kylecrane · 3 years
7 and 23. Aiden, Kyle, and Rahim. (I apologize in advance advance any bad memories)
Omg omg omg. You spoil me. :sobs: I'll try and make this one special for you.
7. Who do you look up to?
Rahim has always looked up to Jade. Though, sometimes, especially when he was still a kid kid, that respect was often tainted by a feeling of inadequacy. Because how could he ever live up to his sister? To her strength, her courage, her resilience? Plus, she got a lot of attention...
Then he grew up and he just loved her plenty.
These days? He will not comment, lest you might tell Crane. (Don't tell Crane.)
Pre-Villedor, Aiden hasn't exactly looked up to anyone. To be able to look up to someone, to, like, conjure that heavy feeling in your gut that maybe, just maybe, you want to be more like them, you need to first give them a chance to make an impression.
That requires time. Which he hasn't exactly been giving anyone yet.
He respects people. Spike, for one. He respects him, because, obviously, Spike must have done a lot right; someone who is in his 70s and still living a Pilgrim's life has got to have a lot going for him (yeah, I am totally holding on to that throwaway conversation in DL1 that indicates Spike just had his 50s birthday).
Crane has had a few heroes in his life! Sebastian (his best friend) is one of them. His high school math and physics teacher is another. The dude had a prosthetic arm and was an absolute badass.
... honestly, Crane is probably a little bit too quick to look up to people, much like he's very quick to form attachments. You show him you're the sort to stand up to bullies* and the sort to a burning need to live, and he'll be your biggest fan.
*I wrote "pillows" the first time here and I am still amused.
23. Have you ever had a crush on someone?  Do you have a crush now?
Ahahah, Rahim collects crushes like other people collect rocks or stamps or coasters. Schoolmates, teachers, cab drivers, Tourists (I mean, can you blame him?), young lads next door, one of Brecken's Runners, an ex-Harran University neuroscience student who likes to grow his own pot and names his plants...
...that is just a small sample.
Now? So about that neuroscience student...
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Aiden understands the concept of a crush, but has he experienced one? Maybe?
Okay, storytime! There was that girl tending a farm at a settlement he visited three times in a row. She was a quiet kind of funny and she asked him a lot of questions about his life on the road. Not the usual kinds of questions mind you; not the did you murder lots of people ones, but the what interesting things have you seen? ones. Then, on his fourth visit, she was gone. And Aiden remembers feeling an uncomfortable squeeze in his chest.
But he never wanted anything from her, and there weren't any of those longing looks and subtle touches he reads about in books. So does it count? And if it doesn't, does it matter?
Eh, he's doing okay.
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Crane? Okay, this depends on how you define crush. Crane isn't a crush kind of person (unless you count typical boyhood crushes). No, Crane firmly sits in either one of the following two camps:
The 'This was a real fun night, hmu later for a repeat performance ;)' camp, where he is the one to come over so he can make a strategic exit any time he wants, and the-
'Will you marry me' camp. 'cause even if he likes his adventures and he talks big about booty calls, at the end of the day, Crane wants to be called someone's someone.
What I am trying to say is, when Crane falls, he falls. And he falls hard.
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ravenadottir · 2 years
Hi! I have a controversial opinion about s2 MC. I know people said she's doormat and literally the villa therapist, but that's when I realized she's 100% Dom. How her advice can solve a conflict and not to mention sometime her dialogue options is so kinky. Now wonder she has no problem handling Lucas and easily get the softbois Bobby, Carl, Henrik under her spell
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because you know what? IT MAKES ALL THE SENSE!
listen, anon here, galaxy fucking brain as ever, has brought a very good question about mc, and we should talk about it.
there's only one mention about mc being "snoopy" and it wasn't made by ANY OF THE ISLANDERS. have you noticed that?
in the game, whatever her response is, the question is never brought up again. no one really has the nerve of saying anything else, and that doesn't mean we stopped getting called in for the trouble solving.
and i think that's because they just know she has the control.
take hope and noah's fight for instance, when priya is dragged into it. mc can simply say "you know what, yes, let's solve this, it's taken too far for too long." while the option was "take control"
i reckon priya might've had goosebumps in this scene, but i'm not gonna go on down that route on this post.
mc is the only one who everyone listens to, who everyone trusts enough to talk about sensitive subjects, who actually makes everyone live in harmony, and the only one that everyone is into.
the only girl that gets lucas to be a switch. and honestly? henrik and bobby are out here calling her mommy, i don't make the rules.
and you know what? it happens right away too!
on the morning of day 3 mc is the one hannah and marisol want to make a decision on who should take the breakfast to gary... and later on, marisol asks for support while talking about how the villa works, and rahim only says something or listens to mc, not marisol.
if you think about it it's kinda funny... mc is the one holding all the cards, and that's because she's the main character, sure, BUT THE ISLANDERS THINK IT TOO.
it's not just a matter of you being in control, it's a matter of them knowing it and acknowledging it all the time.
maybe that's why i don't vibe with s3's mc... she gives me... well, there's no conflict, and i feel like if there was, iona would be the girl, not mc.
so, yeah! i do agree with you. it's one of those "innocent face, wicked attitude" sort of thing. she's really out here with everyone else in her palm.
and as for the kinky things she can say/do, and get everyone to just stay quiet????
everyone keeps saying s1 was that bitch, but all she was was loud, and really out there with her personality. s2 mc was a quiet little butterfly next to that woman, but on the other hand, everyone was eating from it. EVERYONE.
galaxy brain, anon. galaxy brain.
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jackysmash · 5 years
I am so happy Jo is finally gone and going through Marisol’s path made me realize why everyone, including myself was so ready for her to leave even before Day 27 came out.
One of my biggest things was in my original run through I said hello to Jo first and defended her throught out the drama for hell to only have this bitch turn around call me a people pleaser and then to have the audacity to complain about the food I cooked for her (the last part isn’t really big deal but it still pissed me off god dammit lol)
Then she proceeds to complain when you get volunteered to go out to the store with you’re boo and demands that you get her Nachos. Okay so not did I give this bitch her funky ass nachos but I also helped Rahim propose to her!
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And what does do to thank me for all of this shit I’ve done for her?
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She grinds her boney, non-existent ass all over my partner!!!
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I never voted for someone faster in my life! And what makes you think I was gonna choose her over CHELSEA who has been my Bonnie since she stepped into the villa! Let alone pay ten gems to help her! Fuse box must got her confused with Pyria cause for some bizzare reason because it doesn’t make any sense to me.
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Get out of my villa! Don’t mess with the queen!👸🏾
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