#AWS DevOps fast track online training
yashvashisht · 2 months
Tips and Tricks To Choose The Right AWS DevOps Course
In today's fast paced tech landscape, staying ahead of the curve is paramount for professionals aiming to excel in their careers. With businesses increasingly transitioning to the cloud, expertise in platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become indispensable. Within this realm, the fusion of development and operations, known as Devops, plays a pivotal role in optimizing software development processes and organizational efficiency.
For individuals venturing into the realm of AWS Devops, choosing the right training and certification is pivotal. With numerous online courses available, making the best selection can feel overwhelming. To aid in this decision-making process, here are invaluable tips and tricks:
1. Clarify Your Objectives:
Before diving into AWS Devops, take a moment to define your goals clearly. Are you looking for a career shift, aiming to enhance existing skills, or simply exploring new opportunities? Establishing your objectives will provide clarity and guide you towards a course that aligns with your aspirations.
2. Conduct Thorough Research:
Not all AWS Devops courses are created equal. It's essential to conduct comprehensive research to assess the credibility, quality of content, and reputation of potential training providers. Delve into reviews, testimonials, and ratings from past students to gauge the effectiveness and relevance of the course.
3. Verify Accreditation and Certification:
Ensure that the course you opt for is accredited by reputable organizations and holds recognition within the industry. Look for AWS Devops certifications offered by authorized training partners, as these credentials carry weight in the job market and validate your expertise.
4. Evaluate Course Curriculum:
Carefully review the course curriculum to ensure it covers all necessary aspects aligned with your learning objectives. A well-structured curriculum should encompass fundamental AWS services, Devops principles, automation tools, CI/CD pipelines, infrastructure as code (IaC), monitoring, and troubleshooting techniques.
5. Prioritize Hands-on Experience:
Theory alone isn't sufficient for mastering AWS Devops. Look for courses that offer hands-on labs, projects, and real-world scenarios to reinforce theoretical concepts and cultivate practical skills. Practical experience is invaluable in preparing you for real-world challenges and enhancing employability.
6. Assess Instructor Expertise:
The expertise of instructors significantly impacts the learning experience. Seek courses taught by experienced industry professionals with a proven track record in AWS and Devops. Instructor-led training can offer valuable insights, practical tips, and personalized guidance to navigate complex concepts effectively.
7. Consider Flexibility and Accessibility:
Take into account your schedule and learning preferences when selecting a course format. Choose from options such as self-paced online courses, instructor-led virtual classrooms, or blended learning approaches to accommodate your lifestyle and commitments. Additionally, ensure that course materials are easily accessible and compatible with your devices for seamless learning.
8. Leverage Community Support and Resources:
Joining a supportive learning community can enrich your learning experience and provide opportunities for networking and collaboration. Seek courses that offer forums, discussion groups, or mentorship programs where you can interact with peers, share insights, and seek assistance when needed. Access to supplementary resources such as study guides, practice exams, and reference materials can further enhance learning and exam preparation.
9. Balance Cost Considerations:
While investing in education is invaluable, it's essential to consider the cost-effectiveness of the course. Compare pricing plans, discounts, and payment options offered by different providers to find a balance between affordability and value. Remember to prioritize quality and reputation over cost savings, as the cheapest option may not always offer the best quality.
10. Seek Guidance and Recommendations:
Don't hesitate to seek guidance from industry professionals, mentors, or colleagues who have pursued similar paths. Their insights, recommendations, and firsthand experiences can offer valuable perspectives and help you make informed decisions. Additionally, reach out to training providers directly to clarify any doubts or queries you may have before enrolling in a course.
In Conclusion
Selecting the right AWS Devops course is a critical step towards advancing your career and mastering essential skills in cloud computing and Devops practices. By following these tips and leveraging the wealth of resources available, you can make an informed decision and embark on a rewarding learning journey that propels you towards success in the dynamic world of technology.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Which AWS certification is best for DevOps?
Various AWS certifications are relevant for Devops professionals, including AWS Certified Devops Engineer, AWS Certified Solutions Architect, and AWS Certified Developer. The most suitable certification depends on your specific role, expertise, and career goals. Consider factors such as job requirements, skill gaps, and desired specialization when choosing the right certification path.
What should I learn in AWS for DevOps?
To excel in AWS Devops, it's essential to acquire proficiency in AWS services such as EC2, S3, Lambda, CloudFormation, IAM, CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, and CloudWatch. Additionally, mastering DevOps practices, automation tools, CI/CD pipelines, containerization (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes), and infrastructure as code (IaC) principles is crucial for effective software delivery and operational efficiency.
How do I prepare for DevOps AWS?
Preparing for Devops AWS requires a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and hands-on experience. Start by familiarizing yourself with AWS services, Devops methodologies, and relevant tools through online courses, tutorials, and documentation. Practice building and deploying applications on AWS, setting up CI/CD pipelines, and automating infrastructure provisioning using tools like AWS CloudFormation and Terraform. Additionally, consider pursuing AWS Devops certifications to validate your expertise and enhance your credibility.
What is the best way to learn DevOps?
The best way to learn Devops is through a combination of self-study, hands-on practice, and structured training programs. Start by gaining a solid understanding of Devops principles, practices, and tools through online resources, books, and tutorials. Engage in practical exercises, projects, and real-world scenarios to apply theoretical concepts and develop proficiency in automation, CI/CD, and infrastructure management. Additionally, consider enrolling in Devops courses or certification programs offered by reputable training providers to accelerate your learning and gain industry-recognized credentials.
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vidhyaguna · 3 months
Unveiling the Power of Cloud DevOps: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the integration of cloud computing and DevOps practices has become essential for businesses striving to stay competitive. Cloud DevOps, a combination of cloud computing and DevOps methodologies, empowers teams to deliver software faster, more reliably, and with greater efficiency. For beginners looking to delve into this transformative approach, understanding the fundamentals is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essence of Cloud DevOps, its benefits, key components, best practices, and how to get started on your journey.
Firstly, let's talk about cloud computing. In simple terms, cloud computing refers to the practice of using remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than using a local server or personal computer. These remote servers are often owned and maintained by third-party service providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform. Transform challenges into opportunities with DevOps training in Coimbatore, making your team adaptable to the ever-evolving tech landscape.
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Key Components of Cloud DevOps:
Cloud Infrastructure: The foundation of Cloud DevOps is the cloud infrastructure, which provides the necessary resources and environment for developing, testing, and deploying applications. Cloud infrastructure can be public, private, or hybrid, depending on the organization's requirements.
Continuous Integration (CI): Continuous Integration is a practice in which developers integrate their code into a shared repository frequently. This ensures that any conflicts or issues are identified and resolved early in the development process. CI tools like Jenkins or Travis CI automate the build and testing process, making it easier for developers to collaborate and deliver code changes quickly.
Continuous Delivery (CD): Continuous Delivery is the next step after Continuous Integration. It focuses on automating the deployment process, allowing organizations to release software updates more frequently and reliably. CD tools like Docker or Kubernetes help manage the deployment pipeline, ensuring that applications are deployed consistently across different environments.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Infrastructure as Code is a practice that treats infrastructure configuration as code. Instead of manually configuring servers and resources, IaC allows developers to define infrastructure using code, typically in a domain-specific language like YAML or JSON. Tools like Terraform or CloudFormation enable infrastructure provisioning and configuration management as code. Unlock the secrets of DevOps at your own pace our DevOps online course caters to your schedule, making expertise accessible on your terms.
Monitoring and Logging: Monitoring and logging are crucial for maintaining the health and performance of applications in a Cloud DevOps environment. Organizations need to have effective monitoring tools in place to track key performance indicators, identify bottlenecks, and troubleshoot issues proactively. Logging tools like ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Splunk help collect and analyze logs from different components of the system.
Security: Security is a critical aspect of any software development process, including Cloud DevOps. Organizations must implement robust security measures to protect their applications and data from potential threats. This includes secure configuration management, vulnerability scanning, access control mechanisms, and regular security audits.
Collaboration and Communication: Cloud DevOps emphasizes collaboration and communication between different teams involved in the software development lifecycle. Tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams facilitate real-time communication, while project management tools like Jira or Trello help track progress and manage tasks more efficiently.
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Cloud DevOps represents a paradigm shift in software development and delivery, empowering organizations to innovate, adapt, and thrive in today's digital era. By embracing collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, teams can unlock the full potential of Cloud DevOps to deliver high-quality software at speed and scale. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or a beginner embarking on this journey, the key lies in embracing the core principles, leveraging best practices, and fostering a culture of learning and innovation.
Embark on your Cloud DevOps journey today and unleash the power of continuous innovation and delivery in the cloud!
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wicultyls · 3 months
The Evolution of DevOps Certification: New Trends and Innovations
In the fast-paced world of technology, DevOps has emerged as a crucial methodology for fostering collaboration between development and operations teams, thereby accelerating software delivery and improving overall business outcomes. As DevOps continues to gain prominence, the demand for skilled professionals in this field has skyrocketed. Consequently, DevOps certification programs have become increasingly popular among aspiring and seasoned practitioners alike. However, with the ever-evolving landscape of technology and methodologies, these certification programs must adapt to meet the changing needs of the industry. In this article, we explore the evolution of DevOps certification, highlighting new trends and innovations that are shaping the future of this critical aspect of IT education.
The Rise of DevOps Certification: DevOps certification programs initially gained traction as a means for professionals to validate their knowledge and skills in implementing DevOps practices. These certifications typically covered core principles such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, automated testing, and infrastructure as code. As organizations recognized the value of DevOps in driving efficiency and innovation, the demand for certified DevOps practitioners surged.
However, as DevOps adoption matured, it became apparent that traditional certification programs were not keeping pace with emerging technologies and practices. To address this gap, certification bodies began to revise their curriculum to encompass a broader range of topics, including containerization, microservices architecture, cloud-native technologies, and site reliability engineering (SRE). Additionally, there was a growing emphasis on soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and leadership, reflecting the importance of cultural transformation in successful DevOps implementations.
New Trends in DevOps Certification: One of the most significant trends in DevOps certification is the shift towards role-based certifications. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach, certification providers now offer specialized tracks tailored to different roles within the DevOps ecosystem. For example, there are certifications specifically designed for developers, operations engineers, quality assurance professionals, and DevOps leaders. This trend acknowledges the diverse skill sets and responsibilities within DevOps teams and provides candidates with targeted training that aligns with their career aspirations.
Another emerging trend is the integration of DevOps certification with cloud platforms and tools. As cloud computing continues to dominate the IT landscape, proficiency in cloud services such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform has become essential for DevOps professionals. Certification programs now offer modules or specializations focused on cloud technologies, enabling candidates to demonstrate their expertise in deploying and managing applications in cloud environments.
Innovations in DevOps Certification: In addition to revising curriculum and introducing new specializations, certification providers are leveraging innovative delivery methods to enhance the learning experience. Online courses, virtual labs, interactive simulations, and self-paced learning modules are increasingly common, making it easier for professionals to access training resources from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, some certification programs incorporate gamification elements, such as badges, points, and leaderboards, to increase engagement and motivation among learners.
Another notable innovation is the use of performance-based assessments in certification exams. Rather than relying solely on multiple-choice questions, these exams present candidates with real-world scenarios and challenges that simulate the demands of a DevOps environment. By assessing candidates' ability to solve problems and make decisions in a hands-on setting, performance-based exams provide a more accurate measure of practical skills and readiness for the workforce.
Conclusion: The evolution of DevOps certification reflects the dynamic nature of the IT industry and the evolving demands of modern software development practices. As organizations continue to embrace DevOps as a strategic enabler of innovation and agility, the need for skilled and certified professionals will only intensify. By staying abreast of new trends and innovations in DevOps certification, aspiring practitioners can position themselves for success in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.
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ranjitha78 · 7 months
Becoming a Full-Stack Developer: Your Shortcut to Success
In the fast-paced world of technology, the role of a full-stack developer continues to evolve.
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1.Learn the Basics of Web Development: To become a full-stack developer, you need to have a solid foundation in web development.
Start with the basics:
HTML: This is the backbone of web development. Learn how to create web pages using HTML.
CSS: Understand how to style your web pages with CSS.
JavaScript: Master the fundamentals of this powerful scripting language that makes your websites interactive.
2.Front-End Development: Now that you have the fundamentals down, it's time to dive into front-end development. You'll need to learn:
Responsive Design: Understand how to make your websites look great on all devices.
Frameworks and Libraries: Explore popular front-end frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. Pick one and become proficient in it.
3.Back-End Development: After conquering the front end, it's time to delve into back-end development. Key areas to focus on include:
Server-side Languages: Choose a server-side language like Node.js, Python, Ruby, or PHP. Learn how to build server applications.
Databases: Get familiar with databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Learn how to store and retrieve data.
APIs: Understand how to create and consume APIs, which enable data exchange between the front end and back end.
4.Version Control (Git): Learn how to use Git, a version control system. It helps you manage and track changes to your code, collaborate with others, and safeguard your work.
5. Basic DevOps Skills: Get a basic understanding of DevOps practices. This includes knowledge of tools like Docker and how to deploy your applications on cloud platforms like AWS or Heroku.
6.Project Work: Start working on personal projects. Build a portfolio of web applications, websites, or tools to showcase your skills to potential employers.
7. Continuous Learning: Keep learning and stay updated with the latest web development trends and technologies. Attend meetups, workshops, or online courses to sharpen your skills.
8. Soft Skills: Don't forget the importance of communication and problem-solving skills. Full-stack developers often work on cross-functional teams and need to be effective collaborators.
9. Job Search and Networking: Once you've honed your skills, start networking with other developers and look for job opportunities. Sites like LinkedIn, GitHub, and Stack Overflow are great places to connect with the tech community.
10.Be persistent. Becoming a full-stack developer is a journey that requires determination. Be patient, and don't get discouraged by challenges along the way.
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To become a full-stack developer, I highly recommend ACTE Technologies. ACTE Technologies is a trusted provider of IT training and certification programs, including specialized full-stack developer training with career guidance. Whether you're aiming to boost your career or dive into the world of development, ACTE Technologies can be your partner on the path to full-stack developer training expertise.
Thank you!
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Best AWS with DevOps Certification Training Course Hyderabad
A DevOps Training Institute in Hyderabad is a pathway to access in-depth knowledge working with various tools, Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Kubernetes. From online & classroom to fast-track & one-to-one AWS with Devops training is provided during weekdays and weekends to the attendees.
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kph-it-training · 2 years
Realtime azure data Engineer training classes with Realtime Projects + Scenarios.
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Realtime azure data Engineer training classes with Realtime Projects + Scenarios.
Best powerbi + azure data Engineer , Tableau, MSBI Training Institute in Hyderabad trained by Industry Expert. ------------------------------------ -We offer Online | Offline | Corporate Training KPH Trainings is one of the best Software training institute in Hyderabad. >> Real Time Training Get engaged with Real Time learning experience from our expert instructors. >> 100 % Job Assistance Fast-track your career growth with our excellent curriculum and get the best placement assistance. >> Real Time Scenarios Our Real Time Case Studies help in enhancing your skill set.
For Further Details walk-in to our institute KPH Trainings. Flot No. 315 Annapurna Block, Mythrivanam, Ameerpet, Hyderabad Mobile Number: +91 9121 798 535 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kphit.com
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vidhyaguna · 3 months
How to Enhance Your IT Job Prospects by Learning DevOps Tools
Boost Your Career: Mastering DevOps Tools for IT Success
In the fast-evolving landscape of Information Technology (IT), staying ahead is not just an option; it's a necessity. One surefire way to enhance your IT job prospects is by mastering DevOps tools. Let's delve into the world of DevOps and explore how this skill can catapult your career to new heights. Unlock the true potential of your software development lifecycle through DevOps training in Hyderbad — where speed meets quality.”
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Essential Tools to Land a DevOps Job
Certainly! Landing a DevOps job involves mastering key tools that streamline processes and enhance collaboration. Here’s a concise guide to the must-know tools:
1. Version Control: Git
Learn Git for version control. It’s essential for tracking code changes, collaborating with others, and maintaining a reliable codebase.
2. Automation: Jenkins
Jenkins is a powerful automation tool. Master it to automate building, testing, and deployment processes, ensuring efficiency in your DevOps workflows.
3. Configuration Management: Ansible
Ansible simplifies configuration management and application deployment. It’s agentless and easy to learn, making it a valuable asset for DevOps professionals.
4. Containerization: Docker
Docker is a game-changer. Understand containerization to package and deploy applications consistently across various environments.
5. Container Orchestration: Kubernetes
Kubernetes is crucial for managing and orchestrating containerized applications at scale. It’s widely adopted in DevOps environments.
6. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Terraform
Terraform allows you to define and provision infrastructure as code. Mastering IaC enhances your ability to manage and scale infrastructure efficiently.DevOps knowledge delivered to your doorstep — learn, practice, and thrive with our comprehensive DevOps online course.
7. Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): Travis CI
Travis CI is a superior tool for automating the CI/CD pipeline. Learn how to integrate it into your projects for continuous testing and deployment.
8. Monitoring and Logging: Prometheus and ELK Stack
Use Prometheus for monitoring and the ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for logging. These tools help you track system performance and troubleshoot issues effectively.
9. Cloud Platforms: AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud
Familiarize yourself with at least one cloud platform. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are popular choices. Cloud knowledge is a major asset in the DevOps landscape.
10. Collaboration: Slack
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In conclusion, mastering DevOps tools is not just a skill; it's a strategic move to elevate your IT career. By embracing containerization, automation, and efficient configuration management, you position yourself as a sought-after professional in the ever-evolving IT landscape. Invest in your learning, gain hands-on experience, and stay connected to the DevOps community – your journey to success begins now.
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Thinkific: DevOps Engineering Lead
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Headquarters: Vancouver, BC URL: https://thinkific.com
Are you an experienced DevOps Engineer with a passion for mentoring, guiding, and managing high-performing teams? Do you have strong development capabilities and comprehensive knowledge of systems, operations, and their future directions?  Does the idea of joining a fast-paced, rapidly growing company excite you? If yes, read on!
As a DevOps Engineering Lead, you will work closely with our Engineering and Product Management teams to guide and mentor a team of 4-7 people to deliver infrastructure improvements and tools into the stack while balancing technical and project needs.  Additionally, you are expected to be up to date with the latest trends and technologies in production infrastructure and tooling, in order to ensure that best practices for quality software development and testing methodologies are followed. You will work with the Architecture team to ensure that business requirements that have been turned into technical requirements become technical specifications, and work with your team to clarify and implement those specifications.
In this role, you will:
Engage in recurring 1-on-1s with team members and support their development through regular coaching and mentorship
Prepare and execute annual performance reviews and 6-month check-ins for team members
Work as an individual contributor in our devops workflow
Help engineers get their work done by supporting the team with blockers and continually looking for ways to improve team efficiency
Review implementation plan with the team
Work within KanBan to establish timelines for the completion of the project and facilitate technical estimation by either doing technical estimation directly or supporting a team member’s effort
Triage incoming bugs and tickets for the team and ensure triaged BATs get into sprints
Be on call for support (rotating, low-impact shifts)
To be successful in this role, you must:
Have a minimum of 5+ years of experience in a production engineering or devops role, with at least 2+ years leading others
Have at least 1+ year of experience working remotely for a SaaS/tech company
Demonstrate a track record of being accountable for technical projects with an understanding of how to make projects successful
Be comfortable and have experience giving feedback on performance to others
Have experience working in a cloud-native architecture on a platform like AWS, Google App Engine or Azure
Have a practical understanding of deployment pipelines and testing frameworks
Know how to work with CI tools such as Jenkins, CircleCI, and others
Have experience working with container technology such as Docker and/or others
Believe that writing tests as part of a feature is not just a nice to have, but necessary
Be comfortable using Git and related tools like GitHub, GitLab and so on
Have experience with relational databases, SQL and engines like PostgreSQL and MySQL
Demonstrate expertise with web application architecture and web server technologies like Apache, Nginx, and ISS
You might be the person we’re looking for if you:
Have project management or SCRUM experience
Read our How we build at Thinkific blog and are excited about how we work, Blue Sky Week and the challenges we are solving for our customers
Have working experience with build tools such as Webpack and npm scripts
Have experience creating, maintaining and deploying applications to AWS - Cloud Computing Services
Bonus points if you:
Have previously worked for a SAAS-based startup
Have experience working with container technology such as Docker and Kubernetes
Are comfortable with Golang and Rails Engines
About us:
We’re about the results of online learning and the people along the way! Thinkific is a software platform that enables entrepreneurs to create, market, sell, and deliver their own online courses. Our mission is no less than to revolutionize the way people learn and earn online by giving them the tools they need to turn their expertise into a sustainable business that impacts both them and their audience. We believe in meaningful, innovative work: we're building and expanding an incredible product that empowers course creators around the globe while working collaboratively to learn and succeed together. Together, we’ve served over 40,000 course creators and more than 10 million students, and these numbers are growing each day! 
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Join one of the fastest-growing companies in Vancouver and find opportunities to grow in your own career—offering advancement opportunities for our team members is important to us!
We are lucky to have team members working remotely with us for over a year, so you’ll walk into an established system where you’re supported to be productive and successful
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Be confident bringing your whole self to work—we’re proud to be an inclusive company with a diverse team and values grounded in ethics and equality
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This is an incredible role for the right candidate. We can’t wait to meet you!
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ramdgtalmarktng · 5 years
Top 10 Software courses will surely change your career in 2019
These 10 fields are currently growing very popular and will soon need skilled employees. Take up courses in these 10 fields and you are sure to climb the career ladder fast in future
he relationship between business and technology is constantly evolving. Organisations face new challenges while new technology is working overtime to support business goals. The right technology can launch businesses to a higher level of performance and achievement. Thus, certain upcoming fields are growing very fast and can prove to be great career fields if one chooses to take up courses in the same.
In technology, the prospects look exciting and some unexpected trends arise while old-timers merge with each other to enhance the overall impact. This year, we expect exponential changes in every area of technology.
Machine learning, and artificial intelligence will alter most industries, making way for virtual helpers and myriad cases for automatisation. We see huge potential for smart homes and smart cities, through the implementation of Internet of Things (IoT).
To keep pace with these trends and ensure that one’s career is advancing in the right direction, IT professionals need to strongly consider upskilling themselves in new technology areas.
They can look at effective e-learning platforms to master trending technologies of 2019 without going through the strain of getting to a physical classroom.
These 10 technology fields will rise high in 2019 and will prove to be great career paths:
1. Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is one of the top fields of study that is rising fast in popularity and requirement.
Well, everyone knows a tad bit about Artificial Intelligence. As science fiction starts to become reality, AI products are slowly infiltrating our homes and workplaces.
Introduced by John Mccarthy in 1952, the idea behind AI is to mimic a human brain and to create a machine that has the power to think, analyse and make decisions of its own.
While we might think that AI is at least a few years away from causing any substantial effects on our lives, the fact remains that it is already having an enormous impact on us.
If you are using a smartphone now, you are interacting with AI whether you know or not. From the obvious AI features such as the built-in smart assistants to the portrait mode in the camera, AI is impacting our lives every day.
One of the biggest users of artificial intelligence is the online ad industry which uses AI not only to track user statistics but also serve us ads based on those statistics. Artificial intelligence is affecting our decisions and our lifestyles every day.
2. DevOps
It is a software development strategy which bridges the gap between the Dev and Ops side of an organization, for seamless delivery of software. It was introduced because there were limitations in the traditional model.
There is a need to release small features more frequently and without DevOps it is not possible.
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To understand various DevOps tools, one needs to study the scripting language, infrastructure code etc.
3. Cybersecurity
With the rising cases of cyber threats, cybersecurity is a much-needed career field now.
Keeping in mind recent data breaches that have been committed in the tech industry, the Global Data Protection Regulations were revamped.
This has, in turn, resulted in an increase in demand for cybersecurity personnel who can cope with the changes and keep a company free of any sort of compliance issue.
Regardless of recent events, cybersecurity is an evergreen field and working personnel are always kept on their toes so that they can constantly keep updating themselves about the latest creative attacks that are being formulated every day, so that any sort of compromise in security can be mitigated.
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4. Augmented Analytics
While some may call it augmented analytics, others may call it Smart Data Discover, but at its core, it involves the integration of BI and AI to automate the processes of finding data, preparing for analysis and generating insight.
It identifies trends and explains what these practically mean for business through clear visualizations and neatly packaged trends.
The purpose here isn’t to replace the decision-making system, but to support it. One feature of augmented analytics that sets it apart from other technologies is its ability to carry out natural language generation which unpacks complex jargon and provides simple insights.
Users can also go beyond opinion to get insights and act on data quickly and accurately.
5. 5G Network
With much anticipation to roll out across the world in the coming years, 5G network is the latest iteration of cellular technology.
This will be the next generation of mobile internet connectivity which is a combination of cutting-edge network technology and research.
They offer faster speeds and more reliable connections on smartphones and other devices.
These networks will give a good start to the Internet of Things and will have an average download speed of 20GBps per second.
6. Autonomous Things
Today, intelligent behaviour can be replicated and even the non-living can be empowered with self-capable features.
Autonomous Things take the advancement of Machine Learning a step further based on AI and IOT, to enable complex decision making autonomously in devices and objects.
It can enhance any object in our surrounding to think and respond by themselves.
This technology will be commercially relevant technology in 2019 and envisions to make self-driven vehicles, drones and robots a common reality by 2020.
7. Digital Twins
While the concept of a Digital Twin has been there since 2002, it is only thanks to the Internet of Things that it has become cost-effective to implement.
A digital twin is an integrated multiphysics, multiscale, probabilistic simulation of an as-built vehicle or system that uses the best available physical models, sensor updates, fleet history etc. to mirror the life of its corresponding flying twin.
For example, how do you operate, maintain, or repair systems when you aren’t in physical proximity with them? That was a challenge NASA’s research department had to face when developing systems that would travel beyond the ability to see or monitor physically.
This pairing of the physical and virtual worlds allows analysis of data and monitoring of systems to head off problems even before they occur and plan using simulations.
8. Edge Computing
Today billions of devices are producing data at an explosive pace, stressing the limits of modern data centres and networks.
To tackle this challenge, organizations are taking pressure off their centralized data centre’s through edge computing solutions.
Edge computing is basically pushing the frontier of computing applications, data and services away from centralized nodes to the edge of a network.
By moving data centres to the edge of the network closer to consumers, it speeds storage, processing, and analytics of data nearby, before sending it back to the centralized data centre.
This ultimately drives better performance, faster response time and greater innovation
9. Quantum Computing
These are machines in new avatars that promise an exponential growth spurt in processing power, capable of tackling problems which our computer can’t solve today.
Over 50 years of advancement in mathematics, material science, and computer science have transformed quantum computing from theory to reality.
Tech giants like IBM and Google and start-ups like Righetti Computing are in a scientific race to build the first universal quantum computer.
Quantum computers can analyse large quantities of data and spot patterns quickly, they could tackle optimization problems for transportation and industry, advance climate modelling and boost artificial intelligence research one day.
Quantum computers are still in the experimental stage, but their raw potential is sure to cause a paradigm shift in computing physics and potentially our understanding of the world today
10. Immersive Experience
Immersive experience basically integrates augmented reality and virtual reality. For example, what if we can create digital environments for human to experience the impossible?
Through a mix of data science, artificial intelligence, and creativity, virtual and augmented reality offers opportunity to train and plan in a safe environment, without consequences.
From battlefield simulations to hospital management scenarios, this technology better prepares a team for mission success.
To make a truly transportive experience, audiences crave the sensory richness we would find in the real world around us-not only visually-but in the care and attention to sound, scale and the imagined world off-stage.
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-Article Credit goes to indiatoday.in
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faizrashis1995 · 4 years
10 Tools Java Developers Should Learn in 2020 - (UPDATED)
Though, in this article, I am focusing on general tools that are applicable to every kind of Java developer, e.g. both core Java Java and Web developers.
 One such tool is the JIRA, which is must know for experienced developers, especially if your team is following Agile practices like Sprint, Scrum, and Kanban. JIRA provides all the tools you need to manage your Agile projects.
 Btw, the list is by no means complete, and if you know some excellent tools, Java programmer should learn, then please share with us in the comments section.
  1. Docker
Docker is an open-source tool for automating the deployment of applications on the cloud or physical servers. It allows developers and system admins to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether on laptops, data center VMs, or the cloud.
 Docker works in collaboration with the cloud, Linux, and Windows vendor, and many companies focusing on IT automation, Docker is nicely poised to take advantage of that.
 If you are thinking of learning new technology in 2020, invest your time in Docker for the Absolute Beginner course, which teaches Docker with hands-on coding exercises.
     If you like to learn from free resources, e.g. books and courses, then you can also check out this list of free Docker Courses for Java developers, which contains a lot of useful information.
   2. Kubernetes
Apart from Docker, Kubernetes or K8's is one of the most sought after skills by companies of all sizes. So, if you are looking to gain a new skill and tool that will stay with you throughout your career, then learning Kubernetes is a great option. Kubernetes drastically changes the code deployment process, making it possible to seamlessly roll out new releases with no downtime.
 Kubernetes is also a crucial tool for the adoption of the Hybrid Cloud environment which means same code can run on developer machines as well as on-premise on different cloud environments like AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.  If your company is pushing for Cloud then learning Kubernetes can be really helpful to you.
 In short, whether you are a junior Java developer or an experienced veteran of several years of experience, it will help to have a little bit of Kubernetes knowledge at the back of your mind and if you have already realize the importance of Kubernetes and looking to learn Kubernetes in 2020 then Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide by Stephen Grider on Udemy is an excellent course to start with.
What you can learn to become a good Java developer
 If you prefer free resources, like free online courses, then you can also check out this list of free Kubernetes Courses for Java developers to start your journey.
  3. Maven
If you are an experienced Java developer, then you should already know Maven, but if you are a fresher or Java developer with 1 to 2 years of experience, then it's an excellent tool to learn in 2020. Apache Maven is a build and project management tool.
 Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can be used to manage the project's build, reporting, and documentation from a central piece of information. Another useful feature of Maven is dependency management.
 Since we use a lot of third-party libraries in Java project, managing each of those JAR and their dependency manually can be very troublesome, Maven solves that problem by automatically downloading the right JAR for you.
 If you are a complete beginner in Maven, then the Maven Fundamentals from Pluarlsight is an excellent course to start with.
  If you prefer free resources, e.g. books and courses, then you can also check out this list of free Maven Courses for Java developers to start your journey.
  4. Jenkins
Jenkins is an open-source automation server written in Java. It helps to automate the non-human part of the software development process, e.g. compiling projects, running unit tests, integration tests, generating documentation, and uploading artifacts on both local and remote repository.
 It's one of the most popular tools for continuous integration and implementing continuous delivery in your project. If you have yet to start with Jenkins, then there is no better time than 2020, and no better course than Master Jenkins CI for DevOps and Developers, you will hit two birds with one stone.
 best continuous integration tool for Java developers
 If you like free stuff, then I also have a collection of free Jenkins courses, which you can check out to start learning Jenkins in your spare time.
   5. Git
Git is one more essential tool for Java programmers. It is a free and open-source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
 Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with the lightning-fast performance, but unfortunately, I haven't worked on Git extensively.
 I have used Git to download open-source projects and examples from Github using Eclipse, but I have yet to master the Git command line, and that's why I have set this as a goal to learn in 2020.
 I have already bought the Git Ultimate course from Udemy in just 10$ on their last flash sale and looking forward to learning it as soon as time permits.
 If you also decide to learn Git, you can join this course too. Udemy is having a flash sale again from 1sst January to 11th January, where you can buy this online course at just 10$.
 I generally buy a lot of courses when they run a flash sale and then take them whenever I have free time. Since Udemy gives you lifetime access, of course, you can learn at your own pace.
 Btw, if you prefer free resources, then you can also see this list of free Git courses for programmers. They are actually quite good as compared to some other paid courses.
  6. Selenium
Selenium is one of the best software-testing frameworks for web applications. It provides a playback tool for authoring tests without the need to learn a test scripting language. Java developers can use Selenium to test their HTML and JSP files.
 It also provides a variety of tools and libraries for web browser automation. If you are in automation and testing space, then Selenium is a must for you. If you decide to learn Selenium in 2020, then Selenium Web Driver with Java is an excellent course to start with.
 If you prefer free resources, e.g. free online courses, then you can also check out this list of free Selenium Web Driver courses for Java developers to start with.  These are actually some paid courses which their instructor made free for promotional and education purposes.
 7. Groovy
If there is one language, Java developer should learn in 2020, then it should be Groovy; why? Because it complements Java. You can do a lot more in your Java project using Groovy than just sticking to plain Java.
 You can use it write build scripts, test scripts and can even use popular frameworks like Gradle and Spock.
 By the way, for those who don't know, Apache Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform.
 It is a dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk, and it extends Java by providing concise and compelling syntax. If you are absolutely new to Groovy, then The Complete  Apache Groovy Developer Course is an excellent place to start.
 Btw, if you like to learn from books, then online courses, then you can also take a look at this list of Groovy Books to master this powerful tool.
  8. Spock
Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. What makes it stand out from the crowd is its beautiful and highly expressive specification language.
 Thanks to its JUnit runner, Spock is compatible with most IDEs, build tools, and continuous integration servers.
 It's an excellent tool to learn in 2020, especially if you want to improve your unit testing skills, which is a crucial step in becoming a good developer. If you decide to invest some time in the Spock framework, then Learn Automation with Gen and Spock from Udemy is the right place to start with.
 But, if you like books, then Java Testing with Spock is a seriously right choice to start with these robust automation testing framework.
 9. Gradle
Gradle is another open-source build automation system that uses the best ideas of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and takes it to the next level. It's also the default build tool for Android.
 It introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration, which makes it easier to configure project dependencies and customize it based on your need.
 Why you choose Gradle over Ant or Maven? Well, because it combines the best features from other build tools, e.g. it has flexibility and control of Ant, dependency management of Ivy, convention over configuration and plugins of Maven, and on top of that it users Groovy DSL on top of Ant. This makes it the best build tool for Java projects.
 If you decide to learn Gradle in 2020 and you're new to project automation or haven't used a build tool before then, Gradle Foundations: A Crash Course to Gradle is an excellent place to start.
 If you prefer to learn from a book than online courses, then Gradle in Action book is an excellent place to start.
  10. JIRA
The JIRA from Atlassian is one of the most essential tools in the current world of Agile development. It is used for bug tracking, issue tracking, and project management.
 If you are following Agile development methodology, e.g. Sprint and Scrum, then you must know JIRA. It allows you to create Spring cycles and track the progress of your software development.[Source]-https://www.java67.com/2018/04/10-tools-java-developers-should-learn.html
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Amazon Security Author: Becca Crockett
In the weeks leading up to re:Invent 2019, we’ll share conversations we’e had with people at AWS who will be presenting at the event so you can learn more about them and some of the interesting work that they’re doing.
How long have you been at AWS, and what do you do enjoy most in your current role?
It’s been two and a half years already! Time has flown. I’m the product manager for AWS CloudHSM. As with most product managers at AWS, I’m the CEO of my product. I spend a lot of my time talking to customers who are looking to use CloudHSM, to understand the problems they are looking to solve. My goal is to make sure they are looking at their problems correctly. Often, my role as a product manager is to coach. I ask a lot of why’s. I learned this approach after I came to AWS—before that I had the more traditional product management approach of listening to customers to take requirements, prioritize them, do the marketing, all of that. This notion of deeply understanding what customers are trying to do and then helping them find the right path forward—which might not be what they were thinking of originally—is something I’ve found unique to AWS. And I really enjoy that piece of my work.
What are you currently working on that you’re excited about?
CloudHSM is a hardware security module (HSM) that lets you generate and use your own encryption keys on AWS. However, CloudHSM is weird in that, by design, you’re explicitly outside the security boundary of AWS managed services when you use it: You don’t use AWS IAM roles, and HSM transactions aren’t captured in AWS CloudTrail. You transact with your HSM over an end-to-end encrypted channel between your application and your HSM. It’s more similar to having to operate a 3rd party application in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) than it is to using an AWS managed service. My job, without breaking the security and control the service offers, is to continue to make customers’ lives better through more elastic, user-friendly, and reliable HSM experiences.
We’re currently working on simplifying cross-region synchronization of CloudHSM clusters. We’re also working on simplifying management operations, like adjusting key attributes or rotating user passwords.
Another really exciting thing that we’re working on is auto-scaling for HSM clusters based on load metrics, to make CloudHSM even more elastic. CloudHSM already broke the mold of traditional HSMs with zero-config cluster scaling. Now, we’re looking to expand how customers can leverage this capability to control costs without sacrificing availability.
What’s the most challenging part of your job?
For one, time management. AWS is so big, and our influence is so vast, that there’s no end to how much you can do. As Amazonians, we want to take ownership of our work, and we want bias for action to accomplish everything quickly. Still, you have to live to fight another day, so prioritizing and saying no is necessary. It’s hard!
I also challenge myself to continue to cultivate the patience and collaboration that gets a customer on a good security path. It’s very easy to say, This is what they’re asking for, so let’s build it—it’s easy, it’s fast, let’s do it. But that’s not the customer obsessed solution. It’s important to push for the correct, long-term outcome for our customers, and that often means training, and bringing in Solutions Architects and Support. It means being willing to schedule the meetings and take the calls and go out to the conferences. It’s hard, but it’s the right thing to do.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
Shipping products. It’s fun to announce something new, and then watch people jump on it and get really excited.
I still really enjoy demonstrating the elastic nature of CloudHSM. It sounds silly, but you can delete a CloudHSM instance and then create a new HSM with a simple API call or console button click. We save your state, so it picks up right where you left off. When you demo that to customers who are used to the traditional way of using on-premises HSMs, their eyes will light up—it’s like being a kid in the candy store. They see a meaningful improvement to the experience of managing HSM they never thought was possible. It’s so much fun to see their reaction.
What does cloud security mean to you, personally?
At the risk of hubris, I believe that to some extent, cloud security is about the survival of the human race. 15-20 years ago, we didn’t have smart phones, and the internet was barely alive. What happened on one side of the planet didn’t immediately and irrevocably affect what happened on the opposite side of the planet. Now, in this connected world, my children’s classrooms are online, my assets, our family videos, our security system—they are all online. With all the flexibility of digital systems comes an enormous amount of responsibility on the service and solution providers. Entire governments, populations, and countries depend on cloud-based systems. It’s vital that we stay ten steps ahead of any potential risk. I think cloud security functions similar to the way that antibiotics and vaccinations function—it allows us to prevent, detect and treat issues before they become serious threats. I am very, very proud to be part of a team that is constantly looking ahead and raising the bar in this area.
What’s the most common misperception you encounter with customers about cloud security?
That you have to directly configure and use your HSMs to be secure in the cloud. In other words, I’m constantly telling people they do not need to use my product.
To some extent, when customers adopt CloudHSM, it means that we at AWS have not succeeded at giving them an easier to use, lower cost, fully managed option. CloudHSM is expensive. As easy as we’ve made it to use, customers still have to manage their own availability, their own throttling, their own users, their own IT monitoring.
We want customers to be able to use fully managed security services like AWS KMS, ACM Private CA, AWS Code Signing, AWS Secrets Manager and similar services instead of rolling their own solution using CloudHSM. We’re constantly working to pull common CloudHSM use cases into other managed services. In fact, the main talk that I’m doing at re:Invent will put all of our security services into this context. I’m trying to make the point that traditional wisdom says that you have to use a dedicated cryptographic module via CloudHSM to be secure. However, practical wisdom, with all of the advances that we’ve made in all of the other services, almost always indicates that KMS or one of the other managed services is the better option.
In your opinion, what’s the biggest challenge facing cloud security right now?
From my vantage point, I think the challenge is the disconnect between compliance and security officers and DevOps teams.
DevOps people want to know things like, Can you rotate your keys? Can you detect breaches? Can you be agile with your encryption? But I think that security and compliance folks still tend to gravitate toward a focus on creating and tracking keys and cryptographic material. When you try to adapt those older, more established methodologies, I think you give away a lot of the power and flexibility that would give you better resilience.
Five or more years from now, what changes do you think we’ll see across the security landscape?
I think what’s coming is a fundamental shift in the roots of trust. Right now, the prevailing notion is that the roots of trust are physically, logically, and administratively separate from your day to day compute. With Nitro and Firecracker and more modern, scalable ways of local roots of trust, I look forward to a day, maybe ten years from now, when HSMs are obsolete altogether, and customers can take their key security wherever they go.
I also think there is a lot of work being done, and to be done, in encrypted search. If at the end of the day you can’t search data, it’s hard to get the full value out of it. At the same time, you can’t have it in clear text. Searchable encryption currently has and will likely always have limitations, but we’re optimistic that encrypted search for meaningful use cases can be delivered at scale.
You’re involved with two sessions at re:Invent. One is Achieving security goals with AWS CloudHSM. How did you choose this particular topic?
I talk to customers at networking conferences run by AWS—and also recently at Grace Hopper—about what content they’d like from us. A recurring request is guidance on navigating the many options for security and cryptography on AWS. They’re not sure where to start, what they should use, or the right way to think about all these security services.
So the genesis of this talk was basically, Hey, let’s provide some kind of decision tree to give customers context for the different use cases they’re trying to solve and the services that AWS provides for those use cases! For each use case, we’ll show the recommended managed service, the alternative service, and the pros and cons of both. We want the customer’s decision process to go beyond just considerations of cost and day one complexity.
What are you hoping that your audience will do differently as a result of attending this session?
I’d like DevOps attendees to be able to articulate their operational needs to their security planning teams more succinctly and with greater precision. I’d like auditors and security planners to have a wider, more realistic view of AWS services and capabilities. I’d like customers as a whole to make the right choice for their business and their own customers. It’s really important for teams as a whole to understand the problem they’re trying to solve. If they can go into their planning and Ops meetings armed with a clear, comprehensive view of the capabilities that AWS offers, and if they can make their decisions from the position of rational information, not preconceived notions, then I think I’ll have achieved the goals of this session.
You’re also co-presenting a deep-dive session along with Rohit Mathur on CloudHSM. What can you tell us about the session that’s not described in the re:Invent catalog?
So, what the session actually should be called is: If you must use CloudHSM, here’s how you don’t shoot your foot.
In the first half of the deep dive, we explain how CloudHSM is different than traditional HSMs. When we made it agile, elastic, and durable, we changed a lot of the traditional paradigms of how HSMs are set up and operated. So we’ll spend a good bit of time explaining how things are different. While there are many things you don’t have to worry about, there are some things that you really have to get right in order for your CloudHSM cluster to work for you as you expect it to.
We’ll talk about how to get maximum power, flexibility, and economy out of the CloudHSM clusters that you’re setting up. It’s somewhat different from a traditional model, where the HSM is just one appliance owned by one customer, and the hardware, software, and support all came from a single vendor. CloudHSM is AWS native, so you still have the single tenant third party FIPS 140-2 validated hardware, but your software and support are coming from AWS. A lot of the integrations and operational aspect of it are very “cloudy” in nature now. Getting customers comfortable with how to program, monitor, and scale is a lot of what we’ll talk about in this session.
We’ll also cover some other big topics. I’m very excited that we’ll talk about trusted key wrapping. It’s a new feature that allows you to mark certain keys as trusted and then control the attributes of keys that are wrapped and unwrapped with those trusted keys. It’s going to open up a lot of flexibility for customers as they implement their workloads. We’ll include cross-region disaster recovery, which tends to be one of the more gnarly problems that customers are trying to solve. You have several different options to solve it depending on your workloads, so we’ll walk you through those options. Finally, we’ll definitely go through performance because that’s where we see a lot of customer concerns, and we really want our users to get the maximum throughput for their HSM investments.
Any advice for first-time attendees coming to re:Invent?
Wear comfortable shoes … and bring Chapstick. If you’ve never been to re:Invent before, prepare to be overwhelmed!
Also, come prepared with your hard questions and seek out AWS experts to answer them. You’ll find resources at the Security booth, you can DM us on Twitter, catch us before or after talks, or just reach out to your account manager to set up a meeting. We want to meet customers while we’re there, and solve problems for you, so seek us out!
You like philosophy. Who’s your favorite philosopher and why?
Rabindranath Tagore. He’s an Indian poet who writes with deep insight about homeland, faith, change, and humanity. I spent my early childhood in the US, then grew up in Bombay and have lived across the Pacific Northwest, the East Coast, the Midwest, and down south in Louisiana in equal measure. When someone asks me where I’m from, I have a hard time answering honestly because I’m never really sure. I like Tagore’s poems because he frames that ambiguity in a way that makes sense. If you abstract the notion of home to the notion of what makes you feel at home, then answers are easier to find!   Want more AWS Security news? Follow us on Twitter.
The AWS Security team is hiring! Want to find out more? Check out our career page.
Avni Rambhia
Avni is the Senior Product Manager for AWS CloudHSM. At work, she’s passionate about enabling customers to meet their security goals in the AWS Cloud. At leisure, she enjoys the casual outdoors and good coffee.
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Go to Source Author: Becca Crockett AWS Security Profiles: Avni Rambhia, Senior Product Manager, CloudHSM Original Post from Amazon Security Author: Becca Crockett In the weeks leading up to re:Invent 2019…
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adsindubai · 7 years
RPA BLUE PRISM ONLINE TRAINING SOFTNSOL is a Global Interactive Learning company started by proven industry experts with an aim to provide Quality Training in the latest IT Technologies. SOFTNSOL offers SAP RPA BLUE PRISM Online Training. Our trainers are highly talented and have Excellent Teaching skills. They are well experienced trainers in their relative field. Online training is your one stop & Best solution to learn RPA BLUE PRISM Online Training at your home with flexible Timings.We offer RPA BLUE PRISM Online Trainings conducted on Normal training and fast track training classes. RPA BLUE PRISM ONLINE TRAINING We offer you : 1. Interactive Learning at Learners convenience time 2. Industry Savvy Trainers 3. Learn Right from Your Place 4. Advanced Course Curriculum 5. 24/7 system access 6. Two Months Server Access along with the training 7. Support after Training 8. Certification Guidance We have a third coming online batch on RPA BLUE PRISM Online Training. We also provide online trainings on SAP ABAP,WebDynpro ABAP,SAP Workflow,SAP HR ABAP,SAP OO ABAP,SAP BOBI, SAP BW,SAP BODS,SAP HANA,SAP BW/4HANA,SAP S4HANA, SAP BW ON HANA, SAP S4 HANA,SAP S4 HANA Simple Finance,SAP S4 HANA Simple Logistics,SAP ABAP on HANA,SAP ABAP on S4HANA,SAP HR Renewal,SAP Success Factors,SAP Hybris,SAP FIORI,SAP UI5,SAP Basis,SAP BPC,SAP Security with GRC,SAP PI,SAP C4C,SAP CRM Technical,SAP FICO,SAP SD,SAP MM,SAP CRM Functional,SAP HR,SAP WM,SAP EWM,SAP EWM on HANA,SAP APO,SAP SNC,SAP TM,SAP GTS,SAP SRM,SAP Vistex,SAP MDG,SAP PP,SAP PM,SAP QM,SAP PS,SAP IS Utilities,SAP IS Oil and Gas,SAP EHS,SAP Ariba,SAP CPM,SAP Healthcare,SAP IBP,SAP CC,SAP Fashion Management,SAP PLM,SAP IDM,SAP PMR,SAP Hybris,SAP PPM,SAP RAR,SAP MDG,SAP Funds Management,SAP TRM,SAP MII,SAP ATTP,SAP GST,SAP TRM,SAP FSCM,Oracle,Oracle Apps SCM,Oracle DBA,Oracle RAC DBA,Oracle Exadata,Oracle HFM,Informatica,Testing Tools,MSBI,Hadoop,devops,Data Science,MS Dynamics Ax Trade & Logistics, Microsoft Dynamics AX Manufacturing,Robotic Process Automation RPA ,RPA blue prism,AWS Admin,Python, and Salesforce . Experience the Quality of our Online Training. For Free Demo Please Contact SOFTNSOL : India: +91 9573428933 USA : +1 929-268-1172 WhatsApp: +91 9573428933 Skype id : softnsoltrainings Email id: [email protected] http://softnsol.com/
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