lestatlioncunt · 2 years
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THE 2077 GANG: he was a cowboy, she did boxing, they had a skater boy as roommate.
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skzhocomments · 7 months
THE WHITE LILY (Mafia Book #1 - Bang Chan) - Chapter 7 - SKZ, you're next
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Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
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Chapter 7 - SKZ, you're next
chapter word count: 2.6k words
~1 year and 2 months before Present Day~
~Emilia's POV~
"Shade, right, right! Go right! Right, okay?"
"Heard you the first time, Dark."
"What a strange duo you two are." Laughed Seungmin through the earpiece.
"Yea, Dark and Shade, both equally idiots it seems." Spat Minho.
"Shut up, kitty." I spat back.
"Who the fuck do you think you're calling kitty?!"
"Anyways, you're almost there." our bickering was interrupted by Seungmin.
I've already been with Stray Kids for four months now, when Chan considered that we should strengthen our teamwork to integrate me more in the team. So, his master plan was to send me, Changbin, Minho and Seungmin on the most boring mission ever. Infiltrate in a house and steal a few unimportant documents, just for the sake of doing so.
"We don't want anything dangerous to happen to any of you" he said and picked this random house in the middle of nowhere that belongs (or used to belong?) to some enemy gang I haven't heard of before.
Of course, me and Chan also had our... private teammate sessions, but they involved more mating and less teamwork. We were sleeping together almost every night – some nights involving sex, others just enjoying each other's company and learning things about who we truly were when no one was watching.
I started trusting Chan with all my being. Four months might not seem like much to some, but he knew more about me than anyone else.
"This place looks like shit" Changbin spat.
"Didn't take you much for a complainer." I joked around, painfully aware that Changbin is (and probably has always been) a complainer.
"Yea Binnie, just do the mission and shut the fuck up." We both heard Minho whine in the earpiece.
"Kitty, are you always so involved when you're on the other side of the mic?"
"I swear to God if you call me kitty one more time I-"
"Oops, you're breaking up."
"Shade I will fucking rip you hair off."
"And I'll get you some kitty treats if you act nice."
"Okay, okay, we got it." Sky interrupted us. "So, how's the house looking?"
"Horrible. And it smells" Changbin put an emphasis on the last word.
He was right, though. There weren't even any guards and the house seemed abandoned. The walls inside were full of dust, there were dirty pots on the floor's kitchen and trash everywhere else, and the smell. God, the smell was rancid. It was simply filthy, and it didn't seem like anyone has been here in the past decade or so. Maybe Google "crackhouse" and you'd get a hint.
If Chan wouldn't have insisted to treat it as an actual mission and go in sneakingly, we could've literally walked through the front door without anything or anyone to stop us.
So that's where we're currently at.
"Ok guys-"
"And girls, asshole" I spat.
"... I will pretend I didn't hear that, Shade."
"Ignorance is bliss, Sky." I rolled my eyes, even though I knew he wouldn't be able to see me. However, Changbin did and let a chuckle escape.
I smiled back at him. Maybe we could get along after all?
"So- as I was saying before someone interrupted me, you should reach the section of the map we talked about. It should have two rooms, one in the front and one in the back. We don't know where the safe is, so just figure it out together."
"You prefer front or back?" Changbin asked.
"My, my, Dark, what a naughty question!" I chuckled and jokingly touched his biceps.
And I swear I felt a shiver from him and saw a small shake of his head.
"Ok, go to the front one and I'll get the back." He continued, ignoring my teasing.
I went into the dark corridor towards the door in front of me and pulled out my gun. I should treat this like a normal mission after all, right?
As soon as I opened the door, the stench was even worse, almost unbearable, and it made me gag and feel like throwing up.
I identified the cause quickly: in the middle of the room, a dead body of what used to be a woman was lying dead on the ground between all that clutter and trash. She was in a decomposing state and judging by the bloating she died about 3-5 days ago.
"Found the safe!" Changbin's victorious scream could be heard through the earpiece. "Shade, come give me a hand in opening this up!"
I was sick to my stomach but somehow couldn't take my eyes away from the woman. That's the funny thing about being in a mafia. You see a lot of dead bodies. But most of them fresh and with gun wounds or other injuries caused by yourself. You almost never get to see or smell death like this. In my experience, anyway. I was never the one to take care of dead bodies.
"Shade?" Changbin asked again, but just as I wanted to reply, something shifted next to the body.
Squinting my eyes and pointing my gun there, I was met with a pair of two bright blue eyes.
A... toddler?!
As soon as he saw me, he started bawling his eyes out.
"Shade? What was that?"
"There's a fucking toddler here, Sky!" I said hurriedly and sprinted towards the kid.
I picked him up and looked at him, speaking kind words in hopes of calming him down. It was obvious he's been pooping and peeing himself ever since his mother – or the woman on the floor – passed away; he was very dirty and smelled of... many indescribable things.
Soon, Changbin came in the room.
"Shit. Fuck. What the fuck is this?"
"I know, right?"
"Is she fucking dead?" Changbin asked, pointing to the woman on the ground and pinching his nose.
"What does it look like to you, Dark?!" I replied sarcastically.
"Guys, what's going on?" Minho asked.
"There's a fucking dead woman and a kid here!"
"The kid's alive though, he seems to be 2-3 years old I think." I interrupted Changbin.
"Wh- how long has the woman been dead?"
"A few days at most."
"Shade, how can you hold that thing in your arms? It stinks." Changbin was still pinching his nose and scrunching his face.
"He's a fucking kid, Dark. Get over yourself!"
"Guys, stop, can you identify the woman?"
"Negative. She's been beat up. Can't distinguish her face from minced meat. Must be why she died." Said Changbin after looking around for any form of identification and examining the woman.
"And the kid? How is it alive?" Sky asked.
"He..." Changbin started "I don't know..."
"No idea... now that you mention it, there's also not much to show that the woman actually died here. No blood, no nothing. It's like... someone placed her here for us to find." I concluded.
"That's crazy. But it makes sense." Changbin analysed the floor and indeed, he saw no blood stains.
"Would... would Chan do something like this?" I asked, unsure. "Maybe it's part of the mission?"
"No. No way. He draws the line at children." Minho replied confidently.
The baby was now calmer, although he was still quietly sobbing. Poor thing must've been starving here.
"Wait a bit, we'll call him and ask what to do. Take some pictures of the scene in the meantime." Sky continued.
"Ok, just got off the phone with Chan. He said burn the house down and bring the kid with you." Minho replied, urging us to return fast.
And that's what we did.
"Stop being such a cry-baby!"
"You try being in the car with that stinky kid for 2 hours and we'll talk after!"
Han and Changbin were arguing after the latter complained about the mission to literally everyone that would listen.
"Yea, well, try holding it in your arms for those two hours and we will speak after." I interjected.
We were all baffled about who the woman could've been. Seungmin asked us to take samples from her body before setting the house on fire so he could try to identify her, but he said it should take a few days, so all that's left to do is wait.
"I'm guessing whoever did this assumed the kid will die anyway and didn't bother killing him." Chan started.
We were all gathered around the kitchen table. All, except for Hyo, who suddenly took on a motherly role and insisted on taking care of the kid.
I never struck myself as a potential good mother, so that, at least, was admirable. Even if Hyo's a bitch, I guess she has some good parts to her.
"Anyways, until the probe results come back, let's let this slide. How about you tell me how the mission went?" Chan started.
"Oh, me and Shade are such a great couple!" Changbin said smugly and put his arm around my waist smirking.
Chan's expression darkened for a split second. It was barely noticeable, and I doubt anyone else saw it except me. After all, we decided to keep our "relationship" (or whatever the heck we could call it) a secret from the others.
"Do you mean team?" I asked and slapped Changbin's hand away, making him giggle.
"It went fine, but I think Shade could use some training in the communication department." Replied Minho.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I answered with a tint of anger in my tone.
"Shade - calm down. What do you mean, Minho?" asked Chan.
"Don't take it personally, but you literally didn't say anything when you saw that woman's body and the child. We found out what's going on 3 minutes later, when Changbin got there and told us. That's bad. In a mission, those 3 minutes of information could be valuable. They could mean life or dead."
"Changbin? Seungmin? What do you say? Do you agree?" Chan turned his eyes to the two.
"Mhm. Minho made an excellent point. You have to work on your communication skills." Said Seungmin.
This felt really humiliating. They were hurting my ego and that felt like a punch in the gut.
Thanks god that bitch Hyo isn't here. She would've never let me live this down.
"I've been working alone these past few years, so I don't know what you want from me." I retorted with spite.
I knew they were right, but I wasn't ready to accept their criticism yet.
"Shade, they don't mean it in a bad way." Chan tried to reason with me, so I simply nodded, hoping they will drop it.
Just then, a ray of sunshine came through the door and saved the day.
"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but Hyo finished washing the baby and she's noticed a weird mark on him. Can you come upstairs?" said Felix in a serious tone.
We all headed towards Hyo's room and entered. As soon as she saw me, her face contorted with anger, and she started screaming.
"Wish I could, but I have no desire to do so." I chuckled.
"Hyo, calm down, what's up?" asked Chan, concerned.
"She can't be here. I don't want her here. Are you fucking setting us up, bitch?!" she continued in a rage, confusing everyone.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snapped back.
"Shade, it might be better if you went to your room for now, ok?" Chan spoke, trying to get Hyo to calm down.
"Why do I have to leave?!"
"Please, just... don't argue with me right now and go to your room."
So that's how it's gonna be, hm? Whenever Hyo's mad, I would become the supporting role.
I didn't have to say anything, as a roll of my eyes did the trick. Disappointed in Chan, I got out of the room and went in mine, locking the door behind me.
I dropped on the bed and looked outside the window. The sky was glistening beautifully in warm tones, the sun setting slowly. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, relaxing my body, and drifted off to a deep slumber.
~Third person POV~
"Bang Chan, the fact that you brought this bitch here, with us, will bring our fall!" Hyo started screaming as soon as Emilia left the room.
"Hyo, please calm down. Let's talk this over calmly, okay? What happened?"
"Look at this! Just look!"
Hyo turned the screaming child on his belly. He was upset about the whole commotion, but she didn't seem to care too much about his screams. A more pressing matter was at hand, and she had to show it to everyone.
"Is this not her fucking mafia?! I'm telling you, she fucking deceived us all!" Hyo said, pointing at the baby's back.
He had bad, fresh scars that could've only been made by a hot iron that read "SKZ your next", signed by a single rose symbol.
"The Scarlet Rose. It's her fucking mafia, isn't it?!"
Chan was perplexed by this. It was indeed Emilia's old mafia signature. He got a knot in his stomach and started wondering whether what Hyo was saying could be true. Would Emilia really betray Stray Kids? Would she really betray him?
"I can't believe that baby will be marked for life with that... and it's written wrong." Said Seungmin, making everyone turn their attention to the baby again and noticing the obvious grammar mistake.
"No, seriously. "YOUR"? Who the heck writes like that? Must've been an idiot. Is that why Shade is a bit dumb sometimes, I wonder? Runs through the mafia..." continued Seungmin sassily.
"Stop that! Can't you see the bigger picture? Shade is fucking with us!" Hyo shouted.
"We can't know that for sure." Intervened Changbin, standing up for Emilia. "She seemed as confused as everyone else on the mission."
"Yea, I agree. We don't have all the facts. We don't even know who the woman is yet. Maybe it has nothing to do with Shade whatsoever." Said Felix, making the others nod.
"Besides, how could Shade even know we were going there? You just told us last night, Chan. And the woman's been dead for what? 3-5 days?" Minho intervened as well. Even though he wasn't Shade's biggest fan, it wasn't right to have all blame on her for something like this.
"It's weird indeed. I gotta be honest, when I dropped the documents yesterday morning, I didn't check that room, so we can't be sure if the woman was there before I went there, or if someone put her there after I left. I didn't hear any baby, though..."
"What's safe to say is, she didn't die there." Changbin affirmed.
"Come on, Chan. It's obvious what happened! Her Mafia put the woman there after you left and informed us of the mission, when she freaking told them! She's pretending, y'all. How can you trust her so blindly?" Hyo rolled her eyes and started tending to the baby, calming it down.
Quiet mumbling could be heard between the other members.
"How can we know she's not setting us up?" she spoke again. "You like her, I get it." She spat. "But her whole getting-out-of-the-mafia-plan mission was to infiltrate us and kill you, Chris. How can we be so sure that she's not just playing a role right now?"
Hyo was in love with Chan. Always has been, always will be. But Chan never looked at her that way. And all of a sudden, he's brought this... disgusting bitch into the gang. Into her gang. 
If that wasn't already bad, the way he was eye-fucking her all the time was really getting under her skin. She hated her guts and wished she could just disappear. Why did everyone trust her? She was just a random girl from another mafia. She would never be part of SKZ. She was not to be trusted.
And this kid right here was all the evidence that was needed to support the theory: Emilia was surely gathering information about Stray Kids and would tear them down with the first chance she gets.
Chapter 6 | Chapter 8
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inkedmyths · 1 year
S1: E20 "Dead Man's Blood"
Brought to you by Soup Anon, and sorry for a lack of format I forgot how do read more on mobile and I'm on the way to work.
This episode featuring: Poor Mr. Elkens, Dad Of The Year, cowboy vampires, and a legendary gun
Poor Mr. Elkins
Oh shit its a gang. Ominous music
He gone. He booking it. Goodbye Mr. Elkins
Man why is the camerawork so dark
Oh its the chick. She followed him?
What is she?? One of those skin stealers from before??
Whats the fuckin deal
Oh they eat him
Poor Mr. Elkins
Dean trying to hook Sam back up with Sarah lmaoooo
Oh he knew Mr Winchester I see I see
Breaking and entering ✨
Ok so he was someone similar to the Winchesters. A monster hunter guy
Hello outside
All his leftover stuff... and his blood....
Mail drop!!
Oh hi dad man welcome to the party
Sam everytime he finds out about something their dad didn't tell them ">:O"
Oh boy! Family hunting trip!
Ohhh classic, pretend to be dead/hurt and attack
[ Crepe asks if the vampires are clowns. I said no. There are clown vampires?? When?? Why??? ]
Sam wants the deets and Deans like "Just accept it bro" and they both have so much issues
[ Crepe realizes what episode it is, that they're going after the Colt. Yes. I assume this is important. ]
Sam and Dean arguing about it, now with the concept of why Dean is the way he is
Cowboy Vampires. Yeehaw
Ohhh oh Vampire Drama
Oh the gun
Angy Sam angy
This poor chick. They ate her boyfriend and now they're like half fucking in front of her
Oh thats. Thats something
Oh we're just gonna waltz in
Ohhh a legendary gun??
[ Crepe decides to inform me that in the SPN universe, turning into a vampire can in a short period of time be reversed with a special soup. What the fuck is going on here. ]
Anyways. Gun story
Ohhh spooky
A gun that can kill anything... OH LIKE THE DEMON
Ohhh I seeeee
Fuck I love spooky legendary weapons that can only be used a limited number of times
[ Five times. Only five shots. Ohh that's the good shit. ]
They are just walking around. Around and around. Sleepy vampires everywhere
Pack kill moments
Funeral Home?
Fidgety Sam, antsy about. Everything around.
Ah. John Winchester got suuuuper fucked up. And ended up an asshole about it. I mean I knew that but its interesting to have it addressed
Men Having Feelings And Being Bad At Them
Sad Men Being Sad is Dean going to barge in and interrupt the moment
Yea. Hi Dean
The fuck is that. What do you need it for
"I usually draw the line at necrophilia" LMAO GOOD ONE
Dean really never shuts the fuck up huh
Ohhh soaked in a Dead Man's Blood..... interesting
Hhhrgh oh I see. He doesn't expect to make it out of this fight. I mean I get it but man
Stressed cowboy vampires
[ Crepe makes a comment about being surprised Dean isn't flirting. Does Dean have a cowboy kink? Cowboysexual? Like a little yeehaw? ]
Saving a bunch of ppl used as blood bags
Oh funky watcha gonna do now Mr. Winchester
Oop that didn't work
Ooooh woah spooooky gun
Thats 1 out of 5
Damn that sure did kill him
They sure did!!
Alriiight family roadtrip
This gun is the coolest shit in the show so far. I love legendary items. I love that shit I eat it up so so much and the item limit... now thats the GOOD stuff....
Anyways. Season finale ahead! I'll do it tomorrow since apparently its a 2 parter. Almost there folks.
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
The River by be-the-creatue-fan (Read my first story AIN'T NO TIME LIKE 1969 before reading this story)
Chapter 1
"Martin? What are you doing here again? Dr. Corvado was looking everywhere for you!"
Martin turned around to see who was talking to him.
"Mom?! What are you doing here?"
"It's a good thing that we've found you in time." Linda Kratt said as she grabbed Martin arm and took Martin away from the tomb stone.
"Mom, what are you doing? where are you taking me?"
She didn't say a single word and they both continued walking until they got to the parking lot. There stood an ambulance type vehicle with several doctors and police officers that ran towards him.
"Mom? MOM! What are you doing? what's going on!?"
Linda remained silent but her eyes were starting to water up as the doctors restrained him and shoved him into the back. One of the doctors looked very familiar, Martin looked at the name tag that was on the doctors shirt. Dr Corvado.
"Aviva! Oh man it's so good to see a familiar face!"
But Aviva didn't say a word, and ignored him. Martin being very confused still tried to talk to her, but with no luck.
"Aviva it's me Martin, Me, You, Chris, Koki and Jimmy would go around the world to rescue animals. you're a genius inventor and-"
"Smith! he's speaking crazy talk again, we should probably give him the shot now."
"Alright Corvado he's your patient."
"Wait what shot? Aviva you have to listen to me we were friends you have to beli-"
And just like that Martin was out cold.
Chapter 2
(Flashback to July 20th 1973)
It was what you would call a perfect summer day, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and excitement was still in the air. Chris had just celebrated his 4th birthday and he was still hyped about being another year older, but he was even more excited to go with Martin and his older sisters to the near by river at the place where the whole family camped.
"Bill are you sure Chris is old enough to go with them to that river?"
"Linda, of course he's old enough, they're going to the shallow part of the river, and plus I'll be close by incase the kids need anything."
"Oh alright, have fun you guys!"
As Bill, Martin, his sisters and Chris got closer to the river the more excited Chris became.
"Martin are we there yet?"
"It's going to be awhile until we get there, but don't worry we'll be in there in no time"
But Chris wasn't the most patient kid and decided to run ahead.
"Now Chris don't run to far ahead yah hear!" Bill called out.
"I won't!"
After a while of walking and running they finally made it to the river, only to find it flooded from the storm the night before.
"Welp, looks like we can't go swimming gang"
"WHAT!? But why Daddy?" Chris winned
"Well you see squirt, the river is over flooded, it's too dangerous to go swimming, but, it's not to dangerous to go berry picking" Bill said as he pointed towards some blackberry bushes. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"
"Uh I guess" Chris said a little disappointed.
So Martin, his sisters and Chris started picking blackberries close to the river as Bill went fishing just up river not to far from them.
"Man it's hot outside, I'm gonna cool off in the river"
"But Martin, Daddy said to not go in the river because it's to dangerous" Chris said
"Yea, he said it was dangerous for you because your to little"
"I'm not too little, I just turned 4!"
"Yea, and I'm 7 almost 8, I'm technically a man, and I'm old enough to go into the river if I want to."
Chris didn't take that to kindly and wanted to prove that he wasn't the little kid that everybody thought he was. When no one was watching he decided that's when he would make his move to go into the river.
"Chris what are you doing?" Susan said (one of the twin sisters)
Chris didn't respond as he jumped into the river. Chris underestimated the depth and power of the river as he was swept away by the strong current.
"MARTIN! Chris jumped in the river!" "He's getting carried down river!"Both Christine and Susan screamed.
Martin turned around to see Chris's head pop out for a split second, before the current pulled it back down.
"Susan! Go and get Dad! Me and Christine will try to get Chris out!"
Susan ran to get Bill as Martin got out of the river because even he knew that the current was to strong for him.
"MARTIN! HELP ME! *GASP* MOMMA ,PAPA *GASP* SAVE ME!...... save me....." Chris's head went under again.
(A few hours later)
Mr and Mrs. Kratt, we've found your son's body down river and I regret to inform you that your son didn't make . We are so sorry for your lost. we need-....................................
Martin and his sisters were sitting inside the trailer, he could hear his mom screaming in agony, he looked out the window to see them both crying. That's when Martin knew, but that's not how it was happen, Chris didn't die, he couldn't have died, he didn't die, he didn't die, he didn't die!
(Back in Present day)
Martin woke up to find himself in what seemed to be some sort of jail cell.
"Martin, you awake?"
"Jimmy? Is that you?"
Chapter 3
"Jimmy! Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're here! Where is here anyways"
"We're in some sort of insane esylem, but that's all I know because HOW ON EARTH DID WE GET HERE!!!"
"What is the last thing you remember?"
"Well, I was asleep in the Tortuga and the next thing I heard was sombody screaming and when I woke up I ended up here. I saw Aviva but for some reason she didn't respond, it was like she didn't recognize me"
"Wait do you remember Chris being alive?"
"Yea why wouldn't he be alive...unless. What happened while I was asleep?"
Martin explained what had happened to him, Chris's gravestone. the strange dream and how Aviva treated him on his way to the esylem.
"Oh my gosh...OH MY GOSH!"
"Jimmy what is it?"
"Its all wrong, this wasn't supposed to happen, when Chris went to the past, something happened that messed up the space time continuum."
"Well, how are we going to fix it?!"
"I-I don't know, its going to be hard to find the cause of how or what caused this to be our new reality. Time is very complicated stuff."
"Wait, how do you know about this stuff?"
"Martin, I don't just sleep, eat pizza and play video games all day. I usually subcaunsely listen to what Aviva and Koki talk about when it comes to complicated things like time trampolines and such."
"Hey Cell 37! SHUT UP!"
Martin and Jimmy turned to see one of the guards banging his fist on thier cell door. Then they saw the shadows of two other faceless figures before the door opened.
"I don't know how you escaped this time, but we'll make sure that it doesn't happen again yah hear?" The first person said
Martin and Jimmy were very confused as the 2nd figure walked in. Aviva walked in with a huge syringe. That was the last thing both Martin and Jimmy remembered.
Chapter 4
Martin and Jimmy were laying on their bunks. Numb, Cold, Afraid, their heads were pounding and they both were uncontrollable twitching. Martin's eyes began to water from the pain that he felt. Jimmy on the other hand felt anger and rage, his blood began to boil. Jimmy jumped from his bunk and ran to their cell door.
"Jimmy?" Martin said with a weak voice. "Was Chris ever alive? Or was I just crazy this whole time?"
"No, Martin, your not crazy, we're not crazy, Chris was alive. He was alive..."
The Next few days were rough for Jimmy and Martin as their hope began to dwindle. Martin kept having the same nightmares of his brother's death as well as having the same horrible dream of him just disappearing from existence like what he had originally witnessed, as the days passed it was getting harder to believe what was true. Jimmy was also going through a rough time. He still felt utterly betrayed by Aviva and missed Koki dearly.
"I wonder where Koki is?"
"Who knows." Martin said kind of miffed
"You know I loved her, right? I-I wanted to tell her how I felt...b-but I was always too chicken, a-and now I might never get the chance."
"Well sucks to be you. At least Koki might be alive somewhere, but guess what, Chris is dead and everyone thinks I'm a looney!"
Jimmy fell silent as he was to angry to say a word.
Weeks turned into months and not a word was spoken.
Until one day Martin overheard a conversation.
"I think I did it!"
"Did what Ms Corvado?"
"Well, for the past couple of years I've been working on a time machine and now I've think I've done it!"
"So she has been working on a time machine" Jimmy said kind of miffed.
"But what good would that do" Martin said feeling rather hopeless "it not like we can fix any of this, or can we..."
(Meanwhile with Chris)
Martin, that was the last thing Chris saw before he felt as if he was drowning. Fear was the last feeling that Chris had before he dissapeared into the abyss.
"Wh-Where am I?"
But the only response he got was an echo. His surroundings were white at first before becoming more clear. The first thing that came into focus was the green grass and the surrounding tombstones, soon more things came into focus he spotted Martin standing infront of one of the tombstones.
"Martin!" Chris yelled as he ran towards his brother to embrace him, but he went right through him.
Martin didn't hear him, he couldn't hear him, he couldn't feel him, Chris was nothing more than a soul.
(I'm putting this story on hold I am so sorry for leaving this on a cliff hanger I just need to think how I'm going to continue the story because honestly I ran out of ideas. Oop)
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
After you're gone
Ben hargeeves x reader
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Summary: as one of the other 43 kids born that day you where unaware of your abilitys until they took the thing you loved the most ruining your life until you run into a strange group
Warning: swearing
17 years ago:
You slammed the bag on to the table.
"That enough?" the man behind the counter looked up at you and guestured for you to spill it's contents.
You huffed grabbing the bottom of the bag and yanking it to let everything fall on to the table. He leaned forward examining everything.
"Looks like you're a few bucks short kid."
"What the hell do you mean?"
"I mean what I said!"
You narrowed your eyes at him and began to scoop everything into the bag again. "Hold up!" he placed a hand over top of your's stopping you. You froze staring at his hand before yanking it free.
"I'll cut you in on a deal."
"Oh Yea?" you fixed the gloves on your hands and looked at him annoyed. "Sure! You need it and I'm a good guy kid so listen up!" he kicked his legs back up onto the table. "I heard a few guys who owe me money are robbing a bank in town...I feel it's safe to say they aren't bringing me that money....so maybe.."
You huffed. "You have all these men all these residents struggling to make a living yet you send a 13 year old girl to do your dirty work!"
He smirked and shrugged. "We don't call you Robin Hood for nothing."
"You don't call me that." you turned to walk out as he called after you. "Tomorrow afternoon twelve sharp my dear thief!"
You climbed up the stairs to your small room of an apartment.
It wasn't always like this. You thought back to it as you jumped over the two missing steps in the stair.
You where Ten. No.
Nine. You where nine when your mom died and left you to this dump.
"Hey Lindsay." You knelt down and pet the cat outside your door and looked at the older girl. "What the boss say short stack?"
She got you in to this place she was only six years older than you at this point but with the way she acted you would have guessed she was a 60 year old woman trapped in her body.
"I was a few bucks short..."
"And I have to Rob a bank to pay the rest off."
"Oh! That'll be fun yet again you're his lovely little eran girl ready to swoop in and save the day!"
You rolled your eyes and stepped inside of the apartment. Lindsay may have been the one to take you under her wind in this place but you quickly took her place as favioret and she despised that "Goodnight linds."
"Night brat."
The door slammed shut causing the wall's to shake and flakes of dry wall to crumble to the floor.
You floped onto the matters on the floor and stared up at the ceiling run through your plan for tomorrow.
The plan? There was no plan. You learned pretty easie that there where never plans. If there where they didn't help they just set a guid line of what SHOULD happen and how it SHOULD go but it's not how it works.
You turned over on your side settling on the fact that you would just have to wing it and hope you got what you needed. And enough of it without being caught by the police or the criminals.
"You have exactly two hours to get down there and decide on what it is you plan on doing."
You peered up at Lindsay from your bed sneering. "I know what I'm doing go away!"
"Then you better get going small fry."
You groaned and sat up. "Fine!"
She looked at you with a smirk as you tied your hair up, threw your coat on over your hoodie and grab you bag before sliding the window open.
"Good luck!" you flipped her off before sliding out the window.
The street outside of the bank showed no sighn that a robbery was to take place. You examined it before stepping inside examining the people inside. Nothing. Just normal people not a single one looked out of place or unusual. You sighed and made your way over to a bench waiting for something to happen. You pulled at the fingers on your gloves pulling them halfway off until you stopped and slid them back on. You repetad that process for for a while until something finally happened.
"EVERYONE ON THE GROUND!" your head shot up and you spotted several men with large bags and guns. Finally.
You noticed A few of the men slid into the vault. You stood up and sprinted over to it but some one caught your hood and pulled you down. "What the he-" a boy around your age in a school boy uniform and domino mask sat infront of you and covered your mouth.
You furrowed your brows at him as he peered past the counter. The gun shots from behind you caused you to jump. "Stay here!" he got up and crawled past you. "Wait!" you turned to follow after him but stoped when another kid crashed through the glass ceiling and took two guys out.
The one who tackled you was gone you. looked across the way to see a girl whispering in one of the guys ears. And another not even paying attention as a guy snuck up behind him. "Shit! Hey kid!" you got up and ran to him and sweept his legs out from under him before pulling your glove off and grabbing the guys writst to disarm him.
The man winced in pain as you held his wrist as green started to spread through his veins all the way from there you held his wrist all the way up his arm. He pulled away in fear holding his arm screaming as it continued to travel through his body like a plague eventually leaving him to collapse to the floor.
You stepped back quickly putting your glove back on before turning to the kid. "You alright?"
He stared at you in awe. "You did that?"
You offered a hand as more gun shots ring out and another man fell to the floor beside you. "Yea...no big deal." He was a smaller boy but looked like he was the same age like the other with same outfit and dark neat hair. "Than-"
He was cut off.
"Ben!" you both turned to the rest of the kids. He stepped forward. "Do I have too?" he stepped forward giving you the chance to get out. You ran and hid behind one of the counters.
The boy turned to where you stood but saw you where gone and sighed walking over to the other kids. "I didn't sign up for this..."
You peered over the counter and stared in shock at the monster that demolished all the men left in the vault. "Holy fuck..." the boy named Ben came out of the vault covered in blood. "Can we go home?"
After the gang of kids let all the hostigas go you stuck behind hoping to slip into the vault then out the back. You got up once you though the other kids where gone and headed over. "How old are you?"
You froze and turned to Ben and one of the kids. "Old enough why?"
"Really how old are you? Because If your as old as I think you are that means your like us...that means dad might wanna meet you."
The other kid said. "I'm 13..."
The boys exchanged a look. "I'm Ben this is my brother klaus...he saw what you did too..."
You sighed to yourself as you climbed up the step to the large house.
"Why am I even doing this?.." you bit your lip And knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
When the door opened both you and the girl on the other side exchanged a surprised look.
"Vanya!... Hi!"
"Hi uh its...it's Good to see you...come in!"
"Sorry about your father..." she waved you off as she shut the door. "Its not a big deal..."
Even as a kid you couldn't talk to vanya. You never knew how or what to say. "Oh well I uh read your book!"
"Oh really?"
"Yea I really liked it actually" she gave a heartless chuckle. "At least someone did..."
"I'm taking it they didn't take it well?"
"They hate me." You looked at her. "I...im Sure that's not-"
"It's fine Y/n, What are you doing here?"
"I heard the news about Reginald obviously so I though I would check in on...on klaus...is he here yet?"
She looked at you as you looked around your eyes landing in the window that lead to the yard. You stared at the copper figure that sat outside.
"I haven't see him yet...but feel free to stay I'll let him know your here if I see him." you continued to state and nodded at her. "Ok...ok thanks..."
17 years ago:
"Absolutely not!"
You jumped at the old man's sudden telling at the boys in front of you.
"Dad c'mon she's just like us! You shod have seen what she did to that guy back at the bank!" klaus held your shoulders presenting you to his and bens father.
"She also dosent have a home." Ben steped in front of you trying to persuade Him even more.
"Number 6! Number 4! I do not appreciate you brining this young lady into our home! And attempting to make her one of us which she is not! And will not be!"
You could see three of the other kids looking at you with looks of what you could only read as disgust from behind him.
You shook yourself free from klaus. "You know what it dosent matter I don't wanna be part of your silly little super hero cult anyways!"
"Y/n!" Ben called after you as you hurried to the front door. "No I'm sorry thank for your efforts ben...and klaus but I've been on my own plenty I'll get over it."
You shut the door behind you and hurried down the street to head back home.
"Hey! Hey wait up!" you glanced behind you and found Ben and klaus running after you.
"What are you two doing?"
"Listen kiddo we feel bad for the situation your in and well everything back there so-"
"We're hoping to be friends." Ben cut klaus off again. "Yea!" klaus wrapped his arm around you as the three of you continued to walk.
You smiled and nodded. "Alright..."
"C'mon lets get something to eat!" Ben grabbed your hand and lead you down the street
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