sgnog · 10 months
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Singapore Network Operators’ Group (SGNOG) is a non profit formed to provide Network Operators, Service/Content Providers and vendors a forum to share, discuss and learn about internet trends, technologies and operational experience in Singapore. Through regular events such as conferences, workshops and social events, it provides engineers the opportunities to interact more frequently, and thereby foster greater collaboration at the working level.
SGNOG organizes content around the topics of IP routing & switching, optical transmission, systems, internet security, peering, emerging technologies and operational best practices. The goal and objective of SGNOG is to allow the local and foreign network operators to get together to collaborate to improve the overall internet ecosystem in Singapore. Check out SGNOG social media below: Facebook | X | Instagram | LinkedIn
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oci-fandha12 · 4 years
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Sutardji Calzoum Bachri
Sutardji Calzoum Bachri dijuluki sebagai presiden penyair Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu pelopor penyair angkatan 1970-an, lahir 24 Juni 1941 di Rengat, Indragiri Hulu, Riau. Dia anak kelima dari sebelas orang bersaudara. Ayahnya, Mohammad Bachri, berasal dari Prembun, Kutoardjo, Jawa Tengah, yang sejak masa remaja merantau ke Riau sampai memperoleh jabatan sebagai Ajun Inspektur Polisi, Kepolisian Negara, Kementrian Dalam Negeri, Republik Indonesia di Tanjung Pinang, Riau (Tambelan). Ibunya bernama May Calzoum berasal dari Riau (Tambelan). Tahun 1982 ia menikah dengan Mardiam Linda dan dikaruniai seorang anak perempuan bernama Mila Seraiwangi. Jenjang pendidikan yang dilalui Sutardji dimulai SD, SMP, SMA, kemudian Fakultas Sosial Politik, Jurusan Administrasi Negara, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, tetapi tidak selesai. Selain itu, pada musim panas tahun 1974 ia mengikuti International Poetry Reading di Rotterdam, Belanda. Bulan Oktober 1974--April 1975 ia mengikuti International Writing Program di Universitas Iowa, Iowa City, USA. Dia juga pernah mengikuti penataran P4 di Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta tahun 1984, dan lulus sebagai peringkat pertama dalam 10 terbaik. Dia juga pernah diundang ke Pertemuan Internasional Para Penyair di Baghdad, Irak bersama K.H. Mustofa Bisri dan Taufiq Ismail, juga diundang Dato Anwar Ibrahim (sewaktu menjabar Menteri Keuangan Malaysia) untuk membaca puisi di Departemen Keuangan Malaysia.
Sutardji juga pernah mengikuti berbagai pertemuan sastrawan ASEAN, Pertemuan Sastrawan Nusantara di Singapura, Malaysia, dan Brunei Darussalam. Tahun 1997 Sutardji memenuhi undangan untuk membaca puisi di Festival Puisi Internasional Medellin, Columbia. Sutardji pernah bekerja di majalah Horison sebagai redaktur dan sejak tahun 1996 ia menjadi redaktur senior majalah tersebut. Sutardji juga pernah bekerja di majalah mingguan Fokus, Sutardji juga bekerja menjadi penjaga ruang seni "Bentara", khususnya menangani puisi pada harian Kompas (2000—2002) setelah berhenti menjadi redaktur pada majalah sastra Horison. Proses kreatifnya dimulai sejak mahasiswa saat berumur 25 tahun. Dia mengirimkan sajak-sajak dan esainya ke surat kabar dan mingguan di Bandung, dan di Jakarta, seperti Sinar Harapan, Kompas, Berita Buana, Pikiran Rakyat, Haluan, Horison, dan Budaya Jaya. Pada tahun 1971, sajaknya berjudul "O" yang merupakan kumpulan puisinya yang pertama, muncul di majalah sastra Horison. Pada tahun berikutnya, di majalah yang sama, karyanya berjudul "Amuk" kembali dimuat. Sutardji di kemudian hari dikenal dengan "Kredo Puisi" yang menarik perhatian dunia sastra di Indonesia. Dia berpendapat bahwa kata-kata bukan sekadar sarana untuk menyampaikan pengertian karena menurutnya, kata-kata itu sendiri adalah pengertian. Dia berpikir bahwa kata-kata itu harus terbebas dari penjajahan pengertian dan dari beban ide, serta penjajahan gramatika dan tabu bahasa. Jadi, kata-kata itu harus bebas menentukan dirinya. Dengan demikian, menurut Sutardji, penyair harus memberikan kebebasan seluas-luasnya kepada kata-kata agar kata-kata dapat mewujudkan diri sendiri dan menciptakan dunia pengertiannya sendiri. Kata-kata dalam sajak-sajak Sutardji dapat ditulis sungsang, dipotong, atau dibalik susunannya.
Menurut Sutardji, menulis puisi itu ialah membebaskan kata-kata dan itu berarti mengembalikan kata pada awal mulanya. Pada mulanya adalah kata dan kata pertama adalah mantra. Dengan demikian, menulis puisi baginya adalah mengembalikan kata kepada mantra. Sutardji merupakan salah satu pelopor sastrawan angkatan 1970-an. Puisi-puisinya dipandang para pakar sebagai karya yang membawa nafas baru dalam dunia perpuisian Indonesia. Selain itu, Sutardji juga dikenal sebagai pembaca puisi yang unik, ia sering tampil membacakan puisi di atas panggung. Dalam berpuisi, ide atau opini dalam sajak-sajak yang disampaikan tidak hanya berupa isi pikiran, tetapi juga menyangkut suasana batin dan naluri. Di samping itu, puisi yang dibacakan mudah dicerna oleh para pendengarnya. Karya-karya Sutardji berbentuk puisi, cerpen, dan esai.
Sastrawan ini sangat memikat perhatain saya bukan hanya karena kegigihannya dalam bersastra, akan tetapi juga karena sajak-sajaknya yang bagaikan magnet selalu menarik untuk dibaca. Bukan hanya itu penampilannya yang begitu memukau di atas panggung dengan harmoni yang begitu selaras, sastrawan satu ini sangat patut diberirkan julukan presiden penyair Indonesia. Saya secara pribadi sangat mengagumi sesosok beliau, ia selalu menjadi inspirasi dan panutan saya yang membakar semangat.
Kumpulan puisinya yang pertama berjudul O (1973). Kumpulan puisi berikutnya Amuk (1972). Buku ini pada tahun 1976/1977 mendapat Hadiah Puisi Dewan Kesenian Jakarta. Tahun 1979 terbit buku kumpulan puisinya yang ketiga Kapak. Pada tahun 1981 ketiga buku kumpulan puisinya itu digabungkan dengan judul O, Amuk, Kapak dan diterbitkan oleh Sinar Harapan. Kumpulan puisinya yang lain Atau Ngit Cari Agar (2008), Kucing (1973), Aku Datang Padamu, Perjalanan Kubur David Copperfield, dan Realities Tanah Air. Puisi-puisi karya Sutardi juga dimuat dalam berbagai antologi, antara lain, Arjuna in Meditation (Calcutta, Inia, 1976), Writing from the World (USA), Westerly Review (Australia), Dichters in Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Kunststichting, 1975), Ik Wil nog dulzendjaar leven, negen moderne Indonesische dichter (1979), Laut Biru, Langit Biru (Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya, 1977), Parade Puisi Indonesia (1990), majalah Tenggara, Journal of Southeast Asian Literature 36 dan 37 (1997), dan Horison Sastra Indonesia: Kitab Puisi (2002). Sejumlah sajaknya telah diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Harry Aveling dan diterbitkan dalam antologi Arjuna in Meditation (Calcutta, Inia, 1975), Writing from the World (Amerika Serikat), Westerly Review (Australia) dan dalam dua antologi berbahasa Belanda: Dichters in Rotterdam (Rotterdamse Kunststichting, 1975) dan Ik wil nog duizend jaar leven, negen moderne Indonesische dichters (1979). Sutardji juga menulis esai dan cerpen. Kumpulan cerpennya Hujan Menulis Ayam diterbitkan oleh Indonesia Tera, tahun 2001. Pekerjaannya sebagai redaktur puisi untuk lembaran seni "Bentara" Kompas memberinya kesempatan menulis esai. Kumpulan esainya Gerak Esai dan Ombak Sajak Anno 2001 dan Hijau Kelon & Puisi 2002 berasal dari dua esai yang mengantar kumpulan puisi "Bentara". Dia juga menulis kajian sastra untuk keperluan seminar. Saat ini Sutardji sedang menyiapkan kumpulan esai lengkap dengan judul "Memo Sutardji". Penghargaan yang pernah diterima Sutardji, antara lain, adalah Anugerah Seni Dewan Kesenian Jakarta tahun 1977, Hadiah Sastra Asean (SEA Write Award) dari Kerajaan Thailand tahun 1979, Anugerah Seni Pemerintah Republik Indonesia tahun 1993, Penghargaan Sastra Chairil Anwar tahun 1998, Tahun 2001 ia dianugerai gelar Sastrawan Perdana oleh Pemerintah Daerah Riau, tahun 2008 Ketua Dewan Kesenian Riau (Eddy Akhmad R.M.) menabalkan bulan Juni sebagai bulan Sutardji, dan menerima Bakrie Award 2008.
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blackjackcamp900 · 2 years
Tournoi De Poker Partouche Aix En Provence
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Holland casino hoe werkt het Casino nieuws – twister casino landelijk staking holland casino gaat door, de landelijk staking was nog niet en vrijdag 4 april is het de beurt aan leeuwarden, enschede en groningen. The cosmopolitan comes to life with las vegas casino games like blackjack, three card poker ultimate texas hold’em spanish 21 casino war slots at the cosmopolitan of las vegas, we have a wide variety of slot machines. Is lake charles big enough for golden nugget and l in kinder, northeast of lake charles, the coushatta casino resort on native her twice-monthly trips to the southwest louisiana industrial city from her mecca next door and long the pelican state’s most popular casino. Mosh pit headhunterz remix: flosstradamus feat casino mosh pit headhunterz remix flosstradamus feat casino from the album mosh pit the remixes wildfire original mix original release date: may 20, 2014 release date: may 20, 2014 label: ultra records, llc record company. Casino saint-julien haute savoie : texas hold’em vivez la soirée casino à annecy avec votre équipe seminaire annecy prestige haute savoie alpes team building annecy – challenges. Paul bhattacharjee death: casino royale actor, 53, ‘threw paul bhattacharjee death: casino royale actor, 53, ‘threw himself off cliffs body of paul bhattacharjee was found near cliffs in seaford, east.
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casino partouche aix en provence poker Mauricio vega perfiles: colombia linkedin bumeran, computrabajo, elempleocom redes sociales y comunidades en línea encargado dpto tecnico en casinos chile, jefe de turno planta de postres y hacienda en everis, periodista y productor de medios audiovisuales. Du poker sur toulouse et sa région : actu, casino, parties privées, tournois, cash toulousaine du barrière poker tour ainsi que sa série de tournois annexes. Am dienstag, dem 8 april 2014 orchesterkonzert der mozart-gesellschaft wiesbaden herzog-friedrich-august-saal der wiesbadener casino-gesellschaft. The rainbow club casino in henderson, nv – dinecom the rainbow club casino on 122 water street in henderson, nv find restaurants in henderson, nv read user submitted reviews and ratings and view. Completely renovated in 2011 and overlooking arizona’s breathtaking glen canyon 928 226-8888 350 west forest meadows street flagstaff, az 86001 11300 – 18300 702 298-4200 2121 south casino drive laughlin, nv 89029 5100 – 9400 where will your trip originate by nearest city/airport?. This legacy was undoubtedly showcased during bridal fashion week evoking a classic, romantic feel, oleg cassini’s spring 2015 bridal collection featured.
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algemeennieuws · 5 years
Consul Singapore wilde voor 40.000 gulden zakenman Van Damme ‘redden’ van ophangingsdood
Van Damme woonde in Nigeria en was getrouwd met een Nigeriaanse. Op 27 september 1991 werd hij op het vliegveld van Singapore aangehouden. In een valse bodem van zijn koffer zat 4,3 kilo heroïne. Daar staat in Singapore de doodstraf op.
Nederland heeft in 1993 tot op het laatste moment op hoog niveau geprobeerd de ophanging van zakenman Johannes van Damme in Singapore, wegens drugssmokkel, te voorkomen. De regering kreeg een aanbod uit onverwachte hoek. De honorair-consul van Singapore wilde de Nederlander wel redden tegen betaling van 40.000 gulden. Dat blijkt uit stukken in het Nationaal Archief, die nu openbaar zijn.
In april 1993 startte het proces tegen hem. Van Damme beweerde dat zijn vrouw het kwade genius achter de drugs was en dat zij hem had opgelicht. De rechter veegde dat van tafel. In november van dat jaar werd in hoger beroep zijn doodsvonnis bevestigd.
Uit notulen van de Ministerraad, die het Nationaal Archief nu openbaar heeft gemaakt, blijkt dat Nederland alles heeft geprobeerd om de voltrekking van het vonnis te voorkomen. Een ultiem gratieverzoek van het kabinet werd afgewezen.
Er is nog geen ruchtbaarheid gegeven aan die afwijzing, want er wordt nog een laatste poging ondernomen om de terdoodveroordeling alsnog ongedaan te maken.
volgens de notulen.
De Aanbod
De landsadvocaat bracht rapporten met nieuwe feiten in en minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Hans van Mierlo, vroeg zijn ambtgenoot in Singapore om uitstel van het vonnis. Eerder schakelde Buitenlandse Zaken invloedrijke mensen in Singapore in en deed Amnesty International een poging op basis van nieuwe informatie. Singapore wees alle verzoeken af.
Van Mierlo meldde in de Ministerraad wel tussen neus en lippen door dat de honorair-consul van Singapore aanbood tegen betaling van 40.000 gulden Van Damme te willen ‘redden’. Hoe de diplomaat dat wilde doen, wordt niet vermeld. Wel dat Van Mierlo dat aanbod afwees. Van Damme werd op 23 september 1994 om 6.30 uur plaatselijke tijd opgehangen in de Changi-gevangenis.
Nederland zat flink in zijn maag met de kwestie. Het kabinet was verdeeld over mogelijke gevolgen voor de diplomatieke betrekkingen. Van Mierlo maakte duidelijk dat Nederland de doodstraf als ‘onmenselijk beschouwt’ maar hij wilde geen actie tegen Singapore. Hij noemde economische sancties ‘buitengewoon arbitrair’. ,,Het gaat om tijdelijke maatregelen die op een gegeven moment weer moeten worden teruggedraaid’’, aldus de notulen. Hij zag wel af van deelname aan een overleg in Duitsland tussen de Europese Unie en de Aziatische tegenhanger ASEAN, waar Singapore deel van uitmaakt. Premier Wim Kok was wel voorstander van een tijdelijke opschorting van diplomatieke betrekkingen. En hij wilde de ambassadeur van Singapore in Brussel naar Nederland roepen, zodat de regering haar afschuw kenbaar kon maken. Dat had voor Kok ‘de hoogste prioriteit’. De ambassadeur werd nog diezelfde op het matje geroepen.
from Algemeen Nieuws Nederland https://algemeennieuws.nl/news/consul-singapore-wilde-voor-40-000-gulden-zakenman-van-damme-redden-van-ophangingsdood?uid=93
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futurewise20-blog · 5 years
Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Global Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Market Forecast 2019 to 2029
Humanized liver mice model market to value over USD 115 Million by 2029 end and register a CAGR of over 5.5% from 2019 to 2029.
Humanized mice models are mice that perform human functioning due to the presence of similar genes. Humanized mice models can be attained, through gene modification and replacement. 
Extensive research efforts are focused on developing efficient and new humanized liver mice models. Initially, using simple immune-deficient methods were employed, and mice were implanted with human liver cells or hepatic cancer cells. However, the results were not as desired and consistent. The unreliability of the process led to the discovery of immune-deficient mice that naturally annihilate the mice liver allowing the human liver cells to grow and replace to form stable humanized liver mice models. For instance, a number of studies are exploring the use of PPARalfa and AFC8-based mice models for the development of a humanized liver mice model. Another humanized liver mice model known as the hPXR/CAR/CYP3A4/ 2D6/2C9 mouse has 33 mouse genes replaced with human genetic counterparts. Furthermore, with the improvement in medical science and genetic technology, the scope of developing new genetically engineered humanized liver mice models has widened. The invention of CRISPR technology is one such instance.
The approval of numerous liver disease-associated drugs by the FDA  has also promoted the growth of the market and encouraged research and development. The high expenses of humanized liver mice are projected to restrain the growth of the market. For instance, the immune-deficient mice used for liver studies through grafting are available in the range of US$ 140–500, whereas chimeric humanized liver mice with 75–90% of human hepatocyte replacement, cost about US$ 2500–3500. In addition, since these are specifically genetically modified species, the shipping costs are also significantly higher along with the special containers and facility provided during the transportation, these overheads invariably increase the overheads. 
Replace, reduce and refine is the policy followed in animal studies. It provides a framework for humane research. Replacement of animal models allows the use of alternatives such as 2D & 3D cell lines and is recommended to reduce the number of animals. The aim behind this is to minimize animal suffering without compromising on the statistics of the experiment or research.
Request a Sample Report @ https://www.futurewiseresearch.com/request-sample.aspx?id=254&page=requestsample
By Application ●    Pharmacokinetics Studies ●    In-vivo Liver Toxicity Testing ●    Drug Metabolism Studies ●    Others
By Model ●    uPA-SCID ●    FRG KO Mice ●    TK-NOG Mice ●    Other Models
By End User ●    Pharmaceutical Companies ●    Biotechnology Companies ●    Contract Research Organizations (CRO’s) ●    Academic & Research Institutes
By Region: ●    Europe   ●    North America   ●    APAC   ●    Latin America ●    Rest of World  The market of North America garners the maximum revenue and is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.    
Purchase a Copy of this Premium Research Report & Ask for Discount: https://www.futurewiseresearch.com/request-sample.aspx?id=254&page=askfordiscount
Competitive Landscape:   ●    Tier 1 players- established companies in the market with a major market share   ●    Tier 2 players  ●    Emerging players which are growing rapidly  ●    New Entrants   Major market influencers include Yecuris Corporation, PhoenixBio Group, Beijing Vitalstar Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Hera BioLabs, Taconic Biosciences, Inc., University of Massachusetts Medical School, Oncodesign, University of Nebraska Medical Center and Jackson Laboratory.
FutureWise Key Takeaways   ●    Growth prospects  ●    SWOT analysis  ●    Key trends  ●    Key data points affecting market growth  
Objectives of the Study:  ●    To provide an exhaustive analysis on the humanized liver mice model based on application, model, end user and region     ●    To cater comprehensive information on factors impacting market growth (drivers, restraints, opportunities, and industry-specific restraints)  ●    To evaluate and forecast micro-markets and overall market   ●    To predict the market size, in key regions (along with countries)—North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa  ●    To record evaluate and competitive landscape mapping- product launches, technological advancements, mergers and expansions  ●    Profiling of companies to evaluate their market shares, strategies, financials and core competencies   
  Table of Contents
1. Market Introduction
     2.1. Market Definition
     2.2. Market Taxonomy
2. Executive Summary
     1.1. Market Overview
     1.2. Market Analysis
3. Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Opportunity Analysis
     3.1. Macro-Economic Factors
     3.2. Opportunity Analysis
4. Market Dynamics
     4.2.1. Drivers
     4.2.2. Restraints
     4.2.3. Trends
5. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Model, 2014–2019
5.4.1. uPA-SCID
            5.4.2. FRG KO Mice
            5.4.3. TK-NOG Mice
            5.4.4. Other Models
     5.5. Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Model, 2019–2029
6.  Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Application, 2014–2019
            6.6.1. Pharmacokinetics Studies
            6.6.2. In-vivo Liver Toxicity Testing
            6.6.3. Drug Metabolism Studies
            6.6.4. Others
    6.7. Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Application, 2019–2029
7.  Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By End User, 2014–2019
·         Pharmaceutical Companies
·         Biotechnology Companies
·         Contract Research Organizations (CRO’s)
·         Academic & Research Institutes
     7.1   Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By End User, 2019–2029
8. North America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029
     Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Country, 2014–2018
·         U.S.
·         Canada
     Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029
8. Latin America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029
     8.1. Introduction
     8.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Country, 2014–2018
            8.2.1. Brazil
            8.2.2. Mexico
            8.2.3. Rest of Latin America
9. Europe Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029
     9.1. Introduction
     9.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Country, 2014–2018
            9.2.1. U.K.
            9.2.2. Germany
            9.2.3. France
            9.2.4. Italy
            9.2.5. Spain
            9.2.6. Russia
            9.2.7. Rest of Europe
     9.3. Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029
10. Asia Pacific Excluding China Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029
     10.1. Introduction
     10.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Country, 2014–2018
            10.2.1. Japan
            10.2.2. India
            10.2.3. Australia and New Zealand
            10.2.4. South Korea
            10.2.5. ASEAN
            10.2.6. Rest of Asia Pacific
     10.3. Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029
11. China Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029
     11.1. Introduction
     11.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Model, 2014–2018
            11.2.1. uPA-SCID
            11.2.2. FRG KO Mice
            11.2.3. TK-NOG Mice
            11.2.4. Other Models
     11.3. Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Model, 2019–2029
12. Middle East & Africa Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 2014–2018 and Forecast 2019–2029
     12.1. Introduction
     12.2. Historical Market Value (US$ Mn) Trend Analysis By Country, 2014–2018
            12.2.1. GCC Countries
            12.2.2. South Africa
            12.2.3. Rest of MEA
     12.3. Market Value (US$ Mn) Forecast By Country, 2019–2029
13. Competition Analysis
·         Hera BioLabs
·         Taconic Biosciences, Inc.
·         Beijing Vitalstar Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
·         Yecuris Corporation
·         PhoenixBio Group
·         In-Vivo Science Inc.
·         The Jackson Laboratory
·         University of Massachusetts Medical School(Mueller Lab)
·         Oncodesign
·         University of Nebraska Medical Center
Inquire further details about this report at: [email protected]
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Global Air Quality Control System Market 2019 Know The Key Growth Drivers Developments and Innovations 2025
A recent market study published by the company Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Global Industry Analysis 2013 2017 and Forecast 2018 2026 consists a comprehensive assessment of the most important market dynamics. On conducting a comprehensive research on the historic as well as current growth parameters of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market, the growth prospects of the market are obtained with maximum precision. The report features unique and salient factors that are likely to have a high impact on the development of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the forecast period. It can help market players modify their manufacturing and marketing strategies to envisage maximum growth in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in the upcoming years. The report provides detailed information about the current and future growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in the most comprehensive manner for the better understanding of readers.
Get Free Sample PDF Of The Report: https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2056921
Chapter 1 Executive Summary
The report commences with the executive summary of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market report, which includes the summary of key findings and key statistics of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market. It also includes the market value (US$ million) estimates of the leading segments of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market.
Chapter 2 Market Overview
Readers can find detailed taxonomy and the definition of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in this chapter, which helps them understand the basic information about the Humanized Liver Mice Model market dynamics, opportunity analysis, list of key distributors & suppliers, list of key market participants, epidemiology study, and patent assessment.
Chapter 3 North America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the North America Humanized Liver Mice Model market along with a country-wise assessment that includes the U.S. and Canada. Readers can also find market growth and market attractiveness analysis based on model, application, end user and country of the Humanized Liver Mice Model in the North American region.
Make an Enquiry at: https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=2056921
Chapter 4 Latin America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Readers can find detailed information about the growth of the Latin America Humanized Liver Mice Model market. This chapter also includes the growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in leading LATAM countries such as Brazil, Mexico and the rest of the Latin America region.
Chapter 5 Europe Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Important growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market based on its model, applications and end user in several European countries, such as U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and rest of Europe, are included in this chapter.
Chapter 6 Asia Pacific Excluding China (APEC) Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand are the leading countries in the APEC region, which are the prime subjects of assessment to obtain the growth prospects of the APEC Humanized Liver Mice Model market in this chapter. Readers can find detailed information about the growth parameters of the APAC Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the period 2018-2026.
Chapter 7 China Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Readers can find detailed information about the growth parameters of the China Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the period 2018-2026 in this chapter.
Chapter 8 Middle East & Africa (MEA) Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
This chapter provides information about how the Humanized Liver Mice Model market will grow in the major countries in the MEA region, such as GCC Countries, South Africa and the rest of MEA, during the period 2013-2026.
Chapter 9 Competition Landscape and Company Profiles
In this chapter, readers can find a comprehensive list of all the leading stakeholders in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market along with detailed information about each company, including company overview, revenue shares, strategic overview and recent company developments. Market players featured in this report include Yecuris Corporation, PhoenixBio Group, Beijing Vitalstar Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Hera BioLabs, Taconic Biosciences, Inc., University of Massachusetts Medical School, Oncodesign, University of Nebraska Medical Center and Jackson Laboratory.
Chapter 10 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Model
Based on the Model, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into uPA-SCID Mice, FRG KO Mice, TK-NOG Mice and Other Models. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the model type.
Chapter 11 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Application
Based on the application, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into pharmacokinetics studies, In-vivo liver toxicity tests, drug metabolism studies and other applications. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the application.
Chapter 12 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By End User
Based on the end user, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, CROs and academic & research institutes. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the end user.
Chapter 13 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Region
This chapter explains how the Humanized Liver Mice Model market will grow across various geographic regions, which include North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and the Middle East & Africa (MEA).
About ResearchMoz ResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.
For More Information Kindly Contact: ResearchMoz Mr. Nachiket Ghumare, Tel: +1-518-621-2074 USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948 Website: https://www.researchmoz.us Email: [email protected] Blog: https://blogreportstudy.blogspot.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/13221461
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Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market- Ongoing Study Reveals Key Factors Will Drive the Growth in Coming Years
A recent market study published by the company Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Global Industry Analysis 2013 2017 and Forecast 2018 2026 consists a comprehensive assessment of the most important market dynamics. On conducting a comprehensive research on the historic as well as current growth parameters of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market, the growth prospects of the market are obtained with maximum precision. The report features unique and salient factors that are likely to have a high impact on the development of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the forecast period. It can help market players modify their manufacturing and marketing strategies to envisage maximum growth in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in the upcoming years. The report provides detailed information about the current and future growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in the most comprehensive manner for the better understanding of readers.
Get Free Sample PDF Of The Report: https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2056921
Chapter 1 Executive Summary
The report commences with the executive summary of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market report, which includes the summary of key findings and key statistics of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market. It also includes the market value (US$ million) estimates of the leading segments of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market.
Chapter 2 Market Overview
Readers can find detailed taxonomy and the definition of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in this chapter, which helps them understand the basic information about the Humanized Liver Mice Model market dynamics, opportunity analysis, list of key distributors & suppliers, list of key market participants, epidemiology study, and patent assessment.
Chapter 3 North America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the North America Humanized Liver Mice Model market along with a country-wise assessment that includes the U.S. and Canada. Readers can also find market growth and market attractiveness analysis based on model, application, end user and country of the Humanized Liver Mice Model in the North American region.
Make an Enquiry at: https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=2056921
Chapter 4 Latin America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Readers can find detailed information about the growth of the Latin America Humanized Liver Mice Model market. This chapter also includes the growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in leading LATAM countries such as Brazil, Mexico and the rest of the Latin America region.
Chapter 5 Europe Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Important growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market based on its model, applications and end user in several European countries, such as U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and rest of Europe, are included in this chapter.
Chapter 6 Asia Pacific Excluding China (APEC) Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand are the leading countries in the APEC region, which are the prime subjects of assessment to obtain the growth prospects of the APEC Humanized Liver Mice Model market in this chapter. Readers can find detailed information about the growth parameters of the APAC Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the period 2018-2026.
Chapter 7 China Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Readers can find detailed information about the growth parameters of the China Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the period 2018-2026 in this chapter.
Chapter 8 Middle East & Africa (MEA) Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
This chapter provides information about how the Humanized Liver Mice Model market will grow in the major countries in the MEA region, such as GCC Countries, South Africa and the rest of MEA, during the period 2013-2026.
Chapter 9 Competition Landscape and Company Profiles
In this chapter, readers can find a comprehensive list of all the leading stakeholders in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market along with detailed information about each company, including company overview, revenue shares, strategic overview and recent company developments. Market players featured in this report include Yecuris Corporation, PhoenixBio Group, Beijing Vitalstar Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Hera BioLabs, Taconic Biosciences, Inc., University of Massachusetts Medical School, Oncodesign, University of Nebraska Medical Center and Jackson Laboratory.
Chapter 10 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Model
Based on the Model, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into uPA-SCID Mice, FRG KO Mice, TK-NOG Mice and Other Models. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the model type.
Chapter 11 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Application
Based on the application, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into pharmacokinetics studies, In-vivo liver toxicity tests, drug metabolism studies and other applications. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the application.
Chapter 12 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By End User
Based on the end user, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, CROs and academic & research institutes. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the end user.
Chapter 13 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Region
This chapter explains how the Humanized Liver Mice Model market will grow across various geographic regions, which include North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and the Middle East & Africa (MEA).
About ResearchMoz ResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.
For More Information Kindly Contact: ResearchMoz Mr. Nachiket Ghumare, Tel: +1-518-621-2074 USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948 Website: https://www.researchmoz.us Email: [email protected] Blog: https://blogreportstudy.blogspot.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn @ https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/13221461
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Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Expected to Witness Unprecedented Growth In Coming Years
A recent market study published by the company Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Global Industry Analysis 2013 2017 and Forecast 2018 2026 consists a comprehensive assessment of the most important market dynamics. On conducting a comprehensive research on the historic as well as current growth parameters of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market, the growth prospects of the market are obtained with maximum precision. The report features unique and salient factors that are likely to have a high impact on the development of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the forecast period. It can help market players modify their manufacturing and marketing strategies to envisage maximum growth in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in the upcoming years. The report provides detailed information about the current and future growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in the most comprehensive manner for the better understanding of readers.
Chapter 1 Executive Summary
The report commences with the executive summary of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market report, which includes the summary of key findings and key statistics of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market. It also includes the market value (US$ million) estimates of the leading segments of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market.
Chapter 2 Market Overview
Readers can find detailed taxonomy and the definition of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in this chapter, which helps them understand the basic information about the Humanized Liver Mice Model market dynamics, opportunity analysis, list of key distributors & suppliers, list of key market participants, epidemiology study, and patent assessment.
Get Free Sample Copy of Report Visit:  https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=S&repid=2056921
Chapter 3 North America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the North America Humanized Liver Mice Model market along with a country-wise assessment that includes the U.S. and Canada. Readers can also find market growth and market attractiveness analysis based on model, application, end user and country of the Humanized Liver Mice Model in the North American region.
Chapter 4 Latin America Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Readers can find detailed information about the growth of the Latin America Humanized Liver Mice Model market. This chapter also includes the growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market in leading LATAM countries such as Brazil, Mexico and the rest of the Latin America region.
Chapter 5 Europe Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Important growth prospects of the Humanized Liver Mice Model market based on its model, applications and end user in several European countries, such as U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and rest of Europe, are included in this chapter.
Chapter 6 Asia Pacific Excluding China (APEC) Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand are the leading countries in the APEC region, which are the prime subjects of assessment to obtain the growth prospects of the APEC Humanized Liver Mice Model market in this chapter. Readers can find detailed information about the growth parameters of the APAC Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the period 2018-2026.
Read Overview of Report @  https://www.researchmoz.us/global-market-study-on-humanized-liver-mice-model-application-in-new-drug-development-for-liver-cancer-to-support-growing-demand-for-in-vivo-toxicity-testing-report.html
Chapter 7 China Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
Readers can find detailed information about the growth parameters of the China Humanized Liver Mice Model market during the period 2018-2026 in this chapter.
Chapter 8 Middle East & Africa (MEA) Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026
This chapter provides information about how the Humanized Liver Mice Model market will grow in the major countries in the MEA region, such as GCC Countries, South Africa and the rest of MEA, during the period 2013-2026.
Chapter 9 Competition Landscape and Company Profiles
In this chapter, readers can find a comprehensive list of all the leading stakeholders in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market along with detailed information about each company, including company overview, revenue shares, strategic overview and recent company developments. Market players featured in this report include Yecuris Corporation, PhoenixBio Group, Beijing Vitalstar Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Hera BioLabs, Taconic Biosciences, Inc., University of Massachusetts Medical School, Oncodesign, University of Nebraska Medical Center and Jackson Laboratory.
Chapter 10 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Model
Based on the Model, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into uPA-SCID Mice, FRG KO Mice, TK-NOG Mice and Other Models. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the model type.
Make An Enquiry@  https://www.researchmoz.us/enquiry.php?type=E&repid=2056921
Chapter 11 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Application
Based on the application, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into pharmacokinetics studies, In-vivo liver toxicity tests, drug metabolism studies and other applications. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the application.
Chapter 12 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By End User
Based on the end user, the Humanized Liver Mice Model market is segmented into pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, CROs and academic & research institutes. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the Humanized Liver Mice Model market and market attractive analysis based on the end user.
Chapter 13 Global Humanized Liver Mice Model Market Analysis 20132017 and Forecast 20182026, By Region
This chapter explains how the Humanized Liver Mice Model market will grow across various geographic regions, which include North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC) and the Middle East & Africa (MEA).
Chapter 14 Assumptions and Acronyms
This chapter includes a list of acronyms and assumptions that provide a base to the information and statistics included in the report.
Chapter 15 Research Methodology
This chapter helps readers understand the research methodology followed to obtain various conclusions, important qualitative information and quantitative information about the Humanized Liver Mice Model market.
About ResearchMoz ResearchMoz is the one stop online destination to find and buy market research reports & Industry Analysis. We fulfill all your research needs spanning across industry verticals with our huge collection of market research reports. We provide our services to all sizes of organizations and across all industry verticals and markets. Our Research Coordinators have in-depth knowledge of reports as well as publishers and will assist you in making an informed decision by giving you unbiased and deep insights on which reports will satisfy your needs at the best price.
For More Information Kindly Contact: ResearchMoz Mr. Nachiket Ghumare, Tel: +1-518-621-2074 USA-Canada Toll Free: 866-997-4948 Website: https://www.researchmoz.us Email: [email protected] Blog: https://researchknowledgeresource.blogspot.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn @ http://bit.ly/1TBmnVG
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