#ART suggests some alternatives to the biohazard & radioactive material warning icons & mb puts them up on its door
coquelicoq · 6 months
System Collapse, ch. 3, p. 39: "I saw I had four private messages waiting from Arada, Amena, Overse, and Pin-Lee. I can’t do that right now. Pretending I’m fine for Mensah was hard enough."
8, 165: "Then he sent me a note back: So, you may not know this, but I read your letter to Dr. Mensah, the one you sent when you left Port FreeCommerce. I think you’re absolutely the right person to write this. I can’t handle that right now so I’m just going to archive it for later."
10, 212: "As I led the humans into the hangar, the contact with AdaCol2 started to drop. I sent, End session, acknowledge. It sent back, End session. There was a pause, then: Be safe. I can’t deal with that right now."
emotions: install "people respect and care about me" updates now!
murderbot: remind me later, remind me later, remind me later--
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