cocksuki2 · 2 years
omg can we talk about gojo’s past for a sec bc it feels like the little insight they gave us during his past arc was pretty much nothing, like they gave us crumbs of bread. I’ve been meaning to chat abt jjk for a hot minute bc gojo’s backstory bothers me SO BAD bc i dont know how he actually came to be nor why he’s a single man clan. “when gojo was born the balance in the world tilted” okay what hospital was he born in so i can look through medical records, talk to the doctor that was there that day, something, anything. like where are his parents now? why doesnt he have any siblings? what happened to them yk? it seems like everyone just kinda brushed that over and don’t talk abt it🫤
i have a theory on why his parents arent in the picture but i feel like it’s probably dumb to even mention💀
PFTTT pls talking about gojo with me is like opening an enormous can of worms u cannot even begin to fathom the depths of. he is so... i have so so many thoughts abt him.
i gonna put this below a cut bc it is LONG and contains jjk manga spoilers
anyway, gege never rly did explain what happened to the rest of the gojo clan, nor how gojo came to be the only living member of it. i think that they were slaughtered, though i'm not sure how. the most likely theory for this is that they died because their limitless technique was powerful and other jujutsu families were threatened by that power. it makes sense, especially since limitless is a technique that is passed down within the clan and belongs to the gojo clan only.
i also think it's likely that people knew that the birth of the six eyes holder, as well as a limitless technique user, would alter the balance of the world, so the gojo clan was killed off in an attempt to avoid the birth of another user like that. essentially, a retaliation for the sole purpose of keeping gojo satoru from being born (take this in context with the fact that the elders of the jujutsu world had been planning to/wanting to seal gojo for a very long time).
that being said, i am always especially intrigued by gojo being the reason the jujutsu world's balance was altered. i think that its a fantastic way to describe just how rigid the power system is, as well as highlight how important satoru is when it comes to the actual lore of the jujutsu kaisen world.
i also think it is incredible foreshadowing bc if there is one thing we know about nature, it is that nature always corrects itself. gojo satoru altered the power system of the very world he existed in and as a result, spurred all curses to become stronger as well. so i don't think it's far-fetched to say that the gojo clan may have been wiped out by jujutsu society itself (as in, those in charge) to prevent his birth altogether and avoid another "age of the six eyes" (referring to someone who uses both the six eyes and limitless technique) in which all curses and sorcerers see their power raised to levels that only exist when a holder of limitless and six eyes exists.
along this same vein of theory, i also think it's likely that kenjaku attempted to wipe out the gojo clan in an attempt to keep another six eyes from being born and preventing his plans (whether it was him directly or him through a surrogate). since the six eyes, master tengen, and the star plasma vessel are linked by fate. it seems likely that kenjaku would try and stop that connection by preventing the birth of another six eyes by eliminating (or attempting to eliminate) the entire clan.
however, fate is unavoidable and inevitable. gojo satoru, destined by fate to be a holder of the six eyes, is an unavoidable force. because he is linked to the jujutsu world by fate, his birth was similarly unavoidable and i don't think it's too unlikely to assume that gojo was born by a miracle that somehow allowed the survival of his mother long enough for him to be born.
i also think that gojo is the LAST of the six eyes to be tied in this particular way because of the birth of toji fushigurou, but i digress.
anyway, those are my thoughts on THAT.
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