#API is a little behind due to rate limit
trigun-post-archive · 11 months
Tumblr: We can only give you some of the Trigun tagged posts, both through web and API, you don't mind, right?
Me: Oh, no, no, of course, perfectly understandable.
Also me: *proceeds to crawl through every blog that has ever posted in the Trigun tags*
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alifgiant · 3 years
Comparative Study on Flutter State Management
I am going to build a new flutter app. The app is aimed to be quite big. I'm going to need a state management tools. So, I think it’s a good idea to spent some time considering the options. First of all, i do have a preference on flutter’s state management. Itu could affect my final verdict. But, I want to make a data based decision on it. So, let’s start..
Current State of the Art
Flutter official website has a listing of all current available state management options. As on 1 Aug 2021, the following list are those that listed on the website.
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I marked GetIt since it’s actually not a state management by it’s own. It’s a dependency injection library, but the community behind it develop a set of tools to make it a state management (get_it_mixin (45,130,81%) and get_it_hooks (6,100,33%)). There’s also two additional lib that not mentioned on the official page (Stacked and flutter_hooks). Those two are relatively new compared to others (since pretty much everything about flutter is new) but has high popularity.
What is Pub Point
Pub point is a curation point given by flutter package manager (pub.dev). Basically this point indicate how far a given library adhere to dart/flutter best practices.
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Provider Package Meta Scores
Selection Criteria
I concluded several criteria that need to be fulfilled by a good state management library.
Well Known (Popular)
There's should be a lot of people using it.
Has rich ecosystem, which mean, resources about the library should be easily available. Resources are, but not limited to, documentation, best practices and common issue/problem solutions.
Allow for engineers to write consistent code, so an engineer can come and easily maintain other's codebase.
Easy to Use
Easy in inter-component communication. In a complex app, a component tend to need to talk to other component. So it's very useful if the state manager give an easy way to do it.
Easy to test. A component that implement the state management need to have a good separation of concern.
Easy to learn. Has leaner learning curve.
Well Maintained:
High test coverage rate and actively developed.
First Filter: Popularity
This first filter can give us a quick glance over the easiness of usage and the availability of resources. Since both are our criteria in choosing, the first filter is a no brainer to use. Furthermore when it’s not popular, there’s a high chance that new engineers need more time to learn it.
Luckily, we have a definitive data to rank our list. Pub.dev give us popularity score and number of likes. So, let’s drop those that has less than 90% popularity and has less than 100 likes.
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As you can see, we drop 6 package from the list. We also drop setState and InheritedWidget from the list, since it’s the default implementation of state management in flutter. It’s very simple but easily increase complexity in building a bigger app. Most of the other packages try to fix the problem and build on top of it.
Now we have 9 left to go.
Second Filter: Maturity
The second filter is a bit hard to implement. After all, parameter to define “maturity” is kinda vague. But let’s make our own threshold of matureness to use as filter.
Pub point should be higher than 100
Version number should be on major version at least “1.0.0”
Github’s Closed Issue should be more than 100
Stackoverflow questions should be more than 100
Total resource (Github + Stackoverflow) should be more than 500
The current list doesn’t have 2 parameter defined above, so we need to find it out.
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So let’s see which state management fulfill our threshold.
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As you can see, “flutter_redux” is dropped. It’s not satisfied the criteria of “major version”. Not on major version can be inferred as, the creator of the package marked it is as not stable. There could be potentially breaking API changes in near future or an implementation change. When it happens we got no option but to refactor our code base, which lead to unnecessary work load.
But, it’s actually seems unfair. Since flutter_redux is only a set of tool on top redux . The base package is actually satisfy our threshold so far. It’s on v5.0.0, has pub point ≥ 100, has likes ≥ 100 and has popularity ≥ 90%.
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So, if we use the base package it should be safe. But, let’s go a little deeper. The base package is a Dart package, so it means this lib can be used outside flutter (which is a plus). Redux package also claims it’s a rich ecosystem, in which it has several child packages:
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As i inspect each of those packages, i found none of them are stables. In fact, none of them are even popular. Which i can assume it’s pretty hard to find “best practices” around it. Redux might be super popular on Javascript community. We could easily find help about redux for web development issue, but i don’t think it stays true for flutter’s issue (you can see the total resource count, it barely pass 500, it’s 517).
Redux package promises big things, but as a saying goes “a chain is as strong as its weakest link”. It’s hard for me to let this package claim “maturity”.
Fun fact: On JS community, specifically React community, redux is also losing popularity due to easier or simpler API from React.Context or Mobx.
But, Just in case, let’s keep Redux in mind, let’s say it’s a seed selection. Since we might go away with only using the base package. Also, it’s might be significantly excel on another filter. So, currently we have 4+1 options left.
Third Filter: Rigid
Our code should be very consistent across all code base. Again, this is very vague. What is the parameters to say a code is consistent, and how consistent we want it to be. Honestly, i can’t find a measurable metric for it. The consistency of a code is all based on a person valuation. In my opinion every and each public available solutions should be custom tailored to our needs. So to make a codebase consistent we should define our own conventions and stick on it during code reviews.
So, sadly on this filter none of the options are dropped. It stays 4+1 options.
Fourth Filter: Easy to Use
We had already define, when is a state management can be called as easy to use in the previous section. Those criteria are:
Each components can talk to each other easily.
Each components should be easy to test. It can be achieved when it separates business logic from views. Also separate big business logic to smaller ones.
We spent little time in learning it.
Since the fourth filter is span across multiple complex criteria, I think to objectively measure it, we need to use a ranking system. A winner on a criteria will get 2 point, second place will get 1, and the rest get 0 point. So, Let’s start visiting those criteria one by one.
Inter Component Communication
Let’s say we have component tree like the following diagram,
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In basic composition pattern, when component A needs something from component D it needs to follow a chain of command through E→G→F→D
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This approach is easily get very complex when we scale up the system, like a tree with 10 layers deep. So, to solve this problem, state management’s tools introduce a separate class that hold an object which exposed to all components.
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Basically, all state management listed above allows this to happen. The differences located on how big is the “root state” allowed and how to reduce unnecessary “render”.
Provider and BLoC is very similar, their pattern best practices only allow state to be stored as high as they needed. In example, on previous graph, states that used by A and B is stored in E but states that used by A and D is stored in root (G). This ensure the render only happen on those component that needed it. But, the problem arise when D suddenly need state that stored in E. We will need a refactor to move it to G.
Redux and Mobx is very similar, it allows all state to be stored in a single state Store that located at root. Each state in store is implemented as an observable and only listened by component that needs it. By doing it that way, it can reduce the unnecessary render occurred. But, this approach easily bloated the root state since it stores everything. You can implement a sub store, like a store located in E to be used by A and B, but then they will lose their advantages over Provider and BLoC. So, sub store is basically discouraged, you can see both redux and mobx has no implementation for MultiStore component like MultiProvider in provider and MultiBlocProvider in BLoC.
A bloated root state is bad due to, not only the file become very big very fast but also the store hogs a lot of memory even when the state is not actively used. Also, as far as i read, i can’t find any solution to remove states that being unused in either Redux and Mobx. It’s something that won’t happen in Provider, since when a branch is disposes it will remove all state included. So, basically choosing either Provider or Redux is down to personal preferences. Wether you prefer simplicity in Redux or a bit more complex but has better memory allocation in Provider.
Meanwhile, Getx has different implementation altogether. It tries to combine provider style and redux style. It has a singleton object to store all active states, but that singleton is managed by a dependency injector. That dependency injector will create and store a state when it’s needed and remove it when it’s not needed anymore. Theres a writer comment in flutter_redux readme, it says
Singletons can be problematic for testing, and Flutter doesn’t have a great Dependency Injection library (such as Dagger2) just yet, so I’d prefer to avoid those. … Therefore, redux & redux_flutter was born for more complex stories like this one.
I can infer, if there is a great dependency injection, the creator of flutter redux won’t create it. So, for the first criteria in easiness of usage, i think, won by Getx (+2 point).
There is a state management that also build on top dependency injection GetIt. But, it got removed in the first round due to very low popularity. Personally, i think it got potential.
Business logic separation
Just like in the previous criteria, all state management also has their own level of separation. They differ in their way in defining unidirectional data flow. You can try to map each of them based on similarity to a more common design pattern like MVVM or MVI.
Provider, Mobx and Getx are similar to MVVM. BLoC and Redux are similar to MVI.
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In this criteria, i think there’s no winner since it boils down to preference again.
Easy to learn
Finally, the easiest criteria in easiness of usage, easy to learn. I think there’s only one parameter for it. To be easy to learn, it have to introduced least new things. Both, MVVM and MVI is already pretty common but the latter is a bit new. MVI’s style packages like redux and bloc, introduce new concepts like an action and reducer. Even though Mobx also has actions but it already simplified by using code generator so it looks like any other view model.
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So, for this criteria, i think the winner are those with MVVM’s style (+2 Point), Provider, Mobx and Getx. Actually, google themself also promote Provider (Google I/O 2019) over BLoC (Google I/O 2018) because of the simplicity, you can watch the show here.
The fourth filter result
We have inspect all criteria in the fourth filter. The result are as the following:
Getx won twice (4 point),
Provider and Mobx won once (2 point) and
BLoC and Redux never won (0 point).
I guess it’s very clear that we will drop BLoC and Redux. But, i think we need to add one more important criteria.
Which has bigger ecosystem
Big ecosystem means that a given package has many default tools baked or integrated in. A big ecosystem can help us to reduce the time needed to mix and match tools. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel and focused on delivering products. So, let’s see which one of them has the biggest ecosystem. The answer is Getx, but also unsurprisingly Redux. Getx shipped with Dependency Injection, Automated Logging, Http Client, Route Management, and more. The same thing with Redux, as mentioned before, Redux has multiple sub packages, even though none of it is popular. The second place goes to provider and BLoC since it gives us more option in implementation compared to one on the last place. Finally, on the last place Mobx, it offers only state management and gives no additional tools.
So, these are the final verdict
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Suddenly, Redux has comeback to the race.
Fifth Filter: Well maintained
No matter how good a package currently is, we can’t use something that got no further maintenance. We need a well maintained package. So, as always let’s define the criteria of well maintained.
Code Coverage
Last time a commit merged to master
Open Pull Request count
Just like previous filter, we will implement ranking system. A winner on a criteria will get 2 point, second place will get 1, and the rest get 0 point.
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So, with above data, here are the verdicts
Getx 4 point (2+2+0)
BLoC 4 point (1+1+2)
MobX 0 point (0+0+0)
Provider 1 point (0+0+1)
Redux 0 point (0+0+0)
Lets add with the previous filter point,
Getx 10 point (4+6)
BLoC 5 point (4+1)
MobX 2 point (0+2)
Provider 4 point (1+3)
Redux 2 point (0+2)
By now we can see that the winner state management, that allowed to claim the best possible right now, is Getx. But, it’s a bit concerning when I look at the code coverage, it’s the lowest by far from the others. It makes me wonder, what happen to Getx. So i tried to see the result more closely.
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After seeing the image above, i can see that the problem is the get_connect module has 0 coverage also several other modules has low coverage. But, let’s pick the coverage of the core modules like, get_core (100%), get_instance(77%), get_state_manager(51%,33%). The coverage get over 50%, not too bad.
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Basically, this result means we need to cancel a winner status from Getx. It’s the win on big ecosystem criteria. So, lets subtract 2 point from the end result (10-2). It got 8 points left, it still won the race. We can safely say it has more pros than cons.
The final result, current best state management is Getx 🎉🎉🎉. Sure, it is not perfect and could be beaten by other state management in the future, but currently it’s the best.
So, my decision is "I should use GetX"
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waqasblog2 · 5 years
Wix SEO vs. WordPress: 6.4M Domains Studied
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Let’s face it: Wix’s reputation amongst SEO professionals isn’t great. Most believe that WordPress is not only superior but also that Wix is inferior to, well, pretty much any other CMS out there.
Wix is doing everything in their power to change the negative perception amongst SEOs.
That’s why, in 2017, they launched a contest challenging the world to outrank them for “SEO hero.” The prize? A cool $50,000.
But the question is, is Wix really that bad? Is all of this hate justified, or is it more just gossip? And is WordPress any better?
To answer this question, we studied 3.2 million Wix websites and 3.2 million Wordpress websites.
In this post, I’ll run through our findings, and then you can decide for yourself which CMS is best for you.
Before I get to the findings, I want to talk a bit about the source of our data and the metrics we studied.
The sample
For our sample of 6.4 million websites, we used BuiltWith—a service that shows you the different technologies behind websites.
If you’re curious as to how this works, head over to their site, enter any domain in the search box, then check the “Content management system” section. It’ll tell you whether the site runs on Wix, WordPress, or something else.
BuiltWith shows NewYorker.com running on WordPress.
Because doing this manually for 6.4 million domains would have taken forever, we pulled our sample using BuiltWith’s API.  
We excluded subdomains from our sample because other technologies or custom setups could have been done there.
The SEO metrics
For each of the 6.4 million domains in our dataset, we pulled four key Ahrefs SEO metrics:
From here, we sliced and diced the data to try to understand more about the SEO implications of these two platforms.
The study
To kick things off, we segmented the dataset into two “buckets” relating to organic traffic:
Here’s what we found:
46.1% of WordPress websites got at least some monthly search traffic, compared with only 1.4% of Wix sites.
Now for our second bucket, 8.26% of the WordPress sample gets more than 100 monthly search visits, whereas our Wix sample is down to 0.06%.
So according to our data, it’s pretty clear that on average, WordPress sites get significantly more organic traffic than Wix sites.
But this data alone doesn’t prove that one platform is superior to the other.
Reason being, numerous factors influence organic traffic… and many are unrelated to the CMS of the site itself.
Case in point: backlinks.
Previously, we studied almost one billion web pages and found a clear correlation between the number of backlinks from unique websites and organic search traffic:
So, for our sample of Wix and WordPress websites, we decided to check the average Domain Rating, the number of dofollow referring domains, and monthly search traffic for each platform.
Some key observations:
But here’s the thing: looking at the average in isolation can sometimes lead to misleading interpretations of a dataset.
So we also decided to grab the median for each of these metrics.
You can see that the difference here is way less noticeable. But what does that mean?
Here’s what our data scientist had to say:
When measuring the central tendency of data, it’s best to calculate both mean and median and compare the two values.
Generally speaking, if both values are not too different from each other, we use the mean. But a considerable difference between them indicates that the data is skewed.
When the data is skewed, large values have an ENORMOUS impact, making the mean larger than the actual distribution that the data suggests.
In this case, the median is a more appropriate idea of the data distribution.
Loveme Felicilda, Data Science Ahrefs
To better understand this concept, imagine that we only had a sample of 10 websites. Nine of them had 0 monthly organic visits, and the one outlier had 1,000 monthly search visits.
The mean, or average, would be 100 search visits per month.
The median, on the other hand, would be 0 organic visits per month.
Or, in plain English:
Most sites get little or no search traffic and have weak backlink profiles regardless of whether they run on Wix or WordPress. But there are clearly a few high‐traffic and high‐authority WordPress websites in our sample that are skewing the average.
Going deeper
Next, we wanted to run a deeper analysis of both Wix and WordPress websites with search traffic.
But before doing that, we felt that we needed to level the playing field by eliminating as much bias as possible from our samples and pulling some extra data.
So we added three extra layers to our analysis.
#1. We leveled the sample sizes across the board
There are only 44,600 Wix websites with traffic in our sample, compared to 1,475,147 WordPress websites.
That’s a big difference, so we randomly selected the same number (44,600) of WordPress domains as Wix domains to ensure an apples to apples comparison. After all, there’s no point comparing a whole army to just a few soldiers.
#2. We found the number of top 10 keyword rankings
For each site in our sample, we pulled the number of keywords that they rank for in Google’s top 10 search results.
We also summed up the amount of organic traffic each site gets from those keywords.
#3. We excluded exact‐match keywords
If the domain was xyz.com, then we removed the keyword xyz for that particular website. This was to exclude traffic from branded queries.
Here are the results for all domains with >0 organic visits:
You can see that WordPress beats Wix when it comes to the average number of top 10 keyword rankings and the traffic these keywords account for.
But, once again, the mean (average) is drastically different from the median, which indicates that outliers heavily skew both samples. So, unfortunately, we can’t read too much into these results.
Having said that, things start to get a little more interesting when we look only at websites with over 100 monthly visits.
You can see that the mean and median closely align when it comes to the number of top 10 keywords for both WordPress and Wix.
So, our data seems to indicate with some certainty that WordPress websites typically have a marginally higher number of top 10 rankings than Wix sites.
But, when it comes to the organic traffic from those keywords, Wix comes out on top.
Basically, WordPress websites rank for more keywords in the top 10 than Wix sites, but Wix sites get more traffic from their top 10 rankings than WordPress sites.
Looking at the data for this “bucket” a little deeper, you’ll see that Wix Websites have a higher Domain Rating, but a lower number of dofollow referring domains.        
This graph only includes median values because the dataset included a lot of outliers.
This tells us that the Wix sites in our sample might get more search traffic due to non‐link‐related factors, such as ranking for and getting traffic from branded searches.
For example, Long John Silvers, a popular restaurant chain, is a website that uses Wix.
And according to Ahrefs’ Site Explorer, they get around 133,000 organic visits per month.
But if you take a look at their organic keywords report, you’ll immediately see that the majority of their traffic comes from branded queries as opposed to generic keywords like “seafood restaurant.”
The conclusion
Unfortunately, the data is somewhat inconclusive.
There’s just no way to say whether one platform is better than the other based solely on the results of our study.
Having said that, we did learn a few things in this study:
To reiterate, it’s impossible to say if either of these platforms is “better” from an organic traffic perspective than the other.
So why does Wix get a bad rap?
Let me start by saying that when it comes to the absolute basics of on‐page SEO like adjusting title tags, meta descriptions, URLs, etc., Wix is okay for the most part.
It’s pretty easy to edit these things in the backend, much like it is in WordPress.
Still, one small annoyance is that the blog URL structure tends to utilize the /post/ prefix.
That isn’t so much of an SEO issue per se; it’s just annoying.
So it seems that Wix gets a bad rap due to the limitations that arise when trying to customize anything advanced or technical.
Let me give you a few examples.
Wix doesn’t support the hreflang tag at the time of writing this post.
Contrast that with WordPress, where there are quite a few free plugins available for doing this. Here’s the one we use on the Ahrefs blog:
Another technical limitation related to SEO is the inability to modify your robots.txt file, which is quite important for larger sites.
Same goes for .htaccess.
Javascript & code bloat
Finally, a big one in the technical SEO space relates to Javascript.
Here’s what Barry Adams said in a Twitter thread about this:
One word: JavaScript.
Wix relies in client‐side JS to show content & links in most cases. No JS = no indexable content & no crawlable links.
Which, as you know, is terrible for SEO on multiple levels.
— Barry Adams (@badams) May 8, 2019
Furthermore, if you take a look at the source code for some Wix websites, there’s a lot of code bloat—much of which is Javascript. Code bloat is bad because it slows down your site and Pagespeed is a ranking factor.
Here’s the Google Pagespeed Insights score for one Wix site I found:
This screenshot doesn’t prove that all Wix websites are this slow. It’s doubtful that they are. However, this was literally the first random site I checked.
Final thoughts
If you care about SEO, should you use Wix, WordPress, or something else?
The truth is, there’s no definitive answer to that question.
It all comes down to what you value.
If your SEO requirements are quite basic and minimal, and you care about an easy‐to‐use CMS, then Wix is probably fine. After all, our data shows that Wix sites don’t have a hard time ranking on Google.
Wix is great for launching and maintaining a basic website, even if you don’t have a technical bone in your body. I know a few people who use Wix for this very reason.
But if you plan on using SEO as a long‐term strategy, or you’re hiring an agency to do SEO for you, it may be advantageous to look into other platforms (not necessarily WordPress) for scalability and customization.
This content was originally published here.
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Will Android Features Impact Your Mobile Application?
Android 10 has been a large shift for Google from the Operating System environment. We didn't only eventually get to work round the long-awaited Dark manner and saw several significant changes occurring on the program permission , we saw the ending of an age.
Using Android 10, Google introduced its heritage to mention functioning systems behind desserts into a block. The very same principles have been performed over by Android 11 programmer preview today. While we're several months off from playing around the last construct, the current developer preview is a decent glimpse into where Google would like to select the operating system.
With each new upgrade, it isn't merely the Android program developers that get excited. The stakeholders on the opposite side of the coin -- that the program owners -- sit on the edge of the chairs every time across the middle of May, every time a new version is announced in the Google I/O occasions. Before we start looking to the manners Android 11 alters the program domain for those entrepreneurs that have Android programs, let's take a take a look to the new android characteristics which were introduced together with the Android 11 highlights.
Android 11 Characteristics Sets Multiple Improvements for multitasking
Going by the Android latest variant comprises, a great deal has been done to enhance the consumers' messaging expertise on Android. Here are the updates Which Have Been introduced:
Chat pockets -- Android 11 chat bubbles conceal all of the ongoing conversations in small bubbles on the side of the display. You are able to move the bubbles round and tap on them to show the particular conversations. To earn the procedure for getting messages real time, Android 11 has introduced a committed dialog section in the telling color, offering immediate access to all of the ongoing conversations you're having.
Together with the Android 11 theory it will now be possible to send pictures when responding to a message from alarms. One-Time Permission
Should you look back in Android 10, among those ebay things about it was the way that program permissions has been managed. Android 10 gave users a whole lot more control within the programs and what they can get. Android 11 retains the rail rolling.
Now, once the program asks for consent to utilize complex features, the consumers may grant access on a one time foundation. The program will utilize the consent through the moment you use the program. And the minute you stop the program, the consent will be revoked. Built-in Screen Recorder
Since the last couple of releases, the Android users are waiting for Google to integrate an integrated screen recorder. Even though the opportunities anyone would want it in a regular basis is quite slender but the purpose is really simple, so the wait for it to get integrated has been bothersome.
Android 11 upgrade will alter this. Developer Preview 2 revealed a display recorder, that was accompanied by a very polished UI and click on for recording the sound and revealing the bits in the recordingmode. Adaptation on Various Display Types
When there's 1 area where we could say that accurate advancements have occurred in the Android ecosystem, it's with respect to foldable devices. 2020 will see a great deal of new developments from the foldable smartphone marketplace -- all operating at different display resolutions and sizes.
The OS 11 has been created to operate on the foldable apparatus effortlessly. 
Thus marketing the opportunity to begin working on foldable smartphones program development. Preparations for 5G
5G began making news from the next half of the final year and what's gone in 2020, together with coronavirus pandemic affecting lots of businesses and technology, the demand for 5G adoption has just grown on the planet. One which would enable smartphones to choose the comprehensive advantage establish which 5G brings.
After the API finds that you're linked to infinite 5G, you'll have the ability to get the greatest possible images and video's quality along with other intricacies that come adorned with all the 5G technology.
Now that we've looked in the Android new attributes & API, let's change the attention on these improvements would bring a change in the performance of your current program.
What Can Migrating Programs to Android 11 Mean On Your Own Android Program?
When you have a look at the Android 11 programmer preview documentation, you'll discover it is separated into three classes: Behaviour Changes, Privacy Characteristics, and New Features & APIs. Under most of the classes, you will find pointers that carry an effect on the program's performance.
Android 11 effect on programs
Whilst majorly your partnered android program development business will start looking into these changes, let's take a take a look to the situations which you ought to be at the top of. The consumers can limit when consent dialog appears If your customers click 'Deny' twice to get a particular consent, it might suggest'Do not request Again'. This translates to is you will need to clearly communicate and convince the rationale for requesting consent in your marketing and advertising procedures or via your MVP features. App utilization stats will be kept confidential
For better shielding the users information, Android 11 will save all of the users' program usage data in the credential encoded storage. Therefore, neither the program or some other system may get the information unless certain coding function is finished. Which, in turn, depends upon two conditions:
Users unlock their apparatus the very first time after system startup Users change to their accounts on the apparatus.
Therefore, until your programmer understands the workaround, you'll face difficulties in seeing the program usage statistics. Lowered data redundancy
In scenarios which demand media playback or system learning, the program may want to utilize the identical large dataset on a different program.
To reduce the data redundancy on disc along with the community, Android 11 enables the big datasets to get cached on apparatus using shared information blobs. Greater clarity on program procedure exit reasons
Android 11 has introduced a new attribute under which reports taking the factors for recent procedure terminations will be created. The program owners won't have the ability to assemble data around crash diagnostics in detail -- if a procedure was terminated due to memory problems, ANRs or other explanations. 
Expediting incremental APK installment
Installing the big APKs on apparatus have a tendency to have quite a while, even when you made a little change. Seeing how program upgrades thing, Google has launched Incremental APK installment in Android 11. It hastens the process by installing a few of the APK required to launch the program while streaming the remaining information in the background. Greater aid for neural network programs Using its new Neural Networks API 1.3, Android is shooting efforts to generate your Machine Learning programs run easily on apparatus. It's time to deliver your AI project control procedure in line and create new use cases round the disruptive technologies. 
An infrastructure to Profit from 5G
There are lots of advantages that 5G brings to mobile programs. Together with Android 11 now extending full support to the technologies, companies are now able to benefit from a larger streaming rate, quick file transfer, zero latency -- complete, improved user experience. Do Not Get Left Behind. Let Us Assist You. The period involving a brand new OS launch and also the time when firms begin preparing their program for the model is broad. And the businesses that wind up taking a great deal of time to receive their program prepared for another update often suffer with the outcome of cut-throat rivalry.
Our Android programmers have already begun perusing the Android 11 programmer preview record and experimentation around it on our evaluation software. This means, we'll be prepared to bring your program on Android 11 punctually of its launching.
Get in contact with our group of Android specialists to receive your aims of migrating your program on Android 11 shifting and reap the benefits of their very first mover advantage. However, before you do, get a quote of your android program development price
Author Bio:
Salman Ahmed is a Business Manager at Magneto IT Solutions – a Android application development company in Bahrain offers quality Iphone Application  Development, Magento development,android app development, magento migration, mobile app development services. The company has experienced Laravel developers for hire at very affordable price. He is a firm believer in teamwork; for him, it is not just an idea, but also the team’s buy-in into the idea, that makes a campaign successful! He’s enthusiastic about all things marketing.
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i-globalone · 5 years
This post is part of CoinDesk’s 2019 Year in Review, a collection of 100 op-eds, interviews and takes on the state of blockchain and the world. Paul Veradittakit is a partner at Pantera Capital, focusing on venture capital and hedge fund investments. Pantera Capital is one of the earliest and largest institutional investors in digital currencies and blockchain technologies, managing over $500 million.2019 has been an incredible year for the blockchain and cryptocurrency space – we’ve been through immense market fluctuations, regulatory battles and financial scandals, Senate hearings, and the launches of several key abstractions that enable some really interesting applications. We’ve got some high hopes for 2020 – the innovations we’ve seen in the last year enable a diversity of awesome use cases for crypto, highlight some critical areas for improvement, and represent a huge advancement in the technicality and complexity of the industry. On last year’s predictionsA year ago, I made similar predictions for the direction of blockchain in 2019. Here’s a look back at how those performed throughout the year. I’ve rated the strength of my predictions on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least predictive and 5 being the most predictive of how the year actually went. Consolidation2019 saw some significant acquisitions, many of which propelled the year’s most significant projects. Some ones to note are ConsenSys’s acquisition of Infura (an ETH node hosting service), Coinbase’s acquisition of Neutrino (crypto analytics), and Facebook’s acquisition of Chainspace (of which, presumably much of the talent contributed to Libra/Calibra).Accuracy: 4 Security-Token Offerings (STOs)Institutionally, I saw a lot of crucial STO growth, including Blockstack, a $33.8 million Bond-i by the World Bank, a $20 million bond on ethereum by Santander, and a partnership with Asia’s largest real estate investment trust to launch Link REIT. Still, purchases were slow due to (1) persistent regulatory concerns and (2) little value-add beyond higher relative liquidity, which wasn’t enough to convert most investors to purchase STOs. The space is growing, but slowly. Accuracy: 3 Death of ICOsThis turned out very true – ICO closures in 2019 were incredibly sparse compared to 2018 (August and October both had none, while January 2018 had 160 projects). That said, 2019 projects raised more funding on average ($6.8 million) compared to 2018 ($132,000). Still, ICOs are losing popularity because of (1) concerns with funded projects (2) regulatory hurdles with selling the tokens and (3) the crypto bear market.Accuracy: 5 Institutional CapitalWith higher education on cryptocurrency, 2019 did see more institutional interest and investment than prior years. There were projects like JPM Coin (by JPMorgan), the launch of Fidelity Digital Assets, and whispers of interest and proposed projects from other major institutions like Goldman Sachs and the World Bank. Still, we didn’t see a ton of tangible projects in this space, but as crypto matures, the traditional giants of the finance industry are becoming more and more interested. Accuracy: 2 ScalabilityScalability (primarily sharding and payment channels) was a huge thesis for 2019. The Lightning Network’s growth was one of the most critical vehicles for the wave of development of decentralized apps in 2019; developers are becoming less wary of blockchain’s high fees and low speed and are capitalizing on its other features, with similar convenience to traditional development platforms. In a similar vein, I also saw significant work in abstractions for developers, like the Alchemy API. Accuracy: 5 Seven key areas to look out for in 2020For 2020, I’ve identified some key concepts and projects that I think will advance significantly. I’ve discussed my thoughts on each below. Libra/CalibraIn 2019, Facebook announced its Libra project, a cryptocurrency that will be integrated with the Facebook suite of products (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp) through a new platform called Calibra. Facebook expects the Calibra wallet to launch in 2020 for its messaging applications – this will likely be the largest mainstream launch and use case for cryptocurrency that the world has ever seen. Facebook’s user base is massive, to say the least, at 2.45 billion individuals, and Calibra will likely present an easy-to-use, convenient platform for these users to pay each other and pay online services through single-sign-on with their Facebook credentials. A launch at this scale would introduce millions of users (many of whom have little to no background with crypto) to the idea of managing assets and payments via a cryptocurrency – and will test the resolve of the space against the masses. It’s also likely that Libra and Calibra will open critical conversations on regulatory issues and data privacy; David Marcus, the head of the project, has already testified against the doubts of the US Senate and ongoing criticism of Facebook’s data scandals will highlight the power – and necessary improvements – of a platform like Libra/Calibra. HalvingThe latter half of 2019 has not been kind to bitcoin – we hit a price maximum of roughly above $13,000 around the middle of the year but have since dropped back down to hovering around the $8,000 mark. Nonetheless, the price has nearly doubled since the beginning of the year. More importantly, in May 2020, bitcoin will undergo its next halving event; to put it succinctly, halving is a protocol built into bitcoin that “halves” the reward that miners receive for mining a block every few years, forcing the total amount of BTC to ever be in existence to cap at 21 million. The reward for mining a block will halve to 6.25 BTC (nearly $40,000 given the current price of BTC).Halving will likely create a significant bull run in the bitcoin market, for two main reasons. First, it perceptually represents a shrinking supply of “remaining BTC” for investors, which makes investors see each new unit of BTC with more and more value (since less remain). Secondly, since the mining reward is less, fewer miners will be incentivized to mine transactions – this relative scarcity of miners (compared to the status quo) will also drive up the value of the cryptocurrency. Halving will likely keep the price of BTC relatively high for the entirety of 2020 and may bring some more confidence to the space. GamingGame developers and enthusiasts are increasingly exploring what blockchain can do for their gaming systems and how they can incorporate cryptographic assets into (1) the way they provision technological resources and (2) gameplay, in terms of in-game purchases, assets for different players, credits, etc. We’ve seen a fair amount of this already – Splinterland on Steem and the collaboration between Enjin and Microsoft Azure Heroes, but still, there’s a lot of work that remains. Blockchain gaming will likely boom in 2020 because of important developments in high-performance tools that allow games to run on previously-rate-limiting blockchain technologies, better architected smart contracts, second-layer solutions, and abstracted infrastructure/digital asset storage that makes it easy for game developers to build digital assets into the gameplay and character experience. Hopefully, we’ll see something mainstream on a platform like Steam or Twitch that really puts the power of blockchain in the context of the average gamer. DeFi GrowthDecentralized finance (DeFi) has undoubtedly been one of the largest areas for growth of cryptocurrency in 2019 – and I expect that this trend will follow through with 2020. Services like Maker, Compound, InstaDapp, etc. will likely see more monthly active users and locked-in value as more and more mainstream consumers and crypto enthusiasts alike catch onto the real-world potential of DeFi – for lending, taking out a mortgage, retail payments, arbitrage, etc. DAI is also increasingly becoming the “stablecoin standard” and a strong performance in 2019 sets high hopes for its potential growth in 2020 across mainstream users. With the move from single-collateralized DAI to multi-collateralized DAI earlier this year, we’re also likely going to see an onboarding of more users onto the platform and a diversification of the collateral behind DAI, both of which provide critical strength to DAI as a stablecoin and its signaling about the blockchain space. We’ve also seen growing institutional interest in blockchain from the likes of consumer finance products and major banks – we’re keen to see more of this growth in 2020. Centralized Banking CurrenciesThis is unlikely to happen within the United States, but China earlier this year launched a digitized version of their yuan currency for mainstream use in a diversity of applications – loans, retail, taxes, etc. This digital currency isn’t strictly a “cryptocurrency” per se, because it’s delivered through a centralized agency, but it does represent growing global interest into shifting the financial ecosystem online. This digital yuan will be a promising signal as to how digital assets perform in mainstream use cases, particularly in online venues like Alibaba and Baidu. Strong outcomes may signal higher confidence in digitizing the financial space, which ultimately brings more confidence to cryptocurrency and DeFi. Infrastructure & Web 3.0The past year has also been huge for infrastructural solutions for blockchain – some key ones include the growth of the Lightning Network, which provides critical speed and scalability improvements for decentralized apps, and Alchemy, which offers a suite of APIs and infrastructural tools that greatly simplify the decentralized development process. These advancements will likely spur a wave of new decentralized applications and web 3.0 technologies, enabled by abstractions and enhanced simplicity of development. We’re hoping to see more decentralized compute platforms (in the likes of Orchid, a VPN provisioning solution that capitalizes on a decentralized digital token system), that may also capitalize on increasing growth in cloud and SaaS technologies next year. This will likely broaden to other, more consumer-oriented use cases too, like privacy-centric browsers, gaming, social networks, information retrieval, and more. Regulatory HurdlesWith the diversity of crypto projects that have launched in 2019 and those to come in 2020, it would be naïve to not anticipate the regulatory hurdles that come with these nascent technologies. Some key ones to watch out for include (1) regulation of technologies that employ zero-knowledge proofs (Zcash, for example) that might present powerful, unregulatable tools for criminal financial use, (2) data privacy concerns with the mainstreaming of blockchain and electronic digital finance (concerns surrounding the Libra launch, for example), and (3) the ongoing fight about recognizing certain tokens and currencies and securities versus commodities. As crypto projects become increasingly nuanced and different in highly-specified ways, we’re also hoping to see greater education about these projects amongst regulatory agencies to understand the nuances and how they might affect their regulation and characterization. Final thoughtsUltimately, with a space as nascent as cryptocurrency, it’s hard to identify exactly what might be big in the coming year – projects go through extremes of success and failures, currencies go through peaks and plateaus, and the industry goes through intense controversy and spells of confidence. That said, I’m confident that 2020 will be a significant year for the industry and we’ll see some incredible innovations. Happy New Year!Disclosure Read More The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.
0 notes
zacdhaenkeau · 6 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder, With Bing Ads Scripts
Feeling crunched for time? Consider automating some of your more tactical and time-consuming tasks. If you aren’t already using scripts to manage campaigns, then you need to take a serious look. In case you’re unfamiliar with them, scripts—i.e., snippets of JavaScript—are part of the Google Ads and Bing Ads search interfaces and allow you to use JavaScript to automate processes and tasks within your PPC accounts.
These little bits of code are big game changers because they can enhance your campaigns and save you tons of time. They automate time-consuming tasks like moving budget across campaign-based budget caps and performance. They also do the work that no search marketer has time to do manually, such as checking for 404 pages and pausing ads for out-of-stock or seasonal items. No amount of manual effort can outmatch a script.
Do scripts require a background in coding or highly technical resources to implement? Not anymore! Scripts provide the benefits of a large-scale API project with the fragment of the cost and hassle. Both Google and now Bing have easy-to-use interfaces so that more search marketers can leverage the power of automation.  
Below I’ve outlined some of the virtues of scripts and ways to free yourself from some burdensome tasks. So, you can do other things—like spend time with your family, kill it at the gym, or respond to that backlog of emails.
Some of the awesome things that scripts do
Scripts can handle a multitude of tasks. Here’s a quick snapshot of the things they can do for you.
Campaign Management
Easily make large and cross-account changes based on performance indicators
Adjust budgets across campaigns
Ad Copy Management
Pause and resume ads across campaigns (for promotions)
Negative Keyword Management
Find and implement negative keywords, including cross-account negative keywords
Search Query Management
Pull out a specific query term for analysis and optimization
Anomaly Detection
Create email alerts when KPIs hit benchmarks or deviate from historical performance
Campaign Health
Easily identify and pause all broken URLs/404 pages/out-of-stock products
Enhanced Reporting
Gain fully customizable visibility into almost any scenario you can dream up
Track Quality Score
Store and track quality scores by account, campaign, and ad group
How Bing Ads Scripts compares to Google Ads Scripts
Bing Ads Scripts functionality quietly rolled out in October 2018. If you compare Bing Ads Scripts to Google Ads Scripts, you’ll find that although there are some differences, they offer comparable functionality and usability. The two platforms look and feel similar, both with how they are accessed and the user interface.
What I personally like about Bing Ads Scripts is that you can paste existing Google Ads Scripts into Bing’s editor and it will automatically find and replace function names of classes AND highlight any unsupported features or unrecognized names that you need to manually edit.
While I’d like to say that Bing Ads Scripts has achieved 100% parity with Google Ads Scripts, I can’t—at least not yet. But with available workarounds, such as this one highlighted by Fred Vallaeys for sending emails and creating labels, I think you’ll find that it’s a great tool—and one that I believe will make your life easier. Much easier.
Three scripts you should be using now
New scripts pop up each day that can solve almost any search need. Widely available online, they can be downloaded, oftentimes at no cost. While every search marketer has unique needs, here are a few scripts that I highly recommend.
1. URL Checker Script
A good URL checker is essential for search marketers, especially for those who manage larger websites, where it’s next to impossible to manually maintain the performance that customers expect. This automated script continuously scans landing pages for 301, 302, and 404 errors and out-of-stock messaging. There are two versions of this script. The first is the Link Checker Script from the Google Ads Scripts site (probably the most current), and the second is the Disable Ads and Keywords for Out-of-Stock Items Script from FreeAdWordsScripts.
2. Search Query Manager Script
There are tons of ways to use the Search Query Manager Script. Created by Marchela De Vivo of Gryffin and Fred Vallaeys, its purpose is to drastically reduce campaign management time. The script allows you to create almost any custom rule you’d like, both from the campaign level and across accounts. You can set custom threshold minimums for impressions/clicks/spend and generate both positive and negative keywords. This script can even pull out the specific keywords that meet or don’t meet performance thresholds.
3. Anomaly Detector Script
Remember that time when you accidentally blew through your budget at lightning speed? Well, the Anomaly Detector Script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs helps prevent such mishaps by watching out for budget anomalies within your account—specifically over- and under-spending across a campaign. When it detects an anomaly, you get notified right away—which should help you sleep at night.
OK coders: these scripts are for extra credit
N-Gram Analysis Scripts
Ever heard of n-grams? They’re generally used for data mining, and I hadn’t fully appreciated their brilliance until I encountered this amazing script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs back in 2015. An n-gram is a word or phrase sequence consisting of a certain number of “n” words, such as a 1-gram/unigram (one word), 2-gram/bigram (two words), etc. By using grams, we can aggregate data to more easily detect performance trends that we might have otherwise missed.
Part 1: N-Gram analysis for search queries
Gilbert applied the n-gram concept to search queries. In search, they can be used to slice longer keywords into smaller n-grams to find hidden insights. For instance, the word “luxurious” could be mapping to the keyword “luxury,” which may be interwoven throughout your keywords and within the actual search queries. Now, as a 2-gram phrase, performance may be so-so, but when you isolate “luxury” and “luxurious,” you may find it is associated with higher average order value and higher conversion rates. Such insights can help in many ways: writing ad copy, creating new ad groups around high performing n-grams, expanding keywords, developing negative keywords, and finding words of user intent.
Part 2: N-Gram analysis for ad copy
Fred Vallaeys of Optmyzr took Gilbert’s Search Query N-gram script a step further to create an ad copy script that identifies and analyzes the most commonly found word sequences in ad copy. What I love about this script is that it allows you to find more specific word-sequencing trends. This is great, especially if you use phrases like, “Get Up to 10% Off” across both headlines and description lines. It gives you more granularity to determine what is driving the best results.
So here comes the extra-credit piece: although these n-grams scripts are compatible with Google Ads Scripts, you’ll have a harder time making them compatible with Bing Ads Scripts, due to the lack of read/write to spreadsheet functionality. So only tackle these scripts in Bing if you’re up for a challenge. Meanwhile, I’m working to get help editing these scripts with compatible Bing Ads Scripts workarounds and will post them when they’re ready.
Other super-cool stuff scripts can do
Keep in mind that scripts aren’t limited to search data. For instance, you may have a business that is highly impacted by weather, such as an ice cream shop. Scripts allow you to set up weather-targeted campaigns to increase bids on hot days. Google offers a pre-built weather script. You can actually integrate scripts with any type of data set, including proprietary business data.
Also, Bing’s new editor now lets you easily reuse your AdWords scripts by copying and pasting. Bing users will find the scripts page under bulk operations. From there, you should click on create script where you can write or paste a script or find a list of example scripts. This makes it easier than ever to use scripts in Bing since Bing automatically changes and renames any necessary objects. If any code is not transferable, red squiggly lines appear.
Ultimately, scripts are only as powerful as the marketers behind them. Good scripts take time, thought, and customization. Scripts can break and time out and should be tweaked for better performance. Human judgement remains the most effective search marketing tool of all—especially when empowered with automation. Happy scripting!
Sign up for Hanapin’s PPC Hero Sumit happening on March 6th where Hanapin’s Associate Director of Analytics, and Optmyzr’s Co-Founder, Fred Vallaeys, will give you the pro tips on how to get started with scripts and provide prebuilt examples you can use.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://www.ppchero.com/work-smarter-not-harder-with-bing-ads-scripts/
0 notes
racheltgibsau · 6 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder, With Bing Ads Scripts
Feeling crunched for time? Consider automating some of your more tactical and time-consuming tasks. If you aren’t already using scripts to manage campaigns, then you need to take a serious look. In case you’re unfamiliar with them, scripts—i.e., snippets of JavaScript—are part of the Google Ads and Bing Ads search interfaces and allow you to use JavaScript to automate processes and tasks within your PPC accounts.
These little bits of code are big game changers because they can enhance your campaigns and save you tons of time. They automate time-consuming tasks like moving budget across campaign-based budget caps and performance. They also do the work that no search marketer has time to do manually, such as checking for 404 pages and pausing ads for out-of-stock or seasonal items. No amount of manual effort can outmatch a script.
Do scripts require a background in coding or highly technical resources to implement? Not anymore! Scripts provide the benefits of a large-scale API project with the fragment of the cost and hassle. Both Google and now Bing have easy-to-use interfaces so that more search marketers can leverage the power of automation.  
Below I’ve outlined some of the virtues of scripts and ways to free yourself from some burdensome tasks. So, you can do other things—like spend time with your family, kill it at the gym, or respond to that backlog of emails.
Some of the awesome things that scripts do
Scripts can handle a multitude of tasks. Here’s a quick snapshot of the things they can do for you.
Campaign Management
Easily make large and cross-account changes based on performance indicators
Adjust budgets across campaigns
Ad Copy Management
Pause and resume ads across campaigns (for promotions)
Negative Keyword Management
Find and implement negative keywords, including cross-account negative keywords
Search Query Management
Pull out a specific query term for analysis and optimization
Anomaly Detection
Create email alerts when KPIs hit benchmarks or deviate from historical performance
Campaign Health
Easily identify and pause all broken URLs/404 pages/out-of-stock products
Enhanced Reporting
Gain fully customizable visibility into almost any scenario you can dream up
Track Quality Score
Store and track quality scores by account, campaign, and ad group
How Bing Ads Scripts compares to Google Ads Scripts
Bing Ads Scripts functionality quietly rolled out in October 2018. If you compare Bing Ads Scripts to Google Ads Scripts, you’ll find that although there are some differences, they offer comparable functionality and usability. The two platforms look and feel similar, both with how they are accessed and the user interface.
What I personally like about Bing Ads Scripts is that you can paste existing Google Ads Scripts into Bing’s editor and it will automatically find and replace function names of classes AND highlight any unsupported features or unrecognized names that you need to manually edit.
While I’d like to say that Bing Ads Scripts has achieved 100% parity with Google Ads Scripts, I can’t—at least not yet. But with available workarounds, such as this one highlighted by Fred Vallaeys for sending emails and creating labels, I think you’ll find that it’s a great tool—and one that I believe will make your life easier. Much easier.
Three scripts you should be using now
New scripts pop up each day that can solve almost any search need. Widely available online, they can be downloaded, oftentimes at no cost. While every search marketer has unique needs, here are a few scripts that I highly recommend.
1. URL Checker Script
A good URL checker is essential for search marketers, especially for those who manage larger websites, where it’s next to impossible to manually maintain the performance that customers expect. This automated script continuously scans landing pages for 301, 302, and 404 errors and out-of-stock messaging. There are two versions of this script. The first is the Link Checker Script from the Google Ads Scripts site (probably the most current), and the second is the Disable Ads and Keywords for Out-of-Stock Items Script from FreeAdWordsScripts.
2. Search Query Manager Script
There are tons of ways to use the Search Query Manager Script. Created by Marchela De Vivo of Gryffin and Fred Vallaeys, its purpose is to drastically reduce campaign management time. The script allows you to create almost any custom rule you’d like, both from the campaign level and across accounts. You can set custom threshold minimums for impressions/clicks/spend and generate both positive and negative keywords. This script can even pull out the specific keywords that meet or don’t meet performance thresholds.
3. Anomaly Detector Script
Remember that time when you accidentally blew through your budget at lightning speed? Well, the Anomaly Detector Script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs helps prevent such mishaps by watching out for budget anomalies within your account—specifically over- and under-spending across a campaign. When it detects an anomaly, you get notified right away—which should help you sleep at night.
OK coders: these scripts are for extra credit
N-Gram Analysis Scripts
Ever heard of n-grams? They’re generally used for data mining, and I hadn’t fully appreciated their brilliance until I encountered this amazing script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs back in 2015. An n-gram is a word or phrase sequence consisting of a certain number of “n” words, such as a 1-gram/unigram (one word), 2-gram/bigram (two words), etc. By using grams, we can aggregate data to more easily detect performance trends that we might have otherwise missed.
Part 1: N-Gram analysis for search queries
Gilbert applied the n-gram concept to search queries. In search, they can be used to slice longer keywords into smaller n-grams to find hidden insights. For instance, the word “luxurious” could be mapping to the keyword “luxury,” which may be interwoven throughout your keywords and within the actual search queries. Now, as a 2-gram phrase, performance may be so-so, but when you isolate “luxury” and “luxurious,” you may find it is associated with higher average order value and higher conversion rates. Such insights can help in many ways: writing ad copy, creating new ad groups around high performing n-grams, expanding keywords, developing negative keywords, and finding words of user intent.
Part 2: N-Gram analysis for ad copy
Fred Vallaeys of Optmyzr took Gilbert’s Search Query N-gram script a step further to create an ad copy script that identifies and analyzes the most commonly found word sequences in ad copy. What I love about this script is that it allows you to find more specific word-sequencing trends. This is great, especially if you use phrases like, “Get Up to 10% Off” across both headlines and description lines. It gives you more granularity to determine what is driving the best results.
So here comes the extra-credit piece: although these n-grams scripts are compatible with Google Ads Scripts, you’ll have a harder time making them compatible with Bing Ads Scripts, due to the lack of read/write to spreadsheet functionality. So only tackle these scripts in Bing if you’re up for a challenge. Meanwhile, I’m working to get help editing these scripts with compatible Bing Ads Scripts workarounds and will post them when they’re ready.
Other super-cool stuff scripts can do
Keep in mind that scripts aren’t limited to search data. For instance, you may have a business that is highly impacted by weather, such as an ice cream shop. Scripts allow you to set up weather-targeted campaigns to increase bids on hot days. Google offers a pre-built weather script. You can actually integrate scripts with any type of data set, including proprietary business data.
Also, Bing’s new editor now lets you easily reuse your AdWords scripts by copying and pasting. Bing users will find the scripts page under bulk operations. From there, you should click on create script where you can write or paste a script or find a list of example scripts. This makes it easier than ever to use scripts in Bing since Bing automatically changes and renames any necessary objects. If any code is not transferable, red squiggly lines appear.
Ultimately, scripts are only as powerful as the marketers behind them. Good scripts take time, thought, and customization. Scripts can break and time out and should be tweaked for better performance. Human judgement remains the most effective search marketing tool of all—especially when empowered with automation. Happy scripting!
Sign up for Hanapin’s PPC Hero Sumit happening on March 6th where Hanapin’s Associate Director of Analytics, and Optmyzr’s Co-Founder, Fred Vallaeys, will give you the pro tips on how to get started with scripts and provide prebuilt examples you can use.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://www.ppchero.com/work-smarter-not-harder-with-bing-ads-scripts/
0 notes
maxslogic25 · 6 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder, With Bing Ads Scripts
Feeling crunched for time? Consider automating some of your more tactical and time-consuming tasks. If you aren’t already using scripts to manage campaigns, then you need to take a serious look. In case you’re unfamiliar with them, scripts—i.e., snippets of JavaScript—are part of the Google Ads and Bing Ads search interfaces and allow you to use JavaScript to automate processes and tasks within your PPC accounts.
These little bits of code are big game changers because they can enhance your campaigns and save you tons of time. They automate time-consuming tasks like moving budget across campaign-based budget caps and performance. They also do the work that no search marketer has time to do manually, such as checking for 404 pages and pausing ads for out-of-stock or seasonal items. No amount of manual effort can outmatch a script.
Do scripts require a background in coding or highly technical resources to implement? Not anymore! Scripts provide the benefits of a large-scale API project with the fragment of the cost and hassle. Both Google and now Bing have easy-to-use interfaces so that more search marketers can leverage the power of automation.  
Below I’ve outlined some of the virtues of scripts and ways to free yourself from some burdensome tasks. So, you can do other things—like spend time with your family, kill it at the gym, or respond to that backlog of emails.
Some of the awesome things that scripts do
Scripts can handle a multitude of tasks. Here’s a quick snapshot of the things they can do for you.
Campaign Management
Easily make large and cross-account changes based on performance indicators
Adjust budgets across campaigns
Ad Copy Management
Pause and resume ads across campaigns (for promotions)
Negative Keyword Management
Find and implement negative keywords, including cross-account negative keywords
Search Query Management
Pull out a specific query term for analysis and optimization
Anomaly Detection
Create email alerts when KPIs hit benchmarks or deviate from historical performance
Campaign Health
Easily identify and pause all broken URLs/404 pages/out-of-stock products
Enhanced Reporting
Gain fully customizable visibility into almost any scenario you can dream up
Track Quality Score
Store and track quality scores by account, campaign, and ad group
How Bing Ads Scripts compares to Google Ads Scripts
Bing Ads Scripts functionality quietly rolled out in October 2018. If you compare Bing Ads Scripts to Google Ads Scripts, you’ll find that although there are some differences, they offer comparable functionality and usability. The two platforms look and feel similar, both with how they are accessed and the user interface.
What I personally like about Bing Ads Scripts is that you can paste existing Google Ads Scripts into Bing’s editor and it will automatically find and replace function names of classes AND highlight any unsupported features or unrecognized names that you need to manually edit.
While I’d like to say that Bing Ads Scripts has achieved 100% parity with Google Ads Scripts, I can’t—at least not yet. But with available workarounds, such as this one highlighted by Fred Vallaeys for sending emails and creating labels, I think you’ll find that it’s a great tool—and one that I believe will make your life easier. Much easier.
Three scripts you should be using now
New scripts pop up each day that can solve almost any search need. Widely available online, they can be downloaded, oftentimes at no cost. While every search marketer has unique needs, here are a few scripts that I highly recommend.
1. URL Checker Script
A good URL checker is essential for search marketers, especially for those who manage larger websites, where it’s next to impossible to manually maintain the performance that customers expect. This automated script continuously scans landing pages for 301, 302, and 404 errors and out-of-stock messaging. There are two versions of this script. The first is the Link Checker Script from the Google Ads Scripts site (probably the most current), and the second is the Disable Ads and Keywords for Out-of-Stock Items Script from FreeAdWordsScripts.
2. Search Query Manager Script
There are tons of ways to use the Search Query Manager Script. Created by Marchela De Vivo of Gryffin and Fred Vallaeys, its purpose is to drastically reduce campaign management time. The script allows you to create almost any custom rule you’d like, both from the campaign level and across accounts. You can set custom threshold minimums for impressions/clicks/spend and generate both positive and negative keywords. This script can even pull out the specific keywords that meet or don’t meet performance thresholds.
3. Anomaly Detector Script
Remember that time when you accidentally blew through your budget at lightning speed? Well, the Anomaly Detector Script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs helps prevent such mishaps by watching out for budget anomalies within your account—specifically over- and under-spending across a campaign. When it detects an anomaly, you get notified right away—which should help you sleep at night.
OK coders: these scripts are for extra credit
N-Gram Analysis Scripts
Ever heard of n-grams? They’re generally used for data mining, and I hadn’t fully appreciated their brilliance until I encountered this amazing script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs back in 2015. An n-gram is a word or phrase sequence consisting of a certain number of “n” words, such as a 1-gram/unigram (one word), 2-gram/bigram (two words), etc. By using grams, we can aggregate data to more easily detect performance trends that we might have otherwise missed.
Part 1: N-Gram analysis for search queries
Gilbert applied the n-gram concept to search queries. In search, they can be used to slice longer keywords into smaller n-grams to find hidden insights. For instance, the word “luxurious” could be mapping to the keyword “luxury,” which may be interwoven throughout your keywords and within the actual search queries. Now, as a 2-gram phrase, performance may be so-so, but when you isolate “luxury” and “luxurious,” you may find it is associated with higher average order value and higher conversion rates. Such insights can help in many ways: writing ad copy, creating new ad groups around high performing n-grams, expanding keywords, developing negative keywords, and finding words of user intent.
Part 2: N-Gram analysis for ad copy
Fred Vallaeys of Optmyzr took Gilbert’s Search Query N-gram script a step further to create an ad copy script that identifies and analyzes the most commonly found word sequences in ad copy. What I love about this script is that it allows you to find more specific word-sequencing trends. This is great, especially if you use phrases like, “Get Up to 10% Off” across both headlines and description lines. It gives you more granularity to determine what is driving the best results.
So here comes the extra-credit piece: although these n-grams scripts are compatible with Google Ads Scripts, you’ll have a harder time making them compatible with Bing Ads Scripts, due to the lack of read/write to spreadsheet functionality. So only tackle these scripts in Bing if you’re up for a challenge. Meanwhile, I’m working to get help editing these scripts with compatible Bing Ads Scripts workarounds and will post them when they’re ready.
Other super-cool stuff scripts can do
Keep in mind that scripts aren’t limited to search data. For instance, you may have a business that is highly impacted by weather, such as an ice cream shop. Scripts allow you to set up weather-targeted campaigns to increase bids on hot days. Google offers a pre-built weather script. You can actually integrate scripts with any type of data set, including proprietary business data.
Also, Bing’s new editor now lets you easily reuse your AdWords scripts by copying and pasting. Bing users will find the scripts page under bulk operations. From there, you should click on create script where you can write or paste a script or find a list of example scripts. This makes it easier than ever to use scripts in Bing since Bing automatically changes and renames any necessary objects. If any code is not transferable, red squiggly lines appear.
Ultimately, scripts are only as powerful as the marketers behind them. Good scripts take time, thought, and customization. Scripts can break and time out and should be tweaked for better performance. Human judgement remains the most effective search marketing tool of all—especially when empowered with automation. Happy scripting!
Sign up for Hanapin’s PPC Hero Sumit happening on March 6th where Hanapin’s Associate Director of Analytics, and Optmyzr’s Co-Founder, Fred Vallaeys, will give you the pro tips on how to get started with scripts and provide prebuilt examples you can use.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://www.ppchero.com/work-smarter-not-harder-with-bing-ads-scripts/
0 notes
archiebwoollard · 6 years
Work Smarter, Not Harder, With Bing Ads Scripts
Feeling crunched for time? Consider automating some of your more tactical and time-consuming tasks. If you aren’t already using scripts to manage campaigns, then you need to take a serious look. In case you’re unfamiliar with them, scripts—i.e., snippets of JavaScript—are part of the Google Ads and Bing Ads search interfaces and allow you to use JavaScript to automate processes and tasks within your PPC accounts.
These little bits of code are big game changers because they can enhance your campaigns and save you tons of time. They automate time-consuming tasks like moving budget across campaign-based budget caps and performance. They also do the work that no search marketer has time to do manually, such as checking for 404 pages and pausing ads for out-of-stock or seasonal items. No amount of manual effort can outmatch a script.
Do scripts require a background in coding or highly technical resources to implement? Not anymore! Scripts provide the benefits of a large-scale API project with the fragment of the cost and hassle. Both Google and now Bing have easy-to-use interfaces so that more search marketers can leverage the power of automation.  
Below I’ve outlined some of the virtues of scripts and ways to free yourself from some burdensome tasks. So, you can do other things—like spend time with your family, kill it at the gym, or respond to that backlog of emails.
Some of the awesome things that scripts do
Scripts can handle a multitude of tasks. Here’s a quick snapshot of the things they can do for you.
Campaign Management
Easily make large and cross-account changes based on performance indicators
Adjust budgets across campaigns
Ad Copy Management
Pause and resume ads across campaigns (for promotions)
Negative Keyword Management
Find and implement negative keywords, including cross-account negative keywords
Search Query Management
Pull out a specific query term for analysis and optimization
Anomaly Detection
Create email alerts when KPIs hit benchmarks or deviate from historical performance
Campaign Health
Easily identify and pause all broken URLs/404 pages/out-of-stock products
Enhanced Reporting
Gain fully customizable visibility into almost any scenario you can dream up
Track Quality Score
Store and track quality scores by account, campaign, and ad group
How Bing Ads Scripts compares to Google Ads Scripts
Bing Ads Scripts functionality quietly rolled out in October 2018. If you compare Bing Ads Scripts to Google Ads Scripts, you’ll find that although there are some differences, they offer comparable functionality and usability. The two platforms look and feel similar, both with how they are accessed and the user interface.
What I personally like about Bing Ads Scripts is that you can paste existing Google Ads Scripts into Bing’s editor and it will automatically find and replace function names of classes AND highlight any unsupported features or unrecognized names that you need to manually edit.
While I’d like to say that Bing Ads Scripts has achieved 100% parity with Google Ads Scripts, I can’t—at least not yet. But with available workarounds, such as this one highlighted by Fred Vallaeys for sending emails and creating labels, I think you’ll find that it’s a great tool—and one that I believe will make your life easier. Much easier.
Three scripts you should be using now
New scripts pop up each day that can solve almost any search need. Widely available online, they can be downloaded, oftentimes at no cost. While every search marketer has unique needs, here are a few scripts that I highly recommend.
1. URL Checker Script
A good URL checker is essential for search marketers, especially for those who manage larger websites, where it’s next to impossible to manually maintain the performance that customers expect. This automated script continuously scans landing pages for 301, 302, and 404 errors and out-of-stock messaging. There are two versions of this script. The first is the Link Checker Script from the Google Ads Scripts site (probably the most current), and the second is the Disable Ads and Keywords for Out-of-Stock Items Script from FreeAdWordsScripts.
2. Search Query Manager Script
There are tons of ways to use the Search Query Manager Script. Created by Marchela De Vivo of Gryffin and Fred Vallaeys, its purpose is to drastically reduce campaign management time. The script allows you to create almost any custom rule you’d like, both from the campaign level and across accounts. You can set custom threshold minimums for impressions/clicks/spend and generate both positive and negative keywords. This script can even pull out the specific keywords that meet or don’t meet performance thresholds.
3. Anomaly Detector Script
Remember that time when you accidentally blew through your budget at lightning speed? Well, the Anomaly Detector Script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs helps prevent such mishaps by watching out for budget anomalies within your account—specifically over- and under-spending across a campaign. When it detects an anomaly, you get notified right away—which should help you sleep at night.
OK coders: these scripts are for extra credit
N-Gram Analysis Scripts
Ever heard of n-grams? They’re generally used for data mining, and I hadn’t fully appreciated their brilliance until I encountered this amazing script from Daniel Gilbert at Brainlabs back in 2015. An n-gram is a word or phrase sequence consisting of a certain number of “n” words, such as a 1-gram/unigram (one word), 2-gram/bigram (two words), etc. By using grams, we can aggregate data to more easily detect performance trends that we might have otherwise missed.
Part 1: N-Gram analysis for search queries
Gilbert applied the n-gram concept to search queries. In search, they can be used to slice longer keywords into smaller n-grams to find hidden insights. For instance, the word “luxurious” could be mapping to the keyword “luxury,” which may be interwoven throughout your keywords and within the actual search queries. Now, as a 2-gram phrase, performance may be so-so, but when you isolate “luxury” and “luxurious,” you may find it is associated with higher average order value and higher conversion rates. Such insights can help in many ways: writing ad copy, creating new ad groups around high performing n-grams, expanding keywords, developing negative keywords, and finding words of user intent.
Part 2: N-Gram analysis for ad copy
Fred Vallaeys of Optmyzr took Gilbert’s Search Query N-gram script a step further to create an ad copy script that identifies and analyzes the most commonly found word sequences in ad copy. What I love about this script is that it allows you to find more specific word-sequencing trends. This is great, especially if you use phrases like, “Get Up to 10% Off” across both headlines and description lines. It gives you more granularity to determine what is driving the best results.
So here comes the extra-credit piece: although these n-grams scripts are compatible with Google Ads Scripts, you’ll have a harder time making them compatible with Bing Ads Scripts, due to the lack of read/write to spreadsheet functionality. So only tackle these scripts in Bing if you’re up for a challenge. Meanwhile, I’m working to get help editing these scripts with compatible Bing Ads Scripts workarounds and will post them when they’re ready.
Other super-cool stuff scripts can do
Keep in mind that scripts aren’t limited to search data. For instance, you may have a business that is highly impacted by weather, such as an ice cream shop. Scripts allow you to set up weather-targeted campaigns to increase bids on hot days. Google offers a pre-built weather script. You can actually integrate scripts with any type of data set, including proprietary business data.
Also, Bing’s new editor now lets you easily reuse your AdWords scripts by copying and pasting. Bing users will find the scripts page under bulk operations. From there, you should click on create script where you can write or paste a script or find a list of example scripts. This makes it easier than ever to use scripts in Bing since Bing automatically changes and renames any necessary objects. If any code is not transferable, red squiggly lines appear.
Ultimately, scripts are only as powerful as the marketers behind them. Good scripts take time, thought, and customization. Scripts can break and time out and should be tweaked for better performance. Human judgement remains the most effective search marketing tool of all—especially when empowered with automation. Happy scripting!
Sign up for Hanapin’s PPC Hero Sumit happening on March 6th where Hanapin’s Associate Director of Analytics, and Optmyzr’s Co-Founder, Fred Vallaeys, will give you the pro tips on how to get started with scripts and provide prebuilt examples you can use.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 https://www.ppchero.com/work-smarter-not-harder-with-bing-ads-scripts/
0 notes
webbygraphic001 · 7 years
What’s New for Designers, March 2018
Spring is in the air with plenty of new tools, particular color and CSS options. We hope that the change of season has you inspired to create and that these new design tools can make your work life just a little easier.
If we’ve missed something that you think should have been on the list, let us know in the comments. And if you know of a new app or resource that should be featured next month, tweet it to @carriecousins to be considered!
Abstract Acrylic Graphic Pack
The Abstract Acrylic Graphics Pack is, ahem, packed with textures and splashes in colorful vector formats. All of the background-ready elements are designed in a high-resolution format in JPG, PNG and AI formats. The pack includes 12 acrylic splashes, eight textures and 90 vector shapes to use as overlays. (The download does require an email address and you can add an optional donation to support the creator if you like.)
Prompts is a lightweight, and aesthetically pleasing set of interactive prompts. It’s made with a simple code concept that has no big dependencies or dozens of tiny modules. You can design a prompt to ask for a single answer, a chain of answers or even dynamic prompting.
Dribbble Color Palette Generator
Turn any color palette from a Dribbble shot into a Sketch-Palette plugin. Just save your favorite colors and download them right to the Sketch-Palette plugin for use in projects. The tool includes Firefox and Chrome extensions.
FastPhotoStyle is a code repository from NVIDIA – yes, the video card makers – that includes their fast photo style transfer algorithm. The tool allows users to transfer the visual style of one image to another. The code falls under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike license, so check the rules before using it in projects.
CSS Color Gradients
Create a more intuitive color gradient with CSS Color Gradients. Pick a start and end color and the tool adjust the gradient to give you the best and most visually pleasing color fade, so you don’t end up with harsh starts and stops. Then you can grab the CSS for your color gradient and add it to projects.
Launchaco is a simple website builder for small start-up sites. You can create responsive designs, apps and all of the website tools integrate with common elements such as Google Analytics for tracking, HTTPS, and custom domains. Users can create a free account to build a website or opt for the annual paid version ($49.99 beta pricing) for more robust and unlimited features.
Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker
Take a break from color swatches and code with the Song Maker from Chrome Music Lab. Color in the blocks with your mouse, pick a music style and see what your visual creation sounds like. It’s a fun–and creative–diversion!
The .colors tool solves an everyday web design dilemma: You have an array of colors in your code, but don’t always know what they look like. This tool allows you to enter an array of codes and generates a color palette with each color identified by code. Just paste any code snippet into the tool that contains colors – hex, HSL or RGB – .colors does the rest.
Today’s Date SVG
Terence Eden wanted an SVG that always displayed the current date on his blog – so he made one. Today’s date SVG is a generic date icon that accurately displays the day and date. Just add a few lines of code and JavaScript and you are ready to go.
Kutt is a new link shortener with robust features so that your links are branded and trackable. Kutt lets you create, protect and delete links; track analytics; use a custom domain and integrates with an API. Plus, the tool is open source and free to use (you can even host it on your server).
30 Seconds of CSS
30 Seconds of CSS is a curated collection of code snippets that almost anyone can understand in less than a minute and deploy in website design projects. Snippets are lumped into categories so you can find just what you need with the code to make it happen (and an explanation for greater understanding).
Sketch Isometric
The Sketch Isometric plugin allows users to generate isometric views from artboards and rectangles in the Sketch app. The isometric view, which represents three-dimensional objects in two dimensions, is a popular choice for showing app mockups with multiple screens in one visual display. The plugin lets you rotate and twist, scale and change the color and depth of renderings.
Duet Display
Need more monitor space? Duet Display lets you turn an iPad into an extra monitor for your Mac or PC. The tool, which was built by former Apple engineers, can help you increase productivity and interact with your computer via touch through the iPad. All it takes to connect is a software download and Lightning or 30-pin cable.
Inclusive Components has a good article on notifications and how to include notification components in more than just “web apps.” Notifications can be a part of any dynamic web experience when you need to draw attention to something with a short message. From understanding live regions to chat applications to flash messages, this article breaks it all down.
Pure CSS Moleskine Notebooks
Fans of the notebook of the same name will love this pen featuring CSS-animated Moleskines. Pen features four notebooks that are closed and open to feature inside pages on hover with plain, ruled, grid and dotted “paper.”
Mario Pixel Icons
Bring back fond childhood memories with a site of pixelated, video-game style icons. The set includes all the images you’d expect to see in an early video game in vector format. Use them online or even on a shirt design. The set includes 100 icons in AI, PNG and SVG formats.
Handlebars in UI Design
Shankar Balasubramanian, a designer at Angie’s List, takes a good look at handlebars, a new user interface element that’s gaining popularity. Here’s how he describes it in the informative post: “Handlebars are an interface element to help the user resize and rearrange the different sections on this canvas (or interface in modern UI). If you have used the iOS multitasking split-view on iPad, the little vertical and horizontal handles in one of the two apps in split-view are what I call as ‘Handlebars.’”
Extinct Animals Icons
Human beings have accelerated extinction rates in the animal kingdom like never before. Whether it be due to hunting, habitat destruction, or food source competition, more an more animals will never be seen again. This varied set of extinct animal icons seeks to educate as well as provide a great resource.
2018 Career Happiness Survey
What are you trying to get from your career? What parts of work make you happy? The Career Happiness Survey is trying to find that information with a survey for individuals and leaders looking to make good decisions. Everyone who participates will get the results via email.
Tutorial: Stunning Hover Effects with CSS Variables
Tobias Reich has a fun tutorial that helps you create a cool hover effect for a button. The design is simple but stands out with a nifty gradient that is just a little different from all the standard color change hover states often used. He walks you through the process so you can customize and create your hover effect.
Fonts.LOL is the first type foundry dedicated to color fonts. The typography style is based on open-type SVG fonts that include multiple colors, strokes (and widths) and gradients. The concept behind the collection of color fonts is to push forward the technology and make color font adoption easier and more widespread. Just pick a color font, download and install to use. (Licenses can vary by font.)
Bluefish is a somewhat blocky sans serif with a limited number of styles in the free demo set. (A full version is also available.) It can make a nice display option and the demo includes regular, italic, bold and bold italic styles with 378 characters in each.
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day is the release of Gudlak, a handwriting style typeface with clover flourishes. The demo version includes a limited set of 53 characters, but a full typeface option is available. This font can be fun for seasonal projects when used sparingly.
JMH Arkham
JMH Arkham is a vintage-style serif typeface with a lot of character. The typeface includes a full set of upper, and lowercase characters with fun tilts and notches. Some of the letters also have longer tails to add flourish to your typography.
Kabe is a monospaced typeface with a lot of character. Its use could easily extend to display text for print and website designs. The typeface includes upper, and lowercase letters, numerals and punctuation.
Stay Classy
Stay Classy is a simple, line-style handwriting typeface with plenty of ligatures and a tall stance. The light typeface is great for display or lettering for invitations; it includes a full character set, numbers and punctuation as well as alternates.
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source from Webdesigner Depot http://ift.tt/2FSBI4I from Blogger http://ift.tt/2FOOQf6
0 notes
iyarpage · 7 years
What’s New for Designers, March 2018
Spring is in the air with plenty of new tools, particular color and CSS options. We hope that the change of season has you inspired to create and that these new design tools can make your work life just a little easier.
If we’ve missed something that you think should have been on the list, let us know in the comments. And if you know of a new app or resource that should be featured next month, tweet it to @carriecousins to be considered!
Abstract Acrylic Graphic Pack
The Abstract Acrylic Graphics Pack is, ahem, packed with textures and splashes in colorful vector formats. All of the background-ready elements are designed in a high-resolution format in JPG, PNG and AI formats. The pack includes 12 acrylic splashes, eight textures and 90 vector shapes to use as overlays. (The download does require an email address and you can add an optional donation to support the creator if you like.)
Prompts is a lightweight, and aesthetically pleasing set of interactive prompts. It’s made with a simple code concept that has no big dependencies or dozens of tiny modules. You can design a prompt to ask for a single answer, a chain of answers or even dynamic prompting.
Dribbble Color Palette Generator
Turn any color palette from a Dribbble shot into a Sketch-Palette plugin. Just save your favorite colors and download them right to the Sketch-Palette plugin for use in projects. The tool includes Firefox and Chrome extensions.
FastPhotoStyle is a code repository from NVIDIA – yes, the video card makers – that includes their fast photo style transfer algorithm. The tool allows users to transfer the visual style of one image to another. The code falls under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike license, so check the rules before using it in projects.
CSS Color Gradients
Create a more intuitive color gradient with CSS Color Gradients. Pick a start and end color and the tool adjust the gradient to give you the best and most visually pleasing color fade, so you don’t end up with harsh starts and stops. Then you can grab the CSS for your color gradient and add it to projects.
Launchaco is a simple website builder for small start-up sites. You can create responsive designs, apps and all of the website tools integrate with common elements such as Google Analytics for tracking, HTTPS, and custom domains. Users can create a free account to build a website or opt for the annual paid version ($49.99 beta pricing) for more robust and unlimited features.
Chrome Music Lab: Song Maker
Take a break from color swatches and code with the Song Maker from Chrome Music Lab. Color in the blocks with your mouse, pick a music style and see what your visual creation sounds like. It’s a fun–and creative–diversion!
The .colors tool solves an everyday web design dilemma: You have an array of colors in your code, but don’t always know what they look like. This tool allows you to enter an array of codes and generates a color palette with each color identified by code. Just paste any code snippet into the tool that contains colors – hex, HSL or RGB – .colors does the rest.
Today’s Date SVG
Terence Eden wanted an SVG that always displayed the current date on his blog – so he made one. Today’s date SVG is a generic date icon that accurately displays the day and date. Just add a few lines of code and JavaScript and you are ready to go.
Kutt is a new link shortener with robust features so that your links are branded and trackable. Kutt lets you create, protect and delete links; track analytics; use a custom domain and integrates with an API. Plus, the tool is open source and free to use (you can even host it on your server).
30 Seconds of CSS
30 Seconds of CSS is a curated collection of code snippets that almost anyone can understand in less than a minute and deploy in website design projects. Snippets are lumped into categories so you can find just what you need with the code to make it happen (and an explanation for greater understanding).
Sketch Isometric
The Sketch Isometric plugin allows users to generate isometric views from artboards and rectangles in the Sketch app. The isometric view, which represents three-dimensional objects in two dimensions, is a popular choice for showing app mockups with multiple screens in one visual display. The plugin lets you rotate and twist, scale and change the color and depth of renderings.
Duet Display
Need more monitor space? Duet Display lets you turn an iPad into an extra monitor for your Mac or PC. The tool, which was built by former Apple engineers, can help you increase productivity and interact with your computer via touch through the iPad. All it takes to connect is a software download and Lightning or 30-pin cable.
Inclusive Components has a good article on notifications and how to include notification components in more than just “web apps.” Notifications can be a part of any dynamic web experience when you need to draw attention to something with a short message. From understanding live regions to chat applications to flash messages, this article breaks it all down.
Pure CSS Moleskine Notebooks
Fans of the notebook of the same name will love this pen featuring CSS-animated Moleskines. Pen features four notebooks that are closed and open to feature inside pages on hover with plain, ruled, grid and dotted “paper.”
Mario Pixel Icons
Bring back fond childhood memories with a site of pixelated, video-game style icons. The set includes all the images you’d expect to see in an early video game in vector format. Use them online or even on a shirt design. The set includes 100 icons in AI, PNG and SVG formats.
Handlebars in UI Design
Shankar Balasubramanian, a designer at Angie’s List, takes a good look at handlebars, a new user interface element that’s gaining popularity. Here’s how he describes it in the informative post: “Handlebars are an interface element to help the user resize and rearrange the different sections on this canvas (or interface in modern UI). If you have used the iOS multitasking split-view on iPad, the little vertical and horizontal handles in one of the two apps in split-view are what I call as ‘Handlebars.’”
Extinct Animals Icons
Human beings have accelerated extinction rates in the animal kingdom like never before. Whether it be due to hunting, habitat destruction, or food source competition, more an more animals will never be seen again. This varied set of extinct animal icons seeks to educate as well as provide a great resource.
2018 Career Happiness Survey
What are you trying to get from your career? What parts of work make you happy? The Career Happiness Survey is trying to find that information with a survey for individuals and leaders looking to make good decisions. Everyone who participates will get the results via email.
Tutorial: Stunning Hover Effects with CSS Variables
Tobias Reich has a fun tutorial that helps you create a cool hover effect for a button. The design is simple but stands out with a nifty gradient that is just a little different from all the standard color change hover states often used. He walks you through the process so you can customize and create your hover effect.
Fonts.LOL is the first type foundry dedicated to color fonts. The typography style is based on open-type SVG fonts that include multiple colors, strokes (and widths) and gradients. The concept behind the collection of color fonts is to push forward the technology and make color font adoption easier and more widespread. Just pick a color font, download and install to use. (Licenses can vary by font.)
Bluefish is a somewhat blocky sans serif with a limited number of styles in the free demo set. (A full version is also available.) It can make a nice display option and the demo includes regular, italic, bold and bold italic styles with 378 characters in each.
Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day is the release of Gudlak, a handwriting style typeface with clover flourishes. The demo version includes a limited set of 53 characters, but a full typeface option is available. This font can be fun for seasonal projects when used sparingly.
JMH Arkham
JMH Arkham is a vintage-style serif typeface with a lot of character. The typeface includes a full set of upper, and lowercase characters with fun tilts and notches. Some of the letters also have longer tails to add flourish to your typography.
Kabe is a monospaced typeface with a lot of character. Its use could easily extend to display text for print and website designs. The typeface includes upper, and lowercase letters, numerals and punctuation.
Stay Classy
Stay Classy is a simple, line-style handwriting typeface with plenty of ligatures and a tall stance. The light typeface is great for display or lettering for invitations; it includes a full character set, numbers and punctuation as well as alternates.
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;} What’s New for Designers, March 2018 published first on https://medium.com/@koresol
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Stocks Smash Records Around The Globe; Nikkei Has Best Annual Start Since 1996
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/wealth/stocks-smash-records-around-the-globe-nikkei-has-best-annual-start-since-1996/
Stocks Smash Records Around The Globe; Nikkei Has Best Annual Start Since 1996
Another day, another record high in markets around the globe as stocks – contrary to what Jeremy Grantham expects  – have already entered the blow-off top mania phase. U.S. equity index futures rise, following a jump in European and Asian shares, while the Nikkei exploded higher after being held back for the past two days by holidays. Base metals and the euro gain.
European stocks rose the most in over two weeks on an acceleration in risk euphoria and signs the global economic expansion of 2017 remains intact. European bourses (Eurostoxx 50 +0.8%) trade higher across the board with all ten sectors in the green, as builders and automakers lead the advance. Gains are relatively broad-based with the exception of consumer staples which trades relatively flat, financials supported post-FOMC minutes. Today has seen a turn in sentiment for UK retail names with Debenhams (tumbling -17.7%) taking the shine off the sector after a disappointing sales update which saw the Co. cut their guidance.
Confirming Europe’s upward economic momentum, Markit reported the best EU Composite PMI since February 2011, printing at 58.1, above last month’s 58.0 and the expected 58.0. The breakdown as follows:
EU Markit Comp Final PMI (Dec) 58.1 vs. Exp. 58.0 (Prev. 58.0), EU Markit Services Final PMI (Dec) 56.6 vs. Exp. 56.5 (Prev. 56.5)
German Markit Comp Final PMI (Dec) 58.9 vs. Exp. 58.7 (Prev. 58.7), German Markit Services PMI (Dec) 55.8 vs. Exp. 55.8 (Prev. 55.8)
French Markit Comp PMI (Dec) 59.6 vs. Exp. 60.0 (Prev. 60.0), French Markit Services PMI (Dec) 59.1 vs. Exp. 59.4 (Prev. 59.4)
Italian Markit/ADACI Services PMI (Dec) 55.4 vs. Exp. 54.7 (Prev. 54.7)
Spanish Services PMI (Dec) 54.6 vs. Exp. 54.7 (Prev. 54.4)
Earlier, the MSCI Asia Pacific Index headed for another record close after benchmarks in Tokyo closed at their highest in more than a quarter century, and posting their biggest one-day gains since November 2016. Japanese investors returned to the market after two extra days of holidays for the first time this year, catching up to the rest of the global euphoria with the Nikkei 225 closing up 3.3%, boosted by tech firms and banks, the best annual opening day since 1996 while the Topix index (+2.6%) closed at its best level since 1991 as brokers and oil & coal lead gains in all 33 industry groups.
In macro, the dollar slipped and U.S. Treasuries declined as minutes of last month’s Federal Reserve meeting showed policy makers continue to back a “gradual approach” to raising interest rates.
The USD unwound post FOMC minutes gains and reversed course, with the DXY trading below the 92.00 level with EUR/USD moving higher in the wake of another set of relatively strong PMI figures. The composite PMI rose to its highest level since February 2011 as Germany rose to its highest level in 80 months. AUD/NZD/CAD are all back in the ascendency vs the Greenback, with AUD/USD absorbing at least some 0.7850 offers overnight on the back of China’s services PMI beat and another rise in iron ore prices. The Kiwi has reclaimed the 0.7100 handle having tested, but not clearly breaching key tech DMAs around 0.7105-0.7100 yesterday despite a short dip below the big figure. USD/CAD still drawn to 1.2500 amidst a range up to circa 1.2550, with the Loonie supported by firm crude prices.
Core European bonds pared Wednesday’s gains and the euro advanced toward a three-year high as data showed economic activity in the euro-area accelerated to the fastest pace in almost seven years.  US Treasury yields were supported as traders lifted the odds of a Fed move by end-March, gains were limited as the minutes from the Dec. 12-13 policy meeting still lacked any explicit signal of a move in the first quarter, with some officials reiterating their concern about low inflation. “There was no suggestion that the Fed is beginning to feel concerned over the possibility of falling behind the curve,” said Lee Hardman, a currency analyst at MUFG, in a client note. “There appears to be a high hurdle for the Fed to deliver a faster pace of rate hikes beyond their current plans for three hikes in 2018. As a result, we continue to believe that the U.S. dollar will struggle to reverse last year’s weakening trend.”
Meanwhile, commodities extended a record run of gains as oil climbed from the highest close in three years. As shown in the chart below, commodities are enjoying a record run of gains that straddles the end of 2017 and the start of the new year as crude oil notches multiyear highs and investors bet that booming global manufacturing output will help to sustain rising demand for raw materials.
The Bloomberg Commodity Index, which tracks returns on 22 raw materials, posted an unprecedented 14 days of gains to Wednesday, closing at the highest since February. Bloomberg notes that the index is poised for further gains as metals and oil climb higher, supported by supply disruptions, a weaker dollar and improving demand. Palladium, a metal used in car exhaust systems, is approaching an all-time high.
The Bloomberg Commodity Index has rebounded 12 percent since mid-June. In recent days, the cold snap in the U.S., which helped to boost wheat as well as natural gas, also helping to lift the index. Still, prices remain well below the highs from 2008.
Oil climbed from the highest in three years as optimism on the global economy, cold weather and political unrest bolstered a market that’s finally shaking off a prolonged surplus. Crude is having its best start to a year since 2012, after hitting $62 a barrel in New York. Swollen inventories in the U.S. are declining and could shrink further as winter storms boost demand for heating fuel, while a strong economy underpins consumption. OPEC is continuing its fight against a global glut, while street protests are stoking concern over the stability of the group’s third-biggest producer, Iran.
“The rise in oil prices has mainly been caused by the freezing polar vortex hitting the U.S., firing up heating demand, and spurring concern about a potential impact on oil production and trade,” said Jens Naervig Pedersen, an analyst at Danske Bank A/S in Copenhagen.
Copper, a bellwether for global manufacturing, climbed 1 percent after U.S. factory output data on Wednesday beat expectations. China also imposed heavy curbs on scrap imports, leaving buyers there more reliant on mined output, which analysts see tightening in the months ahead.
The commodity rally has ignited shares of producers. BHP Billiton Ltd., the world’s largest mining company, has risen in London to the highest since 2014. BP Plc, the British oil major, posted the first back-to-back annual gain last year since 2005.
In the weeks ahead, Chinese credit data and central bank policy will be key to determining whether the gains continue, Citigroup’s Layton said. “The only reluctance that people have in terms of getting more bullish on metals and bulks is that China has clearly shifted the tone from growth targets to quality over quantity, and people don’t know what that means yet. Chinese credit numbers are going to be critical to setting the tone for the first half, and I think they’re going to be fine.”
Expected data include jobless claims. Walgreens Boots, Monsanto and Lamb Weston are among companies reporting earnings.
Bulletin headline summary from RanSquawk
Eurozone composite PMI hits highest level since February 2011
Crude trades in close proximity to multi-year highs amid a draw in API inventories and ongoing Iranian tensions
Highlights today include US jobless claims, services PMI and DoE oil inventories
Market Snapshot
S&P 500 futures up 0.1% to 2,714.50
STOXX Europe 600 up 0.5% to 392.30
MSCI Asia Pacific up 1.2% to 178.01
MSCI Asia Pacific ex Japan up 0.4% to 582.18
Nikkei up 3.3% to 23,506.33
Topix up 2.6% to 1,863.82
Hang Seng Index up 0.6% to 30,736.48
Shanghai Composite up 0.5% to 3,385.71
Sensex up 0.5% to 33,975.81
Australia S&P/ASX 200 up 0.1% to 6,077.08
Kospi down 0.8% to 2,466.46
German 10Y yield rose 1.2 bps to 0.454%
Euro up 0.2% to $1.2033
Italian 10Y yield fell 2.7 bps to 1.798%
Spanish 10Y yield fell 3.1 bps to 1.567%
Brent futures little changed at $67.84/bbl
Gold spot down 0.01% to $1,313.05
U.S. Dollar Index down 0.1% to 92.07
Top Overnight News via BBG
Economic output in the euro-area accelerated to the fastest pace in almost seven years as services surged while factories benefited from booming domestic demand and near-record growth in export orders
London was the worst-performing home market in the U.K. last year for the first time in more than a decade and may be stuck there
Donald Trump’s desire to squeeze Kim Jong Un’s regime risks being undermined by the furtive maneuvers of oil tankers at sea
Russia Deputy Foreign Minister: warns U.S. against any intervention in Iran
European Dec. Service PMIs: Spain 54.6 vs 54.6 est; Italy 55.4 vs 54.7 est; France 59.1 vs 59.4 est; Germany 55.8 vs 55.8 est; U.K. 54.2 vs 54.0 est.
China Dec. Caixin Services PMI: 53.9 vs 51.8 est.
South Africa: ANC party to consider removing Zuma as nation’s president m at Jan. 10 meeting of National Executive Committee
API inventories according to people familiar w/data: Crude -5.0m; Cushing -2.1m; Gasoline +1.8m; Distillates +4.3m
U.S. Data: lockup for today’s weekly unemployment claims data canceled due to weather, will be released via website
Massive Winter Storm Threatens New York With Snow and Floods
Calpers Seeks Manager for $40 Billion Private Equity Portfolio
Intel, Microsoft Deal With Widespread Computer-Chip Weakness
Debenhams Profit Warning Clouds U.K. Retailers’ Christmas
London House Market Worst in U.K. With Price Decline Last Year
Euro-Area Activity Accelerates to Fastest Pace Since Early 2011
China Property Bonds Seen Facing Highest Default Risk in ’18
Asian bourses continued their rising streak, with the region trading at around 10yr highs. Japanese investors returned to the market for the first time this year, catch up play has been observed with the Nikkei 225 up 3.3%, while the Topix index (+2.6%) closed at its best level since 1991. ASX 200 (+0.1%) was buoyed by energy names yet again amid the persistent rise in crude. Elsewhere, Chinese markets made marginal gains, Shanghai Comp up a modest 0.33% and Hang Seng 0.57% with sentiment supported by Caixin Services PMI which saw its fastest growth since Aug’14. Bank of Japan Governor Kuroda says will continue patiently with easy monetary policy, adding that the economy is showing steady growth. Chinese released its latest Caixin Services PMI for December, which smashed expectations at 53.9 (vs. Exp. 51.8, Prev. 51.9), its fastest rise since Aug 2014.
Top Asian News
Japan’s Nikkei 225 Stock Gauge Has Best Start to Year Since 1996
Saudi Aramco Is Said to Seek Adviser for Global Gas Deals
Reliance Communications Lenders Seen Facing Earnings Hit
Axiata Is Said to Consider $500 Million Tower Unit IPO This Year
Australian Pot Stocks Soar After Government Relaxes Rules
Turkey’s Halkbank Could Suffer From Ex-Banker’s U.S. Conviction
European markets trade higher across the board (Eurostoxx 50 +0.8%) with all ten sectors in the green in the wake of a relatively upbeat Asia-Pac session after Japanese markets returned from their market holiday. Gains are relatively broad-based with the exception of consumer staples which trades relatively flat, financials supported post-FOMC minutes. Today has seen a turn in sentiment for UK retail names with Debenhams (-17.7%) taking the shine off the sector after a disappointing sales update which saw the Co. cut their guidance.
Top European News
U.K. Said to Think Barnier Bluffing on No Brexit Deal for Banks
Ocado Gains on Renewed M&A Speculation, Rumors of Contract Win
Brexit, Prices Cast Shadow Over Buoyant U.K. Services Industry
In FX, the USD has reversed course and the DXY trades below the 92.00 level with EUR/USD moving higher in the wake of another set of relatively strong PMI figures. The composite PMI rose to its highest level since February 2011 as Germany rose to its highest level in 80 months. AUD/NZD/CAD are all back in the ascendency vs the Greenback, with AUD/USD absorbing at least some 0.7850 offers overnight on the back of China’s services PMI beat and another rise in iron ore prices. The Kiwi has reclaimed the 0.7100 handle having tested, but not clearly breaching key tech DMAs around 0.7105-0.7100 yesterday despite a short dip below the big figure. USD/CAD still drawn to 1.2500 amidst a range up to circa 1.2550, with the Loonie supported by firm crude prices GBP is another  gainer vs the USD, as Cable rebounds from sub-1.3500 lows with a modest beat on UK services PMI (54.2 vs. Exp. 54.1) unable to offer much traction in the currency.
In commodities, WTI and Brent crude futures trade in close proximity to recent highs (albeit WTI back below USD 62.00) with oil prices supported by a multitude of factors including last night’s draw in the APIs and ongoing tensions in Iran which has led some to speculate whether the US could remove their waiver of sanctions on Iran (given recent rhetoric from the US). Additionally, Libyan Waha oil output has risen to 272K bpd after pipe repairs. In metals markets, gold has recouped some of yesterday’s post-FOMC minutes inspired losses with prices continuing to track fluctuations in the USD. Elsewhere, Chinese steel rebar futures were seen lower overnight as concerns over weather impacts on production continue to linger. Furthermore, China have vowed to meet targets to cut steel production capacity. Libya Waha oil output rises to 272K bpd after pipe repair. Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards have deployed forces to three provinces to put down anti-government unrest after six days of protests.
Looking at the day ahead, we have the final readings for the December services and composite PMIs across Europe and the US. In the UK, the December Nationwide House price index, November mortgage approvals and net consumer credit data will be due. Over in the US, there is the December ADP employment change print (190k expected) along with the weekly initial jobless and continuing claims. Away from the data, the Fed’s Bullard will speak at an economic convention.
US Event Calendar
7:30am: Challenger Job Cuts YoY, prior 30.1%
8:15am: ADP Employment Change, est. 190,000, prior 190,000
8:30am: Initial Jobless Claims, est. 241,000, prior 245,000
8:30am: Continuing Claims, est. 1.93m, prior 1.94m
9:45am: Markit US Services PMI, est. 52.5, prior 52.4
9:45am: Markit US Composite PMI, prior 53
9:45am: Bloomberg Consumer Comfort, prior 52.4
DB’s Jim Reid concludes the overnight wrap
With 2018 four days old I hope you’ve managed to keep to your new year’s resolutions so far. Mine is to drink less caffeine. If truth be told I’ve always drunk too much tea and now the twins are causing me much stress and upheaval my habit has got out of hand. So here we go….. I’m Jim Reid and I’m a tea-oholic! You’ll find me shaking at my desk this morning whilst drinking a decaf tea.
US equities’ new year’s resolution is obviously to continue to go up in 2018 and yesterday saw more fresh records after a blockbuster ISM and Fed minutes that didn’t really rock the boat. Elsewhere a lot of other assets reversed their opening day 2018 move with the dollar climbing, bond yields rallying and European stocks recovering with the weak Euro. To recap, the S&P rose 0.64% to >2,700 with gains led by energy stocks, while the Stoxx also rose (+0.48%) for the first time in four days. Core 10y bond yields fell c2bp (UST -1.6bp; Bunds -2.6bp) and Gilts fell 7.3bp to largely reverse Tuesday’s move. In FX, the USD dollar index gained 0.34% while Euro fell (-0.36%) for the first time in six days. Finally, the VIX dropped 6.35% to 9.15, marginally above its all-time low of 9.14.
On the data front, the December ISM manufacturing PMI was above expectations at 59.7 (vs. 58.2) and the second highest reading in six years. On an annual basis, the strength was also evident with the 2017 average  reading of 57.6 the best in 13 years. In the details, the ISM prices paid jumped to 69 and the gauge of new orders rose to 69.4 – the highest in c14 years.
Turning to the FOMC minutes now. They continue to favour gradual rate hikes but comments on inflation seemed a bit hawkish. On rates, most participants reiterated support for “continuing a gradual approach to raising the target range” (ie: three more hikes in 2018). On the inflation debate, participants noted that “recent readings on monthly inflation had edged up” with “many” participants expecting it to move towards target, although some thought it may stay below target longer than expected and several expressed concerns about inflation expectations. Further, participants discussed several risks that could result in a faster increase in inflation such as higher output, fiscal stimulus or accommodative financial conditions. On the flat yield curve, participants “generally agreed that the current degree of flatness….was not unusual by historical standards”, but several participants thought it required ongoing monitoring. Finally, on tax cuts, many participants expect the reforms to provide a lift to consumer spending and “a modest boost to capital spending”. The Bloomberg implied odds of a rate hike in March increased  c12ppt to 81% yesterday.
This morning, Japan’s final reading of the Nikkei manufacturing PMI was 54 (vs. 53.6 prior month) and to the highest level since early 2014, while China’s December Caixin composite PMI also beat at 53.0 (vs. 51.6 previous). Asian markets are broadly higher as we type. The Nikkei is up 2.87% after trading resumed for 2018 while the Hang Seng (+0.55%) and China’s CSI 300 (+0.51%) are up modestly. The Kospi bucked the trend to be down 0.49%.
With the global PMIs/ISM now complete, we’ve updated our usual YoY equity market performance versus the new data based on a regression between the two series over the last 20 years. At face value Europe looks very cheap with the DAX and CAC 30% and 18% lower than where the manufacturing PMIs suggest they should be given the historic relationship between the two. However if we re-benchmark the relationship and dollar adjust the YoY equity market performance we find that these two markets are 14% cheap and only 1% cheap respectively. Other European markets go from being cheap to more in line or a touch expensive (peripherals). This is obviously due to the very strong YoY performance of the Euro over the last 12 months (+15.5% vs the Dollar) that’s preventing European equities from fully benefiting in local currency terms from the strength in the PMIs. For example the DAX should be up around 43% over the last 12 months given where the PMI is but is only up 12%. However on a dollar adjusted basis the DAX is up 29% over the period.
Given the big currency swings the US market is perhaps a better template for general valuations. The regression suggests the S&P 500 should be up 25% YoY whereas it is now up around 20%. So slightly cheap given the data. If we dollar adjust everything, current equity market performance generally implies European, US, UK and Japanese PMIs in the 57-59 region whereas Germany is currently 63.3 and the US at 59.7. We’ve included both local currency and dollar adjusted numbers. As we always say we use this as a rough guide to valuations and try to concentrate on the general cheapness/expensiveness of global markets rather than individual ones where distortions can occur.
Now briefly recapping other market performance from yesterday. US bourses strengthened to fresh highs, with S&P (+0.64%), Dow (+0.40%) and Nasdaq (+0.84%) all higher. Within the S&P, gains were led by energy and tech stocks, with partial offset from telco names. European markets were all higher, with the DAX up (+0.83%) for the first time in six days. Across the region, the CAC (+0.81%), Spain’s IBEX (+0.37%) and FTSE (+0.30%) also advanced.
Elsewhere, key currencies fell modestly against a stronger Greenback with the Euro and Sterling down 0.36% and 0.54% respectively. In commodities, WTI oil rose 2.09% to $61.63/bbl – the highest in 2.5 years, in part on expectations that the EIA report will continue to show a drop in US crude stockpiles. Precious metals softened c0.3% (Gold -0.33%; Silver -0.31%), while other base metals also weakened c0.5% (copper -0.44%; zinc -0.42%; aluminium -0.60%).
Away from markets and onto selected headlines across Europe now. Ireland has sold the first European sovereign bond issuance for the year, with its €4bn bond sale attracting strong investor demand with bids of around €14bn. Over in Germany, the SPD leader Mr Schultz has met with Ms Merkel yesterday to discuss procedural matters. Post the meeting, both parties noted “trust has grown and we’re starting negotiations optimistically”. Looking ahead, formal exploratory talks are scheduled to begin on 7 January.
Back onto Brexit, the UK’s Trade secretary Liam Fox has confirmed UK’s interest in potentially joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade group post Brexit, noting that “we want to explore all the opportunities” and “we would be foolish not to look at all the potential”. Elsewhere, two unnamed senior UK government officials noted to Bloomberg that UK based banks will continue to operate freely across the EU bloc post Brexit and that EU negotiator Barnier will soften his stance in not including financial services firms in trade deal discussions that are scheduled to start in March.
Before we take a look at today’s calendar, we wrap up with other data releases from yesterday. In the US, the November construction spending was also above market at 0.8% mom (vs. 0.5% expected). Factoring in the ISM and above, the Atlanta Fed now forecast 4Q GDP to expand at an annualised rate of 3.2% vs. 2.8% previously. Over in Germany, the December unemployment rate was in line at 5.5% and steady on last month’s revised reading. In the UK, the December construction PMI was slightly below at 52.2 (vs. 53 expected).
Looking at the day ahead, we have the final readings for the December services and composite PMIs across Europe and the US. In the UK, the December Nationwide House price index, November mortgage approvals and net consumer credit data will be due. Over in the US, there is the December ADP employment change print (190k expected) along with the weekly initial jobless and continuing claims. Away from the data, the Fed’s Bullard will speak at an economic convention.
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jeremyltg129-blog · 7 years
What Occurs If I Steer An Automobile And also Perform Certainly not Have Insurance In Kentucky?
That may come as a shock but when the Bolognesi want to go out to eat fish they will inevitably opt for a pizzeria, first because they are operated by supposed sea food specialists coming from Napoli or Sicily, and also also due to the fact that they are actually usually less expensive than a professional restaurant or even trattoria. He after that drove away in the cars and truck with the infant, which was actually strapped in his infant seat, in the rear of the car. If you have attempted to eliminate her, regardless of whether you haven't managed to until now, you are actually an excellent daughter. Often, the automobile being transported is filled on to a large truck, and after that steered to its location. Wanted to love this however the emotion just had not been there certainly for me. Wonderful storyline and some good characters - cannot pinpoint just what was actually overlooking however I merely found this tough to link emotionally with the MC's. Our experts find points like manuals that enhance our abilities yet it would certainly behave to also view things that did that and products that opened new things to develop (or parts of it-many mixes might unlock a lot of various other craftable products). With opportunity autos obtain made use of a great deal that their exterior receives tarnished as well as scraped. I assume one of the most exceptional feature of The Red Cars and truck (and also basically EVERYTHING about that goes over) is actually exactly how pleasant Dermansky's practical that is actually. I recognize that's a ridiculous factor to state concerning a writer, yet in various other tales such as this as soon as - a white woman in her 30s taking care of a life she's noticed she doesn't love and also the choices that obtained her there - that often believes as if the writer is actually grabbing the reader through settings, putting together courses, and also straightening symbolic representations. Really good is actually the first of a 2-part set therefore every little thing was certainly not restricted neatly with a bow in the end. These autos are allowed to generate a max from 200kw of electrical power in qualifying, which works out to around 270bhp. There is actually no chance of stopping eventually, so the mama as well as kid are going to die if your car doesn't skid instantly. First impression: Great film premium with good vibration decline and effortless to run. This is an excellent way to get a private financing at a really good interest rate without must possess great credit report. This mixture of price and grow older is the closest our company must a metric of value - if a fifteen-year-old cars and truck regulates a price from ₤ 15,000, this is actually probably something fairly intriguing. Apple's relocation shows that the firm is aggressively chasing the cars and truck as the next expansion of the iPhone, having pinpointed that yet an additional technique to secure users into Apple's ecosystem. Due to the fact that it might certainly not be actually done wirelessly and every little thing had actually to be actually performed in the auto, this trouble was actually major or certainly not critical. For instance, the automobile will stand by a second after the traffic lights turn eco-friendly before it relocates off, although this can sustain the temper from chauffeurs stuck behind that. At that point you may begin limiting your auto hunt by seeking automobiles that match your budget ... and also certainly not attempting to acquire your budget to suit the car you simply selected. And after that there are actually the sidetracked nimrods who drive me. I tremble each opportunity I'm steering with another person as they seek merely the correct Sirius gps radio place or playlist or change their GPS while hurtling down the strong winding as well as tight-laned New York Metropolitan area thruways filled with ridiculous auto service as well as cab drivers. Shutting down the auto motor, she secured four containers from cocktails - grape, Apple, orange and also v-8. The auto won't drive itself, as well as a vehicle driver always must exist who may wrest management from the electronic driver. For the rest from that adventure that then compares this portrayal continually along with information it accumulates off 70 displays around the automobile - paid-up sneaks, if you just like. Every once in a while your Australian mechanic Warren are going to explain bruited Barn Discovers", where you try to find abandoned classic cars and keep them. Project Cars is a Third event cross platform video game for that reason it is actually not heading to bathroom as really good or run at the same time a a first event unique. In a simulation that reviewed his car-to-car communication design with one in position in Singapore - where a toll device scans for dashboard-mounted transponders in costs and also cars and trucks chauffeurs for entering into a stuffed area - Gao claimed his unit might raise the auto rate through about 8%. Vehicles can journey a lot faster given that they can work with the visitor traffic flow by means of the blockage zone one of on their own ahead of time. The Camry possesses an aggressive standpoint, specifically in SE or even XSE trimmings, which are the sportier-looking models, yet Toyota left behind the environment-friendly home (or even the home window style from the cars and truck) alone. Through consequently trivializing weapons as well as creating all of them pietistic ammo, Respiration from bush sidesteps the defect in various other RPGs, where you can probably receive too powerful a tool too early, and after that subdue the game, as well as it compels its own players to become great along with all type of items. Jacinta," he says, and I claim that deep blue sea baritone of his representation does not have any impact on me. I'm good at that, making believe. This's a moderate inconvenience, but along with the Entune app, the vehicle uses your phone as an internet connection as opposed to the app's API, which will flow sound through Bluetooth with some high quality loss. Sales from diesel-powered automobiles have actually reached document degrees in spite of federal governments around the globe discovering techniques in order to get all of them off the roadway. A great man will definitely recognize that whether you are in your sweatpants on the couch or in your evening gown going to a gala, when you adore somebody for which they genuinely are actually, every thing regarding them becomes stunning. If you cherished this posting and you would like to get a lot more details concerning athenswarriors.info kindly visit our internet site. The production from the ONE HUNDRED approximately prototype autos will be actually done through an agency in the Detroit area, yet Google.com dropped to comment on which.
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Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
E-commerce is a transaction of buying or selling online. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail. E-commerce businesses may employ some or all of the following: A timeline for the development of e-commerce: An example of an automated online assistant on a merchandising website. Some common applications related to electronic commerce are: In the United States, certain electronic commerce activities are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These activities include but not limit to the use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy.
Every interior designer has a website nowadays. Not having one would quickly put a man out of business. However, if we look closely at the majority of such websites, we’ll observe clearly traceable patterns. A couple of quick links here, a portfolio slideshow there. Why do they look so alike? And what does it take for a formidable interior designer to truly stand out from the crowd?
Why the copy & paste?
Website templates for interior designers are everywhere. Cheap ready-to-use solutionssuch as WordPress and Joomla have become extremely popular. They require little to none technical skill to be launched, and cost from $2,000 to $5,000. And from the first glimpse, they look fairly well, indeed!
Well, here is the problem. In interior design business, you have two types of players:
Hungry rookies. The people who are new to the market, and try to get their hands on every project they can possibly contract. Such designers will work in all possible styles and architectural trends, and at this point, all that matters to them is a functional website for a modest fee. This is where an interior design website template would shine.
Accomplished designers. They have vast experience in the field, and a sterling customer satisfaction record. These people cannot afford looking like someone else. They have a distinct specialization (be it Loft, Hi-Tech, Baroque etc.), which they are renowned for. Their website must project their unique style to the blue screen. Professional interior designers never use templates in their work, and should not resort to them for the online showcase, either.
Now, let us look at these two categories from the client’s point of view. The client looks for an interior design service, and gets bombarded by rookie offers, which are, to client’s judgement, decently portrayed on the web. What would it take to convince such client to pay more for a reputable service offer?
The only thing that can is the impeccable website.
Where to begin?
Begin with yourself. Just like fashion design, interior design is very person-centered. Even if it’s a large agency with hundreds of employees, it will likely bear its founder’s name. Being creative minds, such people possess their own sense of aesthetics, which is clearly perceived from their works, and must be just as clear from their websites.
Subconsciously, the client will transfer the image of the website into their service expectations. A mediocre website would make them expect a service of similar quality. In one of our previous articles, we talked about how the website acts as “wrapping” of the product you are trying to showcase. This statement couldn’t ring truer for interior design websites.
With all the wide variety of templates out there, it’s impossible to find the one to perfectly match the interior designer’s character and style. Only a renowned, award-winning webagency with personal approach to the client is capable of achieving such synergy.
Three crucial things you need to build an outstanding interior design website
So, which points must an ideal interior design website focus on? Let us try to sum them up. The major criteria would be the following:
Transmit the level of greatness. It has to be clear from the first glimpse that this designer is not a beginner, but an accomplished professional, the trendsetter, the best in their niche.
Embody the style. The web agency must perceive the designer’s unique style, and transfer it to digital display.
Reveal the personality. An accomplished interior designer puts their very soul into every project they do. Their website must reveal the identity behind all those projects. Embedded video clips are one way to achieve it.
There would also be some general criteria, which are true for most up-to-date websites:
Fast loading. A designer’s portfolio will contain a lot of images, and probably, some videos, too. It is the web agency’s job to organize them in such way that their loading times do not bore the potential clients.
Adaptive interface. It may come as a surprise, but according to the latest surveys, people are more likely to browse websites from mobile devices than desktops (58% for mobile, 42% for desktop). Failure to adapt to the small screen is already causing a lot of trouble even to world’s top players.
Calls to action. Simply showcasing your works is not enough. The site has to market your design ideas, and appeal to your potential clients’ taste.
 Content is like water, a saying that illustrates the principles of RWD An example of how various elements of a web page adapt to the screen size of different devices such as the display of a desktop computer, tablet PC and a smartphone Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop webpages to be viewed in response to the size of the screen or web browser one is viewing with. In addition it's important to understand that Responsive Web Design tasks include offering the same support to a variety of devices for a single website. Recent work also considers the viewer proximity as part of the viewing context as an extension for RWD[1]. As mentioned by the Nielsen Norman Group: content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction.[2][3][4][5] A site designed with RWD[2][6] adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids,[7][8] flexible images,[9][10][11] and CSS3 media queries,[4][12][13] an extension of the @media rule, in the following ways:[14] Responsive web design has become more important as the amount of mobile traffic now accounts for more than half of total internet traffic.[15] Therefore, Google announced Mobilegeddon in 2015, and started to boost the ratings of sites that are mobile friendly if the search was made from a mobile device.[16] Responsive web design is an example of user interface plasticity.[17] "Mobile first", unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement are related concepts that predate RWD.[18] Browsers of basic mobile phones do not understand JavaScript or media queries, so a recommended practice is to create a basic web site and enhance it for smart phones and PCs, rather than rely on graceful degradation to make a complex, image-heavy site work on mobile phones.[19][20][21][22] Where a web site must support basic mobile devices that lack JavaScript, browser ("user agent") detection (also called "browser sniffing") and mobile device detection[20][23] are two ways of deducing if certain HTML and CSS features are supported (as a basis for progressive enhancement)—however, these methods are not completely reliable unless used in conjunction with a device capabilities database.
For more capable mobile phones and PCs, JavaScript frameworks like Modernizr, jQuery, and jQuery Mobile that can directly test browser support for HTML/CSS features (or identify the device or user agent) are popular. Polyfills can be used to add support for features—e.g. to support media queries (required for RWD), and enhance HTML5 support, on Internet Explorer. Feature detection also might not be completely reliable; some may report that a feature is available, when it is either missing or so poorly implemented that it is effectively nonfunctional.[24][25] Luke Wroblewski has summarized some of the RWD and mobile design challenges, and created a catalog of multi-device layout patterns.[26][27][28] He suggests that, compared with a simple RWD approach, device experience or RESS (responsive web design with server-side components) approaches can provide a user experience that is better optimized for mobile devices.[29][30][31] Server-side "dynamic CSS" implementation of stylesheet languages like Sass or Incentivated's MML can be part of such an approach by accessing a server based API which handles the device (typically mobile handset) differences in conjunction with a device capabilities database in order to improve usability.[32] RESS is more expensive to develop, requiring more than just client-side logic, and so tends to be reserved for organizations with larger budgets.
The website design industry has become more prominent during the last decade since every business type has acknowledged the importance of building and maintaining a business website. Due to a tremendous increase in the online traffic lately, businesses are focused more towards their online appearance rather than an outdoor advertisement of their products and services. This is the reason, web industry demands highly trained professionals responsible for creating and operating websites for a flawless customer engagement and maximal revenue generation. However, these dexterous professionals are not at all easy to find as not all of them have adequate experience and unbeaten qualities which are essential for being the very best of a web design company. Let’s check out the attributes of successful designers.
Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization. Often many individuals will work in teams covering different aspects of the design process, although some designers will cover them all.[1] The term web design is normally used to describe the design process relating to the front-end (client side) design of a website including writing mark up. Web design partially overlaps web engineering in the broader scope of web development. Web designers are expected to have an awareness of usability and if their role involves creating mark up then they are also expected to be up to date with web accessibility guidelines. Web design books in a store Although web design has a fairly recent history, it can be linked to other areas such as graphic design. However, web design can also be seen from a technological standpoint. It has become a large part of people’s everyday lives. It is hard to imagine the Internet without animated graphics, different styles of typography, background, and music. In 1989, whilst working at CERN Tim Berners-Lee proposed to create a global hypertext project, which later became known as the World Wide Web. During 1991 to 1993 the World Wide Web was born. Text-only pages could be viewed using a simple line-mode browser.[2] In 1993 Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina, created the Mosaic browser. At the time there were multiple browsers, however the majority of them were Unix-based and naturally text heavy. There had been no integrated approach to graphic design elements such as images or sounds. The Mosaic browser broke this mould.[3] The W3C was created in October 1994 to "lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability."[4] This discouraged any one company from monopolizing a propriety browser and programming language, which could have altered the effect of the World Wide Web as a whole. The W3C continues to set standards, which can today be seen with JavaScript. In 1994 Andreessen formed Communications Corp. that later became known as Netscape Communications, the Netscape 0.9 browser. Netscape created its own HTML tags without regard to the traditional standards process.
Install WordPress and Off You Go
Finally you can install WordPress on to your page and then you can build your website using this platform.
It is reported that 27.9% of all websites on the internet were built using WordPress.
WordPress is probably the easiest platform available today for a complete beginner to build your own website from scratch, and it is totally FREE!
But don't let the fact that it's free fool you into thinking it's not very good...
Because you would be very wrong, WordPress is used by everyone from webmasters, bloggers, developers and one man marketers to large businesses.
It is great for building anything from small one page sites to large eye-catching business sites.
And because it has been around for a while now it has built up a very large community of people who have designed all manor of plugins, themes and templates (many of them free) that you can use to make your site stand out from the crowd.
Responsive website designs are adaptive to portable devices such as mobile phones, tablets etc.,along with desktop devices. They provide fluid-like flexible grids and designs which are scalable to fit any screen size and orientation. The launch of frameworks concept has put an end to the necessity to write the code from the scratch. Frameworks offer a simplified way to web designers with built-in functionalities and methods to reuse the code without redoing from the beginning
HTML5 , CSS and JS documents are included in frameworks to create exceptional website design and development responsive applications. Frameworks are classified into front-end and back-end.
Few Popular Frameworks
Semantic UI : Semantic UI can be integrated in other frameworks easily and it allows the use of third-party tools. It is one of the popular front-end frameworks for responsive websites. The extremely feature-rich options of this framework include: sophisticated modules, forms, breadcrumbs, buttons, pop-ups, drop-downs, and sticky bones.
The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes national standards for direct marketing over e-mail. The Federal Trade Commission Act regulates all forms of advertising, including online advertising, and states that advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive.[26] Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the promises in corporate privacy statements, including promises about the security of consumers' personal information.[27] As a result, any corporate privacy policy related to e-commerce activity may be subject to enforcement by the FTC. The Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, which came into law in 2008, amends the Controlled Substances Act to address online pharmacies.[28] Conflict of laws in cyberspace is a major hurdle for harmonization of legal framework for e-commerce around the world. In order to give a uniformity to e-commerce law around the world, many countries adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996).[29] Internationally there is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), which was formed in 1991 from an informal network of government customer fair trade organisations. The purpose was stated as being to find ways of co-operating on tackling consumer problems connected with cross-border transactions in both goods and services, and to help ensure exchanges of information among the participants for mutual benefit and understanding. From this came Econsumer.gov, an ICPEN initiative since April 2001. It is a portal to report complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies.
Almost a quarter (24%) of the country's total turnover is generated via the online channel.[43] Among emerging economies, China's e-commerce presence continues to expand every year. With 668 million Internet users, China's online shopping sales reached $253 billion in the first half of 2015, accounting for 10% of total Chinese consumer retail sales in that period.[44] The Chinese retailers have been able to help consumers feel more comfortable shopping online.[45] e-commerce transactions between China and other countries increased 32% to 2.3 trillion yuan ($375.8 billion) in 2012 and accounted for 9.6% of China's total international trade.[46] In 2013, Alibaba had an e-commerce market share of 80% in China.[47] In 2014, there were 600 million Internet users in China (twice as many as in the US), making it the world's biggest online market.[48] China is also the largest e-commerce market in the world by value of sales, with an estimated US$899 billion in 2016.[49] In 2013, Brazil's e-commerce was growing quickly with retail e-commerce sales expected to grow at a double-digit pace through 2014. By 2016, eMarketer expected retail e-commerce sales in Brazil to reach $17.3 billion.[50] India has an Internet user base of about 243.2 million as of January 2014.[citation needed] Despite being third largest user base in world, the penetration of Internet is low compared to markets like the United States, United Kingdom or France but is growing at a much faster rate, adding around 6 million new entrants every month.[citation needed] In India, cash on delivery is the most preferred payment method, accumulating 75% of the e-retail activities.[51][citation needed] The India retail market is expected to rise from 2.5% in 2016 to 5% in 2020.[52] The rate of growth of the number of internet users in the Arab countries has been rapid – 13.1% in 2015. A significant portion of the ecommerce market in the Middle East comprises people in the 30-34 year age group. Egypt has the largest number of internet users in the region, followed by Saudi Arabia and Morocco; these constitute 3/4th of the region’s share. Yet, internet penetration is low: 35% in Egypt and 65% in Saudi Arabia.[53] E-commerce has become an important tool for small and large businesses worldwide, not only to sell to customers, but also to engage them.[54][55] In 2012, e-commerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time in history.[56] Mobile devices are playing an increasing role in the mix of e-commerce, this is also commonly called mobile commerce, or m-commerce. In 2014, one estimate saw purchases made on mobile devices making up 25% of the market by 2017.[57] For traditional businesses, one research stated that information technology and cross-border e-commerce is a good opportunity for the rapid development and growth of enterprises.
Bootstrap : The latest version of this most popular framework is Bootstrap 3 version. Some of the unmatched features are: it can build websites with less technical knowledge, a structured grid format, seamless navigation integration and create fixed and fluid width layout. A website designed by bootstrap is easily adaptable to mobile devices. An ideal website design and development company chooses Bootstrap to design adaptable resolution and content display mechanisms.
Skeleton : A small responsive website design framework used in rapid web development of web design regardless of their sizes. Skeleton uses 960 grid base for developing websites for all communication portable devices like mobile, tablets etc., Some of the UI elements include: well-organized file structure, forms buttons and tabs.
Foundation 3 : Foundation 3 is an advanced front-end framework built with a powerful CSS pre-processor Saas and allows you to customize with new tools. It is the easiest framework to learn and can be seamlessly used by a new user to create exceptional websites. This framework consists of components and an exclusive set of plug-ins where web designers can choose one.
Montage : It is an HTML framework, it is a great tool for developing modern web applications. The set of elements in Montage can help to build scalable and feature-rich websites. One great advantage of Montage is to have reusable components with HTML templates.
Pure : Pure can be used in any kind of web-based projects. It provides a small set of CSS modules which help developers to create various styles to develop the best responsive website designs.
Siimple : Siimple has a minimal CSS framework to create flat and clean web pages. It is a front-end framework with flexible and concise CSS framework to create user-friendly websites. Being to have minimal lines of code, it can be zipped down to 6KB in overall total size. Web designing newbies can experiment freely with this framework to start their career with.
Cascade : The grid layout offered by Cascade are both semantic and non-semantic with table designs and navigational templates. Many designers find it to be an easy framework because of its universal approach. Cascade can create high-performance webpages for cross-platform browsers.
Gumby : Gumby’s list of remarkable features include: well defined UI kit, switches, toggles and flexible grids to create user-centric websites.
Small triangles, especially when the widest area is at the top, are found in pre-Islamic representations of female figures. That the small triangles found in the wall paintings in ‘Asir are called banat may be a cultural remnant of a long-forgotten past.”[40] "Courtyards and upper pillared porticoes are principal features of the best Nadjdi architecture, in addition to the fine incised plaster wood (jiss) and painted window shutters, which decorate the reception rooms. Good examples of plasterwork can often be seen in the gaping ruins of torn-down buildings- the effect is light, delicate and airy. It is usually around the majlis, around the coffee hearth and along the walls above where guests sat on rugs, against cushions. Doughty wondered if this "parquetting of jis", this "gypsum fretwork... all adorning and unenclosed" originated from India. However, the Najd fretwork seems very different from that seen in the Eastern Province and Oman, which are linked to Indian traditions, and rather resembles the motifs and patterns found in ancient Mesopotamia. 
CSS Hover Effects Background
Previously, JavaScript laid the foundation of hover effects and Javascript or Jquery isn't light weight as compare you CSS. However, the latest technology calls in CSS3 into use. It is light weight and allows to create any type of animations that previously Jquery or Javascript do. It also supports widget range of browsers. But much to our disappointment there is few older version of browsers that do not support images hover effects, hence you need to have the ones that are capable of catering it. You can also add the fallback to get support for older version of browsers.
The CSS from CSS Image Hover Effects stands for Cascading Style Sheets; which is a programming sheet language that basically represents a document that has been coded in a markup language. This is not only a very simple technique, but its prim and precise nature are always engrossed programmers effectively.
Types of Hover Effects
Since the main focus of this article is on hover effects; let’s see some of them and how they are useful in CSS image hover effects:
Subtle are effects that can make the site look more exclusive. A photo can suffice, along with a simple grid. Styles, attires, and colors are of your choice and even the other effects are up to you.
The caption is even simpler and there is no rocket science associated with this image hover effects. The title of the picture as well as the link that it connects to can be shown by the grid figures; all this comprises of the caption.
4: DIRECTION-AWARE HOVER EFFECTS Direction aware utilizes Jquery in addition to CSS. A small overlay slide is inserted over your original image from where you can direct the next step of the link.
Zoom is as easy as ABC. The image clicked upon shall be zoomed in to reveal what’s hiding behind it. Here's a code to show you what it's like.
In conclusion, we can say that image hover effects if utilized effectively can provide your website intricate yet simple designs that are not only eye-candy but can help lure users to your site. It's trended thing and very popular nowadays web design.
Image source: pixabay.com by markusspiske under Creative Commons License
There are various reasons why you may want your own website...
If you are thinking of starting an online business one of the first things you will need to do is get yourself a website in place.
If you have an existing business you may want to have your own piece of the internet for your customers to visit 'out of hours'.
Maybe you just want your own personal website for a different purpose.
Whatever the reasons for wanting a website, it can be a daunting prospect if you have never tackled anything like this before
You may think you need to hire a company of programmers or web designers to get your website up and running. You could do this, but the cost of doing so can be a little more than you are prepared to spend.
Besides if you go down this route and you do hire one of these companies then what happens when you want to change something on your web page? Even if its just one sentence, changing the colour scheme or changing a picture, it could take time and cost you money.
Wouldn't it be easier, not to have to worry about these issues and simply change things yourself?
You may be thinking that you don't know how to write code...
Or you don't have the necessary IT skills to do that sort of thing...
Or it's just too much of a complicated thing for you to tackle...
You may even be thinking that you wouldn't know where to start...
Well you are not alone, a lot of people have these reservations when faced with the same prospect.
The good news is nowadays building your own website is not that difficult, in fact you could have your own website up and running from scratch in just one single afternoon.
You don't need to know coding...
You don't need any IT skills...
and it really isn't as difficult as you may think.
As for where to start...
That's what I'm about to tell you!
You may be thinking the simple way is to head off to wix or Weebly and put together a free drag and drop website and while this is true if you just want your website as a bit of fun or for non business purposes, If you want to be taken seriously as a business then you will need your own website with your own web address.
All we need to do is point your domain name provider to the place on the internet where your website is being hosted.
This is called 'Setting your domain name servers'
Despite what you think this process is really very easy and just involves supplying your domain name provider with the location of your websites hosting address.
It is just a simple act of copying the information sent to you in your important email and pasting it to the relevant section on your domain name providers website.
If you did happen to purchase your domain name AND your Hosting from the same company then you don't even need to do this.
Factors to follow while choosing a framework:
Easy to use and understand.
Seamless integration with database.
Long-term support
Browser compatibility
Clean and precise code.
Scale-up the screen resolution and content adjustment of your websites with the help of the best available responsive framework designs. The frameworks which are listed above are perfectly used to design beautiful websites. Choose an ideal web design and development company for your professional websites.
The website design industry has become more prominent during the last decade since every business type has acknowledged the importance of building and maintaining a business website. Due to a tremendous increase in the online traffic lately, businesses are focused more towards their online appearance rather than an outdoor advertisement of their products and services. This is the reason, web industry demands highly trained professionals responsible for creating and operating websites for a flawless customer engagement and maximal revenue generation. However, these dexterous professionals are not at all easy to find as not all of them have adequate experience and unbeaten qualities which are essential for being the very best of a web design company. Let’s check out the attributes of successful designers.
Creativity is the power of thinking out of the box and creating what amaze others. A successful designer always tries to create unconventional things while following the rule book. Such designers wield infinitive ideas from their past experiences and have a propensity for thinking to build innovative designs. Possessing a variety of ideas is important as different industries have different needs and audience types. The designer who has the inventiveness of concepts and ideas becomes a successful website or graphic designer. 
"Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous". Bill Moyers
Technical Skills
Knowledge of different software and technical skills is a crucial attribute of a designer. A successful designer has a deep knowledge of designing tools like Photoshop, Coral Draw, etc. Apart from the knowledge, the tempo of using such tools is also important, which is an upshot of regular practice. A passionate designer invests a huge amount of time on designing tools to have a deep functional knowledge of their usage. If you are a designer then spend as much time as you could on design software to understand each and every function and their manipulation.
It is crucial for a designer to visualise the outcomes before he even commences the designing work, or else, he’ll waste his entire time in attaining a result different from the expected. A great designer creates graphic initially in his mind and then engraves it on his computer. Visualising the output in prior requires a lot of experience and a line of thought with a composed mind.
Business Sense
A designer who has worked for numerous industries and understands the audience associated can do miracles in his designs as he perceives disparate businesses requirements and their preferences. If you have not designed for any particular industry before, then taking advice from the one who has is no harm and will save you from dawdling. You can also seek help from numerous online forums where professionals discuss and share their experiences and resolutions to technical glitches.
Hard Shell
Every designer faces critics in different styles. Sometimes clients don’t agree with the designs and sometimes the bosses or colleagues. A good designer listens to everyone and even proactively asks for feedbacks to understand different perspectives towards his design and do the amendments accordingly to deliver impeccable work. If the designer does not agree with suggestions, he should explain his reasons behind the design to convince the back-seat drivers. But a great designer is someone who remains calm and understands everyone’s point without getting displeased even if he has to make infinite changes to the design. That is the reason one of the attributes of a successful designer is that he should have a hard shell.
Logical Thinking
Wine is good with everything except water. Likewise, using the fonts, colours, themes, background and other designing elements into a design depends on the adjacent components and logical thinking of the designer pertaining to the graphic he is creating for a particular industry type. The designer who thinks logically and keeps in mind the various factors like industry type, audience type, client’s requirements and other pre-told aspects, is considered as a great designer.
Communication is another important attribute of a successful designer. One who keeps in touch with his clients to note down their feedbacks, work accordingly and respond quickly with the revised design, comes under a ‘good designer’ category. Communication is important as it also helps in rapport building as the clients perceive the seriousness of the designer towards his work. This helps in attaining more work and respect from clients.
Problem Solving
A good designer has a problem-solving instinct. Designers have acquaintance with multiple problems during their work. Leaving the problem unsolved and move forward is never a good designer’s convention. Alongside, the time taken by a designer to fix any designing problem is directly proportional to his experience. Designers with ample of experience know how to deal with a particular complication they have come across a few times earlier and take less time to resolve it. On the contrary, designers with less experience and practical knowledge take more time to solve any designing snag.
A successful designer always gets indulged in excessive research during the work and otherwise. Knowing the market trend, software updates, tools utilisation, etc. include a lot of research and development. A designer who keeps researching for updates in the industry is known to be a successful designer. If you are about to commence a design for an industry who have no idea about, spend a good amount of time on research before you soak your brush and start painting the canvas.
Last but not the least, confidence is a very important attribute of a successful designer. After creating a design, a designer might face numerous objections and challenges from onlookers. A successful designer knows the reason behind every step he concluded to create a design but others might just have speculations about it. A successful designer will always present a logical explanation behind the design he created and can turn his critics into his admirers with his utter confidence. You know why you have done that, so say out loud confidently!
The approach of getting orders on PSD to WordPress conversion may differ from companies to companies. However, there are definite steps that every company follows for successful deliveries.
PSD to WordPress conversion is probably the most sought after practice that is offered by the companies providing web design and development services. It’s true that companies follow their own approach to accomplish the related projects; however, the steps are already defined and every organization sticks to these steps.
Before we deep dive into the steps, here is a short explanation of the conversion process that has become the most common now. Because of the rising number of users wishing to get conversion services the number of service providers has also flooded in to offer the services. As these companies are getting bigger in number, there are some exceptional PSD to WordPress conversion service providers available there in the market to offer the services. These companies have been following the steps as stated below. Here is a short explanation of these services.
The review or the analysis of the projects
As soon as the companies receive the orders, the first and the foremost task is to review the details that are required by the clients. Here the requirement from the clients may vary depending upon the specific need to be fulfilled by the clients. A deep analysis of the projects gives enough ideas to the developers to start the projects on the particular specifications.
The development phase
It is the most important of all phases for every company that is offering the PSD to WordPress conversion service. In this phase, the details that have been summarized in the first phase are executed for real and the project is accomplished. For developing the specifications required by the users, every detail is analyzed properly prior to it is created in real.
The testing of the projects
Testing matters the most as it is an imperative step to correct the flaws if anyhow exist in the projects. After the project is done successfully, the testing begins. For companies, the phase of testing the projects is the most important as no client is going to accept the flaws. Thus, to make a great impression on the users, the testing is done carefully.
Delivering the project
Companies working in the web development arena aim to make the projects’ delivery before the stipulated time frame so that clients could be impressed with the services. Delivering the project well before the time holds prominence for the users also as they get fruitful results well before the expected time frame.
The series of the services that have been listed here are performed in the right sequence by the PSD to WordPress conversion companies. The ultimate goal of all these establishments lies in exceeding the list of their existing clients. Â
All these steps are concluded under expert guidance by the professionals who are versed in the technicalities involved in the task. Different companies have their definite styles of working but all of them have teams that look after only a specific concern. As such the job of the testing team starts only after the project crosses the delivery phase.
In order to be specific enough in their approach, every company tries to customize the requirements as per the demands of the clients. The nature of clients’ business differs from one to another that compels these companies to offer the services as per the need of the business. It also inspires the clients to contact the same company if services are pleasing. Therefore, being specific with their services is always a benefit for the PSD to WordPress conversion companies.
Website designing and development give a proper shape to the website and in order to sustain and enhance the shape, you must undergo web maintenance occasionally. It is not sufficient to get a premium website designed, program it and host it and leave! There must be continued maintenance to keep the site upgraded and free form glitches, performing at top level. However, one must not be mistaken that website maintenance means redesigning of your website. It is something more relevant to ongoing support to change the images, content or update the information.
Additionally, the activities that fall under site maintenance also include correction of broken links, page titles, adding new web pages, wrongly spelled texts, checking whether pages, add-ons, and programs are working perfectly. Without having Website maintenance services, the websites tend to malfunction regularly and thus, affecting its credibility and ranking. For example, transaction-oriented websites such as online shopping, e-commerce stores, ticket booking sites must perform accurately all the time, and this is impossible without any maintenance support.
Now if we take example of human body in respect to website. Just like human body requires you to take it to doctor for regular checkups and keep yourself away from diseases. In the same manner, websites too are used on daily basis and technology keeps changings. This means that they also need to be taken care of and provided with maintenance on day to day basis. However, most of the companies fail to recognize this fact and believe that once they have got the website developed, there is no need to take a second look over it. Just because your website is running fine and getting traffic does not indicates that it will be fine in future as well. And as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure!
Most of the big companies own an in-house web maintenance teams. However, for small to medium businesses, it is not a possible option to afford a team. It might also divert their attention from the core of their business. For these businessmen, it is a good idea to outsource the website maintenance tasks to those services that specialize in such services.
There are plenty of website maintenance services that can do a lot in your interest and provide satisfactory web performance. However, you must evaluate that these companies as little negligence and incompetent maintenance can lead to multiple problems. A regular chain of communication must be opened while one signs up with website maintenance services. It is not merely enough that the team should monitor and maintain and that's it! The website owner too, must check if the work is being done properly or not.
The various benefits through website maintenance
•A good maintenance service provides monitored uptime. This helps to eliminate the down problems of the website.
•The convenience of getting fresh updates is available in unlimited form and updates can include graphics, maps, new page additions, forums etc.
•They provide with monthly statistics reports that help you know the performance of the website which is crucial to the growth of the business. This, in turn, devises the business plans and strategies.
•Domain renewal process is also done automatically by the maintenance services. Most of the companies do not ask for surplus expenses at the time of renewal. One needs not to worry about losing the web domain.
•Excellent hosting options are also looked after. A web application development company will gain a thousand benefits with good web maintenance services.
•Your uptime of website and dead page redirection is crucial for the customers and visitors and all these aspects will be under your control with the help of these service providers.
•This is enough to understand the worth and need of maintenance for your website. Don't delay it.
Hopefully you must have understand now what mistakes you need to avoid and to make a best website design is not a big deal now!
In the modern world we live in, pretty much all business is now conducted digitally, and the key succession of most businesses is online brand awareness. Whether you intend to trade goods, or you just want to promote the services your business provides, either way, you need a website that fully functional, interactive, responsive on all devices (of course, this isn’t mandatory but is definitely recommended), and also customer friendly to consolidate all clientele.
There are so many different types of websites to choose from these days, so you might want to do your research before making any sudden decisions, but it’s worth doing as the website not only needs to suit your business requirements but also needs to meet the needs of your visitors/customers.
Open Source technology comes in a range of different solutions but is usually one of the most utilized platforms when it comes to web design. You can have your pick of Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Open Cart, Presta Shop, Sugar CRM and so much more open source technologies, each one with its particular benefits.
Drupal is one of the most popular open source web design platforms that have a built-in Content Management System (CMS). It’s chosen by many businesses thanks to its powerful tools and functional platform. It’s a favorable choice out of the other open source technologies because of its user efficiency, meaning you don’t have to be equipped with technical skills in order to actually design the solution how you want. Other features include high website performance due to its built-in caching and scalability (it can be used on multiple servers). It also features easy integration with 3rd party applications, it's search engine friendly, it has supreme security functionality, it provides commercial support through training and education, and it allows management of content by the end user (i.e. you).
Primarily used as a back- end system, Drupal supports a range of website types from personal blogs to government informational sites, and it is built on a PHP language which provides the main database through MySQL. Â
As mentioned previously you don’t have to be of a technical background to be able to use Drupal effectively, although if you haven’t got the time to go through the development process, it might be worth enlisting the help of an expert who has experience in Drupal web design solutions. These experts will be able to support you from the start to the end of the project leaving you stress and hassle free.
Okay, so you’ve established your online presence, and your website is up and running, so what happens next?
Another thing to consider once your website is fully functioning is online marketing techniques, commonly known as Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing uses different techniques to build brand awareness through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content marketing and also Email and Newsletter marketing. Using these methods you can shout about your business and build a bigger customer outreach so that people know that your organization exists.
With regular website maintenance, and online marketing you can truly allow all that design and development work to truly flourish.
The hover effects and especially CSS image hover effects are a fashionable yet fairly easy way of adding a touch of creativity to your website, all the while enabling user friendliness and interactivity. Before technology reached this stage, a cursor was deemed enough to let the user know that a picture could be clicked upon to reveal further facts and figures. But everything has its age, and the age of cursors is over. To attract users, and make the website trendier we now have Image Hover Effects. These transitions hover over an image with some sort of icon on them to let the users know that more information is at hand when you click. The hover effects CSS can, in turn, reveal a magnified version of the image, or perhaps some text that has relevance to what you’re looking for on the site.
Nowadays, We can see a lot of website on the internet have used clean typography and nice effects. This is really a beautiful trend in web designing. It makes the design cleaner and easy to readable. It allows the site visitor to stay more time on the website. To create such hover effects, There are many different ways and techniques can be used to create nice looking effects. You can use CSS, Javascript or Jquery to developed modern effects. But, the best and easy way to create is usually CSS, and especially the additions of CSS3 make them handy. These effects can be applied on Images, buttons, logos and as well as on links.
However, there are certain things that a client needs to work on, for getting clarity of the exact requirements of web designing. This involves creation of a sitemap by the client. A sitemap is like a rough estimate of the pages and links that are to be included in the website. This can be better understood with the reference of a company's website, which includes different pages like- company's profile, products and services offered, contact us page etc. The client can create a brief of company's background including the pictures of company, its products etc. In order to have a better understanding of your preferences and for the website designer to know your taste, creating a list of sites that you like is of utmost importance.
• Professionalism- Another important factor to be considered while choosing a website designer is his professional attitude. He should be able to stand to his commitments and must deliver the project timely. Delay in work is not a good sign!
• Affordability- The cost involved in the process of website designing should be in accordance with the standard and fair prices set for this task. It's a long term investment, so spend wisely!
We hope the above information helps you in future projects.
If you're thinking about having a website built, it's important for you to have a clear idea of the process before you begin. Your website could be a profitable business venture for you, but only if you've really done your research ahead of time. Many people begin investing in their new websites before they've really thought out each step and end up wasting money on sites that never see fruition. However, with some simple planning and research, you can set yourself on the right track toward developing a successful website. Here are seven tips for web design and promotion to get you started.
1. Survey the Market and Research Your Competitors
Before you get ahead of yourself and begin hiring a web designer, take some time to survey the market and research your competitors. Look at what other types of websites are out there and see if anyone is doing something similar to your plan. Consider how many people are running similar websites, as well as how professional their websites look. This will help you to determine whether or not it's worth setting up your own site, before you've invested too much in it.
To help ensure the success of your website, you should begin finding a niche market that you can target. You may be tempted to attract any and all customers that you can but you'll actually have greater success targeting a very specific demographic. Think extensively about who your potential audience members are and what they would be most interested in. Then, you can begin to develop your website around these ideas.
2. Brainstorm Design Ideas and Figure Out What You Like
Once you've thought a little more about your site's purpose, you should now think about your ideas for the design. You'll need to consider the best way to present your message or to feature your products to audience members. Keep in mind that people tend to skim websites looking for something interesting or eye-catching, so make sure that the most important elements of your site are featured prominently.
7. Allow Time and Money for Search Engine Optimisation
Google AdWords is a great way to help you get started but it's also important to use search engine optimisation, or SEO, to build organic traffic to your site. While AdWords will automatically place you at the top of search engine rankings with an advert you will have to continue doing that for ever. SEO can help you get to the first page of rankings naturally and eventually you will receive lots of traffic for free. This is important to increasing your traffic and building your site's legitimacy and authority on your subject.
Be sure to budget the time and money for SEO. It's not cheap and it can take 6-12 months to get your page to the first page of rankings for a number of keywords but it will generate a great amount of free traffic when you get there. It may cost about £300-£600 per month but SEO is truly the best way to start bringing in consistent traffic. Over time, your SEO efforts can help you build a reliable customer base and increase your sales. You're website will now be a true competitor in your niche market and well on it's way to success.
In this digital world of the internet, mobiles, laptops, computers and tablets, online presence has become very important. If you want to grow your business, you need to promote it. Using social media platforms to get the attention is just one step towards your goal.
To be honest, we cannot deny the fact that we don't trust an organization if it doesn't have a website of its own. What is the first thing that we do when we want to know more about a specific company? We browse about it on the internet. Don't we?
A website is the mirror image of your company's status and reputation, it is a place where everything is in one place, sorted and organized.
How to create a website?  Follow these steps to create your own website.
Domain name  · The first step is creating your unique domain name.
· A domain name appears like "xyz.com" and you need to visit a registrar to pay for the name you chose.
· They are easy for people to register in their brains.
· Others like Yahoo, Firefox and Bing are also some great options.
· These search engines are absolutely free and therefore the task of promoting your website becomes very easy.
· Other ways to get your site noticed are conventional methods like word of mouth, newspapers, cold calling etc.
What’s on the bill?
Even if we take into account all features listed above, it’s rather difficult to estimate timeframe and cost of such website project. A designer’s website is creative work, which is hard to measure in dry figures. Imagine evaluating Picasso’s paintings by his brush stroke rate. Absurd, isn’t it?
However, based on the number of pages and animations, we can make a guess on the approximate costs of websites that are already produced. Have a look at Makhno and Karim Rashid interior design websites. A project of such scale would take 1200–2000 working hours (design, programming, animations), which would account for $7,000–15,000 in India, $20,000–50,000 in Eastern Europe and $50,000–250,000 in the U.S. However, capability of Indian agencies of creating websites of such level is highly doubtful — we rarely see a company from India among international competitions prizewinners. On the other hand, Eastern European agencies are known for their formidable works.
How high can we go?
Let us say we are building a website for the richest interior designer in the world. What would we achieve with an unlimited budget? How would such website look like? Here are some ideas.
First of all, we would develop and implement a detailed strategy for pre-scheduled update. This would turn our website into a living creature. Prudently planning and gradually adding new content is what keeps the user’s interest. Marketing knacks from the video gaming industry would work flawlessly here: people would strive for new website features and interior design cases, especially, having the next thing in mind.
Virtual reality adaptation — an expensive, but a really awesome feature to integrate. Oculus Rift and HoloLens technologies enable vivid experiences, and what better showcase than seeing the interior design from inside?
Last but not least, it is a good idea to tell interactive stories of happy clients who moved in the designed residences. By seeing how their lives changed, new clients would create an empathetic bond, and project themselves onto these stories.
Every formidable designer has their unique style. An interior designer embodies their style in living spaces. A web designer carves it into websites. For both designers, it is important that the essence of their style is perceived by their clients. And this, to me, is the main goal that a website must achieve.
Source: http://vintage.agency/blog/what-is-a-good-website-for-interior-designers/
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Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
E-commerce is a transaction of buying or selling online. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail. E-commerce businesses may employ some or all of the following: A timeline for the development of e-commerce: An example of an automated online assistant on a merchandising website. Some common applications related to electronic commerce are: In the United States, certain electronic commerce activities are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These activities include but not limit to the use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy.
Every interior designer has a website nowadays. Not having one would quickly put a man out of business. However, if we look closely at the majority of such websites, we’ll observe clearly traceable patterns. A couple of quick links here, a portfolio slideshow there. Why do they look so alike? And what does it take for a formidable interior designer to truly stand out from the crowd?
Why the copy & paste?
Website templates for interior designers are everywhere. Cheap ready-to-use solutionssuch as WordPress and Joomla have become extremely popular. They require little to none technical skill to be launched, and cost from $2,000 to $5,000. And from the first glimpse, they look fairly well, indeed!
Well, here is the problem. In interior design business, you have two types of players:
Hungry rookies. The people who are new to the market, and try to get their hands on every project they can possibly contract. Such designers will work in all possible styles and architectural trends, and at this point, all that matters to them is a functional website for a modest fee. This is where an interior design website template would shine.
Accomplished designers. They have vast experience in the field, and a sterling customer satisfaction record. These people cannot afford looking like someone else. They have a distinct specialization (be it Loft, Hi-Tech, Baroque etc.), which they are renowned for. Their website must project their unique style to the blue screen. Professional interior designers never use templates in their work, and should not resort to them for the online showcase, either.
Now, let us look at these two categories from the client’s point of view. The client looks for an interior design service, and gets bombarded by rookie offers, which are, to client’s judgement, decently portrayed on the web. What would it take to convince such client to pay more for a reputable service offer?
The only thing that can is the impeccable website.
Where to begin?
Begin with yourself. Just like fashion design, interior design is very person-centered. Even if it’s a large agency with hundreds of employees, it will likely bear its founder’s name. Being creative minds, such people possess their own sense of aesthetics, which is clearly perceived from their works, and must be just as clear from their websites.
Subconsciously, the client will transfer the image of the website into their service expectations. A mediocre website would make them expect a service of similar quality. In one of our previous articles, we talked about how the website acts as “wrapping” of the product you are trying to showcase. This statement couldn’t ring truer for interior design websites.
With all the wide variety of templates out there, it’s impossible to find the one to perfectly match the interior designer’s character and style. Only a renowned, award-winning webagency with personal approach to the client is capable of achieving such synergy.
Three crucial things you need to build an outstanding interior design website
So, which points must an ideal interior design website focus on? Let us try to sum them up. The major criteria would be the following:
Transmit the level of greatness. It has to be clear from the first glimpse that this designer is not a beginner, but an accomplished professional, the trendsetter, the best in their niche.
Embody the style. The web agency must perceive the designer’s unique style, and transfer it to digital display.
Reveal the personality. An accomplished interior designer puts their very soul into every project they do. Their website must reveal the identity behind all those projects. Embedded video clips are one way to achieve it.
There would also be some general criteria, which are true for most up-to-date websites:
Fast loading. A designer’s portfolio will contain a lot of images, and probably, some videos, too. It is the web agency’s job to organize them in such way that their loading times do not bore the potential clients.
Adaptive interface. It may come as a surprise, but according to the latest surveys, people are more likely to browse websites from mobile devices than desktops (58% for mobile, 42% for desktop). Failure to adapt to the small screen is already causing a lot of trouble even to world’s top players.
Calls to action. Simply showcasing your works is not enough. The site has to market your design ideas, and appeal to your potential clients’ taste.
 Content is like water, a saying that illustrates the principles of RWD An example of how various elements of a web page adapt to the screen size of different devices such as the display of a desktop computer, tablet PC and a smartphone Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop webpages to be viewed in response to the size of the screen or web browser one is viewing with. In addition it's important to understand that Responsive Web Design tasks include offering the same support to a variety of devices for a single website. Recent work also considers the viewer proximity as part of the viewing context as an extension for RWD[1]. As mentioned by the Nielsen Norman Group: content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction.[2][3][4][5] A site designed with RWD[2][6] adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids,[7][8] flexible images,[9][10][11] and CSS3 media queries,[4][12][13] an extension of the @media rule, in the following ways:[14] Responsive web design has become more important as the amount of mobile traffic now accounts for more than half of total internet traffic.[15] Therefore, Google announced Mobilegeddon in 2015, and started to boost the ratings of sites that are mobile friendly if the search was made from a mobile device.[16] Responsive web design is an example of user interface plasticity.[17] "Mobile first", unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement are related concepts that predate RWD.[18] Browsers of basic mobile phones do not understand JavaScript or media queries, so a recommended practice is to create a basic web site and enhance it for smart phones and PCs, rather than rely on graceful degradation to make a complex, image-heavy site work on mobile phones.[19][20][21][22] Where a web site must support basic mobile devices that lack JavaScript, browser ("user agent") detection (also called "browser sniffing") and mobile device detection[20][23] are two ways of deducing if certain HTML and CSS features are supported (as a basis for progressive enhancement)—however, these methods are not completely reliable unless used in conjunction with a device capabilities database.
For more capable mobile phones and PCs, JavaScript frameworks like Modernizr, jQuery, and jQuery Mobile that can directly test browser support for HTML/CSS features (or identify the device or user agent) are popular. Polyfills can be used to add support for features—e.g. to support media queries (required for RWD), and enhance HTML5 support, on Internet Explorer. Feature detection also might not be completely reliable; some may report that a feature is available, when it is either missing or so poorly implemented that it is effectively nonfunctional.[24][25] Luke Wroblewski has summarized some of the RWD and mobile design challenges, and created a catalog of multi-device layout patterns.[26][27][28] He suggests that, compared with a simple RWD approach, device experience or RESS (responsive web design with server-side components) approaches can provide a user experience that is better optimized for mobile devices.[29][30][31] Server-side "dynamic CSS" implementation of stylesheet languages like Sass or Incentivated's MML can be part of such an approach by accessing a server based API which handles the device (typically mobile handset) differences in conjunction with a device capabilities database in order to improve usability.[32] RESS is more expensive to develop, requiring more than just client-side logic, and so tends to be reserved for organizations with larger budgets.
The website design industry has become more prominent during the last decade since every business type has acknowledged the importance of building and maintaining a business website. Due to a tremendous increase in the online traffic lately, businesses are focused more towards their online appearance rather than an outdoor advertisement of their products and services. This is the reason, web industry demands highly trained professionals responsible for creating and operating websites for a flawless customer engagement and maximal revenue generation. However, these dexterous professionals are not at all easy to find as not all of them have adequate experience and unbeaten qualities which are essential for being the very best of a web design company. Let’s check out the attributes of successful designers.
Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization. Often many individuals will work in teams covering different aspects of the design process, although some designers will cover them all.[1] The term web design is normally used to describe the design process relating to the front-end (client side) design of a website including writing mark up. Web design partially overlaps web engineering in the broader scope of web development. Web designers are expected to have an awareness of usability and if their role involves creating mark up then they are also expected to be up to date with web accessibility guidelines. Web design books in a store Although web design has a fairly recent history, it can be linked to other areas such as graphic design. However, web design can also be seen from a technological standpoint. It has become a large part of people’s everyday lives. It is hard to imagine the Internet without animated graphics, different styles of typography, background, and music. In 1989, whilst working at CERN Tim Berners-Lee proposed to create a global hypertext project, which later became known as the World Wide Web. During 1991 to 1993 the World Wide Web was born. Text-only pages could be viewed using a simple line-mode browser.[2] In 1993 Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina, created the Mosaic browser. At the time there were multiple browsers, however the majority of them were Unix-based and naturally text heavy. There had been no integrated approach to graphic design elements such as images or sounds. The Mosaic browser broke this mould.[3] The W3C was created in October 1994 to "lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability."[4] This discouraged any one company from monopolizing a propriety browser and programming language, which could have altered the effect of the World Wide Web as a whole. The W3C continues to set standards, which can today be seen with JavaScript. In 1994 Andreessen formed Communications Corp. that later became known as Netscape Communications, the Netscape 0.9 browser. Netscape created its own HTML tags without regard to the traditional standards process.
Install WordPress and Off You Go
Finally you can install WordPress on to your page and then you can build your website using this platform.
It is reported that 27.9% of all websites on the internet were built using WordPress.
WordPress is probably the easiest platform available today for a complete beginner to build your own website from scratch, and it is totally FREE!
But don't let the fact that it's free fool you into thinking it's not very good...
Because you would be very wrong, WordPress is used by everyone from webmasters, bloggers, developers and one man marketers to large businesses.
It is great for building anything from small one page sites to large eye-catching business sites.
And because it has been around for a while now it has built up a very large community of people who have designed all manor of plugins, themes and templates (many of them free) that you can use to make your site stand out from the crowd.
Responsive website designs are adaptive to portable devices such as mobile phones, tablets etc.,along with desktop devices. They provide fluid-like flexible grids and designs which are scalable to fit any screen size and orientation. The launch of frameworks concept has put an end to the necessity to write the code from the scratch. Frameworks offer a simplified way to web designers with built-in functionalities and methods to reuse the code without redoing from the beginning
HTML5 , CSS and JS documents are included in frameworks to create exceptional website design and development responsive applications. Frameworks are classified into front-end and back-end.
Few Popular Frameworks
Semantic UI : Semantic UI can be integrated in other frameworks easily and it allows the use of third-party tools. It is one of the popular front-end frameworks for responsive websites. The extremely feature-rich options of this framework include: sophisticated modules, forms, breadcrumbs, buttons, pop-ups, drop-downs, and sticky bones.
The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes national standards for direct marketing over e-mail. The Federal Trade Commission Act regulates all forms of advertising, including online advertising, and states that advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive.[26] Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the promises in corporate privacy statements, including promises about the security of consumers' personal information.[27] As a result, any corporate privacy policy related to e-commerce activity may be subject to enforcement by the FTC. The Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, which came into law in 2008, amends the Controlled Substances Act to address online pharmacies.[28] Conflict of laws in cyberspace is a major hurdle for harmonization of legal framework for e-commerce around the world. In order to give a uniformity to e-commerce law around the world, many countries adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996).[29] Internationally there is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), which was formed in 1991 from an informal network of government customer fair trade organisations. The purpose was stated as being to find ways of co-operating on tackling consumer problems connected with cross-border transactions in both goods and services, and to help ensure exchanges of information among the participants for mutual benefit and understanding. From this came Econsumer.gov, an ICPEN initiative since April 2001. It is a portal to report complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies.
Almost a quarter (24%) of the country's total turnover is generated via the online channel.[43] Among emerging economies, China's e-commerce presence continues to expand every year. With 668 million Internet users, China's online shopping sales reached $253 billion in the first half of 2015, accounting for 10% of total Chinese consumer retail sales in that period.[44] The Chinese retailers have been able to help consumers feel more comfortable shopping online.[45] e-commerce transactions between China and other countries increased 32% to 2.3 trillion yuan ($375.8 billion) in 2012 and accounted for 9.6% of China's total international trade.[46] In 2013, Alibaba had an e-commerce market share of 80% in China.[47] In 2014, there were 600 million Internet users in China (twice as many as in the US), making it the world's biggest online market.[48] China is also the largest e-commerce market in the world by value of sales, with an estimated US$899 billion in 2016.[49] In 2013, Brazil's e-commerce was growing quickly with retail e-commerce sales expected to grow at a double-digit pace through 2014. By 2016, eMarketer expected retail e-commerce sales in Brazil to reach $17.3 billion.[50] India has an Internet user base of about 243.2 million as of January 2014.[citation needed] Despite being third largest user base in world, the penetration of Internet is low compared to markets like the United States, United Kingdom or France but is growing at a much faster rate, adding around 6 million new entrants every month.[citation needed] In India, cash on delivery is the most preferred payment method, accumulating 75% of the e-retail activities.[51][citation needed] The India retail market is expected to rise from 2.5% in 2016 to 5% in 2020.[52] The rate of growth of the number of internet users in the Arab countries has been rapid – 13.1% in 2015. A significant portion of the ecommerce market in the Middle East comprises people in the 30-34 year age group. Egypt has the largest number of internet users in the region, followed by Saudi Arabia and Morocco; these constitute 3/4th of the region’s share. Yet, internet penetration is low: 35% in Egypt and 65% in Saudi Arabia.[53] E-commerce has become an important tool for small and large businesses worldwide, not only to sell to customers, but also to engage them.[54][55] In 2012, e-commerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time in history.[56] Mobile devices are playing an increasing role in the mix of e-commerce, this is also commonly called mobile commerce, or m-commerce. In 2014, one estimate saw purchases made on mobile devices making up 25% of the market by 2017.[57] For traditional businesses, one research stated that information technology and cross-border e-commerce is a good opportunity for the rapid development and growth of enterprises.
Bootstrap : The latest version of this most popular framework is Bootstrap 3 version. Some of the unmatched features are: it can build websites with less technical knowledge, a structured grid format, seamless navigation integration and create fixed and fluid width layout. A website designed by bootstrap is easily adaptable to mobile devices. An ideal website design and development company chooses Bootstrap to design adaptable resolution and content display mechanisms.
Skeleton : A small responsive website design framework used in rapid web development of web design regardless of their sizes. Skeleton uses 960 grid base for developing websites for all communication portable devices like mobile, tablets etc., Some of the UI elements include: well-organized file structure, forms buttons and tabs.
Foundation 3 : Foundation 3 is an advanced front-end framework built with a powerful CSS pre-processor Saas and allows you to customize with new tools. It is the easiest framework to learn and can be seamlessly used by a new user to create exceptional websites. This framework consists of components and an exclusive set of plug-ins where web designers can choose one.
Montage : It is an HTML framework, it is a great tool for developing modern web applications. The set of elements in Montage can help to build scalable and feature-rich websites. One great advantage of Montage is to have reusable components with HTML templates.
Pure : Pure can be used in any kind of web-based projects. It provides a small set of CSS modules which help developers to create various styles to develop the best responsive website designs.
Siimple : Siimple has a minimal CSS framework to create flat and clean web pages. It is a front-end framework with flexible and concise CSS framework to create user-friendly websites. Being to have minimal lines of code, it can be zipped down to 6KB in overall total size. Web designing newbies can experiment freely with this framework to start their career with.
Cascade : The grid layout offered by Cascade are both semantic and non-semantic with table designs and navigational templates. Many designers find it to be an easy framework because of its universal approach. Cascade can create high-performance webpages for cross-platform browsers.
Gumby : Gumby’s list of remarkable features include: well defined UI kit, switches, toggles and flexible grids to create user-centric websites.
Small triangles, especially when the widest area is at the top, are found in pre-Islamic representations of female figures. That the small triangles found in the wall paintings in ‘Asir are called banat may be a cultural remnant of a long-forgotten past.”[40] "Courtyards and upper pillared porticoes are principal features of the best Nadjdi architecture, in addition to the fine incised plaster wood (jiss) and painted window shutters, which decorate the reception rooms. Good examples of plasterwork can often be seen in the gaping ruins of torn-down buildings- the effect is light, delicate and airy. It is usually around the majlis, around the coffee hearth and along the walls above where guests sat on rugs, against cushions. Doughty wondered if this "parquetting of jis", this "gypsum fretwork... all adorning and unenclosed" originated from India. However, the Najd fretwork seems very different from that seen in the Eastern Province and Oman, which are linked to Indian traditions, and rather resembles the motifs and patterns found in ancient Mesopotamia. 
CSS Hover Effects Background
Previously, JavaScript laid the foundation of hover effects and Javascript or Jquery isn't light weight as compare you CSS. However, the latest technology calls in CSS3 into use. It is light weight and allows to create any type of animations that previously Jquery or Javascript do. It also supports widget range of browsers. But much to our disappointment there is few older version of browsers that do not support images hover effects, hence you need to have the ones that are capable of catering it. You can also add the fallback to get support for older version of browsers.
The CSS from CSS Image Hover Effects stands for Cascading Style Sheets; which is a programming sheet language that basically represents a document that has been coded in a markup language. This is not only a very simple technique, but its prim and precise nature are always engrossed programmers effectively.
Types of Hover Effects
Since the main focus of this article is on hover effects; let’s see some of them and how they are useful in CSS image hover effects:
Subtle are effects that can make the site look more exclusive. A photo can suffice, along with a simple grid. Styles, attires, and colors are of your choice and even the other effects are up to you.
The caption is even simpler and there is no rocket science associated with this image hover effects. The title of the picture as well as the link that it connects to can be shown by the grid figures; all this comprises of the caption.
4: DIRECTION-AWARE HOVER EFFECTS Direction aware utilizes Jquery in addition to CSS. A small overlay slide is inserted over your original image from where you can direct the next step of the link.
Zoom is as easy as ABC. The image clicked upon shall be zoomed in to reveal what’s hiding behind it. Here's a code to show you what it's like.
In conclusion, we can say that image hover effects if utilized effectively can provide your website intricate yet simple designs that are not only eye-candy but can help lure users to your site. It's trended thing and very popular nowadays web design.
Image source: pixabay.com by markusspiske under Creative Commons License
There are various reasons why you may want your own website...
If you are thinking of starting an online business one of the first things you will need to do is get yourself a website in place.
If you have an existing business you may want to have your own piece of the internet for your customers to visit 'out of hours'.
Maybe you just want your own personal website for a different purpose.
Whatever the reasons for wanting a website, it can be a daunting prospect if you have never tackled anything like this before
You may think you need to hire a company of programmers or web designers to get your website up and running. You could do this, but the cost of doing so can be a little more than you are prepared to spend.
Besides if you go down this route and you do hire one of these companies then what happens when you want to change something on your web page? Even if its just one sentence, changing the colour scheme or changing a picture, it could take time and cost you money.
Wouldn't it be easier, not to have to worry about these issues and simply change things yourself?
You may be thinking that you don't know how to write code...
Or you don't have the necessary IT skills to do that sort of thing...
Or it's just too much of a complicated thing for you to tackle...
You may even be thinking that you wouldn't know where to start...
Well you are not alone, a lot of people have these reservations when faced with the same prospect.
The good news is nowadays building your own website is not that difficult, in fact you could have your own website up and running from scratch in just one single afternoon.
You don't need to know coding...
You don't need any IT skills...
and it really isn't as difficult as you may think.
As for where to start...
That's what I'm about to tell you!
You may be thinking the simple way is to head off to wix or Weebly and put together a free drag and drop website and while this is true if you just want your website as a bit of fun or for non business purposes, If you want to be taken seriously as a business then you will need your own website with your own web address.
All we need to do is point your domain name provider to the place on the internet where your website is being hosted.
This is called 'Setting your domain name servers'
Despite what you think this process is really very easy and just involves supplying your domain name provider with the location of your websites hosting address.
It is just a simple act of copying the information sent to you in your important email and pasting it to the relevant section on your domain name providers website.
If you did happen to purchase your domain name AND your Hosting from the same company then you don't even need to do this.
Factors to follow while choosing a framework:
Easy to use and understand.
Seamless integration with database.
Long-term support
Browser compatibility
Clean and precise code.
Scale-up the screen resolution and content adjustment of your websites with the help of the best available responsive framework designs. The frameworks which are listed above are perfectly used to design beautiful websites. Choose an ideal web design and development company for your professional websites.
The website design industry has become more prominent during the last decade since every business type has acknowledged the importance of building and maintaining a business website. Due to a tremendous increase in the online traffic lately, businesses are focused more towards their online appearance rather than an outdoor advertisement of their products and services. This is the reason, web industry demands highly trained professionals responsible for creating and operating websites for a flawless customer engagement and maximal revenue generation. However, these dexterous professionals are not at all easy to find as not all of them have adequate experience and unbeaten qualities which are essential for being the very best of a web design company. Let’s check out the attributes of successful designers.
Creativity is the power of thinking out of the box and creating what amaze others. A successful designer always tries to create unconventional things while following the rule book. Such designers wield infinitive ideas from their past experiences and have a propensity for thinking to build innovative designs. Possessing a variety of ideas is important as different industries have different needs and audience types. The designer who has the inventiveness of concepts and ideas becomes a successful website or graphic designer. 
"Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous". Bill Moyers
Technical Skills
Knowledge of different software and technical skills is a crucial attribute of a designer. A successful designer has a deep knowledge of designing tools like Photoshop, Coral Draw, etc. Apart from the knowledge, the tempo of using such tools is also important, which is an upshot of regular practice. A passionate designer invests a huge amount of time on designing tools to have a deep functional knowledge of their usage. If you are a designer then spend as much time as you could on design software to understand each and every function and their manipulation.
It is crucial for a designer to visualise the outcomes before he even commences the designing work, or else, he’ll waste his entire time in attaining a result different from the expected. A great designer creates graphic initially in his mind and then engraves it on his computer. Visualising the output in prior requires a lot of experience and a line of thought with a composed mind.
Business Sense
A designer who has worked for numerous industries and understands the audience associated can do miracles in his designs as he perceives disparate businesses requirements and their preferences. If you have not designed for any particular industry before, then taking advice from the one who has is no harm and will save you from dawdling. You can also seek help from numerous online forums where professionals discuss and share their experiences and resolutions to technical glitches.
Hard Shell
Every designer faces critics in different styles. Sometimes clients don’t agree with the designs and sometimes the bosses or colleagues. A good designer listens to everyone and even proactively asks for feedbacks to understand different perspectives towards his design and do the amendments accordingly to deliver impeccable work. If the designer does not agree with suggestions, he should explain his reasons behind the design to convince the back-seat drivers. But a great designer is someone who remains calm and understands everyone’s point without getting displeased even if he has to make infinite changes to the design. That is the reason one of the attributes of a successful designer is that he should have a hard shell.
Logical Thinking
Wine is good with everything except water. Likewise, using the fonts, colours, themes, background and other designing elements into a design depends on the adjacent components and logical thinking of the designer pertaining to the graphic he is creating for a particular industry type. The designer who thinks logically and keeps in mind the various factors like industry type, audience type, client’s requirements and other pre-told aspects, is considered as a great designer.
Communication is another important attribute of a successful designer. One who keeps in touch with his clients to note down their feedbacks, work accordingly and respond quickly with the revised design, comes under a ‘good designer’ category. Communication is important as it also helps in rapport building as the clients perceive the seriousness of the designer towards his work. This helps in attaining more work and respect from clients.
Problem Solving
A good designer has a problem-solving instinct. Designers have acquaintance with multiple problems during their work. Leaving the problem unsolved and move forward is never a good designer’s convention. Alongside, the time taken by a designer to fix any designing problem is directly proportional to his experience. Designers with ample of experience know how to deal with a particular complication they have come across a few times earlier and take less time to resolve it. On the contrary, designers with less experience and practical knowledge take more time to solve any designing snag.
A successful designer always gets indulged in excessive research during the work and otherwise. Knowing the market trend, software updates, tools utilisation, etc. include a lot of research and development. A designer who keeps researching for updates in the industry is known to be a successful designer. If you are about to commence a design for an industry who have no idea about, spend a good amount of time on research before you soak your brush and start painting the canvas.
Last but not the least, confidence is a very important attribute of a successful designer. After creating a design, a designer might face numerous objections and challenges from onlookers. A successful designer knows the reason behind every step he concluded to create a design but others might just have speculations about it. A successful designer will always present a logical explanation behind the design he created and can turn his critics into his admirers with his utter confidence. You know why you have done that, so say out loud confidently!
The approach of getting orders on PSD to WordPress conversion may differ from companies to companies. However, there are definite steps that every company follows for successful deliveries.
PSD to WordPress conversion is probably the most sought after practice that is offered by the companies providing web design and development services. It’s true that companies follow their own approach to accomplish the related projects; however, the steps are already defined and every organization sticks to these steps.
Before we deep dive into the steps, here is a short explanation of the conversion process that has become the most common now. Because of the rising number of users wishing to get conversion services the number of service providers has also flooded in to offer the services. As these companies are getting bigger in number, there are some exceptional PSD to WordPress conversion service providers available there in the market to offer the services. These companies have been following the steps as stated below. Here is a short explanation of these services.
The review or the analysis of the projects
As soon as the companies receive the orders, the first and the foremost task is to review the details that are required by the clients. Here the requirement from the clients may vary depending upon the specific need to be fulfilled by the clients. A deep analysis of the projects gives enough ideas to the developers to start the projects on the particular specifications.
The development phase
It is the most important of all phases for every company that is offering the PSD to WordPress conversion service. In this phase, the details that have been summarized in the first phase are executed for real and the project is accomplished. For developing the specifications required by the users, every detail is analyzed properly prior to it is created in real.
The testing of the projects
Testing matters the most as it is an imperative step to correct the flaws if anyhow exist in the projects. After the project is done successfully, the testing begins. For companies, the phase of testing the projects is the most important as no client is going to accept the flaws. Thus, to make a great impression on the users, the testing is done carefully.
Delivering the project
Companies working in the web development arena aim to make the projects’ delivery before the stipulated time frame so that clients could be impressed with the services. Delivering the project well before the time holds prominence for the users also as they get fruitful results well before the expected time frame.
The series of the services that have been listed here are performed in the right sequence by the PSD to WordPress conversion companies. The ultimate goal of all these establishments lies in exceeding the list of their existing clients. Â
All these steps are concluded under expert guidance by the professionals who are versed in the technicalities involved in the task. Different companies have their definite styles of working but all of them have teams that look after only a specific concern. As such the job of the testing team starts only after the project crosses the delivery phase.
In order to be specific enough in their approach, every company tries to customize the requirements as per the demands of the clients. The nature of clients’ business differs from one to another that compels these companies to offer the services as per the need of the business. It also inspires the clients to contact the same company if services are pleasing. Therefore, being specific with their services is always a benefit for the PSD to WordPress conversion companies.
Website designing and development give a proper shape to the website and in order to sustain and enhance the shape, you must undergo web maintenance occasionally. It is not sufficient to get a premium website designed, program it and host it and leave! There must be continued maintenance to keep the site upgraded and free form glitches, performing at top level. However, one must not be mistaken that website maintenance means redesigning of your website. It is something more relevant to ongoing support to change the images, content or update the information.
Additionally, the activities that fall under site maintenance also include correction of broken links, page titles, adding new web pages, wrongly spelled texts, checking whether pages, add-ons, and programs are working perfectly. Without having Website maintenance services, the websites tend to malfunction regularly and thus, affecting its credibility and ranking. For example, transaction-oriented websites such as online shopping, e-commerce stores, ticket booking sites must perform accurately all the time, and this is impossible without any maintenance support.
Now if we take example of human body in respect to website. Just like human body requires you to take it to doctor for regular checkups and keep yourself away from diseases. In the same manner, websites too are used on daily basis and technology keeps changings. This means that they also need to be taken care of and provided with maintenance on day to day basis. However, most of the companies fail to recognize this fact and believe that once they have got the website developed, there is no need to take a second look over it. Just because your website is running fine and getting traffic does not indicates that it will be fine in future as well. And as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure!
Most of the big companies own an in-house web maintenance teams. However, for small to medium businesses, it is not a possible option to afford a team. It might also divert their attention from the core of their business. For these businessmen, it is a good idea to outsource the website maintenance tasks to those services that specialize in such services.
There are plenty of website maintenance services that can do a lot in your interest and provide satisfactory web performance. However, you must evaluate that these companies as little negligence and incompetent maintenance can lead to multiple problems. A regular chain of communication must be opened while one signs up with website maintenance services. It is not merely enough that the team should monitor and maintain and that's it! The website owner too, must check if the work is being done properly or not.
The various benefits through website maintenance
•A good maintenance service provides monitored uptime. This helps to eliminate the down problems of the website.
•The convenience of getting fresh updates is available in unlimited form and updates can include graphics, maps, new page additions, forums etc.
•They provide with monthly statistics reports that help you know the performance of the website which is crucial to the growth of the business. This, in turn, devises the business plans and strategies.
•Domain renewal process is also done automatically by the maintenance services. Most of the companies do not ask for surplus expenses at the time of renewal. One needs not to worry about losing the web domain.
•Excellent hosting options are also looked after. A web application development company will gain a thousand benefits with good web maintenance services.
•Your uptime of website and dead page redirection is crucial for the customers and visitors and all these aspects will be under your control with the help of these service providers.
•This is enough to understand the worth and need of maintenance for your website. Don't delay it.
Hopefully you must have understand now what mistakes you need to avoid and to make a best website design is not a big deal now!
In the modern world we live in, pretty much all business is now conducted digitally, and the key succession of most businesses is online brand awareness. Whether you intend to trade goods, or you just want to promote the services your business provides, either way, you need a website that fully functional, interactive, responsive on all devices (of course, this isn’t mandatory but is definitely recommended), and also customer friendly to consolidate all clientele.
There are so many different types of websites to choose from these days, so you might want to do your research before making any sudden decisions, but it’s worth doing as the website not only needs to suit your business requirements but also needs to meet the needs of your visitors/customers.
Open Source technology comes in a range of different solutions but is usually one of the most utilized platforms when it comes to web design. You can have your pick of Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Open Cart, Presta Shop, Sugar CRM and so much more open source technologies, each one with its particular benefits.
Drupal is one of the most popular open source web design platforms that have a built-in Content Management System (CMS). It’s chosen by many businesses thanks to its powerful tools and functional platform. It’s a favorable choice out of the other open source technologies because of its user efficiency, meaning you don’t have to be equipped with technical skills in order to actually design the solution how you want. Other features include high website performance due to its built-in caching and scalability (it can be used on multiple servers). It also features easy integration with 3rd party applications, it's search engine friendly, it has supreme security functionality, it provides commercial support through training and education, and it allows management of content by the end user (i.e. you).
Primarily used as a back- end system, Drupal supports a range of website types from personal blogs to government informational sites, and it is built on a PHP language which provides the main database through MySQL. Â
As mentioned previously you don’t have to be of a technical background to be able to use Drupal effectively, although if you haven’t got the time to go through the development process, it might be worth enlisting the help of an expert who has experience in Drupal web design solutions. These experts will be able to support you from the start to the end of the project leaving you stress and hassle free.
Okay, so you’ve established your online presence, and your website is up and running, so what happens next?
Another thing to consider once your website is fully functioning is online marketing techniques, commonly known as Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing uses different techniques to build brand awareness through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content marketing and also Email and Newsletter marketing. Using these methods you can shout about your business and build a bigger customer outreach so that people know that your organization exists.
With regular website maintenance, and online marketing you can truly allow all that design and development work to truly flourish.
The hover effects and especially CSS image hover effects are a fashionable yet fairly easy way of adding a touch of creativity to your website, all the while enabling user friendliness and interactivity. Before technology reached this stage, a cursor was deemed enough to let the user know that a picture could be clicked upon to reveal further facts and figures. But everything has its age, and the age of cursors is over. To attract users, and make the website trendier we now have Image Hover Effects. These transitions hover over an image with some sort of icon on them to let the users know that more information is at hand when you click. The hover effects CSS can, in turn, reveal a magnified version of the image, or perhaps some text that has relevance to what you’re looking for on the site.
Nowadays, We can see a lot of website on the internet have used clean typography and nice effects. This is really a beautiful trend in web designing. It makes the design cleaner and easy to readable. It allows the site visitor to stay more time on the website. To create such hover effects, There are many different ways and techniques can be used to create nice looking effects. You can use CSS, Javascript or Jquery to developed modern effects. But, the best and easy way to create is usually CSS, and especially the additions of CSS3 make them handy. These effects can be applied on Images, buttons, logos and as well as on links.
However, there are certain things that a client needs to work on, for getting clarity of the exact requirements of web designing. This involves creation of a sitemap by the client. A sitemap is like a rough estimate of the pages and links that are to be included in the website. This can be better understood with the reference of a company's website, which includes different pages like- company's profile, products and services offered, contact us page etc. The client can create a brief of company's background including the pictures of company, its products etc. In order to have a better understanding of your preferences and for the website designer to know your taste, creating a list of sites that you like is of utmost importance.
• Professionalism- Another important factor to be considered while choosing a website designer is his professional attitude. He should be able to stand to his commitments and must deliver the project timely. Delay in work is not a good sign!
• Affordability- The cost involved in the process of website designing should be in accordance with the standard and fair prices set for this task. It's a long term investment, so spend wisely!
We hope the above information helps you in future projects.
If you're thinking about having a website built, it's important for you to have a clear idea of the process before you begin. Your website could be a profitable business venture for you, but only if you've really done your research ahead of time. Many people begin investing in their new websites before they've really thought out each step and end up wasting money on sites that never see fruition. However, with some simple planning and research, you can set yourself on the right track toward developing a successful website. Here are seven tips for web design and promotion to get you started.
1. Survey the Market and Research Your Competitors
Before you get ahead of yourself and begin hiring a web designer, take some time to survey the market and research your competitors. Look at what other types of websites are out there and see if anyone is doing something similar to your plan. Consider how many people are running similar websites, as well as how professional their websites look. This will help you to determine whether or not it's worth setting up your own site, before you've invested too much in it.
To help ensure the success of your website, you should begin finding a niche market that you can target. You may be tempted to attract any and all customers that you can but you'll actually have greater success targeting a very specific demographic. Think extensively about who your potential audience members are and what they would be most interested in. Then, you can begin to develop your website around these ideas.
2. Brainstorm Design Ideas and Figure Out What You Like
Once you've thought a little more about your site's purpose, you should now think about your ideas for the design. You'll need to consider the best way to present your message or to feature your products to audience members. Keep in mind that people tend to skim websites looking for something interesting or eye-catching, so make sure that the most important elements of your site are featured prominently.
7. Allow Time and Money for Search Engine Optimisation
Google AdWords is a great way to help you get started but it's also important to use search engine optimisation, or SEO, to build organic traffic to your site. While AdWords will automatically place you at the top of search engine rankings with an advert you will have to continue doing that for ever. SEO can help you get to the first page of rankings naturally and eventually you will receive lots of traffic for free. This is important to increasing your traffic and building your site's legitimacy and authority on your subject.
Be sure to budget the time and money for SEO. It's not cheap and it can take 6-12 months to get your page to the first page of rankings for a number of keywords but it will generate a great amount of free traffic when you get there. It may cost about £300-£600 per month but SEO is truly the best way to start bringing in consistent traffic. Over time, your SEO efforts can help you build a reliable customer base and increase your sales. You're website will now be a true competitor in your niche market and well on it's way to success.
In this digital world of the internet, mobiles, laptops, computers and tablets, online presence has become very important. If you want to grow your business, you need to promote it. Using social media platforms to get the attention is just one step towards your goal.
To be honest, we cannot deny the fact that we don't trust an organization if it doesn't have a website of its own. What is the first thing that we do when we want to know more about a specific company? We browse about it on the internet. Don't we?
A website is the mirror image of your company's status and reputation, it is a place where everything is in one place, sorted and organized.
How to create a website?  Follow these steps to create your own website.
Domain name  · The first step is creating your unique domain name.
· A domain name appears like "xyz.com" and you need to visit a registrar to pay for the name you chose.
· They are easy for people to register in their brains.
· Others like Yahoo, Firefox and Bing are also some great options.
· These search engines are absolutely free and therefore the task of promoting your website becomes very easy.
· Other ways to get your site noticed are conventional methods like word of mouth, newspapers, cold calling etc.
What’s on the bill?
Even if we take into account all features listed above, it’s rather difficult to estimate timeframe and cost of such website project. A designer’s website is creative work, which is hard to measure in dry figures. Imagine evaluating Picasso’s paintings by his brush stroke rate. Absurd, isn’t it?
However, based on the number of pages and animations, we can make a guess on the approximate costs of websites that are already produced. Have a look at Makhno and Karim Rashid interior design websites. A project of such scale would take 1200–2000 working hours (design, programming, animations), which would account for $7,000–15,000 in India, $20,000–50,000 in Eastern Europe and $50,000–250,000 in the U.S. However, capability of Indian agencies of creating websites of such level is highly doubtful — we rarely see a company from India among international competitions prizewinners. On the other hand, Eastern European agencies are known for their formidable works.
How high can we go?
Let us say we are building a website for the richest interior designer in the world. What would we achieve with an unlimited budget? How would such website look like? Here are some ideas.
First of all, we would develop and implement a detailed strategy for pre-scheduled update. This would turn our website into a living creature. Prudently planning and gradually adding new content is what keeps the user’s interest. Marketing knacks from the video gaming industry would work flawlessly here: people would strive for new website features and interior design cases, especially, having the next thing in mind.
Virtual reality adaptation — an expensive, but a really awesome feature to integrate. Oculus Rift and HoloLens technologies enable vivid experiences, and what better showcase than seeing the interior design from inside?
Last but not least, it is a good idea to tell interactive stories of happy clients who moved in the designed residences. By seeing how their lives changed, new clients would create an empathetic bond, and project themselves onto these stories.
Every formidable designer has their unique style. An interior designer embodies their style in living spaces. A web designer carves it into websites. For both designers, it is important that the essence of their style is perceived by their clients. And this, to me, is the main goal that a website must achieve.
Source: http://vintage.agency/blog/what-is-a-good-website-for-interior-designers/
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Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
E-commerce is a transaction of buying or selling online. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail. E-commerce businesses may employ some or all of the following: A timeline for the development of e-commerce: An example of an automated online assistant on a merchandising website. Some common applications related to electronic commerce are: In the United States, certain electronic commerce activities are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These activities include but not limit to the use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy.
Every interior designer has a website nowadays. Not having one would quickly put a man out of business. However, if we look closely at the majority of such websites, we’ll observe clearly traceable patterns. A couple of quick links here, a portfolio slideshow there. Why do they look so alike? And what does it take for a formidable interior designer to truly stand out from the crowd?
Why the copy & paste?
Website templates for interior designers are everywhere. Cheap ready-to-use solutionssuch as WordPress and Joomla have become extremely popular. They require little to none technical skill to be launched, and cost from $2,000 to $5,000. And from the first glimpse, they look fairly well, indeed!
Well, here is the problem. In interior design business, you have two types of players:
Hungry rookies. The people who are new to the market, and try to get their hands on every project they can possibly contract. Such designers will work in all possible styles and architectural trends, and at this point, all that matters to them is a functional website for a modest fee. This is where an interior design website template would shine.
Accomplished designers. They have vast experience in the field, and a sterling customer satisfaction record. These people cannot afford looking like someone else. They have a distinct specialization (be it Loft, Hi-Tech, Baroque etc.), which they are renowned for. Their website must project their unique style to the blue screen. Professional interior designers never use templates in their work, and should not resort to them for the online showcase, either.
Now, let us look at these two categories from the client’s point of view. The client looks for an interior design service, and gets bombarded by rookie offers, which are, to client’s judgement, decently portrayed on the web. What would it take to convince such client to pay more for a reputable service offer?
The only thing that can is the impeccable website.
Where to begin?
Begin with yourself. Just like fashion design, interior design is very person-centered. Even if it’s a large agency with hundreds of employees, it will likely bear its founder’s name. Being creative minds, such people possess their own sense of aesthetics, which is clearly perceived from their works, and must be just as clear from their websites.
Subconsciously, the client will transfer the image of the website into their service expectations. A mediocre website would make them expect a service of similar quality. In one of our previous articles, we talked about how the website acts as “wrapping” of the product you are trying to showcase. This statement couldn’t ring truer for interior design websites.
With all the wide variety of templates out there, it’s impossible to find the one to perfectly match the interior designer’s character and style. Only a renowned, award-winning webagency with personal approach to the client is capable of achieving such synergy.
Three crucial things you need to build an outstanding interior design website
So, which points must an ideal interior design website focus on? Let us try to sum them up. The major criteria would be the following:
Transmit the level of greatness. It has to be clear from the first glimpse that this designer is not a beginner, but an accomplished professional, the trendsetter, the best in their niche.
Embody the style. The web agency must perceive the designer’s unique style, and transfer it to digital display.
Reveal the personality. An accomplished interior designer puts their very soul into every project they do. Their website must reveal the identity behind all those projects. Embedded video clips are one way to achieve it.
There would also be some general criteria, which are true for most up-to-date websites:
Fast loading. A designer’s portfolio will contain a lot of images, and probably, some videos, too. It is the web agency’s job to organize them in such way that their loading times do not bore the potential clients.
Adaptive interface. It may come as a surprise, but according to the latest surveys, people are more likely to browse websites from mobile devices than desktops (58% for mobile, 42% for desktop). Failure to adapt to the small screen is already causing a lot of trouble even to world’s top players.
Calls to action. Simply showcasing your works is not enough. The site has to market your design ideas, and appeal to your potential clients’ taste.
 Content is like water, a saying that illustrates the principles of RWD An example of how various elements of a web page adapt to the screen size of different devices such as the display of a desktop computer, tablet PC and a smartphone Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at allowing desktop webpages to be viewed in response to the size of the screen or web browser one is viewing with. In addition it's important to understand that Responsive Web Design tasks include offering the same support to a variety of devices for a single website. Recent work also considers the viewer proximity as part of the viewing context as an extension for RWD[1]. As mentioned by the Nielsen Norman Group: content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction.[2][3][4][5] A site designed with RWD[2][6] adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids,[7][8] flexible images,[9][10][11] and CSS3 media queries,[4][12][13] an extension of the @media rule, in the following ways:[14] Responsive web design has become more important as the amount of mobile traffic now accounts for more than half of total internet traffic.[15] Therefore, Google announced Mobilegeddon in 2015, and started to boost the ratings of sites that are mobile friendly if the search was made from a mobile device.[16] Responsive web design is an example of user interface plasticity.[17] "Mobile first", unobtrusive JavaScript, and progressive enhancement are related concepts that predate RWD.[18] Browsers of basic mobile phones do not understand JavaScript or media queries, so a recommended practice is to create a basic web site and enhance it for smart phones and PCs, rather than rely on graceful degradation to make a complex, image-heavy site work on mobile phones.[19][20][21][22] Where a web site must support basic mobile devices that lack JavaScript, browser ("user agent") detection (also called "browser sniffing") and mobile device detection[20][23] are two ways of deducing if certain HTML and CSS features are supported (as a basis for progressive enhancement)—however, these methods are not completely reliable unless used in conjunction with a device capabilities database.
For more capable mobile phones and PCs, JavaScript frameworks like Modernizr, jQuery, and jQuery Mobile that can directly test browser support for HTML/CSS features (or identify the device or user agent) are popular. Polyfills can be used to add support for features—e.g. to support media queries (required for RWD), and enhance HTML5 support, on Internet Explorer. Feature detection also might not be completely reliable; some may report that a feature is available, when it is either missing or so poorly implemented that it is effectively nonfunctional.[24][25] Luke Wroblewski has summarized some of the RWD and mobile design challenges, and created a catalog of multi-device layout patterns.[26][27][28] He suggests that, compared with a simple RWD approach, device experience or RESS (responsive web design with server-side components) approaches can provide a user experience that is better optimized for mobile devices.[29][30][31] Server-side "dynamic CSS" implementation of stylesheet languages like Sass or Incentivated's MML can be part of such an approach by accessing a server based API which handles the device (typically mobile handset) differences in conjunction with a device capabilities database in order to improve usability.[32] RESS is more expensive to develop, requiring more than just client-side logic, and so tends to be reserved for organizations with larger budgets.
The website design industry has become more prominent during the last decade since every business type has acknowledged the importance of building and maintaining a business website. Due to a tremendous increase in the online traffic lately, businesses are focused more towards their online appearance rather than an outdoor advertisement of their products and services. This is the reason, web industry demands highly trained professionals responsible for creating and operating websites for a flawless customer engagement and maximal revenue generation. However, these dexterous professionals are not at all easy to find as not all of them have adequate experience and unbeaten qualities which are essential for being the very best of a web design company. Let’s check out the attributes of successful designers.
Best Websites Designing For Interior Desiners
Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardised code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization. Often many individuals will work in teams covering different aspects of the design process, although some designers will cover them all.[1] The term web design is normally used to describe the design process relating to the front-end (client side) design of a website including writing mark up. Web design partially overlaps web engineering in the broader scope of web development. Web designers are expected to have an awareness of usability and if their role involves creating mark up then they are also expected to be up to date with web accessibility guidelines. Web design books in a store Although web design has a fairly recent history, it can be linked to other areas such as graphic design. However, web design can also be seen from a technological standpoint. It has become a large part of people’s everyday lives. It is hard to imagine the Internet without animated graphics, different styles of typography, background, and music. In 1989, whilst working at CERN Tim Berners-Lee proposed to create a global hypertext project, which later became known as the World Wide Web. During 1991 to 1993 the World Wide Web was born. Text-only pages could be viewed using a simple line-mode browser.[2] In 1993 Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina, created the Mosaic browser. At the time there were multiple browsers, however the majority of them were Unix-based and naturally text heavy. There had been no integrated approach to graphic design elements such as images or sounds. The Mosaic browser broke this mould.[3] The W3C was created in October 1994 to "lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability."[4] This discouraged any one company from monopolizing a propriety browser and programming language, which could have altered the effect of the World Wide Web as a whole. The W3C continues to set standards, which can today be seen with JavaScript. In 1994 Andreessen formed Communications Corp. that later became known as Netscape Communications, the Netscape 0.9 browser. Netscape created its own HTML tags without regard to the traditional standards process.
Install WordPress and Off You Go
Finally you can install WordPress on to your page and then you can build your website using this platform.
It is reported that 27.9% of all websites on the internet were built using WordPress.
WordPress is probably the easiest platform available today for a complete beginner to build your own website from scratch, and it is totally FREE!
But don't let the fact that it's free fool you into thinking it's not very good...
Because you would be very wrong, WordPress is used by everyone from webmasters, bloggers, developers and one man marketers to large businesses.
It is great for building anything from small one page sites to large eye-catching business sites.
And because it has been around for a while now it has built up a very large community of people who have designed all manor of plugins, themes and templates (many of them free) that you can use to make your site stand out from the crowd.
Responsive website designs are adaptive to portable devices such as mobile phones, tablets etc.,along with desktop devices. They provide fluid-like flexible grids and designs which are scalable to fit any screen size and orientation. The launch of frameworks concept has put an end to the necessity to write the code from the scratch. Frameworks offer a simplified way to web designers with built-in functionalities and methods to reuse the code without redoing from the beginning
HTML5 , CSS and JS documents are included in frameworks to create exceptional website design and development responsive applications. Frameworks are classified into front-end and back-end.
Few Popular Frameworks
Semantic UI : Semantic UI can be integrated in other frameworks easily and it allows the use of third-party tools. It is one of the popular front-end frameworks for responsive websites. The extremely feature-rich options of this framework include: sophisticated modules, forms, breadcrumbs, buttons, pop-ups, drop-downs, and sticky bones.
The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes national standards for direct marketing over e-mail. The Federal Trade Commission Act regulates all forms of advertising, including online advertising, and states that advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive.[26] Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the promises in corporate privacy statements, including promises about the security of consumers' personal information.[27] As a result, any corporate privacy policy related to e-commerce activity may be subject to enforcement by the FTC. The Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, which came into law in 2008, amends the Controlled Substances Act to address online pharmacies.[28] Conflict of laws in cyberspace is a major hurdle for harmonization of legal framework for e-commerce around the world. In order to give a uniformity to e-commerce law around the world, many countries adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996).[29] Internationally there is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), which was formed in 1991 from an informal network of government customer fair trade organisations. The purpose was stated as being to find ways of co-operating on tackling consumer problems connected with cross-border transactions in both goods and services, and to help ensure exchanges of information among the participants for mutual benefit and understanding. From this came Econsumer.gov, an ICPEN initiative since April 2001. It is a portal to report complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies.
Almost a quarter (24%) of the country's total turnover is generated via the online channel.[43] Among emerging economies, China's e-commerce presence continues to expand every year. With 668 million Internet users, China's online shopping sales reached $253 billion in the first half of 2015, accounting for 10% of total Chinese consumer retail sales in that period.[44] The Chinese retailers have been able to help consumers feel more comfortable shopping online.[45] e-commerce transactions between China and other countries increased 32% to 2.3 trillion yuan ($375.8 billion) in 2012 and accounted for 9.6% of China's total international trade.[46] In 2013, Alibaba had an e-commerce market share of 80% in China.[47] In 2014, there were 600 million Internet users in China (twice as many as in the US), making it the world's biggest online market.[48] China is also the largest e-commerce market in the world by value of sales, with an estimated US$899 billion in 2016.[49] In 2013, Brazil's e-commerce was growing quickly with retail e-commerce sales expected to grow at a double-digit pace through 2014. By 2016, eMarketer expected retail e-commerce sales in Brazil to reach $17.3 billion.[50] India has an Internet user base of about 243.2 million as of January 2014.[citation needed] Despite being third largest user base in world, the penetration of Internet is low compared to markets like the United States, United Kingdom or France but is growing at a much faster rate, adding around 6 million new entrants every month.[citation needed] In India, cash on delivery is the most preferred payment method, accumulating 75% of the e-retail activities.[51][citation needed] The India retail market is expected to rise from 2.5% in 2016 to 5% in 2020.[52] The rate of growth of the number of internet users in the Arab countries has been rapid – 13.1% in 2015. A significant portion of the ecommerce market in the Middle East comprises people in the 30-34 year age group. Egypt has the largest number of internet users in the region, followed by Saudi Arabia and Morocco; these constitute 3/4th of the region’s share. Yet, internet penetration is low: 35% in Egypt and 65% in Saudi Arabia.[53] E-commerce has become an important tool for small and large businesses worldwide, not only to sell to customers, but also to engage them.[54][55] In 2012, e-commerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time in history.[56] Mobile devices are playing an increasing role in the mix of e-commerce, this is also commonly called mobile commerce, or m-commerce. In 2014, one estimate saw purchases made on mobile devices making up 25% of the market by 2017.[57] For traditional businesses, one research stated that information technology and cross-border e-commerce is a good opportunity for the rapid development and growth of enterprises.
Bootstrap : The latest version of this most popular framework is Bootstrap 3 version. Some of the unmatched features are: it can build websites with less technical knowledge, a structured grid format, seamless navigation integration and create fixed and fluid width layout. A website designed by bootstrap is easily adaptable to mobile devices. An ideal website design and development company chooses Bootstrap to design adaptable resolution and content display mechanisms.
Skeleton : A small responsive website design framework used in rapid web development of web design regardless of their sizes. Skeleton uses 960 grid base for developing websites for all communication portable devices like mobile, tablets etc., Some of the UI elements include: well-organized file structure, forms buttons and tabs.
Foundation 3 : Foundation 3 is an advanced front-end framework built with a powerful CSS pre-processor Saas and allows you to customize with new tools. It is the easiest framework to learn and can be seamlessly used by a new user to create exceptional websites. This framework consists of components and an exclusive set of plug-ins where web designers can choose one.
Montage : It is an HTML framework, it is a great tool for developing modern web applications. The set of elements in Montage can help to build scalable and feature-rich websites. One great advantage of Montage is to have reusable components with HTML templates.
Pure : Pure can be used in any kind of web-based projects. It provides a small set of CSS modules which help developers to create various styles to develop the best responsive website designs.
Siimple : Siimple has a minimal CSS framework to create flat and clean web pages. It is a front-end framework with flexible and concise CSS framework to create user-friendly websites. Being to have minimal lines of code, it can be zipped down to 6KB in overall total size. Web designing newbies can experiment freely with this framework to start their career with.
Cascade : The grid layout offered by Cascade are both semantic and non-semantic with table designs and navigational templates. Many designers find it to be an easy framework because of its universal approach. Cascade can create high-performance webpages for cross-platform browsers.
Gumby : Gumby’s list of remarkable features include: well defined UI kit, switches, toggles and flexible grids to create user-centric websites.
Small triangles, especially when the widest area is at the top, are found in pre-Islamic representations of female figures. That the small triangles found in the wall paintings in ‘Asir are called banat may be a cultural remnant of a long-forgotten past.”[40] "Courtyards and upper pillared porticoes are principal features of the best Nadjdi architecture, in addition to the fine incised plaster wood (jiss) and painted window shutters, which decorate the reception rooms. Good examples of plasterwork can often be seen in the gaping ruins of torn-down buildings- the effect is light, delicate and airy. It is usually around the majlis, around the coffee hearth and along the walls above where guests sat on rugs, against cushions. Doughty wondered if this "parquetting of jis", this "gypsum fretwork... all adorning and unenclosed" originated from India. However, the Najd fretwork seems very different from that seen in the Eastern Province and Oman, which are linked to Indian traditions, and rather resembles the motifs and patterns found in ancient Mesopotamia. 
CSS Hover Effects Background
Previously, JavaScript laid the foundation of hover effects and Javascript or Jquery isn't light weight as compare you CSS. However, the latest technology calls in CSS3 into use. It is light weight and allows to create any type of animations that previously Jquery or Javascript do. It also supports widget range of browsers. But much to our disappointment there is few older version of browsers that do not support images hover effects, hence you need to have the ones that are capable of catering it. You can also add the fallback to get support for older version of browsers.
The CSS from CSS Image Hover Effects stands for Cascading Style Sheets; which is a programming sheet language that basically represents a document that has been coded in a markup language. This is not only a very simple technique, but its prim and precise nature are always engrossed programmers effectively.
Types of Hover Effects
Since the main focus of this article is on hover effects; let’s see some of them and how they are useful in CSS image hover effects:
Subtle are effects that can make the site look more exclusive. A photo can suffice, along with a simple grid. Styles, attires, and colors are of your choice and even the other effects are up to you.
The caption is even simpler and there is no rocket science associated with this image hover effects. The title of the picture as well as the link that it connects to can be shown by the grid figures; all this comprises of the caption.
4: DIRECTION-AWARE HOVER EFFECTS Direction aware utilizes Jquery in addition to CSS. A small overlay slide is inserted over your original image from where you can direct the next step of the link.
Zoom is as easy as ABC. The image clicked upon shall be zoomed in to reveal what’s hiding behind it. Here's a code to show you what it's like.
In conclusion, we can say that image hover effects if utilized effectively can provide your website intricate yet simple designs that are not only eye-candy but can help lure users to your site. It's trended thing and very popular nowadays web design.
Image source: pixabay.com by markusspiske under Creative Commons License
There are various reasons why you may want your own website...
If you are thinking of starting an online business one of the first things you will need to do is get yourself a website in place.
If you have an existing business you may want to have your own piece of the internet for your customers to visit 'out of hours'.
Maybe you just want your own personal website for a different purpose.
Whatever the reasons for wanting a website, it can be a daunting prospect if you have never tackled anything like this before
You may think you need to hire a company of programmers or web designers to get your website up and running. You could do this, but the cost of doing so can be a little more than you are prepared to spend.
Besides if you go down this route and you do hire one of these companies then what happens when you want to change something on your web page? Even if its just one sentence, changing the colour scheme or changing a picture, it could take time and cost you money.
Wouldn't it be easier, not to have to worry about these issues and simply change things yourself?
You may be thinking that you don't know how to write code...
Or you don't have the necessary IT skills to do that sort of thing...
Or it's just too much of a complicated thing for you to tackle...
You may even be thinking that you wouldn't know where to start...
Well you are not alone, a lot of people have these reservations when faced with the same prospect.
The good news is nowadays building your own website is not that difficult, in fact you could have your own website up and running from scratch in just one single afternoon.
You don't need to know coding...
You don't need any IT skills...
and it really isn't as difficult as you may think.
As for where to start...
That's what I'm about to tell you!
You may be thinking the simple way is to head off to wix or Weebly and put together a free drag and drop website and while this is true if you just want your website as a bit of fun or for non business purposes, If you want to be taken seriously as a business then you will need your own website with your own web address.
All we need to do is point your domain name provider to the place on the internet where your website is being hosted.
This is called 'Setting your domain name servers'
Despite what you think this process is really very easy and just involves supplying your domain name provider with the location of your websites hosting address.
It is just a simple act of copying the information sent to you in your important email and pasting it to the relevant section on your domain name providers website.
If you did happen to purchase your domain name AND your Hosting from the same company then you don't even need to do this.
Factors to follow while choosing a framework:
Easy to use and understand.
Seamless integration with database.
Long-term support
Browser compatibility
Clean and precise code.
Scale-up the screen resolution and content adjustment of your websites with the help of the best available responsive framework designs. The frameworks which are listed above are perfectly used to design beautiful websites. Choose an ideal web design and development company for your professional websites.
The website design industry has become more prominent during the last decade since every business type has acknowledged the importance of building and maintaining a business website. Due to a tremendous increase in the online traffic lately, businesses are focused more towards their online appearance rather than an outdoor advertisement of their products and services. This is the reason, web industry demands highly trained professionals responsible for creating and operating websites for a flawless customer engagement and maximal revenue generation. However, these dexterous professionals are not at all easy to find as not all of them have adequate experience and unbeaten qualities which are essential for being the very best of a web design company. Let’s check out the attributes of successful designers.
Creativity is the power of thinking out of the box and creating what amaze others. A successful designer always tries to create unconventional things while following the rule book. Such designers wield infinitive ideas from their past experiences and have a propensity for thinking to build innovative designs. Possessing a variety of ideas is important as different industries have different needs and audience types. The designer who has the inventiveness of concepts and ideas becomes a successful website or graphic designer. 
"Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous". Bill Moyers
Technical Skills
Knowledge of different software and technical skills is a crucial attribute of a designer. A successful designer has a deep knowledge of designing tools like Photoshop, Coral Draw, etc. Apart from the knowledge, the tempo of using such tools is also important, which is an upshot of regular practice. A passionate designer invests a huge amount of time on designing tools to have a deep functional knowledge of their usage. If you are a designer then spend as much time as you could on design software to understand each and every function and their manipulation.
It is crucial for a designer to visualise the outcomes before he even commences the designing work, or else, he’ll waste his entire time in attaining a result different from the expected. A great designer creates graphic initially in his mind and then engraves it on his computer. Visualising the output in prior requires a lot of experience and a line of thought with a composed mind.
Business Sense
A designer who has worked for numerous industries and understands the audience associated can do miracles in his designs as he perceives disparate businesses requirements and their preferences. If you have not designed for any particular industry before, then taking advice from the one who has is no harm and will save you from dawdling. You can also seek help from numerous online forums where professionals discuss and share their experiences and resolutions to technical glitches.
Hard Shell
Every designer faces critics in different styles. Sometimes clients don’t agree with the designs and sometimes the bosses or colleagues. A good designer listens to everyone and even proactively asks for feedbacks to understand different perspectives towards his design and do the amendments accordingly to deliver impeccable work. If the designer does not agree with suggestions, he should explain his reasons behind the design to convince the back-seat drivers. But a great designer is someone who remains calm and understands everyone’s point without getting displeased even if he has to make infinite changes to the design. That is the reason one of the attributes of a successful designer is that he should have a hard shell.
Logical Thinking
Wine is good with everything except water. Likewise, using the fonts, colours, themes, background and other designing elements into a design depends on the adjacent components and logical thinking of the designer pertaining to the graphic he is creating for a particular industry type. The designer who thinks logically and keeps in mind the various factors like industry type, audience type, client’s requirements and other pre-told aspects, is considered as a great designer.
Communication is another important attribute of a successful designer. One who keeps in touch with his clients to note down their feedbacks, work accordingly and respond quickly with the revised design, comes under a ‘good designer’ category. Communication is important as it also helps in rapport building as the clients perceive the seriousness of the designer towards his work. This helps in attaining more work and respect from clients.
Problem Solving
A good designer has a problem-solving instinct. Designers have acquaintance with multiple problems during their work. Leaving the problem unsolved and move forward is never a good designer’s convention. Alongside, the time taken by a designer to fix any designing problem is directly proportional to his experience. Designers with ample of experience know how to deal with a particular complication they have come across a few times earlier and take less time to resolve it. On the contrary, designers with less experience and practical knowledge take more time to solve any designing snag.
A successful designer always gets indulged in excessive research during the work and otherwise. Knowing the market trend, software updates, tools utilisation, etc. include a lot of research and development. A designer who keeps researching for updates in the industry is known to be a successful designer. If you are about to commence a design for an industry who have no idea about, spend a good amount of time on research before you soak your brush and start painting the canvas.
Last but not the least, confidence is a very important attribute of a successful designer. After creating a design, a designer might face numerous objections and challenges from onlookers. A successful designer knows the reason behind every step he concluded to create a design but others might just have speculations about it. A successful designer will always present a logical explanation behind the design he created and can turn his critics into his admirers with his utter confidence. You know why you have done that, so say out loud confidently!
The approach of getting orders on PSD to WordPress conversion may differ from companies to companies. However, there are definite steps that every company follows for successful deliveries.
PSD to WordPress conversion is probably the most sought after practice that is offered by the companies providing web design and development services. It’s true that companies follow their own approach to accomplish the related projects; however, the steps are already defined and every organization sticks to these steps.
Before we deep dive into the steps, here is a short explanation of the conversion process that has become the most common now. Because of the rising number of users wishing to get conversion services the number of service providers has also flooded in to offer the services. As these companies are getting bigger in number, there are some exceptional PSD to WordPress conversion service providers available there in the market to offer the services. These companies have been following the steps as stated below. Here is a short explanation of these services.
The review or the analysis of the projects
As soon as the companies receive the orders, the first and the foremost task is to review the details that are required by the clients. Here the requirement from the clients may vary depending upon the specific need to be fulfilled by the clients. A deep analysis of the projects gives enough ideas to the developers to start the projects on the particular specifications.
The development phase
It is the most important of all phases for every company that is offering the PSD to WordPress conversion service. In this phase, the details that have been summarized in the first phase are executed for real and the project is accomplished. For developing the specifications required by the users, every detail is analyzed properly prior to it is created in real.
The testing of the projects
Testing matters the most as it is an imperative step to correct the flaws if anyhow exist in the projects. After the project is done successfully, the testing begins. For companies, the phase of testing the projects is the most important as no client is going to accept the flaws. Thus, to make a great impression on the users, the testing is done carefully.
Delivering the project
Companies working in the web development arena aim to make the projects’ delivery before the stipulated time frame so that clients could be impressed with the services. Delivering the project well before the time holds prominence for the users also as they get fruitful results well before the expected time frame.
The series of the services that have been listed here are performed in the right sequence by the PSD to WordPress conversion companies. The ultimate goal of all these establishments lies in exceeding the list of their existing clients. Â
All these steps are concluded under expert guidance by the professionals who are versed in the technicalities involved in the task. Different companies have their definite styles of working but all of them have teams that look after only a specific concern. As such the job of the testing team starts only after the project crosses the delivery phase.
In order to be specific enough in their approach, every company tries to customize the requirements as per the demands of the clients. The nature of clients’ business differs from one to another that compels these companies to offer the services as per the need of the business. It also inspires the clients to contact the same company if services are pleasing. Therefore, being specific with their services is always a benefit for the PSD to WordPress conversion companies.
Website designing and development give a proper shape to the website and in order to sustain and enhance the shape, you must undergo web maintenance occasionally. It is not sufficient to get a premium website designed, program it and host it and leave! There must be continued maintenance to keep the site upgraded and free form glitches, performing at top level. However, one must not be mistaken that website maintenance means redesigning of your website. It is something more relevant to ongoing support to change the images, content or update the information.
Additionally, the activities that fall under site maintenance also include correction of broken links, page titles, adding new web pages, wrongly spelled texts, checking whether pages, add-ons, and programs are working perfectly. Without having Website maintenance services, the websites tend to malfunction regularly and thus, affecting its credibility and ranking. For example, transaction-oriented websites such as online shopping, e-commerce stores, ticket booking sites must perform accurately all the time, and this is impossible without any maintenance support.
Now if we take example of human body in respect to website. Just like human body requires you to take it to doctor for regular checkups and keep yourself away from diseases. In the same manner, websites too are used on daily basis and technology keeps changings. This means that they also need to be taken care of and provided with maintenance on day to day basis. However, most of the companies fail to recognize this fact and believe that once they have got the website developed, there is no need to take a second look over it. Just because your website is running fine and getting traffic does not indicates that it will be fine in future as well. And as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure!
Most of the big companies own an in-house web maintenance teams. However, for small to medium businesses, it is not a possible option to afford a team. It might also divert their attention from the core of their business. For these businessmen, it is a good idea to outsource the website maintenance tasks to those services that specialize in such services.
There are plenty of website maintenance services that can do a lot in your interest and provide satisfactory web performance. However, you must evaluate that these companies as little negligence and incompetent maintenance can lead to multiple problems. A regular chain of communication must be opened while one signs up with website maintenance services. It is not merely enough that the team should monitor and maintain and that's it! The website owner too, must check if the work is being done properly or not.
The various benefits through website maintenance
•A good maintenance service provides monitored uptime. This helps to eliminate the down problems of the website.
•The convenience of getting fresh updates is available in unlimited form and updates can include graphics, maps, new page additions, forums etc.
•They provide with monthly statistics reports that help you know the performance of the website which is crucial to the growth of the business. This, in turn, devises the business plans and strategies.
•Domain renewal process is also done automatically by the maintenance services. Most of the companies do not ask for surplus expenses at the time of renewal. One needs not to worry about losing the web domain.
•Excellent hosting options are also looked after. A web application development company will gain a thousand benefits with good web maintenance services.
•Your uptime of website and dead page redirection is crucial for the customers and visitors and all these aspects will be under your control with the help of these service providers.
•This is enough to understand the worth and need of maintenance for your website. Don't delay it.
Hopefully you must have understand now what mistakes you need to avoid and to make a best website design is not a big deal now!
In the modern world we live in, pretty much all business is now conducted digitally, and the key succession of most businesses is online brand awareness. Whether you intend to trade goods, or you just want to promote the services your business provides, either way, you need a website that fully functional, interactive, responsive on all devices (of course, this isn’t mandatory but is definitely recommended), and also customer friendly to consolidate all clientele.
There are so many different types of websites to choose from these days, so you might want to do your research before making any sudden decisions, but it’s worth doing as the website not only needs to suit your business requirements but also needs to meet the needs of your visitors/customers.
Open Source technology comes in a range of different solutions but is usually one of the most utilized platforms when it comes to web design. You can have your pick of Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Open Cart, Presta Shop, Sugar CRM and so much more open source technologies, each one with its particular benefits.
Drupal is one of the most popular open source web design platforms that have a built-in Content Management System (CMS). It’s chosen by many businesses thanks to its powerful tools and functional platform. It’s a favorable choice out of the other open source technologies because of its user efficiency, meaning you don’t have to be equipped with technical skills in order to actually design the solution how you want. Other features include high website performance due to its built-in caching and scalability (it can be used on multiple servers). It also features easy integration with 3rd party applications, it's search engine friendly, it has supreme security functionality, it provides commercial support through training and education, and it allows management of content by the end user (i.e. you).
Primarily used as a back- end system, Drupal supports a range of website types from personal blogs to government informational sites, and it is built on a PHP language which provides the main database through MySQL. Â
As mentioned previously you don’t have to be of a technical background to be able to use Drupal effectively, although if you haven’t got the time to go through the development process, it might be worth enlisting the help of an expert who has experience in Drupal web design solutions. These experts will be able to support you from the start to the end of the project leaving you stress and hassle free.
Okay, so you’ve established your online presence, and your website is up and running, so what happens next?
Another thing to consider once your website is fully functioning is online marketing techniques, commonly known as Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing uses different techniques to build brand awareness through Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Content marketing and also Email and Newsletter marketing. Using these methods you can shout about your business and build a bigger customer outreach so that people know that your organization exists.
With regular website maintenance, and online marketing you can truly allow all that design and development work to truly flourish.
The hover effects and especially CSS image hover effects are a fashionable yet fairly easy way of adding a touch of creativity to your website, all the while enabling user friendliness and interactivity. Before technology reached this stage, a cursor was deemed enough to let the user know that a picture could be clicked upon to reveal further facts and figures. But everything has its age, and the age of cursors is over. To attract users, and make the website trendier we now have Image Hover Effects. These transitions hover over an image with some sort of icon on them to let the users know that more information is at hand when you click. The hover effects CSS can, in turn, reveal a magnified version of the image, or perhaps some text that has relevance to what you’re looking for on the site.
Nowadays, We can see a lot of website on the internet have used clean typography and nice effects. This is really a beautiful trend in web designing. It makes the design cleaner and easy to readable. It allows the site visitor to stay more time on the website. To create such hover effects, There are many different ways and techniques can be used to create nice looking effects. You can use CSS, Javascript or Jquery to developed modern effects. But, the best and easy way to create is usually CSS, and especially the additions of CSS3 make them handy. These effects can be applied on Images, buttons, logos and as well as on links.
However, there are certain things that a client needs to work on, for getting clarity of the exact requirements of web designing. This involves creation of a sitemap by the client. A sitemap is like a rough estimate of the pages and links that are to be included in the website. This can be better understood with the reference of a company's website, which includes different pages like- company's profile, products and services offered, contact us page etc. The client can create a brief of company's background including the pictures of company, its products etc. In order to have a better understanding of your preferences and for the website designer to know your taste, creating a list of sites that you like is of utmost importance.
• Professionalism- Another important factor to be considered while choosing a website designer is his professional attitude. He should be able to stand to his commitments and must deliver the project timely. Delay in work is not a good sign!
• Affordability- The cost involved in the process of website designing should be in accordance with the standard and fair prices set for this task. It's a long term investment, so spend wisely!
We hope the above information helps you in future projects.
If you're thinking about having a website built, it's important for you to have a clear idea of the process before you begin. Your website could be a profitable business venture for you, but only if you've really done your research ahead of time. Many people begin investing in their new websites before they've really thought out each step and end up wasting money on sites that never see fruition. However, with some simple planning and research, you can set yourself on the right track toward developing a successful website. Here are seven tips for web design and promotion to get you started.
1. Survey the Market and Research Your Competitors
Before you get ahead of yourself and begin hiring a web designer, take some time to survey the market and research your competitors. Look at what other types of websites are out there and see if anyone is doing something similar to your plan. Consider how many people are running similar websites, as well as how professional their websites look. This will help you to determine whether or not it's worth setting up your own site, before you've invested too much in it.
To help ensure the success of your website, you should begin finding a niche market that you can target. You may be tempted to attract any and all customers that you can but you'll actually have greater success targeting a very specific demographic. Think extensively about who your potential audience members are and what they would be most interested in. Then, you can begin to develop your website around these ideas.
2. Brainstorm Design Ideas and Figure Out What You Like
Once you've thought a little more about your site's purpose, you should now think about your ideas for the design. You'll need to consider the best way to present your message or to feature your products to audience members. Keep in mind that people tend to skim websites looking for something interesting or eye-catching, so make sure that the most important elements of your site are featured prominently.
7. Allow Time and Money for Search Engine Optimisation
Google AdWords is a great way to help you get started but it's also important to use search engine optimisation, or SEO, to build organic traffic to your site. While AdWords will automatically place you at the top of search engine rankings with an advert you will have to continue doing that for ever. SEO can help you get to the first page of rankings naturally and eventually you will receive lots of traffic for free. This is important to increasing your traffic and building your site's legitimacy and authority on your subject.
Be sure to budget the time and money for SEO. It's not cheap and it can take 6-12 months to get your page to the first page of rankings for a number of keywords but it will generate a great amount of free traffic when you get there. It may cost about £300-£600 per month but SEO is truly the best way to start bringing in consistent traffic. Over time, your SEO efforts can help you build a reliable customer base and increase your sales. You're website will now be a true competitor in your niche market and well on it's way to success.
In this digital world of the internet, mobiles, laptops, computers and tablets, online presence has become very important. If you want to grow your business, you need to promote it. Using social media platforms to get the attention is just one step towards your goal.
To be honest, we cannot deny the fact that we don't trust an organization if it doesn't have a website of its own. What is the first thing that we do when we want to know more about a specific company? We browse about it on the internet. Don't we?
A website is the mirror image of your company's status and reputation, it is a place where everything is in one place, sorted and organized.
How to create a website?  Follow these steps to create your own website.
Domain name  · The first step is creating your unique domain name.
· A domain name appears like "xyz.com" and you need to visit a registrar to pay for the name you chose.
· They are easy for people to register in their brains.
· Others like Yahoo, Firefox and Bing are also some great options.
· These search engines are absolutely free and therefore the task of promoting your website becomes very easy.
· Other ways to get your site noticed are conventional methods like word of mouth, newspapers, cold calling etc.
What’s on the bill?
Even if we take into account all features listed above, it’s rather difficult to estimate timeframe and cost of such website project. A designer’s website is creative work, which is hard to measure in dry figures. Imagine evaluating Picasso’s paintings by his brush stroke rate. Absurd, isn’t it?
However, based on the number of pages and animations, we can make a guess on the approximate costs of websites that are already produced. Have a look at Makhno and Karim Rashid interior design websites. A project of such scale would take 1200–2000 working hours (design, programming, animations), which would account for $7,000–15,000 in India, $20,000–50,000 in Eastern Europe and $50,000–250,000 in the U.S. However, capability of Indian agencies of creating websites of such level is highly doubtful — we rarely see a company from India among international competitions prizewinners. On the other hand, Eastern European agencies are known for their formidable works.
How high can we go?
Let us say we are building a website for the richest interior designer in the world. What would we achieve with an unlimited budget? How would such website look like? Here are some ideas.
First of all, we would develop and implement a detailed strategy for pre-scheduled update. This would turn our website into a living creature. Prudently planning and gradually adding new content is what keeps the user’s interest. Marketing knacks from the video gaming industry would work flawlessly here: people would strive for new website features and interior design cases, especially, having the next thing in mind.
Virtual reality adaptation — an expensive, but a really awesome feature to integrate. Oculus Rift and HoloLens technologies enable vivid experiences, and what better showcase than seeing the interior design from inside?
Last but not least, it is a good idea to tell interactive stories of happy clients who moved in the designed residences. By seeing how their lives changed, new clients would create an empathetic bond, and project themselves onto these stories.
Every formidable designer has their unique style. An interior designer embodies their style in living spaces. A web designer carves it into websites. For both designers, it is important that the essence of their style is perceived by their clients. And this, to me, is the main goal that a website must achieve.
Source: http://vintage.agency/blog/what-is-a-good-website-for-interior-designers/
Best Website Desinging Companies in India are as follows:-
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