#AND while I'm already yapping here. I genuinely just picked up this ship from sifting through old archives and found there was an interest
yourlocalxbox · 2 months
Totality - Undertronic
Seth and Sine spend time admiring the eclipse. Written in one hour, 832 words.
“Do you know how beautiful your art is?”
Seth stared at the sky with clasped hands. A gentle breeze blew past - Zephyros’ sigh, he supposed. He couldn’t help but wonder who held that God Soul now. Seth had always wanted to meet the wind god; perhaps the two could make a good pair.
What a silly thought.
Golden hair fell into his eyes, yet he never moved. Never took his gaze off of his work. Not a second could be missed. He heard laughter behind him.
“What are you doing?” Sine reached from behind and brushed Seth’s hair out of his face. He couldn’t help but notice how his touch lingered longer than it had to. He couldn’t help but notice how he didn’t mind. “You can hardly see through all of that.”
“Like you would know,” Seth quipped. The skeleton behind him snorted.
“Hey, I can make some guesses.”
Sine crept into the corner of Seth’s vision. He pulled off his hood and craned his neck to match Seth. One hand rested in the pocket of his cloak; the other nearly startled Seth out of his trance when it grazed his fingers.
“I could get us something. Tea. Whiskey. Coffee, extra-strong. On the house. Off the rocks. I could go on.”
Seth grinned. “No, thank you. This is enough.”
“But you don’t have anything?”
Seth held his tongue. This was more than enough.
“Won’t it be too dark?”
Seth paused. The thought did cross his mind, but he was not one to be afraid of the dark. A bit of daytime nightfall wouldn’t bother him - he didn’t know what it would take to make him fear the dark, but this was not it. “Not with you around.” He made a vague gesture to the skeleton’s ears. Their calming light was sufficient to keep the growing shadows at bay. Sine gently scratched at one of Seth’s clasped hands, and he let it fall open. The two looked upwards to Seth’s work of art.
The eclipse neared its totality.
“Do you think,” Sine started, “Do you think…”
Seth cocked his head to the side.
The remaining sunlight faded around them.
“No no, what were you saying? Please.”
The shadows cut deeper.
“It’s silly. It’s just a silly thought.”
Sine’s light danced across his face.
“You know those are my favourite.”
“Do you think we could stay like this forever?”
And the world fell yet darker.
“I don’t want this to end. It’s beautiful. Look at it,” Sine mused.
“There’s nothing to look at.”
“Exactly. You did this. You did this, Seth. Look at what you can do.”
Sine’s grip tightened around his hand. He felt dizzy from how his heart beat so unusually. They both knew it was a silly thought. The planets would pass, life would go on. Every couple decades or so, Seth would sit down and repeat the process, as this soul had done for hundreds of thousands of years. This was nothing special. This was just as the last ten thousand had been. It was the same one, the same sun that had people worshipped long before these souls reached their hosts. This couldn’t last forever. Their tails curled around each other. Maybe not forever.
“...I can make you a compromise.”
Seth couldn’t make it last forever. Not even a minute. The others would notice; planets were not something to be trifled with. The Death Well flashed in his mind. Yes, that was a fate he would prefer to avoid.
But a moment wouldn’t hurt.
He squeezed Sine’s hand back, flesh caressing bone. “I think…”
Sine smiled. “You sure about that one?”
“You- Come on, I lost my train of thought.”
“It’s alright,” said Sine. Seth tore his eyes away from his art to meet his. “I think that I think so too.”
The light began to fade back in around them. Seth quickly turned to hide the flush of his face. If anything, it only made Sine look at him more. “You’re kinda cute when you think you’re being slick, y’know.”
Seth exhaled sharply and turned away. “Come on. These always tire me out,” he lied. As much as he hoped Sine wouldn’t catch on, he knew it was a losing battle.
“Aah, so Mister Destruction needs a nap?”
“Shut-” His words were cut short by his own stammering. Sine cackled behind him. He sighed and made his way back inside.
“C’mon, you know you love me.” 
They both stopped mid-step. The daytime betrayed both of their expressions. They simply stared at each other in silence.
“I…” The words caught in Seth’s throat. He knew what he wanted to say. He knew what he needed to say.
I think…
I know…
He put his hand back into Sine’s. His gaze softened. Perhaps not everything had to be said.
It didn’t matter how dark it had gotten; Seth could still see one thing clearly. His work could never compare to the art that had stood beside him.
#undertronic#undertronic fic#fanfiction#Disclaimer: Do NOT stare at solar eclipses lol. One is the god of eclipses so I figure he'd have some sort of immunity#(I didn't want to completely logic this entire fic because if I did it simply would not have been written)#And I don't think the other has retinas. So. Unless you are a god or a skeleton. Use proper eclipse glasses or otherwise safe methods.#solar eclipse#Edit: More disclaimers because I feel like it!#I. I don't know how to write these characters very well. Most of the sources I can find for manner of speech and behaviour are quite old#And extrapolating from newer comments or implications is a touch difficult#Or in other words. This could be wildly out of character and I would have no idea.#AND while I'm already yapping here. I genuinely just picked up this ship from sifting through old archives and found there was an interest#I have no idea what their dynamic would be. I think the only source I have is a comment in a Discord about them both being ancient beings#And therefore could make good crackship material. Take that with a grain of salt.#This was also spurred on by one (1) comment in the Discord that threw me into a writing frenzy in which I stood up and suffered every-#Minecraft status effect all at once. It was worth it#I also almost posted this to my dragon blog lol. Yes this is PEAK dragon content right here.#Okay I'm done rambling. Thank you. Obligatory Reblogs > Likes because this hellsite is a hellsite#Not my best fic but not my worst fic. I am relatively content with this existing
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