go quiet?! It felt like you were in the twilight zone. It felt as if you had been running for hours when you approached the cabin. Though it didn’t bring you any relief.  
Your heart sank as you realized that the door was left open, which could only mean that they were inside. You picked up the pace, thinking that you were running out of time. Believing they might be getting chopped up by an axe wielding maniac. 
When you finally reached the cabin, you saw your friends huddled inside. Helaena, Daeron and Rhaena stood there pointing flashlights towards the floor, unbothered. They looked more spooked by you two crashing their party than anything else. “Are you guys okay?” Aemond asked.
“We’re fine,” Daeron replied. “Aegon fell through the floor, though. He landed on a pile of bones.” You walked towards the hole, searching for any signs of life. “Is he hurt?” you asked, in a voice that sounded too sincere.
“Ah sweetheart! I knew you cared about me,” Aegon shouted beneath the floorboards. You deadpanned, “I change my mind, die.” You reached into the darkness anyways, trying to help pull Aegon out of the floor. “Jesus have you always been so heavy.” He snickered, “You’re just a weakling.” You slapped the top of his head, “I’ll drop you and you can spend the rest of your night in the hole.” As you bickered with Aegon, who was taking his sweet time crawling out of the floor. 
Aemond looked around the cabin, something was off. “What types of bones were they?” Helaena sighed, “More animal bones but I think it was from a deer this time.” He tapped his foot on the ground, “hm.” His eyes narrowed as he scanned the cabin, “which one of you screamed?” The girls looked at each other, confused. “None of us screamed, Aemond.” The group fell into a heavy silence before Daeron spoke up. “Let’s get the hell out of here. I don’t want the counselors to find us.”
You all quickly exited the cabin, making sure to leave it the way you found it, and made your way back to camp. The closer you got to your temporary home the worse you felt. Were you slowly having a psychotic break why are you so anxious? No, it wasn’t paranoia, something was wrong. 
Something was missing, someone was missing. You counted, one for Aegon, two for Helaena, three for Aemond, four for Daeron, five for Rhaena, six for… You stopped walking, causing everyone to turn their heads towards you. “Where’s Baela?”
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selfawarecobalt · 6 months
bro that fight was absolutely ridiculous! I love Gray but that was clearly main character syndrome. when Freed said that the rune won't cancel every magic to give Gray a chance I knew this was the first excuse to have the Raijinshuu lose. if serious, Freed could've just cancelled everything and the fight would've been over before it even began. then the Gray doesn't feel the torture rune excuse out of nowhere and the fact that Gray won against Evergreen Bickslow AND Freed with all ridiculous reasons and then struggled against an injured and exhausted Mirajane afterwards while Freed was holding up great against an emotional-overdrive, rage power Mira in the fight with her, it's all just so badly written. I would've given Gray the advantage of using devil slayer magic against people like Mira and Freed but at least make it a damn good and difficult fight because not only Mira is a power to be reckoned with, Freed has been set up to be too. then there are Ever and Bickslow qith their eye magics as well, and how they were knocked out was a joke too. I dont want this animated.
EXACTLY. I’ll be the first to admit gray would be powerful enough to defeat individual members of the thunder legion (that main character power boost) but that was an utter piss take. gray still struggled against just bixlow during their first fight, even if he couldve beaten him. that “um actually gray cant feel pain in this form” was completely stupid. ive seen a lot of awful things from modern fairy tail but that was undoubtedly the worst. also that “omg of course i feel pain i was hitting my comewades :((((“ INFURIATED me. didnt have that energy during what i assume was meant to be a “comedic” scene of him just beating the shit out of freed when he was already down. also the whole “lets rip the clothes off the only girl!” thing made me want to barf. i genuinely believe it would’ve been better for their characters if the thunder legion had been killed in the tartaros arc.
also YEAH THE WHOLE “struggled against an exhausted and injured mira” genuinely gave me vertigo after i finally escaped from having it shoved down my eyeholes. like yeah mira was rusty during her fight with freed but she was absolutely rage filled, and it was really emphasised just how powerful she was, and it was STILL a tough fight. against just freed. the whole thunder legion vs gray shouldve been a sweep in the other direction. weve seen they can all work together, using their unique magics to complicate things for enemies.
cant think where else to put this so im slapping this in here. EVEN THOUGH GRAY HAS DEMON SLAYER MAGIC NOW FREED HAS A FUCKING SWORD. also that stupid “gray teleports behind evergreen and bixlow” thing? WHAT KIND OF DEMON SLAYER MAGIC IS THAT. all fairy tail main characters are the worst type of mary sue. and i LIKE mary sues.
evergreen can turn people to stone and fire hundreds of BULLETS and explosions. bixlow can use his babies to beat the shit out of long distance targets and take control of their bodies (NOT TURN THEM CHIBI. HIRO.). FREED CAN FUCKING TURN INTO A DEMON AND ALMOST INSTANTLY TRAP PEOPLE AND DEPRIVE THEM OF OXYGEN, AND CUT A GODDAMN TORNADO IN HALF. THESE ARE VETERAN FIGHTERS WHO WERE ONCE ABLE TO DAMN NEAR TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE GUILD. now theyre just a joke. their personalities have been completely erased and replaced with “omg laxus!!”. im going to hurl
if you HAD to make up an excuse to weaken them, sure you could make up some shit about “oh the barrier particles damaged their magic containers” BUT EVEN THEN THEYRE STILL SMART ENOUGH TO WORK TOGETHER.
seriously. this was the most blatant case of main character nepotism ive literally ever seen. i genuinely despise 100yq, it always felt so lazy and uncreative. uhh yeah actually surprise theres four more acnologias but more powerful. yeah theyre were never mentioned before so what. every character looks the same now. the lucyification of the fairy tail girls needs to be studied. this infection is taking away every single character and the only reactions im seeing to it are “omg glow up!!”
(also i HATE seeing people talk about the spinoff characters like “omg so cute its like an alternate universe” NO ITS JUST LAZY. HE ONLY KNOWS LIKE 4 CHARACTER TYPES AS MAIN CHARACTERS AND IM SICK OF NOONE ACKNOWLEDGING IT)
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honeygrandpa · 3 months
tw warning: family death and animal injury
this has probably been the worst week of my life. on sunday my uncle had a heart attack on his way home from a trip so i drive from ga to tn to pick up his wife and then 10.5 hours to ia to get her to the hospital before he passed and we didn’t make it time. then i drive her back to tn and stayed with her because she couldn’t take care of herself and she wouldn’t eat (she’s diabetic so this was a real problem) and she didn’t know how to pay her bills or how to live without him. i got back to ga yesterday and then today, my dogs were outside on the chain and 2 neighbor dogs came into our yard off leash. 1 of my dogs attacked 1 of the neighbor dogs and that dog has to have an emergency procedure in the morning to drain the wound. i know legally it wasn’t my fault but i feel so so awful and i don’t know what to do. i don’t have the money to pay her vet bills. with all of the travel with my uncle, im already have debt on my credit card that i can’t pay off. and i have to drive to ia again next week for the funeral and pay for boarding for my dogs. i paid $1000 to a trainer who says they specialized in aggressive dogs last year and she basically told me to not bring them around other dogs. my dogs are rescues and they used to be ok around other dogs but my brother’s dog bites people and made them really nervous and ever since 1 of my dogs bit his dog to keep him away from me, they’ve both struggled with dog aggression. they like little dogs and calm dogs but get really bad around bigger energetic dogs. everything is awful and i really really don’t know what to do. im also struggling to finish my master’s degree and already am taking an incomplete for my culminating project so i have more time to finish writing. i am struggling to get everything done and apply to jobs so i might end up being too late to get a teaching job before the school year starts and i turned 26 this month so i wont have health insurance and i wont be able to see my therapist even though my panic attacks have been worse than usual this year and ive had really awful ones where i cant stop throwing up a few times this year when i used to have the really bad ones once every few years. im overwhelmed, i cant afford to move out of my moms house even though she doesn’t want me here, and im never going to see my favorite uncle again. i cant even afford to take care of these dogs but ive been trying for like 3 years now because they needed a home after being abused and neglected by their previous owner. they’re also the only thing i have in my life that make me feel happy most days. like lucky is currently in my lap, licking my tears. i don’t even want to consider it but should i give them up? i probably wouldn’t make it without them but i really don’t know what to do. should i try to pay for the neighbor dog’s vet bills with my credit card?? the neighbor told me that she doesn’t hold me responsible and that she’ll keep her dogs on leashes going forward but she said this while sobbing with her hands covered in her dog’s blood. i don’t think this week could get worse honestly. ive never cried so much in one week
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chicultstuff · 2 months
So theres a new line of Cult of The Lamb merch releasing on YouTooz today, and it's all really good!... Besides one thing. The Amdusias Plush.
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This is the concept art, it looks decent, a little different from the original design but it still looks good. Now, lets look at the final produ- OH MY GOODNESS
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This thing might be the worst official plush ive ever seen from anything that isn't FNaF related. It is so horrendous that I burst out laughing as soon as I saw it. It is awful, it is so poorly designed that I'm shocked it was even made. They chose to make this instead of anyone else from the game they haven't done already. Ratau, Aym and Baal, The Red Crown (Snake Form), The Bishops, Any Enemy in the game, The Giant Snail, The Lighthouse Keeper, The Fox, DR. SOZONIUS. But no. They just had to massacre my favorite character design in the game (or maybe in video games, period) by making their only piece of merchandise this, and then they have the gall to give them the worst description in YouTooz history.
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That all being said, I love this thing. I want it more than everything else to ever be on YouTooz combined. It is so ugly and could've been made in so many other ways that probably would've turned out better, but that is precisely why I want it. It's like a pug in the sense that it's so ugly and pathetic that you adore it with all your heart. I'm certainly not buying it though, it's still absolute trash that is not worth the $40.
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bookbitchx · 3 months
Hello again 😊 I knew i was gonna love chatting with u hehe
These are things that makes me wish anyone else would've written ACOTAR tbh. Her lack of planning and her retconning of characters so that she remains politically correct in current political climates is gross. It's been a pattern I've noticed, but it makes sense considering shes a zionist, but anyway 🥱
I do enjoy the world that she made and I think its an interesting concept to view a centuries old clusterfuck like the IC through a 20 yearold lense. But I wish it had a morsel of taste. Each of the books in this series left me wanting more, especially rereading as an adult.
So to compensate for the parts of the books I hate I just pretend its not upsetting me by psychoanalyzing the characters 😂 Rhys is one that I have a love/hate relationship with for that reason. He is genuinely one of the worst love interests ive seen be this popular in a long time and he has made the worst choices i have ever seen written and then defended by the author.
Feyre however, I would argue is his perfect partner for how awful he is after SF and CC3. But I wish a better author had written this book so we could've seen a decent redemption or a proper Rhysand villain arc. I think this series would've been so much more interesting crossover wise if it had been with tog and had been a mock feysand villain arc. Maeve has daemati powers, so making her an ancestor of Rhysand's through the HL bloodline would've made sense. Hybern could've been a mock villain to lure the reader into a false sense of security and think maybe the NC ARE good guys?
Nesta and Elain join Aelin's circle to take them down after they attempted to seize the dread trove for themselves under Amren's advice, (they dont like her having it clearly). And the emotional climax of the series is Feyre leaving him and joining her sisters, which leads Rhys to pull a tamlin by in turn going to koshei. Could even get Bryce quinlan in to fullfill a life debt to Nesta by using the horn and Feyre's fire powers to give Aelin her magic back somehow, and nesta never has her magic taken back by the cauldron?????? The cauldron had Amren in it and it should've been written that she had to sacrifice her true Daglan immortality to be with Varian. Boom full fucking circle.
But nope, we have Miss Maas.
thanks janet for ruining what couldve been my favorite thing >:^(
but a part of me hopes the Elucien book will include Tamlin's side of the story and Elain confronts Feysand for their *waves arms* everything. And taking Nesta and the Valkyries with them, they deserve better. it wont happen tho, so I'll read fanfic instead.
Heyy again!
I get where you're coming from. I liked book 1, the way Feyre (and us, in a way) was discovering the SC and a little bit of Prythian as a whole, and I liked Feyre, who was this badass huntress, who had her own opinions, doing what needs to be done, etc... I mean, she went UTM knowing full well she wasn't coming out alive, but she still did it bc it was right, and she wanted to save her man.
Where THAT Feyre went, I'll never know.
As you said, It's an interesting concept seeing everything through a 20 year old's eyes, or it would've been for me if she hadn't started taking everything they said as truth.
Even though I haven't read any CC books yet, my friend spoiled CC3 that Nesta didn't actually lose her powers? That it was more of a bargain with the Couldron, but yeah, it would've been interesting to see crossovers between the series. I think Aelin, Manon, and maybe Lysandra would absolutely despise Rhysand. I would a 100% read a fic with what you described.
As for the Elucien book, like I hope she does good by Lucien because he, out of all the characters, deserves it.
I'm not holding my breath on Elain ever confronting Feysand bc as Rhysand once said, 'Elain is Elain', but a girl can hope.
Also, if Nesta and the valkyries ever become one of Rhysand's legions, I'm pulling a one woman riot before burning the book.
On another note, feel free to DM if you want to continue the conversation or if you're more comfortable this way, I don't mind that either.
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auroraescritora · 1 year
Oii, how are you doing? This was supposed to be a shorter chapter, then I decided to do something special towards the end. I hope you like it! See the end notes for more information.^^
"Pay attention!” Percy shouted and passed the ball to Chris Rodriguez, a tall boy with Hispanic traits. A great friend, but who was now getting on his nerves.
Okay, it wasn't Chris's fault. Percy wanted to end that practice soon and meet Nico who was waiting for him in the stands. Was he asking too much for time to go faster? Percy yelled again, this time watching Charles Beckendorf get distracted by his cheerleader girlfriend.
Damn, could anyone do anything right!?
"Dude, take it easy!" Grover came running up to him when Coach ended the practice earlier than usual. "Is your boy not taking care of you?"
Grover was right, Nico had taken good care of him. Percy had even relaxed after the act, but then he felt that anger rise to his head watching those people desire what was his. When Nico was lonely and helpless, nobody did anything, choosing to isolate him, but now that Nico had grown up and stood tall with those broad shoulders and intense black eyes, carrying his guitar around the corners, it was nearly impossible not to be enchanted by when he sang. It drove Percy mad, bringing out his worst side.
Percy admitted, he was going crazy, slow and steady, fighting anyone who tried to get close. That had to be the only reason Percy wanted people to stay away from Nico. It's just, it wasn't that different from before. Not that he tried to hide it, Percy purposely pushed people away and he knew it. Nico knew that too. Even the janitor knew. He wanted to feel bad for acting this way, impulsive and…so wrong. He thought that this Percy had stayed in the past and that he'd died with Nico's going away. God, he here he was, thinking he was such a grown-up now just because he didn't act that like that in such a long time. That is, until Nico came back and showed him that he was still the same insecure, jealous little boy.
“Per-cy! Earth to Percy. Anybody home?” Grover said and waved his hand in front of Percy’s face, seeing that now a group of boys had formed around them.
It was normal, after all he was the captain. This would be the moment when they usually had conversations about possible changes in the game strategy. Today was not one of those days, today he hadn't paid attention to anything, ball passes, the position of the players on the pitch or how many baskets were made.
"Sorry guys. You are dismissed.”
"Jackson, come on! Just tell us.” Luke said, walking up to him carefree and careless.
Percy took a deep breath and tried to focus.
"Tell you what?”
"You're not going to freak out again, are you?" Someone else spoke, though they all sounded the same to him.
"Who agrees with the sub-captain taking care of the team?" “Of course Luke said that since he was the sub-captain.
“Do what you want.”
Nothing mattered more than Nico. Calmly, he took the captain's armband off his arm and tossed it to whoever was closest, turning his back on them.
“I want to see how long you last.”
"Percy, come back here! I was kidding! Since when do you listen to what I say?”
But he didn't come back, he kept marching towards the exit, remembering to get his things near the locker room and only stopped when he found Nico at the bottom of the bleachers, oblivious to what was happening around him. Nico was sitting on the grass, his back against the foot of the bleacher structure, strumming his guitar and muttering something low in the most velvety, sweetest voice he had ever heard. Nico stopped playing and then turned towards the notebook in front of him to jot something down, all the while people’s around him watched in awe.
You know, nobody used to watch practice other than the cheerleaders, but here in the late afternoon sun and with the birds chirping, Nico had never looked so beautiful; head down and posture relaxed, giving him the impression that more and more the audience would multiply if this kept happening. Then… then that rage came rushing back and it was so sudden that he stopped before Nico could even notice him, Percy didn't want Nico to see that part of him.
He took a deep breath for long moments and only when he was sure he could control himself did he walk the rest of the way, stopping in front of Nico.
"Are you ready?” Percy asked Nico.
“Hm.” Nico nodded, lifting his hand from the guitar and stretching back. "Don't you have anything more to do? It's still three pm.”
"No, today I'm all yours."
That's when Nico lifted his head, looked at him through his lashes and smiled at him, all sweet and shy, taking him back to simpler times.
"Let's go, then?” He almost forgot about the people around, muttering farther away from them. It was enough for Nico to nod again while putting his things away and to finally hold Percy’s hands while they disappeared from sight of those insignificant people, who kept mumbling like noisy little insects.
He took Nico's backpack, helping him, while Nico took the guitar in the hand that wasn't occupied by his.
"New music?”
“The band practice will perform at the ball.”
"Are They?” Percy could already imagine how many fans Nico would get that night.
"Why didn't you tell me? I have never been to one.
“I wasn't planning on going.” Not since Nico got back, but now that Nico's mentioned the ball… "Do you want to go with me?"
“Mister Jackson! Are you asking me out? It’s a date?”
"Only if you want to be.”
Percy couldn't contain himself, Nico was laughing and joking with so much joy that it warmed his heart to the point that he had to stop halfway and kiss Nico until they were both breathless; on the lips, cheekbones, jaw and neck. He only stopped when Nico laughed so hard that tears welled up in his beautiful dark eyes.
"Then, it's a deal. Let's date.”
"You Moron.” Nico sighed, staring at him closely, and another impulse took him. Percy wiped the tears of laughter that still fell from Nico’s face and kissed him one more time, just to express how much he loved him.
"I'm serious. I'll even wear a suit. What do you think?”
"I think you're going to look real nice."
"I thought I already was.” Nico smiled again and Percy didn't even try to control himself this time. He hugged Nico around the waist and kissed him like last night, as if no one was watching, and only stopped when Nico moaned, high in the back of his throat, and pushed him away, shoving him without force by the chest.
“Per.” Nico whimpered, blinking slowly, almost moaning in frustration, but so softly Percy wanted to slam him against the wall and solve their problem right then and there. It would show who Nico belonged to.
What? No! He was not that person. He, no…
“Per?” He felt soft fingers against his face and blinked, trying to get those thoughts out of his head. Nico looked worried with a slight crease between his eyebrows. "Everyting’s fine?”
“Sure, it’s fine.”
Nico was right to run away from him. In the end, the danger wasn't in other people but in him, a sick and possessive little boy.
"Do you want something to eat? It's getting late.”
Percy just nodded, being pulled by Nico towards his car. He could feel the concern emanate from Nico, it was the way he spoke all softly and carefully, the affectionate touches on his arm or shoulder as if trying to comfort a little boy who had fallen and hurt his leg. And even knowing all this, Percy still didn't feel guilty. He wanted to. And no metter how many times he told himself exactly that, he understood perfectly well what he was doing; he let Nico comfort him, absorbing the attention Nico gave him like a sponge in the desert and it felt wonderfully good.
In the end, they ended up going back to that same restaurant Nico had loved so much, ordering another bottle of wine and all the pasta Nico could eat. Percy knew he should at least call his mother, knowing that at this point she should be worried about his absence, but Percy soon forgot about that. Content, he watched Nico eat heartily and drink more than half of the bottle of wine as if it were water, much less drunk than the last time. Percy didn't mind, because in reality he was exactly where he wanted to be, with Nico smiling at him and paying attention only to him.
Immediately, Nico knew something was wrong. Or rather, that they were falling into the same vices as before. To tell the truth, it was hard to worry about these things. Was a lot, especially when Percy was so close and smelled so good, those strong arms around him and the kisses that made him shiver. But he needed…needed…
"Beautiful.” Percy murmured against his lips, pulling him closer until there was no distance left between their bodies. They were still in the restaurant and that was not a proper attitude to have in a public place.
“Per. Stop it.”
“Hm? I don't-- I'm sorry.”
“We need to talk.”
That finally made Percy stop. Nico saw Percy take a deep breath and look at him very seriously. That made it even worse, the expression on Percy's face made him want to spread his legs and obey whatever Percy told him to do, and he knew exactly what Percy would order if they got carried away.
“We don't need to talk.” Percy said when he didn't say anything.
"We don’t?”
"I know everything. It is my behavior.”
"If you know…”
“I can't control myself.”
Hm… that was an evolution. He nodded and smiled, proud of Percy.
“I know it's not right.”
"And what else?”
“I'll try to do better.”
Nico let the air out and relaxed against the restaurant seat.
“Look, I don't really care.”
"No?” Now Percy looked genuinely confused.
“I know who you are and why you do these things. Maybe I'm to blame...”
"So what's the problem?”
“It affects your relationship with people. You're the captain and you're going to be the valedictorian. I don't want this… our relationship to destroy what you've worked for.”
“Nico." That's when he saw Percy widen his eyes and stare at him with a lost look.
“You know I didn't leave because of you, don't you?”
" I thought…”
“Per, you're not the problem, not even your habit of isolating us from others bothers me.”
"I am horrible person.”
"Me too. I… I encouraged you. When someone showed interest in you, I… I'm not proud of what I've done.”
"What did you do?” And where he thought he would see judgment, Percy showed him pure curiosity.
"Do you remember Rachel and the Stroll brothers? I do not want to talk about this. The problem here is that I… I didn't want sex and I didn't know how to say it to you, so I… I ran away and now… everything is worse!”
"Don’t say that. I promise that--"
“No, you don't understand! I missed you every day. I never want to go through that again. I… I… you will never get rid of me again! Are you listening to me! Never!” To prove his point, he pulled Percy by the jacket and kissed him, practically chattering their teeth.
“No, that's not it. I mean, now you have no reason to let me screw things up.”
“Nico.” Percy said it so quietly and softly that he had to stop for a moment. “You're the best thing in my life. I love you, it's my fault you think that way.”
"It's not your fault. And I... I love you too.”
There, Nico had said what he needed to say. For some reason there was a tightness in his heart, a pressure in his chest that only Percy's touch could ease. He could barely think rationally, because none of it was rational. Not that possessiveness they both felt or that need to be close to each other. It couldn't be healthy. Or normal. How could other people live without feeling as loved and wanted as he did when he looked at Percy?
"Everything’s fine.” Percy said, beaming at him. “You belong to me and I belong to you. It may not be common, but why resist it?”
"Is it really fine?”
“Yeah, I promise. I'll do everything to make sure things work out this time. Do you trust me?”
"I do." How could he not trust when his body and soul soared with the simple touch of fingers against the back of his neck and wet lips against his?
“You don't have to worry, everything's under control.”
And Nico believed that.
With a relieved sigh, Nico allowed himself to be held and comforted. He would trust Percy to take care of everything, just like he always had.
Bonus Scene: I thought this chapter was too short, so I decided to bring a scene from the past. A short gift for you.
"Thank you for coming.” Percy Jackson opened the door and let her in.
Clarisse was immediately taken back, they weren't the best of friends and never would be. She couldn't explain it, Percy usually had an aura of someone who would step on anyone to get what he wanted… or rather, Percy was one of the most intimidating people she had ever met. Clarisse knew Percy used his height and strength to stand out, but it was more than that. Sincerely? She never thought she'd be invited to attend the ‘popular parties”, much less by the skinny, nerdy little boy who sat every class next to the psychopathic basketball captain. What embarrassed her the most was how overnight Percy's attitude had changed, from the bully to the politely respectful.
That’s why at this moment Clarisse was standing in front of Percy Jackson's door, hesitating to take the next step inside. You never knew what might be inside a psychopath's house. But finally, when it looked like none of them would give up, Percy held out his hand. However, he only took the platter of sandwiches and snacks from her hands when she offered it to him first.
“That's a lot.” he said, obviously trying hard to sound friendly.
"It’s nothing.” Actually, It wasn't, they had ordered it the day before. Maybe her mother overreacted.
The truth is, she wasn't sure what to bring. All Nico had said was for her to bring something and show up by noon. Usually she would stay well away from those kinds of people, but Annabeth had asked her to spy, so here she was, trying to be civil to the wildest person she'd ever met.
"Come in.” Was all he said before Percy turned and walked down the long hallway into the house.
She followed, surprised by the size of the living room. There was a large buffet table where Percy had set out the snacks, long comfy sofas, beanbags, a movie screen, and so much food she thought was impossible to eat, not to mention the tasteful furniture, the pastel decor, and a wonderful view of a well-tended garden and an Olympic sized swimming pool.
“Make yourself comfortable.” Without waiting, Percy disappeared up the stairs and into another hallway.
“He's just like that. You get used to it.”
Distracted, Clarisse jumped up scared to death, and looked toward the couch. It was Grover! Finally someone decent in this place.
"What's going on here? Where are the people at this party?”
"Party? It's more like a pajama night.”
"Pajama night?"
“Percy and Nico don't like making a fuss.”
“Hm?” She didn't understand anything.
“We get together to eat something and watch a movie. Sometimes to play something.”
"Is that what you rich people do?"
"No, but Percy and Nico like it that way."
"'Percy and Nico'?"
Are they an entity by any chance? A unique being?
That made Grover laugh. Sitting on the sofa, the boy held his stomach and threw his head back.
"You're more right than you think! I like you, I think you'll fit in very well with us.”
“Us? Who exactly? I'm not seeing anyone.”
"Guys, we've got company!" Grover put a hand over his mouth and yelled, creating an echo through the room. Miraculously, people began to come from all directions, down the stairs, and from every hallway or closed door.
“Clarisse, it's good to see you. How's the fencing going?
Silena was the first to approach. She had been his partner for years before she had to focus on school and cheerleading. Beckendorf was behind her, all serious and quiet. What Clarisse didn't expect to find was Luke and Thalia, Leo too. Not that it was surprising, they were all popular in their own way. She just didn't understand why Annabeth wasn't among them; she looked like someone who would fit right in.
"What brings you to our humble place?" Luke asked charmingly, strutting over to sit beside her. "I never thought I'd see you here."
“Nico invited me, so I came.” She shrugged. Maybe she was just curious to know how these people lived.
"Don't worry, soon you’ll be bored. You will see.”
As if on cue, Percy and Nico walked down the stairs, hand in hand and saying something so low that it would be impossible to hear from that distance. However, as soon as Nico saw her presence, he came to her and hugged her tight, saying, “I'm glad you came. Are you hungry?
"Maybe later.”
"Right." Nico smiled at her, holding her hands quickly and got up going towards Percy who had been watching everything with his arms crossed and with the most threatening expression she had ever seen. That is, all of that happened before Nico turned back to Percy, because in the next instant, Percy smiled, showing white teeth and pretty dimples, with so much love in his eyes and offering only kindness and happiness to Nico, that Clarisse thought Percy was two different people.
She had been there for five minutes and already thought it was social suicide to try to do anything to disrupt what was going on between the boys. And with each passing moment, he was more surprised. He saw in slow motion Percy receive Nico in his arms and squeeze him very hard and then kiss Nico's forehead, while Nico just smiled contentedly, practically swallowed by Percy's body. She had never seen such a brotherly gesture turn so sexual and possessive in mere seconds.
"This is normal? Nico need’s help?” she whispered to Grover and Luke who were beside her.
"Do you think he does?"
It was a good question. Almost disappearing behind Percy, he saw Nico drag Percy into the middle of the room and sit between the puffs, in front of a coffee table. Soon someone brought some plates of food close to them and everyone started to eat, even if the plates were closest to Nico. That is, almost everyone started to eat, Percy just watched the events unfold, seeming to survey what was happening around him with a satisfied look watching Nico eat with enthusiasm.
“Want more?” Percy asked Nico. And without waiting for an answer, he returned with a tray full of mini pizzas. “Your favorite.”
“Thank you, Per.” Nico smiled sweetly and his voice sounded even more loving, oozing honey, sugar and everything good in the world.
"I think I'm going to be sick."
Clarisse agreed with Luke, half mesmerized watching that domestic scene. Thankfully it was broken when Percy looked at them with a cynical smirk, saying:
“The bathroom is in the second door on the right.” However, Percy soon said, remembering to be a host, “Why don’t you get a plate. I don't want to have to throw food away.”
And since he said it so sweetly, why not?
Clarisse was the first to get up and go to the buffet table. She started with a piece of lemon cake and a glass of apple juice. She sat down next to Nico and this time, it didn't look like Percy was going to glare at him. Percy honestly seemed content to sit next to Nico and watch him eat with an enamored look on his face.
By the end of the night, watching the second movie and seeing Nico sleeping on Percy's shoulder in the greatest display of love she had ever seen, Clarisse came to a clear conclusion. She felt sorry for Annabeth and anyone who tried to stand in the way of Percy Jackson and his sweet, kind companion whose only innocent feature was his smile.
"Why so much food?" It was the big question of the night.
Clarisse noticed that as soon as one plate was emptied, another took its place, one tastier than the last. All she knew was that she couldn't take it anymore, and that she couldn't stop eating either.
“Percy's family owns a restaurant.”
"I know that. Everyone knows.”
“Consider us a group of testers." Nico told her, eating a candy that Clarisse didn't know what it was. “If we like it, it stays on the menu. If not, go under review.”
"The question is. Who did all this?”
“Me and Sally, Percy’s mom.” Nico shrugged and smiled when he saw Clarisse's reaction.
"You can cook?”
"Since a was little.”
“Aren't you rich?" When Nico looked at her, all confused, Clarisse added: “I mean, you don't have people for this?”
“I cook when I'm nervous or anxious. Or happy, too.”
“For us, food is a gesture of love.”
But Nico didn't say that looking at her, no. Nico had his hands in his lap and his face was flushed, watching Percy chat with a group of boys by the porch as they continued to talk by the coffee table.
 "A gesture of love?"
“I know Percy seems rude sometimes. It's just that he has a hard time trusting people.”
"And you?”
"I trust him.
"That’s pretty clear.”
“You know… we take care of our friends…”
"What does that mean?”
Nico smiled at her again, his black eyes twinkling as he took another bite of the candy. Soon Clarisse understood what was happening, Percy was walking towards them, all proud of himself. At first Clarisse didn't understand anything, and only realized the trap when a smaller boy appeared behind Percy. It was Chris, the boy she had seen in the halls and never had the courage to talk to him.
It was even funny. Percy pulled Chris forward and shoved the boy until he was in front of her, his face flushed with embarrassment.
“Clarisse, I want to introduce you to Chris Rodriguez.”
"We've seen each other around."
“That's great, isn't it?” Percy winked at her and guided Nico by the arm so quickly away that when she saw, she and Chris were alone. And since they were there… why not? She smiled at Chris, thinking that deep down Percy Jackson wasn't all that bad alter all.
So, what did you think? I know the last scenes should be shorter, but I can't control myself. I also didn't want to do flashbacks, however they are so interesting that I will do some more. They will be a bit messy, nothing that will hinder the understanding of the story, but I will definitely have to revise their order within the chapters later.
I hope it was a good read. Suggestions and constructive comments are always welcome! I love to see your reation^^
Oh, I forgot to warn you, I hope that +18 scenes aren't too weird and that maybe the word count will exceed 50 thousand words, I'll try to control myself, but you know me. Wish me luck.
We will continue to post once a week.
Thanks for reading!
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miiilowo · 8 months
I'm using a controller for ultrakill, but after you said there's other switching options I did mess around with the remote and discovered going up on the d-pad switches weapons! I don't really use it, but I am getting better about weapon switching! And using the other weapons in general, so now my bigger problem tends to be accidentally switching to the railcannon instead of the shotgun and briefly wasting that shot!
I made it through act I! I'm very much just going all the way through with the intent of actually trying with challenges and secrets um. later. Much later. Gosh all these levels have such awesome designs, the lust and gluttony layers were amazing
Mindflayers are my greatest non-boss enemy, I really need to remember to use the red arm like the enemy menu recommends, I've purchased every weapon I can afford! All that's actually available that I don't have yet are two railcanons, I'm thinking of getting the screwdriver
The corpse of king minos was a cool fight! I did not realize that the large body I saw looking over the layer was going to attack me! I died an awful lot, but it wasn't the worst boss fight I've had, I kept trying to parry the snake attacks in the second phase fight but after I gave up on doing that and dodged it went more smoothly :>
Gabriel!! Gabriel beat the shit out of me! By alot! I had 60 restarts in 20 minutes! Easily the hardest and most frustrating boss ive faced so far! All the guides I could find in game said to remember his attack pattern, but ah,,, Gabriel is very fast and hits like a truck so only the knowledge of his attacks I managed to figure out was "I can probably dodge this one" and "I probably can't dodge this one" in the end I didn't learn anything to beat him so in the rematch I'm pretty sure exists I am absolutely screwed 😎👍
I ended up cheesing it because while jumping around I accidentally figured out that if you're standing next to the wall Gabriel actually keeps close to you, which makes attacking and getting blood much easier. Personally I prefer this over the proper fight because it feels like he's trying to pin me to the wall. I am tempted to draw Gabriel pinning V1 to the wall.
Man, the Gabriel fight is so so cool in game. Like??? Ough??? He tells you to turn back but There is no way to turn back all you CAN go is forward because your stuck going down and down and if you stop now there's no where to go and MAN. OH MAN. ITS SO??? It's so very cool and awesome that Gabriel is the first voice you ever really hear. The first one to speak to you. That's so wild. Imagine how V1 felt. Hearing an actual voice, after a journey filled with only screams and grunts and gunfire, to face silence in the layer of gluttony, expecting to hear the sounds of more enemies being summoned to the area, maybe to suddenly be attacked, only for a voice of all things to break the silence. Only to be spoken to
Oh yes this is good. This is very good. Get worse about this game keep analyzing it get horrible with me (you should draw that also btw)
I do recommend the malicious railcannon over the screwdriver. I don't use it a whole lot personally and I haven't really met anyone else who does, though the malrail is also pretty easy to blow yourself up with so um. Scratching my Chin. Up to you on that one
I am glad you like it this much, I do genuinely think ultrakill is one of the best games ever made despite not even being finished . Might be a little bit biased. If you need help with anything I will be able to provide it ^_^
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scatterpatter · 1 year
Mnnngh art vent under the cut
I really miss when art was easy for me. It used to come so, so easy, even though I'd say my art wasn't as good as it is now. Like I'd def say I've improved, but its so much harder to get art out now than it used to be
I look back at the art I used to make and I seriously lament how easy it was. Even if it was just doodles, I could get so many out, I remember back in like 2019 i could often get at least one doodle out a day and it felt great. It was my outlet, my way I connected with others, the way I shared ideas and made stories, and now I feel that outlet has been practically severed and it really, really hurts
Artfight def hurts the worst. I was so excited for this year, so ready to reconnect with a lot of my friends and bond over silly AF attacks, and it was genuine! I didnt have any big plans this month other than just doing my job so I was so happy to do this. July last year was awful, I was in a horrifically abusive situation and that abuse reached its peak last July, I was in a bad bad place. But I've completely cut that abuser from my life and I'm in a much better space, so I really thought this July would be me turning things around
But as soon as I got a lot of attacks, I just- fucking shut down. I kept thinking on how much "make up revenges" I'd have to do and it got to the point where I'd get overwhelmed every time I picked up my tablet. What became "Hehe can't wait to make art for my friends!" Quickly spiralled into "Oh god I need to do so many revenges I cant keep up", and it just made me catatonic and I hate that. And the worst is that I know no one's exepcting me of anything, I dont have to revenge everyone, its all for fun- I know its just this expectation im putting on myself and im the only one disappointed in myself but I just cant stop how catatonic its left me and its really tough to deal with because ive only done 1 attack so far. Ive spent the entirety of July going "shit i need to work on attacks. Its ok ill do it later." And now its July 31 and ive only done one. I set a goal of doing at least ten. I thought ten wouldve been manageable, but I just cant do what I used to do and it really really hurts
And I keep being told that Im having a hard month. That works been stressful and working 40hr a week leaves me with significantly less free time than I had back in college, so of course i have less time/energy for art, but it still hurts because I dont. Feel like work has been that bad. Yeah its been bad but ive dealt with horrific stress before and ive handled it fine. I feel like if I go "its been a rough month" ill be saying that every month. And i dont want that. Im really healing and im getting in better places, I feel like still struggling this much doesnt feel "right". Hell my therapist just told me that i might be in remission or partial remission for my major depressive disorder. Like I have a professional telling me im getting better but I still struggle to do something that came so easily and it hurts really really badly.
Im gonna see what i can do for last minute attacks. Might not be great attacks, but i want to see if i can get something, anything out. It just hurts because i had so many ideas for my friends and I dont know what Ill be able to do for them and I feel horrible. I feel severed from them and from my main outlet of connecting with others.
And i know its just a sign of burnout or art block or mental illness or what the fuck ever. But I feel like ive been making too much progress in myental health to be struggling this hard. I love making art and i love artfight and sharing art with my friends but as soon as I try, I go completely catatonic and its really really hard because i used to be able to do this so easily and i want it to be easy again but I dont know what im doing wrong to still be struggling this hard
Idk bottom text
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Leatherface (2017)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
No long-running slasher series can resist telling us what happened before the killer got their favourite weapon, superpower, or iconic mask. These misguided efforts at expanding the characters always disappoint. There are now two prequels in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series. The first, released in 2006, told us what happened before the 2003 remake. Now, the 1974 Tobe Hooper classic has received the same treatment. This is not a good movie but for what it’s worth, it’s the best of these “slasher origin” movies we’ve ever received. Before I tell you why, what’s this movie about?
In 1955, Verna Sawyer’s sadistic children are taken away from her and sent to a mental institution by Sheriff Hartman (Stephen Dorff), who believes the family is responsible for the death of his daughter. Ten years later, nurse Elizabeth White (Vanessa Grasse) and patients Jackson (Sam Strike) & Bud (Sam Coleman) are taken hostage by Ike (James Bloor) and Clarice (Jessica Madsen) following a riot that sees many patients and staff killed. As they travel the countryside, leaving a trail of violence in their wake, the police close in.
With the children’s names changed upon admission to the Gorman House Youth Reformery, neither the characters nor the audience know which of the three men is Jud Sawyer, the boy who will one day grow up to become Leatherface. Astute viewers can probably deduce who it is, but there’s still a mystery as we watch the events unfold and wonder what will turn them into the killer we know. This uncertainty is what elevates this film past the likes of A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Child, Rob Zombie’s Halloween, 2011’s The Thing, Hannibal Rising and other horror prequels. At least this one has ambition. It wants to tell a new story. In fact, if it weren't for one scene towards the end, you probably wouldn’t know Leatherface is a prequel, and I mean this in a good way.
Directors Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, along with writer Seth M. Sherwood have made a film that stands on its own… except when it doesn’t. In the opening scene, we see a young Jud receive his first chainsaw and you will roll your eyes. Still, it’s a breath of fresh air compared to what we've been subjected to by this series before. As of 2017, there are 8 Texas Chainsaw movies. Most of them simply regurgitate what we’ve seen before. Their stories are so bad they would need at least 4 passes through the ringer to become worthy of viewing… and at the end of the process, you’d just have the original movie so they’re utterly pointless. Revise this story 4 times and who knows? I know it sounds like a backhanded compliment but you don’t understand just how awful some of the TCM movies have been.
So it’s the cream of the crap essentially. I appreciated many things this film does but I still would never call it good. A full moon turns to a quarter moon and then a full moon again within the span of a few minutes. The evil characters are so evil they feel out of place. Everyone else is often too unlikeable for you to care what will happen next. The gore is excessive, certain characters or plot points are introduced and then disappear as if forgotten. Ultimately, by being a prequel to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, all this movie does is remind you of a better movie you’d rather be watching.
And so, we’ve finally come to the end of the series. What a downhill ride it’s been. If I were to rank them all from worst to best, I’d go #8: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. #7: Texas Chainsaw 3D. #6 Texas Chainsaw Massacre III. #5 Texas Chainsaw Massacre IV: The Next Generation. #4 Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. #3 Leatherface (not too bad, eh? Though this mostly speaks to the inhumane wretchedness of the other movies rather than this one’s quality). #2 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) and #1 - of course - the original. Now, let’s hope we can finally put the series to rest on this “high note”. (On Blu-ray, May 31, 2019)
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tokencisgirl · 2 months
that post thats like 'things in your life will get as bad as possible before they get better' literally not true for m-- welllll in 2022 i was so anxious about shit i literlaly couldnt swallow my own spit and then proceeded to reconnect with my platonic other half but here im referring to recent stuff -- e bc while Yes while recovering from my mental illness shit has made me aware of Every single time i do a bad habit/etc, it's been...pretty fine?
like, every time there IS a bad thing in my life, big or small, it's still -- this has jackshit to do with recovery idc Read my words boy -- theres still other good stuff. a whole lot of adulthood for me has been finding out that it's good and bad, neutral, that people will help if you're visibly struggling to hold smth heavy (literal) and ask if you're okay if you look like youve been crying/zoning out/etc, buttt also they might have this or that pet peeve or be inconsistent or what have you. making a phone call asking when your appointment is bc you forgot and feel stupid abt it but it turns out fine because It's That person's job and they'll probably forget minutes after you hang up etc. it's good and bad. it's pretty okay
sorry lol every single time i face any stage in my life ever as an adult it always turns out fucking fine or good or So much better than it used to be or pleasantly surprising or relieving or not so difficult after all or Hard but literally every single person around me has done it before and is super willing to help me with and tell me how to do it and that its not that big a deal etc etc etc And it makes me SUPER resentful of the adults that were around me when i was a teen that would ONLY say 'oh being a kid rocks being an adult is torture just kys before you get Old (20. they were talking about being in their 20s) lmao i wish id died rather than become an adult'
cause like i'm sorry i know a lot of life circumstances are not super controllable atp and i do wonder how much of my life being pretty okay is due to me Having Money, but everything my life has been even at the worst parts since i moved out makes me think holy fuck were these sad sacks of shit TRYING to have a shit life??? probably because they were relying on a 16 year old making Nice Posts to feel better about themselves and treating her (me!) like an angel reincarnated for it. but life gets better and better and better the older i get, the more i learn, the more people i see, the more things ive experienced, the more awful shit ive been through/done and that i learn from, the more people i hate and the more i love the people that i love, like... how the fuck does your life manage to be WORSE than when you were a TEENAGER? or is it that you never mentally/emotionally grew from whatever dogshit from your Teenage Torture Cycle and then got bills to pay on top of it :msnblush:??? /sorry this is snarky. i hate these people for making me dread a future that outshines the life i lived then in pretty much every single fucking way and every time i'm like I Want to go forward, actually, i'm excited to and anticipating what's next in my early adulthood steps of life, it's just.. man. way to be a role model in my life at the time
point is adulthood rocks getting older rocks my life has bad facets yeah but it's worth it and continuing to move and grow and do stuff and Make Phone Calls and Deliberate over how to spend my money helps me build a better life and future and not the opposite. the people around me were wrong, this rocks actually. i like to expect bad stuff Just in case but it's largely been fucking fine and where it hasnt ive bounced back pretty quick. Life is not that bad. it's worth it. i have things to look forward to. i anticipate a better and better life the more i learn and the more i step into recovery things that are so new to me now, they'll become second nature later and then i'll spend my energy healing other things that tear at me and the more this happens the less i have to suffer about and Life Good. mmmhaha
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kinghijinx22 · 7 months
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim uses obnoxiously tropey anime and predictable sci fi to peddle queerphobic hate propaganda
Last night I started playing 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. A game that I would describe as being the closest thing to an Evangelion game, moreso then actual Eva games that exist because outside of combat there is a lot of talking and it has a vibe that feels very Eva. And as you might imagine, it's about kids needing to get in the robots to fight the whatever that is coming to Earth to find something we've hidden in a facility deep underground, in this case we fighting aliens instead of angels. Also like Eva it's filled with obnoxious and problematic anime tropes except unfortunately unlike Eva, Sentinels doesn't have the self aware pessimism that Eva has, where it feels like it hates itself which honestly made Eva more bareable.
No, Sentinels does this shit without a hint of self awareness and most of the writing is tropey anime garbage and terrible anime voice acting to go with it. It even makes the underage pilots naked whenever they get in the robot, which just made me unalive the moment I saw it, and the justification for it which I looked up because I don't care about this games dogshit plot, is the most roundabout weeb trying explain the thematic importance of needless sexualisation Ive ever seen next to Quiet from MGS5 breathing through her skin. Also "and it was all a simulation" trope is dumb nowadays and the Wachowsky sisters did it with Matrix 1. And every character is just an obnoxious walking trope and I hate them all.
I think the worst thing for me though is the absolute horrible handling of the few queer characters, like I should have heeded the warnings but yikes. So there is one guy, one of the protagonists we are supposed to route for, who has feelings for a "girl" who we are told is actually a "guy" but the game actually reveals that they are nonbinary, and yet every character continues to misgender and rudely question why they wear the clothes that they do. They literally respond to the "why are you wearing girl's clothes" question with "because some binaries work for me and others dont." The guy who likes them is bi also, which the constant misgendering he does makes him awful bi rep as well i feel. This never stops, and what I learnt from looking up these characters to see if things improve is that it only gets worse. Its revealed that the enby character in the future is in a relationship with the guy who never stopped misgendering, and then literally right after revealing this information they reveal that they are both killed shortly after. The only queer couple in the game. They also like to portray the enby character as manipulating the guy's feelings for them the whole time as well because of course we have to shoehorn in the "trans people are manipulating you" hate propaganda as well.
Something else I wanted to mention is that on top of the horrible treatment of the actual queer characters, very early on they also queerbait with these guys showing what seems to be romantic feelings for eachother when it turns out that, oh it was just this girl character misinterpreting a conversation she was spying on. Queerbaiting an mlm relationship, constantly misgendering an enby character, throwing in a bury your gays trope and potraying the only enby character as a manipulator. I hated everything else about this games writing but the exploitative and horrible treatment of queer folks makes 13 Sentinels unplayable garbage that I wish I could refund.
And it's funny that, I remember it came out the same year as Disco Elysium and seeing people genuinely debating over which had the best game story of the year between these 2 which is absolutely hilarious, like it's not even close. Disco Elysium is actually a super well written game which handles a lot of very sensitive and intense subject matter with so much care, talks very directly about a lot of very relevant sociatal issues and also, actually has well written and tactfully handled queer characters as well. I mean the best and one of the most well written characters of that game, Kim Kitsuragi is a gay man.
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charlotteiscrying · 8 months
you never made me cum. not once ever. i really wish that was a lie. i faked it every time. i don’t even feel guilty anymore for it. but i’m glad, so mf glad, i left it with you believing your dick is just THAT good. because you’re pretty awful at fucking. you always ONLY do short, fast strokes, which prolly do feel the best to you, but they feel the worst to the girl. maybe that was on purpose though, i keep realizing more and more that you only ever cared abt yourself. i didn’t have the heart to correct how you fuck. i really tried to give you tips, tried to tell you what i needed you to do. the longest you ever ate my pussy was for five minutes. it takes me 15 minutes with a mother fucking vibrator to cum, you never even got close.
when a girl squirts, that’s just liquid coming out, there’s no orgasm. that’s why i’d always stumble over my words when trying to explain that squirting is different than cumming. one time i tried to say that you hadn’t made me cum, you looked at me like i was insane, and you told me that you knew as a fact i had already came. when you would eat me out i’d tell you omg do not stop doing that, you’d immediately stop, or you’d do it for 15 more seconds, assume i’m good, then stop. the times id tap out were because your dick was hitting my cervix. that is the one thing you do have going for you, your dick is huge. but size really don’t matter if you don’t know how to use it. none of this ever mattered to me, because sex is just skin deep. you were so much more to me than just an orgasm. so much more. it didn’t matter if you’d made me cum because i knew that night id be asleep, held tight in your arms, and i knew that i loved you, and you loved me (that’s the first time ive said that in past tense, i’m proud of myself).
i tried so hard to explain what i wanted. what i needed you to do to make me feel good. “can you go slow this time ?” “no i don’t like that.” “will you eat me out just a little longer ?” “no my tongue hurts.” “i cum harder from my clit than from my pussy,” “no you don’t dummy i fuck your pussy not your clit.” “you should tie me up, you should come over one day n just start fucking me don’t ask just do it, i want you to dominate me i want you to tell me what to do,” “are you sure you want that ? i don’t think you’d like that.” you’d always complain abt giving me hickeys, kissing my neck, you straight up refused to suck on my nips after i got them pierced, bc you didn’t like how they look. you’d say they tasted like house keys. welp, your sweaty hairy unwashed ball sack never rlly tasted all that great either. but i never complained. when you’d say “i want you to suck my dick but ik i smell,” id say “omg come here rn you DO NOT smell, n if you do ill suck it up, i want you to get what you want i want you to feel good.”
the amount of times i woke you up by sucking your dick, even though i had explained to you multiple times that i was raped in my sleep, that’s a lil triggering for me, i really don’t wanna do that. you’d ask me about twice a week to do that for you, so id do it. i did lots of sexual or even non-sexual things i neverrrr wanted to do, but i did them bc i wanted you to feel good. id do absolutely anything for you. and i knew from day one that you wouldn’t do absolutely anything for me, yet i didn’t care. ig i’m stupid. or way too hopeful. i’d suck your dick for hours. gagging n struggling not to puke while ur pulling on my hair n pushing my head down, i loved it. i loved making you feel good. that’d turn me on more than any shape or pattern your hands tried to draw on my body. you never once traced big circles on my back. you’d never play with my hair. you’d never kiss the back of my neck, you’d never take even 5 mins before we fucked to just touch on me, to actually try to turn me on.
i did bring that up once. i told you i wanted you to take more time to turn me on. it turned into a huge argument about me lying n how ur ex faked it n how ur mom faked it and on and on. all i wanted was you to say oh that’s easy ! i can touch you more. the same way i said oh that’s easy ! i can put my sock on your dick ! all i ever wanted was to please you, if you ever had actually cared you woulda spent a lot more time focusing on pleasing me. those few times you put a vibrator on me, those were amazing. the last time you fucked me, on my bday when i flew out to you, that was the best you’ve ever fucked me. you listened to what i asked you to do, you went slow, you touched on my body, you kissed my neck. it’s pretty fucked up, the very last time we fuck is the best it’s ever felt. and i still didn’t cum. i went to the bathroom n finished myself.
at least i know damn well that i’m the best you’ve ever had. or will ever have. you’ll never find another girl who can fuck like me, ride like me, deep throat like me. but don’t you worry, i also know damn mother fucking well that you’re not the biggest dick i’ve ever had. or will ever have. i love the fact that for the rest of forever, ever single time you beat your dick, i’m who you’re thinking about. you’ll probably still watch all the videos we made. and i know im the last girl you’ll ever film with. good luck finding another girl that’s down to have threesomes with you, that you actually wanna be with. there’s a huge difference between a freak and a whore. i’m the only girl you’ll ever fuck who’s a porn star. i’m the only girl you’ll ever be with that’s hot enough to work, and make BANK, in this industry. i’m the only girl who will ever let you use me how i like, and i know AS A MF FACT i’m the freakiest girl you’ll ever get with. i love the fact i fulfilled all your fantasies, i gave you something you’d only ever dreamed of. i love that you’re never gonna feel that again, from anyone, ever, because i know i’m NEVER EVER touching you, or your dick, again. i am the only person that will ever make you feel like that. even if you get back on the pills, no amount of fentanyl will ever feel like my throat, my socks, or my pussy. i just hope you got all the freaky puss you need outta this life. and i hope that subpar motodyke coochie was worth never feeling me, my throat, my pussy, or my ass, ever again.
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purplesurveys · 10 months
Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything? That's the way my days flow on weekends, for the most part. The only reason I've been more out and about lately is because my dad's home and we do tend to go out as a family more when that's the case.
But, yes. Embracing getting older also means increasingly enjoying my time at home and having no agenda.
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? I do it all the time – it's revenge bedtime procrastination and I stick with it whether weeknight or weekend.
What is your favorite episode of True Life, if you have one at all? I've never seen any bit of that show before.
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? Nah.
What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic? That was the time I attempted to join Leni Robredo's thanksgiving rally last year. I just needed to drive the same distance from my house to university, but my time in the car ended up being 5 hours because apparently the whole of Metro Manila was headed the same way. Suffice it to say I missed the entire event and just made the most out of my efforts to drive out by going out for drinks with friends instead.
Best field trip experience? All my favorite field trips were the ones that were museum-heavy. In Grade 5 we went to Intramuros and 2-3 other museums in the area; in freshman year of high school we went to two museums in Makati.
Have you ever been to New York City? I have not.
If so, is it all its cracked up to be? I know it's not the urban fairytale the movies make it out to be but I'd still love to have the chance to visit.
What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before? I don't know about individual meals, but my biggest bill was when I took my family to Blackbird and everything came up to a bit over 10k.
What museums have you visited, if any? Well, a lot. I like museums and I even try to visit at least one when I have vacations overseas.
Have you ever had a group project and one of your partners bailed on you? Yes that was quite common especially in college.
What’s your worst traveling experience? It was a plane trip headed to Kuala Lumpur and there was a horrible fucking toddler who cried (read: shrieked) the whole 4 hours. It got increasingly loud and reached an untolerable climax during the latter part when the family needed to strap it in its own seat. I think I may have shed a tear or two myself towards the end...
Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? Idk I was never a big gamer even of the Sims so I don't really have a favorite.
Have you ever dealt with noisy neighbors or roommates? How did that go? We've only had noisy neighbors once but tbh we just let them be because as Filipinos we're largely nonconfrontational. Plus those neighbors moved out after only a few months so things turned out fine.
Who was (or is) the teacher that gave you the hardest time in school? Oh there were a lot! Students these days are very fortunate that the world has softened for them, because in my time it was very common for teachers to wind up being the bullies, and for complaints about them to land in deaf ears. In Grade 4 I had a science teacher who took every opportunity to embarass me publicly; in Year I my history teacher always looked like she wanted to pinch the shit out of me lol; and in Years III and IV I had an English teacher who made me feel like she was always wishing I wasn't her student.
I'm grateful for the memories I made with my friends in that school, but were the elders and system absolutely awful. Transferring into a liberal and progressive university was the easiest non-adjustment I had to go through.
Best muffin you’ve ever had? Not a big fan of muffins. I've had a few chocolate ones but nothing has stood out to be the best.
Have you ever taken a woodshop class? Nope.
If so, was it required? That is not a thing here.
How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? I don't know...maybe an accumulated 1 hour a day? I go through FB multiple times daily but it's always in very very quick checkins.
What area of math are you best at? Worst? I'm okay with algebra and statistics, but I've never understood the point of geometry and that directly translates to how I struggled with the subject in high school haha.
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? It's fun when I find a K-pop fan because we can automatically relate on so many things. We don't even have to both like BTS; the K-pop fan culture is enough to start hours' worth of conversation and jokes. Other than that it's impossible to find local Beyoncé, Paramore, or punk rock fans so I kind of just wander those worlds on my own lol.
How often do you “half-ass” things (put little effort in)? I'm not sure about frequency but that's something I'll sometimes do when I can't bring myself to give a crap about work tasks. I'm done showing passion in every single thing because I'm super burned out at this point.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? Not really.
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? Not necessarily, but some of them made me just ask a bunch of questions about the way they treated me. Like why did they hate me so much? Why do they seem so miserable so as to target their own students? stuff like that.
How reliable is your internet connection? We've actually been out of internet since Thursday and our service provider has been very useless and helpless and scum of the earth, so I've been using data since then and 100% worsening my phone battery.
Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? Yes. Work is not everything and if I can't be in a particular meeting or event, it's not the end of the world and I'm done feeling guilty about the whole thought of being absent lol.
What’s something that makes you incredibly nervous? Work.
What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? There was one time I had to pull up an all-nighter for a project, and unsurprisingly it was a group project. Like of course it would be a project that involved other people, because if it was a solo thing there never would have been a need for me to stay up all night. That gig soured me from group projects for the rest of college.
If you don’t have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? I do have them.
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn’t need them anymore? It'd be refreshing but idk, I've had glasses for 14 years now. It's a part of my identity and how people remember me that I'll always choose to have them on, even if I had the opportunity to undergo some magical procedure that'd totally fix my eyesight.
How many vegetarians do you know? Less than 10.
Have you ever considered going to art school? Kind of. I passed an art management program in one of the universities I applied to, but chose to go to my dream school instead.
Is there anyone in your life who consistently angers you? No.
How quickly can you write an essay? Probably an hour if you gave me enough background info to work with, and time to research.
Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? Never fell asleep while in school.
Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? Sure! I was for Paramore. I guess I was too for Se So Neon but that was sort of a given since it was a much smaller show and it had been very easy to squeeze my way to the front.
What bug frightens you most? Cockroaches, bees, and wasps.
Are your parents supportive of you? My dad is. Idk what to think of my mom's form of support. It seems she shows it when it benefits her or when it's something she can show off in social media. I stopped looking for validation from her a long time ago.
How often do you take the train to go places? I don't.
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations Sure.
Have you ever participated in a mock trial, or a real trial? No.
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