#ANYWAY. pacific rim posting hours are back baby.
reiverreturns · 1 year
pacific rim is a great movie but one thing i really wish it did more of is explore each character’s self-progression and decisions to do the right thing over what is fearful and hard. when mako nearly destroys the shatterdome chasing the rabit raleigh comforts her by saying first drifts are rough but he implies its because she experiences his memories of losing yancy. yeah yeah the mortifying ordeal of being known is great and all that, but how much better would it have been if raleigh explained to her that there is no hiding from yourself in the drift? that no matter how good you are at suppressing trauma and bad things that have happened to you normally, the drift will dredge them up, and you will have to face them?
because that’s just the sort of thing mako, as a rookie pilot, wouldn’t know. she’d expect to experience raleigh’s memories, maybe brace herself for the worst parts, but she’d be totally unprepared for what she sees of herself. it maps to raleigh too. he isn’t reluctant to get back in the jaeger because he’s worried about losing and surviving again - he’s afraid of being stuck reliving the loss of yancy over and over and over again in too-real memories. the drift could take him out at his knees and he knows it.
but still, they proceed. they face what is present-and-past and push through it, because there is no other choice. stacker pushes against his fear of harm coming to mako until he has to overcome it. this movie is all about connection, of course it is, but it’s about bravery too. knowing that we can be brave when we are loved but, in the end, it’s the responsibility of every one of us to choose to put one foot in front of the other.
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goddess-aelin · 5 years
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I split my fic rec list into two parts since it got so long. So, as promised, here is part 2! This is the canonverse/fantasy/random AUs. I always love me a good fantasy story but while compiling this list, I also realized that I definitely have a thing for werewolf and grounder Bellamy. It is what it is at this point lol.
Canonverse fics
-Darling, Just Hold My Hand by Killianslonghaul...N/R
a post-S4 fic where Clarke and Bellamy get together. Clarke gets a little sad that Bellamy doesn’t like PDA. Honestly, this is much angstier than I anticipated.
-I Have Been Homesick for You Since We Met by swishywillow....G
 I have read this fic a thousand times since I first read it. I completely 100% cannot handle how cute this fic is. Do not read in public because you will giggle like a child.  The 4 times Clarke sees Bellamy with a baby and the 1 time he sees her. Uncle!Bellamy. Featuring the most married platonic couple ever.
-Maybe This Time is Different by @griffinnblake...G
An alternate s5 story. Short but so fluffy that I can’t handle it. I had to plug my girl Lindsay’s fic. She’s such a talented writer!
- Love Will Come Through by monroeslittle ....M
 When the ark comes down, it is split into two camps. Clarke has to go live with the other camp, where she meets most of the characters that were part of the delinquents. This has one of my fave tropes, an arranged marriage where love literally comes through. Bellarke at their prime. Stunningly written and perfectly in character. One of my absolute favorites. Also threads book and show characterization together.
-Love is Not a Whisper (or a Weakness) also by monroeslittle...M
An AU where the 100′s ship crashes in a tropical area. This was such a cool concept and so well done!  Wells lives! Bellarke gets together (obviously)! And everyone is having babies.
-In My Dreams We Are Always Together by @andsowemeetagain...M
Oh lord, this one is chock full of my favorite tropes...grounder Bellamy, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers, hothead Bellamy. So. Much. Angst. Clarke and the 100 come down and land in enemy territory. They make a deal with King Bellamy, which includes, you guessed it, an arranged Bellarke marriage! Features super amazing angsty smut.
-Just as You Are Mine by @prosciuttoe....M
  A grounder!Bellamy, arranged marriage fic. God I love this fic so much! The characters are perfect, we get cute, drunk Clarke, protective Bellamy, and Bellarke slowly falling in love.
-Stars In the Water, Blood on Our Hands by @grumpybell...M
A grounder Bellamy AU. Clarke gets sent from the Ark to make sure that Earth’s inhabitants are peaceful and welcoming. Eventually, Bellarke falls in love. So much angst, so much cuteness!
-They Will See My Strength (in This Love I’ve Found) by glowinghorizons...T
Ark AU where Bellarke gets fake married to help each other out. Such a good fic!
-And Now You’re Home by asroarke...M
A grounder Bellamy fic where he is the one who Clarke finds instead of Madi after she gets left behind in praimfaya. An absolutely beautiful fic! It has all of my favorite tropes.
-Come Get a Hold of Me by @talistheintrovert...T
Clarke is overwhelmed by being back in civilization again after being alone with Madi for so long. Bellamy helps her through it.
-The Price of Peace by @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky...T
 A spec fic of season 6 and honestly....looking back on it now, its not far off. Lets hope season 6 ends the same way. I DARE anyone who reads this to not cry at the ending. It is a bet you will lose.  Also go read all of Lindsey’s fics because I literally always have tears in my eyes when reading them.
Fantasy/Random AUs
-The Fire is Coming by adelicatepeach.....T
  A Pacific Rim AU that absolutely ripped my heart out and then put it back together. Clarke and Bellamy as Jaeger pilots who help each other heal.
-How To Save A Kingdom by @wellsjahasghost ....M
 So this is actually a companion piece to the author’s other fic, How You Stay Alive. I haven’t gotten through that one completely yet but this companion piece is AMAZING. Bellamy and Clarke are soulmates and have to find each other in different lives. “Whether you fall in love again is up to you.” How To Save A Kingdom is just one of those lifetimes but it is absolutely beautiful.
-His Moon, His Light in the Darkness by @andsowemeetagain​...E
An ACOTAR AU. Holy shit I think about this fic all the time! I’ve never read ACOTAR but I don’t even want to because it will NEVER measure up to this fic. Bellarke is HOT HOT HOT in this. Faerie!Bellamy and human!Clarke. Bellamy is king of the night court (uhh Bellamy wearing dark colors and looking ominously hot? I think YES) and Clarke is the human that wandered into the Faerie realm. Originally has a lot of Flarke but honestly paints Finn in such a terrible manner that I’m not even mad. Again, features some super amazing angsty smut.
 -Don’t Look Back, You’re Not Going That Way.  by @andsowemeetagain...M
Viking!Bellamy, Soulmate Bellarke. This fic honestly ruined me because of the angst. Features slight C/exa in the middle if you don’t like that. This fic is so hard to describe because I don’t want to give anything away. Once again, as the authors brand continues on, features amazing angsty smut.
(if you haven’t noticed, this author is one of my favorite fantasy writers)
-With a Mouthful of Thorns by @grumpybell ...T
A fantasy AU featuring human Clarke, fae Bellamy, werewolf Bellamy, and such amazing worldbuilding. I’m not sure if Erin based this off of anything but she paints such an amazingly detailed picture. One of my absolute favorite fics. I’m also plugging a few more of her fics because she gives me my werewolf Bellamy fix.
-Facing Tempests of Dust. by @grumpybell...M
Werewolf/grounder Bellamy comes to the 100′s camp but only Clarke knows he can switch from human to wolf. I LOVE this and Erin also wrote a few follow-up fics, Creatures of My Dreams Part I and part II where Bellarke has a baby (a part human, part wolf baby, of course)
(Ok anyway, now that I’ve dedicated half of this to recommending Erin’s fics, you guys should def just go read all of her stuff!)
-The Clockmaker (Fixer of Hearts) by MercuryM....T
OH. MY. GOD. This fic!! Soulmates AU where everyone has a compass watch where their dial is the same as their soulmate’s. Clarke’s dial always points north. Bet you can’t guess why :)
-I’ll Always Wear the Crown that You Gave Me by safeandsound13...M
Hooooo boy. So this is divided into 3 works but is 135k words total, which I’m pretty sure makes it longer than the first Lord of the Rings book? But its so worth it! A Hunger Games AU where Clarke is reaped and Bellamy is her mentor.
-I Was in the Middle Before I Knew That I Had Begun by Kacka...G
A regency AU where Clarke and Bellamy are in an arranged marriage. Like usual, they don’t like each other in the beginning but over time learn to respect and love each other. Everyone who knows me knows that I was searching for this fic for HOURS because its so good. I read this so long ago but I had to have it on here!
Disclaimer: all of these authors are AMAZING and you should def check all of their fics out!
Thank you guys for 600 followers! I love each and every one of you!
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armandyke · 5 years
Hello yes please tell us about your children! If that’s cool, I mean, no pressure.
The girl I posted a few hours ago is Cleo Rivera she’s the main protag in a book that I have started writing but haven’t got very far with yet hajdjakska she’s my dyke baby and is low key invulnerable (low key in that she doesn’t actually know about it until part way through the story itself) because unbeknownst to her she was experimented on by alien scouts when she was a kid and they messed around with her heart and did some funky stuff to her, so now she has super advanced healing and regeneration abilities that basically mean she can’t be injured or killed. And in the story those same aliens then end up coming back and like.. overthrowing society when she’s an adulthood and things go to shit and stuff but that’s neither here nor there. She’s afro latina and grew up on a farm with her parents and she has two younger brothers called Noah and Diego (I named him that like two years ago so don’t @ me) and she’s a protective big sis. They end up losing their parents during the whole alien thing so she has to look after them but more shit happens which leads to her meeting this group of scavengers. There’s loads of them in the group it’s sort of like a mini village but here’s the main guys so far:
Grace is kind of the leader. She used to be a baseball coach and a few of the kids in the group are members of her team, and she has a freaking BAT to beat the shit out of aliens. She’s trans and also the love interest because as if I’m gonna write a story and not make it lesbians, but she’s quite distrusting of Cleo at first because she’s very protective of her found family, and it takes a while for her to accept that they’re on the same side.
Cassius (just Cas most of the time) is also kinda vice-leader. He was the leader before Grace arrived because he.. literally lead the first members of the clan to their current camp so they just accepted that he was in charge but he really didn’t know what he was doing and when Grace, whose whole job is to lead, showed up he was like Thank God. He was a med student before aliens so now he’s team medic and also team mom, just a really sweet and lovable guy.
Bruno is Cas’ boyfriend/husband (can you legally say that you’re married if all you really did was find a couple of rings in the midst of the apocalypse and get your friend to pronounce you as such? Bruno would argue that you absolutely can). He’s autistic, used to be a geography student, and his special interest is cartography which is incredibly handy when you’re staying in the middle of nowhere and nobody else has any clue how to navigate their surroundings.
Hadassah used to work for NASA (it rhymes and I love that for her.. Hadassah from NASA.. anyways) she’s the engineering and robotics pro, she has a little robot buddy that she built, and she’s incredibly interested in the alien tech. Think sort of like Newt in Pacific Rim like “yeah I know they’re evil and bad but they’re also really cool and I wanna study them”.
Riley is double leg amputee with a military history their not proud of, but damn if that doesn’t come in handy when there’s aliens around. I don’t have their whole backstory figured out yet but I do know that Hadassah spends a lot of time tinkering with their prosthetics.. which is totally for science reasons and not just an excuse for them to hang out.
I have a whole tag for this too with some more in depth stuff about some of the characters :)
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hvadfucken · 7 years
ask meme
i was tagged by the very angry @exemplarybehaviour que todavía no me ha bloqueado por alguna razón
Rules: post the rules, answer 11 questions, make up 11 new questions and tag 11 people.
1. Favorite terrible movie and why?
Pacific Rim. The story makes no sense realistically. Giant robots make no sense. The idea that the robots and kaiju could move that fast makes no sense. Scientifically and politically it's ??? but my god do I love watching those robots kill those kaiju
2. A funny (or interesting) travel story?
My college roommate, me, and a mutual friend all went to Seattle like a year ago. Great trip. We accidentally booked a shitty hotel in a prostitute area. My roommate was trying to say the hotel was great. The maids left food from previous guests in the drawers and they didn't leave any utensils except for one spoon in the kitchenette.
Anyway, this was about 1.5-2 months after my bariatric surgery. My stomach is still not quite healed so I need soft food. I'm starving and all there is is street food. I see a gyro stand. Gyro meat is soft, that's perfect! I buy one. I eat some of it. It's heavy, as expected for a gyro. Mutual friend needs to use the bathroom, but McDonalds requires you buy something first. She buys me a milk. I drink some of it.
While we're waiting for the bus, suddenly we hear this thud and a screeching noise. There's a bag full of stuff that's now strewn all over the street. My roommate panicks, thinking the bus just hit someone. Turns out the guy left his phone on the bus and threw his entire bag in front of it to stop the driver and get his phone back. It's fucking hilarious to us.
Anyway, back at the hotel. Healing stomach full of gyro meat and milk. We're recounting the bus story, and I'm laughing really hard. Too hard. With no warning, suddenly I'm vomiting milk all over myself. My friends are horrified. I think it's hilarious and laugh harder, inhaling some of it and choking a bit. I have to take a shower and change clothes while assuring them that I'm not dying, and convincing them that this is hilarious because it is.
3. Your favorite Cool Fact ™ about animals.
Ok so we all know that baby sharks eat each other during gestation. Presumably because they don't want competition and it's a food source. But that's not the only reason. The original litter is composed of sharks from different fathers. The biggest one eats all of the sharks that have different fathers from itself. It's parternity protection and means the other males just provided food for the successful one's offspring.
4. A fandom you’re embarrassed to be in, or that people might not know you’re in?
michelle we've been over this. i will take that fandom to my g r a v e.
5. Do you have any superstitions?
I had a bracelet that I considered good luck so I wore it to two exams and fucked up on both of them so I don't do that anymore.
Also I wear nice clothes and dress up on exam day because if I'm put together on the outside, maybe I will be on the inside, too.
6. Weirdest and/or most interesting member of your family?
My brother. Computational molecular biophysicist. Dual-screens Kerbal Space Program and Engineer of the People to relax after a long day at the lab. Can tell you anything about anything sciency. Also wore completely worn-out shoes for three months because he forgot he bought a new pair. On that note, he's worn through a dozen pairs of titanium-sole shoes that have lifetime warranties on the soles.
He's also a magnet for maternal women. He collects moms and grandmas. He drinks hot chocolate instead of coffee. He's allergic to cats but is going to get one anyway.
7. Something that happened to you or you witnessed on public transport?
When I was on my way to the women's march, there was one guy on the bus. A bus that, at this point, was 2/3 full, all with women clearly headed to the march. He stands up and starts loudly talking about how great Trump is. No one looks at him. He starts to stutter. Still, no reaction.
He hopped off a stop or two later, looking completely put-out that no one took the bait. I rarely tell this story because it sounds like one of those blatantly fake note-grabbing tales but I swear it happened.
8. Window seat or aisle seat? Why?
Aisle. I'm diabetic and if my blood sugar goes high I need to be able to easily get up to pee.
9. Would you rather eat mashed potatoes in a tube (”gotatoes”) or spaghetti in a tube (”spagoot chute”)?
what the fuck michelle
Also, gotatoes. Spaghetti would be really hard to effectively get out of the tube without noodles falling on your shirt. This would make more sense with macaroni and cheese where it's in easily divided bites. A mac and chunnel, if you will.
10. If there were a movie about your life, what would the trailer look like?
Probably me being distracted by cats in a variety of circumstances set to upbeat music. My life is pretty boring outside of anecdotes.
11. You get stuck in the last game you played, a la 80s nostalgia movie. What’s your life like now?
The last game I played was Sims 3 so... On one hand, it takes me like half an hour to pee. On the other hand, I can work my way from organ donor to head surgeon without ever going to college. All I have to do is play chess on the computer.
New questions:
1. What's your favorite form of potato? 2. Least favorite Tumblr meme and why? 3. Best TMI story? 4. Favorite fact about space? 5. What's your most ridiculous cooking story? 6. Your best misunderstanding story? 7. Is cereal a soup? 8. What book/movie/tv show universe would you want to live in most? It doesn’t count if it’s basically set on normal Earth. 9. What's the worst fandom drama you have ever seen and/or participated in? 10. Would you rather visit outer space or the deep ocean? 11. You can instantly become fluent in two other languages. Which do you pick and why?
I tag uh. @lomedraug @agentblurr @iridescedsea​ and @ontopofpedestals​. that’s 11 people in ternary. it counts.
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