doodle-do-wop · 1 year
Why do you think Ally just forget about grant and jonas after cmh (haha sorry maybe I was just bitter that like Cammie, I felt like when they appeared in UWS again, it was an alternate universe where zach had friends :D)
It was an alternate universe. Zach had to invent multidimensional travel to grab a new Grant and Jonas so he looked like he actually had friends besides the girls
I genuinely do not know and it could have to do with Cammie herself.
Like sure Camster isn't that thickheaded (okay just a lot but it protects her from the head trauma) but Cammie didn't really focus on Grant and Jonas mostly because she was busy dealing with spy-pigtail-puller Zachary Goode (he's such an annoyance I love him)
We only ever hear about Grant and Jonas in very small hiccups of information like idk Grant being hot and Liz talking about Jonas and Grant being hot and someone vaguely mentioning Jonas' name and Grant being hot (you get the point, he's a sexy lamp)
They might've had a bigger role in drafts but that would've also either taken away from Zammie or had a higher page count than what Ally was aiming for
There could've been a whole deleted scene of Cammie thinking she fell through the multiverse and crash landed on a planet where Rebecca Baxter didn't know how to talk to a boy or even a small Liz and Cammie scene where Liz admits to liking the new, feeling a little bit like a normal girl when in truth she's never been anywhere near normal, even before she became a Gallagher Girl but something just feeling off
We'll never know honestly why Grant and Jonas fell if the face of the earth or why there weren't scenes of them in OTGSY helping Zach and the CPS infiltrate Blackthrone or even just getting more of the boys just being traumatized boys and not knowing how to wear ties right or Grant hating sleeves or Jonas being unused to so many layers and sweating a ton.
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