#AND i got to do it with hometown bestie 12 years after we saw them at the fair <3
causticsunshine · 1 year
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some of my faves from BTR show ❤️
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thenaughtyguy · 3 years
Dying Love
*this is a fictional story, matching any of its characters with any real person would be just a coincidence, and the place name and date have been just used to make it look real.
I think I should pen the dying love of two and a half years.
Let me first tell you something about the protagonists of this story, I, Mayank, 18 at that time, my hometown is Burhanpur and I study in Bhopal, and my hero, Virat- he was 20 at that time, he is properly from Bhopal.
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It started on 27th November 2018, we met on Grindr, we both were new on that app, I was still exploring what is gay, what is bisexual, what is straight, I had never seen any porn, so I was totally unaware of sexual stuff, even today I'm untouched of all those things, I just knew was that, I feel attracted to boys and I never feel the same for girls. I got one friend who was member of QueerMitra, he helped me in knowing my feelings, I was graphic designer and content writer for them for few posts, I was trying to find my seniors and batch mates on that app, and one day- it was 27th November, (Exactly one month before I started using Grindr), a guy sent me "hi", I didn't know how to chat with people, after all I have got my first smart phone and I was not used to it. I sent "Hi" too. I said I'm in MANIT, 1st year CSE student. He said he is commerce student. he was 20. everything was going very nice. I had no knowledge of sex... I was just looking for someone with whom I can talk on my personal topics. so pics never mattered for me, so I didn't ask. but he sent his pic, I was shocked to see, I said send your real pics, he send another one, He was looking so hot, I was unable to believe, for few days I was offline, I came to Burhanpur, It was winter vacations for 1 month. One day I opened Grindr, and He never asked for my pic, he asked for my number and I gave him, I have started sharing everything with him, I had ordered my laptop, and again I was offline for few days, my laptop arrived on 5th December, and I was very happy, on 6th December, he texted me "hi" on whats-app, he sent me his pic, but I never believed on him, we talked after everything, I was very happy because of laptop and I was facing problem while starting it, I was updating him with every single thing, those days are literally so memorable to me, I was a lil kid.
Then on 7th December we made a call, I heard his voice, it was so mesmerizing, I asked him, do you sing, he said how did you know, actually I had become fan of his voice. I used to laugh so much, I was so happy, there were no words,  just my blushing and happiness and laughter that he can listen to. I was so happy while talking with him, But always I had to go to terrace, and as like always, it used to be night time, so darkness and he never saw me, even I didn't believe on his pic, I never had dp too, so everything was like blind date, I was not using Grindr then, one day we made vc, but it was terrace and too dark, he hadn't got to see me, but I had seen him, he was so handsome and exactly the same as I saw in his pics. But I was fan of his voice more than his looks, and to be honest in our whole journey, I never praised him for his look, just I praised him for his voice, he used to love singing and cooking, so I started having interest in cooking, I used to ask him for recipes.
In no time he had become my very good friend, my secret box, and the surprising thing was he didn't had seen me, on 30th December I clicked one selfie and edited it, and keep it as my dp, he saw me first time in that edited pic. and even today I have the same dp on whats-app, I think it is the sign that my heart is still waiting for him.
Then I came to Bhopal, but we didn't met in real, we just used to talk day and night. everyday my first message used to be "gm" and last message -"gn and tc"
Whole day whenever I got time we used to chat, soon he got a job in Dainik Bhasker, he got busy, so we chose to chat instead of calling, and as our timing didn't match, he used to reply when he got time.
I was so happy. and finally after 8 months, we met first time in real on 19th July 2019. it was just 10 min meeting, but I remember every second of it. we shake hands, his that soft hands, and his voice was so nice in real, he was dressed up in formal dress, white shirt, black pant, we were of same height, he was looking fit and so cute, but I didn't say a word, I was a kid, I was so much blushing, I didn't say anything but after that, I text him my all feelings, I was so shy to speak out anything. but he was praising me, and the most memorable moment was that hug, he tried to hug me while we were leaving, that soft touch, not a tight hug, just the way friends hug each other, but there was a softness and love in it.
We had become more than a friend to me, we started using love emojis, everything was slow but everything was memorable, we were too happy.
I had learnt graphic designing, I used to be very busy with the work of all different societies, but the messaging was all same, I remember, the whole day, whenever I used to have free time, I used to message him.
He started being busy, his timing of job changed, it was from afternoon to late night 11-12. He used to get tired, so replying every single message become tough for him, but he used to read my all messages, He used to care a lot.
Even every Sunday he used to go job, he didn't had a fixed day for holiday, it could be any day in a week, so it become tough for our meeting.
We started having little bit of fighting much often, always it was me who used to get mad at him and he used to be so busy that he didn't even understand that I'm mad at him. Actually I was in love so deep that I couldn't able to get mad for long time and finally I myself had to approach him. I could understand but really not having time for me. He used to say, I'm busy you can search someone for you, I won't be mad. That single sentence was too enough to feel his care.
But still I'm a human, I used to get mad at him because he was not having time for me.
For me, he was the only person whom I could say everything, whole day I used to tell him whats going on in my life, but now he didn't had time for reading those too too long messages, he used to say, I'm too tired and I can't type, So I let him go. he used to watch you-tube video before sleeping. Facebook has option to choose what to do after your death, who can access your account, I chose Virat as that person who can access my account after me, there was a option to write down something with that permission and so I wrote one big letter to him saying, I wanted to see him while dying, I wanted to say thank you to so many people, I wrote down everyone's name- my family, my friends, i wrote everything, it was literally a very long letter, It was too kiddish too.
I was in love, I used to create and graphics for impressing him, but he never praised anything, I was not a graphic designer, I'm a coder but I did that for him and he never commented anything on it. But still I tried to do whatever I could do,
There one time came when I started using Grindr again, and one guy started hitting on me, I used to tell Virat everything, so he could be jealous, but was such a rude, he was always okaywith everything.
I start having weak feelings for him
But when it come to choose between those two, I chose Virat, and same thing happened many times and I always preferred him over everyone, because It was not totally his fault, and fighting, getting mad, getting sad, crying all these are just part of love.
He was always special for me but in between a period came when I became more closer to my bestie- Parv, he was my crush but we were strangers in starting, but with time we had come so closer that he become my best friend and then my roommate we used to study together, he was so protective and caring for me, I start feeling for him, I used to tell everything to Virat and while chatting I never felt that he is jealous but later one day when we were on call he used the word "Tumhara Parv", I could feel that little jealousy, I was so happy. but still I was feeling something for Parv. I was so confused because I was feeling something special about two persons parallely.
And soon a day came when lots of things happened, my friends knew about me that I'm gay, they even knew that Parv is my crush, they started teasing me and Parv, everything was so nice, but one day my roommates other than Parv changed the hostel for the sake of study, I was crying like a baby, and in that sadness I speak out everything to Parv even about having crush on him and he said don't tell other friends that he knew it, and in just 2 days my other friends came back, (when todsy I think about it, it looks so dramatic,) now my all friends knew everything, it was so fun, I was so happy, everywhere were just happiness,
But Virat was less involved in it, my friends never liked Virat, they did so many mischievous things for our breakup, but every-time we understood each other, once my friend Hardik hacked my mobile he used to read everything, all my lovey dovey conversations with Virat, then we decided to talk little bit for some time and in those days my friends tried to bring Parv and me closer, Parv become my so special friend but still he was straight, we used to go on long drives and every dream that I have imaged with Virat, was coming to true but with Parv, and in those days Virat started becoming more like my friend than my love and one day I dared my friend Hardik to do whatever he could, and he sent the message to my brother the one which I wrote for my brother to tell him everything about me. I was so afraid what will happen now, but after an emotional conversation with my brother on call, everything got fine, he accepted me, it was a great party time, I was very happy, my friends were more happier than me, but Virat was worried about me, he was worried that problems may come with this, but my friends and my Daa were with me so I had no worries.
One day I confessed my feelings (that Parv already knew) to Parv, he start behaving uncomfortable, I was so sorry for that, but he was afraid of me because I crossed my limits in the text. That day Virat made me a call and said don't worry, he is straight, he was too loving that day, he was treating me very nicely, I was so worried about me, his those lovely words let me move on over everything, and he finally made me smile.
Due to pandemic, we were said to go home, and the day came when I was leaving for home, -17 march 2020, our second meet- and I asked him to come to meet me, he was so angry because I have wasted so much of time that day, he had to go somewhere else, but for me he came, because I was going home, and I asked Parv to empty the room but Parv didn't, he didn't leave the room, It was feeling like, he did it on purpose (I hope it was not jealousy), But Virat himself didn't wanted to come to my room because he didn't want to face my friends those who didn't like him.
so we met in jungle- the MANIT jungle, we had private time there, it was on my demand, because I wanna try something, but to be honest, it was me who denied for something special ( I think you can understand what I mean), because I was afraid of pain (I think you got it, whst I'm saying) but still I had my first kiss, the most memorable moment, I can't forget those moments. then I left for home.
we used to chat, but things were going bad, I used to get angry, I used to block him again and again, It was so  kiddish, I used to unblock and send him message and again block him, so he was not able to reply.
Everything was still nice, becsuse everything was our love, I were not serious about our fight, it was just fun. But suddenly one worst day of my life came- 26th April 2020 - It was the birthday of my di, for me my Di is the most special person, I prepared lots of things for Di, pani poori, cake and lot... I was texting him and updating him about everything whats going on here, but I realized no message is going.
I tried fb, insta, calling, everything but I have blocked from everywhere.
I had tried all different numbers that I had in my home, I used all whats-app but he blocked everything.
No reason- just I was blocked from his life, I cried a lot, for many days I tried many things, then one day he didn't blocked that number and said, he is not interested-- I asked for reason but he said, I'm not interested- might something that happened but he said nothing. I said I will always wait for him, I promised him few things, and I keep texting him, he never seen them, But I knew he might be reading in notification, I never loose hope, But one day that whats-app was blocked, I tried other and it was also blocked, I started using insta, I keep on changing account but he never accepted my message request but I was thing he might be still reading, but I was not sure he might have deleted my message request so I keep on changing insta account, everyday or in few days I used to have a new account, even today I have different accounts to text him, I never loose hope.
It's already 8 months, day night I tried to contact him, I tried to listen the reason, what happened that, that he had to block me from everywhere while before the day, we were totally normal. Then the day came I thought to move on and I started hitting on someone, and as Virat is my bestie too, I used to share everything with him through texts which he never seen, and I’m sure he might be reading everything, he was aware that I'm hitting on other guy,(I was wishing him to come back, I was widhing him to feel jeslous, but nothing happened), and again my bad luck, that guy I'm hitting on, said I'm like a brother to him, And so I thought it is what Bhagwan wants and My new year was spent with him- with Virat- ( that I thought I'll be spending with the guy I'm hitting on but happened something else, I was with the guy I was hitting on on 31st but my mind and heart were with Virat), I texted Virat a happy new at midnight 12, I knew he will definitely see this.
But he never replied.
And what a dramatic situation it was, one the same day, in new year party I had met a guy, I had crush on a him in first sight, but he was straight, I was texting everything to Virat, I was thinking, he might feel jealous, I never thought I will approach that guy, but lil bit flirting and things were going in favor, I used to say everything to Virat, but on 21st April 2021- I got a reply and he said “you are just wasting your time over me”, I replied his all messages with hard words but got softened and I said, “I love  you”, but till the end of conversation, my all hope and my love had come to its weak point. I was broken. But I didn't let myself break, I diverted my mind and that new guy started taking Virat's position, I know it's not easy, But it's on me, I could control my mind to let it think anything.
But later on, I realized he is straight so whatever I’m thinking is impossible, and it’s again a heart break, but it was hurting not because of the later one but it was because of the former - Virat.
I never forgot him, My feelings for him got weaken but they are still in existence.
My heart still says "Virat, plz rok lo mujhe".
Today it's two and half years of our journey that basically started from whats-app, that pic of his that took my heart away. I think it is not dead, it might be dying, it might be too much injured, it could be in comma for some time, but it's not dead.
Because I believe, there is a part of story that is unheard, the story from Virat’s side. After all what happened that day, why did he suddenly blocked me from everywhere? 
It might be just me, who is thinking there is a something that I don’t know, and may be it’s only me who thinks he loves me, and it is possible that he really got bored of me, so he took this way, but if he loved me, I don’t want to loose him, for that lil possibility, I’ll be keep waiting, I won’t loose the hope.
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heyitskylie13 · 6 years
My Journey to Try to Meet Tay
So, I put together this thread on Twitter not long before my first Rep Tour date (Columbus, OH 7.7.18) and it got quite a bit of attention in the Swiftie fandom (as of right now, I believe the original thread is up to 113 retweets and 242 likes, which is A LOT for little old me). I am trying to get @taylorswift & @taylornation to see it, and maybe...just maybe....this story can finally get its happy ending before I am finished with my rep tour dates. I figured in order to increase my chances of getting it seen, I’d write it all out here on tumblr as well, and maybe some of you very sweet fellow swifties will reblog, tag Tay, etc. I’d truly appreciate it. My next show is Atlanta Night 2, and then I will be in Nashville as well.  Here we go, an overview of all of the times I have gone out hoping to meet @taylorswift: 
1) 2007 - Country Concert Festival Fort Loramie, OH - I was 15 years old, and Taylor was the earliest act of the day and only had like a 30 minute set. I begged my parents to let me go with my boyfriend at the time just to see her play. There were only like 3 people in the crowd who knew her songs! I’d been following her Myspace (LOL) so I knew already that she loved interacting with her fans, and I waited by her tour bus opposite side of a gate for over an hour before a security guard eventually told me that she was not going to be coming over, that I was pathetic for waiting so long, and that I need to leave. I started crying, and my boyfriend made us go. 
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2) 2008 - Country Concert Festival Fort Loramie, OH - Taylor got invited back! A slightly later slot, but it was on Sunday which a lot of people don’t stick around for (the festival actually has since cut the day entirely). My high school bestie and I were there though with a poster baring Tay’s lyrics and screaming every word to the songs she played. I don’t have photos of our posters because some drunk girl stepped on it after we had accidentally dropped it and ended up ripping it pretty bad. We waited by the buses after her set for quite awhile before we were eventually told by security that she had to catch a flight to NY or something and wouldn’t be coming out.
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3) 2009 - Defying Gravity Tour - Taylor was opening for Keith Urban and a group of my friends and I got tickets to just to see her! I got to meet Mama Swift for the first time, but didn’t meet Tay. I wasn’t really surprised because there were so many of us in our group, and this was before her headlining days so we didn’t even really know if there’d be a chance or not.
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4) 2009 - CMT Awards Nashville, TN - I bought tickets when it was announced that Taylor would be performing, and drove to Nashville from Ohio (with my older sisters accompanying me because I was only 17 haha). I got to meet a lot of celebrities actually outside of the venue beforehand, but not Taylor, and my phone also died before the show so I didn’t get any photos. 
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5) 2009 - Fearless Tour Columbus, OH - Nothing crazy happened this day, really, but it marked the beginning of Natalie and my’s ongoing Taylor concert bond! Taylor also came this close to us during “Hey Stephen” and touched my hand as she was walking back to the stage! 
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6) 2009 - Fearless Tour Indianapolis, IN - A random guy-friend of mine ended up with an extra floor ticket to the show and invited me so of course I said yes! I saw Mama Swift again, and she actually remembered me and “all my jean skirt, cowboy hat friends” from Cincinnati (the keith urban show!) -- I was shocked, and she is so sweet that she upgraded us from our back-of-floor seats to the pit! 
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7) 2010 - Fearless Tour Cincinnati, OH - My friend and I arrived to the venue at like 10 A.M. the day of the show, and we brought a scrapbook we had made for Taylor. It ended up raining and still we stood outside (trying to protect our book lol) for nearly five hours across from the tour buses/loading area. Eventually someone from Tay’s team came out and gave us pit passes and took the book promising to get it to Taylor. I still have no idea if she ever saw it. 
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8) 2013 - The 13 Hour Meet & Greet Nashville, TN - This is the hardest day to talk about of them all...We came from Ohio and walked around the event ALL DAY (totaled about 10 hours) trying to be picked by Taylor’s team members and we watched fans meet Taylor all day from this close to us. We never were picked, and eventually we left/gave up once they announced the last meet & greet wristbands had been handed out. It was honestly heartbreaking because this event had our hopes up so high, but Taylor is truly an angel for meeting SO many people that day, and I don’t fault her at all. Plus, we did get to enjoy a free acoustic set!! 
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9) 2011 - CMA Fest Nashville, TN - At an event this big, we truly didn’t expect to meet Taylor, but we still had an incredible time supporting her as a CLOSING act of the festival!! 
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10) 2011 - Speak Now Tour Indianapolis, IN - We had SOOO many glowsticks haha but it worked somewhat! Taylor’s team came up to us in our literal nosebleed seats and gave us pit passes! It was an amazing experience, but we still didn’t get to meet Taylor. 
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11) 2011 - Speak Now Tour Cleveland, OH - This concert was the VERY NEXT NIGHT from the previous entry in this story! Two out of three of us (Natalie and I of course) made a back-to-back trip from Indianapolis to our hometown (2 hours each way) and then to Cleveland immediately (4 hours each way) to see Taylor again in our same get-up from the night before. We had floor seats this time, and there were these two precious little girls in front of us who kept standing on the chairs in order to see and getting scolded by security. It was breaking my heart that them (or their parents who kept trying to hold them but they were heavy as like seven year olds) couldn’t truly enjoy the concert. Since we knew what the setlist would do, we told the family about Taylor’s “b-stage” songs she’d sing later closer to us. I saw Andrea and told her what was going on, and she said I looked familiar haha I gave her a brief overview of shows I’d been to and when we’d met and she said, “so of course, you’ve met Taylor” or something along those lines and I truthfully said “no I haven’t.” She had me go get the family and brought all of us into the sound-stage/b-stage private area for Taylor’s set there and for the rest of the show. The family was so excited and when Taylor came down from the stage, she hugged those little girls on her way out to the crowd and when she was hugging these other girls in front of us, she extended her arm to half-hug us at the same time. I CRIED A LOT.
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12) 2013 - Red Tour Columbus, OH - At this point, we tried to up our costume game lol we went for the “22″ music video look. We were pretty happy with it! We didn’t get noticed by anyone for anything at this show, though. Nothing crazy happened, but as always any night at a Taylor Swift show is magical and memorable <3 
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13) 2015 - 1989 Tour Louisville, KY - OOOO Lucky #13 ;) This really was a lucky show. We went to the @taylornation booth and they were impressed by how many shows we’d each gone to, and when I told them all about my Master’s Degree Thesis (I wrote it entirely on Taylor just a few months prior, and had just earned my graduate degree about a month before this show!). They were really intrigued by this and kept asking for all sorts of details lol when we left the booth, we barely made it far away before one of the girls from TN was chasing us down. My heart was beating SO FAST. She asked if we’d like to enjoy Taylor from the pit that night instead of our ticketed upper-level seats. OF COURSE! We didn’t get offered Loft ‘89 that night, unfortunately, which once we’d been upgraded we didn’t expect. Although, some girls nearby us did get upgraded and then later given Loft as well. Props to them! This was still one of my favorite show experiences and memories, especially because I heard the “Clean” speech for the first time and I REALLY needed it at this time in my life. A lot of tears were shed. 
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14) 2015 - 1989 Tour Gillette Stadium, MA - We won tickets to this!! Couldn’t believe it. Four of us got to go, and we drove TWELVE HOURS (it actually ended up being like 14 after traffic and stops etc haha) to go to this. This was one of the costume get-ups I am the most proud of. When we got to the TN booth, there weren’t any of Taylor’s team working it (I guess it was stadium employees taking pics idk). We did our best to stand out during the show, but we didn’t get to meet Taylor. I actually heard that there may not have even been a Loft that night, but there had been at the previous night Gillette show.
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15) 2015 - 1989 Tour Columbus, OH - We loved our outfits for this, we were BAD BLOOD AF!! We didn’t get noticed in any way this night, though. Taylor was still amazing as per usual and it was my last time seeing the 1989 Tour. We did, however, cry on the drive home feeling defeated yet again....
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16) 2018 - Reputation Stadium Tour Columbus, OH - Just recently added this one because I’m one show into the Rep Tour and have still not met Tay. My first show of the rep tour required me to drive 6 hours from Nashville (I moved here in 2016), but I was so excited that the drive there flew by! I’ve really been working hard to get noticed on social media this era (as you’ve seen everything above wasn’t working for me). I thought maybe this twitter thread was finally enough to get attention from Taylor/TN, so I honestly got my hopes up more than I should’ve about getting a DM for pre-show. I’m still not totally sure what was going on, but it seemed that there wasn’t as many pre-show DM’s as usual and maybe the process is changing (or the holiday impacted it idk still really). Not that I thought I was a shoe-in or anything for a pre-show M&G, but the situation did make me feel like my shot of meeting Taylor now was definitely low. We were absolutely in AWE of every aspect of this show, though, let me tell you. I wasn’t disappointed in any way by Taylor’s production. Wow. Just wow. We also were unexpectedly right next to one of the B-stages so Taylor was so close during that part of the show! I cried my eyes out to the “Long Live” & “New Year’s Day” mash-up because of my new long live tattoo and because NYD has significance to me and my relationship. Unfortunately, I ended up feeling AWFUL like a majority of the show though (like sick) and it got worse about halfway through.I spent a lot of time trying not to throw up or miss any of Taylor performing, and I toughed it out, but it wasn’t the way I wanted to experience the show. I ended up having to sprint past everyone with Natalie’s help to make it to a bathroom and throw up and I felt awful our whole hour drive back to Natalie’s house. It’s honestly probably good I didn’t get picked for post-show rep room because of how bad I felt! ANYWAY I’m still sad it didn’t happen for me, but I am hopeful that it wasn’t the right time and my time with Taylor is still coming.
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CONCLUSION: I am not in anyway ungrateful for the @taylorswift experiences I have had thus far. I know I have gotten more from Andrea and @taylornation than many have. Some people haven’t even gotten to see Taylor live! I know that, BUT my DREAM since before section #1 here has been to meet Taylor and thank her in person for everything she’s helped me get through. So if it’s possible in anyway to make this happen so I can tell her that, show her my tattoos she’s inspired, tell her about my thesis, etc....it’d mean the world to me.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
Keeping Up With The Khloé Kardashian & Tristan Thompson Scandal: A Complete Guide
The third and final Kardashian baby has finally arrived! Khloé Kardashian—reality star, denim designer and renowned sister expert—gave birth to a baby girl at 4:00am Thursday morning. Kourtney, Kim, Kris and Khloé’s BFF Malika Haqq were by her side in the delivery room outside Cleveland, Ohio — as was the baby daddy, Tristan Thompson.
The celebratory news came just two days after reports (and video footage) that accused Tristan, a 27-year-old Canadian pro-basketball player, of cheating on his mega famous girlfriend numerous times throughout her pregnancy. It’s been an emotional whirlwind of a week — and the entirety of the drama has reportedly been filmed for season 15 of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. *The devil works hard, but Kris Jenner is working harder.*
Next season on KUWTK: a lot of tears, motorboats and behind-the-scenes baby pushing. In an attempt to unpack this never-ending international scandal, we’ve gone back to the very beginning of Tristan and Khloé’s romance. Grab a snack, because there’s a lot to dive into.
August 2016: Romance rumours
Khloé and Tristan’s relationship was first revealed to the public in Sept. 2016. At the time, the athlete was expecting his first child with Jordan Craig, who was still pregnant with the couple’s baby (born that December).
December 2016: Instagram official 
Tristan’s pregnant ex-girlfriend, Jordan Craig, gave birth to their son, Prince, right around the time Khloé made their relationship status public.
September 2017: Pregnancy rumours
After a year of blissful romance, rumours start circulating that—like her sisters Kylie and Kim—Khloé is expecting her first child. “Yes, Khloé and Tristan are expecting and they are absolutely thrilled,” a source told People. “This is something Khloé has wanted for years and years and yet it’s more than that: she didn’t want it unless she was in the right relationship for it.”
December 2018: Instagram official
April 9, 2018: The baby is coming! 
TMZ reports on Monday that Khloé *might* be in labour in a hospital outside of Cleveland: “We’ve been getting tips Monday morning that she’s in labor. That said, you can’t just rely on tips.”
April 10, 2018: The Daily Mail video
The Daily Mail shares a video of Tristan “up close and personal” in an NYC nightclub with a “sexy brunette,” who has since been identified as Instagram model Lani Blair. The video was captured this past weekend, when Tristan was in New York with Cleveland Cavaliers ahead of a game against the New York Knicks on Monday evening. The woman who filmed the clips said: “I was there and he was on the table right next to us with a group of friends and some girl who he was obviously making out with all night… They were holding each other and it was so obvious.”
April 10, 2018: TMZ shares more condemning cheating footage
This video was shot last October at a hookah lounge in Washington D.C. The “surveillance footage” shows Tristan sitting with a group of women, “2 of whom are fully engaged with Khloé’s baby daddy,” TMZ says. In the clip, Tristan is seen kissing one woman and half-heartedly motorboating another. And yes, there’s groin grabbing.
April 10, 2018: Khloé’s bestie, Khadijah Haqq, hits Tristan on Instagram — and Khloé likes it 
April 10, 2018: Tristan’s ex, Jordan Craig, comments 
The NBA star’s first baby mama, Jordan Craig, shared her thoughts in an Instagram story:“If you respect yourself and you respect others, you would never make light of the misfortune of anyone, nor would you feel indemnified when it comes at the expense of others,” the 26-year-old lifestyle blogger wrote. “Wishing peace for everyone.”
April 11, 2018: Khloé reportedly goes “absolutely ballistic”
Per Page Six, a source close to the Kardashian family said the very-pregnant Khloé “was devastated when she saw the pictures of Tristan with that girl, she went absolutely ballistic at him. She is not only hurt, she is humiliated and worried for their child. How could he do this, and so publicly, when their baby daughter could arrive within a week?”
April 11, 2018: Tristan is booed during basketball game
During the Cavelier’s hometown game Wednesday night, the NBA star was hit with plenty of boos from the audience. Tristan took the court during a timeout (meaning the PA announcer didn’t say his name), but sources via TMZ say the crowd booed whenever he was shown on screen.
April 11, 2018: Tristan will be allowed in the delivery room
Per TMZ: “Sources familiar with the situation tell us Khloé’s devastated by the recent revelations, but understands the importance of the birth in the lives of everyone involved.”
It’s very possible that the baby’s birth was the first time Khloé saw her BF post-scandal, as according to E!, “Khloé doesn’t want to speak with Tristan. And the family is keeping them apart until she goes into labor.”
April 11, 2018: Kris, Kim and Kourtney fly to Cleveland
“Kris is in Cleveland now giving Khloé as much support as possible and Kim is also heading there as well,” one insider told People. “They’re trying to keep her emotionally stable.” The whole Kardashian klan is reportedly (and understandably) furious at Tristan. The goal is now to get Khloé out of Cleavland and back to Calabasas as fast as possible, without jeopardizing the safety of the baby.
April 12, 2018: The baby is born
Congratulation baby mama, and cheers to the health and happiness of your new little girl.
April 13, 2018: Khloé forgives Tristan
Water under the bridge! According to People, Khloé is over this whole infidelity drama, and is ready to put the scandal behind her. “Khloé is feeling nothing but happiness right now. She is head over heels in love with her little girl—she is just consumed with love. Absolutely nothing else matters,” the Kardashian family source says.
Wait…so everything is cool in this fairytale love story? “Basically.”
“She’s basically already forgiven him,” the source says. “She is in a bubble of love and peace and happiness right now, and everything that happened with Tristan is less about ‘cheating’ and more like, it was just a random drunken hookup that meant nothing and was kissing at most and didn’t lead to anything else and was the fault of stupid groupies trying to trap him, and everybody just needs to move on.”
May 2, 2018: Basketball Fans Continue to Diss Tristan at Games
So Khloé has forgiven him, but that doesn’t mean the public has. While in Toronto for a basketball game against the Raptors, Tristan was taunted during a free throw. As he tried to focus on shooting, the audience erupted into repeated chants of “Khloé!” Tristan managed to keep his cool, however, making the shot and also bringing home a victory with the Cavaliers. He posted an Instagram from the winning game, captioning it, “Feels good to be back in the 6!”
May 5, 2018: Khloe and Tristan Seen Together for First Time Since Allegations
Seriously, how much more proof do we need? TMZ obtained photos of Khloe supporting Tristan in Cleveland at a Cavaliers game and then the pair having lunch together. It appears as though the love birds are finally providing use doubters with tactical proof that all is forgiven? Maybe this signals the end of this saga?
May 8, 2018: Insider Reveals 
Never mind, we’re back. So while the pair still appear to be going strong, we finally have some insight behind why they named their daughter True. People (myself included) found it a little odd that Khloe would name her daughter True right after the cheating scandal broke out. Seems a little shady, no? An insider told Us Weekly that Khloe had had the name picked out for awhile. “She went into labour not even knowing the full scope of the cheating so the option of changing her name wasn’t even brought up. It’s too much for one person to deal with during the crazy time,” said the insider.
May 11, 2018: Tristan Blocks Sister Kim on Social Media 
It’s always a family matter when it comes to the Kardashians! Kim Kardashian West revealed (well, suggested) that Tristan Thompson was not happy about her input on the situation. “OK, last time I went on TV and I answered some questions about her I got blocked on social media—and not from Khloe,” said Kim  in an interview on Live with Kelly and Ryan that aired this morning. Kim is referring her recent interview with Ellen DeGeneres, in which she referred to the situation as “so f*cked up.” Oh, Tristan… don’t you know that one does not shade at a Kardashian on social media? They will always get the last laugh. I’d be careful if I were you, Kris Jenner works in mysterious ways.
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